Get in loser, we're playing my trilogy
Get in loser, we're playing my trilogy
Other urls found in this thread:
built for the SSC
no, we're not. sorry.
If you say so, but only with nude mods.
XIII-4 where you play as Lightning in France when?
Superior Snow Cock?
Get in loser, we're playing my trilogy
I uh have to return some video tapes
I really wish they would remaster these with better textures and higher draw distance on pulse. I would immediately replay the first two and finally try the third, but going back on my old PS3 where these games make it liftoff into the stratosphere for 40+20+30 hours isn't gonna happen
for all their horrible flaws, the art direction in the first two (and the few hours of the third) were top notch. actually games I would play just for the creativity and feel of the world
small singapore cock?
They're on PC user
i tried to play ur game but i got stuck on some first boss like not even 1 hr into the fucking game and gave up
the shitty ass switching "styles" mid combat was a fucking disaster and lightning attracted more casuals to the franchise than 7
dumb anime poster
don't have a PC
Fuck no.
Unless you show me your tits.
not until you show me those pits
Alright but you better be handjobbing me while I do it.
small shota cock?
Should i finish FXIII-2?
Slick Serah Cunt?
>Still no PS4 trilogy pack
Why...I wanna replay them already, goddamnit...
Yep. Has a good ending that sets up LR.
Sorry Lightning, I have a date with Ardyn later tonight and I can't miss it. Maybe next time?
I'll gladly replay the first and third game but I'm not touching 13-2. Now show me your pits.
yeah, just don't bother 100% it
Plump up a bit and grow an ass, maybe we'll talk.
Did you like what you played? If yes continue. If no don't
But user, XIII-2 is honestly the best game of the trilogy
It fixes every issue with XIII's combat while introducing a more open world where you get to determine the order you do many things
Would rather drag my dick along hot coals while standing on a pile of legos, thanks
shut the fuck up, onsokumaru
I only played the first 2 and they were alright
is the 3rd one good? the name of the game is so hammy I lost interest after it was announced
I already beat the trilogy.
Got 1000/1000 for XIII and XIII-2
Got the Platinum in LR
>attracted more casuals
>couldn't even beat the first boss
I only played the first two games. I never played lighting returns because constantly being timed gives me anxiety. I like to take my time in rpgs.
Your trilogy sucks ass
LR was the best in the trilogy for gameplay.
You get an ability that makes the time thing ridiculously easy to manage. It's only in the very beginning where you need to worry a bit.
>It fixes every issue with XIII's combat
No. Not only did they not address core combat issues 13 had, they also dumb down the game, they neutered your options, made it so your team was way less flexible, and made it super easy. It took several steps back and the good they did do brought about its own set of issues. The only reason I'd ever come back to that game is because based Caius and that 10/10 ost.
>playing my trilogy
>second game won't even properly work on PC
no, you fucking twig branch slant eyed CUNT
XIII-2 shifts it back to being real turn based instead of an ATB abomination? XIII-2 adds a real job system instead of a dumbed-down system where you have 6 archetypes with no thought or customization involved? XIII-2 has a cast of interesting and varied characters instead of 5 interchangeably unlikable assholes and the Token Black Guy?
you get a mechanic that allows you to stop the game time and if you play on Easy, you can basically use it as much as possible. Plus it's like Majora's Mask, if you fail you can go back to day 1 and get stronger
On NG+ I used it so much that I had EVERYTHING plot related except the time gates stuff to get to Noel completed done by the first day.
I'll never understand the problem people had with XIII's cast, especially for those who actually played through to the end.
They stop being unlikable assholes way before you even hit the halfway point. Characters develop, people. Light changes, Snow stops being so arrogant, Hope admits to his mistakes and wrongs, etc.
Same thing with Squall. He stops being so cold gradually and slowly and by 3/4 of Disc 2, you can see a difference. Do you all just skip cutscenes so you can complain on Yea Forums as soon as possible?
give me three reasons to play this trilogy and ill stop my greedfall installtion and torrent this instead
why has no one irl ever done pic related? how do u even stop someone like that? I've been wondering for years
am i retarded
where else besides a maternity ward would there be that many babies in close proximity?
Can't you just snipe him?
Spine shattering chocolate!
Forever bitter that idiots complaining about linearity led to the complete pile of garbage that was LR.
