Can I get a quick rundown on this game? It gets a very mixed reception on here

Can I get a quick rundown on this game? It gets a very mixed reception on here.

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It's fun, anyone who says it's shit is exaggerating their asses off. If you liked DS1 or DS3 you will 100% like it unless you are an absolute certified autist with nothing better to do but get mad at the tiniest issues in video games

The resident evil 5 of the series. This shit is so much fun if you treat it as a coop buddy game. It's also on its way to be a new vegas type where everyone loves it after they shit on it for years. I blame reddir the people who came in at 3 as their first since 3 and 2 are so drastically different.

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yeah i don't understand why so many people shit on this game so much. its fine, atleast the original release the scholar of the first sin version kinda screws up some areas by adding ridiculous mobs and relocation of items and enemies. the only thing people should complain about is the stupid soul memory which gets in the way of friend co-op. and having to upgrade your armor parts is anoying too, but not unbareable.

Very disappointing and unnecessary sequel.
Ruined the open ending of the first game and is overall way worse in a lot of ways.
Adds cool new ideas like powerstances and has good characters but designwise it's a massive step down.
Still enjoyable but feels like shitty in many ways, be it level design, enemy positioning, the ai and so on.
In a lot of places it felt like the game was following the logic of "How do we make this more annoying and difficult"

Attached: Dark Souls II (2).webm (1280x720, 2.69M)

The levels are built around the enemy despawn mechanic, so there are plenty of gank squads. Not an issue once you git gud.

>I don't get why people dislike 2
Fucking newfags.

I don't like it

its too hard for Yea Forumsrgin shitters
also get ready for crybaby faggot spamming his shitty webems of darksouls 2 hit box glitches that happen very rarely just to feel better about himself

>happens very rarely
Look at this cope

>runs away from the enemies
serves you right for being a pussy
get shot get killed and get raped by a nigger.

Dark Souls II is pleb filter

no this is you coping from the fact that youre a casual shitter.

It's a good game but different. Don't expect Dark Souls part 2, expect the first soulslike game.

Dark Souls 2 was made by the B Team while Miyazaki was making Bloodborne, so yeah

>killing every enemy every time you wanna fight a boss
>not walking past them and taking the shortcut
I forgot the amazing game is designed around enemies despawning as said right.
Just kill everything, return to bonfire, rest, repeat 10 times.
Wow such great game design!

>vanilla good
>SOTFS bad
I unironically like both but dont trust someone who goes out of their way to tell you scholar isnt better (if for NO OTHER REASON than more content)

>Just kill everything, return to bonfire, rest, repeat 10 times.
>Wow such great game design!
do you even enjoy playing video games or do you just do it to find the easiest way to complete them even if it's a complete waste of time and more trouble than it's worth?

The fun in video games is learning the system and improving your play to better play around that system.
When that system is "keep killing all the enemies in the area until the stop spawning" then that's not enjoyable no.
The reason Dark Souls is fun is that you have to learn the area and enemy placement first. Once you learned it, explored the area, found npcs and items and you simply have to go to the boss and beat him then being forced to fight enemies over and over just gets in the way.

Why do people have so much trouble with this shortcut? Literally just fucking run and dodge as you need to going through. Don't spam roll like this retard, and especially don't be stuck in the at the very max weight before fat rolls so your roll distance isn't fucking garbage.

It's good, but not as good as other Souls games. It focuses more on the RPG elements at the cost of the action aspect. It also had troubled development process which lead to huge graphical downgrade and bad transitions between some levels. Has the most content and best PvP tho
It's important to acknowledge its flaws, but people who call DaS2 shit literally let memes dictate their opinions

Has my favorite tracks and lore, although that's probably because it's still kinda shrouded in mystery compared to 1 and 3

Filling a room with 4000000 enemies does not measure you skill btw

The system is that you just fucking kill the enemies as you're going through the area like literally every other souls game. What is wrong with you?

this, what a fucking idiot.

