How would you survive it?

How would you survive it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

This looks like claymore mine, so probably not at all.

Poorly. I've got a lot of shit for it to work with.

Fuck, I actually came here to say that it looked like a claymore.

There will never be another Silent Hill nor a game that matches its atmosphere.
How do you sleep at night knowing this?

just leave lol

the thing that scares me the most is if we are going by the silent hill 2 version where it becomes the shit that torments you the most i dont even know what that would be.
i struggle man, i really do.

just give me a shotgun and a box of shells and ill survive anything that comes my way.

Nobody here would survive and you're fucking lying if you say you would

It'd be deeply insightful into me as a person but assuming I have no prior knowledge as to what is actually going on, I'd likely not survive.

Just sit around and eat pizza

Turn 360 degrees and walk away

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Turn away. If I already accidentally entered it, then I will pray that Pyramid Head's execution will be swift and painless.

Probably by not having enough fuck ups in my head to cause the city to react and create the monstrosities representing it.

I wonder what my father’s disappointment would manifest as...

I'd probably be more like Harry and have to deal with someone elses issues.

With how fucked I am in the head, I'd probably be reborn as an elder god or something

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Pyramid head is hot.

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Get far enough to secure a gun then blast myself in an attempt to spare me the physical torture I'd receive wading through my own personal Silent Hill.

I probably wouldn't. I get scared about things too easily, to be faced with a town that's manifesting my worst fears would be too much. Probably the same for most people too.

Lol dumbass If you turn 360 degrees your facing the opposite way

Walk around butt ass naked and have sex with the bubble nurses and then leave after a day lol

You're thinking 360 degrees clockwise. He'd do 360 degrees counter clockwise.

I'm sure I could make an attempt, but that would require me putting effort.

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she'd chop your dick before you even get close enough. plus i doubt they have anything there

Fucking newfag

then make one with what she's supposed to chop your dick with

Michael Jackson constantly turned 360 and walked away. How do you explain that?

Oh shit. That makes sense

Nothing it can show or do to me is more bleak and surreally horrifying than real life. I welcome the sweet release of death, only it can spare me from the rest of this existential nightmare.

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>How to survive
If we're talking about SH2 version of the town: you won't.
You're pretty much already fucked once you've stepped foot on or near the vicinity. The town is a blackhole. You won't even be able to an hero out of it.

Imagine being this ez b8'd

neither have seen a real claymore mine because they don't look anything like that

shit bait yo

yeh but could 3 trillion lions take on the sun?

Glad you learned at least one thing to lord over civvies during your indentured servitude to Israel, military user

Do not do things that will get me into Silent hill.

If u break 3 trillion lions then you got 6 trillion lion. Lion always win

Iv never actually played any silent hill games but isnt it like the more guilt/"inner demons" you have the more fuckup shit you see/experience? Or is that town REALLY haunted?

I have alot of trauma, I'm still getting over my breakup to.

What do the monsters in silent Hill look like when noone is around?
But Silent hill always exist in you. Face it or die.

That picture is just not the same without Paullie.

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i wouldn't
i would die like a bitch most likely

>b-b-b-but he was joking!
Likely but consider that when you re-visit the area where you first fight an enemy in 2 there's police tape there now.

Silent Hill would do wonders with my fear of death/entropy/decay....
I don't know senpai.

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It depends on the game.
SH1 and SH3 are more of a haunted town with satanic rituals that shows fucked up shit regardless if you are a saint or not.
SH2 is the take i like more, the town by itself is completly harmless to innocent people, and you only see your own inner demons. James dosen't see the same shit Eddie sees, and vice-versa. Once James gets over his traumas, the town can no longer touch him

Depends on the game. 1 and 3 treat it as a place where a cult opened a path to an alternate dimension that demons exist in, 2 and 4 it's more just a person's personal hell

>and 4
Someone misunderstood the lore~

Where did he get it though?

I probably wouldn't.

Entropy is act more scary, it wouldn't be just cold it would probably have pockets of brown luke warm mud like stuff, that is a mix of useless, unusable mud.

Eh 4 is less fitting, but I always viewed it as an agorophobe being forced to face his fear of the worst of humanity trying to kill him, namely a serial killer. I haven't played it in a million years though so I'm sure I've forgotten plenty of details

>if I pretend video games go out of their way to be unrealistic, people will think I'm actually in the military!