>He falls
>Babies die
You really didn't think this through.
If you're somehow able to aquire that many babers without interrupt, you're someone who doesn't even need that type of gambit. It's a paradox.
canon best ending
Because if you actually played the game to the end, they stop being unlikable assholes and start being emotionless automatons that robotically advance the plot forward with the bare minimum of effort put in to make them seem like real characters. So they're actually better when they're unlikable assholes, because then they at least feel like someone was trying to make them seem like people caught up in a story and not devices to advance the plot and fill in holes in your party for gameplay reasons. In the end, their complete lack of character after their token "I am now developing as a character" scene where they go from asshole to 0 over the course of a single chapter means that your last impression of them all as characters is from back when they were all still unlikable assholes because that was the last time any of them did anything memorable besides turning into diamonds.
>Same thing with Squall
The issue with Squall isn't that he's unlikable at the start, it's that literally every character except Squall and Rinoa get next to no focus (they literally don't even get a fucking backstory, they just hamfist in a half-assed excuse to give them all the same backstory as Squall so they didn't have to bother writing one for them) so the entire rest of the cast are just ridiculous parodies of JRPG characters with no depth beyond their shallow surface gimmicks. Squall himself is actually a good character, but not good enough to justify the complete lack of focus that the rest of the cast got. Especially in a fucking Final Fantasy game where the entire appeal is having a big cast of unique characters going on an adventure, and especially on the heels of FF7 where you had a main character whose slow development and psychological issues were a huge focus without being a detriment to the development of the rest of the cast (and in fact being a foil to several of the other characters and a driving force behind their own development).
literally this, so long as babies aren't strapped to the side that hits the dirt
only if you have someone close to keep him from falling and crushing a kid
spoiling gore is still against the rules.
well really you only need 1 baby, then you can use it to get the other babies in the ward safely without being tackled by some fag nurse and move on to your prime destination
>best cast of complex and human characters with realistic flaws and growth
>complex battle systems with lots of hidden mechanics to abuse and master
>perhaps the most adult narrative in the series with a paradoxical approach to the philosophy of strength vs will
Boom, other games wish they could be this deep
It takes for-fucking-ever to get to the character development and it's all weak shit that's overdramatic anyways. The biggest problem is that half of the story is done through flashbacks, so most of the time, you see these big moments that affect their character in a flashback... And then you see another scene where the character suddenly remembers it and decides "I should make a change for the better"
Lightning is super guilty of this. Which makes sense, almost all of her character development took place in the prologue alongside her sister, which the devs for some retarded fucking reason just decided to remove so they could start the game on a train on a real exciting part. So you have to slowly travel through a boring ass forest having literal flashbacks to things that already happened as Lightning realizes she's an asshole literally a week ago and should have already had some personality shift, meanwhile Hope is contemplating murder and stabbing at the air with that knife she gave him. It's terrible.
And Snow never gets any character development that stops him from being a fucking moron, he ends the game just as he started, an idiot who literally thinks they're the hero and that any time they get countless people killed it's just an oopsie. And he's still fucking doing it in 13-2 and LR.
>the side that hits the dirt
he is covered on all sides
There’s flashbacks for like a single chapter, bruh.
This is some top tier bait
>He falls
>Babies get crushed
Why did you ignore my comment you retard?
>>best cast of complex and human characters with realistic flaws and growth
>>complex battle systems with lots of hidden mechanics to abuse and master
>>perhaps the most adult narrative in the series with a paradoxical approach to the philosophy of strength vs will
these all sound interesting and greedfall was a disappointment so looks like im starting this tonight thanks user
>>complex battle systems with lots of hidden mechanics to abuse and master
as someone who beat the trilogy, this isn't true
how is it bait what is wrong about what he said? i have never played XIII
The Best
Sounds like you never mastered it.
All of those are the opposite of the case. The battle system in particular is the most simplistic in the series and FF isn't known for being complex
Tell me what spell do you use if an enemy is weak to fire?
>Do you all just skip cutscenes so you can complain on Yea Forums as soon as possible?
No, they all watched youtube reviews. People seem to forget FFXIII came out when video game reviewers (both on online websites and youtube) were rising, and gamers hadn't developed their bullshit senses yet. So the reviewers played like twenty minutes and pushed out reviews (wins who gets it out faster), and anons ate them right up.
