ITT: GameStop horror stories

ITT: GameStop horror stories
customers and employees/ex-employees alike share em

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once traded in 50 games including an assortment of super nintendo, n64, and gameboy games for one copy of shinobi for ps2.

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Going to be hard to top this

I just applied to work at GameStop a couple days ago, why does everyone hate it again? And please don't baitly put "durrrrr they rip you off" or "durrrrrr they ask me lots of question" it's a part of the job to ask questions. And they have to make money, if they gave you 100% back of what it's worth they would go bankrupt in less then a year of opening. Also, half of the horror stories are bullshit and the other half are just retarded customers.

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Gamestop employee here. Going to go ahead with stealing a system, just gotta wait for a good opportunity to do so. I might have a friend buy a cheap used system and put a switch in there as well. Any tips appreciated.

All the EB Games around me hardly even sell games anymore. You walk in and it's like a toy store or something with plushies and dumb pop culture novelties everywhere.

I went in the other day to pick up Astral Chain and I couldn't even find the games section.

hope u arent planning on staying employed for long nigga

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>just applied to gamestop
How old are you? Not implying that you're underage. Just want to laugh at you if you aren't

It looks identical inside to FYE and Newbury comics. A bunch of "nerd" kitsch and shit like that with a small section of current gen sports games

that's the spirit

i wish you the best of luck Jeff.
personally i never had a horror story, the only thing that really happened to me in my time of being a customer was that there was a misplaced random disc when i was trying to purchase BlazBlue Chrono Phantasma Extend.

Dont support him nigger

34, what's your point man?

Is that worth the risk?

>Assassins Creed 3 launched like a week ago
>Have zero interest in the series, yet I know it sells like hot cakes
>Browsing Vidya at GameStop
>They have a sale going for everything, while also having a sale on Ubisoft titles
>Notice that AC3 is $20 for a new copy with all these sales
>Wait, that can't be right, it just came out
>Take out my phone and check out gamestops trade in value for AC3
>Spend the rest of the day driving from one GameStop to another (6 within a 30 mile radius of me) buying all the new AC3 copies they have and selling them as used to the next store
>Make a couple hundred dollars

Fucking GameStop.

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You know my point. Now fetch me a copy of 2k20 and I also peed on the floor in front of the switch games

You know they're going to file for bankruptcy soon right?

0 risk. No chance of getting caught. I won't involve another person, though. I'm sure they would get in over their head and want more, and try to blackmail me to steal more for them. This is my last job and I'm out of the game for good. One final score.

Please don't even spread the meme that is "GameStop durrrr is super going bankrupt soon... Hehehe *sneeze gag" ehehehe"
It's not funny or closely true. GameStop at least has 5 years left, GameStop has had much worse and easily but slowly recovered. It's like Family Guy getting cancelled like 5 times.
Lurked before posting for a while, and newly turned 18 recently. I shouldn't abide by following Janny rules but everyone that's your retarded if your a day younger then 18. And I have worked before.
Thanks Yea Forumsbro
Thank you too, Yea Forumsbro,
Cringe and redpilled meme.

I used to work at Gamestop, about a decade ago.
I don't know what it's like now, but back then, it was legitimately soul-crushing.
I routinely got berated for selling new consoles instead of used, for example.

And there's only so many times you can get the same
>I traded in X games and you can only give me Y?
complaint before you start taking it personally.

What system are you going to steal? How are you sure they won't catch you?

I hate genuine shitbags like you.

>go into my local GameStop about five times in the last 3 years
>always comfy even with the addition of generally shitty merch
>cashiers actually talk about fucking good video games
Do I just enter an alternate dimension when I enter GameStop?

Jesus you're a faggot. You legitimately remind me of the douches who work at GameStop which is probably a good thing for your new """""career""""""

>seasonal job at Gamestop
>notice six year old niglet shaking his right leg
>out falls a turd from the bottom of his pants right on the carpet
>have a laugh
>tell Manager and he asks me to pick it up
>pick up turd with like 19 paper towels
>it's rock hard
>walk it to the trash can
>at this point, I had a feeling take over out of nowhere
>tear off one paper towel with the turd concealed
>place it in pocket
>crumble up rest of towels and toss them in the can
>quickly walk back to the stockroom where it's private and jam turd in my mouth
>eat the turd
>chewing wasn't bad but I gagged a little swallowing
>next day
>come to work
>two coworkers giggling
>already nervous
>little fat pajeet coworker walks up smiling
>welcome to Shitstop
>they all bust out laughing
>manager calls me in
>he's sweating really bad
>look man, we caught you eating that poop on camera. I have to let you go
>never worked retail or ate shit again

He's not going to do anything, retard.

>Go to Gamestop
>It closed down
>go to nearest gamestop from another town
>It also closed down

Fucking Gamestop


I hope this is some kind of metaphor.

I've bought and sold the same games and consoles repeatedly to GameStop over the course of the last 16 years. I can't even begin to calculate the total amount of money but it must be over $10k by now. I definitely have some kind of mental disorder that makes me sell video games when I'm dissatisfied with my life or don't see any practical use for them, but I always end up wanting to play something on a console I've sold so I'll repeat the process. I'm not joking, I've probably been through over two dozen 360's, at least 8 or 9 Wii's, 4 Wii U's, 3 Switch's, 6-7 PS4's, and 5 or more Xbones. Unrelated to GameStop I've also sold at least one Steam account with over 100+ games. My current account has about 30 games but feels more manageable. Despite all the insanity I've put myself through, the only console I own right now is a Switch and low-end gaming laptop. I have virtually nothing to show for all the wasted time and expense over the years. My life would probably improve dramatically if GameStop closed down so I wouldn't feel so tempted to constantly re-buy and resell the same stuff.

5 years left is not a long time

Welcome to the real world, child. Eat or get off the pot.

I don't know who shit in your scrambled eggs this morning but downing someone young for finally going out and getting a job that isn't fast good is a small achievement, I'm not viewing GameStop as a career, but its definitely a step up from McDonalds which was my previous job. And no, I'm not fag, I'll have you know I've had sex with a biological female.

GameStop definitely preyed on ADD riddled fools like yourself. Here's hoping you and your retard kind can finally find peace now that they're closing.

>just applied and I’m already a boot licker
Nah but seriously, people have known they’re shitty for years now. If anyone gets ripped off anymore, it’s completely their fault. GameStop should be an ABSOLUTE LAST RESORT, and it should never come down to that since we have internet shopping now.

Seriously? Why even bother leaving McDonald's, stock around until you e hot a good enough reference for a real job. McDonald's also pays more. You took a pay cut to work for a bankrupt business that's in dire straits. Great moves.

I was a few months shy of being 17 (able to finally buy M games, a few months after Heavy Rain came out, a game I really wanted).
A customer was chatting with the cashier and outright spoiled the ending and the cashier had this dreadful look on his face and said "I....actually haven't beaten the game yet..."
It was awkward and I was pissed I knew who the killer was. The guy said it with no shame as loudly as he could

The gamestop in my area closed down about a half a year ago. Apparently they had a scheme where somebody would break into someones house and steak their console, then they sold the console, game stop sells it again, rinse and repeat. From what I hear nobody got in any legal trouble

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I hear so many stories like this and I’ve been waiting for my opportunity to make a withdrawal from the bank of WoahGuys ever since.

>greentext is now reddit

It's the same at mine, but there's been an increasing amount of toys that aren't even pop culture or gaming related. Just straight up girls toys and stuff.
For a while they were using bags that said [something] collectables and I seriously thought they were going to be changing their name but it didn't happen. Both of the ones in my town are over 50% not-video games now.

Had a buddy who worked at one in a mall years ago. The worst part is the people who shop there, and their misinformed parents.
Be prepared to deal with parents furious over the fact xbox games dont work in playstations or vice versa.
He claims he had some kid's dad come in with a halo ODST he cut down to fit in a gamecube, wanting a refund because it didn't work

Not so much a horror story but when I was a kid, everytime I'd get some money I'd go and buy a halo action figure and break it within a week because I didn't realize that it wasn't the type of toy that could be played with and in my defense I was like 9/10 so it was right of me to assume that a figure was meant to be played with. Anyway the employees fucking hated me because they knew exactly what I was doing with them and would always tell me before I bought them 'you know these are collectables etc etc' and they'd give me dirty looks whenever I'd enter the store

I'm not sure if it was even legal but in my hometown Best Buy was having a fire sale on games that had a higher trade-in value at EB than what BB was selling them for but all the ones they had on sale the EB Games conveniently stopped accepting trade-ins for them

I'm not a bootlicker. You literally just repeated what I said. It's the customers fault for selling shit to GameStop.

McDonald's was fucking terrible.
And no.
McDonalds and GameStop are both minimum wage. $8.75 in my state.
Except GameStop gets easier much faster.
Not to mention that my McDonalds job was so fucking awful I always had to collapse in the freezer from the sheer pain in my legs from having to operate half the restaurant. I also had tons of blisters and cuts from the grill. Shitty coworkers and
No, GameStop isn't going anywhere in the next 5 years. Plus I had to shave.

>historically make most of their money on used games, yet has worse trade values than private stores
>stock favors items they shill in Game Informer; basically have to pre-order to get any game that wasn't at e3
>growing list of add-ons to shill at checkout (magazine, pre-orders, credit card, extended warranties)
>bigger stores now feature clerks following you around to try and up-sell you the moment you walk in
>open-box controversies
>taking games with no box/manual means shitty box covers

Wow that sounds terrible.

I think it's closer to a mix of bipolar disorder and being pragmatic to a fault. Sacrifice long-term fun so I could afford short term fun. Being older now myself, I let my kids use the Switch so I won't be too tempted to sell it. Honestly, every year I make a new year's resolution that I won't trade-in any more consoles. I have broken that resolution every year without fail. Thankfully, I am losing interest in most vidya due to having way less free time to care and normie bullshit keeping me busy. They really aren't lying when they say an idle mind is the devil's toolbox.

Not gamestop but EB games story here
>in EB, waiting in line
>someone in line behind me
>realize its a 'tard
>its fine, their father is right there
>then the smell hits me
>the 'tard has pissed himself
>the dad starts talking to the tard
>"did you go peepee in your pants?"
>"you know you don't need to ask to go to the bathroom when you need to go peepee"
>seriously he just keeps talking to his son
>carpet now has a wet spot
>an employee finally asks the guy to take his son and leave
>buy my game and run outside to get some fresh air

Sure thing Dutch

When everything is reddit nothing will be

why would they fire you for eating something that someone discarded? It's not like you're making this up.

If these fuckers would have some god damned faith
Just stick to the plan.

I can take that shit a hundred times better then getting yelled at because I "flipped the burger wrong" at McDonald's. Fuck McDonalds.
Yeah uh, I don't really care dude.

>staff finally asks the man to remove his son from store
>user quickly makes his purchase and goes outside where the father and tard are
you were the retard pissy pants weren't you?

My mom gave me her card to buy a game and never told me the pin number and she was out in the car
i dont think ill ever live that down after quickly running out of the store

i remember you from the last thread

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I left the entire mall user.

>be me
>la. noire came out, really wanted to get it
>go to gamestop
>go up to counter, ask for it
>employee says "man, that game sucks you don't want that"
>manager looks at him from the far end of the counter
>loudly say "Oh thanks, for saving me money"
>walk out and buy the game at walmart

put a bullet in your brain zoomer

Dude I’ve had so many friends work at GameStop, and if they are management they don’t get hours.
So I hope the 8 hours a week and 10% discount is worth it.
You are dumb and it’s not hard to get a more credible job, at 19 I was working at a bank with only 2 prior workplaces under my belt, and making 14.25/Hr
Try harder.
You are not that cool.

Sounds like bullshit. I dont recall Gamestop buying n64 or snes games during the ps2 era.

>sold GameCube, with 4 controllers, 13 games, and gba player for fucking Yugioh Spirit Caller

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half of this isn't even fucking sensible and you sprout retard npc memes

are you actually, unironically autistic? it's okay if you are but for fucks sake be self aware of it

Oh of course, you're too pragmatic, which is why you waste thousands of dollars for no good reason. Fuck off user.

If you think you can handle being pseudo-tard wrangler and having horrible work experience associated with your hobby, all the power to you.
However, one perk buddy told me is you'll get a chance to grab any good shit that gets traded in before it hits the shelves.

Le epic poopy greentext is Reddit, yes.

T. Cringe boomer who thinks anything but sitting at home and mowing the lawn and playing doom is cringe. Get off your fat ass and get a job. And I mean fast food since you never went to college.

It's looking like I'm getting 40+ hours a week currently.

you are wrong they accepted those generations until the mid 2000s but i guess it depended on the individual store

They questioned my mental state and coworkers complained.

sometimes I regret trading in my MGR for thirteen cents.

