When's the last time you felt like this?

When's the last time you felt like this?

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Gravity Rush
God of War 2018
Gears 5
Blair Witch
Devil May Cry 5

>finishing shitty games


After I finished fucking your mom

Getting level 20 in classic wow

Octopath traveller


Dragon's Dogma

what is this, i can't even finish games i like

Conception II

What a terrible fucking game

Mass Effect 3


River City Girls
Just awful in every way.

Also xenoblade chronicles 2


Dead Rising 4

Whole thing sucked but the ending was especially painful as a fan.

these also.

Even worse was The Citadel DLC. OPs image cant even begin to illustrate the torment of sitting through that garbage

not the most recent but its the most prevolent in my mind

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MGSV had redeeming qualities. It just became a grindfest in chapter 2

That was a fun lighthearted DLC ya fag

I never finish games. I finished:
Mario's 2-4
Ff6, ff9, ff10
Super metroid
Zelda 2 and 3.
Some of those I probably stopped playing close to the end.


okay but
>that jeep ride

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Unironically Super Mario Odyssey. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to dumb the Mario formula down so hard that mobile-phone casuals and 3-year-olds could play the game. They don't give a shit about the game, so what the Hell was the point pandering to them?

In retrospect a lot of games I had for the GBC and GBA were pretty fucking awful. I had shit taste as a kid.

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Peace Walker

nier automata

The entire thing aside from the base gameplay mechanics, was shit and unfinished.

Fire Emblem: Revelation (Fates as a whole too but Revelation was significantly worse than the other routes).

Sonic 06. I wanted to beat every mainline Sonic Game reguardless of quality. After finishing it I slept for 12 hours and didn’t touch a game for three days. I was never happier working

No you are a cocksucker on a galactic scale. That shit ruined every character in the series and should be studied as a prime example on how to fuck up and ruin your established cast in the worst possible fucking way. The writing is fucking atrocious in a way that is so baffling it makes you wonder who wrote it and how they got into that position.

The fact that anyone could come away from that without vomiting and contemplating suicide shows just how far humanity has fallen, and is a testament to the obscene lack of intelligence in that particular individual.

There is no debate, there is no subjective comparison of ideas. Citadel is purely garbage, an utter catastrophe in writing and managing of characters.

The fact that you not only think it's above abysmal disaster, but like it, should set off warning signs to your family and the CIA that you need to be put into a mental institute or on some watch list for serial murder. You are not mentally ok.

first hitman game that i beat less than two years ago

unless you truly fucking despise beat 'em ups (then why even play it in the first place) this can't be true.

Bad Day L.A.
I took a vow to never finish another awful game until the day i die after that

not him but beat em ups are extremely bland, boring, and repetitive. they hardly count as games.

you described most games released in the past 10 years.

I went through the DMC HD collection, enjoyed DMC1, thought "well DMC2 can't be THAT bad", forced myself through Dante and Lucia's campaigns, and I put off DMC3 for a couple weeks as a result.

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some of the best rated games are beat 'em ups not sure what you're on.

what's so bad about dmc2?


Today, played a round of dota 2

Didn't finish it though

>plays Lufia II
>shopkeeper feels like a girlfriend
>shopkeeper is your healer
>shopkeeper got buried under ruins
>main character marries someone else the next moment
Fuck that game. I dropped it and have no intention of finishing it in this timeline or another.

Risen 2

Not him but for me I found it to be a massive step backwards in every regard.

>gameplay is heavily dumbed down to the point where you could beat the whole game only using guns
>you would think that just meant that you could restrict yourself to not using guns only to realize that it's the only way to make so many of the fights vaguely tolerable (the Helicopter, the Tank)
>even then, the swords are no longer varied with their own style and moveset, they all ranged from sword -> sword with bigger hit box -> sword that did more damage
>the various mooks you fight are absolutely shit, reused way too often, and are often damage sponges to needlessly pad out various areas
>said areas aren't as memorable or as well designed as they were in DMC1, many of them having a terrible drab, washed out palette that mutes any sort of atmosphere that could have happened (most notable in the mansion stage)
>Dante's characterization goes from boasting action hero to brooding emo (a character development that would not be explained until decades later with DMC5 finally confirming that he was depressed over Vergil's death)
>Lucia is a non character, her plot is of no consequence to the overall story
>soundtrack is incredibly muted and doesn't stand out unless you spend longer in a fight than you want due to how repetitive and boring the gameplay is as a whole

The only positives would be Dante's design, the playable Trish mode, the desperation Devil Trigger, and the final boss coming pretty close to feeling like a DMC1 fight.

