>got banned for dropping an N bomb in overwatch
please defend blizzard stealing my $40
>got banned for dropping an N bomb in overwatch
please defend blizzard stealing my $40
You broke their TOS.
Is it really this bad now? I havent played any multiplayer games since around the time OW came out in 2016. Do people really get banned for shit talking
>Read the TOS!
Yes it's that bad. But what's even worse is corporate simps defending that practice because they think it'll help them win the culture war
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. As it's been said, you agreed to TOS by clicking play, you broke the terms. Get fucked.
spbp, OP is a nigger who cant read
You lost the $40 when you wasted your money buying the game.
So, why did you need to drop the N-word in chat? What made you feel like you absolutely had to? What was the reason you couldn't privately say nigger and not needlessly antagonize other players?
>will say nigger on overwatch
>but not on Yea Forums
>muh TOS
big yikes
A private business could ban you just because they don't like you, they didn't even need that reason.
any game without private servers is shit and you're a dumb nigger for buying it
>can't play games with feeling the urge to scream NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER
You knew it was going to happen and yet you did it anyways. You have nobody to blame but yourself.
But don't blame yourself for n bombing, blame yourself for buying that shit game in the first place. Blizzard is doing you a favour getting rid of it for you.
Keep trying.
Do you read the TOS?
Because they are always really long and full of legalese, I know you dont read them
everyone just skips them.
The reason to say nigger is to antagonize others.
>can't follow rules
>surprised he gets banned
dumb nigger lmao
You did an obviously retarded thing a group noted for being a hugbox and got inevitably banned. What was a downpayment to play a reflection of a non-physical game is now a tax on your raw stupidity
>doing something you know will get you banned
You brought this on yourself, OP.
It was me that reported you because you were being an annoying twat
Everyone complaining about this, it's stupid. Look you can call or say anything around or to me and I'll never get offended, offense is taken not given. But Blizzard is a private company and to play their private game you have to abide by their rules. You may not like it, but how hard is it to not say nigger? Grow up anyway, is that really the best insult you can come up with? It's so unoriginal
Kill yourselves you literal fucking bootlickers.
Why does the alt-right get upset when capitalism works and companies are allowed to freely deny their service? Are they communists?
>muh tos
TOS is not a legally withstanding document in a court of law.
This is just you being bent over and cucked because what are you gonna do? DDoS the Blizzard servers? Enjoy having $40 stolen AND jail time if so.
Imagine if someone IRL carried around a folder of shitty wojacks to hide behind when someone else pointed out how hopelessly retarded they are.
probably banned you because it wasn't your first attempt at attention seeking
>Can't play an online videogame without hollering racial epithets.
You deserved everything that came to you, OP Even though this is clearly a hypothetical shitpost.
>hello I would like to use your non essential service
>No problem but we have rules that you have to agree to first. Also if you break the rules we will punish you
> Alright I accept
> *Breaks rules and gets punished*
>What the hexk how is this fair I got robbed
You have less of a grasp of simple cause and effect than a toddler
Aw it's ok, princess. You'll make enough money next year mowing lawns in the neighborhood to buy it on another account.
Don't be sad. No tears, only dreams now.
Do you read it?
Why do we have this thread every fucking day? Has anyone actually changed their mind from hearing the same tired arguments every single time?
t. commie
Stop leaching off their money
Imagine playing overwatch.
what a stupid nigger
>surprised he gets banned when he bought a literal game for cucks
you are a cuck in the first place
>dumb faggot who can't hide his powerlevel
>wojakposting third world monkey
>was playing fucking overwatch
You gave Blizzard $40, you deserve to lose your money
We live in a society, user. A society with RULES. If you don't follow the rules laid out by society, you will be shunned by your peers.
The least they could do is refund him if they are taking his toy away
Conservatives were always soft communists, as long as the money only siphons up. So like all other acting communists actually
This guy gets it
Looks at the widdle edgy faggot. Did you start listening to Rage Against the Machine recently?
TOS offer no legal footing and dont really address the issue at hand, which is nobody actually owning anything in their possession anymore.
I yelled "Nigger" whilst dining at a restaurant...can't believe those cucks told me to leave or they'd call the police.
oh shit you just paid the nigger tax son
Imagine actually playing overwatch
>Roomate plays overwatch
>When he goes to the bathroom I'll go in and type Nigger in his chat
>Got banned for it eventually
Based Blizzard
>act like a nigger
>get treated like a nigger
yep, everything's in order
Why? he has zero right to that and they have zero reason to do so. It would just reward the behavior.
