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Save off 50% and DOMINATE Today!
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Tchort is Evolution
Why is everyone saying not to get armor sloping?
Tchort is a faggot
cue faggot posting from GHOST
Because they want you to fail
Oh god oh shit oh fuck I did not expect another one
Tranquility or Psychosis for psi main?
>and gOg.
how about i just save 100%?
Tranquility for control
Psychosis with Survival Instincts for fun
yeah, they're a bitch
It depends. If you only have 3 agility it's not going to give meaningful benefit. Some feats like Juggernaut and Heavyweight rely on high armor penalty.
Play as a hammer wizard
Senpai notices you
Get molotovs and caltrop the entire island. They'll die eventually.
Let the captain help you
What build requires the MOST crafting?
where can i find a limited temporal increment mentor? Ethan is dead
Still waiting for those Expedition files on Any day now. Annnnnnnnny day now.
>be level 9 Tincan McFaceshooter
>get through depot A mostly okay
>only died in the first encounter a couple times due to bad throws and positioning
>explore a little bit, make a new shotgun and even get a shield emitter
>feeling pretty badass
>stumble into railroad crossing
>fight a couple faceless
>they fucking murder me
>EMPs just let me see how shit my damage and accuracy is against them when their shields are down
what the fuck
That's the faceless for you: toughest dindu nuffins this side of a coked up black guy.
Wait until you're a few levels higher, though.
now you know why the protectorate can't just make them stop blocking core city
>Ethan is dead
If you really want to slow down piracy, don't pay for denuvo, pay for hosting through your slav connections instead.
I heard he was an old man and attacked some rando that stole his watch
then that rando dominated him in the face with a 2k plasma pistol crit
Any build with 0 Mercantile skill
Whats the point of SMG's in this game?
It seems like they share all the same abilities with rifles but are just worse.
no move and shoot penalty
spec ops
Holy fuck I ran into a dog thinking no way ill have a problem with this I just genocided a base full of people and I was wrong
They are bullet hoses if you build it correctly
And Evolution is Tchort.
Wait until you fight bulldogs and dobermanns.
>dominating zenith harbor sewer
>i'll just make a lot of noise so the protectorate retard comes and deals with the crawlers
>he loses
fuck now i have to actually fight these things
Is there loot with randomized stats in this game
Dogs are outrageously gay cuz of the tackle bullshit. If you use high AP cost weapons and get a couple dogs on you it turns into a load of shit, even if you have heavy armor.
gog version on torrents literaly right now
AR's can't shoot .44 explosive ammo.
>explosive ammo
lol, have fun blowing yourself the fuck up
That's barbaric, user. I just want to pirate the expansion on my legal base game.
Eh, can i get some tips about building melee sword character ?
you've alredy bought base game and you alredy want to pirate expansion
why not just download the whole package with expansion?
Just take a step back retard.
>Sure Step specialization
Is it ok to do this?
Throw off all the "junk" i grabed from containers and get money to buy a better weapon?
Don't wanna end up selling valuable crafting materials that i will be needing a bit later.
Pirated it and played it for a few hours. Overrated boring trash, also too easy even on the hardest difficultly. Glad I didn't buy it, turn based is garbage. Only boomers and Yea Forumsipsters will disagree.
can I safely store shit in my apartment
can it despawn/be stolen?
now you have really made me angry
ill never forget this
what the fuck have I been reading for the last 15 minutes
>zero effort bait
come on man
you can do better than that
'cause I'm too lazy to download the GoG installer, install the whole package, then just lift the expansion files out of it to dump in my regular install.
>then just lift the expansion files out of it to dump in my regular install
yeah that surely will be less effort than copying your save to installed gog version
I'm doing sword psi, which psi school should I focus on of the 4?
Of course it is. I sell all the ammo and casings I find except the calibers I use. There's no point in keeping 5mm casings and blade handles and molds or whatever if you're never going to use them. That's also the best way to make money early on before you can abuse some other stuff. Just stockpile ammo you're going to be using now, and any ammo you're going to be using later once you get better weapons. Like hold onto any shells you find if you're planning on getting a shotgun later, for instance.
You can, its also more optimal to dump gear you dont need on the ground in piles near merchants (it doesnt get stolen anymore)
>forgot to grab the documents from Vera
that's kinda dumb
you should at least be fined for littering
Is it possible to build myself like a Terminator? Heavy armor, smg in one hand, melee in the other.
TM has really powerful buffs.
Meta has powerful AoE damage
25 into psy for force field util.
TC has decent crowd control.
yes but it probably would be shit on the higher difficulties
Sure. There's even a .44 caliber SMG that you could load explosive bullets into.
Why say that?
have you tried lockpicking
>not having a MKII lockpick lying around
>not having the Jackknife
Come on dude.
I wouldn't want to play the GoG version user, that's gross.
because im almost positive that on hard (or even normal really) this build would have to spread skill points very thin and likely wont achieve skill levels and feats you need by level 25
Moar liek ROAST!
Kindly shut your face, DC is pain
I hate DC
Someone redpill me here, does this suffer the same as kenshi where you have to make up your own story, or is this a lite version of that?
What’s with the difficulty spike at Depot A? Suddenly it goes from 1 or 2 enemies I can pick off with stealth to 5-6 clustered together. I’m burning through my grenades and hypos and just barely getting through these fights. And I’ve heard it gets even worse?
This dude wants me to plant a bug right now but I aint stealthy and not in the mood to wait around till I get lucky, what happens if I report this dude?
>lite version
Please talk in non buzzwords
You could but your aim would be shit since heavy armor takes almost max strength, and all 1 handed guns are dex weapons.
1 hand Melee/1 hand Gun builds don't work so well.
Depot A is the casual filter. Good luck.
>bad thing
honestly it was one of the things in kenshi that I really liked
I wish the game wasnt dropped halfway trough development
It's not a difficulty spike it's just the end of the tutorial.
Depot A is the filter.
Don't get filtered or reroll your character.
It has its own story (and its pretty good at that) but its mostly suddenly dumped on you at the end of the game and you can miss a huge story piece if you dont perfectly complete all of Abram's quests up to Meeting Azif
I didn't realize better hackers/lockpicks added to your skill, I've never done a straight up "doesn't hack and break into everything and burglar everyone" build in an RPG before and wanted to try it for this game, so I never bothered keeping any lockpicks. I just went and bought a mk 3 hacker and a bunch of mark 2 lockpicks.
