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Other urls found in this thread:


Because the market is flooded with shitty asset flips that don't sell.
Not that hard to understand.
Who gives a shit

Data doesn't lie. Epic is the superior option.

Isn't it steams responsibility to curate their fucking store better?

Isn't that because hundreds of sht games sell 0 copies?

Don't be stupid and spend money on garbage.


What sales data?

Why do I care I dont work for steam, I dont get paid to feel a corporation make less money


These tards are focused on some other company breaking down their monopoly and can't see why developers are jumping ship.

>i bought shit because it was on the store
your reasoning

nah any dev complaining about low sales needs to make better games

you say that as if sales should always be increasing no matter what.
honestly kill yourself you fucking faggot, retard like you are the reason this shitty world is shit.

>while steam is increasingly being flooded by complete garbage
what a big brained analysis

Attached: 1567565917105m.jpg (1024x576, 83K)

>Make a shitty game
>It sells poorly
>NO! Steam is to blame!

Actual analyst here. This person is retarded

reminder to report and sage fanboy faggotry threads

>make shitty low effort game
>it doesnt sell
>NOOOOO WTFFF VALVE?=??????!*?"!

God damn, what a sight to see. Someone finally dethroned Steam.

Attached: 1566919733170.png (837x530, 525K)

Valve never releases sales figures so how could he possibly calculate this, also
>using mean instead of median

This fag doesn't know the first thing about statistics.

Tick Tock

so you want valve to decide what games you play, instead of deciding that yourself?

never seem OP being told so quickly, fpbp

>it's only a fanboy faggot thread if it exposes negative information about Steam
>any other time it's video game journalism and we should post epic memes to celebrate our friend gayben
Well said, Steamcel!

Only to the extent that they remove games that either harm people's PCs or exist to exploit the economy

The problem with 'curation' is that you're giving some person or persons or some company the ability to decide what you are allowed to buy and you have no idea that criteria they'll use. Remember when manhunt was considered so violent that stores wouldn't sell it to people? Now manhunt is like child's play compared to modern games.

Steam cucks sweating!

>Because the market is flooded with shitty asset flips
This has been true for nearly a decade. But whatever coping delusions you need to tell yourself

Can someone translate me this to a non-nerd language?
Is Steam dying or something?

why are they complaining about getting almost 20k from their shitty game
that's pizza-for-life money

I means fuck all since Valve don't release sales figures.

It's just a simple sales statistic. You sound like an idiot

Because around 50% of the total games on steam were added in the last year
This value overlaps with that 47%, here, explained

And who's fault is that? Who's fault is it that there is a nonstop flood of shitty assets flips on Steam due to bizarre retarded free for all policies that were incorporated all the way back in 2013?

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Because most people get No-STEAM releases of pirate bay or other sites. The only reason to purchase any Steam software is get the shitty trading cards in hopes of getting a booster pack drop sometime in the next decade.

indiefags wanting laxer curation

people making shitty games. End of.

>Valve should be able to stop me from buying garbage i can't hold myself responsible for this!

Attached: 1555391221046.jpg (225x225, 7K)

it's a statistic without even a hint of context, rendering it meaningless

Epic along with Borderlands 3 will shape a new gaming industry.
Seethe steamdrones.

Attached: 1554870511536.jpg (1034x1642, 150K)

It hasn't you stupid retard, half the games on the steam store have been added since 2017.

>Valve a good boi they dindu nuffans!

Greenlight and Steam Direct were fucking awful ideas. Valve should've hired a team to make sure the games being allowed weren't trash.

>ignoring the fact that borderlands 3 is also sold in the microsoft store
kill yourself shill

>imgur link uploaded, then reuploaded to be used as the OP image within a minute's margin
What kind of cross Reddit faggotry is this ResetEra shit?

>wanting curation ever
God fucking no

I know how to use filters, recognize my own tastes, and actively seek out shit I'm interested in when I want new software. Having some cunt try to guide me solely to the Approved™ section of games and excluding eccentric Devs I like immediately tells me to ignore the platform wholesale, pirate everything, and just donate to the devs

Attached: 6efzgm.gif (250x281, 143K)

Struck a nerve didn't I?

>actually wanting to someone to curate what you buy


>shitty asset flips don't sell
>but actual good games do
>this nigger just pulled the median between the two and said that was the average

Attached: file.png (1165x452, 688K)

how would this team decide what's good or shit? you're basically giving the retarded sjw twitter types a license to decide what you can buy

no you didn't faggot
now kill yourself

Wasn't zero curation on Steam what indie devs begged for?

>The AVERAGE game
Stopped reading there. All data everywhere is skewed by the averages.

>Steam sales
>Doesn't include bundles
>Doesn't include third party legit stores like GMG

Attached: 1568117329013.png (900x1200, 1.61M)

>no you didn't faggot
>now kill yourself

Attached: 1568057786346.jpg (320x383, 59K)

>Being proud of destiny 2

Valve allowing ANYONE to publish a game for a hundred bucks is basically solely responsible for the current indie market. All these devs whining that their shitty games are getting lost in a sea of shit wouldn't even have attempted to make a game without Steam's "anything goes" policy. And as consumers, we wouldn't have gotten the absolute truckload of great indie games from the indie boom. Who gives a shit if there's a ton of garbage? That's not much different from how it was before. Use your fuckin' brain and ask people's opinions before impulse buying the latest indie game.

This is cause that asshole tim just keeps giving them all away

now kill yourself

That's because there's more and more indie garbage that is rushed or half-assed. I expect those numbers to keep dropping as the years go by. It's not like it's a surprise.

you know what's gonna be funny, if indie devs start complaining that no one buys their games because gamers are too used to getting them for free because of tim

Has anyone else pre-ordered Borderlands 3 super deluxe edition?
I'm so hyped the game looks so bad ass!

>being proud of borderlands 3

Attached: 1436268695136.gif (266x207, 260K)

So this is the power of non-EGS retailers... Such reach, such sales. More than makes up for lower royalties and no upfront payment, mmm yes...

