Why are people suddenly defending Game Freak for being lazy as fuck reusing assets and animations in the new Pokemon...

Why are people suddenly defending Game Freak for being lazy as fuck reusing assets and animations in the new Pokemon game? What does Yea Forums think?

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Blue check marks just need an excuse to complain about "gamers" (white men)

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Pokemonfags like to pay to get fucked in the ass

That is true, but the faggot that got a ton of likes/RTs is not a blue checkmark.

Except there are new animations. Dexfags just conveniently ignore this.

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Can you fuck off to the other thread with the same exact screencap you fucking loser

like, reusing animations by itself isn't something bad, especially if they're good to begin with, it's the standard in fact.
the thing is, you reuse animations so you can focus on other things, and we haven't seen them focus on said other things.

Because the alternative is waiting 5 years for a pokemon game to reach the insane levels of detail that the detractors are expecting.

Why should they be expected to keep reusing features from previous games? No game in history does that. It's like complaining why every single mario game doesn't include SMB 1-1 in the game. We don't need everything.

We should be mindful that these things take time and effort. So gamefreak have taken the correct decision to cut content in the name of quality. Now we have babies who are throwing toys out of the stroller because they aren't getting every pokemon ever.

It's insane to expect gamefreak to programm, model and animate 100s and 100s of pokemon each with 100s of moves. It's an absolute insane amount of work and only the most entitled of quote end quote fans, want.

Most people are understand of the situation. it's just a small group who are ruining everything.

>”It’s just a kid’s game! Stop expecting it to be good!”
>these are the people who voted BotW and Mario Odyssey as their GOTY

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>we will make news models and animations at the cost of removing pokemons
>recycles models and animations while cutting pokemons
the gift that keeps on giving

Low quality bait

Just use Spore's procedural animation, bro.

>cut content in the name of quality

>It's insane to expect gamefreak to programm, model and animate 100s
Except Gamefreak doesn't even do the models, and not anyone wants the to animate every single attack. It's just that if you are gonna use as an excuse that you cut pokemons to touch up the animations, at least fucking touch up the animations then

I think you should stop being a fucking manbaby and get a fucking life

why would you cut pokemon so you can give them 1 new animation for the new gimmick of the generation that they'll drop next game. More people would be happy if you put that effort in just having all the Pokemon, using models and animations they already have.


>GF says they cut Pokemon to focus on high quality animations
>vast majority of animations are reused, the literal only new one I've seen is
>people call them out on this
No fucking shit, no one is mad they're reusing assets, people are mad that they used animation fidelity as an excuse to remove content only for said animations to be the same ones from fucking XY. GF did this to themselves, they should have thought of a better lie that doesn't get blown up by a guy with video software.

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Because complaining, even for a good cause, can be perceived as whining and bitching, specially if about something superfluous like videogames, specially if it's been draging on for a long time (wich is not much by today's short atention spam), so a lot of people will start defencing the issue just to shup up the ones that are complaining.

>It's insane to expect gamefreak to programm, model and animate 100s and 100s of pokemon each with 100s of moves.

>Highest grossing media franchise on the planet

shut up baby


This, but unironically.


Mainline games are just Go spinoffs nowadays.

This, holy shit the Pokemon aren’t in get over it don’t buy the game. Your fucking obsession isn’t turning anyone off the game who was already going to buy it, you’re just displaying a disturbing amount of brand loyalty.

>Sucking this much corporate cock

the entire reason anyone is paying attention to the reuse this time around is because the excuse masuda gave for not implementing all pokemon in the game is that they were focusing on improving animations for pokemon that were already in the game. the promise was increased quality for lower quantity. if that doesn't turn out to be true, then there's going to be a lot of disappointed people.
no one has an issue with the reuse from say, xy to sun and moon, because we know to expect it in order to keep all the pokemon in the game. when you start cutting pokemon you have to show something that is substantial that is gained as a result.
the only argument i think gamefreak has is gigantanmaxing requiring a lot of new work. which is probably true. but this new feature does not outweigh having all the pokemon in the game and should be cut to satisfy that goal.


>defending Game Freak for being lazy as fuck reusing assets
There isn't anything wrong with that in fact I prefer it to be honest. If an asset is good there is no need to recreate it.

