Games for this feel?

Games for this feel?

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kill yourself

*sighhh what coulda been...

I slit zoomers throats in their sleep

angry goy its a shitty game for people post shitty pictures

>m-maybe shitposting will make a difference
i can smell you from here

Have you gone to prison?

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>denied the fruits of western civilization
Is that how /pol/r9k/ is justifying its inceldom now

If only they actually grabbed a rifle, left their house and actually started a revolutionary movement.
They only shitpost on internet 7x24x365. Maybe, if they're bored enough, shoot a dozen unarmed civilians before being killed by the police.

Actual, unironic neo-nazis are as cringy as tumblrinas, holy fuck.

> t. cohen goldblatt

Red Orchestra, so you can watch Nazis scream and flail around as you kill them

then you can change teams and do the exact same to tankies, depending on what mood you're in

Angry goy comes closest, but even it's just an edgy satire.

cringe as fuck

>Games for this feel?
I don't think there's a videogame that can ape this level of cringe.

This is what /pol/ ACTUALLY believes.

Go back to /pol/ you fucking retard, you are worse than bronies.

no, you're just a retarded faggot, and it's funny

>do literally nothing with their lives except consume media, eat, sleep, shit, and maybe work
>"wtf why aren't girls lining up to date me and why isn't the world pampering me?"

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>t. cohen goldblatt

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>/pol/ ever getting close to a penitentiary apart from being detained for looking suspicious

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Dumb right-wing kids. They'll learn someday, though.

So what's your hangup? You half black, asian guy took your asian GF, or did you fail to become a welder after dropping out of college?

>being retarded with politics in vidya

please stop, you remind me of me from 3 years ago. Stop with this wignat bullshittery

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They're not kids, they're millennials who've realized that literally nothing they do will make a difference, so they're deluding themselves into believing that future generations will fix all their problems for them. The actual "right-wing kids" are just doing it for memes/attention, they don't really give a shit about anything except FotM pop culture.

What the fuck happened to this site why the fuck are these replies reading like something out of twitter?

Fortnite/minecraft or watching twitch i guess

So close... if only...... damn... what could've been.. our Großgermanisches Reich

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What's the deal with stormfags .
T. Whitenationalist

>rights are gay


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why does it bother you so much that people say a word?

>t. came here in 2016

how sad can you be to have absolutely nothing worth a damn in your life?

you want to look righteous and brave, but you just want a flashy suicide, if you have a significant other, a family that loved your, friends that appreciated you or a job you loved doing you wouldnt consider shooting up a mall or whatever

thats sad tbqhwyf

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You're the type of person who cries about blacks having different water fountains.

Fucking cringe. God damn, /pol/ is fucking embarrassing. This looks like some shit a 14 year old would make.

>rights are gay
What the fuck even is this shit? do they want to let daddy government do whatever they want with them? holy shit

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you exist in a constant state of abject seething such that you don't even notice anymore

user, I...

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>shoot a dozen unarmed civilians before being killed by the police.
I never understood the point of this.

t. glow in the dark

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First day on /pol/ huh?

holy fucking cringe

considering most habbo type edgy shit was popular back in 2005/6 I doubt that Yea Forums was like this pre 16

>caring about people
lol what a faggot

this shit is fucking hilarious

sometimes i like to stare at crazy people from the bus while pretending to talk on my phone knowing they think i'm a government agent or something, it's fun, kind of like now

It's the easiest, risk-free way to "contribute" to the race war.
Like someone who can't get good at fighting games so he googles a Dark Souls meta build, creates it and then ambush regular low level players.

Back to your /pol/tranny discord

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Mass shooters are based but only if they explicitly target non-whites and/or liberal whites.

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>tfw history keeps repeating
>tfw cancer always returns in a new form

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>"heh friends? the blade is my only friend"

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show us your blacked folder

>why aren't there more epic 15 year old nazis like me?

8gag infestation

Hmmm. Not quite what OP has in mind but I think that old The Punisher game comes close.
>The world is rotten to the core
>The people who made it so are untouchable for the law
>But aren't bulletproof