Developer polls audience on what should be in the game

>developer polls audience on what should be in the game

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>they listen to feedback
>the final product is better as a result

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>the audience votes for all the bad shit and none of the good things

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>Some guy uses a botnet to force his favorite choice into winning by a landslide

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>audience thinks they know what's good for a game

___ _ ____ ____ ___ __

>normalfag feedback
>improving the gamee
This has never happened

go to the instagram comments section of your favourite game and you will see why this is not the case

>retarded faggot is mad his shitty vote is in the minority
Minorities should be genocided.

>Hitler did Nothing Wrong(tm)
>Taylor Swift performance at a school for the deaf
>Mr.Worldwide's concert at a Wal-Mart in Anchorage Alaska

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this never happens

>its an update that gives you the voting poll inthe game so only people that played the first game get an opinion about the second
how about now

No (You)s for you, dipshit

Merely playing a game means nothing. If you look at achievement statistics, you'll realize that some 80% of the retards that start a game don't even finish it. A good 40-50% don't even make it to the first boss or some other early event.

so? is not the hardcore games that suport a game but the majority of them, after all is their money the one that is being used to develelop the second one.

Then why poll people at all? Vidya right now is already decided by what the most common denominator imbeciles want. There's nothing to change

Yeah bro, just streamline the game, make it more casual friendly, put some hollywood cinematics in and it will become good just like lcd normie trash.

>developers make a poll for the audience as to what free extra cosmetics should be added
>say top 5 will get in
>don't add any of them
>add the bottom three options
>change the name of one of them to claim it was a top 5 winner
>start a new poll
>new poll is same as the old poll, but now states that the cosmetics will cost minimum $1
>the game is dead as fuck, so the only fans left are retards that gladly say "I would be willing to pay $10 for just one cosmetic!"

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>warding poll fails a with a 66% yes vote

>I could've been playing as a shark in a labcoat in Skullgirls if the fans didn't vote for something else.
>I now have to look forward to fighting the most cancerous SamSho character in DLC season 2 thanks to the fans.

Fuck you.

Fuck off weeaboos. Anime is bad for Yea Forums, video games, and society as a whole.

>Audience doesn't vote the way the devs want
>Blame it on incels, bots, and hackers and lament how gamers ruin gaming and don't use any of the feedback

>Yea Forumstards are botnets now
Surprisingly that makes sense.

Those were pretty great.

Wait what happened? It was memed that everything gets passed because of reddit wasn't it?

>skullgirls (squigly and big band are the only good dlc characters)
>saints row 3 (can't delete shitty reward vehicles. thanks retards)
>the last update for gears of war 2 MP (killed the muliplayer even before GOW3 first reveal trailer came out)

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>Despite recent feedback, we've decided...

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>developer polls consumers on what their next games should be
>vote for the stupidest options
>gets made

Far Cry Primal was fucking funny to see.

Also remember that DA character?

>developer announces that the Core Gameplay Loop for the game was finished first

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We lost Yotsuba, didn't we...

what's worse? the jap devs who flat-out ignore feedback, or the western devs who only hear the feedback it's convenient for them to hear?

At least the feet fags are out of they way. Hopefully he moves on to another move.

soon only one shall remain

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so why does their opinion matter if they buy the game regardless?

see ya in 3 days frognigger

80% of the playerbase wants a new skill, but jagex can't find out a skill that the required 75% majority wants

This only works if the community has the right kind of autism. It's rare but sometimes it does wonders.

Yes but what happened? What about warding that they were complaining about?

>moist nugget didn't win
Im still mad

You'll never win

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its just another shitty buyable bankstanding skill and thats why people voted no, redditniggers tried to blame it on high level and maxed players using alts to vote even though jagex has said multiple times that alts had virtually no effect on the vote. I only wanted warding so maybe smithing could have been unfucked eventually.

hitler did nothing wrong soda was the beginning of the stormfag invasion
gushing granny was the real 4channer's choice


paying 11$/month so I can vote no to all pvp "content".

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