>no new ip from this post

It's a cringy Reddit game but it's still better than destiny 2

>now kill yourself

Attached: crybaby.jpg (360x360, 26K)

Steam's stance is pro-freedom.

>no new ip from this post

k now kill yourself

some people want to sell the idea that steam is dying

It clearly says (43) though?

>no new ip from this post

k now kill yoruself

It clearly is dying.
Once Borderlands 3 hits shelves it will blow away all competition.
It will be glorious.

So I take it we're in the anti steam phase of the shill cycle.

Don't care if it's full of asset flips. That's the price you pay for having nearly endless store shelves that lets you pick whatever your preference may be instead of picking for you. There will always be a few pieces of shit because some people are fecalpheliacs.

In grocery stores like Kroger, they won't just sell anything. A product rep has to go to the store suits and convince them to put their product on Kroger's shelves. Corporations are dictating what you can and can not buy at Kroger. The same as record companies dictate what is played on the radio. That only benefits retarded drones that want their clothes picked by their mom for them in the morning. I pick my own clothes. Fuck you.


Attached: trikh.jpg (968x517, 180K)

Enjoy your chinkshit clothing that will dissolve in your mother's washtub faggot

The western industry is collapsing lol

Yes, I'm sure Steam and GOG will both go down in flames when Borderlands 3 is released without them.
>people actually believe this

>uhh n-no it wont d-dude
Jesus. Makes me uncomfortable just reading your post. Kinda like a kid presenting in front of the class and choking on his words.

Did you seriously just try to use "chickshit" as a pro-epic argument?


No, I used "chinkshit". Learn to read, dipshit.

do you think that borderlands is going to siphon money from valve and cd projekt?
what type of retarded thinking are you trying to push

t. consolefag that knows nothing about the PC gaming scene.

>Average a triple a game with some anime hentai game

Yeah funny how that works.

>What is control group
>What is controlled variables

>the average game on Steam
>dozens of trash games published every day
>one month analysed

How scientific

Valve is in financial ruin. Tim is like a majestic tiger waiting to pounce on the now bleeding steam platform. Once the beast is weak enough the tiger will strike and consume the wretched animals corpse.
You're witnessing history drone.

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>any criticism of Steam is pro-Epic
This is your brain on Steam. Imagine how seething he must be.

>averages go down when games available increases 10x
wow, genius analys-

Yeah, the hentai games generally have higher scores. That is funny! The power of coomer incels!

nice headcanon

This, the customer base is fully responsible for what does and doesn't sell.
Sadly valve seems a bit skittish round the 18+ waifu fucking "games". Should just make another seperate platform with all the porno games on there instead of lumping them in with the actual games and letting their absolutely dogshit sorting system try and resolve it.

>Actually wanting a store full of Slavs and Brazilian monkey trash
I bet you weren't using Steam until the mid 2010's. I been using it since 2004. I remember when they first put some mediocre indie game on the store in late 2007 and everyone spoke about how Valve would allow that.
When I say shit, I mean shovelware. I mean games that don't properly function. GoG has a god damn quality control ffs.
>you're basically giving the retarded sjw twitter types a license to decide what you can buy
You're making an extreme example. I never said SJW faggots would be incharge nor would offensive content be at risk of being removed. I'm talking about crappy unpolished turds or crap for the sake of crap. Plenty of stores had that quality control. Valve had that quality control pre-GL.
Not true, there were plenty of indie games on the Steam market before Valve implemented the Greenlight feature in 2013.



Most people in this thread understand that, the problem is media dickheads will report on faulty numbers like OPs.

The number of steam games has doubled since 2017, most of those games are asset flips, so of course the median per-game attach rate is lower, because no one buys asset flips.

So far everyone is saying we either have to live with this or go the Epic route of curation - but why not both?
Keep the existing bar to entry, which allows for asset flips - but also add a new category with a much higher bar - like instead of a few hundred dollars make it $5K to release a game in the 'curated' category, that covers the cost of a few Valve devs actually playing and reviewing the game (there should be several reviews from Valve staff/resident reviewers)
Then allow users to show only curated games on the front page and discovery (search will be for all games)

Valve gets more money
We get curation without censorship
Indiedevs get their games on Steam still
Bigger indies and published games get to increase SNR.

>Valve is in financial ruin
>just ran the biggest eSports event in history with a prizepool of around $32.000.000, with 85% going into their pocket directly
yep they couldn't be doing any worse.

clever user

>Muh free market, fuck yeah 'Murica, get cucked
Only if it doesn't have anime tiddies. But then again 5000 shitty asset-flip games are better than one anime tiddy in muh games.

You don't even have to look at data to guess that the claim of 47% less people buying video games on pc is complete bullshit.

>another faggot indie retard thread
Smh people really love indie dev cum

>Valve is in financial ruin.
It's true, I hear they're running out of $100 bills and have to use $20 bills to wipe their asses, like dirty peasants.

Good, steam has been shit for years now

Greenlight and "you can publish a game for $100" are independent things. Greenlight was implemented BECAUSE indie games were becoming so successful.

1,500 copies is not that bad also most of steam is shovelware.
I would be happy for my game to sell that much.
Most indie games are from game maker pixel shit which is easy to make.

You're not wrong. It's certainly telling that brute-forcing a customer base (and loyalist journos) using one abnormally-successful game's profits is indeed setting quite a new precedent.

Too bad most people already hate Epic because of it.

Steam allows anime tiddies now

People are realizing that they dont actually own their games, and digital content has no value. They are either abandoning PC entirely or pirating

its funny because this year we've already seen games like risk of rain 2 and mordhau do incredibly well
too bad these semen slurping depression quest type devs will never take a hint and quit

Bye-bye steam :)

>implying consoles are any different
j e j e j e j

>sales per title
the fuck kind of metric is this

Steam lately has had so few interesting looking games I almost exclusively use my switch and wiiU

congrats on have the dumbest take in this thread full of dumb takes

I want anime tit games unbanned as well though you stupid mass replying cunt. The ideologues at Valve randomly nuking anime games deserve to get lynched

Imagine actually banning an E-rated game like The Key to Home just because of its artist(Rustle), when the game is ostensibly about hunting down a pedo before he hurts a kid. Almost makes you want the censor's kid to get diddled as a karmic twist

Attached: Look at this dude.gif (500x206, 3.2M)

It's a bandwagon.
Wait for steam to drop the ball once and then the tides will shift in a second.
People don't think for themselves not even on here. You're all just sheep that look to each other for confirmation.