You seem genuinely retarded. Enjoy a lifetime of dull, minimum wage retail work.

Not that user, but the PS2 era is when GameStop starting buying up a bunch of companies like Funcoland. I had a local Funcoland that was bought by them and turned into a GameStop. They functioned exactly like Funcoland did for about five years afterwards, which meant they were still buying/selling NES cartridges. Along with everything else.

This is a hell of a story.

>Went to a local GameStop in my area couple months ago
>Browsing as normal
>Some family came in(mother and 2 sons
>Older one was probably late teens/early 20s since he has a job(overheard him talked about it), younger one was probably 8-11 years
>Younger kid wanted a Switch
>Sold out
>Younger kid starts creaming/crying because he wanted a Switch
>Mother tried to reason with her younger son that they(mother and older son) can't afford it yet and again the store is sold out
>Both even told him that there might be some at the nearby stores(Target and Walmart)
>Younger son says "NO" and he wants one now
>The duo(again mother and older son) asked the clerk if they have just a regular box the console came in
>Clerk apologizes and said they are for display only
>Young son gets mad that he just sits on the floor till he finally gets one, eventually he lays down and tries to sleep on the floor(he did say "Good night!" before trying to fall asleep)
>Shit kept going on with the kid screaming/crying, sit, arguing, etc. for an hour
>Clerk finds out they do have a refurbished Switch
>Older son although pissed, he tells his younger brother he'll buy it but will be his instead of his younger brother's
>Younger brother screams and protests about it
>Older brother gives up and buys the refurbished Switch and game and gives it to his younger brother
>After leaving, clerk told me that younger son has autism which is why he acted like that
>Both our faces when

Honestly I feel bad for the mother and older son that they had to deal with a younger piece of shit son/brother that they should've put down a long time ago.

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Why the fuck did so many PS3 games use this

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>Mighty Muggs

What the fucking fuck? Pop shit wasn't enough but now they're putting Dreamworks Faces on that shit?

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thats the least pragmatic thing ive ever heard.

Thieves selling discs with no case/cover.

This shit made me laugh so hard. God bless u user

>I shouldn't abide by following Janny rules but everyone that's your retarded if your a day younger then 18
Lurk more, and lurk on boards that aren't Yea Forums or other similar shitty ones.

I once had a GameStop manager pull the “ZOMG! Link is a girl now! Such a great stride for wahmen!” spiel on me after the first trailer for BotW came out.

Some time down the line he tried to get me to pre-order Dead Rising 4, and I just told him plainly that it looked like trash, and I wasn’t interested.

>literal zoomer thinks gamestop is a nice place to work.
Jesus christ you're deluded, kid.
Ex employee here, single handedly the worst job I've ever had.
You deal with screaming retards all day on the phone, and the retarded children that loser parents just drop off for you to look at while they destroy those displays you spent all morning on for launch day of Halo XYZ. You've got your manager who's in his 40s perving out on airhead Brenda that knows nothing about games, asshole breathes down your neck all day to get pre orders or you're fired. Never actually get to disclose your opinion on anything if customer's come to you for game recommendations. Let's not forget the amount of stupid children my boss would go out of his way to have me personally soul crush, by taking all their games and giving them $4 for. Sorry Timmy, You ain't getting pokemon today.

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>I'm not sure if it was even legal
it is. welcome to capitalism

>"What's 2+2, and don't say 4, give me a real answer"

Games may get traded in loose or in CD binders or in packaging not fit to go on shelves

Wait, what was the scheme exactly?

the $20 master chief dolls? those things seemed pretty sturdy. are you Sid from Toy Story 1, by chance?

Anyone who goes "Are you like, actually autistic" was once a LeafyWasHere cock-rider and thinks using autism is an insult. Why are you so full of hatred that you resort to using illness as insult? What happened user? I clearly know where in going and your autism "insults" are not going to effect my life. It just effected my time span of having to read your idiotically written """insult""".
>spouting npc memes.

Take your medication.

"I am retarded because I wanted a step up from a shitty McDonalds job and not wanna kill myself slightly less, make the same money for easier work, and actually talk about my interests"
You're the retard here, user.

Retail is comfy. I'm old but I worked a circuit city as a youngin. The pay is usually bad but the work is easy and you just hang out with other young people in air conditioned buildings.

>pragmatic to a fault

I didn't know we had gamestop marketers here.

Do those even exist anymore?
Every single one I knew closed down in the last few years.

>3rd month working
>A kid and a fucking entourage of other kids comes in
>He tells me he's the next big streamer
>He gives me his card
>It looks like he made it himself
>They played a little Mario Kart and walk the fuck out
His penmanship was good, I'll give him that.

I still work there (have for a decade) and it'd be horrible except that my coworkers are great. My worst experience was working one christmas, and this huge fat piece of human garbage came in and he smelled like rotting meat, shit, and cat piss. He wouldn't leave and the store, previously packed, cleared out to about half, and everyone looked disgusted. We finally got him to leave by basically ignoring him (because engaging in conversation just led to inane endless small talk). When he left, his stink lingered. I went and sprayed air freshener throughout the store really obviously, and the dozen customers that were still in the store actually applauded me. Imagine stinking so bad that people actually clapped after someone sprayed air freshener. He came back to the store a couple random times after that but I've not seen him in years. I hope he died.

circuit city isn't around anymore is it? Didn't they sell electronic hobbyist stuff?
Gamestop literally crushed my drive to even go into most retail stores looking for games after I worked there in my teens. I fucking hated every minute of it. Was never relaxed my whole year there before I moved onto a comfy grocery chain.

Joke's on you. That game really is shit.

There has been more than one instance in my personal experience where you'll find a case but there is no disc. EB will sell the disc lose out of the case to people who don't give a fuck. they also dgaf about putting standard edition discs with 'game of the year' purchases.

It's blowing my mind that you even have the confidence to sling insults at others while you're giddy over a job that most people would take to be a sign that they've destroyed their lives.

>Walk in
>Gamestop always dead when I walk inside
>Make 2-3 mins of small talk / banter with the chick/guy
>Get my game
>Say thank you, have a good day/afternoon/night, etc
>Go home


Wow. Telling shit people should have already know and putting up displays.
That sounds so difficult Boomer, I hope you didn't break the metal rod implanted in your back

>quoting """""insults"""" repeatedly
>idioctically written insults when you're a faggot going "cringe" and "redpilled" at everything

autistic faggots with no self-awareness are the worst. introspect and realize that you don't have to be as much of a fucking retard as you are right now

Just your garden variety bootlicker. Giving his tongue a good workout before his start date.

I recently left Gamestop after working there for about a year.

As far as customer service jobs go it wasn't awful but I can't imagine how anyone could stick around for more than a year unless they completely lack experience with anything else. I just needed to make some money before going to grad school.

Worst part is definitely the customers, as others in here have said. Almost every "regular" we had was an absolute nightmare. Bunch of neets in their late 20s who came in with their crackhead moms and preordered 20 sexy anime girl figures at a time. People talk about how the parents are the worst, and I had some bad experiences here and there, but the people who actually play games were by and large the worst to deal with.

>Imagine stinking so bad that people actually clapped after someone sprayed air freshener.

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I keep hearing news stories about gamestop losing more revenue, losing more stores, just losing more and more in general. Does anybody actually know if they are going to go out of business for real or not?

Lmao you'll be eating your words less than a week into the job, cocky zoomer. Don't say we didn't warn you.

I thought it was okay, I like detective stuff

Try harder zoomer. You seething that hard over gamestop?

They had guy(s) break to people's house and steal their console, then they would sell the console back to gamestop, gamestop would then re-sell it back to somebody. The cycle repeats.

My name jeff

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>go into FUCKING GAMESTOP to buy a PSP way back when
>hey nice! PSPs are awesome!
>yeah i know ring me up cunt
>nah I'm gonna install CFW i don't buy portable games
The manager about blew his stack. The poor guy working the register almost lost his shit trying not to crack up. I've never seen a retail employee as mad as that manager when I told him I was just gonna pirate all the games.
>go back to FUCKING GAMESTOP to buy a n3DS after CFW got released for it
>walk in, ask for a black n3DS
>manager is there, doesn't quite recognize me, says sure and pulls out a n3DS
>at this point in history, not all n3DS console were hackable and you had to check the serial number, I check the serial number and ask for another one
>manager knows the game, says that was the only n3DS he has
>say damn shame
>go next door to FUCKING TARGET and buy four n3DS consoles
>go back next door and tell all the people in there that target has a fuckload of n3DS systems that are hackable
>manager's face turns beet red and he spills his fucking impotent spaghetti in a reverse gamestop meme
>go back to Target and return 3 of them

Don't fucking give me shit if I tell you I don't want any fucking games and I'm gonna install CFW on the system.

if there is no risk its an honeypot

i got one down the block, still is shit

right? especially with how dead the fucking stores are these days thanks to Amazon and wallmart. Managers are probably pushing these kids onto suicide watch with the preorder quota shilling.

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The Master Chief ones where really fucking solid, I mean some of the covenant ones had a lot of small parts attached to them

Traded in a gamecube for 45 cents

>steal stuff and sell it to GameStop
Thanks for telling us this incredible story user. Who'd have thunk it?

They don't give you back any money at all, it's just store credit. It's literally imaginary and you have to have a fuckton to do anything with it.

Nasty customers dude

9 hours of Gamestop employee stories from a manager and his employee

I work at a small mom & pop retro shop. It's a lot nicer there but you get the retards that think ebay prices = what we pay for shit. Someone wanted to sell me a wii u, 2 pro controllers and 8 games (one was twilight princess which is okay) for 180 which is a joke. I do a mix of store management and repair/restoration work. The latter is my favorite.

I did this with ass creed revelations once. I made about a $100 profit, it was pretty cool.

They've been on a decline for a long time, and keep expanding their product range because video games isn't cutting it but neither is geek culture shit. The one at the mall my buddy worked at had more shelf space dedicated to POPs than video games when they were big.
I've got one not too far from where I live. I drop by occasionally to see if anything interesting has been traded in. Got a couple weeb games pretty cheap
I can't remember the last time I got a new game from somewhere that isn't Amazon or play Asia desu

I had a customer a lot like this. Smelled like stale cigarette smoke and piss and got his stink everywhere. I wouldn't be more than mildly annoyed at this if he only came in occasionally, but there was a time when he came in every single day. The reason being that he never actually bought games; he would pay for a used Xbox One game, go home, play the entire thing in a day, and then exchange it the next day for another one, basically using us as a rental service. I'm generally pretty sympathetic to poor people but this dude legitimately had a degree in engineering and was only poor due to sitting at home all day and doing NOTHING but playing games. He didn't even have internet, so the pool of games he could buy was pretty limited, and he eventually resorted to buying shitty golf games and the like because he'd played everything else and wanted something to do.

Anyway, the smell on this guy hit you like a truck. Got complaints about him all the time. I had to febreeze the entire store every time he left.

Yeah, that dude sounds like the type of person who would work retail for a fucking decade.

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Went there the other day, saw a mid-20s man legitimately getting angry and sweaty arguing with a 7 year old who said fortnight was the best game ever made.
He had literally no relation to the kid, he was just in there while his mom was shopping next door.

Any other ex or current gamestop employees who have ever had a customer bring in a console for trade and when you examine it you find out it's full of roaches? This seems to be a pretty universal experience among other employees I've talked to.

Customer service/wagie jobs in general are cancer. Doing a trade job or even shit like working in lumber is better. They all tend to have competitive wages and pretty good benefits like a pension (if it's taken care of properly). Also your coworkers are going to be alright people who have no problems with how you work as long as you follow about 75% of the rules and don't hurt anyone.

I really do feel for those who stay in such a field when you get shit pay for dealing shit people. Middle-age folk talking down to you and your generation, watch your company spend stupid amounts of money on shit but only give you a raise a month before minimum wage rises, following the rules but you have someone higher bitch because you didn't do it their way.

That's just not true. You can get cash back, but you have to be over 18 with a valid state ID. You also don't get promotions applied and in most states there's a tax applied to pawn, so you get less.

Sounds like a typical Yea Forums user.

How much do you wanna bet that guy posts here?

That last time I went to gamestop I bought a brand new copy of dragons dogma for $60, then returned it TWO HOURS later for $20 store credit. Vultures.

i used to see this so often when i went. like unironically so many boomers who wear worn out jeans and t-shirts always talking so goddamn loudly about what game they're buying/how it's superior in some way.
bonus points if they were on the phone screaming about something

I used to have 4 Gamestop's around me and literally all of them were absolute shit like everyone else talks about. One day, I was on my way home from a doctor visit several towns over and checked out the Gamestop over there for some used Wii U stuff. The people there were really cool and didn't push shit on me. They had community nights and shit they were setting up for too. I was super impressed by their service and friendliness.