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Head straight into the popcorn mines.


I'm transgender, so I'm expecting my Pyramid Head equivalent to be a burly figure that's being forcibly bound into a more feminine shape with wrapping, straps, and metal braces that have been riveted on, and probably a literal axe wound bisecting the crotch, which should represent my fear of surgery despite also seeing it as necessary for subduing the looming threat of masculinization, as well as all my self doubts. I've got other shit, but I'm sure that'd be the centerpiece.

I would leave. What are the rules of SH, if you leave the town is that it or are you stuck in a foggy hell parallel dimension of the real world like what happened at the end of the first SH movie?

/pol/ shit aside, SH filtered though a trans character would lead to some really cool imagery.

I want the discord trannies to leave

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Short answer? No

Typically people don't leave Silent Hill because the thing that drew them to it in the first place is that there's something in it that they're looking for. So, if you're on a trip to Silent Hill already, then that implies there must be something that's going to compel you to go through with it and stay.

Only if they did it right and treated transgenderism as a warped view of reality, which they wouldn't. Instead it'd be made by some pozzed Western Dev and all the monsters would have "subtle" red hats

The chick in the middle wants to fuck the viewer so hard

Discord trannies don't have the self awareness to think of it in such an "ugly" context.

I used to think Silent Hill was fairly unsettling stuff. Then I grew up and realized SH would simply kill you faster than everyday existence. And with less suffering involved.

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It's the town that should figure this out.

It's something that I've thought about before. The current scientific understanding of gender dysphoria is basically that your brain did or did not masculinize when it wasn't or was supposed to, respectively. The reason it's not classified as a delusion is because of that, it's accurately coming to the realization that your brain and your body did not develop together properly. So, it makes for an interesting lens through which to examine humans as organisms, basically the glitches inherent to biology. There's a sort of natural body horror aspect to it, and knowing that the best way to settle it is to reshape your body as best as currently medically possible is really subtly terrifying in a surreal way. It's a glaring message from the universe that you're not guaranteed even the slightest thing, there is no "should" in nature, things just happen because that's how they've settled into happening.

I think the thing about SH is you can't expect anything. When it comes to the first 4 games only James had a pyramid head type of figure. It would likely revolve more so around other things that you wouldn't even mention on Yea Forums. I mean the characters from the first 4 things were beyond damaged.
>Alessa's entire life was absolute suffering
Everyone hated her for being a "witch". She was literally burned alive and somehow lived. She was suffering in her hospital bed for (However long) while she was constantly producing fresh blood and puss. She was in such shape that Lisa, her nurse, became more and more disgusted. It was a trial for her to even help that Alessa. All of this manifested as the walls, the floors, several monsters, the darkness, parasites. Of course SH1 is the most generic of the first 4, but that's what I started describing and I'm not about to bring up another game.

I don't think figuring out your own personal SH is as easy as people think.

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Apparently proofreading isn't easy either. Sorry about that. I rewrote a few parts without rereading it.

Kill yourself

>All the monsters have dicks and tits
Yeah real fuckin cutting edge design

Silent Hill barely ever seems to be the same thing twice, so even taking examples from what we've seen of it before likely doesn't really factor in at all one way or the other.


>Go to Silent Hill
>Nothing changes
What the hell, Yea Forums, you guys told me it would be my own personal hell.

t.western designer

Good point. It's only been somewhat samey when Alessa is involved.

Oh, my bad.
>All the monsters now have DD gravity defying tits and fat throbbing cocks barely hidden by scraps of cloth, and moan seductively when you attack them

The real shit is when you're starting to self-reflect enough to suspect you have dysphoria when you're around 14 years old and the yawning terror of puberty stretches out before you, knowing that you're going to be changed into something you find abhorrent. It'd be like knowing over the course of the next few years, you were going to be transformed slowly into an ox, and then you were going to have to live the rest of your life as an ox or try to somehow cut yourself back into human shape. That's the kind of thing you've got to figure out how to represent.

All you're doing is proving that you're unsubtle and an idiot but please keep going.

Why's his shirt pixelated?

