Is there a single videogame character that could defeat Pennywise the Dancing Clown?
Is there a single videogame character that could defeat Pennywise the Dancing Clown?
The Nameless One
if a bunch of kids could defeat him, anyone who's not a coward can
plenty, all you need to do is not fear him.
every jrpg lead who is hopeful
If a group of preteens could, most game protagonists would not have a problem.
Ness, Link, basically any kid that doesn't afraid of anything
Hes so much less creepy than the original
Child at heart and also a better dancer.
Solid Snake
This, he would simply make smart ass remarks and IT would shrivel up and die
>Weakness: getting bully to death
95% of video game characters could kill this fucking faggot, Stephen King is such a goddamn hack.
literally anyone could.
can halo defeat him?
>defeated by the power of friendship and strong beliefs
Any Jrpg protag
With ease even. Geralt would also have pennywise mopped up in an afternoon. The clown and the shitty god behind him is a relative pussy in most universes
>Got beat by literal children
Gee, IT sure is boring.
>Kills aliens
>Doesn't afraid of anything
Fits the description.
That's a movie thing. Didn't quite work that way in the novel.
How did it work in the novel then? This movie has King's seal of approval anyway.
literally anyone who doesnt fear him
any movie based off his writing has his seal of approval, you know he lets his books get adapted for pretty much nothing right?
He actually said he doesn't like the Shining.
Apparently anybody who can call him a little homie gay ass can beat him according to the movie...
Underage sewer orgy.
Unironically, this is the solution to the book
A bunch of underaged kids having a gangbang in the sewer he lives in
Something to do with the ritual, something to do with locking IT in a certain form. I don't recall too well, being a long time since I read the novel. Wasn't 'call it names until it dies' though.
The one good one? Man he's dumb.