>DS3 released a week or two ago
>really excited to go buy it
>talking to dude at register about it
>asks me if I'm a fan
>I'm like duh you tard
>he hooks me up with an extra free keychain they bought for a midnight release party they had left over

Not an employee too but I've heard TONS of experiences like this. If you check the GameStop reddit (inb4 >reddit) but I swear to god every other post is some horror story about roaches.
How do people not notice that until they want to trade games in? I'm terrified to look into my PS4 even though I keep it clean.
Also apparently there's a huge shitstorm when a 2K game comes out.

>go to local GameStop
>ask if they have any metro:exodus copies
>clerk is weirdly smug whatever
>other clerk who was cool runs all over the place trying to find a copy
>smug clerk is tall, greasy, and looks like he browses /v
>cool clerk yells “hey can you check if game is in desk?”
>”can you just do it?”
>”make me”

Dude continued for another 5 minutes being a fuckin weirdo

When I worked at Gamestop I noticed a weird trend of boomers in their 50s or 60s going absolutely nuts for modern Bethesda games. Not necessarily a bad thing but I was pretty puzzled by it.

because people are legitimately disgusting.

>go to GameStop
>”hey do yo I have the Pokémon for switch?”
>”omg Pokémon! PIKA PI”
>other cashier comes out

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it's a big improvement over the ultima shit they played back in the day.

I don't mind my shitty wagecuck job but my boss is a legitimate cunt. This bitch literally said for me to quit clocking in early despite the fact I work harder than most there and am consistent in my work because some corporate faggot said no more overtime or else I'll get written up for it. I know the next time I have to close with the bitch and she wants to do a whole bunch of extra bullshit she can do it herself because she doesn't want to pay me overtime so I'll make sure I leave on the fuckin dot at 10 instead of her usual 10:30 bullshit.

>years ago, during winter
>went into a GameStop at a shopping plaza
>notice that it’s still really cold inside the store even with the door closed
>find out while buying Stella Deus that the store was broken into a day or two before
>a group had gone inside not only stealing all the consoles, but they ripped out the back door of the building entirely
Probably mafia related, it was weird

Have no problem with gamestop giving you shitty credit when you bring in games.Have no problem of them hounding you, They could do more on other things but have not that much of a problem with gamestop.

My biggest problem with gamestop is them intentionally removing manuals and boxes and other premium items just for the sake of having all copies neatly stacked on the shelf, throwing games in the garbage and intentionally destroying them just because they have so many copies

>How do people not notice that until they want to trade games in?
In my experience, a lot of them do notice it, they just hope you won't (and admittedly sometimes it's hard to notice since they can crawl into the vents and not make themselves immediately known). But almost every time I told a customer I couldn't take a console because of roaches, instead of looking surprised or horrified, they would just roll their eyes and groan as if disappointed that I noticed.

I can't imagine pushing that kind of shit on a retail employee. Customers are subhuman.

had a zoomer employee chick make fun of me for trying to pick up mario kart for switch the one time I visited an actual store in 7 years. Fucking cunt.


>Liked selling aluminum when i was young to make some money
>felt like getting a new game for the wii
>2 for 30$
>Get marvel ultimate alliance since i never beat it on the xbox and and some other shit
>Retard put marvel ultimate alliance 2 in the cover
>The same week it came out

No one is gonna let you clock in early for overtime, retard. Clearly you're working at GameStop because you're not terribly sophisticated.

>yet has worse trade values than private stores
Name a single mom-and-pop that has a decent selection and has been open for 5+ years.
Go ahead. I'll wait.

>recently quite my Gamestop job after working retail most of my life
>went back to school
>living on my own
>got a comfy job as a theater projectionist, i barely have to do shit and i get to watch movies for free
>making $20/hr
>taking lessons in media preservation on the side so i can explore job opportunities in film archiving down the line
I'm finally free, bros. I did it.

You definitely have balls to have to deal with roaches. I would have lost my shit, how long have you dealt with that?

Not to mention if it’s GameStop the company’s doing so poorly they will do anything possible to prevent overtime being used. The place I work at does the same thing while only allowing one manager + cashier to cover an entire store.

good luck, I'm currently living the archivist dream. Literally the comfiest job imaginable.

I was definitely kinda spooked the first time, but roaches have never bothered me much for some reason.

After that first time though it mostly just pissed me off. I had to deal with it on and off for the entire year I worked there. Being employed at Gamestop can make you numb to some weird things.

I'm pretty sure that's an old pasta.

I went to go buy a ds lite. There was a family in there trading in a bunch of games. I waited patiently, browsing games I might want and finally approached the counter where they were and it stank. They left a lot of sweaty marks on the counter too. The lady at the register told me to wait and eyed the family as they left and apologized to me as she wiped down the counter.

I used to go hang out at my local gamestop after work to talk with an old buddy from school that worked there. He said it was alright when his tub of lard manager wasn't around because he just stood around playing Dokkan and reading manga on his phone but boring when there wasn't any customers.

Haven't been in forever but I would go to some midnight launches while in college or to pick up the odd game.

I never hated the workers. They all just seemed to be every other retail worker but with a passion for their product. The worst part seemed to be the "regulars." The know-it-all fats and stinky basement dwellers. I remember the WotLK midnight release was unbearably stinky. Multiple people so fat their guts hanged under their tablecloth shirts.

Thanks man, and good for you. People have always told me that archiving is boring but I think it sounds super chill.

I didn't say I worked at Gamestop though?

>Get overtime because boss/supervisor can't manage shit correctly
>"lol just clock out early tomorrow (which I mean you have to so we don't have to pay overtime)"
>Our "customer system" relies on us keeping folders of info on the computer and sending it over to the other facility
>mention how a cloud system would keep all this stuff synced 24/7 and be faster
>manager can't figure it out after I show her step-by-step
>"Just email it instead" even when it takes longer to do and we don't get everything due to human error
>new employee
>mate and I are asked to train them even though it's literally in the manager and supervisor job description but not ours
>new employee gets paid the same as we do
>new employee is also a decent person so we don't wanna be cunts and not train him
>women say and do anything they want
>all sexual harassment complaints turn to their favor even if they instigated it
>I tell a gay co-worker not to touch me after he squeezes my shoulder and puts his face next to mine
>I get in trouble for using the word "faggot"
Only plus of that job is I could play my cfw 3DS for 30 minutes at a time due to have a later shift.

(Interchangeable minimum wage retard job)

I mean, it depends.
I can understand people getting bored at it, but I'll take some comfy tedium over stressful human interaction any day.
For me, the time honestly just flies right on by.

>buying games at GameStop

She was right making fun of (You).

Those cases were stiff and unreliable. Awful for discs. I don't have a shitty Gamestop story but I hated how they pushed their offers and whatnot when I just wanted a game. I got a subscription from GameInformer thanks to my mother not knowing any better. Interesting pieces here and there but that was it. I did get Pokemon Black on launch with a bunch of other people which was fun. I even got a thread on Chanarchive talking about how anons got the game on /vp/.


>walk past a Gamestop in a dying local shopping mall
>glance inside and notice that most of the floor space is taken up by toys and collectible garbage
>a not-insignificant amount of shit is DBZ and Hero Academia for whatever fucking reason
>keep walking
They're getting desperate.

found an old gift card from shitstop and wanted to save some money nigger.

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>Corporate goes hard shilling surveys
>Keep getting singled out on SM conference calls because one of my employees has a couple of 0% surveys seemingly every fucking week
>DM sends me one of the surveys so I can correct the issue with said Employee
>Customer is REEEEEEEE'ing because he told them the Xbone needed an internet connection to be utilized fully, so they went to another store and got told the opposite so they could get the sale on the console but bought the games at my store
>Rip my employee in the survey
>Come crying to me the very next morning wanting to return their OPENED Xbone after they found out he was right
>Knew my DM was coming in that day to be a pain in my ass like always, so tell them to come back when he gets there
>Go grab my lunch and watch him get eviscerated by this customer and his wife for 45mins when he tries to shit on my employee and defend the other store
>DM stopped coming to my store or crying about my stores surveys after that
Even with all the free shit they give to SMs and ASMs I'm glad I left the fucking company, now I hear you have to push credit cards, phones, toys and shit on top of preorders? What a shitshow of a company.

I love Gamestop and can't figure out what is wrong with them. I haven't spent money on video games for like six years because of them.

I think one of us is unwell.

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I've got one in my town

That is all corporate HR. The complainer is always right until proven otherwise even if the complaint wasn't directed them. I recently got written up at my company by an eavesdropper for saying I liked a girls dress to one of my colleagues and because she misinterpreted discussions she misheard.

All of these reportings culminating because she was disciplined by me the week prior. Because surrounding people vouched that the comments were said (even if interpreted by the reporter) it didn't matter.

>girl coworker gets guy fired for asking her out
>another gets a guy banned for "being creepy"
>i tell management about some old bitch who wont stop grabbing my ass
>told to suck it up

What the fuck

New games
>Walk into gamestop looking for new games
>Remember that I could just buy them off amazon with their price discount or best buy where I can get far better points/rewards ratio than gamestop ever did
>Walk out all the more better for it
Used games
>Walk into gamestop looking for used games
>Remember that I could just buy them off amazon or ebay for cheaper and with a better guarantee that I'm not gonna get ripped the fuck off in terms of condition/missing items
>Walk out all the more better for it
Honestly I can see why gamestapo changed to the merch crap and shrunk their games section to

>told me that younger son has autism which is why he acted like that
I'll never not be mad when people use that as some sort of excuse to allow their kid to behave like a little tyrant.
>little brother(10) has rare form of autism
>me and him are close, practically helped raise him
>neurologists are baffled at how far he has come compared to when he was first diagnosed
>they get giddy when they learn I'm gunning for neuroscience
>tell me I should write books, tell me they'll write letters of recommendations, etc
>my only trick was treating him as I would a normal person
>when we're out and about eating lunch or shopping and we see a kid acting like a spoiled cunt he'll stop, look at me, and say
>"Wow what a retard"
I apologize for the blog post.

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>go gamestop
>see fat nerd playing 3DS with little kids; look like boy and girl siblings
>he's like 30
>playing pokemon battle
>he's stomping this little kid with his meta team
>scoffs when little kids sends out mewtwo, but the mewtwo seemed to have killed two of his pokemon
>his voice gets nervous; actually hear it crack a little
>physically calls out salamence as he lets it onto the field
>explains to the kid how dragon dance ups speed and attack 1 stage to the kid as he's selecting the move
>salamence steamrolls through little kid's team
>on last pokemon, he says, "YEAAAH THIS IS HOW WE FUCK NIGGERS UP IN HERE"
>little boy's little sister looks realy scared now
>actual nigger there
>"whachu say 2 me boi?"
>"n-no i-i didn't mean to! w-wait"
>nerd is backing up
>trips over display case and topples over sale rack
>black guy starts pushing other displays down because he's angry
>does this for like 5mins and literally makes a few ooga booga noises for some reason and then runs out
>security immediately grabs him and tells him he has to wait with them until the cops come

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why would it be illegal?

>picking up king k rool amiibo on release
>fuck ton of people trying to buy piranha plant but they don’t have any
>fucking tendie lord comes in almost can’t fit in the door
>wearing ketchup stained 8 bit zelda shirt
>demands for a King K rool amiibo when I got the last one
bolted right out of there

Fuck you for not playing more Dragons Dogma

ASM for 4 years during my undergrad:
- Consoles filled with cockroaches, dead and alive. Happened so often we had protocols Yes, we sold them afterwards
- 3 occasions someone tried to trade in a console outer shell filled with rocks. I don't know where the internals went. They were mad and tried to blame us.
- Cum on game manuals/cases happened twice. Once with bayonetta, other with Gears of War(???)
- Broken controllers were common, take some anger management you mongoloids
- PS2 expansion bays filled with drugs/money. Weed mostly. Roll of 500 dollars in bills(which i kept)
- Retarded boomers demanding exclusives(usually Mario) on a console it wasn't available on was a weekly event.
- Autists with shit parents screaming until they get what they want
- Fat couple that smelled so bad it made our seasonals vomit. Most vile thing I ever met. Followed them with air freshner until they got the hint.
- Obviously stolen shit. Write down your serial numbers people. Easiest way to prove it was stolen.
- mouth breathing retards that stalked employees(especially girls). Lookin at you Dan, you creepy mother fucker. I hope you enjoy the criminal record.
- Retard bought every neptunia game because his christian parents thought it was a cute kid game. They eventually found out he jerked off to it and had a computer filled with CP. Hes in jail now. They blamed video games.
- We stored oversized Collectors Editions in the toilet.
- LOTS of exploitation. Poor people are REALLY bad with their money. Dozen or so customers bought consoles/games for Christmas, and traded them in during spring to make ends meet. Every year, the same cycle. We liked them because the consoles were usually unmolested and clean.

