Sony leaks
So the specs of the ps5 are true.
The ps5 is being sold at a MAJOR loss. The loss is closer to the ps3 loss.
The console will be 500 dollars at launch.
If you pre-order the ps5, sony will give game vouchers so you can get 2 ps4 games.
There are four major games coming out in year one:
>pubg remastered
>ps all stars 2
>GTA 6
Pubg remastered is a launch title and is free if you have ps+. It will be PS5 exclusive.Ps all starts 2 has a different art style than the first and will have a single player campaign. Will launch in December. Sony payed almost 1 billion for a month of console exclusivity of GTA 6. GTA 6 will be marketed as a PS5 only game before launch and will have PS exclusive mission. Enderoch is a new IP based on high fantasy. Players can choose from different factions and play though a story and online multiplayer. It is basically wizard destiny.
Now Sony is expecting to not make a profit for another 3 years.
Sony leaks
I want to believe.
>If you pre-order the ps5, sony will give game vouchers so you can get 2 ps4 games.
Stopped reading here. Try for a little higher quality bait next time. This would be a shit tier idea for a promotion from Sony perspective in all aspects and shows a literal brainlet wrote this.
>Pubg remastered is a launch title and is free if you have ps+. It will be PS5 exclusive.
that makes no sense. games like pubg don't have "remasters". a PS exclusive game would be a NEW game. the other shit you made up is even more retarded. can you please try at least ??
>5 iterations of console
>still using essentially the same garbage Dualshock controller design from PS1
I'm not even a consolefag, but jesus christ is this the best Sony can think of?
can't improve perfection
>thinking a controller design from 1994 is perfection
I can't imagine how much Snoy cock you have to have gargled to think this is true
That rumor about full ps1-4 back compatibility is the only thing that could get me to buy one, otherwise fuck Snoy.
name one that's better
This is the stupidest leak I've read in a while, thanks for the laugh
keyboard and mouse
Pubg is dead now no one plays it especially not on console. If this is true then sony are being run by retards. Imagine advertising pubg remastered as one of your biggest launch exclusive titles. Even an exclusive fortnite skin pack would sell more consoles than fucking pubg remastered.
Better than every modern controller in literally every way.
You're a fucking idiot if you expect anything more than PS4 backwards compat.
>Steam Controller
a controller and kb+m complement one another. I wouldn't want to play an fps with a controller and I wouldn't want to play a platformer with a mouse.
>no dpad
>stationary console
PUBG Remastered sounds like the PERFECT kind of a launch title as in it's totally stupid and desperate. There's always a couple like that. If this is a fake, it's a pretty good one.
Dpad? What's this, 1985?
>when Dualshocks are always the worst controller each gen
A lot of people fucking hate them. I'm not one of them. But to call them anything close to perfection is pathetic
hope it's true and Sony dies
This sounds great! Confirms that I will be set with only my PC & switch for years to come.
playing 2d games is one of the only reasons to stop using my m+kb tbqh
Fucking troll I hope Allah will give you the aproppiate punishment
Not really.
It will be HEAVILY integrated,and the raytrace will be a kludge running at a really low resolution and upscaled with gaussian blur.
>>pubg remastered
Already false information. As much as sony likes their "remastered" games, this simply won't happen. PS4 games will be BC with ps5 so all they can do is release a patch to update graphical settings for ps5.
Playing games like GTA are shit with KBM. I can't tell you how many KBM player I ass hand with my controller. Its too clunky with KBM unless first person and impossible to drive.
it's being treated as a new game entirely.
All consoles (except for nintendo ones) are sold at a loss.
That can't happen unless they want to fund entirely new servers. If so then they will be dead as shit because you already have all your players on pubg. Sorry it just doesn't make any sense. Most it'll be is "upgrade to ps5 now and get the remastered patch for pubg" and all it'll be is a texture pack and graphical settings updated.
False. PS4 was sold at roughly $20 profit. X1 was sold at a loss.
>Sony has confirmed that the PS4 will be sold at a loss at launch, but day one game sales and PlayStation Plus subscriptions will turn a profit. ... According to “well-placed sources”, Sony is losing approximately $60 (around £40) for every $399 (£349 in the UK) PS4 unit sold.
All consoles. Even the ps3, ps2, Xbox phat etc
>If you pre-order the ps5, sony will give game vouchers so you can get 2 ps4 games
Yeah fuck that, i learned my lesson after preordering a PS4, didn't turn the thing on for a full 6 months within the first year of owning it
Will also be waiting to see what anti consumer shenanigans sony pull with it, with the online only/anti single player agenda that all of these companies are taking part in, any of that shit gets pulled its a simple no buy, plus it needs to have a 4K player and Full Backwards Compatibility otherwise ill just continue to play my PS3 and 4 and not have to waste hundreds on a useless paperweight
Sony never confirmed anything and it was all speculation.
oh well. Wasn't aware of that.
Nigga that was all butt blasted faggot xcucks making that shit up. Sony Might've fucked up with the ps3 architecture costing them more than they should have, but they aren't stupid enough to include useless ports like having dual hdmi and a camera included. Also that whack ass external ps microsoft continued to do until they realized no one wants that shit. The x1s was in the right direction, but fuck microsoft is stupid.
>says sony confirmed it
>admits he wasn't aware of that facts
Why do you make shit up then? Hang yourself idiot.
>pubg remastered
battle royale on console, awesome!
>ps all stars 2
unanticipated sequel to a critically ignored title
we would have heard of this already if it was anywhere near finished
bless you
The X1 sold for a profit (at $1,550 dollars), PCs cost alot and this was in the pre-Famicom days mind you (1982).
I was talking about the BMW you idiot.
I wonder if you can upgrade this baby to MSX 2
Needs a V9938 but otherwise yes.
You probably need to change some other chips to get the memory expanded as well.
But a dual boot PC between the X1 and the MSX2 is possible thanks to both PC using a Z80.
Sony did not pay a billion dollars for one month of exclusivity GTA 6, that's fucking retarded. If you had said six months then I would've believed you. GTA 6 isn't coming for at least three more years.
Increased PS+ prices and DLC will make up for it.