Why is this allowed?

why is this allowed?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>playing without mods

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i dont want to sign into nexus

>reinstall skyrim
>try to log into nexus account
>it was outright deleted for a forum post I wrote in 2012 talking about political views I don't even hold anymore
>hundreds of my saved mods are permanently gone and I'll have to find them again because of some retard finding an ancient post and reporting it almost a decade later
I put off playing skyrim because of it and just might never play it again

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>using forums
>if unavoidable, making posts stating anything at all
boy howdy, you were a retarded kid

>murderers deserve second chances
>racists do not
Truly a clown world.

>some sperglord is sperging out and shitposting
>gets banned

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Skyrim was released on the 360 and youre still playing it so i think it gets a pass

>murder deserves a temp ban
>racism deserves a perm ban
I am just making observations, faggot.
People who sperg about someones personal views are like this.
I can't count how many times I hear these faggots who cry about the death penalty for murder but then in the same breath cry that racists should be removed from life.

>being such an incel that your waifus need to be burn victims in order to imagine yourself having a chance with them

maybe if she'd worn sensible armor she wouldn't have been turned into whore bacon

Rude as fuck, she fought in the War against the Empire

My fucking sides.

Use mods you subhuman nigger chimp

recommend mods that turn skyrim into an actually fun game

Attached: The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Special Edition Screenshot 2019.06.21 - (1920x1080, 475K)

Immersive Armor
Immersive Weapons
Enhanced Lighting and Effects

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Daily reminder that SE is better LE

Legacy of the Dragonborn
Kwanon ENB


SexLab TDF Prostitution and Pimping

even /tesg/ admits SE is better by every metric

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>just started playing oblivion
>the combat is miles better than Skyrim
Why do people say Skyrim has better combat?

Alright ill bite, the fuck is wrong

Recommend Skyrim mods that'll remind me of Hexen/Heretic.
And don't just say play Hexen or Heretic because a man can only play those games so many hundreds of times before he craves something more.

She looks better in golden axe


Is this a follower mod, or just a skin texture?

play amid evil

In 2005 I was called nigger online so much started to think I was.

Because it does.



Honestly I disable half my effects mod 40 hours into the save. It just gets tedious having random frame drops because the preset was made by a 17 year old named Ivan Dyalkov for a game that was not designed for the level of modding we have forced it to handle.

The only reason you mod Skyrim is to say that you modded Skyrim, and you fucking losers know it.

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>This fucking shit again
Amid Evil only gets compared to Heretic because it's an FPS with vague fantasy elements. It doesn't compare, it's like a bootleg.
It's like telling someone to play Freedoom if they want something similar to Doom.

Absolutely, all the mods are there, better ones too, along with better performances and stability.

Playing through Enderal at the moment and fuck do I miss SE.

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>It's like telling someone to play Freedoom if they want something similar to Doom.
That's not an unreasonable recommendation, though.

have you actually played amid evil?

>Playing through Enderal
Are they going to port it to SE?

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Its certainly more stable.

Shame we aren't getting a script extender for it, making modding a harder proposition.

Once that improved first person camera mod gets release for SE I'll have no reason to return to LE ever again, aside from using it for Enderal or something.

im finna need the name for the burn mod


They said they might, but it's low priority at the moment. I think they're currently working on bringing Nehrim to Steam with English voice acting.

>muh 64 bit
Yeah ok nice and such, but where are the advanced mods and ENBs?

Elaborate what Skyrim does in terms of combat that oblivion doesn't.

Probably not since the team is already busy working on bringing Nerhim as a standalone package on Steam and then working on some other project.
Which is a shame because the prop count and amount of details in Enderal are through the roof and it would really benefit from SE.

Attached: Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Screenshot 2019.09.08 - (1920x1080, 566K)

Oblivion combat is utter trash

>Shame we aren't getting a script extender for it

What rock are you living under? ENBs and advanced have been a thing for years.

Attached: eSkyrimPhysics test (1).webm (1920x1080, 1.36M)

forgot the name sorry

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There are dozens of sites with skyrim mods.

That's the mod makers, not the game. You could disable all essential NPCs with a single mod and no ini file modifications, it's just unchecking the "Essential" checkbox for all the characters and quest references. And then the game breaks when one of them dies because you'd also have to modify all the quest scripts to gracefully handle their deaths which most of the time is not a trivial task.

Oh what, I thought they had given up plans for it.

Well that changes things

Any and all of Vicn’s mods. Don’t forget to grab the translations though.

dun wory its k
keep the waifus cooming


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t. retarded ape
Not even Boris could fix the SE limitations as parallax occlusion

Does it finally have that one mod that makes projectile spells ballistic (arc)?

Because Bethesda. Good thing they finally have some competition and will be BTFO by CDPR and Obsidian now.