>can't read
>agrees anyway
>freedom of speech doesnt mean freedom from consequences
You're a dumb nigger for playing that shitty game in the first place, they did you a favor.
This isn't real because you'd be scared he'd beat you up.
You just can't say the n word in video games anymore. Some little faggot reported me on console siege for dropping the nigger bomb on him and sony banned me two separate times for the single offense
imagine if someone on Yea Forums sucked corporate balls as hard as you and no one pointed it out faggot
Why you gotta drop all these truth bombs, baldie homes?
>mom please give me any attention at all please
nobody loves you
>$60 game
Choose one
Keep crying commie, the company decided you were bad for business
probably banned for being an annoyance more than being offensive
Dig master's son?
Lol you're so desperate to justify yourself and actions. Get over it, you lost. Go to bed.
just to let you know,
No one said a thing when games started to abandon the "run your own server" model in favor of matchmaking and related faggotry. You made your own bed.
Lmao you spent money on a trash game, not me.
this is actually incredibly unfair. op should be allowed to say the n word!
just say it dumb nigger
no you probably said it because you were losing.
you deserve it, shitter.
The servers and access to them would be the service, technically
Technically you broke the TOS, but TOS shit like this should be illegal. This tricky "you only bought the service to play the game, you don't own anything, and we can cancel for any reason and not give a refund" lawyer shit needs to be stamped out.
go back, communists
While that's a legitimate concern, even if OW was a physical release you could own, Blizz would still be completely within its right to deny OP access to online matching for breaking the ToS for the benefit of their other customers.And given that online matching is the only game mode Overwatch has...
I'm not a bootlicker, I'm just not a drooling imbecile who can't take responsibility for their actions and comes to Yea Forums to cry about it.
do you hate capitalism?
facists or more specifically national socialists
we arent capitalists thats kike shit
You're all a bunch of gay retarded niggers. You're little cock gobbling thread is worth less than garbage.
>TOS is not a legally withstanding document in a court of law.
By all means it is.
You're agreeing to the terms of use of a service when you are presented with a TOS regulation.
Pressing accept automatically removes your right of doing any kind of lawsuit or any kind of legal action against the TOS regulator should you have been actioned in case of TOS infrangement.
That's why those clowns that sued Ubisoft and EA for being "unjustly banned" are laughed off the court and sent back home.
You are not above the law.
>m-muh bootlicker
Not an argument.
By accepting rules you are hereby invited to respect them.
Failure to comply will simply see the termination of the service as it is in any moment by the owner of the service.
>hey user you can come to my house and play my vidya for 20 dollars, but if you shit on the carpet i will kick you out of my house
>still shits on the carpet
You are a child.
Glad you got banned.
>what? my actions have consequences?
>report people for using slurs only because I know they'll seethe when they get banned
literal children
Fat autists who live in houses that haven't been cleaned since they bought them only know Yea Forums when it comes to contact with other human beings. Their world-view, dialect and ideas have been warped to the point where this is the only way they can sastisfy the need for social interaction: Posting the most retarded shit over and over in a desperate attempt to get (you)s.
Their ilk falls in with that of the "e-thot"; their only true dopamine source is immoral and redundant social media use.
Oh god please not gay retarded and nigger oh god the horror
>playing homobotch in the first place
oh no no no NO!
>playing AAA garbage with randomized ranked matchmaking, forced 50/50 w/l, and muh toxicity filters
You did it to yourself
Now go buy a good game with private hosted servers like Mordhau where you can say shit all day as long as you aren't an unfunny cunt enough for an admin to nuke you.
based Dredd MegaCorp bootlicker
Lmao I dont care if nips ground me. I have a PC for times like this
Forgive my ignorance but i never played overwatch, is op case a permanent ban or just temporal?
>says nigger in overwatch
>doesn't say nigger in Yea Forums
you have weird priorities, man
>forced 50/50 w/l
>being matched with people of your skill level is "forcing" a w/l
>as long as you aren't an unfunny cunt enough for an admin to nuke you.
>implying that's not OP's situation
never forget kevin nash was brutally raped in the summer of '9x
Was new dredd any good?
men can't be raped, sjw
>by all means it is
No it isnt, and this really just goes to show how much you know. Them banning you for going against the TOS isnt a legal issue.