This post right here. Silent Hill would just be a normal town for almost everyone, so buy your fucking postcard and enjoy a cozy town

>omg being a grown male is scary shit
>become failed male instead of a regular gay man

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Nurses are hot. Since Silent Hill monsters are relatively pretty slow, I'd rush to the hospital and burry my face on their breasts asap

They probably feel weird and slimy though

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same shit

Turns out it does a lot better to break up silhouettes than classical camo, plus it's easier for a computer to generate.

I don't think I'd survive. I'd bad with people, so all the monsters would probably spawn in groups and beat the shit out of me.

finding some mental illness forum and absorbing their degeneracy isn't "finding yourself"'
this dick-chopping shit is taught, not discovered

Me too might survive but I would get so maimed and physically scarred that I would be fucked for life.

This will never be not funny.

It's an issue with the brain, user. You don't get to weight the pros and cons and argue with your gray matter, it's about your instincts, it's about the part of your brain that looks at other people and picks up social cues for how you should behave and look, and how that clashes with how you're having to live. There are chemicals your brain is expecting to get that it isn't, responses that don't make sense. It's a total breakdown of the human machine.

>he doesn’t know about the best doujin ever made.

Breed the nurses and then raise my children to fight the enemy.

Kill the fuck out of everything there is, because if this experience can really change a person for the better, then why not. I'm fucked up. I might as well try whatever it is to make myself a better person.

the one where the knight trains the tentacle monster so she wouldn't feel bad killing him but then she ends up liking him so they become a team?

There's several studies that present evidence that dysphoria is rooted in a physical condition of the brain. There are certain parts of the brain that masculinize during the growth of the fetus, and post-mortem examination of the brains of individuals who identified as trans, as well as living brain scans, have shown these parts to be outside the normal range for what would be expected for their biological sex and fitting with the gender they identify as. Additionally, studying the response to stimuli, such as pheromones or brain activity during thinking exercises, reveal patterns of electrical responses that are markedly different between male and female brains, and transgender individuals, even before hormone therapy, show patterns corresponding to their expressed gender identity. It's even shown that in cases where one fraternal twin expresses dysphoria, the other twin almost always expresses it too. The brain and the genitals masculinize at different stages of development, they're handled by different processes, and sometimes they can fuck up. In all the billions and billions of people, there's times where shit just goes wrong.

The chemical angle is bullshit foisted on you by the pharmaceutical industry. Decades ago men with psychological problems like yours cross dressed in private or got together in remote locations. They didn't push their disorder on the world and demand acceptance. You're a victim of junk science no different than a depressive hooked on antidepressants. The only difference is people like you mutilate themselves and scream to the world about how rational it is to do so. You've got no allies here.

>fraternal twin
Wait, shit, the other one.

This isnt your blog youre off topic from the thread. Stop writing blogposts about your self inflicted condition just for attention. Nobody wants to know about your sick fetish. Go back to discord

>dysphoria is rooted in a physical condition of the brain

Maybe if all these moms would stop drinking xanax and snorting wine while they're pregnant, we wouldn't have most of these problems would we?

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Feel free to respond to everyone else too. I posted entirely on-topic in my first post.

If silent hill existed IRL i would trick my friends into visiting it and bringing a gopro lmao

Now that's just a discussion about faith, isn't it?

It'll also be easier for a computer to read when the AI betrays and kills us all

turn around

It very easily could be. Trannys are given to mindlessly spreading their doctrine just like any religious zealot would be.

360 and drive away

I don't sleep.

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Starts with Silent Hill, ends with tranny discussion
>Welcome to Yea Forums

And you aren't? Everything you've said is something you can empirically prove?

Look in the mirror

Silent Hill plays with your inner fears. I am a man, I have no fears.

Go to Heaven's Night, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of it to blow over.

do you have a cute feminine penis i could suck on?

I can't prove anything. There is only what is sane and non-destructive versus the opposite.


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Those are pretty arbitrary categories. Or, rather, it's more that the qualifications for what you could put in either category are very vague. Is it sane and non-destructive to cut open dead bodies? To take parts from one body and attach them to another? To crack open a living man's ribs and carve his heart with a scalpel?

Thanks for putting your mental illness on display.

That's hardly a rebuttal. I'm sure you understand what I'm going for here.