Best day: Some asshole tried to trade in some old consoles(SNES, PSX etc). Was mad we wouldn't give them money and just left them on the counter and told us off. Decent condition. Couple good games, but no treasures. I took them home.

>go into gamestop with brother
>see game Fire Emblem:Three Houses
>pull out phone, check best-buy
>same price
>check amazon
>$10 cheaper
>inform brother that it's cheaper online
>hear guy sarcastically say "well why don't you buy it online then?"
>left and did
I was confused, it wasn't even like i was announcing it loudly, just privately to the person i was standing next to.

Its the obviously made-up stories that make me cringe the hardest. Hating gamestop is a reddit meme and you have to go back.

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see too much of yourself in them, huh?

>i'm too chickenshit to tell a retail fuck "no" so everyone else is as well
Piss off, fag

your hard drive is fucking dying bro

ebgames finally gets figures /statues of dbz and other anime characters

this would have been fucking great 10-15 years ago you dumbshits, now everyone just buys that stuff online for cheaper then your prices

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My browser is on my OS drive, which is both my newest one and an SSD. Not impossible, but would be surprised.

>always volunteer to take the customer doing the large trade-ins
>scan their shit and secretly remove the highest valued items
>send customer home and later trade in the swindled items

>ask customer for powerup rewards number
>see if they have preordered items that they didn't pick up or cancel
>ctrl+c their phone number and later cash back their reservations

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- Fist fights during WoW expansion midnight releases. Usually Horde v Alliance. Sometimes Guild drama
- CoD bros bring booze/pizza for us at midnight launches
- Home office trying to do a Credit Card thing, and almost instantly getting slapped with a lawsuit
- Some Yea Forums poster was mad he only got 5 dollars for some shit Weeb game, and came back with a pack of gum and spat/stomped it into our carpet. He cried when Security grabbed him.
- People shitting/vomiting in the store. Usually once a year. I'm assuming fat people sharts or babies.
- two attempted muggings with a weapon. Wii release day. Modern Warfare 2 release.

We were located in a big mall. Not a poor area.

believable till the racist part.

dude, he wasn't trying to be racist

Funny thing about my case is it was a "straight" eavesdropper that got offended for me saying "faggot". Gay guy didn't report anything because he's already been penalized for saying pervy crap. HR literally used the term "hate speech" and didn't give two shits that what he did was technically assault even though I'd personally not call it that. Gay dude and I actually got on good terms when we realized neither of us ratted. What pissed me off the most is the eavesdropper tried to act buddy buddy with me.

Alright so i was pretty fucking lazy when it came to math in school and got put in one of the middle classes and i sat next to this idiot called "Jono"
So anyway Jono befriended the store manger who was fucking crazy good at selling people shit and Jono was really gullible
>convinced him to upgrade watch dogs to the massive special edition
convinced him to upgrade Uncharted 4 to the massive special edition
>convinced him to upgrade Arkham knight to the massive special edition
>convinced him to buy a fucking xbox one just to play forza
>Sold him at least 3 strategy guides
>Jono for some fucking reason gave this guy his phone number and he would call Jono at least once a week to tell him about the deals
>Calls start becoming every few days
>Calls him while he's sitting next to me in class
>Jono started to feeling creeped out and calls the store instead just to asked about something
>Midway through the conversation,The Manger takes the phone and just starts talking to him
Shit was fucking incredible

I work at gamestop and it's so obvious which stories are legit and which are bullshit. Or those that are omitting important details or exaggerated

I went into one to look around and kill time awhile back so here goes.
>pathetic man and his wife/hippo are looking around
>new madden is out
>Hey babe I really want it because it's so different than the one from last year
>hippo says it's pretty much the exact same and she's making sense
>pathetic man says he also wants a ps4 pro
>hippo says no it's pretty much the same thing and they have bills due while making sense
>pathetic man starts literally begging
>10-15 minutes go by of whining
>hippo capitulates to pathetic man's whims
>they walk out like retards and I just try to pretend these people are an abnormality
>realize there are more than them and they're the reason why EA keeps making these games
>post retard story on Yea Forums

>- We stored oversized Collectors Editions in the toilet.
Can believe.

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The fuck kind of name is "Jono?"

sorry about your job

>it’s another “I gotta scare away some dumbass 8th graders because they’re either digging around, vaping, or fucking in the dumpster” episode
Why are middle schoolers like this? For fucks sake, It’s fucking revolting.

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bogan Australia

Aussie slang for "Johnathan"

You are going to be paid minimum wage to do a sales job with no commission on those sales. You are going to be judged solely on your ability to keep numbers up and customers happy.

The general culture has degraded since the company is in full turtle mode and is laying off corporate staff and DM/RL's left and right.

This means that there is high turn over at the higher end. You will get a manager and if you are lucky enough that they are cool even though they make 30k/yr they will likely end up gone if they make too much money.

Generally they chrun people through the system who get good numbers and cut them out when they are too costly since the general skill level needed to do well is pretty low and the desire people have to work there is pretty high. For some reason.

You can go and get a manual labor job, or even go to a target and make more starting.

Shifts are barebones now. So expect to be overwhelmed. Retail is absolute shit, dealing with customers is always a pain no matter where or what you are doing.

You will be responsible for shipment/marketing/price changes/ tech support. Chances are your manager won't want to do any real work and will delegate every task to those below them. Not only are they paid like shit but they at least get to feel like a manager when they are pushing people around.

Spending money at gamestop is retarded. You have to pay for a membership to get a worthwhile discount and even then it's only on used games. If you aren't a retard with your money then chances are you will see no benefit from their crappy discount.

Your hours will fluctuate. Your pay will stay low. In a few months the company is going into full cost reduction mode which will include store closings or alternatively the removal of managers. This is because a managers job can be done by the ASL in its entirety and they are the biggest draw on expenses. They are already training a new fleet of group store managers.

>fucking in the dumpster
excuse me

>local gamestop
>they never take down their large HUGE SALE! posoter
>look inside
>90% of the store is funcopops

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So critique them. Find ones that fall under each. Respond. Create an interesting thread, instead of a disjointed clusterfuck.
Or don't, and just be a massive faggot instead.

I haven't been to a GameStop since probably 2012 when I bought the Metroid Prime Trilogy for the Wii. Why would anybody ever shop at GameStop over any other electronics store/online shop? I genuinely don't understand.

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It gets bad with EB in Australia

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>bought the Metroid Prime Trilogy for the Wii
Got mine at best-buy for $18. I don't think it sold for shit.

I used to work for Nintendo's customer service and I had several people call in for a broken console that they bought new from Gamestop. From the serial number, we could look up when a console was sold from a store and several of these people had bought a "new" console that had been sold previously months before. What we figured out is that someone had bought a console from a Walmart or something, it broke, then bought a new console from Gamestop, opened it carefully, replaced the working console with the broken one, and then returned the box to Gamestop. Gamestop then sold these to someone else for price then directed the customer to us when it turned out they were non-functional.

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By far my best experience as a Gamestop employee as when a customer came into sell a HUGE box of PS2 and GC games. Most of it we couldn't take so he just left it with us, not even in an angry way, just "well I don't need it so have at it." Divvied up the games with my coworkers and made off with about 50 of them. I sold most of them but there were some really cool gems in there that I had a lot of fun with.

This may have been a regional thing, but did anyone ever see a GameStop clone called Play and Trade, or something like that? There was one close to me, but only for a few years before they shut up.

lol fbi tip for a petty theft, absolute madman

>EB Games in mall
>Overpriced as shit
>Leads to inevitable downfall
>Selling shit cheap in going out of business sale
>Packaged used copies together of Suikoden 1, 2, and 2's strategy guide

Awww right EB.

>OP comes in

>>realize there are more than them and they're the reason why EA keeps making these games
I often wonder how such people survived natural selection.
Was nature not harsh enough to humanity, or did the species learn how to "cheat" the system for too long?

>applying for a job at gamestop

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I mean why don't they get rid of the fucko pops and bring back old games? Only the hardcore tards, people looking to buy cheap gifts, and retarded children would care for them.

Friend was a store leader and had to close down for a day because a console a newer SGA took in had roaches and eggs. She marked it defective instead of just not taking it in and the next morning they were all over the back room.
Also when I was a ASL there was a really dirty looking father and son trading in 360 games. Game cases were nasty too, and when I opened the 3rd or 4th case I saw an crazy amount of maggots. Immediately closed it, gave it back to them, and told the father we can't take any because of the bugs. Idk how anyone can be that filthy.

>Pokemon X/Y release night
>Decide to go after I go to the gym
>Get to the GameStop feeling pretty good from my workout
>Endorphins running still
>Laugh to myself at the sea of dyed hair and a couple of furries
>Realize they're all having fun hanging out with their friends
>Realize these guys are even less autistic than me because they actually have friends
>Endorphins stop

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until they declare bankruptcy, no one knows except the execs(who still seem to by trying to salveage, so they dont know either). but no one with any experience in the stock market is going to invest in them, which is a very bad sign. i dont think theyll survive to see 2023

There’s always this ghetto couple that sneaks off to fuck near the dumpster every weekend night. I don’t fucking know why, maybe because its a bit secluded but again it’s a fucking dumpster, why would you have sex there of all places?
They KNOW either me or one of my coworkers are going to tell them to piss off yet they always fucking do it.
They get blue balls, we have to see the unfortunate sight of some kids banging, the are obvious embarrassed about being caught, sometimes we have to call their dumbass parents to come get them, absolutely no one wins by the end of the situation yet they keep coming back.
I hope a rat bites one of them and they get the plague.
I hate middle schoolers.

You should really see a therapist user

>Traded in Muramasa and Tatsunoko to make up the $8 I was short on to buy Skyward Sword on release
I used to trade in hella shit to gamestop during the 2006-2012 era, and I regret nearly every single one, especially after seeing how much it costs to replace half my gamecube collection.

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>new employee gets paid the same as we do
why is that an issue?

One time my friend traded in a game I wanted, that he knew I wanted, for a single dollar. I'm still mad about it. Megaman fucking battle network on the gamecube

I think I only traded dogshit games into gamestop so I don't really regret it other than maybe RE4 for ps2 and Duke Nukem Forever.

It's an issue when you are expected to train an employee, a position of power/authority, and aren't compensated accordingly nor in a higher job position.
Essentially, it shouldn't be your job to train your equal.

you need to uninstall dyslexia.exe

Because they didn't earn it and you've been there longer.

You call that dickass a friend?
At least Network Transmission is easy to emulate. Even my toaster of a laptop had it in a playable state.

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I once traded in several games to help pay for an xbox, only to realize i got $0.08 for Metroid Prime.
This saddened me greatly.

Nothing too bad when comparing it to some of the posts in this thread. But I was guilty of trading shit in for a terrible value just to buy basic shit. Traded in NGC with a small library and another time an Xbox with a small library, usually to buy mid-2000 era cell phones a minutes (each time.)

I assume this dude is just a grunt and the new hire is in the exact same job position as him, given he complained the ones above the totem pole weren't doing the training.

It's a minimum wage job how would you even go about making the new hire start below what is required by law?

I think I paid $40 for it used, because by that point they were rare enough and people already caught on. The tin case alone sells for $40 on ebay now lol.

Still not worth it considering they gutted the gamecube/standard controls for MP1 and 2.

>Metroid Prime.
You could have sold it to Amazon a lot more today.

Attached: MetroidPrime.png (918x159, 43K)

>ju godda feefa?
every time

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In what world does a manager or supervisor train an employee? You should be trained by the person doing the job, goober. That's how pretty much every company works. I make 55k and I have wagies who direct report to make. You think I am training them on a job I don't do?

It does catch attention, I'll give them that.

>I used to work for Nintendo's customer service
I am now more interested in this conversation instead. Got any good stories since most calls with them were pretty alright

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>It's a minimum wage job how would you even go about making the new hire start below what is required by law?
If you got tips maybe? There are two different minimum wages for hourly workers.

>You think I am training them on a job I don't do?
No, most major companies have training groups or senior employees/supervisors who work below management and above entry level positions.

>handing out tips at fucking gamestop

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If i still had it i wouldn't bother selling it at all. It was just disappointing as a young person who didn't have much growing up to realize i got literal pennies for a game i liked.

>be american...

>In what world does a manager or supervisor train an employee?
From personal experience as an adult with 20+ years of working in different fields, I'd say most jobs. Go to bed, kiddo and stop bragging about your 55k, that shit's weak chump change.

