ITT: Draw your own indie protagonist

It's been a while, let's have one of these again shall we?
Use pic related for inspiration

Attached: 1557021554436.png (1742x1197, 517K)

Baba isn't a protagonist, he's a god



Attached: walk25630.gif (256x256, 20K)

We're the gods. We only control Baba because we will that Baba Is You (us).

Slugcat is so cute!



Survival Horror in Post-Globalism Dystopia.

Attached: THE_K.gif (480x228, 267K)

I guess I'll post a few previous ones as a showcase

Attached: 1557097782860.png (1864x760, 32K)

Attached: 1556848777730.png (1258x641, 24K)

Attached: 1556862427494.png (572x594, 21K)

Attached: 1556877791764.png (871x1027, 18K)

leave slugcat and baba out of this please

Attached: 1568085095863.png (1000x1414, 53K)

Good fusion.

pretty cool

I'm down with this.


Only one I've played that I was really impressed by was Hollow Knight.



looks like black indie protags need more representation

Post more please, I'm uncreative as fuck and need something to steal

Attached: 1552928887027.png (1742x594, 214K)


There's Steven at least.

Attached: file.png (215x199, 14K)

And more Pride representation.

Attached: file.png (959x666, 34K)

draw porn.

I can feel the crime rate increasing through this picture alone.

i call him yonny splatt.

hes shaped like a poo and has thumbs up on his back.

Attached: YonnySplat.png (467x466, 6K)

I'll do it after I've read loomis

Attached: Castor the Ghost.png (1770x900, 13K)

Best I could do chief.

Attached: 5235235.png (662x556, 55K)

Isn't bottom right a Tamagotchi?

Baba is just a cursor. It’s simplicity is perfect

What is the original gif from?

Attached: acfa92f102a4b71.png (1184x1184, 12K)

Attached: ghost.png (520x650, 8K)

Attached: file.png (521x591, 111K)

i like this one

Attached: oc.jpg (384x500, 22K)

Attached: gatoroboto.png (555x438, 106K)

Attached: W5ClT03.png (601x599, 752K)

>not called catorboto

Attached: C73563F4-A5EA-4B39-974E-CDCE855A896C.jpg (640x627, 86K)

I've actually been working on a game for years with a protagonist that looks sort of like these, but with Black skin/white eyes instead.
One of the major plot beats has him getting partial pupils.

Baba Is Disturbing And Criminal

Attached: dfsadsfasafdsfd.png (573x449, 8K)

Basically, just draw a shape that's easy to make logos for but doesn't actually mean anything. Wispy tips are good for this.

That's super cute user. I also get the reference.

why yes its a potion seller reference!
how did you know?

baba is a nigger...



Because I made that thread heheh

gato is Spanish for cat
it's literally catroboto

Attached: bunbun.png (930x748, 103K)

Idk if this trend actually bothers people. I'm a basic person with plain taste, and I love the top row.


Pretty high tier, eh?

Attached: Indie Protag.png (628x775, 59K)

I think I might have given him too much blue

Attached: oc indie mage of white and blue.png (1862x2187, 242K)

>trimming the pic

Attached: 1556978567499.png (1372x1436, 47K)

Attached: 1531864529645.png (297x297, 7K)

had a lot of fun with this!

Attached: indiecast.png (345x317, 5K)

Go finish the monster update