Everything would look exactly the same

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>Is it sane and non-destructive to cut open dead bodies?
For the purposes of an autopsy? Yes. For amusement? No.
>To take parts from one body and attach them to another?
For transplants that improve or save someone's life? Yes.
>To crack open a living man's ribs and carve his heart with a scalpel?
If we're talking about necessary surgery, then yes. I don't believe you know exactly where you're going with this. But by all means go on.

Simply put, people just as confident as yourself, or moreso, would have flatly said "no" to all of those examples at various points in history.

Apples and oranges.

And now we're back on faith.

I'm not the tranny you're discussing with, but did you know gay people have brain structures more similar to the opposite sex? Trannies are basically turbo fags so it would make sense if the same shit applied to them.

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Reading through this shit I realize you guys care way too much about appearance.

I wouldn't give 2 shits if I'm male, female, alien or how whatever the fuck I look. If I'm attracted to something I'll just fuck it but my physical appearance is not something that you can really change or is it worth changing in the end. See how many ugly people exist while also accepting themselves? Even if I can change it through surgery, it doesn't feel genuine or real. If you think you're ugly, surgery won't help. You'll just feel way more disgusting in the end because surgery means cutting something that you already found ugly in its core.

But anyway, beyond all that, I think you have to be a dumb narcissist chauvinist in order to think your gender appearance it's important or worth caring for. Why bother for something so trivial and insignificant is beyond me.

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>Yea Forums goes to silent hill
>its full of black trannies that try and force you to confront your insecure sexuality

That's a pretty shallow read. Appearance is only a factor, because appearance would help your self-image and also how others perceive you. Have you ever done something you have a deeply ingrained instinct not to do? That feeling of wrongness is the same, or similar to, how gender dysphoria is experienced. It's not caring about appearance because you want to be pretty, it's caring about appearance because some deep-seated part of you is saying that how you appear now is wrong. How you're behaving doesn't conform to what your brain's profile of social behavior says you should be behaving. How the way other people perceive and react to you doesn't fit with your brain's self-image. You might as well tell someone with OCD "Yeah, I don't think that'd bother me" when their brain is screaming at them to scour their hands clean.

Because he fought in the console wars

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This is a really bad understanding of SH1 and 3 lore. No dimension full of demons is opened by the cult. Their god doesn’t exist. There is a power in the town the native Americans used to convene with that was neutral or benevolent but when Alessa is sacrificed to birth the Incubus, her latent psychic powers are activated and through her and the force pre-existing in the area is channeled and warped by her pain and neuroses. Thereafter, the force in the town is never the same again and becomes autonomous of Alessa.

>People only hate trannies because they're insecure in their sexuality
Is that what you tell yourself?

a true patrician know that the first joke it's nothing without ones that take the bite. infact the bait is merely cerimonial like a lithurgical act in a catholic church, even if he known, he had to pretend. And even you response, falling for it or not, is part of the lithurgy.

Oh ok, but I don't understand why not try to get help and overcome that feeling instead of feeding it.

I mean, wouldn't you want to be free from being bothered by something that most people don't care?
Because at least you understand that it's objectively something that shouldn't be important instead of an aspect of your life. And on top of that, feeding it won't really "cure" it or make you at peace. Why most trannies kill themselves anyway. Why do they never feel comfortable no matter how many surgeries.

That "feeling" you're describing is the problem itself. It will never go away no matter how many hormones or surgeries you get. I think the only way to be free and comfortable is to understand why that feeling exists and how you get rid of it, but any scientist that tries to figure that out will get permabanned.

You might be right, except that the instance rate for anxiety, depression, and yes, even suicidal tendencies drops across the process of transitioning. "Feeding" it actually can help to put you at peace. Even further on, there have even been studies where social acceptance programs were shown to decrease the instance rate of suicidal tendencies among transgender individuals in locations where they were implemented.

>Why most trannies kill themselves anyway.
The 40% suicide rate statistic is a bit misleading. It's not that 40% of transgender individuals commit suicide, it's taken from a study where transgender participants were asked if they had ever attempted or seriously considered suicide. You'd be exaggerating quite a lot to say "most kill themselves" there.

The average Yea Forums-goer has a myriad of very serious mental problems- myself included. None of us would survive.