>BTFO by CDPR and Obsidian now.

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How retarded are you?

CDPR doesn't care about competing with Bethesda. They're competing with Rockstar. They flat out said this. They care less about making a sandbox RPG and more about the writers jerking themselves off, just like Rockstar.
>and Obsidian

Other than Moddb, what websites are good for finding mods?

What mods are these?

Unless it's a big mod or NSFW, you don't need to be logged in.

Hate me but I loved Skyrim


Why is what allowed? Elaborate you fucking moron.

Bethesda has a monopoly on open world games with good modding tools / support. Literally no one else is doing it and its the only reason people still buy that shit.
Obsidian are brain dead retards for not putting in mod support, while CDPR will coast on being "the guys who made witcher 3." That tranny vampire game has a chance to actually be decent because of mod support though.

No they fucking don't lmao
>inb4 OP text to ward off the Yea Forumsermin

>Obsidian are brain dead retards for not putting in mod support
and for shitty support after a games release, Alpha Protocol is still broken today

Nope. ENB is still garbage for SE.

from /tesg/

>SE is more stable and looks better unmodded, it's the recommended version for gameplay. SKSE-dependant LE mods won't work on SE and need to be ported by its creator in most cases, most other mods have been/can be ported, DIY ports are quick and easy. LE is still the go-to for sex and waifus, it is less stable and worse looking, but you can make it stable and better looking with mods. Nothing stops you from playing the game on LE either.

it's skyrim

>inb4 OP text to ward off the Yea Forumsermin

>all the mods are there
Wrong though

>That tranny vampire game has a chance to actually be decent because of mod support though.
Doubt it. What makes Bethesda's games so popular in the mod community is that their games are designed to be a sandbox first and a story driven adventure second. It's very easy for the mod community to add to and build on that. It's not enough to have mod tools when the game doesn't give you much room to modify it. At that point you really just outright need the source code and to make a whole new game, e.g. the Valve and id mod communities.

No it does not.

To be fair, the publishers are responsible for that, not the developers. Blame Sega. On the other hand, AP's development was such a clusterfuck of Obsidian mismanagement it led to numerous employees quitting the company including Avellone. Sega didn't really have much faith in them to fix it. Anyway, my understanding is Obsidian was pretty good about after release support for their self-published games.

This doesn't happen in Borderlands 3, which reminder, comes out in 2 days and 3 hours.

Have you pre-ordered your Super Deluxe edition yet, user?

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Don't waste your money user, b-but you did buy Skyrim Special Edition and Fallout 76 r-right user

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>mfw Vindsvept music playing while walking around in a slightly foggy early dawn with sun coming up and casting god rays all over
>also have the bigger trees mod
It's so fucking comfy good lord

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>bigger trees mod
You are my eternal nigger.

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Crawl back to your Fallout 76 battle royale, while the real bad asses play my game, a mans game.

You saw this coming, it's futile.

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dead platform, what about the only relevant one aka PS4


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nice b8

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why is THIS allowed?

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>those tits
>but that stretched texture
>that face

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>implying it properly is anymore because first person mods are still janky on SE

fallout 4 has weirdly limited options

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>All those piercings
>That hair

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Uninstall it

I played skyrim on ps3 when it came out


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not really, it's your shit taste not mine


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these are hilarious

>these are hilarious

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ALL of Enai's gameplay mods. All of them, no exception.
Ordinator, Apocalypse, Wintersun, Summermist, Wild Cat, Imperious, Sacrosanct, Andromeda. I've not yet touched his content mods, but I'm looking at trying the Dwemer one.

>areolae peeking out
Very nice

>Wild Cat
How well does it improve combat?

>peeking out

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>mod Skyrim
>come up with a fun new character
>play for several hours
>suddenly get idea for new character and style
>make new character
This happens every damn time, I have like 800 hours between both LE and SE yet I’ve only ever finished the main story once when the game first came out and haven’t touched the dlcs.

no it's because the base game is bland as fuck, but it's big and open ended.

They are. It's reminding me of my old horny gamer days. I used to make some real abominations I'm embarrassed to have cranked it to.
quit mixing games and porn to avoid mega gamer

Yeah that kept happening to me. But now I found out about the mod with spear, rapier and halberd animations so obviously I went and made a halberdier.

It does what it says on the tin. I like it because it's kind of light compared to some actual combat overhauls. There's just no way to really 'fix' skyrim's combat, but Wild Cat kind of comes close.

whew lad, it's a mod community, not a miracle machine.

I don't think that's the case anymore


>want to reinstall skyrim and spend autistic amounts of days getting hundreds of mods to work without crashing the game so that it'll look better
>don't want to clog up my hard drive with 50GB worth of mods again
>want to install first person mod on SE for a good view of giant swinging titties
>it's buggy
I'm torn guys, what in the fuck do I do.