Is the enemy weak to fire or does their kind hate ice and fire both?
You use whatever spell builds the most stagger at all times, except when your buffs/debuffs are falling off. Weaknesses are irrelevant.
The enemy is exclusively weak to fire, but it has a ton of health.
>Sounds like you never mastered it.
what is there to master? Just pick the right job formation(s) and you are good to go.
It wasn't great but after experiencing the "combat" of FF15, I wish we went back to the Paragim system of the 13 games.
>The battle system in particular is the most simplistic in the series
and yet 15 has a Hold O combat system due to casual pandering:
But what if it was a group of enemy?
Then you use a stealth spray to run past them.
Oh right, I actually forgot FFXV exists. So it's the second most simplistic.
I think I found your problem. You’re not willing to experiment beyond the minimum.
Who this “we”?
>You’re not willing to experiment beyond the minimum.
how can you experiment with 13's combat system outside of messing with job formations?
There's no reason to experiment because the entire combat system is literally "stagger the enemies as fast as possible" and nothing else. there's no depth to it. It doesn't even have more than 5 jobs (and don't pretend Sentinel exists)
Shit at SFIV, BB, and whatever sad fighting game you put effort into.
See you next time I take a shit, faggot.
>what is there to master? Just pick the right job formation(s) and you are good to go.
True enough but given the sheer amount of spells that alter the player and enemy, swapping jobs constantly had a hell of a lot more impact on fight dynamics than playing either "do the most damage" of most FFs or "play Simon says" of X. And I say that to the acknowledgement that 10 is one of my top 3s in terms of gameplay, easy though it may be.
>(and don't pretend Sentinel exists)
they are okay for the sword demon things. Plus you can go Sen/Sen/Sen for a big attack and take less damage because each role has a hidden passive bonus, which I only learned because of the Player's Guide
They literally explain that ingame but it's irrelevant because having a sentinel tank things is useless when you build more stagger by just having a ravager instead and healing through the damage later. Sentinel is useful in only a handful of fights after the 20 hour tutorial where you're forced to use it in some meme fights right after a character unlocks it.
I mean using Sen/Sen/Sen to cripple a big attack and then swap to something else (like a Com/Rav/Med team) after the attack
Every spell has different cast animation and spell properties. Each character has unique attack animations. Each character class has unique properties. Factor in synth abilities and weapon set ups and it’s got enough depth to please a lot of classic JRPG fans.
yes and 100% it
And none of that matters because literally the only thing that's important is what comp staggers the enemies the fastest.
>Every spell has different cast animation and spell properties.
and the best spells to use are the basic spells since AoEs in 13 are shit
>character animations being overly flashy affects gameplay
>this is a good thing to FFXIII fags
Imagine being this cucked
>want to play these games
>the ports are a fucking disaster
>mixed steam reviews due to crashing and worse
I wish they would just make a definitive version and actually put time and care into them.
Just put your fucking trip back on Onso you stupid sycophantic faggot with literally zero standards. There's no point arguing with someone with taste so shit they thing Neptunia games are good
The ports are as good as the games.
they're either 100% stable or complete irredeemable shit and you won't know until you spin that wheel
Feel free to pirate them
Then your stagger decays too fast for you to take full advantage of your break. You have to balance the rate of decay with the rate of stagger, bruh.
They’re the only ones that immobilize smaller enemies, and they’re good for timing chains.
It’s called manipulating attacks. You use it to dodge or always do your strongest hitting attack.
Okay, mister fregoli
No you don't you dumb nigger because you just switch to any comp with com in it when you stagger the enemy dipshit. At that point the amount of stagger you're building is irrelevant and you just want a com to maintain it while everyone else just shits out as much damage as possible. It's not like it's even hard to figure this out since there's literally 5 jobs that do something useful and 3 of those are supports that you literally only use for exactly 1 thing and nothing else.
No, the rate of decay once you hit the breaking point doesn’t change, even with a com. All switching to a com does is for optimal damage.
>best cast of complex and human characters with realistic flaws and growth
>perhaps the most adult narrative in the series with a paradoxical approach to the philosophy of strength vs will
>Pink shit
Just a Final Fantasy version of Sakura but far less interesting.