>wojakposting still isn't an insta permaban
How so
>tfw no more comfy server communities with custom mods and maps and going anywhere you want depending on how you felt that day
>only matchmaking, usually on maps chosen against your will
If I ever hit it big and make an online FPS game, I promise you guys I'll bring back dedicated servers.
Every single of of you. Honestly, its down right concerning. Seek help freaks.
We truly live in a society
>the liberals took my video game freedom of speech
>i took their political power
Trump is GG 2.0
>person supports banning from games
>also wants Yea Forums bans for things he doesn't like
>is also a flaming faggot
What a coincidence
Remember to always do your part.
Do you want to be called a faggot or something?
What is this I don't want to click
Keep crying bitch
t. falseflagging commie trying to dismantle capitalism
Trump won't let you destroy corporate rights, cuck
Trumpf is antitrusting commie valley as we speak, cope leftcel
4 more years, ctr
Maybe you can argue about how communism will work this time on reddit
posting wojaks won't get your account back
This thread is shit. Why do I keep coming back to Yea Forums?
>democrats are the real racists
>can't say nigger in game made by democrats
explain this level of cognitive dissonance /pol/yps
I will definitely do this trust me
You deserved to get robbed because you're ugleh.
>Them banning you for going against the TOS isnt a legal issue.
That's exactly what i said thought.
But it's not ignored in a court.
A case presented with those specifics is quickly dismissed.
>how much you know
I'm a lawyer, user.
because everywhere else is worse
>autistic_frog still hasn't killed himself yet
genuinely surprised
Heh, Your actions have consequences don't they?
you're scoping out this board before deploying hillshill propaganda
must sting knowing nothing you can do will work and Trump will own silicon valley this time next year
8 chan coming back up in a few days too, cope cope cope left bitch
>make metal move really fast
>spend rest of my life in prison for "shooting up a school"
>daddy government punish them for banning me from Club Penguin for saying "I'm raping that nigger penguin cunny"!!
Because he purchased it
>pay to use someone elses software
>surprised they ban him because FREEZE PEACHES doesn't work in private software.
What did user mean by this retardation?
>I'm raping that nigger penguin cunny
ngl he sounds pretty based
>hey this is pretty fucked up i paid for this and i ca-
>i did im saying the rules are shi-
fuck off youre missing the point
>get banned
>get refund
??I don't see what the problem is here?
I know you must be excited, finally you can jerk off about communism on fakechan again
4 more years of capitalist glory and you can't change it
Seems fair and adequate
What company/game does this?
>the rules are shit
It is perfectly reasonable for a company to enforce etiquette and good manners regulations tho.
Don't like it? Don't play it.
>hurr im a gaymer i do what i want reeeee
Enjoy being banned.
What's the point?
Well, when you created your account, you kinda had to click the little box that said you agree to and understood the Terms of Service/Use.
Good to see you are still making these threads.
>you're the lefty shill!
>no, you're the lefty shill!
Fuck I'm so confused you're both Russians, fuck off.
Nah I don't fucking care. You can count them if you want
dont like it make your own product, commie
>Sorry mister, but we, the company will forcefully deny you the ability of using the product you payed for because you did something that goes aganist our piece of paper that can't stand for shit in a court because it basically goes aganist the constitution.
>Just bend over and let the SJWs win!
Videogames fall under consumption goods laws.
You cannot get a refund on a dinner or on a movie because you started yelling and being unpleasant.
Sorry but that's how it works unless you're in China\some third world shithole.
>dont like it dont play it XD
not an arguement bootlicker
enjoy your hugbox because you didnt say anything when they came for the big bad racists
Hey retard remember spore installing a literally virus and how their "b-but my tos!!" Defense didn't stand a chance in court?
Only read America but it was very good, yes
What happens when you break Yea Forums's rules?
>I love the taste of leather!
Say no more
I'm not trying to play thought police or anything, but why are so many people so insistent on using that word? There's plenty of creative ways you can insult people without making it about race. Go watch some Black Adder and then try again.
nothing capitalistic about censoring legal speech and then stealing money after the fact, those class actions are going to rack up trillions from soi nigger leftcel gamedev studios and shareholders. this is why Valve doesnt ban for legal speech- they know whats coming.
It is a perfectly good argument tho.