America is not free market retard.
It is a mixed economy and the free market hasn't existed for over 50 years.

And Greenlight was a bad idea.

>What kind of cross Reddit faggotry is this ResetEra shit?

Literally Chinese shills.

One designed for clickbait.
The media all about clicks now, just make shit up for clicks, whatever fits the zeitgeist the best and will get the highest clickrate is what is published.
Reality went out the window a while back.


fuck off zoomer, the world was tilting charts before you were born

I just got my copy of Super deluxe edition.
Each EGS sale drives another nail in steams coffin.

Attached: Screenshot_4.jpg (352x235, 35K)

>people complain about more than 1 smash thread
>yesterday there were 8 epic threads up at once
Epic games containment board when?

which is why they stopped doing it

funny how they haven't stopped allowing anyone to publish a game

this is for steam. op indiedev misses stuff like this by only looking at percentages and probably consciously omitting certain data from being shown because he hates steam

Attached: 7ykwTim.png (949x621, 326K)

>I anayalzed data that isnt public or available to anyone
>here I determined an absurdly low sales number when I took into account asset flip and shovelware games
This thread will get 500 replies LMFAO the guy is a fucking idiot

The current Phoenix Point build is still pretty rough but already fun to play. Thanks for paying for my copy, Tim.

Attached: 1516016984351.jpg (476x357, 28K)

>Phoenix Point
>coming out

Technically the defining idea of a free market has never existed in the United States. There was always laws created for moral reasons. Hollywood had moral codes instituted in the mid 1930's which fined movies that had the words 'damn' in them and outright banned others. The comicbook industry was threatened by congress in the early 50's and so had to put in a self maintaining regulation code to avoid it. And let's not start with Prohibition.

>Valve is in financial ruin.
>there are bug eyed chink faggots that actually believe this

Attached: 1420426565609.gif (295x256, 2.97M)

How to tell someone is bullshitting in one post
>uninformed statement.
>deflecting with "cope"

Attached: 1477364993599.jpg (202x181, 24K)

>profits fluctuate like everything else in existence
Holy penis, what a scoop. The only reason anyone cares is for le ebin trolling.

A board for e-celebs, Twitter screencaps and dev/publisher drama.
We just have to decide on a name.

>train customers to wait for sales
>stop doing flash sales and train devs on proper sale practices to counteract this trend
>devs pull 90% off bullshit and many AAA games go down to $20 shortly after launch because they make all their money from MTs
>saturate the market with thousands of games giving the consumer too many options and expect to make millions somehow
>thinking moving platforms would somehow change this

Attached: image_7.jpg (500x625, 125K)

You sound like a massive tool.


It does not.
It takes a single janny to say "this girl looks like a minor", and the game is gone.

I've got it! It will be called /fag/

Do people just forget when the indies were constantly bitching about not being able to get on steam?

Already exists though?

>mean is significantly higher than median
And that explains it. Most games (flood of Indie games) are selling low amounts while a few games (Triple-A games, most likely) are selling high amounts.

Bugmen must really be getting desperate. All this shilling and still nobody uses ebip.

Developer who's game released on epic store here.

Pretty much what

Steam is oversaturated with shit games with no quality control. With epic not only do you have to show epic your game, you have to prove its not just another junk game for the guaranteed sales epic will give you.

I'm not a big fan of epics storefront but at least we got more sales and exposure there than on sale where our game would be buried beneath 100s of hentai vns and other meme games like colonel Sanders KFC romance VN

Attached: 1555943652680.jpg (1355x1016, 398K)

Anyone else notice that the majority of the low quality asset flips being added lines up with EGS becoming a thing. Seems like likely corporate sabotage in attempt to lower Valve's numbers.

Tim wouldn't allow that. He would threaten them with 100 hour work works or force them at gunpoint if he had to.

There really haven't been any good games to come out on PC in the past short while.

he removes the bottom 80% of games, the top 5%, and all AAA games already. so those numbers are for the top 15%

Make that /vc/ - Vidya cancer.

How much do you think steam library sharing impacts the market?

nah, they all just heard Epic gives out free money for shitty indie games and are trying to get a piece of the pie.

>pedobait gets the boot
Good, unless some legit ones were removed as collateral.

PC gaming is dying

Those statistics tell us nothing without other data. Add how much total money went through steam. Then we can decide if steam is dying or just a lot of shit games that make 0$ are being released.

How wouldn't it? Smaller store = more exposure and with publishers giving cash bonuses it's never been a better time to get off Steam.

AAA were removed from the equation, it's mentioned in the report. It means there are very few indie games - which we all know already.

>on sale where our game would be buried beneath 100s of hentai vns
this is retarded. You literally click 'I don't want to see this' on Steam and it filters every single hentai vn in existence. That's how the market should be, give the consumer the right to buy whatever he wants, not curated by some pink haired faggot in San Francisco.

Concise and to the point.

Their goty is in flames because even with the best possible gaming hardware, you dtill cant get anything above 50fps in higher graphics settings, because the code is unoptimized sphaghetti

Average is a completely worthless metric. Look at median game sales or at least drop every $2 rpg maker shovelware or 30 minute unity asset flip from your sample

>Smaller store = more exposure
Try thinking for yourself just a little bit, will you?

Is this what passes for bait among statisticians?

>because the code is unoptimized sphaghetti
Source? New AAA games have always had poor performance due to emphasis on pushing graphical fidelity, why would that suddenly change now?

