How many here actually want Reimu in smash?
How many here actually want Reimu in smash?
I've played a couple of Touhou games & like Smash. I think it'd be neat but i'm not gonna fight for it. The damage done to an already pretty awful western fanbase would render Touhou discussion beyond horrendous.
I do, but I'd rather have dozens of other 2hus instead.
>played touhou kubuto or whatever on switch
>fucking sucked
is that what every touhou game is like or did i just stumble across the shittiest one
I would be ok with it, much better choice than
>halo guy
>doom guy
>minecraft steve
>that literal who from undertale
>crash bandicoot
but that being said i still would prefer if other, more deserving characters got in over touhou shit
touhou kobuto v: burst battle was the name
I don't want touhou fags in smash threads ,no matter how few of them there are.
it's a meme ya dip
Probably one of the worst fangames out there
Touhou on consoles is still not really a thing. An official fighting game might get ported to the Switch as well as a good short Metroidvania styled fangame.
The main series consists of shmups. They're all on PC.
How do you make a shump character work in smash
I don't, but i wouldn't mind it, if not just to watch roster fags go insane
Like how you make a shump character work in fighting games
I do. I want to see how far the crossover can go.
i want suwako in smash instead
urban legend in limbo is on ps4, and antimony of common flowers is coming to ps4 and switch
More than you can imagine. Even fucking Latin Americans.
is antimony good? or am i just going to have to wait until i get my new pc to play the games
At first I did it ironically but now I genuinely care about it, help.
I'd rather have my wife Yuuka Kazami in.
Good, but dead online unless you live in Japan
I do. I don't think she'll make it, but it'd be amazing.
I don't because Touhou will become closer to western mainstream and mainstream is cancer.
I don't mind her, dont really care about 2hu but recognize the characters
I want Marisa more.
i really couldn't care less, if it happens it's cool but i don't know much about touhou aside from the music
Honestly kind of annoyed they put Terry in. Didn't really deserve it.
I'd like to Smash Reimu.
imagine actually purchasing a Yea Forums pass
enjoying your captchas like a good boy? don't forget to click that bus
I'm down for Reimu in smash. She even seems like my kind of character: Fast, lightweight, zoning annoyance that makes scrubs cry.
As big of a Reimufag as I am, Terry did deserve it. Sans however left me sizzling with anger.
>his first 2hu was probably the worst fangame
Holy shit, how can one fuck up this bad? I almost pity you
That's like starting EDF with the strategy game and then Insect Armaggeddon. Or starting Burnout with Paradise. Or starting Metal Slug with that 3D piece of shit. Etc.
The latter. /jp/ probably has links to the proper Touhou games, they're all PC and the earliest ones can run on computers that were considered toasters ten years ago.
Would be the best pick possible.
The only thing I want to smash is Reimu c***y
Fatal Fury inspired Sakurai to make a game like Smash, he always wanted to put an SNK character in and Terry is the perfect choice.
She's probably older than you, zoomie.
More like armpit cunny
She's a meme pick with comparatively little mainstream appeal. There are better choices. And I hate her games.
But her movset could be cool.
giving self a (you), I was right in that they have a torrent, but christ alive, I didn't realize /jp/ was effectively the same as /vp/ or /mlp/ but touhou.
That board is not going to survive Reimu is smash.
Toehoe music would be pretty nice.
you have a point
I've never played any Touhou, just listened to a bunch of music and know like 10 characters from the games
I want her in Smash because I think she'd be pretty neat and would vring goid stuff to the table:
>Good music
>Female rep, so everybody can finally shut up
>Finally another Magic User like Robin & Zelda (Magic Users have the most versatile and creative movesets)
>Can have a gimmick
>Character herself is cool
I'm the representative of everyone in Chile, and they all said that they do want her in.
Reimu and Doomguy are my most wanted third parties
Pious Augustus is my most wanted first party but even Geno is likelier than him