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Other urls found in this thread:


Haha, Daytona! Yeah! I love this game!

*puts coin in/plays on emu*
Wait, heh, why is it so hard?
How do I drift? I'm tapping brake and nothing happens
I need to use manual? What's 4-2-4? This isn't like my Forza, what the heck?

Huh, guess this game isn't so great after all.
Daaaaytonaaa! XD

Shut the fuck up about racing games Yea Forums none of you have ever played anything past Forzashit

My local arcade still has some Daytone arcade cabinets. I should revisit them sometime. Kinda wish I could buy some arcade cabinets myself to put at home but those things probably cost like a couple grand. My dream home arcade:
>SEGA Rally Championship
>Daytone USA
>Virtua Fighter (not sure which one)
>Golden Axe
>Virtual-On Oratorio Tangram
And probably some non-SEGA game
>En Eins Perfektewelt
What else?

Attached: sega_hard_girl_cuties.jpg (1920x1080, 1.52M)

The only racing games I've played are the Sonic ones.

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have sex

Space Harrier

F-Zero AX
not even sure cabinets exist for it anymore, i never got to try it but from what a friend told me playing it was the best time he ever had in an arcade, the one he played it at had the deluxe cabinet i think

take your meds schizo

>anonymous is arguing with himself again

Good choice, I've always had a particular fondness for that game despite its various issues.
>F-Zero AX
Funnily enough, I've never actually played F-Zero.

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daytona on switch when?

this was the first vid i could pick out
even if you've never played it before, i hope that makes you want to bust a nut
i'm pretty much eternally jealous of my buddy

we got virtua racing at least, even if that one autist hates the new colors.



This is the real million dollar question.


Beginner's luck means nothing here, no pain no gain

Take a step back from the computer and look at the shit you type. I am telling you this for your own good. Don't become something you hate.

Zoom zoom me never played the arcade, my uncle bought it on his ps3 and even had a force feedback racing wheel as well, kino
I should buy it again on my PS3

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Prove me wrong. Literally none of you have played it or know how to play it.

It's all about le wacky Daaaaytona song! Let's go away! Yeah!


I remember a fuckin sonic the hedgehog picture in the game and a weird dlot machine thing (can't remember what it did)
I also remember a statue you can flip by pressing a button
Not sure if those little things were in the arcade cabinet tho, i played the ps3 version (see )

But I have played it though. If you're not using manual you're not really in the game. Drafting to gain extra speed, good turning and Downshifting before corners to drift and then shifting back up mid drift is pretty important to get ahead.
Honestly it just sounds like you came here to shit on everyone's day because you just assume nobody's played it. And don't you think the reason the song is a lot is because it's part of an iconic sega game? Damn.

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I really should make an updated version of this pic.

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I played it in the original cabinet and also emulated it with a proper pc wheel, stop projecting


Whether you're bullshitting or not I don't know how you'd come to the idea I'm "projecting". Someone who wasn't autistically into racing games wouldn't be calling out posers on a taiwanese joinery forum.

I've played dozens of racers but not Forza. Stop projecting.

>tfw played it when it came out on sega saturn
the draw distance was bad though, and those horses always run away when I wanted to hit them

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Wasn't it kind of a poo-poo port? Like, serviceable but not great?

Yeah, it was due to Sega rushing the Saturn out to release so a lot of launch titles had to be rushed as well. It had really poor draw distance and ran at a really choppy framerate of 20, sometimes even lower during some situations. Ironically though it was the only port of Daytona prior to the xbox 360/ps3 release to get the controls right, every port after the first Saturn one improved the graphics and framerate but messed up the controls due to being made by different devs on different engines.

the gameplay is top notch, but the draw distance and frame rate is ass

Forgot to add this video that goes into it.

The thing Saturn did best was arcade ports.

Project more, retard.

Play Daytona 2001.

I love SEGA games and hardware.
Also season 2 when???

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I always liked Sega Rally more than Daytona.

IDAS is my true passion though.

I just wish the shadows didn't freak out at 1080p on my tv, otherwise it's a great port
wish they allowed up to 8 people online like daytona on ps3/360 tho[/spoiiler]

>the sequel has still never been ported
Why Sega?

