What are some video games where the scythe is the main weapon?

What are some video games where the scythe is the main weapon?

This genuinely isn't meant to be a RWBY thread, I don't even know the show just know she has a scythe and didn't want to use an SU image

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Rwoobs a cute

Darksiders 2. There really aren't that many games with scythes, even less where it is the main weapon.
I remember it being pretty OP in DaS1

Second worst girl, also Weiss a best. I dropped the show before they ruin her.

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we all know it's you eva, don't you have to pretend to be working on yanderesim

Dante’s Inferno

Specter of Torment

Yang was best girl before they made her a dumb angry bitch in s6, and Blake was decent if you excuse the bad writing.

They’re trying so hard to make them lesbians. The show died with Monty and it’s terrible.

Its annoying how obvious it is as theyve shat on natural development with Blake and Sun. Whats worse is Barb and the other one shill it to shit and rage on twitter if you point it out.

Bloodborne after you beat Gherman. DLC and NG+ is /scythezone/.

No optional weps

My favorite scythe in video games is pic related.

Attached: Anor Londo.jpg (1280x720, 125K)

In no way "Best" but at least "Present" in Growlancer 2.

Attached: Growlanser 2.jpg (800x1140, 196K)

Is that an RPG?

TRPG, yes. Actions are done in real time, including movement(so spells take time to chant/charge, skills take time to implement, etc).

One of Runescape 3's best melee weapon is a scythe assembled from spider parts

Attached: Noxious_scythe_detail.png (720x720, 103K)

>penny dies and nothing changes
>roman dies for no real reason
>Adam dies after getting nerfed and even when he's defenseless still gets killed by two lesbians
>volume 4 and 5 were extremely boring
>volume 6 makes most of the characters feel like cardboard cutouts
>Writers clearly dont understand what made volumes 1 and 2 good.
What the hell happened? Theirs literally no reason to kill off Roman and Adam.

well a main character uses scythes in chrono trigger, does that count?

>All red heads have a death flag on them
>Nora’s next

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It’s not the main weapon but Nevan in dmc3 is a scythe guitar weapon

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>volumes 1 and 2

Yes they were good in the same way Dead Fantasy was good. It was just a vehicle for Monty to animate anime girls beating the shit out of each other with big ass fuckoff weapons. Now that he's gone the show has absolutely nothing to offer.

Sice from FF Type-0 wields a scythe and is one of the most fun characters to play as, pic related.

Attached: sice.png (1069x2300, 983K)