Come play css, Yea Forums

come play css, Yea Forums
you know the pass

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Other urls found in this thread:

Does nobody play videogames anymore?


the other one

it starts with v and its 5 letters

oh that one, okay

>Playing the worst version of counter strike ever made
Yeah, no thanks.

that's not global offensive

go back to GO

can I micspam?

Fuck off Ivan

everything goes except hacks

It's been like 30 minutes and nobody joined, I'm just gonna spoonfeed you guys. The pass is vidya

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I'm downloading the damn game son, hold up

Attached: 1526846339383.jpg (471x225, 32K)

>being so incredibly based as to play the best version of counter-strike ever made

all ive got is my ArchPad while away for work, rip

did the server die already?

That's not 1.6, Amerifat.

Was never alive to begin with, I'm the only one on.

>you are in insecure mode, you must restart before you can connect to secure servers
fucking what?

If I wasn't at work I'd join

>not 1.6

put -secure in your start options

How can I find the server by its IP address? Di copy and paste in the search bar? I'm always used to just browsing around and entering whatever has players in it.

Attached: 1564035977711.png (946x607, 988K)

go to favorites and add it there

I am not a burger, and 1.6 while being great cannot have maps the size of ones in CSS
my fave gamemode is not even in 1.6

I did and it still doesnt work, mind you I'm running it without steam, do I really need to use it with steam?


>open console
>type "connect "
>hit enter

>2 players

yeah, it's a vac server


Attached: 1518113192349.png (737x691, 670K)

got like 6 people in here now

get in here, we want to change from fy_snow

one more, guys

one more and I'll go de_haunts

Attached: 1540710288668.png (1920x1080, 2.78M)

will join when i get home

Attached: tumblr_puxxbiUxWF1y18759o2_1280.jpg (750x1000, 78K)

I'm in

SHIT, I forgot to turn on force download

should be on now, try again.

can we get sum muffucking 10 mans going my nibbas

I'm not able to make it to autodownload. download de_haunts here

fy_snow downloaded just fine but this one doesn't want to work

if this is still up within another hour or 2 ill join

have a bump

changed to surf, map actually downloads this time

>If you die you have to sit in spectator until everyone else dies before you can surf again

Attached: MAD.jpg (1000x1001, 193K)


map changed to fy_iceworld_tiny

Would one of you be kind enough to be a massive fag and tell me the password?

Attached: Dave is blindsided.png (538x538, 168K)

how about you fucking read the thread you blind piece of nigger shit

bump, hoping for TTT soon

Im taking the server down along with the thread. I will make a new one for ttt but the pass will be rage this time. See you soon

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>giving out the pass
delete your post

stop bumping the thread, doubt anyone but the people who should will remember the pass

it can tho theres huge 1.6 maps

"the server you are trying to connect to is running an older version of the game"

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zombie mod when?

zombie ESCAPE when?


TTT is up, abandon CSS

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why not both?