Where are the build guides
His storyline just ends and you dont get the amazing rewards from further quests of his and more importantly miss a good merchant and a huge story dump. pro tip - get 40 hacking and hack a door thats near the ambassador's office, you just need timing an no stealth at all
Get some persuasion instead. No stealth needed that way.
I barely survived depot A on my first run, I was completely out of hypos and bandages and finished it at level 8. It sounds like you're supposed to start it at around that time though, so maybe it's an oddity thing.
You brought it upon yourself.
Big fucking shame.
Nah, if I can’t make it on my melee build (ie, get tired of constantly making runs back to heal and buy grenades) I’ll just reroll and maybe look at some guides this time
>You could but your aim would be shit since heavy armor takes almost max strength, and all 1 handed guns are dex weapons
You're retarded. All guns use perception for hit chance and heavy armor doesn't require anything NEAR "max" strength.
>decide to walk to rail crossing
>everything i come across I have a 40% chance to hit and gets six turns against me, most of which are crits
What the fuck, am I going the wrong way or is this the game telling me getting through depot A wasn't good enough to prove my build?
>rathound leather gear
>maybe eat a meat pie
>stealth in the ambassador's office with the door closed
>head to the vent next to the deputy
>close the door behind you just in case
>quickly start planting the bug at the closest vent in the deputy's room
This worked for me with 0 points in stealth. The 20 or so points you can get from that gear is enough to just barely be able to do it in time. You might have to savescum it a couple times.
Take the fucking train, man.
depending on your build you really gotta use chokepoints and traps to make Depot A less of a nightmare. There's a couple spots where you can cheese encounters because the enemies there won't follow you into another area for some reason.
Ghostnigger fuck off.
can't stop laughing
how's it feeeeeel, tincan?
What's a good ranger type build?
Do stealth builds besides sniper/crossbow work?
I dont really see any good skills for stealth melee or other stealth guns.
>have that one jumping lightning psi
>have molotovs
>cant win
ahem, looks like the only thing you dont have is sex
>what is Cut Throat
Ive tried that I get seen no matter
Cut Throat and Spec Ops.
where is your napalm?
Pick your weapon senpai.
They all play very differently.
can you be more shiller?
I still got through
I'm finishing this fucking playthrough
I will fucking smash the everloving shit outta of big eye for this
I swear by my hammer
The non-sniper rifle stealth build is getting complete control over when and where to initiate combat.
>what is a fireball
nerfed to the ground
and i swear by my fists
i get the distinct feeling they're far better than your massive overcompensator
fuck im gonna have to do this too but i really liked ladelman
he's tk psi not meta
I more met like, survivalist with traps and stuff, focus on agility.
The smg/sniper build the other user recommended sounds neat
>He doesn't spec them all
oh, crossbow then
you don't need agility with a crossbow, though
You wish
>one single ability with a long cooldown that you only get mid game
I'm not seeing it. Its good, but every build has multiple good abilities they get from the start.
I don't see any special stealth utility skills. Nothing to help you CC or escape from multiple doods or restealth.
Psionic Godhood is out of his reach, yes.
>Nothing to help you CC or escape from multiple doods or restealth
Have you read the description of Spec Ops?
have you pounded your way out of the tchort gangbang yet?
can you? sure i can and even run away before more show up
>Reduces action point cost modifier for burst attack from 300% to 200% when using SMGs. Also reduces cooldown of flashbangs by 1 turn.
Does not help melee, flashbang is on 7 turn CD instead of 8.
Not really seeing it.
Flashbangs don't work on all enemies and they can still resist it.
I was looking for a vanish or sap skill.
SMG/Shottie/Sniper possible or nah?
Goddamn it I was so close, too.
No, no you weren't. Lurkers would've fucking destroyed you and eaten you.
You'd obviously pick up Grenadier as well.
Yes I did, fucking Biohazard boots, fire nades and torch were a blessing
Now here comes the hardest part
The mutagen puzzle
Armor Sloping is basically just for one build: Super Steel. Getting decent move points despite being laden down. Otherwise you can just get Tungsten and waddle around at 95% penalty.
Embrace the slopes.
This is no mine. It's a tomb.
well, you'll have to plot out the feats better than i did and decide where you want those two or three stat points to go
>stealth build with spearhead
>2 free kills in the first round with snipe then aimed shot
8 str
3 dex
3 agi
7 con
8 per
4 will
7 intell
What do i do with my skills
Would you mind explaining your build first?
Drop Will to 3 for starters.
hey hey people
>8 str with 8 per
>only 3 agi
I was looking for something like:
>You are unable to move for 2 turns
>Incapacitate the target for 2 turns
>Any damage taken interrupts the ability
>If complete target remains incapacitated for 15 turns and you restealth
>10 turn cooldown
>Distracting shot
>Quietly shoot the ground
>All enemies will go and investigate
>Quick escape
>Drop a flashbang at your current location and convert all action points to movement points x2
Stuff like that, abilities that help you sneak around instead of just having stealth as an opening combat buff.
all these cuttlesnails on dominating
they seem to kill everything for me while i just one shot them one at a time
I'm pretty clueless but I looked up that this can be a good beginner for heavy assault rifle type build
What do I put that extra point at?
Again I am clueless
>Distracting shot
>Quietly shoot the ground
>Quietly shoot the ground
You don't know how guns work. Good job.
>Quietly shoot the ground
if you want fucking silent guns use energy weapons.
You're going to be a fucking snail is that guy's point. You don't need that much INT (armor sloping and gun nut are awful) and you're going to need mobility even if you have 95% mech damage reduction. Drop will to 3, INT to 5, and boost AGI to 6 for sprint.
Get 6 agi, you need that for sprint, otherwise you're going to be able to move half a space in combat before it eats up your AP once you get heavier armor.
Strength if you want to wear the heaviest armor.
Con if you want to eventually get it to 10 for Thick Skull.
Per otherwise.
If you just want to use AR's drop Int to 3 and get 6 Dex for Grenadier.
Ah, dominating.
>6 agility instead of dexterity for a tin can burst machine
shit advice
>>You are unable to move for 2 turns
>>Incapacitate the target for 2 turns
What's even the point when you don't kill people in a game with hordes of enemies and lots of non human enemies?
You gonna choke that death stalker, bre?