That's not the point. It's doable but it's just such shitty design do at artificial difficulty. As much of a meme as that term is it sadly applies to Dark Souls 2 a lot.
Tight corridor with a lots of enemies, while fireballs shoot at you and a gate closes cutting of that route if you're just a second too late.
It just feels like the game is actively working against you and if feels like that almost all game long. Other Souls games don't have this issue, even in it's cheapest moments.

And if you die to the boss?
Just kill everything again every single time, how fucking dumb is that.
It just becomes a repetative exercise. Repeating the same thing over and over simply to get a new chance at fighting the boss.

>This shit is so much fun if you treat it as a coop buddy game
This is the truth. Unfortunately I cannot stand to play the base game of ds2 without friends. The DLCs of 2 are actually fucking great, but the base game is such a slog. Literally 1 (one) cool boss and its a secret boss. At least the whole game has this kind of B-movie charm to it.

It's a shortcut that takes you directly to the boss without having to fight everything along the way. What's the problem exactly? So they give you the option to go through normally, or you can take a shot at running past the enemies in the hallway, which is pretty fucking easy I might add, and you skip some of the level.

>It just becomes a repetative exercise. Repeating the same thing over and over simply to get a new chance at fighting the boss.
that's every souls game wtf point are you even trying to make

Where the fuck have you been? This has been Dark Souls since the beginning, if you die to the boss you gotta make the trek back to fight them again. What you're talking about is literally nothing new. Are you complaining about Dark Souls as a whole or something?

It's a badly designed shortcut and a cheap way to kill you until you perfectly optimize what equipment to wear, where to run exatly, when to roll, what attacks to watch out for.
It'd be totally fine if the pointless gate wasn't there as a big fuck you every time you make a tiny mistake.

Can you turn the gate off? Pretty sure you can't. That would have been cool.

I like it more than 3, but 1 and Demon's Souls are the better Souls games without a doubt.

You retards are making a point that you should have to fight every single enemy on the route to the boss.
Is that how you play Souls games? If so you're fucking retarded.

You clear the area to the boss. If you die you at least know the path. If you're confident enough you can run past the enemies, avoid fighting everything and go straight to the boss.
The boss is the repetative part. That's the thing you have to grind away at, learn and improve against. Not the dozen enemies that are conveniently placed right at tight corridors to avoid you running past it.
Only 2 does that, play all the other games and you can always run past the enemies to reach the boss without much difficulty.
In 2 the AI has is just crazy about chasing you which makes things even worse and cheap, how can you defend that shit?

>In 2 the AI has is just crazy about chasing you which makes things even worse and cheap, how can you defend that shit?
this is just blatantly untrue. I could run through tons of enemies in 2

Don't listen to what anyone else will tell you, the game has a few genuinely well-designed areas (No Man's Wharf, for example), and the level design in the DLC (disregarding the areas made with multiplayer in mind, because they are optional) is god tier. The game has its downs but it's definitely worth a play, if only for the DLCs. No areas in DaS1 minus the Painted World of Ariamis can compete with Shulva, Sanctum City Brume Tower and Eleum Loyce level-design wise.

You're right not every boss run is like that and there's plenty of enemies you can run past.
But it also has those cases where the placement is just shitty and the ai goes crazy for a chase. The Katana guys at Iron Forge and the Dragon guys before the Ancient Dragon come to mind.
The other games don't do that.

It's trash for brainlets who play it to feel smart.

Iron Keep has bonfires out the ass, if you're complaining you have to spend 3 minutes fighting dudes then that's your problem. You could also just drop down to the stairs in the central area before smelter demon then run back up and go through the fog while they're trying to catch up.

>wtf I have to actually play the game? this sucks

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All 3 souls are equally balanced in their strengths and weaknesses. What DS2 offers is the longest single player campaign plus the best multiplayer, in exchange of good enemy placement and level design.

It’s a great game once you adapt to it. Never let your load go above 70%, though.

It's complete dogshit compared to 1 and 3. Literally as if some Chinese company made a Souls knockoff.

Dudes in armor and gank squads.

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