How about you stop being an entitled fucking manbaby, and just buy the fucking game?

Yes, but they claimed they cut content because they WEREN'T reusing assets and it took effort to make new ones.
As it stands, the entire game looks like 100% cut corners, 0% actual effort. Nobody can tell where the actual time and heart went into it.

>capitalism encourages laziness, cut corners, and general incompetence

the Pokemon fandom is literally just a bunch of autistic spergs fellating people with actual talent who are in turn being fucked in the ass by disconnected management/shareholders

>If an asset is good

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There is something wrong with it when the devs are saying that the animations are the reason why pokemon are being cut. This game is literally a huge downgrade from the last game.

There's literally nothing wrong with reusing assets if all they need is a fresh coat of paint.
What is wrong is cutting content under the guise of making new, better assets when all visual evidence says otherwise.

Hmm ‘people’ suddenly defending one of the biggest products from a multi-billion company... really jogs the noggin...

What do you guys want, for Pikachu to fucking twerk or something?

It's a pokemon they only move in so many ways.

>buy a new game
>it's actually an old game disguised as a new game

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>have money
>can hire more people
>hire more people for temporary job at animation
>still have enough money to hire environment designers and modelers
>hire environment designers and modelers until SS is done
>can focus on battle balance, quests, small details that make the world richer, storyline, etc
Yes, they do have monies

im honestly dfine with them reusing the amie animations for the camp thing, future proofing is okay and they did that with the models as well
whats not okay is the fact that move animations are shit, the overall graphics are early ps2 tier despite the switch being more powerful than that, the awful overworld animations, the cut pokemon, etc. people need to be complaining about the shit that actually matters and not stuff like this

Can Yea Forums name any fanbase with lower standards than Pokefags? You could sell these guys an empty box and they'd happily buy it

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if pokemon games stop selling they gonna cancel the goddamn games and stick to the card game/gacha

>what you're seeing and what you're hearing in the FAKE NEWS MEDIA isn't what's actually happening

He's right though. There is no point in making new animations for literally every single action.

There is nothing wrong with reusing assets. The problem is that Game Freak never bothers to improve anything and now they're starting to fucking cut content that should be trivially easy to implement in the game.

I want more Dynamax pictures of the female trainers.

The point is that the old animations can still be used. Obviously they can add new animations if they feel like it. But if the old animations and models can be used there's no real reason for the Pokemon cut.

I guess sonic and CoD fanbases are kinda shit eating as well

Things getting reused is a-OK, but if you're reusing assets you can't also underdeliver in every single other area, and then blame the cost of making the assets you're clearly reusing.

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You're right! There is no point! That's why people were already mad when Game Freak cut content in pursuit of better animations!
And it's why they're now even madder that it turns out GF apparently DIDN'T make any better animations, and cut content for no apparent reason.

Unironic contrarianism.

They want good boy points from Matsuda by whiteknighting a franchise that basically has infinite money shitting out games with ever diminishing content, low quality AV, and now a shrunken roster.

Gen 6 games like SMT Nocturne and Pokémon Colosseum make Gen 8 look like a fan project.

We should all agree to accept mediocrity because making good stuff is hard. Think of the artists!

wish they would reuse chicken chan

The Sonic fanbase at least has the decency to continuously bitch about the crap they're willingly eating. Pokemon doesn't.

No refutation. Tell me what is wrong with reusing assets without relating it to something else that has nothing to do with it in context.

Most of Yea Forums is typical, they just want to bash on Pokemon because its popular and successful.

>Retards will literally defend the most profitable IP in fucking history cutting corners to save money because millennials and zoomers can't stop sucking corporate cock
Literally no excuse for GF to not just outsource asset development outside of just being complacent in their laziness

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Why the fuck does she have hooves?

they just straight up left a bunch of madden 19 logos still in the game in madden 20

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>There is nothing wrong with reusing assets. The problem is that Game Freak never bothers to improve anything and now they're starting to fucking cut content that should be trivially easy to implement in the game.

Either Gamefreak are lying with all their justifications for cut content or they are truly incompetent. I have a feeling that its both.