Oh I thought you were talking about when you had to buff/debuff, not after breaking. Yeah once shit's broken you just shit out as much DPS as you can. The only real optimization in XIII is making sure your buffs/debuffs aren't going to fall off while shit's staggered. The game doesn't really have any depth even by ATB standards
Prove me wrong
i never beat it the first one, but i honestly started enjoying and played to around the 20 hour mark. The combat is at least unique, the art and music are beautiful, and for the most part the characters become less cringey as time goes on.
But i would still be embarrassed if someone i respected walked in on me playing those games.
I might actually try to beat it some day. I heard 13 2 was the best one.
How is a game underrated and bad at the same time.
FF13 already did. Once the characters stop being shitheels, they turn into blank slate robots. You don't seriously think the story of Lightning Returns is good, do you?
I think it was great and a nice fan service for fans of the trilogy. Prove it was bad.
You liked the ending?
Why not? It was a nice sendoff for the characters. Much better than some meteor coming down and then an ambiguous 100 years later shit.
I thought the ending was extremely stupid, an almost memetic and goofy ending. I don't think any of my opinons will sell easily to you. Assuming I'm not being masterfully baited right now
It was so good it had to destroy the chance at another Valkyrie profile game for an excuse for Toriyama to go on stage and rant about his waifu.
Why? It fit the tone of the story and leaves room for after stories while also implying a happy end for the characters.
Go to bed Motomu
If Valkyrie Profile has enough people who believed in it, it would be made, no matter what. The truth is, people are just trying to use LR as a scapegoat for the cult status of VP. And what is wrong with being proud of your creation? This man’s game singlehandedly save the company from the disaster that was 14, and he was forced to revisit it. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to brag about your creations.
Maybe you can come up with something that hasn’t been repeated here to death?
It's a shit ending but whatever, it's fine, the rebooted world is earth or whatever so lightning can go fuck toriyama
The game was good though, so I'm okay with it. 90% of vidya have shitty ass endings, look at literally every final fantasy game
>The game was good though
Not an argument, try using words and actual concepts next time.
>Lightning makes Earth
>lots of games have bad endings
This is a bizarre 4th wall break that makes no sense; it's beyond goofy, it's a shitpost that costs money.
FF games after X or X-2 (debatably even those two depending on perspective on hyper linearity moreso in X) caused their own decline XIII wasn't received well by a good amount of people, journos praised it on release but two years later walked all that back to the louder opinion that it wasn't good. XIV was just a breaking point in itself on Square fucking around what the focus of their games should be, they had people rant they spent a month polishing the graphics for a rock in FF XIII still had art assets left over not used in the main game, limited backtracking anywhere even though game data exists on even the weakling 360 versions disks all for a story they didn't really think about and a battle system that had no direction until the last year when they needed to shit out a demo for Advent Children Complete and leads to Toshirō Tsuchida fucking off killing any chance at a battle system matching X's as well as culling any chance at a real Front Mission ever happening again. The mismanagement of XIII caused its own trouble that shouldn't be forgotten and wiped away by the turd of XIV just because that was more impactful to MMO Fags that thought XI was passable or special for some reason; and helped fuck the FF franchise and definitely didn't need a sequel let alone two of them.
>this is bad but I can’t say why it’s bad
Frank catches him a with a noose and hangs him.
Nothing needs a sequel, user. The fact that 13 was chosen spoke volumes.
Why is Final Fantasy connected to the real world out of nowhere for the last 30 minutes? What is the connection between the story and real life? What is this 4th wall breaking meant to tell us? It should be a huge development in the plot, but it's simply a strange twist that comes out of nowhere and means nothing.
Hey this isn't a toblerone
Because muh Drakengard
Because it means you can meet Lightning right now if you look hard enough
>last 30 mins
It was a single scene. And it was because Bhuni created a world where everyone can be happy. There’s no indication that it was OUR world. It could just be a world similar to ours. And that’s because isn’t our world pretty great? Isn’t that the message? Don’t live in your fantasies. Go check out reality.
No thanks I'll just wait for someone else to pick me up
I got you, senpai
Get in loser, you're watching me fuck Serah.
>FF13's main message is to not play FF13
Is that from the story or the gameplay?
Uh, yeah, you generally stop playing the game AT THE END, user. Especially the LAST GAME in a TRILOGY.
