Why does the west hate Dragon Quest?

Why does the west hate Dragon Quest?

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It's boring.

The "game" part is not very good.

I kinda enjoyed playing them but the enemies are the same in every game and most are just different colour variants.
Story is predictable.
Gives you choices (only yes and no) only for them to make you pick the other option (happened throughout all of XI).
admittedly i have only played 3 of the many games but when beating 11 it shows all the old games and shows they have barely changed the games

It is boring nostalgia trash for Japanese people. I didn't play DQ as a 4 year old Japanese boy, so it is nothing but a boring game for children.

The way I explain it is, imagine if Mario and Zelda were never popular. Imagine how people would react to Super Mario 3D World and Skyward Sword in the current era where only shooters and movie games are really popular.
Sure, there'd be a niche that enjoyed them, maybe even a relatively large niche, but without that nostalgia and legacy, they'd have no mass appeal.

That's modern Dragon Quest. Half the enjoyment of the games is their nostalgia value, and half is their old school sensibility. They're so strongly rooted in the style of the early SNES JRPGs.

The "choices" are just a recurring gag in the series.

because they're too scared to play draconian

Because Squeenix is an incompetent localizer and they butcher the games with pompous obnoxious accents that completely rewrite characters and the overall mood of the game. It completely loses any appeal to children that it has in Japan.

I played and enjoyed 11 (haven't touched anything else from the series). I was really depressed at the time and found an appeal in how generic it is. I guess you would call it "comfy", but it isn't comfy due to atmosphere, more that it is simplistic and undemanding in game-play or intellectual content. It is a kids show.

I figure that is the audience in Japan too, worn down depressed people in search of the gaming equivalent of a Norman Rockwell painting.

Because the translations are dogshit, so EOPs don't understand any of the charm points of the games.

Children don't play RPGs except Pokemon

>japan barely puts the games out in the west for decades
>ports either came much later or never

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I played the demo and it was incredibly boring. Generic characters in a generic setting playing a generic story. At least the Tales games put a shitty twist there to ease the tedium.

It is just fucking boring
There is basically nothing about these games that is exceptional
it's got okay music, okay art, bog standard jrpg gameplay, and that is it.
It is just made as generic and uninspired as possible in order to not confuse kids, and not stress out salarymen who want to come home and participate in an activity that isn't challenging on any level, physical or mental.
The best part of it all is western fans who act all sophisticated for liking what is basically japan's call of duty.

Awful music, unchanging gameplay, weird mood whiplash.

What’s your favorite game?

I'm loving every part of it. Fags can't get into good games anymore. All they play is Fortnite and Minecraft

When luke finds out Asch is his original was pretty kino in The Abyss.

You know that RPG that games like Undertale are trying to subvert or deconstruct, the one that you thought might as well not exist and was just a boogeyman in the mind of hipsters?

That is Dragon Quest; The salt cracker of the genre.

The West fears the Puff-Puff.

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