Name a game you don't like and say something positive about it.
Name a game you don't like and say something positive about it
2Bs ass rigging is impressive.
> Final Fantasy 7
That old guy with his plane was cool (I forgot his name)
100% OJ, but it's good to spend time with friends this way. I always lose because of shit rolls in the most critical moments. Fuck you 100% OJ
stardew valley
it's pretty cool that it was made by just one guy, I respect him as a developer but the game is still an abysmal bokumono copy
the spinner was fun to use in that one dungeon in Twilight princess
Aru is a loser!
Fallout New Vegas mojave radio is great
Monster hunter has some cool looking gear.
Daemon X Machina
The demo almost bored me to death but the Arsenals or whatever they called at least are designed well.
Oxygen not included is pretty fun if a bit simple. The management of gas and temperature is really cool.
Girls have nice hips, I guess
Nioh has fun combat
Final Fantasy Tactics has a good class system. Too bad 90% of the game is boring story and bad combat.
The Waifus are top-tier plus the combat has some depth in the harder difficulties
River City Girls has nice sprite animations
Shame about the rest of the game tho
The modding community is good I guess
>blaming luck on a 100% skill based game
Git gud
So why don't you like it? The story? Not questioning your taste. It's not my favorite DQ game either. I'm just curious if your reasons are the same as mine.
It was good, for its time.
It is however way past its prime and subscription jewry is not cool.
Spectrobes had some good designs
Mass effect Andromeda
Combat was good
That's Juice.
I enjoyed playing it, but it had its issues. The first problem was that it was easy to get everyone's hp and mp back up via the camps, the second problem was that the characters almost had no development (Jade) or got fucked over by the going back in time shit via Act 3 (Hendrik,Serena) which also my 3rd complaint is the god awful 3rd act of how shit it is. You know all that shit you did back in the 2nd act, all the cool shit you saw. Well fuck you, were going back into time to bring back your friend.
Also I'm not a personafag as I see some issues in the games and people overhype on being a "better JRPG"
I love Bravely Default's Title Theme
Gameplay sucks but the story and characters are interesting. Also great ost
This, pretty much the only redeeming quality of NV.
It really is a game where you love Veronica, or you don't. I did like her, so I didn't mind that stuff. My issue with the game is linear zones and less exploration. And a lot of things don't seem as polished as past games. But the Switch version might fix that.
>Super Metroid
It inspired some very good games.
>Trails in the Sky
The character designs aren't bad and there's a generally comfy feel even though it's boring as hell.
I wouldn't say that I dislike Dark Souls but I've tried getting into it a few times and haven't been able to. I'm still trying to every once in a while. Anyway, I've thing I like about it is the combat and the atmosphere