>Quietly shoot the ground
How's that supposed to distract anyone you fucking zoner?
You can already throw nades or set up TNT for that either way.
>>Drop a flashbang at your current location
Good fucking luck against all those enemies that don't give a shit about flashbangs, might as well just use sprint.
>tin can burst machine
and you lost me
>Assuming i'm not talking about using a crossbow or energy weapon or just throwing a fucking rock
Stop pretending to be retarded.
You know i'm just giving simple examples of abilities ideas.
Calm the autism.
the dude already said he wants to use assault rifles, which are obviously going to be bursting.
next time stop and read a little instead of spewing out retarded advice.
dex doesn't help with ARs. Until you can get armor sloping, and also craft good metal armor, every time you want to move more than 2 inches in a fight you're going to have to dedicate an entire turn to doing so.
dex doesn't help ARs you fucking pipeworker
>dex doesn't help with ARs
Neither does agility you fucking retard.
You barely need to move with an AR, and cutting down the cooldown on grenades is going to be magnitudes more useful than fucking Sprint.
redpill me on tin cans
so far I've been abusing stealth as much as I can, how do you manage without it?
>What's even the point when you don't kill people in a game with hordes of enemies and lots of non human enemies?
That's why i'm saying stealth seems bad in general.
It's still fun to sneak up to a camp and quietly take out dudes.
>How's that supposed to distract anyone you fucking zoner?
I started typing an explanation, but no, your just retarded if you can't figure that out.
>Don't throw a rock or fire a crossbow bolt at some rocks, throw TNT, that's stealthy!
>redpill me on tin cans
They're pipeworkers.
You just get extremely fucking swole, and stomp on everything's throat. Grenades and traps also help. My first two runs were with stealth, and I couldn't understand it before, but now I don't give a shit about stealth.
Doin a heavy sniper/shotgun with psi support. Haven't gotten a sniper yet but the shotgun is carrying me. The new temporal stuff seemed interesting so I said fuck it. It's on normal and I have no problem save scumming. Bring the hate.
Enter combat manually and corner peak.
You get agility so you can sprint so you can actually move in combat, not because it directly helps with an AR. Even with heavy armor and an AR you're not going to waste every single thing in a lot of encounters before you start taking a lot of damage, or get surrounded, or end up in fire or acid. Being able to funnel guys through a choke point or disengage from the 2 or 3 dudes shooting at you far away while you focus on the melee guys is enormously useful, that's why everybody recommends sprint.
>That's why i'm saying stealth seems bad in general.
Stealth allows you to bypass entire areas without killing anyone, how is that bad?
>I started typing an explanation
Explain to me how the fuck do you "quietly" shoot a gun and especially if you do so how's that supposed to distract anyone if you do it "quietly", and why the fuck should this be even a thing when you can achieve the same with a grenade or TNT, which actually draws the attention of more than one enemy.
>get first quest
>get mobbed by rat things
oh shit oh god oh fuck
Just tank the fuck out of everything while throwing grenades and spraying bullets.
Welcome to East Europe games.
You don't need to move when you have heavy armor and a ton of HP.
>that's why everybody recommends sprint.
Flatly untrue. The grand majority of tincan AR builds have always dumped agility for obvious reasons.
If you ABSOLUTELY need to move, just use this, or get some fucking TM. Either of those plus Grenadier is going to be infinitely more useful than "lol 30 MP for 2 turns!"
stop asking for hand holding games
Use corners and doorways so only one or two of them can attack you at a time. Also you might've gone out the wrong exit, I did my first time.
>tfw everything feels too slow
I want to kill stuff faster crossbow was NOT the way to go, is SMGs better?
>dabs on sprint niggers
I'm about to buy this game just to join in on the fun with you fucks.
I'v never done psychic before.
Why is stasis a 70 skill when cryostasis is only 35 and seems to do the same thing?
Yea, sniper/crossbow is about slowly picking people off.
SMG/Rifle is faster.
You will quit at Depot A, have fun!
Stasis makes the target invincible for 2 turns.
what if your goal is to freeze yourself
Str 3
Dex 10
Agi 6
Con 3
Per 9
Will 3
Int 6
What can be done with this?
Its bad because any sensible player picks classic so you're missing out on xp and loot
>You don't need to move when you have heavy armor and a ton of HP.
Yes you do. If anything can reliably crit or pierce your resistances effectively and you sit there tanking it along with everything else hitting you you're going to eat way more shit than if you could actually use your environment and move more than a single tile once in a while.
Why would you want to stun yourself for 2 turns?
Even if you are not taking damage, it still just lets the enemy close in on you or escape if you are melee.
Are shotguns good? I really wanna one-shot shit.
What build would help be a run and gun dude?
Nothing. Absolute fucking trash.
Just roll a psimonk you dolt. You can do weird builds afterwards.
>turn based
Ah shit, it's like that recent Shadowrun game then? Thank's for the warning.
Some sort of ranged build.
Cryo can make be resisted, it's duration is increased if the enemy is chilled, you can hurt people that frozen, and it goes away when the frozen target is damaged.
Stasis can target ally, enemy, or you. It costs less psi, and makes you invincible for two turns, although you can't move.
If only there was a way to burst down high priority targets... too bad I only have an assault rifle and a bunch of high tier grenades I can throw every often. I'd surely be in a better position if I could move three feet instead of outright killing my enemies!
3 agility tincan turrets are the most recommend newbie build for a reason. It's very reliable and easy to play.
you really can't think of a single situation in this game where you would want to be invincible for two turns?
are you 3 int in real life?
Yes. Snipers are the 1 hit kill weapon though.
Sledge Hammers for melee.
Shotguns are more of a 2-3 hit kill depending on the situation.
You can play it real time or turn based.
Both are good. Turn based is just better for ability people like psych.
SMG build.
>You can play it real time or turn based.
It's strictly turn based dummy.
I played a low con, pure rifle build that heavily depended on traps, so no I can't.
Usually if the enemy gets close to me I just die.
Why would I want to give them two turns of free movement?
Maybe that's a thing for melee?
What build is best build?
No way. I swear this had a real time option.
Are you serious?
I haven't played in a long time but no way.
Throwing knives.
The Ultimate Being, the Psionic God.
lower CON to 8 and up INT to 10 on DOMINATING for full godhood
>those puny manlet hands and wrists
I'd like to but I don't think I'm autistic enough for it.