>they just want to bash on Pokemon because its the same game every time

You call this High quality?

holy shit bros i think i'm buyin' it

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>present me with an argument no one is making and do it without making any reference to what the actual complaint is
Why don't you go fuck yourself, you boot-licking faggot?

This is literally on the same exact tier as any other regular 3d pokémon animation. Where's the "WOW HIGHT QUALITY" part they promised us?

>Company make game I like as kid
>Company can do no wrong
>what people say Company did something wrong
>kotaku tell me that consumer always wrong so they wrong

It amazes me how far Poketards will go out of their way to defend shoddy work like this even though they basically blatantly lied to their base about cutting the pokemon for the sake of making better animations. Pokemon X was the last Pokemon game I bought and I don't plan on continuing to buy from these hacks ever again. Play Shin Megami Tensei.


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Hmmm how about they fucking LIED!

the refutation is that the battle animations are shit anyway. they claim to be improving animations but we still have these shitty hop/swivel in place 'animations'. why would they reuse that shit if not because of their own laziness and ineptitude
>Most of Yea Forums is typical, they just want to bash on Pokemon because its popular and successful.
I'm a loser manchild college student with a pokemon pencil case and gamefreak is a hack company


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wojaks are garbage still

> What is wrong with reusing assets
But Game Freak has:
> cut content
> claimed they cut content so as to create new assets where reused ones might exist
> accidentally revealed that they reused content they claimed took time to make, necessitating cut content
Do you see the relation yet?

>turned off

Why does this game make Snoy shills SEETHE?

What's the most S/S could sell and still be considered "underperforming"? Same as Sun/Moon? 1-2 million below that?

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It sucks being replaced by these people

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>Literally press X to watch a cutscene play
Epic movie game

It makes me, someone who's bought every mainline Pokemon game since gen 4, and who was even willing to defend SuMo because "at least the battling is still pretty good", seethe too.
It fucking sucks.

People have been defending this shitty company for almost 30 years

Fuck off, Joe

>people would rather shitty kanto/johto mons instead of the newer ones.

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Lol nice lies SNOY shill

It's a new mainline Pokémon game on the extremely successful console that is the Nintendo Switch. Such speculation is useless.

This, but I have at least one mainline game form every gen.

Literally every long running game studio does this. Do you seriously expect to redo the same joyfully running in a circle animation each game if the models haven't gone through any intensive re-rigging?


Have you completely missed everything post SM?

>Shill accuses everyone else of being shills
Nice try, gypsy. I know your tricks.

>More people would be happy if you put that effort in just having all the Pokemon, using models and animations they already have.
So you want them to reuse all their previous assets?

> What is wrong with reusing assets
But Game Freak has:
> cut content
> claimed they cut content so as to create new assets where reused ones might exist
> accidentally revealed that they reused content they claimed took time to make, necessitating cut content
Do you see the relation yet?

I bought my goddamn switch.
I've played dozens of hours of Smash, and Hyrule Warriors, I'm enjoying Astral Chain, I have some fun with Mario Maker 2, I'm still deeply confused by the existence of (but fucking adore) Cadence of Hyrule.
I LOVE Nintendo, I usually love Game Freak.
This is too far.
I've done my fucking time. You don't get to tell me I'm actually a shill because it's convenient for you. Do you want me to get a timestamped photo of my Switch or some shit?
The fact is that Game Freak is going too fucking far. We expected them to actually ADVANCE, like fucking RETARDS, and now we're getting burned.
Get the fuck out of denial.

that GF is terrible?

Stockholm Syndrome.

>literal who hamplanet defending gamefreak
not everyone is, and the example you posted is about 200 pounds beyond being considered a person

I just want to know if cutting Pokemon will genuinely backfire, since Gen 3 and 5 IIRC also had issues with not having all the Pokemon (initially) and had lower sales compared to the other gens, or if Pokemon is well and truly invincible

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It's going to sell like hotcakes and there's nothing you can do about it. The Switch is an incredibly successful console, every long running title being put on it is seeing record breaking sales.

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So what if they cut content? Developers need to change plans sometimes and we should respect their decisions. You don't need that much content anyway unless you spend all your time playing games.

But user, it's been clearly shown new assets have been developed from the post two posts up the chain.

And I'm out of the loop, when did they ever promise all the pokemon would be in?