>SeCurOm izzZz a ViRuSss!!!
Go back to 2009.
You can say the N word all you want on tf2 :)
some guy made me laugh with it on voice last night
because he's 13
>asking this
You do realize he's probably the type that screenshots his ban screen, bypasses the ban, and makes a thread about it like a 10 year old, right?
You forgot the wojak.
You also forgot that in one case the service is not provided while in the other the service is being denied after the transaction.
why do you hate capitalism?
>hey it says I can legally rape your wife
>your honor he signed this
>well you signed it, now he can rape your wife
For once this has nothing to do with SJWs. You agreed to and understood the terms of service when you created your account. I'm pretty sure spamming NiggerFaggot goes against the ToS at least 90% of the time.
>Don't like it? Don't play it!
>please defend Blizzard
No, I’m not their PR.
How many times has a TOS ban been successfully beaten in court? I'll save you the trouble of researching, it's zero.
>said user in his padded cell, still thinking tf2 isn't dead
While you're a faggot for playing overwatch, being censored is literal communism.
This is your punishment for supporting gay shit like Overwatch and R6S in the first place
Gamer oppression is the best shit ever.
You have the right to refuse a customer, But you can't sell them a product and take it back, Nigger.
no defense for their actions
that doesn't mean you're not a fool for playing their rigged game
black guy here, idgaf if some white kid says nigger online. its only left wing commie incels that use it as an excuse to enforce their cuck jew ideology on other low IQs that pretend to be offended.
chappelle got me so hyped to kill leftist trash tbqh
usually a three day vacation unless you really piss a mod off
It's more like
>this is my clubhouse and you have to follow my rules
based retard
Probably because no judge would give a case like that the time of day.
You agreed to the company's rules, you didn't follow them. Youre bad for business, commie
Yes good goy let us control your speech!
Even that would be an acknowledgement of breaking the rules = ban.
>he didn't read the rules
Except the TOS has legal value in a court, your scribbled paper does not.
Post hands.
>I'm a lawyer user
Then you're a fucking terrible one. And if your skills are being used in internet fights on a videogame board on Yea Forums, I've got some news for you.
>go to club
>pay the cover fee
>sign says don't scream at and hassle patrons
>walk up to someone, start screaming at them, and hassling them
>bouncer throws you out
>what the fuck man this isn't fair
A fucking child could see why this happened and yet the retard OP can't.
Fascist are very anti-free speech too.
>implying china isnt a third world shithole
Again, missing the point
no it isnt, its dismissive and doesnt contribute to the discussion in anyway shape or fasion, so as a bootlicker, perfect for you but not an arguemtn for anyome that doesnt hivemind to you
>wanting to regulate a runaway environment is being against captialism
noce strawman
The Playstation Nigg-, ahem, Nazis got me for the same shit. It's like the world wants to oppress us for being white.
>that can't stand for shit in a court because it basically goes aganist the constitution.
4 more years, commie
as cringey as it was, this was really ahead of its time.
>hurr violent video games don't cause violence
Same here, kanye woke me up and I now realize us black brothas have to rise up and violently strike down all leftists
And that's where the fun is, because in that case the "service" you provided is being physically inside the building.
You're not getting a refund on a dinner because you started barking against the sandnigger in the corner and got rightfully kicked out of the establishment.
How would they even know you're white?
except he notorized it in the local notary, get fucked
censorship is based when it supports right-wing ideology, dumb libturd
>but why are so many people so insistent on using that word?
because we are not aloud use certain words apparently, To produce sound with your mouth.
>nigger here
>we need more gubbmint regulations to cuck companies!
Sounds pretty communist to me
It's a good thing we live in a democratic republic.
Haha, just kidding, you aren't allowed to say mean things to anyone because they might kill themselves over it.
>your scribbled paper does not.
>y-your rules don't count, only based blizzard rules count
boot licker.
>>hey it says I can legally rape your wife
But you can't legally do this
>make public speech forum
>violate first amendment to steal money
she's going to lose again pedro, cope spiccel
>Then you're a fucking terrible one.
At least i'm something, user.
The local notary (so basically me) has no power to do that.
I think they hacked in to my system and found out that way or some shit. Idk man, it's just so hard to be white these days
If the game is played online it's not just a product, it's also a service, which they can deny you. You're still free to do whatever you like with the software as long as you're not using their services.