Can I reasonably use just energy weapons (and traps / throwing) against everything? Am I going to run into shit that's highly resistant to my damage types and be fucked?
Very few things resist energy weapons. Shields are the worst but an EMP grenade takes care of those
If you're really worried keep a chem pistol handy.
Cool shit, thanks. I'm sitting on a level-up debating if I should be working on tailoring or chem pistols right now.
Hey hey people :DD
Is there any way to make restarting the game much faster?
>still no rocket/grenade launchers and machineguns
Wtf Styg how come you made a Fallout-like with no heavy weapons?
going into depot a wish me luck
I know right? Should have done more bone density reps.
Fucking do it, lad.
I believe
I accidentally killed 5 people in a line with one shotgun burst but I imagine this is just the first bunch
Did I get baited my shotgun is stronger then any mutie and dog
Yes user you're truly a professional, now enjoy your casual stroll through Depot A.
Do I need autism
user please
Shotgun is fucking ridiculous in Depot A, it's one of the builds that has a pretty easy time with it. Unarmored targets get fucking smashed.
Seeing as how you can't even complete your sentences, don't bother. The game is too hard for you.
Which build is more fun for first playthrough, bionic madman or a crossbow trapper?
Or another one that I haven't heard about
yeah everyone either gets naded out the gate when I run into a group or they get funneled into my shotgun hell and I kill all of them in one burst
>bionic madman
Wut? Do you mean psionic?
Repeating my questions since my post got sunk in "how do I play game?" last time
So how do you keep your gear in check early-midgame? I was kept getting cucked by my merchants and been able to craft a better sniper rifle and SMG only after about 4 levels. Also I still can't my mind around what would be better, leather armor or vest? And if leather armor, where do I farm high level rathounds/pigs?
Im trying to get the drill for Tanner but Im stuck. Im in the wormhole part and the dog fuckers keep throwing me off and calling the muties. Im rolling a stealth crossbow/psionic build. My lockpicking isnt high enough to use an omnitool on the vents and my hacking isnt high enough to disable shit.
What do I do?
Craft siphoner leather armor
Let me rephrase that. Im stuck at Depot A. Help me out.
Yeah psionic, auto correct is being a nigger
You deserve to be filtered by Depot A, you wojak-posting fuck.
you can place traps in stealth, tho if you have stealth but no utility skills youre prolly gonna be in for a bad time
based depot A filtering out all the ssethshitters
Imagine being this annoyed by Wojak posting.
Imagine falling for a concerted attempt to disgrace it.
Silence yourself. I haven't had this much fun with a game in years and I won't be filtered by it.
Screenshotting to show you. See you in the next thread.
Imagine being retarded niggermonkey who can't google shit and instead asks v to spoonfeed him
so is it basically impossible to stun carnifex on dominating
I have tried flashes and crawler poison both of which he appears to resist
I'm not him, I just think you're being a faggot.
Joke on you, I'm not him either
Complete faction quests ASAP to get the best merchants. My biggest hurdle on dominating was getting access to high level shit. For leather you want infused leather, but I've never done it myself.
nevermind turns out you can its just very rng
I'm getting completely obliterated by the gray army. I can kill maybe 5 or 6 of them with grenades and caltrops, but then I run out of AP ammo for my rifle and 3p and 6p shells aren't cutting it either with my shotgun unless I get a lucky crit, and my shield gets blown up by the heavy gunners. I don't have stealth to sneak around and the vents don't really take me anywhere that doesn't immediately get swarmed by 10 or 12 guys. I thought maybe I could cheese it by holding a door way and making them come at me only a few at a time, but it doesn't really work cuz they can all shoot past each other.
Actually I'm retarded, I might've figured out how I can do this. I had the mats to make a napalm grenade and I forgot I had flashbangs.
>death stalker is sitting on on the opposite side of a transition on the only way back to camp hathor
Uhhhhh is it just gg for this save file? The fuck do I do?
Alright, thanks. I guess crafting sturdy vest is the best option for stealth chars before finishing oligarchs.
Nevermind, got lucky with a bunch of misses and then the ratbros had my back.
I won't forget your sacrifices.
that room is not the difficult one
The last time I played Underrail was shortly after release. Are guns still ass, or has that been changed? IIRC melee dominated everything.
Is there progression guide? Like where to go on certain levels? I met the fucking cryo bugs who shoots you with their mind and 3 of them ganked me. L
Do your quests. That's the Mushroom Cove, you don't need to be there unless you're looking for hoppers.
did you read anything in the game at all
How did you guys deal with this? They're immune to bear trap damage, burrower poison and molotovs barely scratch them and if I mine 1 it draws the entire island. The captain isn't much use either because he dies in 2-3 turns.
I thought I was ready to be a domichad but it looks like I'm just a hardcuck zoner.
I think I figured out the problem. I've been using the same shitty metal armor and rifle from when they were first available. Their shit is just way better than mine.
I did.
What snipers should I craft? I figured I'd pick up the Draganov and use that in the interim.
Where can I buy crossbow parts on the early game? I'm talking pre-Depot A
got a dumb question lads just about to beat depot a ive been leveling temporal manipulation since im going off a build, when do I get psi powers?
... did you take the pill?
are all the ssethbabbies illiterate or something
yeah but I got no powers
i always clear as much of the island without pulling the goliaths as i can and then kite the goliaths (and whatever else is left, usually one or two regular psi beetles) around the entire map. i dunno how viable that is with a shotgun though. as melee i did a ton of flashbang/caltrop/bear trap cheese, remember that you can restealth if you manage to incapacitate all of them at once.
Did you read what the doctor said about psi trainers in the compound?
These aren't your YouTube videos anymore, anonymous. You have to read AND listen.
thanks ill try that. problem is that there are two in the west and one in the east so i cant kite in a loop without getting sandwiched. doesnt help that i have 0 stealth.
maybe i just made a fatal error in not hitting the reqs to craft level lvl2 mines/grenades first.
I uh forgot about that, ive just ripping and tearing with a shotgun through depot a when I realized I haven't got psi shit yet
I restarted like 3 times at the start because autism and forgot the whole doc convo
You've been continuing to put points into a skill despite being completely unable to use it all the way through Depot A?
These guides are rotting your fucking brains, jesus christ.