But even if it was completely socially accepted, I'm highly suspicious of how sustainable it would be over time. Maybe at first you'd feel calmer but what do you think eventually happens when once you have transitioned and accepted, you still feel that void, that feeling of discomfort and disgust in the following years?
I don't think that feeling is able to be satisfied. Its cruel to be encouraged to do so while you are actually doomed to try to satisfy what is obviously impossible to satisfy. I say that because it's an abstract psychological phenomena. There's no meter of an exact solution, it depends on your own particular perception. And that perception can and most probably will change over time. So by feeding it I believe you'll just indulging in something that's infinite. You'll never be satisfied because every time you think you got the desired appearance, eventually you'll start to feel uncomfortable again.

And what makes you think just "overcoming" it is going to be a permanent solution? When the statistics are showing that not transitioning has higher rates of problems like anxiety, depression, and suicidal tendencies than transitioning, what makes you so confident that it's the better option?

Like a walk in the park.
Since Silent Hill does personalize the experience so i wouldnt have to be afraid of nothing.

drink a fuck ton of these

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Would be a cool game


Damn, for some reason a tranny protag in Silent Hill sounds really cool. I think they could do a lot with it. Hope the transition is going well user.

Look. I'm not the type to support this kind of shit but if you'll hear me out for just a moment. Don't get the surgery. Unless you can afford a million dollar celeb-tier surgeon just don't fucking risk it. I wouldn't wish the kind of Hell that a budget surgeon can inflict even on someone or something I hate.

>"trannies have different brains!"
>except the exhaustive reviews that have shown that when you control for sexual orientation, the idea of a "transgender brain" quickly vanishes into thin air
>"trannies have different chemicals in their bodies!"
>except not a single study has managed to prove this

if a tranny ever tells you this shit, all you have to do is ask xem the following question: how come a brain scan/hormone test is never required before getting a diagnosis?

>"b-but muh academia support!"
>reminder that research on transgender cessation is currently being suppressed by the transgender lobby, e.g. the Bath Spa University case
>reminder that research on methods to cure dysphoria without synthetic hormones and extreme plastic surgery is also being suppressed by the transgender lobby, e.g. the Kenneth Zucker case (they shut down his clinic over false allegations of abuse and "conversion therapy", yet last year he was awarded 500k in damages)

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I don't know if it will be a permanent solution.
I don't know if there even is a solution at all.
I prefer to be a bit more honest and just tell you that maybe you'll never have one.
I'm not an expert, I remember reading somewhere some treatments that worked, others that don't.
But my main point is that when encountered with a problem, the logical step would be to understand the root issue and work from there. If you got a problem with your mind, then it's your mind the problem and not your body or the rest of the world. I think if you can change that root issue, you'll be able to be free. Because you won't be depending on the standards your mind imposes you. I don't see any other way of approaching it. Transitioning seems just like a temporary way of placating the symptoms but definitely not a solution.

That’s literally how Yea Forums see things thoug. You don’t like something? Obviously you must be coping and insecure. So yes, it would be true for Yea Forums.

>except the exhaustive reviews that have shown that when you control for sexual orientation, the idea of a "transgender brain" quickly vanishes into thin air
Why post a study you never read?

>"trannies have different brains!"
>except the exhaustive reviews that have shown that when you control for sexual orientation, the idea of a "transgender brain" quickly vanishes into thin air

Tranny brain is a meme. It's all just varying degrees of gay brain

FUCK everything in sight.

I'm scared of having kids now thanks to all these "experts"
I don't want a retard with a diploma to call the cops on me because of them thinking that a baby doing a stupid thing, becasue they are fucking babies, means I have to put it on hrt or else I'm abusing my child

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More and more I think the only way is to go full Varg Vikernes living in the countryside and stockpiling guns for when the inevitable happens.
I fear every conservative family man will be forced to go out like John Marston in order to save his family.

I know right? It says the opposite of what the poster claimed.

make one of the abandoned houses my new home and live the neet life with no one to bother me.

Based answer.