Theft is illegal but you signed the TOS, so now i can rape your wife, now bend over.
>tyranny by govt is bad but tyranny of corps is AOK
yes they do, do you even know what notaries are you inbred?
>same response
>same shitty meme
aren't you the fags that pushed the NPC meme?
No matter how hard you cry, Trump is staying in
Communism has never worked, stop trying to push it
I wonder (((who))) was behind these posts
there are people trying to censor degenerates and liberals?
Last time I played an online game and I wasn’t in a private chat was like 2014
>12 year old screeetching
>dumb nigger blaring shitty rap into his mic
>the one nasally guy that whines because you got a power up he wanted
Fuck niggers and fuck everything except party chat.
Why would you call people "n'wahs?" That's a bit uncalled for.
>enter a CSGO server
>scream nigger the whole time
>sometimes people scream nigger back
>never once been banned
Say what you will but Valve is still based in my book.
Not an argument, boyo.
My fellow underaged friend, we cannot sign any kind of document that goes against another law.
Because, you know, rape is illegal.
>so now i can rape your wife, now bend over
proofread your posts
If you hate capitalism why don't you move to Europe?
Fuck off ancap, ford can't take back my car because for some reason i violated the NAP or some shit like that, no matter what they put on paper.
That's literally what a lot of people on Yea Forums were saying about the latest episode of Ethics in Journalism.
>use game's neutron bomb feature
>get banned
consult a very expensive attorney, op
It's actually pretty fucking funny to report someone for it just to see them rage about the ban.
global government needs ww3 to reset the economy
Good thing multiplayer games are trash and i don't play them, I'm just here for the laff
It boggles the mind, really.
>ponies spam Yea Forums and Yea Forums for a few weeks
>banned sitewide
>wojaks spam every board on the site for years
>show has lesbo kiss in it
>cut from the broadcast
>crossposting /pol/cucks and Yea Forumstards: BAAAAASED FUCKING BAAAAASED AS IT SHOULD BE!!
Saying "nigger" in a video game is part of being white?
Nice falseflag, kike.
How about YOU fuck off commie. I know leftypol is down but you still have reddit
>go to club
>sign ToS
>ask the DJ to play free bird
>get the shit beat out of me
>call the cops
>they get handed a piece of paper
>ask me if I signed this
>its the TOS
>says sorry, but it says you can get beaten up whenvever they feel like it
Imagine being the edgy DSP.
>I called someone a nigger and they banned me?! WOOOOOOOW
til a private business is not held to the laws of the land
so, with such logic, it is time to recreate the african slave trade as I am a private business and I can do what I want
>i sign away my legal right to consent to this person
If you hate having an argument or refutatio. why dont you shut the fuck up?
But nothing was taken from you. You got the full game which unfortunately for you was only up until the first filter
Rent free.
It's a fun past time for our spanish friends too. Niggers are literal subhumans and should be called out on it, fuck niggers.
Those are two different topics though. Even Anita said that video games won't turn people into raging misogynists.
>he didn't email them a pic of his nigger friend saying "I HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAY NIGGER I HAVE EARNED IT"
It actually worked for my nigger friend, I still crack up about it. The madman emailed them a selfie and those were almost his exact words: "I think I'm allowed to say nigger, cracker".
proofread this
*unzips dick*
Except you're the one who bent over and let them fuck you by getting banned you fucking retard lmfao
Overwatch have rules every player must follow and player accepts these rules every time he buys the game and starts it. And one of these rules clearly said that is forbidden to use racial slurs in overwatch and literally you can read that before even buying this game. You decided to buy overwatch anyway, accept their rules, and then break them and now you are mad cus they "stole 40$". Remember all those people you play OW also bought it for 40$ and because of OW politics it attracts all these fragile minded leftie losers who don't want to see racial slurs on the chat and so blizzard hat to ban you because you ruined experience of other people.
In conclusion you did it to yourself and first you should not buy OW cus it's shit, second go fucking play team fortress 2 where people don't much care about political correctness, especially on dedicated servers.
>Again, missing the point
>won't specify what the point is
Nigga, the point must be changing with every post given how many times you've been bichslapped.
>6 whole minutes to come up with a counter analogy
>you come up with that
Ban every fucking nigger in this thread.
When did Yea Forums become so full of liberals?
If i was a trillionaire I'd just create a private country and make it a TOS to be be white and for all women to service my penis when i desire.
