Are there any game where you choices actually matter?

Are there any game where you choices actually matter?

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no choices matter though since everything ends

The only choice that matters is the choice to be delicious

What faggot decided to add that extra text to the comic and thought he was improving it?

The witcher 2. New Vegas.

What a time to be alive. 2010-2013 were the underrated golden years of the decade.

Unironically Witcher series.

Yes but you'll say it doesn't count.

what's with this "muh added text" autism I see in every lol thread? we get it, is better, but shut the fuck up holy shit.

Until Dawn

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Why should they even matter? Choices don't matter in Morrowind but it's still one of the most fun RPGs of all time.

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Holy fucking BASTE

what if the cow goes backwards

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Keep the plaques

I don't know what the fuck you're on about but "The illusion... ...of free choice." is not part of the original comic.

>die on the first boss
>there's an ending showing the villain conquering the world
any game that does this? That's the only way I can see choices really mattering

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The left/right dynamic only makes sense in the context of the French Revolution and is otherwise pure bullshit. I hate stupid faggots who only care about the horserace and couldn't give a rat's ass about actual policy (or only have an extremely surface-level understanding of policy).

Is that where he keeps his tools?

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Donkey Kong 64, Banjo-Kazooie, I forget if Tooie did it too.

>a cow using tools

Unironically the Witcher 2
The game literally branches off about 2 times and you have different endings

In every disgaea game, there are joke endings if you fuck up the boss fights for every chapter.
Some of them do in fact, take over.
Some of them are scripted fights you aren't supposed to be able to win normally. They just get mad and blow up the universe.

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god, i miss old hussie

Tactics Ogre

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damn, really makes you think about society

you are stupid

Too goddamn vague
CoD: choice to reload befote turning a corner is life or death
EtG: using a key on a chest early and getting a shit gun or a gun that renovates shitholes
Tropico: pissing off the EU is fun but embargos early on suck
VtMB: faction endings and splodey building
PoE2: I shot up the slaver warehouse and now all their named pirate captains skipped out, so no trophys

Replace cow with lewd anime girl and I'll participate in this thread

The ellipsis makes it deep

Why hasn't anyone posted the real version yet?

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You are stupid. He is right. Not one for empty nihilism but come on man. At least we can enjoy video games before we blip out of existence.

Too subtle

yeah imagine what they'd look like since no thumbs
probably really silly
maybe this would make a good comic

Journey before Destination.

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undertalebut not deltarune? wtf tobyis this how nested spoilers work?

Your genes don’t unless you’re an incel.


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Alpha Protocol

You aren’t an individual.

kind of has a nice ring to it. cow tools. probably could use it as a figure of speech.

and you are a faggot

I still don't get the water meme


this is the entire actual point of the 'roguelite' boom. shit like FTL.

Be free, my child.

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I know that. We are all part of the collective unconscious. Everything that makes up any of us is just another piece of someone else.

Fucking retard.

Now he's in the Mootrix. The illusion is complete.

Your choices don't matter in FTL or most rogue-lites. Regardless of the procedurally generated path you go through, the end goal is always the same.
Except for Dwarf Fortress, the greatest game ever made.

Fire emblem


no because free will doesn't exist anyway, so we don't actually make any choices at all

And they want in you

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