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let's face it his 55k job is him typing at least 27.5 keks a day on Yea Forums

>What we figured out is that someone had bought a console from a Walmart or something, it broke, then bought a new console from Gamestop, opened it carefully, replaced the working console with the broken one, and then returned the box to Gamestop
If you really worked as a phonejockey for Nintendo wouldn't the more obvious route be that Gamestop was hawking broken trade-ins as new? Your theory is making the customer sound way smarter than they usually are with these things

I have senior employees, but why would I pay them more than the people they are hiring? I mean, sure, if they aren't shit they get a tiny raise every year but wagies are en expendable resource.

A wagie who is 5 years senior is no more important than a wagie of 1 week.

Not Game Stop but I hate a Game Store win.
I believe the store was called Game Rush or something like that, it was part of Blockbuster's attempt to enter the game market.
Anyway when they first opened in my city, this was during the 6th console era, they had a huge buy 2 used get 1 free. Surprisingly they already had a huge library.
But they forgot to include the "at equal or lesser value." So what I did was buy two cheap games that were a few dollars each, then I'd make my "free" game a used game, which was around $45 for newly released-used games back then.
I did this a few times, before word got around and they changed the policy after a week or two of it being this way.

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pleb tax

Are we pretending to be naive that someone who was just hired and someone who's been working long enough to train a new employee should be paid the same amount? Gamestop is scum for not paying him more, even Pizza Hut was paying me extra when I was driving for them. Got a bump for staying over 6 months, I think another for good behavior or some shit, and a bigger one when I was designated the trainer for new drivers.

>want to pick up some xbox 360 games I've been missing
>go to FUCKING GAMESTOP, because that's what I used to do
>a single wall of the store is dedicated to video games, barely any 7th gen ones
I just want to browse like the good old days, but it seems the internet is the only option

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55k is like 98k in the South. I live like a king. :]

>- Home office trying to do a Credit Card thing, and almost instantly getting slapped with a lawsuit
whats this about?

goddamn based

We can't all have jobs handed to us from our daddy kiddo

No you don't.

Honestly most forms of autism are hard to recognize, even. I have aspergers and wasn't told until I was 18, if I wasn't told I still wouldn't be any the wiser.

Christ you’re a fucking loser

>In what world does a manager or supervisor train an employee?
Not that dude, but I signed on with Round 1 last summer and the 1 month training period was handled by the managers of each department. Food and Beverage trained by the FB manager, mechanics by the mechanic manager, etc. Some of them were even flown in from other states to ensure they covered all bases, and this is a fucking wagecuck job.

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Original guy who made the post, it's mostly being asked to do a supervisor and sometimes even a manager's job with no pay to match it said duties like said.

We were also told to rewrite our Standards of Operations (rules) to be better understood. When in fact that's literally the manager's job. Though I'm not even surprised anymore because this is the same woman who thought our goal customer goal was "world domination", just because a coworker jokingly wrote it in the white board underneath the actual goals.

How many children have you and your sister had?

jacking off in your mom's basement is not a real job.

>>taking games with no box/manual means shitty box covers
This is my biggest complaint

I was raised in NYC and now live in Georgia
your ignorance is amazing but I used to be the same way

based retard not understanding what jokes are

absolutely the latter. We have defeated natural selection and now we get what we deserve.

I can't understand your hillbilly accent

>late 2000’s, was in middle school
>go into store with mom and 10 year old sister to buy Boktai 2 or something
>long ass line because new Pokémon game game came out
>sitting in line for 20 min with nothing to do
>little sister starts to fuck around with the bins with games in them trying to organize them
>cashier notices and becomes visibly upset at sister for sorting the games, starts to mutter to his coworker angrily
>overheard other coworker saying “chill bro she’s just messing around”
>guy is still absolutely fuming with us when we check out, doesn’t say a word, we leave

Don’t know why this stuck in my head years later, haven’t even been to GameStop in ages


Is a raging wagie called a ragie?

You live like a fucking loser lmao

The cringe is you still being In this thread
Genuinely embarrassed for you kid

idk why do you ask?

So It's not Gamestop but I worked at a local game store/LAN center.

We had a couple of large groups of kids from a boys home roughly about 4 groups numbering 7-14 kids each, the kids all clearly were either massively retarded or just big assholes, so every tuesday we would get 7-20+ kids coming in demanding to play Fortnite and every time they tended to find new ways to piss me and the rest of the staff off.

Shit ranged from physical fights and hiding food in the corner to pissing in the chairs.

Working at these places is a nightmare.

Does your work also have an unprotected network folder that has everyone's user accounts tied to? It's pretty fun the amount of internet history and employee evaluations you can go through. Also my manager seems to not know Word comes with a spell check.

Are you that faggot who thought he was hotshit because he kicked a kid out because he ran out of playing time?

55k is pretty low even in the south, buddy who put minimal effort in getting a comp sci degree in a local meme college makes 70k starting not even a year out of school here in SC

Probably not I've never kicked anyone out particularly.

Then Godspeed nigger

Real shit though if you work at Gamestop you have enough sales experience to get a better union job. You should search up car rental places in your area, they're intensely sales based and the commission isn't amazing but it's better than nothing and you're at least dealing with people who want to be sold on something. Use your experience to move on to places that won't treat you like shit and pay nothing

55k is what fast food managers make, some fucking hick isn't going to brag to me about how better he is because his dad wanted him to have a better life after he knocked his cousin up

Wow, I'm so broken in shambles, how could I ever recover from calling me a meanie word online? Your either a boomie boomer who thinks the world orbits around their earth-shattering insults online or a zoomer who pretends to be a boomer to zoomy zoomers, either way, you sir are a retard. Please don't reply anymore.

>work at gamestop
>accused of stealing some shovelware ds game
>'eat shit, fag, you're always misplacing product'
>leave because clearly this fucker was going to terminate anyway also desu theres no salvaging from calling boss a fag
>calls me threatening to get the cops and hes going to check cameras
>tell him to go ahead
>never hear back
>not even banned from the store, faggot just avoided eye contact while i chatted with former coworkers

Piece of shit.

someone post that pic of the two fags randomly finding each other on Yea Forums after meeting at gamestop

Such a loser hahahah so passive aggressive. Get a real job you leech

Honestly, the vast majority of my calls were pretty friendly. Nintendo gave us a lot of wiggle room to make people happy. One time when the Wii online services were closing down, a grandfather called in because he was upset because he played animal crossing with his grandkids and wanted some way to still be able to play with them. Ended up working out him getting a couple refurb 3DSes for pretty cheap with a couple free copies of New Leaf. Had a lot of parents call in about """fraudulent""" charges from Nintendo. Then we were able to tell them the serial number of the device the purchases were made on. 99% of the time, it was a family member. I honestly really enjoyed working at Nintendo.

That's certainly very possible and I grew to hate gamestop for bullshit like this. The reason we came up with our theory is that the main product I was referring to is a Wii U. The gamepad and console itself have different serial numbers so we were usually able to determine that the gamepad was in the right box but the console was wrong. Logically it just seemed to make more sense that someone swapped only the broken part.

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>Get an e-mail from Gamestop giving me a discount code for 1 (ONE) used game for my birthday
>go to my local Gamestop and get me my used game of choice
>Gamestop employee asks me for my power up rewards card after scanning my code, say I don't have it anymore
>asks me for my phone/email
>types it in
>"sorry user but you're not a member anymore so this birthday code can't be used by you"
>still get the birthday discount anyways

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You’re literally a zoomer you brain dead cocksucker

I'm so angry, Im fuming. I might get so mad I might call you redpilled. Don't make me dude. It'll get major cringe here.

I do remember having good calls with Nintendo and hearing a lot of nice stories. I had a friend who worked at the Xbox call center and they said it worse than hell.

Smh me too

I'm so angry, Im fuming. I might get so mad I might call you redpilled. Don't make me dude. It'll get major cringe here.
T. Not Zoomer Jeff

Some fucker gave me a Tekken 5 demo disc with a hole in it. I SAW HIM LOOK AT THE DISC WHEN HE GAVE IT TO ME TOO.

I exchanged it for Tekken 4 and wow. Tekken 4 is probably my favourite fucking Tekken game. Best xiaoyu costume next to 7 imo.

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All discs have a hole in the middle, retard.

Have sex.

A hole in the fucking part of the disc itself you god damn retard.

Why the fuck did you think it's the middle I'm talking about? Do you think that low of anons?

>try to sometimes socialize with the kids who go inside to buy a game themselves, talk to them about the game, recommend them some shit, etc
>they are completely uninterested
I get where they’re coming from, they just wanna get the game and be done with it but damn.

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I don't know if anyone is a Toronto man here. But does the Eaton center EB games still smell like shit?

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Sorry you had to call in but I'm glad it was good at least. I actually worked at the call center in NoA's main campus in Redmond, WA. We got a couple cool perks like getting to buy games/consoles a few days early and some really nice discounts. Some slightly more fantastical tidbits from when I worked there were that I met Reggie in Cafe Mario at the main building and one time I got to see Iwata when he came around the call center. Apparently he had done that a couple times before. He died pretty soon after I left.

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>tfw haven't made any friends at all since high school
I try not to think about it

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God bless you user.

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to be fair the cover gives it away anyway

>wife’s best friend recently moved to the city where we live because I helped find her a job in my IT Department
>she has been single much of her life and is jelly of my wife marrying a guy like me
>I don’t know any single guys, but I ended up talking to someone in a /pol/ thread for the state I live and pitched the idea of introducing him to Amy wife’s friend (I figured I’d have something in common with him being Yea Forums)
>arrange to have them casually meet at GameStop in the mall
>I first talk to the guy before calling over my wife’s friend
>looks like a literal hobo and smells like an ash can
>guy didn’t even shave, comb his hair, or put on some perfume to mask the cigarette smell
>I didn’t even want to introduce him to my wife’s friend because of how repulsed I was

No wonder most of you shits are beta virgins

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>3DS/wii u days
>nintendo club member
>"i'm not fucking buying games just for the codes so i can get free stuff"
>go to every gamestop near my place (quite a few)
>take pics of the club nintendo codes, then try them at home
you wouldn't know how many fucking plebs didn't use their codes. i got
>too many free games
>the wii u smash poster set
>DS/3DS case for games (looks like a 3DS case, but holds 16 games)
>yoshi cloth
>some other stuff

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>live in Bumfuck, Alabama (seriously, I live the most rural fucking area you've ever seen)
>new GameStop just opened up nearby and the nearest other one is like an hour away
>go in there to buy Atelier Totori (I am not joking, this is when it first came out)
>walk in there and ask for the game
>cashier is some slack jawed yokel kid, thin as a twig
>"Uh, lemme check in the back."
>goes into the back for a minute and out comes this fat guy who looks like the manager, he looks PISSED
>walks behind the counter and says to me "Get the fuck out."
>I'm so shocked and confused that I don't even say anything
>he slams his hands on the counter and shouts "GET THE FUCK OUT YOU KIDDY FIDDLER FUCK!"
>hustle out of there, do a quick check over my shoulder to make sure no one followed me and race home
>never go back there again and just buy all my shit online

Last I heard it shut down. Meh, that's what happens when you live in GAWD country.

The one time I went to trade in stuff at Gamestop they gave me 40 bucks for something like 10 old Xbox 360 games. This was maybe two years ago.
What's all this about Gamestop giving you three Venezuelan pesos in exchange for a hundred games?

>walk into eb games
>"hi there can I help you with anything"
>where are the switch games?
>"over here"
>pick up xeno 2 and shantae
>"aren't you a little old to be playing these user?"
>don't even fucking say anything
>put money down
>"Would you lik-"
>hands me my shit
>walk out
fucking eb games

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It depends on the games. Most shit that's actually decent will get you at least $3-4. Some shit thats in high demand, but low supply will get you upwards of $20-30. But then you have piles of shit like yearly sports titles and games that have a zillion copies on the market like CoD and they'll give you like $0.10 for a copy.

I live in the Kitchener Waterloo area, and we have a good chunk of independent game sellers
>Good Time Games
Used to be run by this greedy as hell Indian, but a white guy ended up buying it. VERY good selection, you can find most major titles for every console, they have some imports for stuff like the Vita and Dreamcast, they sometimes sell TVs, and they keep guidebooks as well as sell new games.They also brought back rentals, which is neat.
Fun fact by the way, just before the indian who ran it sold the store, a rival game shop owner (who also happened to be Indian) apparently walked in and bought all of his PS1 games, and the owner sold them at a loss. Fucking hilarious the look on his face when I asked him where his PS1 stock went.
>KW Vintage Games
This is the store run by the other Indian guy who bought all the PS1 shit. Real hoarder, if you want something, he'll have it or he can find it. Only issue is he's cheap as hell on trade in and tends to scam people, only recently managed to get a debit tender as well.
You have a cute dog though.
>Retro Replay
Smaller store, has a good classic games selection, not much in the way of sixth gen onwards. Also sells VHS tapes and anime.
Used to be based in Cambridge, but two crackheads died in front of his store out there.
>Games Exchange
Even smaller than Retro Replay, but they're cheaper and generally nicer, and last I checked their site actually worked.
All of these stores have been open for over 5 years and the only time I wasn't able to find a game with them was with imports and Dragon Quest VI for DS.