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Sometimes you just have to see things through. Other times you just want to see how bad it gets.

>When's the last time you felt like this?
Army of two (3rd one)
Halo 5


>implying im the only one who liked it
not everyone is a sour autistic cunt like you. If you took the DLC with a grain of salt you would've enjoyed the combat missions, new weapons and the big alien house party.

Dante has a completley different personality than in DMC1, the story is far less enjoyable than DMC1, and everything can be very easily killed by gun spam. It doesn't help that many places are wide as hell making it easy to run and shoot enemies, who can barely hold up a fight anyways. There's also very little variation between swords. I liked the soundtrack though.

what was me2 not enough of a downgrade for you. me3 being trash was obvious

I couldn't even bring myself to beat it.

This piece of shit

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I don't think I've ever finished a game with such a static look of disappointment and disgust before Fates. And I liked Awakening.

This post looks terrible.

Hunted: demons forge or automata but because I had to finish it multiple times for a lackluster ending

Hellblade. Bought it on summer sale. Was pretty hyped when it was first announced because DmC > shit > DMC but couldn't play it because of shitty pc. It turned out to be clunky pretentious cinematic trash with atrocious combat.

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Dark Souls II, there's alot I can look past but something just isn't right about playing it compared to the others.
>Build a Crypt Blacksword build and powerful enough to tank most of the game
>Still can't ass myself to finish the rest of my 100% run for cheevos because it feels like a complete chore.

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Hollow Knight
that game finally made me realize that Yea Forums has horrendous taste and should never be listened to

Metro Last Light

>DmC > shit > DMC

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ME2 was same as ME1 but without retarded inventory management. It also had nice satisfying ending if you let everyone die in the end.

>Max cape pic related
>mfw I realised I wasted all that time

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when was this

>ME2 was same as ME1
imagine actually believing this

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>finishing a horrible video game
why would you subject yourself to that? the only abjectly terrible thing i saw to completion was the second season of the Castlevania netflix show cause i couldnt believe how awful it became.


>same garbage cover shooter with useless party members
Mane ONE significant gameplay difference.


Max Payne 3.

What a piece of garbage that cliché-ridden movie was.

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somehow they outdid the obnoxious writing of 2

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FUCK movie games

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Enslaved's clumsy attempt at a 2deep moral dilemma end ruined any progress it had made in winning me over. Fuck that game

Christ I forgot about Legendary. That one was ass front to back, but the entire final "boss" sequence (just running down a corridor, shooting grunts and activating panels iirc) and sudden ending especially riled me up. Cheeky cunts even ended it on sequel-bait

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I love how Torgue was obviously Anthony Burch, cucked and being rejected by every woman included.

unironically neck yourself my man. world could use less cunts.

Both Binding of Isaac after hundreds of hours and not actually finishing it because it's not over until 100%. Even after that it's not over because lol update more achievements into your dead game or lol bloat the game with more garbage dlcs

The Answer.

I reacted like that around the point Junpei literally says something along the lines of "Now that was a crazy adventure but we all made it out fine!"

Looking at things & bad combat simulator

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>mobile-phone casuals and 3-year-olds could play the game
So like 64 and to a lesser degree Sunshine because it has some wonky parts

I want to say Thief 2014 that I just recently pushed myself into finishing and getting the achievements, but at the end of it all I just felt disappointed and numb. So much of the game felt hacked and cut apart, and the theory that it was originally going to be something WAY worse and more akin to Assassin's Creed with the lead dev trying to salvage what he could, it all makes me wonder what could've been if it had someone that actually gave a shit. Fuck, the brief moment where you're in the Baron's mansion actually felt somewhat like a Thief 1 level, albeit stupidly small, closed off, half-baked and full of unimportant enemies that don't patrol or are threatening.

It all just left me feeling like there was a hint of someone wanting to do something proper for a Thief title, but it was all buried and cut out by a team trying to push out a cheap, action-genre cash grab. That much is evident by the three fucking resource packs for $2.50 and a cut out level sold as DLC. I don't really know what to feel about Th14f now other than waves of disappointment and confusion, as before I was just pissed beyond all belief at the god awful decisions that were made.

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You give the game a chance and keep going, out of respect for a previous entry in the series or the developer. Before you know it, even though the game never improved, you are so far into it that you might as well finish the shit. Sometimes you have nothing better to do in mind anyway.


Dragons Dogma
The Answer

Achievements are not content(except those who give you stuff) because they're basically made up goals that you very well yourself could come up with.
I still remember sitting in my room at night with my friend, taking turns playing GTA, not doing missions but coming up with our own telling the playing dude who to kill, what place to find etc

Achievements completely killed player-set goals

>kermit has teeth

super metroid

Don't you remember that time kermit became a vampire?