Wasn't it fucking obvious this whole time the models were being "futureproofed" for reuse? Isn't that the conclusion everyone came to when it was shown that even back in gen 6 the models were too hd for the DS to even take advantage of?

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Literally everyone is fine with that. That is exactly why people were calling bullshit when they announced they were cutting the international dex because they could have just reused assets. It was GF who said they were not going to recycle animations this time and that's why they had to cut old pokemon because recycling wouldn't be up to their quality standards.

The faggot in OP's pic and every defense force shill in this thread is purposefully misrepresenting the actual complaint fans have.



sorry OP but you won't get much support from me on this issue, especially on pokemon of all things

>mom, I posted it again!!!!!

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This faggot doesn't even have a blue checkmark you stupid nigger
In fact most pokemon fan boys white knighting for gamefreak don't have blue check marks

Wow... deep...

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>Gf said they were not going to recycle animations

Literally not said, all they said was they had to rebuild models because they couldn't get some of them to work right on the Switch and that building the game for console was drastically increasing development time.

It will definitely backfire, it just won't backfire enough for Game Freak to learn their fucking lesson and start TRYING again.

It's not just a "change of plans" for pokemon to not exist within the game, it's a fucking travesty.
> Game Freak remakes the first two generations of Pokemon so that you can feasibly complete the pokedex after making it impossible to transfer between gen 2 and gen 3
> Game Freak goes out of their way to allow transfer from gen 4 to gen 5, then gen 5 to gen 6, and gen 6 to gen 7
> "lol when was it ever promised you'd be able to use all your pokemon?"
What was the FUCKING point of letting us transfer them all THIS far if we can't bring them forward INDEFINITELY?

But user, new animations and assets have been shown concretely to have been developed and added to the game. There is even at least one in this thread.

Because every reason they've given for cutting Pokemon has been a bald-faced lie.

Is there a single legitimate complaint about this game other than muh graphix and muh 6 gorillion pokemom

>basically screeching "KAAAANTOOOOOOOOOOO"
These """people""" disgust me.

it sucks they're trying to recapture the lightning in a bottle that was Team Skull instead of just doing something new

>people demand 900 brand fucking new animations as well as 900 times x number of unique animations per move per pokemon all designed from the ground up
Woah it's almost like this was never going to happen

Pokemons are just fucking data. They could just copypaste models and animations for the other mons, since models and animation already reused.

Game Freak are lazy bums regardless of how much they've added.

I dont get why retards complain that they can't change the date when the date is literally set to maximize profits

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Stop being so fucking entitled. Developers need to make a change of plans some time and they know better.

>This is literally on the same exact tier as any other regular 3d pokémon animation.
You mean the other animations that are also quality? I don't see the issue.

The fact that they have to add new animations for every Pokemon is why some of them were cut.

>So what if they cut content?
The justification for cut content is piss poor.

>Developers need to change plans sometimes and we should respect their decisions.
>For a $90 billion dollar franchise, you should expect better from their mainline games.

You don't need that much content anyway unless you spend all your time playing games.
>The quantity has never been the issue. Justifying cut content while promising better quality - this is the problem.

Holy shit, Joe get off Yea Forums

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The quality is fine other than MUH GWAFIX

not rly

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Don't be obtuse.

They should stop being entitled to my money.


How's the drought Snoy

woah it's almost as if no one ever asked this and this is just what GF shills force into people's mouth in an attempt to discredit their legitimate complaints.

How's the shitty game, Joe? How's your shitty site, Joe?

Constantly cutting features every generation?

This isn't lazy as fuck, it's totally fine. The only problem was Game Freak's lame excuse which was an obvious lie.

It's a billion dollar company,retard.

How can Joe ever recover?

The only thing worse than gamefreak is the pokemon fanbase

glad I jumped shit after DPPt

Historically, recycling animation always looks cheap and tacky, no matter the medium.

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>900 brand fucking new animations
Stadium used a few animations and it looks far better
If you want to see actual entitlement, look at Smashfags

This. Game Freak needs to save money so Nintendo can produce more cardboard toys, fuck animations


There's no problem with cutting features if the features are either shit or made redundant by something new. Trainer customization, OW encounters, HM replacements, and PSS/Wonder Trade are still in and those are the only things they've introduced the past few years that are worth a shit.