Saved to a txt file for later use. Thank you kind user.

this is bait

>buying a copy of Persona 5 dancing for my ex
>cashier starts talking to me about how he liked persona 3 a lot more
>i tell him im not a fan, even though i'm wearing a futaba sakura shirt
thats the best experience I've had
ex ended up giving me the game back a week later, her brother also bought her a copy

>I just applied to work at GameStop a couple days ago

Everyone's gonna hate on you but honestly, go for it man. It's so hard to find local gamer friends, working at GameStop is perfect for it though. And gamer friends leads to gamer girls, which if you manage to thread the needle, could mean a gamer girlfriend. But even just gamer friends are great to have.

Please just don't be weird, and be as nice as is reasonable to the customers.

As for why it's bad, it isn't per se. I go there in a pinch and having something same-day in hand is always nice. But they bring very little value to the table as far as being a store IMO.

Also, secret advice. Once you've been there a while offer to rearrange the clearance section once / twice a week. Your store will be so good at selling clearance that other stores will send you theirs.

From what I understand, they work you to the bone which is why employees are always shilling for power up rewards.

>MH4U is coming out, and I decide to pick it up on release day
>Having had many an awful experience at gamestop, I head to bestbuy first.
>They say they don't have any copies out, and no one can find them in the back.
>That's okay, I'll check the wal-mart
>They have sold out by noon
>Well that's queer, I guess I have no option left but gamestop.
>There's a fucking line snaking through the store
>"Wow this big a turnout for monhun? 3U on the wii must have been a success.
>See everyone has a 3DS with them, and they're doing something with them up at the counter
>Realize after a few minutes that they're transfering all their 3DS data over to the New 3DS that just came out today also
>I have to wait in line behind all of these fuckers transfering their 3DS data two at a time at both registers in order to just buy one fucking game
>30 fucking minutes
>Finally get up to the front of the line and ask for monster hunter
>They asked if I wanted the New 3DS bundle and if I had a pre-order
>"No, just the game, please."
>"Oh, you could have just come up here and gotten it, you didn't have to wait in line."

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Similar thing happened to me.
>go to Target
>need a new Xbox one controller
>go home to play
>left bumper is broken out of the box
I described the design to a friend and he confirmed it was a supposed GameStop exclusive controller. I’m sure it’s possible some of these supposed retail store exclusives get mixed up but sounds like someone returned a broken GameStop controller to Target.

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Yeah it's one of those things where they won't open the box and check if it looks like it's still unopened because why would they. I get it but it sucks.



gamestop threads are incredibly derivative already so that's no surprise. But I have also been having the same feelings of deja vu in other threads on other boards like you described.Makes me wonder which timeline I stepped into now.

>went to GameStop to buy Yakuza 0
>cashier is mildly interested in my purchase
>tells me if I want to have a Yakuza 0 promotional poster because they have extras
>say yes
>leave with my game and a free poster
>hang the poster on my wall

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i went in a year ago to buy dark souls 1 and the employee gave me the george costanza look and told me confidently "you know there a remaster coming out soon, right?" and i was like "whatever" and payed for my game and left and played a game that was alright. FUCKING GAMESTOP!

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Only at the Wendy's

More like the Jerk Store

Have fun trying to meet your quotas. Yes, you need to make a certain number of preorders a month or you will receive demerits which can lead to your termination

I really miss the days when Yea Forums wasn't retarded enough to gobble up obvious bait so eagerly.

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You should just become a PC gamer and then you'll have access to 98% of games from the last 8 generations via piracy and emulation.

I sort of did this when Walmart started Liquidating their stock of Wii Party U for $10 a pop. At the time Gamestop was buying the game itself used for $10 let alone the Wii motes I was trading in.

Also during the time not too long ago I'm sure yall remember this when Gamestop was doing that one trade in multiplyer where if you traded in 6 games+ they would give you a massive bonus in trade in credit I think it was like 70%. I was literally buying new games from Best Buy with my GCU membership(20% off new games) first party and shovelwhere and selling them to gamestop for massive trade in credit. I ended up using it to buy a PS4 pro and saved the rest to buy a switch later on and built my switch library with it. Best buy got my money, I got 2 consoles and a shit ton of switch games. Multiple Gamestops in my city ended up with massive copies of Plants vs Zombies, Mario Kart 7, Shovel Knight, and Lego games from me.

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>work for gamestop 2 years ago now
>original manager transferred to a higher volume store
>new manager begins hiring for xmas season early
>come into work at the beginning of the week and take a look at the schedule
>see a familiar name
>ask if its for real and manager just looks at me like im retarded
>this girl went to middle school with me
>was that girl that was way developed for her age
>half filipino half japanese
>dd titties
>an ass you could bounce a dime off of
>looking forward to the first day i work with her
>that day ends up coming even sooner due to manager asking for to cover his opening shift and train the new hire
>she comes in
>her tits look even bigger
>ass even firmer
>only shes become a total butterface
>caked on foundation covering pizzaface
>she doesnt recognize me so just get on with it
>"hi my names sammy, are you manager?"
>oh i guess he didnt tell you, but no im sga user and ill be training you today
>"oh well nice to meet you and i look forward to working with you!"
>day was slow but levelup was down so put her straight onto register
>my replacement for the day ends up calling out for the day so end up working a double being the only other keyholder
>sammy would be the third so ask if she would like to stay to see how the store is closed
>she says sure a little bit too happily in my opinion
>grab the metal hook to close the shutters and show her on the first one
>she does the rest
>the shutter for the front door bounces up and she bends down to push it back down
>was about to tell her that she doesnt need to shut it fully since we need to leave out front
>stopped due to seeing her gstring peek out the top of her pants and her pants sliding down her butt slowly more and more as she struggles to push shutter down
>finally done, show her how to count safe
>sammy gets down on her knees right across from me as im pulling out the money
>glance over at her and get a peek straight down her shirt
>no bra, ghost nipples

Throw it away and get it from the trash later dipshit

>Incels first time being alone with a woman

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Jesus dude have sex for real

out of the things on this shit hole site I'm sure they'd rather get some potential shooter in an r9k thread than some autist in a gamestop across thousands in the country

When I used to work there I bought hdmi cables from Monoprice and sold them to GS. I did it so much they did a company wide policy change.

>do my best to not be obvious that im staring
>finally get over it and finish closing down the shop
>sammy stands right by the now locked front doors of the gamestop
>well ill see you later sammy, only closing tomorrow
>she nods happily and waves goodbye to me
>walk to my car and see her still standing there as im about to get in
>did you not drive here sammy?
>"oh i dont have my license, but my ride should be here soon"
>close my door and walk back
>"what are you doing?"
>im gonna wait with you, its dark and im not gonna just leave you here alone
>"my ride will be here any minute you dont have to wait"
>no its fine
>couple minutes of awkward silence
>she pulls out a cigarette
>kind of a turn off to me but whatever
>end up bringing up going to school together
>"oh were you one of the people that were friends with me because i was pretty?"
>a little taken back
>no you dated one of my friends
>turns out she is a little too forthcoming with info
>find out she failed a couple of grades making her almost four years older than me despite only being a grade ahead of me at the time
>shes got some weird complex going on where she thinks shes worthless no matter what she does
>her current 'boyfriend' makes her live in his basement and her paychecks go directly to him
>get insanely creeped out
>her ride shows up finally
>twenty minutes after closing
>train her up over a month and end up quitting for a better job

turns out the manager would molest her in the back room where we kept consoles locked up. kept going on for about three months and i guess she finally had enough and told the district manager. he was faced with a criminal investigation or stepping down. later i asked sammy herself about it and she said that he would tell her she would have to let him cum in her ass every time they worked together or she would lose her job. now theres a new manager but last time i was in there they were packing up a lot of the shit, must be closing down

Dude they're gonna go bankrupt in less than a year from NOW, why even bother?

How pathetic must one be that even within his own LARP he's a cuck?

More like 3-5 years dude.

how is any of that cuckoldry?

they're the only gaymen store in many areas. They'll be around for a little while even after they go bankrupt.

My local fucking gamestop still has all the walls dedicated to games but most everything else is fucking toys in the middle of the store and various currency card platforms.

>mfw building a PC and then trading in various console games I'm too lazy to sell on my own just to buy steamcards

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>Still desperate for (you)s 4 hours later.
God damn. You had tendies for dinner didn't you?

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You should have molested her too with him, cuck

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>Obviously wants to fuck this woman
>Instead acts like a white knight protecting her until her ride arrives
>Can't be bothered to make a move, despite obviously wanting to
>Meanwhile my manager is cumming in her butthole
How is that NOT being a cuck?

GameStop threads are just as entertaining as watching TV, of course I'm still here but the thread is still dying fast.

>work at gamestop
>guy comes in past closing time
>let him in
>"hey I wanna trade in some games"
>take a look at what he's got
>fucking games from 2007 for the 360
>"yeah bro thats gonna be $____
>"wtf dude I bought these games for 60 bucks each"
>"bro that was like 20 years ago we can't pay you back that much since we sell this shit for like 10 bucks"
>"dude fuck you"
>knocks over stand of psvita games and storms out
>proceeds to post on Yea Forums about how unprofessional GameStop employees are

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Man I'm kinda the same with ebay. I owned and sold 5 360's during it's lifespan. Currently contemplating buying a PS4 again. I hate having shit lying around that I'm not using and sometimes get in these depressive moods where I sell everything I own but ALWAYS regret selling it too.

>go into gamestop with my maga hat and kekistan shirt on
>call the niGGER behind the ocunter a NIGGER
>everyone is stunned silent by how based and redpilled i am
>cops come to congratulate me with a free ride
>we pull over and kill a truck load of illegal mexicans on the way home
based america

when they launched the GameStop credit card it was company protocol to queue up the CC application "for free for the guest" and have people apply and see if they were eligible. This lowers your credit score among a litany of other negative things. The card itself had, if i remember correctly, the max legal allowed interest rate at the time as well

You guys know those display case that has cartridges for ds, vita, 3ds, and switch games? If I buy them do I only get the cartridge or do they have the case somewhere in storage?

Once got a $50 for buying two $10 games. The sign they had said buy 2 games get one free, it never said anything about equal or lesser value. The clerk caved when I threatened to walk out.

Don't act like people knocking over displays is common. Literally just call the police and report them for criminal vandalism. I'm willing to bet that short of accidents, I.E. fat fucks or handicaps accidentally knocking over displays that shit has happened at such a small extent that it's essentially non existent.

As for people bitching about prices, that's on them. No store is obligated to offer you what you think something is worth. Just because someone thinks Madden 2008 is worth more than $0.12 doesn't mean the store is obligated to offer you more. With that said though, I think GameStop could have avoided it's negative reputation and current financial predicament if they had simply followed the business model of a pawn shop when it comes to valuation. Offer 25% of what they can sell an item for. Sure, the customer is still getting fucked, but at least they don't see the insane disparity in prices like selling said Madden game for $0.12 while it's sitting on the shelf for sale at $10.00. That kind of shit is exactly what made people so enraged with GameStop and is what ultimately drove them to getting such a negative reputation.

you dont live in an area with black people
knocking over displays is such a common occurrence for anyone that doesn't get their way for the slightest thing they perceive as negative
its not a daily thing, but in our district it happens easily once a week

>things that never happened

I guarantee you it's more common than you expect. Someone does it like every week at my store and that's not the half of it.

>being trained on a closing shift
>lock up doors and help cash out remaining customers
>being new forget to put the anchors door in the door
>an illegal immigrant and his autist son come up and knock on the door
>coworker looks over and makes a shooing motion
>"we're closed! these are the last customers come back tomorrow!"
>the dad knocks harder
>"cmon man, will only take a minute"
>no dude, we are closing up for the night
>his kid doesnt take no for an answer and starts pulling on the doors
>without the anchors in they pull back from the frame and little autist slams them back in
>coworkers gets annoyed and tells me to let them in
>"well we are getting donations for autism awareness"
>unlock the doors and let them in
>20 minutes pass and the dad finally comes up to us
>"ay man, you got god of war for xbox"
>you got to be fucking kidding me
>my coworker tells them its only on playstation
>argue for maybe 15 more minutes
>dad finally acquiesces and tells his kid
>kid literally starts reeing and throwing the minecraft plushies around the store
>dad picks up his kid and starts walking out
>his kid starts picking up whatever he could and hitting his dad with it
>dad gets him to drop everything and gets out the door
>until the kid grabs onto the handle and wont let go
>screaming how he wants the new god of war on xbox
>dad finally yanks his kid off and goes home
>end up closing almost an hour late
>go home that night sleeping soundly knowing im not retarded

I live in Detroit, faggot. And no, they don't destroy display cases over stupid shit. Even nignogs don't have ant to have the cops called because they got ripped off on a videogame.