We're on the other side and looked into how customers shop and one of our dudes noticed is that most customers don't use filters. Just too lazy so they bawww about so much crap

What's that? No argument? Thanks for posting!

nobody wants to play your shitty indie game


is that 1500 units per game annually, or each game is selling an average of 1500 over its lifetime? It probably also only takes into account direct-through-steam purchases instead of humble bundle or other legit key sites.

lol no when there was curate system indie companies complained and now they complain again fuck them they are ungrateful cunts

Stay seething digital cucks. I get all my worthless pc games for free, and I have a nice catalog of physical games that I will be able to play forever. Imagine paying for a steam game

There's no point in arguing with someone who truly believes that dogshit is the most delicious thing in the world

>Smaller store = more exposure
The core problem is that shit games will not sell regardless of how much exposure you give them. This phenomenon occurs outside of gaming too, people think that because they're in a saturated market the reason they fail is because they're not able to reach an audience but the vast majority of the time it's because whatever they're making is garbage, whether it be music, youtube vids, twitch streams, books, etc.

These devs can feel free to take tim's money because it's not like gamers are gonna give them any

unless the thread is about artists then e-celeb threads don't last there very long

Everyone's too busy masturbating to their ultra specific furry BLACKED BLEACHED threads to care about what some literal who is up too

Cyberpunk 2077 is on Epic

>unless some legit ones were removed
Well, what do you think?

So this is the power of an acquired indie developer.

>nerd language
If this is nerd language to you, you're a huge retard

No problem man, come back if you finally come up with an argument!

>New AAA games have always had poor performance due to emphasis on pushing graphical fidelity, why would that suddenly change now?
It isnt like crysis you fucking imbecile, the game code is utterly unoptimized

Attached: 1568095978206.png (1180x1053, 485K)

all statistics are bait for pretty much everyone

>The core problem is that shit games will not sell regardless of how much exposure you give them
Right out of the gate you're wrong. Just look at Steam or Twitch for the most played/viewers.

>Prepare your decks and go on a pilgrimage through the wasteland! Nowhere Prophet is a unique single-player card game. Travel across randomly generated maps and lead your followers in deep tactical combat. Discover new cards and build your deck as you explore this strange, broken world.

that'll be $24.99 plus tip please

>If I invent an imaginary strawman I can easily win the argument.
Nobody is complaining that "they will accidently buy shitty games." The point is that when the store is full up on garbage and asset flips it makes it harder to actually find games that you are interested in. So good games go unnoticed, where if there was proper curation that filtered out first-time hobby projects and asset flips it'd be a hell of a lot easier to browse through and find games you actually might want to play.

God you people are fucking retarded.

You can market dogshit as delicious and healthy, but in the end, its still dogshit
Not like you'd understand

This says nothing about the code. I'll wait for it if you've got it.

That number is even lower on EGS if you plug in $0.00 as the “average sales” for every game Tim doesn’t allow on his storefront.

And that's valve's problem who allow trash on their platform with no quality control at all.
One would think that with a revenue of billions every year they could afford that.
It's very difficult to find good stuff on steam without swimming through a sea of mediocrity first.

Wasn't there a website that published game sales, steamspy I think it was called. Then vulva stopped them from showing game sales, I wonder why :)

kys jizzbrain

That's a neat concept. Have you come up with an argument yet?

it's 100% true
you can show a shitty piece of media to a billion people but it won't sell simply because it's shit.

>This says nothing about the code.
>literally showing the poor performance of a huge piece of code says nothing about the code
now THIS
is bait

>store recently got flooded with niche japanese porn games and VNs
>asset flips fucking everywhere that only sell like 10 copies each because only 10 year olds with their mum's credit card are stupid enough to buy them
Mike Rose might be the biggest retard in all of history.

okay then who determines what's a good game & what's not a good game?
because apparently people fucking hated greenlight

do you want mr steam man to decide for you?
be careful, because he might not like turn based RPGs or maybe he doesn't like visual novels, perhaps he's the match 3 & walking simulator type

That's fair.

Considering we sold alot of copies and + the guaranteed sales from epic?

Yes they do and they enjoy it.

Attached: anon.webm (640x360, 2.7M)

>Only the most cutting edge gaming cards can play this game at full graphical capacity
>Durrrr there's nothing wrong with the code!
Alright then faggot, what do you think is the cause?

You were arguing that new AAA games run like shit due to pushing the graphics, but borderlands 3 looks like borderlands 1.... And even that game was FAR from breaking new grounds in that deparment.
Logic dictates the fault is in incompetent developers.

Reminder that every pink haired faggot nigger loving tranny indie devleoper LITERALLY begged and cried and told their journalist buddies to write articles about the evil Steam who wouldn't put their shitty retro game on their storefront.

Now they literally can't make money unless they take a check from Tencent/China, and the epic game store is even WORSE because they have no filters or categories at all lmao

Attached: 1567720446224.jpg (1280x1600, 200K)

Nah, I'm looking at the Steam top sellers right now. It's 99% garbage.

It's a free market solution, fuck off commie.

Op BTFO in the first post. Hallelujah.

>Considering we sold alot of copies
Sure you did.

that's nice but no one cares about your special snowflake opinion

I thought Tim didn't want shit on his store

>>using mean instead of median
>This fag doesn't know the first thing about statistics.

but he used median instead of mean, which is the issue


>The point completely flies over his head

>Then vulva stopped them from showing game sales, I wonder why :)
GDPR happened

Not bait, no code mentioned.
It's a pretty simple concept, push graphics, get lower performance. Unless you have proof to back up "spaghetti code" I'm going to have to write it off as a layman's opinion on something he doesn't know anything about.

How sad...

Attached: 1556214861190.jpg (900x504, 141K)

*hits pipe*

>average game is selling 1,500 units
>there's a bajillion games on Steam
>a huge part of those will only sell like 3 units to the devs' friends and one guy that just wandered onto their store page on accident
>the rest sells well
>all those thousands upon thousands of games that don't sell drag down the average sales units by hundreds or even thousands

you're a fucking idiot

It's not a counter-argument and it's irrelevant independent statement.

I actually bothered to read his report and here is one of the excerpts

>AAA titles removed (not particularly useful knowing how Wolfenstein sold)
>Then, the top and bottom 5% (ranked by revenue made) were removed, to
reduce noise from outliers
>The data left contains roughly 170 games released between these dates

Take that as you will. I dont know why the fuck he's not including AAA titles nor the top 5% if your report is to fucking showcase how games sell on PC.