>Now we have babies who are throwing toys out of the stroller because they aren't getting every pokemon ever.
Consider that a developer isnt entitled to my money just because they make a video game, if somebody doesnt want to buy a game for any reason at all then thats up to them
stop being so entitled to other peoples money, its extremely childish

>waaahhh being a dev is hard
Honestly fuck this shit. I'm a software dev and it's literally legos. Maybe it's different with vidya, but if that really is the case, then game devs need to adopt better practices and not bitch so much.

The games have such a miniscule budget that they could lose like 90% of sales and still profit

regardless of whether animations should be reused, the argument that it helps the work-life balance of game devs rubs me the wrong way.

it sounds vaguely pro-labor, in that it makes their job easier, but there's something irritatingly hollow and complacent about it. you could easily make new animations and give devs good hours by hiring more people. animating different characters is a highly parallelizable task.

Go play your movie games if you want animations so badly Snoy shills. Pokemon is fine without them.

So you still can't trade between gen 2 and gen 3? Anyone, that's a pretty early precedent, maybe they'll add something later that makes it possible to complete the pokedex.

I get it, Game Freak can do no wrong

Brands are the religion of the 21st century.

They are right though. Forcing 200 new mons every single fucking gen with the exact same format of new legendaries fire/ice/electric, new fire water grass starters, new entry mouse and bird and bug cacoon butterfly, jew end dragon, new cover legendaries that opposes each other on some weak bullshit theme... the entire process waters down and dilutes its self down so much over time its basically at the point where you look at the any new gen roster and scan it for 5 seconds and can rightfully come to the conclusion "its all shit"

Build off of what is good, stop throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks.

If they’re willing to reuse animations then why the fuck aren’t they including the national dex?

unfortunately, rational nintendo fans like you are outnumbered by the cultists. you either eat everything nintendo shits out uncritically, or you're "snoy."

is this a copypasta?

>Go play your movie games
Well damn, guess I gotta bust it out again
Thanks for the reminder

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Nonononono, you don't gt it, its FAR more important for them to spend time and resources developing retarded one-off minigame bullshit that won't carry over to the next game.


7m. It's a substantial decrease and while it still made them massive amounts of money they have to consider whether the sales will keep decreasing for future entries and force them to act.

This! Nintendo make more cardboard steering wheels, we don't need content in our games.

>3DS games had walking/running animations for all Pokemon
>and they went completely unused

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Because they don’t want to.

No, this is more like a Mario game suddenly deciding that they don't need fire flowers.

Its fucking gamefreak. Pokemon is one of the most successful franchises in the world, they make so much goddamn money. Are you telling me it's impossible to pay more talented artists for the job? To spend just a bit more developing these games? The damage control is fucking disgusting. This shit pisses me off because they make so much and give back so little.

isnt gamefreak the disney of japn?

This but unironically I would rather have a content packed game with less Pokémon than the bare bones shit we’ve been getting since the jump to 3D.


The issue is that they are still reusing their previous assets while cutting pokemon out.

Can't wait for all Pokemon to just become gacha. This is the future of Nintendo.

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Yeah, no.

You’ll get neither with S&S

I can't wait too. Of course I'm not gonna bother with this garbage but I do want to see gamefreak crash and burn.

So? That allows them to save money to spend on other things.

Because someone on Twitter said so

idk why game devs and leftist gamers use the world gamer as a hard r word

>Go play your movie games
like pokemon?

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Ok dude they are just cutting Pokémon on the first mainline console game they’re releasing because they are big meanie heads.

If Pokemon dropped the mainline games and went full mobile I wouldn't even feel any remorse

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Nice Photoshop Snoy

Gamefreak don't even do the models themselves, and even if they did, much better models and animations can be ripped from the spinoff games you utter retard

>I do want to see gamefreak crash and burn.
If you think paid gacha is going to sink GF you got another thing coming. Pokemon Masters made 26 million on the first fucking week, and they haven't even introduced iconic fucks like Red or Cynthia in the pool yet.
>inb4 b-but it'll be dead spiritually
Revenue streams don't care.