The absolute STATE of the USA.

We have CEX here and it's usually fine, games and tv/film along with consoles and accessories all second hand.

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Actually it did happen, and I got blacklisted for a year because of it. The store in question was woefully under-preforming in terms of used game sales at the time, and the clerk was one step away from being shitcanned. These are all facts I learned later, but basically he was worried I was going to make a scene infront of other customers, and that someone was going to complain about him, so he caved, sold me 2 $10 games, gave me the $50 used game, and then quietly blacklisted me.

Do you work at GameStop or are you just a common customer?

Don't be so ignorant that you don't realize the US's glorious free market doesn't have thousands of fantastic mom and pop shops. I have one less than a mile away that still sells everything from Atari up while having a technician on staff that's so based he's fixed a faulty disk drive in a PS3 I had for free, just because he was bored that night and had no other projects to work on.

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>Go into FUCKING Gamestop to get pic related on release day.
>Only guy working is some fat manlet Mexican.
>Asks me if I preordered
>I tell him I didn't
>"Don't worry bro I'm sure we got a few extra copies."
>He pulls it out of the cabinet laughs at the cover.
>"I'll see if I can get you the pre-order DLC."
>He types some shit on the register.
>"Alright, here you go! DLC code is on the receipt."
>Go home, play the game, have a fun time.

Thanks Gamestop.

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>things that never happened v2

fuck off nigger

>18 years old
>telling others to lurk moar
wowie, youre either retarded or an actual gamestop hired shill

Then why are you talking about it in a gamestop thread?

copy that!

My fucking Ontario buds. 1up games is good, I haven't been there a whole lot since they closed both stores and moved to downtown hamilton. I used to go the westdale location and super when I still lived in that area. The last game I ever got there was Ristar.

The only stores in KW I've been to are KWVintage and Retro Replay (at least when they were still in Cambridge).

I was not impressed with this place at all. I had heard tons of stories about the store and the owner from other collectors in the area but how he is sketchy and mostly just wants to trade, not buy in games.
The store does have a crap ton of stuff but he has insane prices on everything. He doesn't have price tags on ANY games, so if you ask him for a price he would fuck off to his little laptop in the middle for a minute to give you the most up-to-date high ebay prices for it. Also they would not leave me and friend the fuck alone, literally every single little thing I touched or looked at they would start pushing me on it and asking me if I wanted it. I get it, they want a sale but I was not going in on there planning to buy anything. Maybe it was just a slow business day for them. OVerall though I would not go back, I don't recommed this place.

>Retro Replay
I've only been their in Cambridge, but this store was okay. Neat, organized. Had good prices too. People there were cool. I've seen them before at some of the game swaps in the ontario area. I would definitely want to check out their new place in Kitchener.

> two crackheads died in front of his store out there.

Holy fuck I know Cambridge (especially downtown) has a really bad crack problem but I didn't 2 people died outside their store. I know they said somebody passed out in their store once.

You can keep saying that, however it did happen. It was the year gamestop bought out EB Games, because the local EB got converted into a gamestop. You keep thinking it didn't happen, if it makes you happy.

How is it relevant that you were a 9/10 as a kid? How can a child be sexy?

I'm guessing you're from detroit?

>between managers because of some shit
>new manager appears to be normal but is clearly some kind of functional alcoholic or light crystal meth user but sure why not? I work in the mall and get paid in GameStop monopoly money
>3rd key, I have to open/close, accept shipment, count distros etc
>Holiday season, shit is getting real
>manager tells me to stop accepting distros and counting them out because of how busy the store is getting, says he'll get to them later
>manager stores all the distro boxes unopened locked in drawers
>shit sucks; nowhere to put my gutted games, fucking rockstop
>15 or whatever days elapse, distros left in drawers automatically get added to our inventory based on what the distro sheet says they sent
>one box is entirely refurbished pre-owned games from the warehouse
>opening the store one day, find one of the boxes with the pre-owned games
>find out there's like 12 copies of a popular rare fighting game in the box that aren't accounted for in the distro sheet
>opening alone because GameStop is a shit company
>exploit the trade in offers and trade in all 12 extra copies from the box and make over 250 dollars credit
>pay off all my preorders
>manager asks where all these copies of the same rare GameCube game came from
>'i dunno, some meth head brought them all in'
>manager is promptly fired
>me, continuing to pick up all my pre-orders, free of charge long after I had quit

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14 years ago...was this the one time you were "alpha" and remember it so fondly you brag about it still?

>Offered a job in game stop last week
>Read contract
>Dabbed on them and walked away
Reading what they were trying to chain me in made me a feel like a retard for even trying in first place

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>work at GameStop
>moms constantly drop kids off at our store like we are babysitters
>kids are there for 7 hours a day half of the week
>mfw we are babysitters to this bitch

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blacklisted from GameStop is there anything this mad lad cannot do?

>Be Jeff, 34
>Work at McDonald's his whole life for minimum wage
>Think job at gamestop for same wage is a good job
>Actively defends gamestop on Yea Forums
>Never even thought to apply for something with more challenge/pay
Jeff, you are either lazy and don't want to work hard or are too stupid to realize you could have gotten a better job after 6 months at Mickey D's. Or you just love complaining.

You can do better. At least get a decent paying call center job or something man

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I didn't tell others to lurk more. I said I lurked before turning 18+


why don't you call child protective services or tell the bitch she can't dump her kids there?

>have PS4 with broken disc drive & broken controller
>Go to gamestop on the day 2k20 releases
>Employees too busy to actually check if it works
>Get $170 in credit
>Go down the road and buy a pro for $150 after using the credit at another gamestop

GameStop is pretty alright.

When I lived in a student house in college with some roomates, my one roomates friend let him borrow her Wii U for like a year. Got to play mk8 and smash on it, and I secretly redeemed like 12 codes from all the games they had. I got like 3 free games for my 3ds that way

>why dont tell you the bitch she can't dump her kids there
Why are you assuming we haven't? We've told her and called CPS but as far as I know nothing has happened yet.

call the regular cops
you don't sound like you want to destroy a family as revenge

I'm waiting for her to dump them off again. She normally comes by on Tuesday but it's up to the manager at the end of the day what we do. Unless I call anonymously during my lunch.

Parents these days need tot stop raising their child like they're BFFs

>Online orders show up a week late.
>Downloading means you have to account for finite storage space.
>Buying Three Houses got me a free set of plaque pins for preordering.

b-but user you'we a cuwck for pwefewwing gamestowp

>okay, kid

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I don't know how they think making fun of a costumer's taste will make them eager to come back but alright then

Jeff here. I just turned 18.
I don't like complaining at all actually. I fucking hate that I do complain because I wish shit was simpler. But.
I worked at McDonald's last month for a month, Still got full on hours and shit but it fucking sucked ass. As I listed before of how awful it really was I had to quit.
I can much rather deal with people better then the back/leg breaking work. It is personally gonna be better for me I think. Also I don't defend everything gamestop does because I'm not a shill, I just try to make logical sense out of it.

Go wait tables. Better money and a good chance you will meet a lot of young women. It's also character building and good for social skills. If you play your cards right you can learn to bar tend and make good money through college while having a great social life. Going from retail to waiting tables probably saved my life. Retail is hell on earth. I'm sure McShits is worse though.

godspeed. I hope you get that bitch permanently labeled as a bad mother and get her kids taken away

don't they have a receipt survey or something? call that or failing that call the corporate line and file a complaint against the bitch

>When a GameStop spic looks down on you

>You got any new copies of ________?
>Yeah, but it's our last copy.
Every time.

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Get a decent education, don't waste your time on jobs that hardly pay the rent.

This can't be real but honestly you are beyond retarded if you try to set up a family friend on a date with someone you've never met before that started talking to on this cesspool. beyond snot eating retarded

I am currently finishing up classes online. And I live rent-free. I'm honestly just trying to work to have a decent amount of money for myself. So I don't much care for higher then minimum wage since I don't pay the bills or rent.

The America you worked retail in is dead, user.

Retail now is typically a full on third world experience. Regular people have stopped going to malls and brick and mortar store for a reason, retail stores are dying because of it. If you had to consistently deal with pajeet and other disgruntled third worlders all day, you may have had a different perspective. Not to mention, people now are just generally less friendly and happy.

I make ~25k a year bartending 3 shifts a week while I finish college. I don't know why anyone who can talk to customers would work in retail when they can wait tables

>Retail is comfy
>Circuit City
Retail for the majority is not comfy, but Circuit City was definitely comfy. Shame they died long ago, at least Frys seems to be a spiritual successor.

Well one bit of advice: always look for work and/or work on something for yourself. Even if you think you have the best job in the world, update your resume and look around for at least a few minutes a week. When you have a job, it's easy to find a better job. When you don't have a job, it's like trying to sell a watch to a pawn broker, you will not get paid what you should.

How many times can I buy and return used games until I get blacklisted? I want to play Control but I dont want to support Remedy giving their games shitty endings, horrible pc ports, and EGS exclusive

Forever if you sob to the manager

>>when we're out and about eating lunch or shopping and we see a kid acting like a spoiled cunt he'll stop, look at me, and say
>>"Wow what a retard"
>I apologize for the blog post.
What an absolute unit

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Jeff here just saying goodnight fellow anons. I appreciate all the advise.
I love you all, you all are beautiful based bros.

Anyone got the Kirby pic where he is playing a game with an unplugged controller? Posted a few days ago

Peace nigger

This just makes you an ass hole for bullying the person behind the register over fucking video games. They were feeling the heat and you may have got them in trouble. Are you jewish?

>be me
>like around 10
>bring in all my ps2 games so I can trade in for something new
>the guy sees my giant trash bag of games
>after ringing up about 30 something games I finally get my credit value
>we can give you about $3.50
>Immediately depression sets in
>I take the money and leave
God I can't wait when Gamestop goes out of fucking business.

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Should be the last resort just because of pricing. Any nearby electronics store will have the same titles for 25% less.

dawg i did that with target.
target had a sale, if you buy ANY 2 ds games you get 2 for free. and they give you a 20 dollar gift card untop of that.
went to a shitload of places bought omegared and saphireblue and traded them in

Don't call me dawg, you fucking nigger.

That's pretty good for 3 shifts a week. You can make even more if you get into the right spot.

Also: do not go to bartending school.

It's a fucking scam and whoever is interviewing you will either feel bad for you or secretly laugh at you behind your back. It qualifies you for absolutely nothing.

More alpha then you'll ever be.
Yes I am an asshole, however I did not know anything about this guy, until much later. Also no I'm not jewish.

You're likely a megobese neckbeard that uses customer service reps as personal punching bags because you feel powerless in the regular world. Oh well. Your story just makes you sound like a cunt, you really got one over by getting some cheap video games from that poor kid behind the counter.

kay broski

The projection in this post makes me want to dim the lights so I can see it better.

Whatever makes you feel better buddy. What a stupid story to tell and brag about.

I've spent the last 3 years working for FYE. Can't be worse than that, but don't expect to be employed for over 2 years at this point. Retail is dead.

I wasn't the user you were responding to. It's just painfully obvious how much angst you're feeling to get upset over it.

not a horror story but just weird how GS does trade credit
>go to buy Astral Chain with some trades
>KH3 for PS4, DBXV 1 and 2 for XBone, and Kirby Star Allies
>KH3 is worth TWELVE fucking dollars
>XV2 is 10 dollars
>XV1 is 2 dollars
>Kirby is 25
I just don't get how a game that came out a little over 8 months ago is only worth 12, but Kirby came out last year and is worth more. Also XV2 came out in October 2016, and is two dollars less than KH3.

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I enjoyed your blog post user.
It gives me a bit of hope that not everyone is a stupid fucking cunt that pisses me off

Must be rough being underage and trying to act big, while slinging shallow and childish insults.

Basic supply and demand. If a game had a limited print run of only a few hundred thousand copies and nobody is trading them in its going to fetch a higher price compared to one that has millions of copies and every store sees 10 copies traded in every week.

>son with her younger son that they(mother and older son) can't afford it yet
Man, I hate spoiled brats that want it even if the family can't afford it.
I was like that with the PSP but my mom convinced me to return it. I feel so shitty.

