Why did this game fall into obscurity? Is it because of the implied rape?
Why did this game fall into obscurity? Is it because of the implied rape?
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no it's because horror is already a niche and this game sold like 8 copies
You just know..
controlling the dog fucking sucked ass
if only they made clock tower 4 instead
it just isn't a good game.
I liked the jiggle physics.
That's a mod right? It goes from good to awful it seems.
>those cheats where you could make her boobs bigger
god i miss that era
Wait, there was a titty cheat?
his will be done
They actually properly mocapped a German Shepherd for this. Not many games go to that much effort.
>Always see this listed in the EPC SO RARE SO EXPENSIVE category
>PAL region it's at most like $30
Did Americans just cucked or what?
yes i am quite in awe at how big her tits got in the new camera angle
gosh i just wanna protect her so much!!
PAL censored the rape scene
GS cheats yeah
nothing push button
The game is pretty much Clock Tower in everything but name, you wanted a Scissorman? the last ones were horribly made.
What rape scene? you mean all the audio on the deaths where rape is implied but never shown?
there is no rape scene nerd
Because its a niche game in a already niche genre, great game though.
>there are people who think GS(Gameshark) codes were made by the devs for Datel's products
It's talked about a fucking lot for a fairly boring PS2 game.
She thicc
I always thought it was connected with Re4.
Would you play Haunting Grounds 2 with Re4 Leon and his one liners? It could be like Re3.5.
>fall into obscurity
It's not much more obscure now than it was years ago
This shit had like zero advertising at the time, not sure why. Didn't even know it existed till like 4 years later. Maybe they didn't wanna compete with their own RE games.
It came out too late in PS2's life cycle and Japanese horror games outside Resident Evil and Silent Hill were never marketed properly in the West.
>Clock Tower in everything but name,
It's nothing like Clock Tower. It's Clock Tower 3 in everything but name, which was just a game with Clock Tower slapped on because Capcom sucked up the IP.
NightCry plays like the real Clock Tower 3, for better or for worse. I'm glad Haunting Ground does its own thing but I don't know why people make the connection when it's based off of what is essentially a spin-off/total reboot.
I see it talked about more than the other clock tower games or pretty much any japanese horror game that isn't resident evil or silent hill, I wish they would re-release it outside of japan
>NightCry plays like the real Clock Tower 3, for better or for worse.
Explains why it bombed.
They're making a sequel or something though called Remothered.
Maybe that already released and bombed too.
It's concept of just running away would have probably made it hard to sell in the west anyways, in 2005 the mainstream market was already moving towards streamlined action. Resident Evil 4 would have flopped as a traditional RE game.
The protagonist was sexy as fuck.
the canine is female retards
The west ended up kind of capitalizing on the whole "only run and hide" thing with Slender/Amnesia/Outlast, just gotta package it right.
>Defenceless big titty girl with no clothes on gets chased and raped by a retard, psycho lesbian and straight white male
Probably couldn't in this climate
Remothered has been out for a while. Had no idea it was connected to the Clock Tower games though.
Does Hewie sound like a girls name to you?
Fiona is so perfect, bros.
Clock tower, rule os rose, hounting ground are a best games.
Also Jill with a dog.
Remothered started up as a fan remake of Clock Tower First Fear but then completely changed direction, I played it, badly optimized UE game with some nice camera but the gameplay in general is quite bad, the story is... eh, the studio keeps shilling it despite working on a sequel.
cause it sucks
Can you elaborate on that? maybe you don't like the sub-genre.
well fuck me then, you're right, YOU JUST KNOW
Kind of what Western games do in general. Just capitalise on existing genres and gameplay elements pioneered by Japanese devs that normalfags wouldn't otherwise touch due to poor marketing and xenophobia. Undertale is a prime example.
went and checked it out
boy howdy
they weren't kidding with ultra big tits
>Japanese name is Demento
>The Evil Within's Japanese name is Psycho Break
What is with the Japanese and really shitty names for their games?