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>rational decisions
That's why.

Attached: sega_logo.png (640x213, 25K)

Wow, I never even knew there was a Daytona USA 2.

>Star Wars Trilogy Arcade
>Marvel vs Capcom 2
>Turtles in Time
>House of the Dead 2
>Killer Instinct
>Daytona USA
>Metal Slug (don't care which)
>Street Fighter 3 Third Strike

I probably wouldn't even play any of them, just turn them all on, and leave them in attract mode for the comfy ambient sound.

Not too surprising considering it never got any home ports, so it's a lot less well known than the original.

Well, if you ever played Out Run 2, you 'technically' got to experience it thanks to some of the bonus tracks being ones from Daytona 2.

Yea Forums claiming to love Daytona but not even knowing there was a Daytona 2 or the fact that Daytona 1, 2, 2001 and Championship are all playable at home doesn't add up.


project yourself off a fucking building

>Know how to play it
It's fucking Daytona USA. Are you really gonna pretend to be hard shit over Daytona fucking USA?

Wait, you're still here?

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When people tell you to project more, it's usually a subtle way of asking you to stop.

Yea Forums plays Forza with automatic transmission and couldn't even fathom the idea of playing a game that isn't tap brake to drift.

Look in any "what racing game should I play" thread. Every reply is Forzashit. None of you faggots have ever touched Daytona or Initial D or Scud Race or any racing game that isn't fucking Forza. I'm sick of it. Go back to talking about nintendo shit because everything else is out of Yea Forums's depth

>Saturday night at the mall in the late 90s/early 00s
>Walk by an arcade
>Hear this sound

Attached: You Gonna Get Comfy.jpg (600x772, 68K)

It's there on xbox arcade for 10$, is it any good?

>Daytona 2
>Playable at home
Something doesn't add up. You're right. You're also forgetting that all the Daytona ports are garbage.


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>Every reply is Forzashit.
I literally always reply with Gran Turismo 2, so you're already lying.

Someone even proved they have played Daytona by explaining how to drive earlier, what more does he need?

my local arcade has daytona and other sega games too like 18 wheeler and house of the dead 1,2 and 3


Literally proving that you don't know what the fuck you're even talking about. Fuck off.

You can use manual transmission in Forza just fine, just so you know.

there was a recent remake released to arcades, and I swear there was a copy you could play on windows floating around the web somewhere

What's that? You want more genesis roms and Sonic the hedgehog games? You got it!

>tfw the only sonic related thing in recent memory made with actual care wasn't even made by Sega

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Everyone always whines about how developers like Bioware or Valve fell from grace but that shit is nothing compared to what happened with AM2.

I have at least one machine in my state.

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Arcades are still in this weird time stasis like it's still the 80s/90s, where a game will be released with absolutely no fanfare, and you'll have no idea that it exists until you happen across it. I got invited to go to Round One a while back, and was shocked to learn that Time Crisis and House of the Dead are up to their fifth entries. I didn't even know there were part 4s.

Fuck are you talking about? The Daytona ports are notoriously bad.

I hate that SEGA has always been hesitant about porting/remastering Saturn-era games.
>Burning Rangers
>Shining Force 3
>Shining the Holy Ark
>Shining Wisdom (not exactly a great game, admittedly)
>Panzer Dragoon Saga
>Countless shoot-em-ups
I know that the source code for some of these are lost but SEGA aren't even trying.

What's AM2 been up to anyways? In recent years.
Fuck me, that's cool. Where?


lmao you absolute retard
you don't even know what the fuck you are talking about and I pointed this out to you and you keep saying the same shit.
tell me about this daytona 2 port

>What's AM2 been up to anyways? In recent years.
Hatsune Miku and Border Break.

>Hatsune Miku
That's pretty good imho.

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this is sad, i hope you will find help soon user

Forza isn't brake to drift, NFSHP2010 onwards is. Also I've played MC2-LA(completed), GT3-Sport, Outrun 2006, all the Black Box NFS's. SRS. TDU1-2, World Racing, Burnout 3-Paradise, Enthusia and PGR, that's just off the top of my head. Most I would recommend depending on tastes.

Wasn't the Sonic thing also in Rad Mobile? -fag