How useful are EMP bolts? I wonder if I should even bother with them
is it worth making one of my first runs a melee run?
guns seem kinda pointless since most the time you just get swarmed my melee enemies anyway
Is there any way to see how the hit chance is being calculated in a specific fight? I don't understand why my hit chance is so garbage against the faceless and occasionally I'll get +20% for seemingly no reason.
you are too dumb to even read the guide, which probably told you where trainers are, gl with rest of the game
Psimonk with heavy armor is considered one of the most cookie cutter builds for a reason. Just hit people with your fists and cast spells my man.
this game is actually a sequel
Turn 1 I had a 60% chance to hit, turn 2 it's down to 41% and neither of us have moved from this spot.
you don't need to move to change light levels
you're also not providing enough information it could be anything really enemies also have evasion, if he used adrenaline that increases it
Come back later. Whether you make a dash for the item, or clear the place you don't want to do it as soon as you can. There are several Goliath screens that can completely cockblock you on Dominating.
nah I was just too busy ripping in tearing to rely on it, I cleared depot a like it was a cake walk
Is this the place where you can get beat up by a doppleganger? I just went right side, molly the beetles back, grabbed that shit and ran
he's not playing the same difficulty as you
I did exactly that on hard
he's not playing the same difficulty as you
Yes, exactly
My bad I didnt realize the balls on user
> make a heavy armour sledgehammer build
> level 10, it's shit and now I need to restart the game
The truth.
>tfw no respec
>have to go through everything before Depot A for the 4th time
I'm not him, but that's exactly what I did on Dominating. Clear the rats, grab the item, then run through a pre-planned caltrop field.
i lost my balls pretty soon after stepping off the boat. im a castrated beetle wife now.
Open trade with me now.
you know the difficulty isnt fuckign around when depot a is the easy option
I specifically save each level so I can just rollback and undo any flaws.
Lads, is psychosis worth it?
I'm barely doing good with my overload and ice spike combo.
So, soon I'll be hitting the infamous depot A. How bad is it? How many war crimes i need to commit there?
I want to be a demolition man
recommend me a build please
objectively what are the most fun builds and playstyles in this game?
Its pretty easy on a good build.
Somewhat challeging on a questionable build.
Hell on a shit build.
Muscle wizard/psimonk is a safe, effective and fun setup for a first timer. Hit people with your fists and cast spells.
I just found an advanced catalyzing belt at foundry by chance, is lvl 15 good enough to start the expedition?
Oh, okay. I think i'll be ok if i hit one or two levels. Btw, should i hit the burrower infected compound before depot A?
>implying you can handle burrowers
My advice is to not attempt Burrowers until you have an energy shield.
That's why i'm asking. If i bring enough mines, nades and molotovs do i have a chance?
ok, thanks
Depends on your setup. You can certainly try, burrowers arent as bad as the NPCs say.
I mean the game has a very weird difficulty curve. Sometimes it's a cake walk, other times it's fucking infuriating. Like that "save private Newton" quest
Got it earlier because of hey hey people video.
Playing a sniper:
S/D/A/C/P/W/I = 5/4/10/4/10/3/4
Guns, Throwing, Evasion, Stealth, Hacking, Lockpicking, Persuasion, Mercantile.
Sure step, Aimed shot.
Correct my mistakes, Yea Forums.
>Like that "save private Newton" quest
Do people really not bring molotovs for this?
I think it's all the acid damage that makes it hard really.
Yeah, now I realized my mistake. So I try to bring as many nades and molotovs as I can. But at the time I didn't expect fucking bullet sponge beatles that deal a fuck ton of damage. And the old man at the crossroads wasn't too helpful. "HURR-DURR, just run idk"
Unwise at the early game.
Come back when you have a metal armour, a riot gear, or tac vest with shields
can anyone give me some beginner tips, im finding combat against more than 1 enemy very difficult
i dont wear anything that gives armor penalty
Drop snooping
Pack rathound is a luxury
I have riot vest, assault rifle and some nades and mines. But i'm level 6 so i'm not so sure if i can handle this.
Here's a little tip for ye
Burrower poision -wont apply- if you fully resist the mechanical damage of their ranged attacks
Their spines work like bullets, make sure you have 50-60 treshold against bullets to fully resist Burrower spines
Think it like this, if te spines harmlessly bounce off you, you wont get poisioned
Thanks, user
Forgot to mention, if you're a nimble gunner, besides Guns skills, you might want to keep Mechanics (to craft guns) and Tailoring (to craft leather armours) at max every level
>hey let's troll the thread again
You get nothing by leaving stats at 4, you either drop it to 3 or pump it to a number required by a certain feat
Oh. The build said 4 and I didn't very much question it. I wonder why the author chose 4. I know STR=5 is for the sniper rifle requirement, at least.
I couldn't get into the base game. Is it better with the DLC ?
Not him, but once you know fully the game, you will realize that the base stats not relevant to your current builds are, for a huge majority, completely useless
Why would a knifefag or pistol/SMGfag want STR when their main stat is DEX, and PER respectively?
Why would a hammer would want DEX if he just needs STR?
Why would a pure wizard pump STR when he just need WILL/INT?
The not relevant stats for you are doing close to nothing
Yes, but chances are, if you didnt like the base game, you wont like the rest of the expansion
I've remade a character like 100 times so I can easily tell you and anyone else that wants to know, the strongest possible level 1 character.
9 dex, 6 per, everything else at 5. max guns and persuade (at least for level 1), other shit can be whatever you want. For feats get Gunslinger + Aimed shot. At the armory, ask for the .44. You now have a really strong pistol that can fire 2 times a round. Without 9 dex + gunslinger, you won't be able to fire twice. 2 shots a round with a guaranteed crit via aimed shot.
There is nothing stronger than this build at the start. I can't tell you how good it is later on because I rerolled AGAIN to make a melee character which is bretty gud but the build here is super strong at level 1.
What else can I tell you... Uh... Stoicism is super good but it costs 7 con 7 which is 4 of your 5 starting stat points gone. However, I've found that you literally don't need dodge or evasion if you get stoicism. Something to think about.
do you recommend going for evasion or for heavy armour?
Armor penalty kills dodge and evasion so heavy armour is wasted with dodge and evasion.
Just dont
t. 500 hours in tin can'ing
how do I into stealth? it seems like whenever I try I just fuck it up
is my mistake using Crossbows as my main weapon?
