Say hello to the only 24-bit game console in existence!

Say hello to the only 24-bit game console in existence!

Attached: neo_geo_console_48351.jpg (640x360, 23K)

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Would it have succeeded if it came out earlier or was it eternally fated to get cucked by weaker Nintendo/Sega systems?

eternally fated to get btfo due to its high price, both console and carts

I didn't even know this thing existed, I thought NEOGEO was just an arcade hardware producer. Did people buy this for anything other than arcade perfect KoF at home?

>$649.99 in 1991
sure it had great games, but to the normalfags in public, it was just another 3DO

No fucking way it was ever going to succeed at $650.

Mad hella cash in the arcades though.

>$650 1991 DOLLERYDOOS
That's literally over a grand in today's money. Who the fuck was this for?

It wasn't just the console price. Neo Geo cartridge games were around $199 a piece.

You were able to play literal arcade games at home. To some people that was worth the money to own it vs. putting in 25c/50c per play.

37 y-o leaf in Montreal Canada here
That system wasn't even sold in stores, I never knew or even HEARD of anyone owning one


Makes sense when you put it that way, especially with today's arcade nostalgia market. If Capcom releases a CPS1/2/3 console it would probably sell like hotcakes, especially with the low availability of arcade boards and how they're constantly breaking down.

I can't remember ever seeing a neo geo pocket in stores either.

It was always intended to be a premium console. IIRC originally they only allowed people to rent them, not buy them.

>If Capcom releases a CPS1/2/3 console
Only shit they release is ARM-emulation these days.

Attached: capcom-home-arcade-625x352.png (625x352, 117K)

The whole point of the system was that the games you got were the same as arcade and vice-versa. That was actually a really Big Fucking Deal at the time - home ports of arcade shit were always compromised in some way.
I'm pretty sure(not 100% but pretty sure) that until neo-cd, all the titles available on it were also available as arcade units.

Which is lame yeah but I can imagine reproducing old boards and/or shrinking them into cartridges to fit in a theoretical retro console is probably prohibitively expensive. It's easier to shove some roms into an arcade stick/mini arcade cab and charge normies a premium to own them despite them being free on the internet because they don't know any better.


90% of Yea Forums cant afford one of these

Why would you even need one nowadays? A $100 toaster can play them all just fine.

The console was never originally intended to be sold for home use. The original target was event runners and rentals for parties and such.

SNK would never be able to compete on price or value. It was a high end system made out of expensive parts for the time.

Attached: 1469290051705.png (637x1030, 411K)

I dunno why you say hello, I say goodbye

didn't really feel like a step up in quality from gen/snes, at least not enough to justify the price

The 3DO was priced high because the whole platform was really intended to be treated like a piece of hi-fi equipment. There was a lot of hardware and features that were well ahead of the time. It was just that gaming was never going to be a part of the stereo rack or justify hi-fi status for a while.

Attached: 1429395326604.jpg (500x615, 91K)

Capcom actually planned on making a CPS console back in the day called the CPS Changer.

Lots of smoothbrains in this thread.

>never had a neogeo
>never had a sega saturn
At least saturn emulation is bearable nowadays, but there are so many arcade gems from the late 90s I haven't played yet.

Damn shame, that would've been the holy grail to buy in today's market.

That might have been interesting. Nintendo's gameboy steamrolled everything in the 90's despite being a complete piece of shit of a platform. Sony's siege with the PSP was impressive considering.


it was an arcade machine.
You could buy it if you were a rich nerd, and you know how japan loves its nerd population, you can be sure a lot of people bought it over there.
The problem is the games were arcade games and not designed at all to be played in the home. It was either fighting games or quarter munchers. Nothing deep nd engaging like the metroidvanias or RPGs you could find on 16 bit consoles

These two guys are cool. They should be friends.

this is exactly the point smartyguy, there was no variation in genres and nothing to match the best games of snes/gen era

>or was it eternally fated to get cucked by weaker Nintendo/Sega systems?

This because parents weren't going to buy their kids such expensive shit like that. They could have tried making inferior ports of their arcade games on weaker hardware and who the hell knows, they might have been damn successful at the console business and might still be making them today. All hindsight though.

Say hello to the only famous character from SNK. The only ninja in Japan with a soft ass.

Attached: jiggle.gif (300x300, 48K)