In Binding of Isaac, the achievements basically all unlock stuff. Even if it's a stupid fucking joke trinket or some garbage like that which game likes to pull on you all the time. You don't understand, though. Years ago, I put 150ish hours into the first binding of isaac for that sweet 100%. They put out a new game. Like, a year after they put out the sequel, they update the outdated first game to have a hard mode (which is in the new game already; there was no reason for this). This hard mode added more achievements effectively stripping me of the 100% I deluded myself into getting. Fucking bullshit garbage. I'm like "fuck this I'll just keep playing Rebirth". Well, they of course they fudge packed rebirth with garbage dlc and absolutely insane shit you have to do to finish everything. I'm like a dicks tip from doing everything in the first dlc (only had to beat mega satan with the lost) before they add like 100 more achievements for even more bullshit. So I'm basically taking a break from the probably 100 hours of stagnant progress I put in rebirth to go back and retain my 100% I rightfully earned in the first one. All because I got hooked on the first one like 6 years ago

Kane and Lynch 2
Took about 3 hours and got it for almost nothing in a humble bundle and still felt robbed

Wolfenstein: The New Colossus.

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I would argue that MGS4 was worse. At least the FOX engine was fun to fuck with in MGSV.
I can't think of a single aspect of MGS4 that is redeemable.


Thief of 2014

Oh man that sounds harsh
I too know that feel

I only have the first Isaac but never was too fond of it, played it a few hours but nothing more

The Last of Us
Gears 5 campaign

some of the best rated games are objectively bad, not sure how old you're

>horrible video game

I have no problems quitting a game if I can tell early on it's bad. Thus I've never actually finished a bad game

Zero Time Dilemma

Fallout 4
Mods are the only thing that make that game bearable once you've experienced just how shallow the vanilla edition really is.

You're one of the lucky ones. Binding of Isaac feels like that friend you have that pretty much just takes advantage of you and is unreliable but for some reason you dont just cut them off. It's just been too long to end it now. Isaac is just great for when you're listening to some youtube videos or music and want to occupy some brainpower doing something.

dark messiah of might and magic
Clive baker's undying

Tokyo Xanadu eX+
it only get worse during ng+, its like a game with only the shitty aspects from both trails and ys

Gundum Versus

Firewatch and Call of Chtulhu reboot.

Hitting 80 in ffxiv.

>mario is too casual

Too Human

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but bro all the cool content unlocks at 80

MGS V wasn't even that bad of a game. It had saitisfying gameplay.

Its just very anticlimatic. You unlock this really cool underwater zone, but you already hit 80 due to fates. So there is little incentive to do anything in there.

>Hating on the best Persona

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My Friend Pedro
It's the first time in a while that I genuinely hated a game.

Persona 5 except I couldn't even finish it

Xenosaga 1-3, maybe the most disappointed in games I've ever been coming off of Xenogears. I was hoping it would get better but it never did.

It was just a slight improvement of retarded overheat mechanic.

I've never regretted buying a game this much

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Finished and got all the achieves on Graveyard Keeper. What a shithole of wasted potential

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What was wrong?

RDR2 and Shadow of The Colossus recently, I wouldn't say is a bad game but god I was so glad that it was over so I wouldn't have any autistic obligations to continue such boring games

Kane & Lynch 2 on Maniac Mode
Loved the aesthetics, hated everything else.

MGSV is missing an entire act of the story. Hell, one could argue it's missing TWO acts of its story.

Pokémon Sun.

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Fallout 4, CSGO after many years, persona 5, MGSV, God Of War,

Witcher 3
>left me unsatisfied and exhausted
Dark Souls 2
>terrible sequel
Skyrim/Fallout 4
>unsatisfying and bland
The Evil Within
>I was just glad it was over

Rex vs Ray did it for me, mgsV on the other hand, absolutely nothing memorable, other than the sheer retardation in some cutscenes

A while back when I played tail concerto. I don't bother finishing terrible games now although I do regret buying xenoblade chronicles 2.

>When's the last time you felt like this?
Original Prey (2006).
That was the last game I for some reason pushed myself to finish, even though it was fucking attrocious.
And yes, it left me feeling dirty. God damn that game was insulting on just about every level.

This piece of shit
The art direction is superb, but even if I used every word for "bad" in the thesaurus it would not even come close to describing this game. It's got unresponsive hitboxes, randomized dungeons from like four different rooms, a braindead gameplay loop and god awful optional characters. Avoid it at all costs.

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