>Resident Evil is Biohazard
>Silent Hill is Sairento Hiru
Their shitty titles run in the family it seems.
because those names would offend actual mentally challenged individuals
otherwise the names would have stuck
>Atelier Totori is Maiden Rape Assault: Violent Semen Inferno
Wow you weren't kidding
>bad ending is her being Mind broken by an old mans dick
it's actually an abstract kind of censorship
Too bad there's no good porn of her out there :(
Or maybe the names are just really shitty?
I hate how everything is called censorship now. Shift a character in a cover a few pixel left or right - Censorship! Cut a meaningless horse from the cover - Censorship! It's like sjw calling everything rape.
The Evil Within is such a better name for that type of game.
this game needed way more porn. Like seriously.
Fiona is pure and not for lewds!
built for black penis
>if I trivilaze every change that means it isn't real censorship
>if you disagree with me you are just like a SJW, you hate those people right?
it doesnt even make sense
at least psycho break sounds edgy as fuck
There's heaps more that got translated into something more coherent but I can't remember any. Anyone else want to list some?
Because it's not a good game and if it weren't for the main character having a tit slider and a swimsuit outfit no one would remember it.
game spoiler dont read unless you played the game
youd think she'd be happy to be a mother. that is truly what a woman's happiness is all about
I never heard of it. That's why.
It isn't really a super fun game. Hard mode is actually pretty scary if you didn't know that Hewie can actually die and if that happens RIP your playthrough
>Explains why it bombed.
it's not like Clock Tower, a point-n-click hybrid with a bazillion different endings and branching paths based around a stalker and adrenaline meter, was -ever- more than a niche title. In that respect, NightCry was made specifically for fans of Clock Tower. As janky (as FUCK) as it is, it has 'soul' in its fidelity to the point-n-click hide-n-seek roots.
Remothered as another user said is a fan project that turned into its own thing... which I haven't played yet. Looks kinda weird and maybe I was biased about the MC looking like a chain-smoking Jodie Foster. Good for the devs to make a sequel though.
The main character is reason enough to play this game, unironically. It says so in my GameFaqs review.
The game has no slider in it, there are just gameshark codes to make them bigger. Still strange.
If you don't know Japanese you are playing a censored version of a jap game since Japanese cannot be translated 100% into English. You can take this censorship talk to ridiculous levels. But in reality people in current year just want something to be outrage about. And complaining about meaningless changes fulfills their need.
t. white beta
Makes sense to me. Evil within. You are literally inside a network of brains.
Capcom does that to the devs' passion projects. See how Clover Studios was left to die. The matter of the fact is Capcom is a shitty company with internal politics that would just make you sick. It's the battle of the egos inside the company.
that's not even what i thought about when i think "evil within"
for me it's more like a description of the potential for evil within all living beings
that's why it doesnt make sense to me
psycho break just sounds edgy but it really doesnt make sense either
She looks so much better with her hair like that.
Nigger the bad ending is literally months after her getting repeatedly raped until pregnant.
Say what you want about her tits, it's her neck and clavicles that does it for me.
You are a man of exceptional taste. Cheers.
No guns
It has a gun.
Ah, a man of wealth and taste
If you use the cowgirl outfit, Fiona uses a gun for her attack
It came out at the same time as Resident Evil 4 and got buried because of it.
Don't think Capcom would care considering they developed both games and RE4 would have easily made enough money for both of them. It's a shame you don't really get these experimental passion projects so much anymore; everything from a big publishers just has to be a hit.
But the original names are superior. You're just too dumb to understand.
Bad game, bad gameplay design.
>white women fuck dogs
isnt this the game where she gets raped by a futa and gets pregnant?
She also runs around barefoot too
The world wasn't ready for her saggies.
It wasn't implied. It happened.
It faded into obscurity because it was never advertised. Few people know it existed and it wasn't that great of a game. Way, way too flawed but it had so many good ideas. It's kind of sad.
Because most gamers don't like the idea that you're really powerless. At least back in the mid 2000's that was the case.
A bunch of half-explored potential, more than anything else. I hate to use the term "ahead of its time" but I think it applies in this case.