>The not relevant stats for you are doing close to nothing
It kinda feels bad. It's almost like i'm playing Diablo II and not an actual RPG.
Not a stealthfag, but light and closeness to the enemy affects stealth
Try to keep your distance, or be behind the enemy, stay away from the light
>with just a piece of shell, Ezra can tell you what the borers are, how to beat them, and make a device to lure them
>all because he "encountered" them before
This guy is big bad material.
im asking do you recommend evasion OR heavy armour, for a new character
Oh, you havent seen nothing yet
Just you wait to get to Deep Caverns
this would still be really powerful even later on if you go into chem pistols and gunslinger wouldnt be entirely a waste if you keep a firearm pistol equipped for bonus initiative/crit set ups with ambush. easiest runs i've ever had on dominating are by far always chem pistol builds.
i'd probably dump WIL and just spec into merchantile alongside persuasion for the synergy bonus to get the .44 though, the 6 per would start hurting really fast
Opinion, not a fact.
Do whatever you feel like, both are equally good if you know what to do.
Choose something you want to follow, then commit to it, ask for advice for it too.
surely one of them is easier to pull off?
I had a full tincan build, dogs and fuckers with crippling blow are the worst.
>both are equally good if you know what to do.
What if I don't know what to do?
Small times
Watch this
raise perception every level up. you can put another point in dex and agi if you want their feats.
>did ya know hoppers go die in some specific part of the caves?
>later on find hopper cementery
fucking hell
Just stealth it take the thing and walk away niggas like wtf lmao
Should I go for a light armor sneaky shotgunner, or a tincan shotgunner?
False equivalance for the gameplay for tin cans and nimblefags are exacly polar opposites.
Again, do whatever you want, see if what you're doing can work out. Do not be afraid to ask.
Which is why these threads exists, and we are here.
Consult while you can, angry janny nukes the threads
can you fire your chem pistol and swap to a firearm at the end of your turn to get the gunslinger bonus?
>Consult while you can
Well yeah like the other user I'm wondering if I should focus on armor or dodging for first playthrough. I'm sure there is a difference for a new player.
What the fuck. Are you seriously having so much trouble with a couple of rathounds that you try to minmax your character for the first hour while fucking up your progression later on?
How to beat the game:
>make psimonk that hits shit with fists and casts psifists and shit
>win game from start to finish unless you play the daunting meme difficulty or whatever it is.
What is a psimonk stat-wise?
Tincan always. Always.
just go for whichever you think looks cooler.
you need mobility for shotguns with their low range and perks centered around close combat or having no one close to you respectively
if you mean the AP reduction, yeah
if you mean the initiative bonus i mean the fight would've already started and initiative would've already been rolled at that point
you would start fights with your firearm selected, swap to chem pistol, cooked shot to set up either opportunist with acid pistol or ambush with incendiary, and then start firing with the firearm pistol again.
Metal armour is way more straight foward, no need to think much besides overcoming the lack of MP.
Nimble dodge/evasion builds require a little more thinking and strategical approach, however, unlike tin cans, it's a build based off RNG, while tin cans will cover you all the times.
Metal armour Assault rifle is the most newcomer friendly build, however it gets boring fast, I assume, so, again, do whatever you feel like doing, then ask if it's viable or possible
Chances are, if you play in normal difficulty, almost anything is possible
I dont even remember exactly but something like
>high strength
>low dex
>low agi
>medium con
>low per
>high will
>medium int
Exact amounts depend on what feats you are looking for.
Aight, so I bought the game courtesy of the Hey, Hey People man. Installed it, but after some further reading I've heard a lot of horror stories about Depot A. With this in mind: what are some absolutely essential skills you need in order to make it through said area with as little pain incurred as feasibly possible?
Fuck, forgot to add: which is the better experience, oddity or classic EXP?
You can breeze the whole place with high stealth/lockpick/hacking and a brain, which you will be lacking unfortunately
Meta knowledge. A lot of the dangerous early game parts can be mitigated if you know where to find proper armor and grenades to tackle them.
Always oddity.
>played this years ago
>got my ass handed to me thought the game was bullshit
>turns out I just went the wrong way and didn't go to caves first
How idiotproof is shotgun build?
>Always oddity.
You hurt me user
Not much because Shotgun requires you to use your brain a little for shell usage and proper positioning.
Unique method of gaining exp, disincentives grinding mobs, and incentives exploring and dumpster diving.
Because Oddity exp system is one of the things that sets Underrail appart from other countless RPGs.
Why more of the same when you can try something different and unique for once?
Even the dev encourages oddity
Coretech, JKK, or Praetorian for a leather wearing hammer dude?
Looking for advice on shop types specifically.
>disincentives grinding mobs
except a lot of oddities are mob drops
just cheat engine bro
Where can I get good quality cloth and leather? like +100.
is throwing a skill i should be leveling up? ive been throwing loads of grenades with 0 throwing and they all land pretty well
Can you make shit explode in this game? Is it fun?
If I'm doing melee stealth am I handicapping myself too much if I use a sword instead of a knife?
>good quality cloth and leather
>like +100.
Literally one of the main appeals of the game is all the ways you can break the geneva convention rights on human beings. This is an udnerground post apocalypse slav game with magic. You can bet you arr everything is gonna blow, caught fire, acid, ice, electricity or a medieval weapon with an energy attachment directly on your enemies skulls.
Is this because it's almsot non-existant?
And most of them can be gotten in 10-15 kills at absolute worst.
I hope you levelled your mercantile skill, gentile.
Welp, guess it's time to stop leveling tailoring then.
worth buying outside meme reasons
If i'm playing a psichad first playthrough oddity and really feeling myself after reading countless threads but never having left caves on prior starts, should I reroll dominating or do an "ez" normal run?
Classic, oddity is only ok for first run, after that it's idiotic.
Don't listen to the retards talking about "grinding", they haven't even played classic. Everything you kill starts giving exponentially less xp to the point where the gains just come to a halt, it also lets you have agency over your experience instead of just having a shop-list of where the oddities are instead of just playing the fucking thing.
>lvl 15 good enough to start the expedition
Yeah, it's low entry bar, but I heard that meleefags suffer at the Blacked Sea, so they should go with higher level.
get lucky with super steel got a 134 quality and infused it with leather turned my 58 quality siphoner leather to a 121. What is the best infused leather anyway i dont have expansion so dont include the dlc leathers
> Never having left caves.