The very fact there are sequels to individual FFs in itself is a problem. X didn't need X-2 despite the experimentation on an open FF it attempted, IV After Years was exploitation of mobile gaming on what was the breakout title in the series, XII Revanant Wings was a portable touchscreen tactics title; none of these were especially good. FF VII is undeniably popular it own sequels are not good (Crisis Core is debatable but I doubt anyone will defend Before Crisis which didn't even get out of Japan let alone Dirge or Cerberus or Advent Children which shaped XIII's battle system concepts outside of DBZ fight obsessed retards who want le epic Cloud x Sephiroth fight). The worst part of XIII's sequels are their vampiric need to shit on other Square franchises, XIII-2 is a cheap attempt at aping on Chrono Trigger a game that celebrated RPG tropes at the time and perfected what is the barebone standard of a JRPG, LR is an anemic Valkyrie Profile in all but name. They aren't even good at copying the games that acted as less popular templates as they don't excel at anything even graphically, but because it's supposedly popular despite declining sales with each sequel and a personal love fro Toriyama this is all excusable and creativity and different franchises should die.
>he doesn't want to further the legend of Lightning through further gameplay and downloadable content
Final fantasy games don’t do that. They do real life shit like books and movies.
No we're not.
Fuck off Nathan.
XV actually has combat unlike FF13
>FF games never had story DLC
>this autistic bullshit again
Oh fuck off KH cocksucking faggot
That isn't the combat at all because you have manual attacks with opener, mid, finisher, counter and aerial attacks, charge attacks, directional inputs, warpstrike, point warps and warp itself, manual weapon switching which each weapon type plays differently, plus character switch which adds even more variety because each member has their own unique combat to them.
Stop fucking posting outdated 2014 interview that was literally debunked a few days after it was posted.
You're such a retarded cunt that gets BTFO on a daily basis and you're a piece of absolute shit.
You can literally hold to attack in LRFF13, autobattle in 13 and 13-2 and hold to attack in 7R too
Bruh, just because the games you didn’t like got made and the games you liked didn’t doesn’t mean the industry is trying to shit on your games, okay. Like I said, if the company had faith in those games, they would be made. Maybe you’re just a fanboy who’s so insecure in the games he likes that he has to try and shit on other games to feel justified in liking the games he does.
hop in, dude
I think FFXV was the first one, right?
>15 has combat
>literally hold one button down and heal when needed
hi XV-kun
Unless you count the MMOs probably
FF13-2 literally ended on "please buy the dlc to get the ending of the game" like mass effect
xv dlc were all just parallel sidestories that take place parallel to earlier parts of the game from a different charas perspective while you were already doing stuff as the mc in the main game
>my point and click is more complex than your point and click
Oh grow the fuck up
And there he is.
realtalk, does the PC version of her games have good nude mods?
LR is literally hold to attack, so is 7R, 13 and 13-2 are autobattle
That why you got your HD trilogy right? Really rushed on that. XIII was just an artificial attempt at catching the lightning in the bottle that was FF VII, Lightning was been abandoned as the Cloud replacement in marketing for Noctis and with XV's failure they will be soon enough too ironically for Cloud and RE:Make, something that Square said would never happen unless they feel like FF VII had been exceeded. This either means XV's mediocrity did great or Square's fucks ups have caught up with them, and XIII's garbage trilogy is a contributor.
But the only DLC in 13-2 were coliseum stuff, which were non canon and only there for bonus party members. And Sazh’s story, which was also a side story.
Fuck off Nathan.
13-2 had the lightning story aka the actual ending as DLC
I'm not talking about Coliseum
It sounds like you don't even play games, you just repeat what others say.
no and she's a sticc
>posting the falseflagging kh fag
Yeah, you think the company is going to be like
>hey, let’s not capitalize on the success of 7 with 8, or 9, or even 10
>let’s wait until five games later at 13 to recapture the magic of 7
Do you realize how fucking stupid you sound? And here’s a little fact that may surprise you: newer games gets more marketing. Weird, right? Kind of like the company is trying to sell a goddamn product or something.
npc opinion manufacture by Yea Forums
Honestly what SFM/Blender porn Lightning has is so good that I never really bothered with nude mods.
How ironic
Lol, I never bought that shit. Don’t think it even really matters.
Well that's you.