Sure took a while, were you crying about trump on reddit again?
That's gotta be bullshit. Overwatch ain't even like Twitter or Youtube. Saying nigger can't be something that's deemed reasonable for a lifetime ban from an online game.
I mean, I get banning due to cheating or hacking, but for merely saying a word or being offensive? That should void that part of the ToS, right? Like a judge could just deem it too unreasonable?
>Even Anita said that video games won't turn people into raging misogynists.
so... why ban them?
whoever came up with the
>pay for game
>say word
>money stolen
meme really has fucked over the left wing globohomo mental slavery machine (((they))) had planned for us. that person is a true genius and should be exonerated and exalted with the highest order of awards in protecting human freedom
Overwatch reminds me of college where people get mad at me for using the n word and try to get me in trouble even though I'm black
but she was more than happy to go ahead and fabricate fake evidence that games are "misogynistic", like when she recorded her own footage of that Hitman game, going out of her way to kill the female NPCs (which you are NOT required to do) in order to claim the game is sexist
I call people niggers in overwatch all the time and never got banned. Use voice chat
>playing overwatch in the first place
It's hilarious op is calling other people tranny shills and jews and yet he bought the latest trash put out by blizzard
>Calling people slurs in a video game
>Mad when there's consequences of any kind
I bet all the damn money that's ever existed in this world that you're one of those tired, annoying, cunty right-winger types, probably in his early twenties, who virulently decries the perceived "attack on free speech from left-wing insane liberals" yet insults people for disagreeing with a point of view.
Go on prove me right.
i think you should kill yourself, autistic_frog
you weren't here before 2016
Yea Forums has always been softreddit. They're profaggot, anti-gun, pro-state, pro-hillary all because they're weak faggots that spend their lives at a computer and they want kind Obongo to protect them
t. phoneposting at the gym
>6 minutes later and you're still a retard
So are you commies ready to die for your cause?
>You have literally a case where the company takes back your product without a refund
>Can't hold up in court
sorry can you link me to a resource detailing this autistic frog character? he seems highly spoken of here
Being a retard is way better than being braindead like you
Of all the video games out there you chose one of the most pozzed sjw companies out there to do business with.
Nobody to blame but yourself OP.
Sorry sweetie, but the SJWs are wrong.
Such a document has no legal value.
You cannot force yourself upon someone else, even if they gave you their "legal" permission.
But then again that's not rape anymore, is it?
Rape is illegal, user.
And a document about sexual consent has no juridical value, no matter how hard you and your SJW friends stomp your feet.
Basic human rights.
For the same reason why you can't enslave someone else even if they agreed on being enslaved.
You've read too many ancap memes i think.
>come to Yea Forums in 2017
>spend first year on /pol/
>finally branch out
>become shocked that every other board isn't just /pol/ with a different topic
it's 2008 Yea Forumstards all over again
They’re already brain dead, it would be a mercy kill like terry schivo
From what I've seen in other games, it is usually a slow build-up towards permanent ban. You get muted for a bit, then a 3-day, then a 7-day, and if it keeps happening after that, they just lock the account. This is why you should only play vidya with friends.
>say the word "black" in spanish
>get banned
blizzcucks will defend this
This. I try my best to bait other faggots online with mild trolling, and as soon as they reply with red flagged ban words I report them, and I make sure I tell them I reported them so they are 2x as angry the next day
the left loses the civil war every time fag
How to spot a newfag 101
im from spain and we dont use the word negro anymore for the color
thanks america
Alt right isn't inherently capitalist. Corporations banning people for racial slurs is anti white. You could say fuck white people and not get banned. It's programming and cowtowing to leftism
>be dumb enough to respond to bait
>hur dur i'm an oldfag let me tell you about the Yea Forumstards
embarrassing post
how's the weather in Tel Aviv?
Yea Forums was liberal-leaning during its first years, then became more right-leaning after Obama's election.
It's the spirit of contrarianism swinging the other way. Yea Forums has become full of right-wing zoomers and awkward 20 somethings that pointing out their groupthink and their cognitive dissonance is more rewarding.