Go through depot A and see if your build is even viable first.
>What is the best infused leather anyway
Depends on your build.
>should I reroll dominating or do an "ez" normal run
What the fuck am I reading? Why is the choice between normal and dominating? You can start on hard if you took the psipill and feeling big, but dominating is awful for your first playthrough.
Classic. Oddity is a fun novelty for maybe an hour. After that you will wish you had picked classic for the rest of the game
How does stealing work in this game? If there is no line of sight you can take whatever you want and no one will know?
I suspect more extreme nades are harder to throw precisely, and missed throws are frustating as hell. You can leave throwing at 70.
I have a question about pickpocketing. Do you need any main stats in addition to the skill to be good at it? Is pickpocketing worth it at all?
stealth fist build. infused ancient rat hound spiked boots or infused siphoner tabi?
Oddity, classic causes overleveling and is for babies who need to be rewarded for every fucking action.
If psi is so good, i'd hate to do like 3 playthroughs of it and be burnt out or something. That's why I want to know if being a god is balanced(tm) on Dominating. I guess you don't think so
I did 10 will 10 con via a guide obviously and feats seem easy at that point
Ancient Rathound boots unless you've put enough point in dodging for the siphoner tabi to make a difference
Classic, oddity is for babby who need to be handheld through the game and want to abuse metaknowledge to overlevel the shit out of their character.
>That's why I want to know if being a god is balanced(tm) on Dominating. I guess you don't think so
There is nothing balanced about Dominating in any way, shape or form, Styg didn't even know if it was possible to actually complete it.
what is this game? is it fishing?
It's light triangular VN with hentai elements
>Do you need any main stats in addition to the skill to be good at it?
Pickpocketing scales off DEX.
>Is pickpocketing worth it at all?
It is, you only need 80 effective pickpocketing for it to be functional, and you can boost that further with food and supersoldier drugs.
Classicfags are, ironically enough, contrarians.
This only makes my godhood harder
Anyone? Well I certainly hope I'm not fucking myself over cus I'm stealing everything I can
I just close doors and open drawers my dude
Like every other RPG with stealing, there's a line of sight and if you get caught lockpicking or hacking or opening something you shouldn't you get wasted, stealth helps with that, unless you're in a controlled zone with cameras.
You will need them to fight robots and they are a good source of a extra stun. Just care they zap nearby zoners and that can turn your allies hostile, in a few missions where you have them.
Wait, I once stealed the shit out of jet garage in Core City and they attacked me afterwards.
What dex would you consider to be a minimum to be a fairly good pickpocket?
>use a tried and tested system that has been incorporated into every rpg
>literal fucking contrarians whose only argument is "I-ITS UNIQUE AAAH"
ok last question what metal spike is best for the spiked boots
High-level bolts are great due to chain effect. Also they stun all kinds of fuckers, not only robots, so they are useful.
>use a tired and murder-centric system that has been expanded on in other rpgs
>an expanded system
What's even the argument? Oddity gives you oddities for killing.
People who insist on oddity just obsess over a mode meant to guide you on those first attempts.
It's like living with your parents at 40 arrested development at it's best.
Man this game's story and lore sucks shit, I respect styg for his enormous dick in making this and the other people involved but fucking hell I can't get into it because I just don't care about what's happening. Same feel I had with ATOM RPG. It just doesn't have that same feel as pic related bro.
I don't know what's happening, I'm not a storyfag and yet...
It would have a wider appeal if it was as storychad as Toby Fox games.
Yeah you fish for baits by posting stuff like
>shit graphics
>why am I dying all the time? Shit game
>oddity is a good system use it
Look, a murderhobo fancies himself as chad.
Why is there even an argument? Heyheypeople made a very clear and irrefutable argument for classic system.
what argument is that?
>Man this game's story and lore sucks shit
Actually play the game past the tutorial.
One is based on killing people which makes it good, and the other is based on rummaging through trash which makes it horrible.
>toby fox
Get this untertail shit outta here
I've got 20 hours in when does it get good
Who /5X/ speed here?
>0.1 hours played
And classic gives you xp for oddities.
But on top of that classic gives you xp for everything else so your progress isnt reliant on dumpster diving some used condoms. And the progress is constant and reliable whereas with oddity you sometimes get no progress for a long while and suddenly level up rapidly in a new area.
>shit graphics
It's a valid complaint. The game has worse graphics than Fallout 1. I actually dropped it the first time I played, frustrated with how horrible it looks.
You want to be like classichads but still sift through trash as gameplay, pathetic
>Year of our lord 1983+36
>Not being a murderhobo
Fuck out of here arrested development oddicuck
40 hours in, you fucking casual
you sicken me
Exactly after you reach the first settlement after the Junkyard.
Play the game you bloody mouthbreather
thats just factually false. you get loads of oddities from killing as well
UnderTail is based and should be the first implemented overhaul stfu
correction: from rummaging through trash that belonged to the person you murdered.
Is there an item that permanently increases your stats in the game, such as a potion or some kind of bio modification, etc...? Something that can count towards obtaining new feats, not something gained through gear.
>one system allows for grinding
>another system makes grinding impossible
Simple as.
is there a practical difference between looting the xp off a dead enemy vs gaining the xp immediately when enemy dies?
Depends on your build, if you don't really use DEX a five or six is more than enough unless you value your attribute points that much, bear in mind that going beyond 4 in a stat gives you negative effective levels in something, so if you do want to use pickpocketing to its full extent, which you'll want since there's no point in halfassing it, you really shouldn't go lower than 4DEX.
You get permanent stat increase point every 4 lvls
There are no potions this isn't WoW
There is a not well known easter egg in the game: if you talk to the medic at the starting city and get him to give you a pill, you unlock a special feat that lets you use psi abilities.
Based retard
I don't really care about melee that much so I can't say.
>And classic gives you xp for oddities.
And therefore classicfags still can't distance themselves from the joys of trashdiving. They also were blessed by the oddity system, by proxy, but have the audacity to shit on it.
The practical difference is that you get XP regardless of whether the slain enemy has prepared some oddities for you or not.
Oh now the classic murderhobo becomes a moralfag
How cute
It's a nice bonus in classic, unlike in oddity system where you are literally an oddity junkie.