>Takes Lightning out of Sword And shield
GF proving time and time again that they really don't give a fuck about Pokemon anymore. These problems could simply be fixed if the franchise had more sensible fans and GF tried to reach out to them.
>tfw no Lightning GF
>the actual ending as DLC
The actual ending was getting 100% completion for Caius' ending. The lightning DLC was something they only did because of how popular Coliseum was.
It's the actual ending.
But seriously why is their chemistry so good.
Great as IX is it was never considered successful comparatively as was wholly ignored in favor of X at the time outside of vocal groups and only until the mobile/steam port in recent years did anyone give a shit. Yeah newer games get more marketing, but in this time of re releases everywhere I don't see XIII mentioned at all whether it be due to effort involved or if just making them compatible is enough.
That all said back to the original point what is amazing about the story of LR? XIII has the potential when it comes to lore, but unless one digs into lore it doesn't connect well at all.
The colluseum was just a boss room with no story attached
the lighting requiem dlc was canon story dlc that was the actual ending
>teenagers kill God
No thanks, keep you’re fedora-tipping fantasies to yourself
why is Yea Forums so polluted with christfags?
It was a fan service game for the fans of the trilogy. It’s more about catching up with these characters and seeing what they’ve been up to and how they've grown. The great battle system is just icing on the cake.
She needed a younger sibling, he needed an older sibling/mom.
Nobody talks about rereleases. Not with 9, not with 12, not with 10, and no ones talking about 8 now.
that's some kinky shit
Like KHfag would ever post cp and gore to get mods to close a thread?
Trigger warning.
Can I just take a nap while you drive yourself like usual?
everyone was talking about 10 and 12 and in 10's case how bad the remaster was, no one talks about 8 because no one ever liked it to begin with.
That was already proven to be posted by the falseflagging kh fag, its impossible for that to be barry because his posts earlier in that thread got deleted when he got banned while that gore shit never got deleted meaning they were not posted by him but by someone else
>ywn let your head rest on Lightning's lap
If you consider the few odd threads “talking about” then 13 get the same treatment.
It takes everything XIII did right and improves on it, why wouldn't you? It takes away the linear progression plus there's monster-collecting for your party
>watching Barry try to go to town on a thread before the thread goes to town on Barry
Times like this make me wish I was unemployed again even though I'm not and I'm glad actually working. Hello again, Yea Forums.
>W-Why do all these perverts keep asking to see m-my armpits!?
Lightning is love
Lightning is life
Lightning a cute
I want to hold hands and have consensual sex with her in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation
If she told me she was pregnant with my child tomorrow I would immediately take responsibility so we could build a home and raise a family together
After Years
LR isn't hold to attack. It's the least feasible example to do that out of this series barring the MMOs.
god, FFXIII and FFXV are such trash.
Literally the only enemy that instantkills you for attacking. That's wonderful Barry, but do you have any others that actually punish you for it? Or is this one all you got?
fucking underrated
I guess the tale here is that no matter how bad it gets, it always gets worse
You thought 13 was bad?
Well boom, here's 15, with even worse gameplay, worse story and worse characters. Worse music, too, because Shimomura clearly peaced out halfway through production and some monkeys had to finish or retrofit the rest of the score.
What absolute twaddle.
15 had like two good song, but that summon song is god tier. Probably the best song from the series in the past 10 years.
>worse gameplay
I'd say they're equally bad because they're piss poor attempts at making ATB more engaging. And the OST got fucked because a certain director actually approves something then changes his fucking mind because he doesn't fucking pay attention until it's even later in development and asks for it to be "fixed."
Actually, last year when they announced the the entire trilogy was going to be backwards compatible, I replayed the games for like the 4th? Maybe 5th time again. Except I didnt get all fragments in XIII-2. I finished the games at around the end of December. Truly some comfy times those were. But is it really time again Lightning?
>And the OST got fucked because a certain director actually approves something then changes his fucking mind because he doesn't fucking pay attention until it's even later in development and asks for it to be "fixed."
Huh? Please explain?
Snow is a dumb idiot meathead who is only good for taking dicks in his holes
You mean for filling holes with his dick. Snow never bottoms. Never. Why? Cause heroes don’t bottom.
Shut up, you dumb himbo or I'll shut you up with my dick
Lightning is a criminal. She's a disgusting predator and a sick child molester. She needs to be locked up immediately!