>he actually thinks animators experience crunch
Holy fuck the bubble these people live in

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>that are also quality
Pretty meh tier, honestly

the majority of this video is gameplay

F-, better luck next time! :3

In time, even shit like GO will have more Pokemon than mainline, even without the stuff they acknowledge like different forms, cosmetic pieces on Pokemon, and Shadow Pokemon.

You mean save money and that's it.

>Make a game with surface-level fluff people will play once or twice and never bother with again at the expense of thw actual meat of the game

>Make a game that actually has all the fucking Pokemon in it instead of cutting half of them out for bullshit people don't care about

If you prefer the top, you need to go stand in front of a moving bus. Its not even worth buying if the game is just going to consist of its story you play once and then drop. The meta is going to be so painfully homogeneous with maybe ~100 fully-evolved Pokemon available, if I can't build teams freely, pulling from the entire pool of existing Pokemon,I don't even want the game.

They want every game to be its own insular "experience" going forward, as in fuck anyone who cares about breeding and battling or collecting, so they can fuck themselves. I'm not interesting in a Pokemon game that exists to be played through once and forgotten. And we do NOT fucking need a Pokemon game every fucking year, another reason they gave for cutting half the game, every 2-3 is just fucking fine.

Are you fucking retarded? I work in 3D animation for a Disney show and the crunch is endless.

There are a shit ton of conservative blue check marks, retard. It just means the person is verified as who they are saying they are.

It already does, SS will launch with fewer Pokemon than GO has available

Based. Gacha is better.

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It's time to let go user. You're only wasting time arguing with people that have this franchise so ingrained in their lives that it's practically Stockholm syndrome. There's nowhere left for Pokemon to go but down.

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For animators? I don't fucking believe you. I work in lighting and comp and literally everything gets dumped on us. Final animation gets finished weeks before we do.

Cope harder.

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choose one.

>I work in 3D animation for a Disney
Hahaha okay Snoy shill and I work for NASA

Reusing assets, in my opinion, is fine depending on how it's done.
Stuff like New Super Mario Bros or the Switch Pokemon games are bad cases because they don't really take advantage of their reusing assets and end up cutting stuff or not really doing anything new.
A good example of reused assets is Kirby games, like the downloadable expanded sub-games or the Genius Sorority Pokemon games, which reuse models as far back as the N64 era, yet still have better animations than the more recent Pokemon games.

You cope. If you think this is high quality you are a well paid masudrone

So if they're doing this why won't they do the national Dex.

The fuck are you on about? GameFreak didn't develop Masters. I'm saying I want Masters to grow so much that it makes GameFreak irrelevant.

cope, dog! cope, boy!

They're doing it to net maximum profits. GF has learned they can put in as little effort possible and still rake in gorillions of dollars.

Just because you shills believe everyone is retarded doesn't mean the average person can't see the fucking forest through the trees.

Dexitfags are annoying and reusing assets ain't bad. All these niggas do is spread misinformation

No, it’s because they are lazy fucks.

Post 10 more

just shut up and post lewd already

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>GameFreak didn't develop Masters
They didn't develop it, but they still get profit streams from it. It doesn't matter if they developed it or not.

Selecting the same options from a menu and walking around isn't gameplay lmao

>Step on the ground
wow. Impressive

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>this will never be a real game

I'm just happy people are finally waking up to Game Freaks shit.

Reused animations are not inherently bad.
When you claim that you're cutting content for the sake of improving animations and then reuse animations anyways, then there's a problem.

For not reason at all. Just people having the counter culture mindset. Same with Yea Forums boards being contrarian for trivial reasons.

If GO couldn't do it nothing will.

It'd be easier to just take the L and stop posting than try to redefine gameplay but I imagine you don't have much going for you so I can see why 'winning' this one is so important to you. It's just not gonna happen, though

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Fucking same. A Pokemon sex game would be fucking lit.

Shame it's still going to sell amazingly.

It only took 6 games.

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Imagine deepthroating corporate cock so hard in public

Wow, the developer of Spider-Man BTFO'd Yea Forums.

lucario is basic bitch tier but a big fat pink knotcock looks good on him all the same

They should unironically sell the IP to Sony this shit would not fly on PS4

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>children like games for children
Color me surprised.

