Yeah bro the game is good you just gotta play the 2 games that are basically exposition dumps for the REAL game

>yeah bro the game is good you just gotta play the 2 games that are basically exposition dumps for the REAL game

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Who are you quoting?

Who the fuck told you that? Sky 1 and 2 make a complete story. 3rd is like an epilogue that sets up into the next big saga, Crossbell.

Sky is great from the start. I'll fuck you til you love me faggot.

I thought this is the one no one likes?

Haha, that's our kiseki alright.

Just play Cold Steel.

I don't get people who say 1 is boring, probably just people who played Cold Steel first and are expecting crazy twists and turns from the getgo. At least that's slightly understandable though, I litierally don't see how anyone could call SC just an exposition dump though, so much happens in it and it sets up basically the entire series.
And as someone whose favorite game in the series is 3rd, its biggest flaw is that it actually kind of sucks for the first 5 chapters. Once you get past that though and start learning why the things in the game are even happening though, it's the best conclusion for this series anyone could've asked for.

>2 games that are basically exposition dumps
No other game in the series has a character moment that comes close to as good as this, prove me wrong.

I have a hard to believing that anyone actually said that about 3rd.

>play the shittiest games in the series without any of the context and background that makes them tolerable

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FC is LITERALLY nothing happens: the game


Crossbell arc was the series' peak
Cold Steel is a smelly dumpster fire and they are only catering to the actual retards that liked it for the next 7-game-long arc

dumb contrarian

>other jrps can tell a full story in one game
>but kiseki needs 20 to tell its story

>start FC in 2014
>play for 2 hours and drop it to replay Breath of Fire 3 for the 30th time
>skip to SC in 2017
>play for 2 hours and drop it to replay Breath of Fire 3 for the 31st time
At least these games are good for something.

Crossbell never.

Calvard never ever

>context and background that makes them tolerable
the context just makes them worse when you have shit like Rean cucking Agate.

>skip to SC

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Nothing wrong with skipping boring games.

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>not playing FC
>not finishing cold steel 2
not based

>proud of being a retard

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Holy fuck this. I could see someone playing Cold Steel and going "Huh well it was bad but it wasn't THAT bad", but I can only see someone who's played Sky and Crossbell being utterly devastated by how shit Cold Steel is and how it ruins the series.

I played the good games and skipped out on the boring ones.
Don't be mad at me cuz you dumped 50 hours on a glorified prologue.

CS2 sucks
Even for Sen standards

it's an amazing rpg with a cool airship base and giant mecha fighting.


Tits 3 is the worst game in the whole trails franchise.

Are these games good? I always wanted to play them but I have no context on what they even are. Is it a waifu simulator?

JRPGS with a formula of break time to do sidequests > story quest repeat
Later games have "bonding" events for waifushit with the party during breaks.

Cold Steel is a waifu simulator, so pick that up if that's what you want. Has a bland self-insert guy who has all the girls falling for him.

Trails in the Sky FC is a slow burner story that's 80% Slice of Life and 19% politics plot, with 1% supernatural shit.
SC and 3rd are still slow burners, but ramp up in action considerably. Still very slow compared to other JRPGs. You need to have a certain mindset to enjoy them, AKA autism.

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Estelle a bimbo


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Kevin is the best MC.

Josette please

3rd is the fanservice exposition dump though you retard