I wish Lightning would molest me
Her tits shouldn't curve that way, what kind of gravity is this?
That's perverted. You're perverted.
This is an artist's interpretation. The real thing is too horrendous to witness.
absolutely disgusting
post more images so we can expose this criminal
Yes, public safety is our number one priority.
>I'm gonna fail drawing lower body completely so I'm just going to cover it with a blanket
Sorry bitch, were playing MY game now
Have some self-respect, will ya
No, seriously, explain to me how retarded dailies to grind rep/worthless loot are not a waste of my time, I'll wait.
I really cant user. If youre a person thats not into incessant grinding then its not for you
not him but if you don't want to do it, ya don't gotta do it.
Every major content patch throws shit tons of catch-up gear for the people that only play on major patches.
soundtrack to 13 was god tier. come to think of it, i can't think of many games that have such a huge believable world.
Music fit well with the emotions that they were attempting to convey (and failed to convey anyways at some points) but the world undoubtedly felt a hell of a lot better to explore because of how talented Hamauzu is.
And how criminally underused he is, as well
final fantasy XIII is one of my favorite video games. not bait either. i love it.
I beat 1 and am pretty far in 2. As for LRFF, I got to the times dungeon before I stopped playing.
Serah > Claire
I Actually liked 13
I loved 13. It’s got great examples of “show, don’t tell” characters and their development.
In what timeline?
I thought XIII-2 was a horrifying train wreck of a game compared to the other two. LR is actually the most fun out of the three. XIII is whatever I suppose. The linearity is born out of the attempt of showing off a grandiose story but forgetting to actually explain why key characters are doing what they're doing without having to dig into menus.
WoFF does XIII-2's whole enemy capture thing a hundred times better. I really hated Serah and Noel too, what a dull duo.
man, this game had the best art direction i've seen in a video game, only second to silent hill 2. every area feels like a beautiful watercolor painting.
Are there any answers other than "all of them"
>I really hated Serah and Noel too, what a dull duo.
two words
I sincerely believe we should put everyone who likes XIII on a ship and sink it to the bottom of the ocean.
>i have strong opinions about games I've never played
Me too lad.
good final boss
That piece of shit kicked my teeth in the first time I fought it.
Admittedly I was pretty underleveled but that shit still shocks me.
Yes, theres the only correct answer, which is ''none''. Just think, Noel could probably put Serah in her place, and Caius rekt her. Meanwhile, Lightning>Noel, Lightning>Caius. Moreover, you havent submitted a single picture of Serah's armpits for review, so how could she possibly beat Lightning's pits?
They should make another one, only this time give lightning a little armpit hair
Recently started LR again and daaaaaamn, that writing is awful. Also, it's a lot uglier than I remembered.
Game's fun, though.
Me too. But that actually made it pretty cool because I struggled to beat the Bahamuts. I actually had to burn through pheonix downs, ethers and such to make it through the first time. If you get very far in the crystarium then he becomes a push over though.
All I remember is the afro negro killing himself
KH levels of writing unfortunately
just replace Darkness with Chaos
I've attempted marathoning the trilogy a few times, but always got burned-out and quit halfway through the second game.
Shit, I think you're right.
Oh i played. And i wish i didnt because those are 25h i'll never have back. I saw the signs but i just kept going thinking it would get better. That game is a mess and everyone who likes it can only be described as a bigger mess with no critical thinking. These people must go, forever. Its just too dangerous for the healthy rest.
sazh was based stfu
I bought FF13 the day it came out. I played it for 2 hours and returned it. I have never played any other FF13 trilogy game, and I never will.
I would buy
13-2 and LR both kind of showed the Crystal Tools engine coughing and wheezing because it was doing things it never had to do in 13-1
No thanks cunt your games are trash and the following is trash.
10-2 is shit
11 is shit
12 is shit
13 is shit
13-2 is shit
13-3 is shit
14 is shit
15 is MEGA shit
Dissidia is shit
world of final fantasy is shit
type zero is shit
7 Remake will be shit
16 will be shit
17 will be shit
I'm playing LR through the xbone's backwards compatibility so maybe something fucky happened there but right after the intro cinematic ended I looked at the textures and went "oof".
Am I a spoiled brat?