Is this a trick question?

Well its pretty clear than Steamdrones are the biggest fucking retrds on this board.
You finally arent Number 1 Sonyfriends

but BL3 isn't pushing graphics at all, it looks identical to the last three games

Bullshit. Epic's latest trailer was nothing but junk games.

chink detected

Are you telling me Borderlands 3 pushed graphics?

I appreciate the embellishment, but that's patently false.

>steam is full of outliers AKA shit games nobody buys a single copy of

>steam curates the store

>steam doesn't curate the store

Attached: 1567059395687.jpg (400x400, 27K)

>I need others to decide for me

you sound like a lolbertarian that likes it when a corporation decides what's good for you
sorry you have no free will kid

No you dumb faggot. Steals job is to provide a platform for developers to launch off of, steam should be as hands off as possible to what goes on their store.

Think it it like a retail store, you job is to fucken sell me the product I want, not tell me what product I want or opinion of what products you have unless I ask.

Are you telling me it didn't?

That was their excuse, yes.



ohh no

sweaty, have you looked at the average game on Valve? its' a JRPG-Maker game with porn sprites that sells 48 copies

please! make sure to check out Epic Games Store for REAL indie games, curated exclusively by Tim Sweeney epicself (him, his, epicself), you can only find good, real games here...

the blackpill is that it's the same indie devs crying each time

>Exclude biggest sellers
>Only look at dogshit like "Mr Queefy's big walk"

Compared to what, games before 2000?

>Pushing graphics
>Looks just like previous BL games
>And yet nothing can run it properly
So THIS is why they took the egs deal
Makes perfect sense

Better than selling 0 copies on the Epic Games store. Also normalfags only care about AAA releases.

I swear to Christ if Sakuna is epic exclusive the chunk who burned down kyoani will come after you next.

Yep, just like food and movies, for example.

It clearly has better graphics and detail than the previous games. I'm still waiting for your proof of "spaghetti code" but I'll never get it because you have zero (0) knowledge on the subject. Thanks anyway, user.


>Twitter screenshot
Go fucking back

>one of our dudes noticed is that most customers don't use filters
Wow. Quite the insight from your dude. The average consumer is fucking retarded. Who knew?
It sounds like on your side the business model revolves around trying to trick people into buying your shit, rather then giving them something worth buying.

How do you argue an idea that lacks any substance?
Here's a tip: you don't


Why would anyone buy a game twice?

Advertise all you want, if your games have no substance, nobody will buy them
Not a hard concept

Epic won. WE LOST!

Rest in piss

Attached: 1544564977088(1).jpg (586x466, 82K)

>epic store shill is also a nintendo shill

Attached: nintendotencent.png (1160x982, 729K)

>hear about an interesting game from Yea Forums, friends, or like a million other places
>type it in the search bar and look at the store page

Lmao who the fuck is actually trawling through the entire store just looking at everything? Do you people also go to the supermarket for nothing in particular and just decide you're going to walk around browsing for a random thing?
It's like this whole argument is just some made up issue when people have an axe to grind against Steam, but can't actually explain how it affects them in anyway

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So why are you trying to argue an idea that lacks substance?

So it's not walmart's job to make sure they aren't selling boxes of broken glass to parents for their children? That wouldn't lead to lawsuits?

steam Won and BL3 will be a pirates since the retarded added LAN also you are the same fag from all 4 threads you never change images

you lost fag

>it makes it harder to find stuff you're interested in
Not if you're not a nonhuman, its piss easy to set of filters. I genuinely cant think of the last time steam showed me shovelware.

He isn't wrong, the most successful games are multiplayer only.

Thats probably the shittiest I have seen on my life and I am an economist so I have seen a few. You cant draw any conclusion from this twitter screencap threads.


Uhhh lemmeee get uhhhhhhh..... Ohh what am I looking for here honey??? Ohhh It's on the tip of my tongue baby cakes!!!
Oh I know


Interesting concept. Didn't stop Fallout 76 from selling 1.4 million copies though. I guess it's not as simple as it may seem, but then again I didn't expect someone with a double-digit IQ to be able to substantiate his moronic theories.

only subhuman chinks hate steam

>It clearly has better graphics and detail than the previous games!
See, THIS is a paid shill
I see absolutely no fucking difference between this one and the previous three. And the fact remains that almost nothing can run this game properly
>B-but no proof its the code!
Why dont you give a reason then?
>T-they're pushing graphics!
Prove it. Post a side-by-side comparison with the previous games and show me those improvements, because I cant see any


you will die alone screaming and begging for your mother not soul will care when you pass

Based, bugmen will ignore this

Why don't you add a shopping cart first there, bucko

Fuck EPIC man, I know I'm going to lose all my steam games one day because epic fornite guy wanted to drown steam for no fucking reason.
The cut they are taking is too small to sustain, their costumer service and other employees must be working for literal peanuts. In the end it will all crash and burn and we will end up without steam because every greedy publisher will move to epic and epic will crash and burn because of the shit profit they make.

>Yes they do and they enjoy it.

How do you know this? Epic doesn't even have a user review system yet.

yes you are bugman now kill yourself i won you lost and Epic lost

Sweetie.... Mortality isn't the issue here....
GOTY is going to rock the foundation of everything you hold dear :)

>Why dont you give a reason then?
Because they pushed the graphics fidelity. Try to pay attention, Steamcel. Still waiting for you to spill that spaghetti, kiddo.

>Who gives a shit

I do, because it's at the point where there's tons of actually decent to good indie games I'm missing out on that get buried under said asset flips.

The problem isn't people buying the shitty shovelware assetflips, it's that good games get buried under said shovelware assetflips in the storefront since every day there's like 50 new shitty asset flips that take up the new releases section

ALso acting as if wanting curation means that valve will use algotrithms to fuck over niche titles or controversial games is dumb as fuck, it's possible to have curation measures which aren't based on moral guidelines or how niche/mainstream something is but rather not allowing obvious bullshit made in 5 minutes in unity with defeault assets.