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I mean it kinda exists

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I guess Gone Home is a game as well.
The absolute state of Ninten drones

Of course they should reuse assets. But the reason why you'd reuse assets is so that you have the time to add more content on top of the reused assets or add polish in other areas, and Gamefreak just aren't doing that. Like even though they're reusing models and animations outright there are still less than in previous games.
I'm certain they're just billing Nintendo for all the shit that is already made and putting the time into Town because they're fucking sick of making pokemon games. Shit like this happens at basically everywhere I've ever worked and I'd be shocked if it wasn't the case here.

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>Nintendo/Game Freak should unironically(sp) sell the Pokemon IP, one of the biggest selling IPs in gaming history, to Sony because "muh graphics"
You're still in grade school, aren't you. That's not a question.

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In Gen 3's case it was because transferring from the GBC to the GBA was something they couldn't really do
In Gen 5's case, you could transfer your bros over, in postgame, which is fine
Here, we have this thing called Pokemon Bank (now Pokemon Home) so they have no more excuses

It'd be nice if critics decided to shit on this game and leave it with like a 3/10 metascore.

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"muh gameplay" isn't good in Pokemon either retard.

They could always sell their share off or hire a new team if they are sick of making Pokémon. Fatigue is not an excuse for making such shitty decisions.

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not happening because of the nintendo bonus + critics never taking pokemon seriously enough to criticize it in the first place.

Nintendies and journalists will gobble it up because it has their favorite brand name on it. If you dare criticise it (commit wrongthink) you're just a Snoy fan.

whoops, meant to reply to

God, I love how buttmad this has made everyone. The game could be a nonfunctional shitpile and I'd still happily play it knowing how furious it made everyone.

They should have stopped changing the graphics after ruby/sapphire and improved the fucking gameplay.

Only a retard would think that they are lazy for reusing assets, it's what any company would do...the problem was that they pretended it didn't happened

You dont have to worry about the mainline games being discontinued. This isnt ygo or digimon where the games barely sell 100,000.

>I'll gladly eat shit if it makes anonymous people I don't know on the other side of the computer screen mad

I think user means outside of Yea Forums. I constantly see people defending the decisions GF is making on this game, and it makes me want to cry sometimes.


It's defended here as well though. Just look at shiteater exhibit A

You're most likely not getting that either though, considering prior 3D entries.
Even with the obligatory 3rd version.
>no more stadium games
>been 4 years since SMD, no gen 7 release and the 3DS is dead
>pokken's pretty much finished
>nothing on detective pikachu outside of the movie
>only spinoffs we really get is cheap trozei shit or mobage now compared to before

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3D is the only way for the gameplay to improve.

it's a cold day in hell when pokemon gets below an 8/10 because "it's the same pokemon you know and love!"

>God, I love how buttmad this has made everyone. The game could be a nonfunctional shitpile and I'd still happily play it knowing how furious it made everyone.

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One guy really isn't going to make people angry in the face of literal millions
You'd have to buy hundreds of copies Mariotehplumber style if you actually wanted to make people upset

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Pokedrones are actual amoebas in terms of intelligence, Masuda could take a sloppy diarrhea dump in the mouths of each and every Pokefag and they would ask for more.

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user, you don't understand, it's okay because Nintendo did it.

Then why are you even here? If you don’t like Pokémon gameplay then just abandon the franchise. No amount of pretty animations or graphics will make you like the games anyway


Grats. You sure showed those anonymous people on the internet you'll never meet and most likely have everything in common with.

And all you had to do was shit yourself and forgo even an iota of integrity or pride.

Shut the fuck up

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>Don't like it? Don't play it.

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Reusing those animations is fine, considering there's so many Pokemon. They're good looking animations. The REAL crime is that battles still consist of only a lifeless idle animation and 2-3 canned lifeless animations for every Pokemon (with some moves like Double Kick still doing the "bob in place in the idle animation while an attack effect flashes over the foe" thing), while all the unique and lively animations go into shallow side modes that are never even necessary to completing the game.

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Sports fans.

20+ years, Pokemon fans truly have an underdeveloped frontal lobe

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>COPE Snoy

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On one hand this picture is heavily embarrising for the guy, but on the other I envy that he can be that excited for something whereas im numb to everything

Is there something wrong with that statement? Do you actually play games you don’t like?