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>just another day in skyrim
>do some sploring
>encounter bandits
>leader is a female
>rape her
>put her in a sack to rape later
>go to town
>be broke
>prostitute out bandit leader to a random npc for a kings ransom of 8 gold
>pickup that dunmer assassin companion
>have intimate sex before leaving down
>spend the day in the wilderness watching the local wildlife rape her

Todd as drained me dry

Stop taunting us with the mommy preset without posting it.

>don't want to clog up my hard drive with 50GB worth of mods again
If you're worried about 50GB of HDD space your computer probably wouldn't be able to handle hundreds of mods + graphics mods.
Also fuck what people say, SE is still garbage and has terrible mod support. You can port mods yourself but whether they'll work properly is another story

not him, but I had like 100 GB and it was on my SD. Didn't want to move that shit around because its really finicky.

It's right here:
It's labeled a beta, but it's functionally complete. The only issues are incompatibilities with other certain other dll mods.

Which version of skyrim should i download for best modding?

I'm using SE with MO2, and as long as you aren't retarded you're generally fine.

That said, some mod makers never updated their shit so either you're going to have to convert them or you're SoL. Currently as far as I know there is no good mod for SE that fixes clunky unarmed combat.

Side topic. No matter what mods I use, being a mage is fucking boring. How any can anyone play a mage for any amount of time?

By boring do you mean unoptimal compared to standard melee spam? I made mage more fun to use by drastically raising mana regen and slightly lowering mana cost so a specialized mage can keep pumping out spells without needing to play hide-on-the-rock to regen mana.

For actually playing the fucking game - SE.
For starting the game, blowing a few loads to your harem of waifus, then closing it - LE.

I played a mage that exclusively used the summoned weapons spells. Was OP as shit and never needed to log around any weapons in my inventory, only armor.

>Character turns with mouse just as if you're in normal third person view weapons out, causing you to spastically and stupidly flicker about between animations every moment you stop turning or turn
It drives me nuts. I can be about to grab something but because your model and the animations keep bouncing around since no one seems to be able to do a turn in place idle stance it just ends up grabbing anything but that object.

What mod for the abs texture? I try the battle harderner body something but it's no good

Adjust the ini settings or get a more steady 3rd-person animation.

I was having fun as a wizard using a staff for my main source of damage because I found a mod that adds these staves that can cast any spell you know through them. Even spells from mods work with it.

>more steady animation
The problem is no one makes an animation that is just an idle turning in place so it flicks between the vanilla one and whatever idle you now have. If there are settings I can fuck with to help solve that then good, but last I checked there were no explanations on what settings even did, neither in the file nor the mod page.

I'm quite certain there's a setting that keeps your camera at a fixed position above your character's center instead of being attached to the head. Unfortunately, I don't have the game or mod installed at the moment to be able to tell you what it is.

All of EnaiSiaion's mods, and Alternate Start by Arthmoor. Also the Unofficial Patch and Cutting Room Floor by Arthmoor.

Attached: iknowsomestuff.jpg (595x595, 133K)

Oh really?

>All of EnaiSiaion's mods
Except that retarded fightclub one. That was just cringe.

>Epic Game Store exclusivity on the PC until April

I schleep

>SE is more stable
This fucking meme again.
How about you stop being a sub 100IQ shitstain who just jams every fucking mod without any thought given to the load order.
-t. 200+ mods never had a single fucking crash.

This. If you experience crashes on LE you literally have a room temp IQ or just have no problem solving abilities. First time it happened to me, I diagnosed the issue and fixed it. Sometimes mods don’t play nice with other mods, so you find the problematic shit, delete it, or fix it. It’s that easy.

hideous burn victim alien freak

SE will crash less with more mods, this is what people mean by "it is more stable".

wow fuck off back to /pol/ with your bigoted viewpoints. You racist nazis are literally ruining this site just like you try to ruin forums

Categorized Favorites Menu
NPC's Run and Walk at Your Pace

Why is the game black and white? Is it some pretentious hipster queer statement?

What am I suppose to be seeing here?

>Life time alienation for "1" "UNO" "ONE" post with wrong think
People like you deserve whats to come for you, dont be fucking surprised when your "opinion" is the next wrong one on the list and you get this same treatment.

See that mountain? You can climb it.

Best enemy scaling mods? I want some areas to be higher levels (within a certain range) than others, and that's it.

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Literally the best mods ever. Thank you for being so based user.

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I didn't even know about that one.
I use Ordinator, Apocalypse, Imperious, Sacrosanct, Summermyst, Andromeda, and Thunderchild. I've tried Wintersun and Wildcat, but I really don't like mods that require any configuration in-game.
Aside from that I use Arthmoor's Unofficial Patch, Cutting Room Floor, Ars Metallica, and Alternate Start.

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