Also valve is ALREADY denying things based on moral guidelines, sadly.,

valve deciding to use curation would also be them excerising their right as a private company you dumbass

This is honestly the case whether you like it or not. People will gravitate towards the path of least resistance even if it ends up being worse option. Normalfags likes being told what their opinions should be.

Although that's surface level of marketing, if you genuinely believe you made a decent game then word of mouth has always proved to be the best form of advertising for obvious reasons. Key requisite "made a decent game".

Yes steam does remove games from the store that are viruses when it is brought to their attention much like walmart recalls a product when it is discovered a majority of the packages are full of broken glass. Walmart doesnt go and open 50 boxes themselves to check before putting them on their shelves so what is your point?

>business with a long-tail

What a retard.

Why would you need a shopping cart to buy 5 games? I mean, how fat to you even need to be to need a virtual cart to buy fucking video games lmao cant relate

I hope Fortnite dies a fast death.

>founder of lootboxes and microtransactions

except there are games nobody is finding to begin with due to it being buried under the flood of asset flips and as such nobody hears about it on Yea Forums, fromn friends, etc.

they like to argue that indie devs shouldn't have to market their games, but they ignore the fact that the biggest AAA games still need to spend millions on marketing despite normalfags knowing about them already.

doing research and taking personal responsibility are "imaginary strawmen" now? Do like everyone else has told you and learn how to navigate the store better.

>God you people are fucking retarded.

>Unironically uses Fallout 76 as an example
>The game which went from 60 to 20 within a week because of all the negativity and controversy
>The game who's bulk of sales came from being sold alongside other things such as graphic cards and special console deals
>The game which had rumors of going f2p
>The game with the laziest coding to date, basically releasing an alpha build for sale
You breathe using your nose not your mouth, dumbfuck

Just market your game better.

BL3 will fail like your life failed
no get lost SJW loser

>it's that good games get buried under said shovelware assetflips in the storefront since every day there's like 50 new shitty asset flips that take up the new releases section

Do you actually have any proof of this? What are these supposed "good games" we're all missing out on?

>pic related

Attached: 2019-09-10 13_04_12-How well are PC games selling on Steam in 2019.pdf - Google Drive.png (998x567, 126K)

Destiny 2 looks better than Borderlands 3
Destiny 2 runs better than Borderlands 3
Destiny 2 is written better than Borderlands 3 =
Borderlands 3 is written worse than Destiny 2
Sounds like Borderlands got some shitty devs :)

>all these people that need to go back to 3rd grade arithmetic

Then they should have done something to stick out. If they can be so completely buried that they fly under the radar of literally everyone and everything odds are you're missing out on literally nothing

Image getting this mad after getting BTFO by your own stupid theory ROFL

>except there are games nobody is finding to begin with
>there's tons of actually decent to good indie games I'm missing out on that get buried under said asset flips.

Like what? What are these mystery great games that are falling through the cracks?

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He can't even spell thing correctly.
The state... The absolute state...

No. It has no impact on anything except "average" statistics that include them.

Yes they do. They check all their products before putting it on the shelf. That's what it means to have quality control. They won't sell something if it's dangerous or misleading.

>They pushed graphics fidelity!
Explain how that should tank performance and why that's a good thing, shill

HeHe compared to us the epic store, the average game sells 500.000 units! (paid for by yours truly Tim Sweeney ;) ). Looks like steam is finished! btfo! Or as us, successful people would say, Rekt.

It's called marketing and it's very important.

Have you ever actually been to a walmart? I can guarantee you they do not check every individual product

>Bought RX 5700 XT last month to last me into next gen
>Only 41 FPS

God I hope devs aren't so lazy next gen. I bought a 3200hz 32 gig of ram because devs have been so lazy about memory this gen.

If they fell through the cracks how would they know them? :^)

I prefer gameplay and framerate over graphics myself.

How far he’s fallen

What's that? No argument? Thanks for posting!

I remember in 2012ish when Mutant Mudds got rejected on Steam and indie devs wouldn't shut up about it. Years later and they're still acting like a bunch of entitled cunts. They'll never be happy.

They really don't, if they did then there wouldn't even be such a thing as product recalls now would there?

Yes, individual product can possibly have defects. There's a difference though between selling a toy that might have a piece break off and selling a toy that's nothing but broken pieces. Steam does the latter and they take no responsibility when they should.

>google to check who this guy is
>twitter link
>multiple posts about pushing Ebin Games
so he is doing bad statistics on purpose to sell more positive image for mouth breathers???

I cant tell if people are playing along by pretending this is real or if people actually think it's real

Kys falseflagging bugmen, sucky sucky like dick

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If they don't know them then how do they know they even exist in the first place?

Because he is claiming to know that they exist somehow.

No argument, just facts

like how you didnt say BL3 would not fail and hwo you are human with right
only cry about spelling on Yea Forums
yea i won you lost next post you make thats not a link to your suicide stream is you making it worse for yourself

where my gogbros at?

Attached: 1532544190098.jpg (475x475, 54K)

>expired food never accidentally gets sold

>Interview from 2011 where gayben is trashtalking singleplayer games
It's fucking real you brainlet

they undid that retard epictard

Steam refusing to curate the store of garbage is ultimately what will kill it.

You're seriously too young to be posting here.

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Who are you to decide what is classed as a good game? There are dozens upon dozens of examples of "shitty looking" indie games finding success. Do you think Slay The Spire would have been given a chance on the EGS?

Steam lets people just put moldy food that expired years ago in the cooler.

>steam sales come form indie nothing, not actual games!

You deserve it for wasting 100 bucks on this """game"""
People dont sell out for no reason, and you would do well to remember that in the future

Except its a meme argument where no one in any of these threads can explain how its actually affecting them

Just like how a huge store like Walmart can't check every single product nor can Steam check every single game, do you expect them to play everything through to completion to make sure they're all fully functional?

a better example would be amazon, walmart is a physical store with staff and customer service that you can go into
with amazon anyone can sell you anything and a lot of the time no one is checking shit

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So exactly like walmart then

No problem man, come back if you finally come up with an argument!