Seriously I shipped this hard, too bad Toriyama got fucking jealous of Hope
>that one fag that says Lightning Returns is bad when it's actually the best
The progression of both OST and environments is superb. God I want a remaster.
Caius is a cool dude
From what I remember, the Xbox versions of all three games got things like their texture quality crunched because they had to get the games down to dvd size. Native resolution was like 540p too
I notice you for some fucking reason did not include the abortion that is FF10 in your list of shit games.
>I notice you for some fucking reason did not include the abortion that is FF10 in your list of shit games.
You can read! congratulations have a cookie.
i disagree
>this posting style
Go back to twitter please
Nice self portrait you retarded fucking redditor
sweet jesus
maybe I should give those PC ports a try, although I've heard that they aren't exactly great either
>not knowing he ban evades by posting from multiple IPs
nice try
Selective memory helps 10-2 be ok, 11 had soul for an MMO. Dissidia was fun on the PSP. FF8 Remastered definitely was never going to be good though. Rest is accurate.
>You see guys?? Games from when I was young GOOD, games from when I was older BAD! See this guys? GUYS?
They are just LARPing
But r34 IS the best porn
stop it I don't wanna have a pit fetish
Is this final fantasy? Why the fuck is she in a car?
What, you think they walk everywhere?
you saying there ain't cars in FF?
Fuck, I never actually played FF13 even though I call it shit. I own the trilogy...
Should I?
It's fun.
The tragedy of falling for the memes...
The first game is 49 GB.
What the fuck...
>he says as he posts stella drawn by barry
rent free
Yes it is, the tutorial literally says you can just hold to attack
Why not? It seems like you want to play it. What are you waiting for?
Pretty CG cutscenes.
>what is naglfar
>what is yojimbo
>what is tonberry
>what is ma-x angelus
>what is king behemoth
>what is ravus
>what is omega
cope nathan
skip 13, 13-2 and LR and p good
Except XV is objectively better in every aspect bar none.
Stop twisting facts nathan, he makes changes to make them better like making a second half of valse di fantastica or a battle version of omnis lacrima
meanwhile Nomura changes shit all the time on a whim
ff13 has the worst ff soundtrack
except barry got banned after that gore was posted by someone else and only barry posts earlier in the thread got deleted, none of the gore got deleted because they weren't posted by barry
and the thread wasn't even closed by a mod it was left open and archived normally, it didn't get pruned or deleted by a mod or janny even after that gore was posted, only barry got banned and only posts earlier in the thread got deleted, proving he didn't post the gore. And since it's an established fact that KH fags falseflag to try and frame him it's obvious a kh fag posted the gore
code please
What's p?
>no source to the image
Sorry, idk. Its just an image I saved. But jav has an abundance of armpit stuff if that is what youre looking for. Might I suggest AI Uehara? Some of her pit work is breddy good.
>been a huge FF fan since my dad first bought me Tactics when it came out
>played most of the major ones, played 12 repeatedly
>spent days of playtime on 11
>get all excited about 13 when I see the trailer
>pre-order the collector's edition and a PS3 specifically for it
>play non-stop when it comes out, it's not great but I'm clouded by FF vision
>48 hours in my PS3 dies and I lose all my saves
>by a new one months later, can't get myself to play 13 again
>buy the collector's edition of the next 2, never open them
Truly a trash game.
You have to 100% it to get the true ending dumbass
You can cave in his skull with a hammer and catch him midfall.
What is with Lighting and Toblerone? Never understood it.
what other games have some /ss/ in it besides this one?
also my favorite JAV is Yuria Satomi
XIII has the biggest amount of Hope/Lightning though
Basic. Everyone knows that Vanille's the best character out of them all.
Wait, what other proof have that KHfag falseflags, and what did the banlist say about Barry? Do we have screenshots of both? Now I'm intrigued.
this is from a while ago but it's proof that Barry ban evades
A Vanille is fine too:
I hated the first game but I'm kinda curious about the third one.
They're all fun
What's the best thing about the FF13 games?
Are "Lightning's armpits" and "Lightnings belly piercing" disqualified answers?
But they use fucking swords and shit, this is some Michael Kirkbride bullshit, why they just shoot each other?
>belly piercing
Thank you have a goddess
Oh boy, a Lightning thread!