>Mfw live in Spain and going into the wild and disappearing is now viable due to overbearing gov and gun ownership is ultra regulated
>That an my future wife and i hates the country side more than we hate the city

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Why are you trannies so retarded? All those yam/horse piss hormones fucking with your brains?
>The review of the available data seems to support two existing hypotheses: (1) a brain-restricted intersexuality in homosexual MtFs and FtMs and (2) Blanchard’s insight on the existence of two brain phenotypes that differentiate “homosexual” and “nonhomosexual” MtFs. The studies on the effects of cross-sex hormone treatment on the brain of MtFs and FtMs consistently indicate dramatic effects on the gray and white matter after short- to medium-term treatments but the long-term effects on the brain require evaluation. Finally, the postmortem studies should be interpreted in light of these in vivo findings as well as of their underlying mechanisms.
>The review of the available data seems to support two existing hypotheses: (1) a brain-restricted intersexuality in homosexual MtFs and FtMs and (2) Blanchard’s insight on the existence of two brain phenotypes that differentiate “homosexual” and “nonhomosexual” MtFs

>a good SH thread turns into a tranny discussion general
Can't you faggots keep it to /pol/?

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Oh yeah, no, I'm definitely not getting bottom surgery as it exists right now. I wouldn't advocate it for anyone except in such extreme cases that they would 100% kill themselves otherwise. That's part of why I went on about fear of surgery, because it's kind of appalling.

That study states several times that there is a distinct phenotype for transgendered brains, to the point they suggest it could be considered an intersex condition restricted to the brain. It also outlines how the brains of transgendered individuals differed from homosexual and heterosexual brains studied. Have you read this data yourself?

>how come a brain scan/hormone test is never required before getting a diagnosis?
Because there's yet to be a brain profile that accurately corresponds to the condition reliably enough to be trusted. There may never be such a profile, since the degree to which the condition of the brain is affected has quite a lot of variance. That's not even a condition unique to gender dysphoria. A brain scan can give you information that correlates to some conditions, but you can't even just scan a brain and say "yes, there's the dementia".

That's touching, but it's not necessarily accurate to conflate the mind with the brain. Compare something like depression, where the problem is that your brain is lacking an adequate number of neurotransmitters. That's not a problem with your mind, that's a physical problem with your brain. You're not going to think your way out of it. Assuming you can solve a problem in your brain with nothing but your brain doesn't pan out.

Explain what exactly you think that's saying, user.

Spain, huh? How accurate is its depiction in Resident Evil 4? A countryside filled with medieval towns, cults and witches seems pretty based.
I like your country, though. Pretty good movies and beautiful women. Almodóvar, Del Toro, Alex de la Iglesia, Manuela Velasco, etc...
I'd go if it weren't so leftist.

>Untreated MtFs and FtMs who have an early onset of their gender dysphoria and are sexually oriented to persons of their natal sex show a distinctive brain morphology, reflecting a brain phenotype.
It pretty much says translesbians and gay ftms are meme trannies and only "straight" trannies are valid.

Anyone on /lgbt/ could tell you that.

>Resident Evil 4
Aside from the fact that they speak in fucking mexican, the town is not that diferent from a village you could find in the middle of nowhere, but most likely would be totally abandoned or destroyed
And women might look good but they are bitchy fucking cunts and whores in general.
I want a carry on gun so badly, a pocket swiss knife does not make me feel safe, and the one I carry is already illegal, but no one says anything

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>being an actual unironic incel

You're an aberration and you will never, ever be accepted as you are. They can send a tranny fuckup to read Dr. Suess in every elementary school in the world and you will still be ultimately rejected.

Do all the complex mental gymnastics you like, you and your ilk will eventually be chased back into the shadows of society where you belong.


>that's a physical problem with your brain
Sure, I actually meant to include that too. I'm not a native english speaker.
But even if it's a physical problem there could be something to do regarding it.
Who knows, maybe it can be a combination of mind exercises and medical treatments. In the end, I don't think you lose anything looking into those options. I wouldn't underestimate the power the mind has, though. I know it sound cheesy but brains are incredibly plastic and with enough training you can be able to at least perceive certain issues in an easier way. It's a useful tool regardless.

I am not guilty, so I have no monsters to face :^)

>>being an actual unironic incel
Where do you get that from you absolute retard?
And you are wrong btw

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these. based double deck.

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Not gonna lie, my laddo. If I can have a state sponsored Manuela gf and also live in a comfy medieval town I'd be set.
Wait, how the fuck is a pocket knife illegal? Also, what does your gov do when all those refugees arrive in their boats? I'd want a gun too if they're just letting them in.

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Find the cult, shoot their God before it can finish manifesting into the world, be home in time for dinner.