Play classic before spewing out misinfo, you can't grind simply because every time you kill an enemy it gives less and less all the way to 0 (zero) xp.
i think thats a good thing, killing everything shouldnt be encouraged but at the same time you still do occasionally get xp from killing
I can't get into this game no matter how many times I play it or builds I use
Except you are at mercy of an unknown force that chooses whether to reward you or not, while in classic you can have clear predictions of how much you will gain from a kill.
Except an oddity in classic doesn't even visibly move your bar already at lvl 10, play classic before looking retarded next time.
I played up until some mad max extras invaded, a few years ago. Should I go back due the expansion?
Means you cant murder the same shit over and over again for xp
Uninstall and go make a twitter post about it, no one cares.
youre german arent you
not him, but even though i think you're making things harder on yourself than necessary, i respect this commitment.
Oddity is for soul and roleplay. Classic is for Diablo fans on withdrawal.
I care.
Why the hell does it take so long to launch?
I'm on an i5-6600K, RX480, game's installed on SSD and it still takes solid 2 minutes to launch, even though it's using like 3% of CPU and 35MB of RAM
No, retard, the image for this game people always post is a guy throwing a fucking fishing net over a boat into the water. what the fuck else am i supposed to gather from that?
>I found this roll of toilet paper which means i can finally train my lockpicking skill with it
Кaк тaм, нa двoщaх пpo пoдpeльcy cpyтcя?
I stick to Yea Forums.
Like other user said positioning, if you got 3 cunts in front of you aim for the dude in back 3 round burst have different shells loaded, I did this for most of deport a so far. I could be telling you shit way to play for all I know
I'm making a build and I was curious if I can include everything I want. If there was a way to permanently increase your stats, that would matter a lot. Anyway, is there a way to reset stats, skills and feats, in case of a mistake or otherwise any other reason?
why stealth is a shit stat ?
how do I make walls not obstruct my view?
Hold Tab.
>is there a way to reset stats, skills and feats
Yeah just make a new character from scratch
honestly you know how many times I rage load because ill accidentally click something and my character will move instead of fucking shooting
Cheat Engine it is. Well, thanks for your help anyway.
>you can't grind because grinding gets worse over time
based retard
>>I found this roll of toilet paper which means i can finally train my lockpicking skill with it
>I sniped a gorillion crawlers which means I can finally train my mercantile skills
Just keep that hand steady
It doesn't get worse, it stops giving you xp period. As i said play the game first, you're looking kinda retarded.
I'm not claiming my system is for roleplay.
>Killed another rathound
>Now I'm ready to improve my electronics skill
boys use your brain
Fine motor control acquired from shooting is conducive to handling delicate equipment more better. Checkmate oddicuck.
Wait, really? Fuck. I want to grind.
What does a melee build look like?
>Protectorate propaganda pamphlet
>Wad up and shoot the j into a barrel
>+5 throwing
based styg
These threads are so shit now ever since that review came out
Just play oddity and learn where the good toilet scraps are, you can seriously abuse this to overlevel your char.
Each system has its own view on "roleplay", all systems are inherently abstract and designed to work on a specific idea regarding game systems, so there's hardly any real roleplaying system out there and depends mostly on what people accept as relevant for roleplaying and character progress.
Arguing about what makes more sense in a something that is accepted based on personal ideas and opinions is pointless, it's all about tastes, some people think that killing 10 space boars with your fists and then dump your level up points in Intelligence makes sense, others don't.
There's literally no difference, aside from an occasional user praising or crying about sseth.
that review made the game sell. I may buy it because of it but am thinking if its really fun or not
My argument about being at mercy of an unknown force for no reason still stands.
Not sure what "review" you're on about since i'm not an e-celeb worshipping zoomer but, they used to be worse.
>find your mom's dildo
>level up your autism skill level
It's really true but you just need to keep fighting it by remembering to ignore heyheyposters and handholdfags
"e-celeb" in an insult to the majesty that is our nigger heyheypeople
based and trap-pilled
Rolling on the floor laughing, epic youtube banter my dudes
Laughing is good for you.
Sell me on this game. What am I in for?
Just watch the video you cunt.
Caves, metro systems, pipeworks and devourers of stars from beyond this reality.
>Sell me on this game.
nah, watch a video look at forums or read any of the other 241250 fucking threads you lazy fuck
It really doesn't, but whatever floats your boats, oddities are fixed and even enemy drops are easily farmed, especially on hard and above where you fight off hordes, the only exception I can think of is the two headed mutant in Depot A and it's not such a big deal either considering your build is technically over at level 24 and everything else is just surplus, which is an actual problem with the game's balance.
You can also say you're at the mercy of respawn rates in classic because oddities give fuck all for EXP in there and most of your gains will come from killing things, most of which do not respawn.
unpolished, unfinished fallout 2 clone wanabe
Hammer build looks like:
Sprint/Conditioning(Nimble) at level 1
If you want to keep your movement points high, max dodge and evasion, take Nimble at 1, and make siphoner leather armor. If you're playing in a tin can, I'd advise taking the psi pill and maxing psychokinesis and getting Corporeal Projection at 2 and Force User at 4 (these will boost your psychokinetic skills considerably.
Hammer stuff with a hammer. There's also a funtime build with siphoner leather and exothermic aura
He probably surives by throwing poop on himself, entering stasis and waiting for it to kill the enemies.
Compared to fucking fallout 2?
*wannabe, you Advatongue hack
Dungeon crawling with great atmosphere of lonelyness, basically.
>great atmosphere of lonelyness
oh boy this is just what i lack in real life
Hey, at least you'll feel right at home.
Thanks, user!
Is it okay to completely ignore crafting?
Not cool man.
But I want to level other skills..
You can but you'll be at a disadvantage.
t. I hate crafting as well but did a successful psi run without crafting pretty much anything back in launch
>Pirate game a couple years ago
>use a high int build
>crafting and shooting my goo
>lots of fun
>decide to replay now with all the attention on the game
>try a spear build
>only at Depot A
>not nearly as fun
>still can't decide what else I might try
Other builds just seem boring. Does anyone have any recommendations or should I just restart with my scientist man?
I'll say this, a hammer build is a great foundation to peer out at the rest of the game. You see your clear strengths (high spike mechanical melee damage) and your clear weaknesses to address (AoE, range, CC, other damage types). You've got a decent health pool and Thick Skull would be beneficial. Just go have fun
Unpolished as it might be, Fallout 2 is still as shiny as a mirror compared to underrail.