ITT: Games where you play as a skeleton and or games that have friendly skeletons. hardmode: not fucking undertale

ITT: Games where you play as a skeleton and or games that have friendly skeletons. hardmode: not fucking undertale

Attached: MediEvil.jpg (500x496, 54K)

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The Nightmare Before Christmas


you can play a skelly in divinity os2
characters even react to you differently if you're a skelly and there's some unique dialogue

Attached: 2973569-box_mrbones.png (318x550, 408K)

>games that have friendly skeletons
Dark Souls

Attached: big bones Vamos.jpg (1024x576, 97K)


Not very friendly, he's rude.

Attached: Grim-Fandango1.jpg (1600x2012, 408K)

medievil is the game that is getting me to buy a ps4. every exclusive on that stupid thing didnt interest me a single bit, and then they had to go and remaster my favorite ps1 game

He's cool, it's just that you spoiled his focus.

Attached: 13.jpg (552x3000, 504K)

Forsaken in wow. Just have an undead only guild called spooky scary skeletons or something.

Attached: Morte.jpg (200x332, 17K)

Forsaken aren't friendly, though, they're jerks.

Sir Daniel Fortesque for smash

Dungeon Seige 1

he was good in all stars, you just needed 5000 IQ to set up his combos well. my friend played a good sir dan, and i tagged him online with my sackboy

Yeah... Um....I played all-stars and I thought it kinda sucked. Just my opinion though, but it's cool that you bros had fun and I'm happy that my homeboy wasn't a dead beat at least

it was certainly a rough game and not for everyone, but i think i have more hours in that than any other ps3 game LOL

Man that's some dedication right there lol

Give me like 15 days. I gotchu

The Grim Reaper from Maximo: Ghosts to Glory is a chill dude.

Attached: Maximo.jpg (1280x720, 75K)

best capcom dead franchise. i would love to play that game again, wonder where my ps2 copy got to

It's pretty great. Shame more people haven't played it.

Bones in Quake 3 Arena

>hardmode: don't be underage

What did user mean by this??

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