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>how the fuck is a pocket knife illegal
Blades pf 6cm and longer are illegal to carry on you if they are easily accesible to use
>what does your gov do when all those refugees arrive in their boats
They are just nogs looking for money, they tend to them and then most of them are released and a lot of them go to france because most come from french speaking african countries. The ones that stay stick to major cities and are mostly from morocco and other northen african places. They just shit up the place and kill eachother in broad daylight in certain city sectors, with infighitng and fight with gypsies and slavs. Police is corrupt or has their balls in some leftist leader purse so most of the time nothing really happends.
God I hate this country, but I dont want to leave it to rot

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All I can say is, doing things that made me feel masculine has always been uncomfortable and anxiety inducing. One example that really stood out to me over the years was learning to shave. At one point in my early teenage years, a while after I'd started to grow hair, I was shaving my face and realized I was starting to get the hang of it. That realization struck a nerve. Suddenly, I was quite resentful. I didn't want to have to be good at shaving. I didn't want that to be something that was a part of me. I did eventually get used to shaving, until I finally got rid of that problem permanently, but it never got to be comfortable. It was always just something to suffer through.

I'll clarify another point as well though. I don't want to be transgendered. I don't want anyone else to be transgendered. I don't think of it as a good thing, or something to be proud of. It's an awful thing to have to deal with. However, living as a woman, being regarded as a woman, feels proper and fulfilling. It's what quelled my discomfort, and no amount of trying to get used to being a man ever did. It'd be a bit late to tell me not to go through with transitioning in any case. I've spun the wheel, and I'll be seeing where it lands one way or another.

please continue

If you're not allowed to have guns, how did all the ganados with guns get them, eh?

lol, retard

Attached: file.png (1156x579, 10K)

German civil war surplus?

>360 degrees
>Clearly shows an example of a 350 degrees turn

>tfw never played a single silent hill game
did I actually miss out on something ?

I might be a useless sack of shit but I’ve never been abused or done anything to be really guilty about besides being a useless sack of shit, so I’d probably be fine

low budget

Yeah. So many things poorly echo concepts that began in the early Silent Hill games, because they're damn good concepts. It's a bit like missing out on playing Super Mario 64 if you're a fan of platformers. There are games that have built on its concepts, but there's an undeniable presence to it.


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Yes, but only the first three (And maybe The Room).

based hunterchad keepin it real

Dude, that makes me think, has there ever been a hentai doujin that turned into a normal story along the way? Like it starts as porn but just stops doing that somewhere along the way

There are lots of H-manga that primarily focus on story with bits and pieces of porn, but I can't think of any that drop it entirely.

it's end of location by double deck. look it up and have a cum.

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You guys are reaching britbong levels of gov babysitting nonsense. How was it during Franco's government?
Any future prospects? Can Vox have any chance? Is there an equivalent to Ramon Salazar or Osmund Saddler in your country?
How common is someone like pic related in the countryside?

Attached: Osmund Saddler.jpg (672x960, 61K)

based oldfag working the newfags into thinking they're newfags

Read the fucking conclusions very carefully, man. It does not say that trannies have different brains but rather supports Blanchard's model.

>"trannies have very unique brains and tons of research shows this!"
>"ok how come brain scans are not used to assess transgenderism?"
>"t-that's because there is no accurate model and there is too much variance!"
You are ridiculous. Stick to one or the other, dude.

NATAL SEX, you dumbfuck, NATAL SEX, aka only homosexual people (including homosexual people who call themselves trannies) have degrees of brain intersexuality.

It's the computer way of writing "faggot" on your shirt

I don't blame you, tbqh. You got dealt some shitty cards but I also don't think you are powerless either.
It's funny though. As a non tranny, I wouldn't care at all about how I feel or be seen in regards to gender roles. I'd be ok being either feminine, masculine, a woman, a man, whatever. I don't feel any right or wrong about the different sexes or genders. It's just how it is and their differences don't affect me in any significant way. That's why I think the core issue is the perception of gender itself as something important. Surely most people aren't affected by it but your brain makes it an issue. And if a brain forces you to focus on that, of course you'll perceive it as something that needs fixing.
But honestly, user, I wish you the best. Hope you find peace someday. Even if you do transition, I'd suggest not to chop your dick and balls because it is literal living hell. Infections, extreme pain and never be able to feel pleasure again are just a few of the sufferings it brings. Also you should look up into people who got into surgery and regret it, which are a lot.
Anyway, goodbye and godspeed. And I say this as a hardcore natsoc /pol/ack.