I actually agree, that is a good analoge

you're right, all those garbage games will surely stop people from buying games like sekiro and dmc5

taking that off makes steam even more appealing


>Implying I bought it or any Borderlands

I'm here to mock Randy because Segafag, there's plenty of devs as lazy as Gearbox so optimization is something to worry about.

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My guy, you're being way too optimistic about walmart. Ever been to one in a less than nice area? Literal trash heap in store form

>what's marketing?
>what's curators?
The good indie games i heard about came from advertising, curators or organically through friends, sites etc. Stop being a whindie faggot and learn how to market your game.

Just like anyone with two braincells to rub together would suspect. This is just another circle jerk for the "muh steam bad because it doesnt adverise my game for free" crowd
Steam is fucking shit because it still censors games that have nothing illegal, but next to the complete curation of egs that is still preferable
Also it has a shopping cart and you dont get locked for buying games, which is also cool

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This guy is indie publisher. He's been doing those alarmist analyses for few years now as part of bussiness model. He's also big shill for discord.

Just google his name + gdc.

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And I think you're trying to hard to stick to your guns when you are blatantly incorrect. How many lawsuits have you heard of from Walmart selling moldy food? If they were like steam, it'd be a new hot lawsuit every single day.

How about reviews, achievement, comments, social presence, account linking, account sharing and a list of other shit, you pooh

This argument has never made sense. Stores like Walmart all stock complete low value garbage at the lowest end of the pricepoints. People don't complain that it stops them from finding the good quality products and it's not the store's job to tell you to go for the better more expensive stuff or restrict your options

Attached: shit beer.jpg (800x533, 106K)

Congrats, you fell for every two bit indie's excuse when their sub standard game doesn't sell well when they expected it to become the next braid.

Steam's rise to prominence was largely because they had every major indie title during the indie boom of the late 2000s/Early 2010s and indies getting on Steam when it was a more exclusive platform was enough of an advertising platform to properly them to greater heights than they would have been able to reach without it.
Steam's refusal to perform basic shit like making sure games run and aren't just mining customers bitcoins while good games wallow in irrelevancy will kill it. "muh better cut" angle that epic is going with will NEVER sway customer but not needing to sift through a mountain of garbage absolutely will.


noone wants 2% lager

>all the valve drones seething at this post

Walmart has aisles that neatly organize content and make everything visually accessible to you, retard

A physical and online store aren't the same beast.

Good thing Valve introduced steam labs to help customers find actual games.

>while good games wallow in irrelevancy

Doesn't happen

How has capcom been in this regard? Im thinkibg of preordering the new legacy collection on steam, but i dont want to get shafted like these idiots

was enough of an advertising platform to propel them to*

I'm not trying to argue anything about steam. I'm trying to argue walmart would absolutely sell you moldy food. I've literally gotten moldy produce from there before! They just immediately give you your money back if you complain, hence why no one suits. Also do you know anything about the american courts??? Do you remember what happened to that woman who got 3rd degree burns from her McD's coffee??

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Fuck me sideways, this is the guy who made that political pro-EU knockoff of Papers Please.
What a fucking faggot holy shit.

>Customer has to personally redesign steams storefront
>Something 90%+ of them will never touch
You know what would be easier? Not flooding your storefront with trash.

I didn't even know Steamlabs was a thing until right now

Like stores organize their shit into aisles Steam organizes by category, you don't walk down the dairy aisle looking for meat and complain about all the fucking milk do you?

True, and they will find some way to abuse the rules to remove games they don't like

Yes, but Valve will let nearly anything on these days.

No it's not, at least destiny has good gameplay and lore, despite being jewish in its practices
>Lol XD random epic weapons and poop quest unicorns
That's borderlands you fag

An argument for what?

I have a middle ground:
Quality porn games

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>Do you remember what happened to that woman who got 3rd degree burns from her McD's coffee?
Yes, she won her case. What's your point?

The funny thing is that if we got the curation they're asking for their shit would never make it onto the store. It probably won't get into EGS either

Haven't heard issues with new games of theirs on PC in a long time (I vaguely recalls some DRM issue with a street fighter game but not into fighten games) but I do hear lots of bitching about rereleases of older games. Forced filters and sloppy porting of two decade old code means there's assloads of bitching that you get a better experience emulating the original.

Sorting by category is isn't a solution because the sorting within each category is atrocious.

Its like if every aisle in the store were a mess, and somethings were in the wrong aisles, and certain sections were missing

>I'm a retarded consumer that doesn't use the tools readily available to me to find what I want

Big surprise.

Don't need bloatware, just video games.

This is so fucking bullshit. Who the hell just does random searches through the steam library to find something to buy? I hear about games from online communities, friends, advertisements, etc, as I've one for 3 decades. Then I go to the steam store and buy the game I want. Seriously, has anyone ever had the problem you're describing, ever?

Steamlabs is a place for Steam features in the making, that's why is not part of the main store yet.
Also you should check it out, it's pretty cool.

>I should do Valve's job of sifting through trash
This right here is exactly why Steam will die.

"Piracy is a service problem" - Gabe Newell

That's actually good to hear, all the bad press made me to think she lost it.

People who buy traditional games are older now and have less time. Current teenagers buy flavor of the year AAA games and play F2P shit. The market simply stagnated. That's why a lot of AAA games fail to meet unrealistic expectations. They extrapolated from sales in the last 10 years but that's not how it works.

Clark Tank says the opposite, amount of released games are going down.

> Average

where the fuck are you people finding this trash? I just looked at my store page in the client. where are all of these asset flips? where? how do you people keep finding this crap?

No. Steam only cares about maximizing their revenue. Not that quality games get more exposure than asset flips.

>Steam's refusal to perform basic shit like making sure games run and aren't just mining customers bitcoins while good games wallow in irrelevancy will kill it

Irrelevant because no one is actually buying this shit games and 99% of people are finding a way to the games they want.
You're literally making up an imaginary issue based on a hypothetical person who just goes through the entire store randomly with somehow zero outside informed idea of what they're looking for.