Pretty sure they just mute you if you do that
Yep what happened is perfectly legal welcome to the real world kid
>hurr you have no point
The point is that im not saying its bullshit for being punished for breaking rules, im saying the rules themselves are bullshit and should be changed, but the only defense against that is literally
>just dont do it then XD
which doesnt address the issue im bringing up in the slightest beyond the individual level
>have legal permission to rape
>oh but it doesnt count so haha
oh well you just btfo me then sense you clearly dont want to listen
>be commie
>try to muzzle corps
Why are amerimutt such giant bootlicking faggots?
>Corporations banning people for racial slurs is anti white
try anything and you get killed by white men with guns
so you admit you're retarded?
What the fuck do you use, then?
>be dumb enough to respond to counter bait
>hur dur i'm a troll master let me tell you about the bait
go back communist
>say nigger while playing an online game that you already know you will get banned from for saying nigger
>get banned
Woah, who could possibly have foreseen this sequence of events???
>what? my actions have consequences?
Yea Forums isn't even Yea Forums, that's why Hiro created a new site to contain their liberal disease ridden autism.
>Yea Forums was always liberal
When will gamers understand that online only games are services, not products, thus, the copy you've paid for is not really yours?
I was joking about commies being brain dead and mercy killing them, then you think I’m a lefty? Is this some next level trolling?
female black?
>I'm not a newfag and here's a fucking soijak to prove it
That's the point.
You seem unable to understand that you cannot get a "legal permission" to rape.
Nobody will allow you do that, and if by any slim chance you find some fake retard that will do that for money, the cops will easily tear it apart as they send you to jail, laughing their asses off.
Any old fag would know this place has gone soft over the years, I genuinely wish you fags could of seen it, You think its bad today?
>Posting a wojak makes me right
Embarrassing, really.
You do realize Yea Forums was counter/anti culture
These newfags think being a liberal means you like freedom, yet they advocate for censorship and restricted freedoms in this very thread.
Old Yea Forums would never promote this kind of cuck shit, not even ironically.
Is that why the incels lost the civil war?
She wasn't for banning anything, she wasn't calling for a ban. She was just putting out a "feminist perspective" and critiquing from there. It's like coming at the horror game genre from a film student's perspective but more useless.
The Hitman blunder remains her low point. She's a sensationalist for the most part, but a lot of her videos "unpack" shit like "why is Mario chubby and kind of ugly with a big nose whole Peach is thin and pretty with a small nose? Double standards??" Sure, there's something to be said about beauty standards but it's all old news.
I can't believe he said it
>see this
>think how fucking sexist he is towards women
Do SJWs hate men or something?
What word do you use for black, then? Every Spanish-speaker over here still uses it.
t. started on /pol/ in 2016 or later
I miss the good old of days of White Christian conservative Yea Forums
user if someone gives you permission to rape them at that point it isn't rape retard
>have legal documentation having someones permanent consent copied to multiple jursidictions of the legal system
get an argument, boot licker
>Old Yea Forums would never promote this kind of cuck shit, not even ironically.
>old fag
newfag spacing
moreno means brown. You don't call a black marker, crayon, bag, car, or chair "moreno".
a commie like you wouldn't know an argument if it was a food line
because that makes literal boomers clap and it is easier and cheaper to do that, than get mental health funding and common sense gun laws.
we have done this game and dance over and over. social media/rap/metal/TV/jazz/movies/books they all have had this issue. it is always people who have vested interests in older forms of entertainment
and dont want the new product to cut in to their profits/control.
>stop making fun of my cuck fetish y-you incels!
pathetic lol.
Yea Forumstard from 09, You little nigger
Yep you can have all of that but it's no longer rape since they gave consent
a bootlicker wouldnt know one from someones brown eye
fags trying to pretend like /pol/ wasn't the original board made in 1999
>forgetting all those based IRL raids where we owned the libtards by dressing up as Nazis
>forgetting when we'd meet up on Sundays for Church and discuss why traditional values are so fucking awesome and that porn is bad no no stuff
Sorry I meant, why ban sexist games.
yeah glad that shit is dead and buried forever
Yea Forums is alot of things, liberal isn't one of them.
>pretends to be old fag
>'cuck shit'
Just because you were on /pol/ a couple of years ago doesn't mean you're old.
>I wish I was a Yea Forumstard from 09, the stories on r/Yea Forums sound so edgy and cool
Tf2 will always welcome you
Everyone knows Yea Forums was made in 1993
you stupid new fag
Holy based praise KEK my fellow MAGApede
Obama shouldn't have been such a monkey faggot then
Holy shit this movie has everything