ITT: Games where you play as a skeleton and or games that have friendly skeletons. hardmode: not fucking undertale
ITT: Games where you play as a skeleton and or games that have friendly skeletons. hardmode: not fucking undertale
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The Nightmare Before Christmas
you can play a skelly in divinity os2
characters even react to you differently if you're a skelly and there's some unique dialogue
>games that have friendly skeletons
Dark Souls
Not very friendly, he's rude.
medievil is the game that is getting me to buy a ps4. every exclusive on that stupid thing didnt interest me a single bit, and then they had to go and remaster my favorite ps1 game
He's cool, it's just that you spoiled his focus.
Forsaken in wow. Just have an undead only guild called spooky scary skeletons or something.
Forsaken aren't friendly, though, they're jerks.
Sir Daniel Fortesque for smash
Dungeon Seige 1
he was good in all stars, you just needed 5000 IQ to set up his combos well. my friend played a good sir dan, and i tagged him online with my sackboy
Yeah... Um....I played all-stars and I thought it kinda sucked. Just my opinion though, but it's cool that you bros had fun and I'm happy that my homeboy wasn't a dead beat at least
it was certainly a rough game and not for everyone, but i think i have more hours in that than any other ps3 game LOL
Man that's some dedication right there lol
Give me like 15 days. I gotchu
The Grim Reaper from Maximo: Ghosts to Glory is a chill dude.
best capcom dead franchise. i would love to play that game again, wonder where my ps2 copy got to
It's pretty great. Shame more people haven't played it.
Bones in Quake 3 Arena
>hardmode: don't be underage
What did user mean by this??