I mean the only reason I ever even hear about shit asset flip games is from people on here deliberately going looking for them so they can make le ebin THE ABSOLUTE STATE threads

Attached: mask2.jpg (640x640, 81K)

This performance is inexcusable holy shit

>good games wallow in irrelevancy
Can you provide even one example?

This is what I don't get about this curation argument. It's the same as amazon, say if you need to buy headphones or some shit, do you just type "headphones" into the search bar and pick out whatever amazon recommends? You fucking don't. You do what you just said, you get recommendations, you read reviews, advertisements etc. You don't kick and scream that amazon should only sell one kind of headphone to make it easier to choose.

>Hurr I will get the arithmetical average of all sales and compare it with last year

This isnt how you do statistics jesus fuck I hate americans

>the average person doesn't understand that the average game sales is effected by game quantity

>it harder to actually find games that you are interested in
Not an issue for me. I never even see asset flips unless I look for them.

Quit lying chang.

The McDonald's coffee thing has become a bit of meme, but when you look into it it's nowhere near as frivolous as it sounds, I mean do you know how hot something has to be to give you third-degree burns? That's a deep skin burn just shy of your muscle, they were definitely in the wrong.


this. OP is a brainlet zoomer

user, you gotta use your big boy brain and just click on what you want. They even let you sort games by reviews so you don't get shit games!

Attached: Untitled.png (990x926, 309K)


Absolutely meaningless

>I am literally too lazy to push a couple of buttons and must be told and spoonfed exactly what I want

This here is exactly why games are shit.

Oh yeah that's what I mean, she absolutely deserved to win but everyone shit on her. I also assumed she lost her case as, in my mind, I figured "people would know the truth if she won. Since it's still a meme McD's probably successfully covered it up"

>90% of the store is asset flips with 1-4 sales

Still gotta go looking for trash if you want to pirate it.

You might think that as a consumer the store front treating devs like shit doesn't matter. But it will bite your ass in due time.

>Pyre came out
>Got pushed off the recent releases within the day
>Steam chose Dream Daddy for the recent releases at the top of the storefront over it
>As a result, Pyre sold astronomically smaller numbers than it's predecessors Bastion and Transistor as it got smothered by garbage releases and Steam's neglect
>Next game (Hades) they go with Epic instead
many such cases

Attached: Pyre cover.jpg (300x405, 34K)

>only data from releases between July 5 and August 6
>no data from AAA titles
>removes top and bottom 5% of remaining sales figures

this, quality of games are at an all time low while output is at an all time high.
of course that means that games on average sell less now, but it doesn't mean that good games are not successful

Take a screenshot of your storefront and show us all the trash youre allegedly seeing.

valve is too busy with banning adult games

So this is what it looks like when a Steamcel has a meltdown when presented with facts. Brilliant.

Literally everyone knows what Pyre is

>but it doesn't mean that good games are not successful
As if. There is a ton of good smaller games that get buried for no reason at all. Certainly not because of their quality.

I've never even heard of this game. Sounds more like terrible marketing.

Why do that when I can just go to a store that doesn't sell garbage to begin with?

Good to know everything is bloatware.
Just like that steam install required to run epic games LMAO

>Don't like multiplayer
>Can pirate anything I'm into

Oh no I'm so scared, should I be angry that Tim is paying for my games?

Indies do jackshit marketing then complain their games dont sell
What they gonma complain about when Epic have so many special snowflakes that want front page attention that no one will get front page attention?

ill never forgive the faggots who complained about her

That's for the top 20% of games. He admits in the next post that the other 80% doesn't make any money.

>the store front treating devs like shit doesn't matter

There's literally no way to make those indie devs happy though. Their entire position on curation is completely just "every indie game should receive lower visibility unless it's my indie game"

It's hilarious that you don't think this situation would just recreate on any store that has to deal with indie devs who think Steam owes them a living by charging £10 for the kind of thing that 15 years ago would have been a free browser game. I mean why arent all these people millionaires off Itchio?

Attached: 1443180652858.png (327x319, 78K)

Theyre buried under each other too you tard. If theres shitloads of good games inevitably some of them are going to underperform.


Attached: 1552870556772.jpg (1334x1334, 143K)

I've seen Pyre on the front page multiple times, even sure it during some of the sales events. Seems more like most people weren't interested in that type of gameplay, I sure wasn't.

>But it will bite your ass in due time.

Like what? More asset flips and shitty indie games being pushed out by actual good games?

While GOG is a good place, their updating could use a bit more work
But otherwise, sure. Good work supporting actual competition

That was literally front page "new release" for all to see. I sure saw it and said "nah I ain't paying that much"

>There is a ton of good smaller games that get buried for no reason at all
Oh yeah? Like what? Surely you can name a handful since there are by your words "a ton" of them suffering this fate.

Existing history already shows that

>Steam starts off curated
>Indie devs bitch they can't get on steam
>Steam does greenlight
>Indie devs bitch about favouritism and shit controlling who wins it
>Steam says fuck it and lets everyone on

The only winning move is not to play.

Bastion got fellated to hell and back during the time when indie games started to become relevant and it had pretty much no competition. Bastion is clearly an outlier.
I personally only knew about Transistor because it was a game "by the creators of Bastion".
Now Bastion is too old to be remembered by people who got into video games in the last 5 or so years, they have to do marketing like a normal company now.

The Bloodlines 2 image makes me giggle. I’m still astounded Epic managed to fuck up a sale of all things.


How can there be a special front page release if theres hundreds of these hidden gems?

The thing egs shills and indie devs dont realize is that these supposed hidden gems would be part of the fat cut if valve started to curate their store. Egs is literally demonstrating that standard.

But that takes effort, and he doesn't want that, by the time he's done going through the list it's time to fap to his waifu again and then he's tired

>It took 6 years for people to realize PCMR
and PC gaming are a meme.

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I really don't give a shit about statistics.
I like the Steam store, and I dislike the Epic games store. Tried both, Steam prevails with user interface. You can always offer free games and boast about how the EGS is catering to developers but at the end of the day Steam has more features than EGS, in which the consumer (Yes, you! YOU the consumer have say in this, remember!!) will purchase on the Steam store.

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