The entire month of January and the tail end of December from last year and this year was a nightmare. Everything I purchased for that entire period of time wasn't functional and had to be replaced. This includes
-a Wii U
-2 Sega Dreamcasts, one of which was a replacement for another which still didn't work but I managed to fix myself(still own both, they didn't want the defective one back for some reason)
-a copy of Wario World
-a copy of Pokémon Colosseum(this one's especially bad since it was for my little brothers who I got a GameCube for christmas and couldn't send until everything was ready to go)
-a copy of New Super Mario Bros. U and New Super Luigi U bundle
-a copy of Splatoon
-a copy of Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
-a copy of Mario Kart 8
And probably more that just aren't coming to mind. It got so bad that whenever I walked inyo my local Gamestop, the staff would give me a sort of pity look and feel sorry that I was getting a bunch of defective shit. They recognized me because of how often I had to get shit exchanged or returned. What a colossal fuck up.

How the fuck does an employee bathroom look this shitty? Fucking disgusting. GameStop employees really are gross people.

I kek

I refuse to go to one anymore. I can't stand the sight of those creepy ass POPs and geek shit everywhere.
My local Best Buy has an overall bigger, better selection of games than my GAMEstop.

lol, yeah man I'm totally underage.

When i was younger I used to think doing shit like that was cool. Went on to work some really shitty jobs and realized what a waste of time and energy that type of shit is. Might also have to do with hitting 6 figure territory in my twenties. I just buy the shit I want and treat people really well. Ends up working out better in the end.

oh man life is going to hit you like a fucking train real soon kid

The Best Buys here are somehow worse than the Gamestops. They all seem so barren and fucking empty. At least the Gamestops here have full shelves

>>when we're out and about eating lunch or shopping and we see a kid acting like a spoiled cunt he'll stop, look at me, and say
>>"Wow what a retard"
Fucking based little bro
You're a good bro to treat him like a normal human being, god bless you

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>Go to Gamestop to purchase a Switch
>Cashier asks me if I want any games with it
>Say "Nope, I'm gonna pirate them as soon as I get home".
>Another fucktard cashier pops up and says "Sir, you know we could report you for saying that"
>Give the fucktard a stare and say "We live in America, I have the right to download my games if I want to, If Nintendo actually put the effort into making a larger library of games with QUALITY as the Wii, I wouldn't need to do this".
>Cashier says "But these companies are losing money"
>I begin to laugh, "Then they should stop being lazy and make better games, I'm suffering as a college student and worry about my money each day, these companies can survive from a few pirated games and if they can't...then they can just fuck off."
>Cashier stares at me
>I stare at him
>Cashier sighs and says "Look, I won't report you...I understand your situation but just don't go around saying that stuff, you'll get in trouble.."
>I grin and say "I'm a pirate, we love trouble, it just makes life more exciting."
>And then everyone in the store clapped as I walked off
>I walk to my car feeling proud of what I did.
>Go home to pirate octopath traveler

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>mouth breathing retards that stalked employees(especially girls)
I see this at the gym and some stores and don't understand how some people can't go to work out/buy a product. Why do they have to be like this?

>Go into gamestop
>Ask clerk if he has Fire Emblem Birthright
>Clerk tells me that game is trash and asks me what Fire Emblem games I have played
>tell him none and that my friend recommended this one (he bought conquest and has played nearly all of the entries since the GBA one)
>Clerk goes into 10 minute tirade about how I need to start with FE7 and try to find the Japanese versions as they aren't down and then gives me his personal thoughts on almost every FE game
>Tries to sell me Awakening
>Tell him I want Birthright
>"But, but it's a better game!'
>still buy Birthright
>Had to stop going to store because he would try to ask me about my progress and talk about his favorite strats whenever I walked in
I hope he's dead

>We stored oversized Collectors Editions in the toilet.
Was there any that you wanted to buy or were they all shit?

>I don't waste my time and make six figures
>He says while participating in an internet fight

You live in mom's basement.

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Any GameStop employees come across individuals who has ungodly amount of Power-Up Rewards certificates? Like someone who can’t accumulate that much points in a short amount of time?

I don't think Kirby Star Allies is a rare game, user.

The one i go to is normal af. Nice employees, not a lot of bullshit toys taking up space. No complaints from me, but then again its EB Games and im in Canada.

>get Batman Arkham City CE for Christmas 2011
>no game, just the statue
>mom goes to FUCKING GAMESTOP to see what was up
>lady immediately realized the problem and gets the actual CE for my mom
Why do they do it like this? They put a dummy one out, but what happens to the game from that one? Just seemed so weird. So I had to wait to play Arkham City and I was hyped to play it.

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why would he live in your mom's basement?

Not a gamestop employee, but I was pretty fucking stacked on rewards points. Got shit tons of retro stuff back when their winter used game sales would cover them. In fact I got my copy of Metroid that way.

It doesn't have to be rare in terms of number of copies, but rather how much demand it has versus how often they get it used. All it takes is for a game to not be sold back very often for it to jack up the price.

>copies of a popular rare fighting game in the box that aren't accounted for in the distro sheet
What was the game? If it's GC, it couldn't have been Melee. Was it Capcom vs SNK 2?

yea man being an amputee is awesome because you aren't quite dead yet

Because it's full of mildew and various rodents.

They became irrelevant to me when they stopped selling PC games. Kind of sad.

That makes more sense. My bad. Didn't think of it that way.

>things that never happened

Yeah some douche employee confronted me saying something about “you need an army to get this many points”

I’m assuming he’s been watching me since I bought a Vita and a few games with points alone within a day or two.

Even if it is shady looking, why take your shitty job seriously? He’s acting like he’s going to get fired for letting me use them.

>"Oh, you could have just come up here and gotten it, you didn't have to wait in line."
That sounds like your fault, user.

What stores actually sell real PC games anymore though? Literally every single PC game I've seen in a retailer in the last 10 years has been either complete nonsense like "10001 card games" or an actual game, except it's nothing but a box with a steam code inside of it.

try restarting your PC bro holy fuck

you are LARPing so fucking hard dude, literally no one who has a job will fall for this. It's all demonstrably incorrect

There was this dude that was selling rewards certificates in one of those bitcoin sites or darkweb, hell maybe on eBay for dirt cheap.

I’m talking about probably $10 for a $50 certificate. Really more efficient than your methods. I’m sure they still exist today, but it has dried up at one point.

You sound like someone desperately trying to larp, but hey, you keep dreaming, maybe if you get of Yea Forums it'll actually happen. However, I wouldn't hold my breath.

I did made a complaint about him maybe the next time I was around. And next thing I knew, he was out of there.

But then I saw him working at a GameStop like 25 miles away from his old store.

I do nearly all my business with GameStop through their website as it has a lot more variety than my local store. The reason I was able to spend my points so easily is because they can't question you when you buy online. Also have had the account from around the time the wii was new and had been accruing points for like a decade before I decided to spend any

If only you knew my dude. Also, 6 figures really isn't that much. You can do it too my dude, I believe in you.

>I believe in you
Shame that nobodies buying the pile of horseshit you're selling.

I work at a gas station and can confirm, boomers are fucking retarded, poor people are generally dumb as fuck, tons of freaks stalking girls, fuck non Aryan humans.

>Headset dies
>5pm o shit
>Rush to EB Games
>Get cheapest headset
>60 dollarydoos wtf
>Says it is "PC Compatible"
>Only has a single 3.5mm jack for headphones
>No microphone
>Go back and can't get a refund for sanitary reasons
>get store currency
>buy steam card

>go to FUCKING GAMESTOP just to browse
>nice blonde girl is there
>says hi, how am I doing, if I need help with anything
>calls me babe too or some cutesy name or some shit
>leave with out buying anything
>feel kinda bad for not buying anything but was also super uncomfortable

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Why are you bouncing between part time jobs instead of being in school, learning a trade, or starting a business endeavor as an entrepreneur? Sounds like a failure in the making.
Can any one confirm that Gamestop won't care if you're going to get held up and robbed as the store opens?

user, I don't need you to buy it. It's a lived reality. Unfortunately there was definitely some damage done to my soul having to work within the corporate culture for a few years(think about working at a company that strongly encourages you to attend a seminar which demands you apologize for being straight and white). I'm on my own now though, so I don't have to do that shit anymore.

You can do it to user, just don't be a sperg and network.

Is the only way to get a bar tending gig to just work your way up as a waiter?

>He doesn't go into great detail to her about how he's going to edge thinking about her face for at least six hours. Only letting his nuts bust once they feel like they're thoroughly boiling. Plastering the wall 15 feet away with all the babies she just generated and that the pulsing didn't stop for 20 minutes.
What a fucking pleb.

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>G-Gotta keep working like a good goy and not spend time in my hobbies!
I just feel bad for you.

Sorry, I go to a store to buy shit, not fawn over a blonde girl with shitty piercings and bad tattoos.

Bought Atelier Meruru and the cashier was an 8/10 girl that suddenly yelled OH RIGHT!!! NOW THIS IS A GAME!!! while in a big line of customers.

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If you don't need anyone to buy it, why do you keep trying to sell it? We all know you're full of shit. Keep trying though.

Well, my friends and family don’t give a shit about the points so I just buy the consoles or games for them since I went to school with a GameStop on campus.

Also, why would you even care if this dude has a lot of points?

No. You can start at a bar as a barback. Put in your time and make a good impression. Ask to be taught how to bartend.

I did it through a restaurant, which I personally think is easier.

The reason bartending school is a scam, is that bartending is like 5-10% knowing the recipes. Being able to handle the stress, the multiple customers, multi-tasking, etc is the 90-95% of the job. I worked with lots of women behind the bar. All of them could memorize the recipes, but very few could match the pace or handle the stress like the males. Typically I'd send them out to do the face time when things got busy, and I'd be making most or all of the drinks.

Stop buying weeb shit.

Good luck buddy.

Not your buddy, faggot.

This was spicy until you said "everyone clapped" then it became lame.

>people actually trade in their games
I will never understand this. If you just craigslist(or local equivalent) your shit you will get at least four time the amount of money guaranteed. It's the main (and only) reason I still buy new releases physical - because I will get at least 50% back no matter what.

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>go into local video game store
>one whole wall of the shop which used to be video games is now funko pops
>ask if people actually buy them
>they tell me they sell some every day




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Yes they did

you're a cool guy

i worked in a store for 4 years. only did stocking related shit so never had to deal with anyone too much.

its nice, and i see how someone could just become content and lose 10 years. but when i quit the next job i got actually gave me real benefits and i realized how shit that place was.

U only make 55k and are responsible for your employees? Wow.

My work has an account with Spectrum and At&T to ship out customers old equipment for returns and more often than not they're fucking filthy
>absolutely caked in dust which goes flying when I have to lift them to scan the bar codes
>one woman brought in a box of shit and I see a big silverfish bug crawling around on top of it
>I mention to her "Watch out for that bug" and reach to get something to squish it with behind the counter
>Instead of taking the hint like a normal human being she brushes it off of her box and onto the carpet
She apologized and I still told her that it wasn't okay. Of course I ended up seeing several over the next few days

>My retail job is understaffed, we just barely manage to get by because people are being scheduled for 9 to 11 hour shifts to fill in the gaps
>Boss refuses to actively try and hire people, thinks just slapping up a sign and waiting for someone to apply is the answer instead of making an online listing
>Boss then proceeds to bitch about "the overtime needs to stop!" when he's the one scheduling people for overtime
I need to escape this and get a real job

>taking games with no box/manual means shitty box covers
To this day I can only imagine a group of poorly drawn asian/hispanic kids when I think of the box for Paper Mario TTYD.

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I do this all the time
>button on my controller is sticking or busted
>buy a new one on amazon
>return my broken one saying it arrived busted
I haven't paid for a controller in years

Why do people never realise if something is bait? Why do I hate bait? I hate bait.

Arkham City is a really good game

>letting in someone past closing time
I used to do this at my retail job, but I never do anymore. They're almost never grateful, and have absolutely no sense of urgency and take their sweet fucking time when it's obvious I want to finish closing the store and go home.
I've gotten into arguments with people because they pretty much demand I let them in as I'm locking up and I tell them no

>went into GameStop to sell my Wii
>hand the console in
>bitch behind the counter steals the Wii remote and claims I forgot it
>I seen her do it and guy behind counter puts Wii remote back on table
>I sell Wii
>she ended up getting fired a few weeks later

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Do you still have his card?

I don't know. Maybe I live in a country where we are all autists who don't want to talk to other people if we can avoid it (Denmark) or maybe I just look like a dad or something, because last time I was at Gamestop was to buy their CE of Resident Evil 2 and they didn't ask me to pre-order shit.

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gamestop has a department that checks in on survey feedback
if they get shit on in a survey, you can bet they are gonna get chewed out about it by the district leader

Why did you quit? It sounds pretty comfy. I love Nintendo, cute Grandpa.

No, you deserved it and you're the retard.

that means it's pretty much laptop compatible, where they have one audio jack for headphones and mic.

go back, we dont want you here faggot
yuppie dee yuppie doo the niggers in yankee city love you more than we do