>NATAL SEX, you dumbfuck, NATAL SEX, aka only homosexual people (including homosexual people who call themselves trannies) have degrees of brain intersexuality.
That's what I said, retard.

Vox is sadly kind of a joke, to much christfagging, and bad takes on twitter, that does nothing for a lot of people now
Franco was good in the sense that we kinda got some projects moving fast due to the whole dictatorship thing, but it was a fascist cunt and we were a few decades back on technology and it resulted on left and right hating each other to death even more. That resulted in the fucking lefty death spiral we are in now, couple that with still the effects of 2008 and the EU and we cant catch a fucking rest
>How common is someone like pic related in the countryside?
I wish we had cool motherfuckers like him

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Sometimes I go about in pity for myself, and all the while, a great wind carries me across the sky.

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I'll just hang out with Mickey Kaufman, snort some White Claudia and borrow him some morphine. Hell, we'll even invite that hot nurse Lisa to join us. Heard she gets really crazy and will do anything for some Claudia. Silent Hill, I'm coming baby!

Attached: DoctorKaufmannRender.png (600x900, 293K)

>Read the fucking conclusions very carefully, man. It does not say that trannies have different brains but rather supports Blanchard's model.
They found evidence to support the part of Blanchard's model that suggest there's a difference between the brains of homosexual and heterosexual transgendered individuals. Given that it's already understood that there's a difference between the brains of homosexual and heterosexual cisgendered individuals, that's not particularly surprising. However, Blanchard's proposal that there should be no difference between the brain of a homosexual transgendered individual and a homosexual cisgendered individual wasn't sustained by the data, and, in fact, was not a target of the study. There's actually even a part early on where it mentions a point in direct contention with Blanchard's theory, stating
>there is only one region, the pars triangularis, in which homosexuals and homosexual MtFs both present differences. However, these changes are in opposite directions. The pars triangularis of homosexual MtFs is thicker than in heterosexual male controls, while for homosexuals it is thinner than in heterosexual males. Thus, it seems that for transsexuals this region is feminized but demasculinized in homosexual individuals. Interestingly, in both studies, the affected pars triangularis is in the right hemisphere.

This suggests homosexual transgendered individuals are distinctly different in at least one quantifiable way from homosexual cisgendered individuals.

>You are ridiculous. Stick to one or the other, dude.
It's a lot easier to take note of discrepancies that may be relevant than it is to establish a concrete pattern that could be reliably referenced.

hand me the crowbar and gravity gun

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You that fucker from Pathalogic?

I would just run away.

Can you beat Silent Hill if your main issues are Apathy and Isolation?

What can fog world do to you if you've never done anything to anyone?

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Get you for all the shit you've done to you.

Recreate a hellish world resembling your highschool years



There's also that journal entry that you find about some guy flipping out at his friend that is completely oblivious to his ramblings and sees no monsters whatsoever.

Probably any friends or acquaintances you presumably had and family, you hurt them by making them concerned for you, making your parents feel like failures because they blame themselves for how you are, and they all think you hate them because of how aloof you are.
Dunno if that makes sense, i'm really reaching here.

I was homeschooled and got into college early and not make any connections there either

The fact you're apathetic to the problems you're likely causing doesn't mean they aren't problems. You've probably done plenty of something to someone without thinking you were doing anything at all.

>Pyramid head is just my Mom chasing me around with a knife telling m to get a job

How Horrible!

Attached: Silent_Hill_2_Dog_Ending_scene.png (1024x769, 503K)

You're not cool enough to get a Pyramid Head. That's the real torture. After you get out, all the other anons will get to tell you how their Pyramid Heads were, but you'll have just had a bunch of lame shit.

Go see a doctor

fuck you

Attached: Schizo Chad.png (1287x657, 495K)

I did
They prescribed me a rope

I used to think doctors were a thing but it's just some new flesh coat they use to deceive.

Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says, "But doctor...I am Pagliacci."

Pagliacci isn't the only clown in the world, he shoulda told him to watch the Bozo the clown show

I already live in it

Heard Pogo is pretty fun too

Attached: pogo.jpg (210x330, 77K)

Oh yeah that guy
Talented painter he is