ALSO the cracker manually deleted each of the 19 pride flags. This process took longer than cracking the game but he did God's work and he would re-do such a thing even tho it took him 2 days

download size 64gb....repack expected at about 40gb

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why is Yea Forums so powerful bros, first GG then we elected Trump now we're physically removing trannies.... damn

we won the culture war

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>the cracker manually deleted each of the 19 pride flags.
And? It's still SJW garbage regardless of the flags.

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this but removing the tranny flags makes them seethe


we won gamers

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I'm just here to remind you that "non-binary people" are not necessarily trannies, but on the sense of "there are more non-binaries than trannies".
And also to remind you that every single one of em without exception is a mini-hitler wanting to enforce you to learn their 150+ genders and weird pronouns with the end goal of the police beating the fuck out of you for using the wrong pronoun.

Reminder that the best way to cure trannies is to deny them their victimhood

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Sure but I'm still not downloading that shit. Talk to me when they remove the shitty female protagonist and the gameplay not shit.

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>ALSO the cracker manually deleted each of the 19 pride flags

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I don't particularly care about this shit but by that logic doesn't that means it's not censorship when a animu game gets censored in the west, since the original Japanese version that's uncensored is available?

That's why people say "censored in the west".

>original Japanese
except people can't read japanese you fucking retard

>tfw all these tears

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Exactly, they just censored the US version, not the Japanese.
For example Sony is the official publisher/owner/developer/distributor of the game and has censored content by covering it up/hiding it/removing it compared to other version of the same game.
Its not a fan-made, alternative mod which did some changes which does not impact the original game in any way, shape or form

But your acting like it's not a big deal in this case, when in the case of weeb shit couldn't you just get the Japanese version?
Why do you need to know what the bitch is saying just jerk off your dick lmao

Is it just me or is this thread being autosaged

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This is an incredibly low IQ post.


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Properly, we already had and discussed it in detail last thread. This is just going to be frogposting.

it gets autosaged if you put tranny or trannies in the title or text body, remake the thread without these words

Because this is not censorship, its just a mod
>mfw somebody censors the AI in Skyrim with companion mods
>mfw somebody censors the textures in Skyrim with custom ones
>mfw somebody censors the entire shooter into a puzzle game with an overhaul mo.. I mean censorship pack

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why the fuck you need to know what the chink is saying lmao just jerk off nigga lmao

Yeah because the mods are trannies themselves. LMAO

>Why do you need to know what the bitch is saying just jerk off your dick lmao
so you're admitting defeat? good

It's a mod removing something political because you don't like it or want to see it.

I'm saying you don't need to know what someone is saying in one of those games just beat your dick to the tits faggot.

Well, I mod out Redguards.
Is that censorship?

Okay? There exists mod for 3D modeled horse vaginas too. Does it matter to the original, uncensored game?
You can choose to not use this mod, you know?

That does not make any sense, just like how you will never be a female. Cope and Dilate.

>There exists mod for 3D modeled horse vaginas
But, why...?


>the western release is not censored if you hinder your experience
who's forcing to use the pirated version just dilate lmao

But there shouldn't be.


The autism of ponyfags reigns eternal

New thread before auto sage