Is there anything more cringe than Western adult nostalgiafags who love JRPGs but don't know any real RPGs?
Is there anything more cringe than Western adult nostalgiafags who love JRPGs but don't know any real RPGs?
Gay OPs.
Is it yeek or Yike? I like to call its Yikes, because the mc looks like one of those leftist retards who responds with "yikes" to opinions you don't like.
what are real rpgs. oblivion trash?
YIIK = year 2000
I just pronounce the game as why-two-kay
It's Y2K
>Is there anything more cringe
Respecting women.
Also, replying to this thread and NOT getting a 2
i wish i could get a 2 like this guy
is that a challenge?
But what if I get a 9 instead
well shit
check this five
I don't want a 2, user
God this game was such a trashfire
Let me a chance at redemption: 7
I've been saying Yikes for the same reason
I can literally summon dubs on command, watch.
Can I get dubs?
>I sighed as the elevator began to shake, vibrating with motion
based retard doesn't know what y2k is
Not everyone is american and you are talking about a time where internet wasn't as accessible.
How the fuck does this game even exist? holy shit it looks like a 2007 freeware parody of bad RPGs
What the fuck
Here's an article you can read if you want to die instantly.
>“Mother 3 is a much better game than Earthbound,” he says. “Its charm carries it forward, but it’s basically aged as well as Dragon Quest 1, because it is essentially a Dragon Quest game.”
Out of all things from that article you decide to quote the only part where he was right.
He's not looking down though
I actually loved Yiik, it's rough around the edges but I think it's worth playing if you have time still.
Check this 4
I can't believe how good this game was. Yea Forums kept telling me it was bad and it was a solid 8/10.
YIIK is for mother trannies
game developers who use gamer as a "hard r" word
6 chads?
M..more like why-so-gay amirite
>dq1 aged well
I don't believe in aging but it's a mediocre game by dq standards
>Is there anything more cringe than Western adult nostalgiafags who love JRPGs but don't know any real RPGs?
The ones that idolize WRPGs obviously, they act like schizos 90% of the time.
>I don't believe in aging
I'll never understand this mindset. A game can be revolutionary and innovative when it comes out which makes it exciting and fun to people, but as other games crib from it, it can start to feel every bit as archaic as the games it differentiated itself from because it's such an early take on the concept.
See: Star Fox on the SNES, Wizardry 1-4, and King's Quest. At one point these games were amazing and fun to a wide audience because they were so revolutionary, but 20 years later, there's almost nothing in them a modern player could enjoy. The very qualities that made them so new and exciting now hold them back because later games iterated and improved on those concepts. SNES shmups hold up better than Star Fox because they were a polished execution of a formula rather than a brand new type of game. That doesn't mean people were wrong to say Star Fox was amazing at the time, it just means it hasn't aged well.
Must be. None of these faggots ever bring up ultima, might and magic, wizardry, bard's tale, etc.
Can't even bring up meme games like hard nova. "real rpg" faggots are just nothing but bethesda and obsidian dickriders.
heh, watch this.
Yeah the game you just posted faggot. Btw True Jrpgs are the superior form of entertainment.
>even better than the ps4 launch
6 chad reporting in
Chad ALWAYS gets what he wants.
What are some good crpgs/wrpgs for someone that likes some jrpgs? I enjoy stuff like megaten, dragon quest, metal max, and others but for the most part I have grown more and more disinterested in the genre.
i liked divinity os 2 desu
You just don't understand the beauty of YIIK (pronounced why-two-kay).
I don't expect idiots to understand art
You mean this 2?
Hmmm, very well, very well, HOWEVER
Now where could my 5 be...
Almost as based as this 38
Arcanum, Fallout 1&2, Underrail, Geneforge, Deus Ex 1, Planescape: Torment
Why do people still bring up the fact that JRPGs arent "real" rpgs as if its supposed to be an insult? ok? so its not an rpg, great. Its a different genre. ok.
>look this game up online
>mfw y2k actually happened
Thanks anons, will check steam and gog for these.
If you like Deus Ex 1, check out System Shock 2 and E.Y.E. as well.
Freeware jrpg shit from then like the oroginal versiom of MARDEK shits on this game. You have to go even further back.
You rang?
>the knights who say the n-word
Your post is pretty cringe. I swear to god how annoying can a community be that they're always just making posts about other people liking what they don't like or not liking what they do like?
At least this is one game he won't have to worry about being patched out of