Project Rainfall 2

Can we make this happen on the Switch

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yes please these games are so fucking good, the only flaw they have is that they're on the fucking wii

Where would we have to go or pension? how was project rainfall a success the first time and how can it be replicated.

Operation Medabots when?

play them on dolphin

>Tfw games are finally localized
>Tfw they are impossible to enjoy because limey Brit bong accents because they were dubbed for eurocucks

Fuck Nintendo of America. I had a softmodded Wii back then and I waited for a western release in hopes the voice acting would be not British.

The fuck's wrong with British voice acting?

the voice acting is unironically good
if it was a treehouse NoA job instead of NoE, you know that it'd have been completely fucked

Xenoblade was fine but holy shit, don't even try to defend 2's awful voices. Especially The Welsh voice actors

Delete this

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No. Fuck Nia and her hideous accent.

Whats that have to do with Rainfall

Nothing. I was just following up on that other guys comment about the British voices being shit

Says the one eyed monster.

I know it wasn't Nintendo like those 3, but I really wish Earth Seeker came over

Oh you want to fuck Nia is that all huh

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no, xenoblade was published by nintendo and is far more successful than the other two which were published by xsneed. Mistwalker is busy with mobile shit so last story is out of the question regardless. I don't even know what the fuck pandora's tower dev does now

Holy fuck, so much this. I tried to enjoy Xenoblade but the annoying ass british voices made me really not want to play it.

That entire cutscene was cringe.
>SHUT UP *tsundere slap*

2's voices are fine for the most part, it's the voice direction that's bad.

Haven't played Pandora's Tower yet but The Last Story is complete shit with no redeemable qualities.

Pandora's Tower was the best of the three.

If they did I wouldn't buy them again.

Wolvie, is that you?

Someone gets it

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What's with Americans hating on British English? Do you guys unconsciously realize it' sounds better than American English and thus don't like it or what is the reason?

Sakaguchi is the most unfortunate developer personality ever. You will never hear a peep out him with anything console related ever again.

British va’s suck dick not even their accent

>Pandora's Tower
How was that game by the way? Never had a chance to play it

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Thanks I totally forgot how great American VAs are at their job. Especially those used for dubbing Japanese games.

Your dogshit taste is not welcome here

Fantastic except for a nasty progress-breaking bug at the end of the game.

It's really good user. Like zelda but with just dungeons and a waifu you have to protect

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Imagine zelda+castlevania. Or rather more metroidvania. Game is fucking good.

>The last story
I got to that part where you fight the big bad guy at a cliff or something years ago
Did i had much game left?
I might play on Emulator

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I'm sick of hearing American accents.

I know I do

I kind of liked the transition into the battle though

the story and atmosphere reminded me a lot of shadow of the colossus, some dialogues are kinda dumb and i didn't care a lot for the lore, but the story itself is pretty good

Why did Operation Rainfall just completely ignore Another Code 2 and Disaster?

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how about you guys start a "project rainfall" that begs for new games instead of more old ports?

Not unless there's a similar, HUGE movement for them in Japan, first. No port in Japan = nothing to be localized.

Cause we already have a lot of new games you salty fucking sonyger

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Are there even any games that aren't being localized these days?
I guess it'd be worth it to be vocal about the Famicom Detective remakes

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Things changed quite a bit from the Wii/WiiU era, would be surprised if those games don't end up being localized.

>that cleavage in a Nintendo game
Reminder that this is the same company that censored a wedding dress.

We've come a long way

Nintendo is very unethical

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Actually Atlus handled that games localization, so Atlus censored a wedding dress.

We need another Operation Rainfall to bring here the remakes of Famicom Tantei Club (and also ports of OP's pic).

Jury is still out if the port will fix that shit

>only one of those is still talked about 5 years later
More like: Operation Raindrop.

I think you're at the halfway point, or the 3/4 point, depending on if you've gone on a ship ride.

On the contrary, I think rainfall one of the big reasons why Nintendo has been doing so well in recent years.

Obviously not the only reason, the Wii U era being one massive fuckup was also a factor.

But rainfall made Nintendo realize the value of their other games. Without it I don't think Monolith grown as much as is it did, much less have XB1 remake even exist or them working on BotW2

Meh, Nintendo are just a roll of the dice, Retro Studios has made all good games, yet they are still 1 development team, and being ran into the ground by management. They are 5 1/2 years in to having released no games.

There aren't really any Japan only Nintendo games anymore, though.
It's not a matter of simply asking NOA to get off their lazy asses anymore.
You have to ask Nintendo as a major entity to first port Captain Rainbow or what have you to the Switch, then localize it.

Xenoblade's dub is fucking 10/10 you disgusting pleb

Eh. Retro is kind of a victim of circumstance these days, but I'm sure MP4 will do wonders for them
Plus there was also whatever the hell were working on before.

Whatever the hell they were working on before has been binned. I don't think MP4 will do anything for the studio. in the space of a decade Monolith went from less than 100 employees to more than 200, and from 2 offices to 5, they went from making 1 game at a time to make at least 3, and possibly 4. in the space of a decade Retro went from releasing a game every 3 years, to releasing a game every 7, who knows what they are up to, but it's depressing.

>Whatever the hell they were working on before has been binned
I think that's the Switch ring thing they're meant to be announcing this week.

Daily reminder that this monlighting creature was likely one of the parasites keeping games from being localized

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That's not really the sort of project you hire Alexander Brandon to compose for, but it wouldn't surprise me if they wasted all involved talents on something like that.

You don't know that, I thought the big change was Iwata taking up the highest offices in all regions allowing him to force NoA and NoE to localize titles. Although it could just be that Nintendo's output is now so low that they would be wasting localization resources not doing it.

Xenoblade and Pandora's Tower both rereleased on wii u so at least Nintendo is still interested on those IP. Dunno about Last Story tho