Hey if they're gonna reuse assets they might as well reuse them all

Go watch a Snoy movie if you need more animations.

How about they make them good so people who aren't children/manchildren can enjoy it as well

I consciously know you’re trolling but I know someone this smug and retarded in real life and every day I have to stop myself from strangling them

What causes this?

I don't think the issue is them reusing assets but rather lying about pokemon being unable to return because they created too many high quality animations or whatever. If they had talked about game balance or highlighting more obscure pokemon I think people wouldn't be nearly as mad.

Oh but see, that’s the kicker. They don’t. They make money off of the base games, due to how the Pokémon company and the licensing is structured. They don’t make a cent off of masters.

Fucking kill it with fire.

Snoy beans

Pokeautism transcends people defending nintendo or whatever.
Like least there are notable breaking points with some of the behaviour nintendo does, meanwhile complaining about pokemon is just a drop in the ocean

And what games do you like that follow those parameters?

Defend or not I'm still buying this Day 1 LUL

Based let's eat shit together LUL

>game balance
even if they said that this is still from the same people that made Megamom and Megaray

>Pokemon reuses assets
>Madden 20 reuses assets
>EA is the literal devil.

The fuck, GO did it you imbecile. Why do you think Gamefreak isn't even trying anymore and gets a miserable budget?

>your first mainline pokemon game
>the year you played it
>your favorite mainline pokemon game

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>everyone who likes it is a children/manchild
Great way to out yourself as a flagrant shitposter. The games will never accommodate for your tastes so you should just play something else.

You’re like the idiots who keep telling From software to implement easy modes in there games to appeal to them. No, fuck off and play another game.

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>White 2

Thats not true at all, the games drive console sales too.

If the fanbase actually had a spine they would be in panic but they know everyones extremely faithful to the brand

They need a wakeup call so I'm not falling for it this time.

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lol no they dont. nintendo owns every single trademark, game freak just has the rights to the mainline games

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>>your first mainline pokemon game
>>the year you played it
Launch year in US
>your favorite mainline pokemon game
Obviously soul silver

It's the pokebab cycle

Nintendo only owns the first 151. Everything after that is owned by TPC

Despite owning a popular franchise Game Freak is actually a relatively small company. You guys need to cut them some slack.

>You’re like the idiots who keep telling From software to implement easy modes
Except Pokemon is on easy mode by default rofl retard I'm asking for the gameplay to require more than 2 brain cells to play

Agreed, I'm glad they spent money on producing gacha rather than expanding their team size.

small indie company of obscure franchise, prease understandu

Don't they get 1/3 of the profits?

Game Freak...?

More like


Gamefreak doesn't make anything but the mainline games, DeNA made GO and the new waifu simulator

>Nintendo only owns the first 151
No. Literally every single Pokémon trademark is owned by Nintendo. TPC only exists to jew you out with shitty merch, anime, movies and mobile garbage.

What a bunch of sluts

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It's really bizarre to me. I don't think reusing animations or assets is necessarily a bad thing depending on how it's done. I don't have strong feelings about this example in Pokemon because it's such a clusterfuck to begin with. What's weird to me is really early on they stopped trying to innovate or change anything significant. They keep adding and trashing gimmicks. The list of pokemon is huge and bloated, because they shot themselves in the foot with the expectation of adding new pokemon every game. They've been selling one game for the price of two since day one.

But for some reason not including all the pokemon to import with the extra software that you have to pay for and reusing animations is the hill people want to die on? I feel like people should have been getting annoyed about more relevant stuff back in gen 3-4 and not this random garbage now.

TPC handles all the licencing, but the trademark for pokemon, as a whole, is owned entirely by Nintendo

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It ok for them to pocket all of those billions and keep it for themselves.
Please keep on supporting the series so The Pokemon Company can keep their scam going.

Pic makes me sad.

2002 or 3

Most the people defending this game are the super casual yet pokemon obsessives gf has tried to pander to and foster a following of. They basically are afraid of the game failing and see any criticism directed at the numerous things being done wrong with it’s development or GF as a criticism of the franchise as a whole. This also conveniently lets them win any argument because anyone who would have this argument in the first place obviously likes modern pokemon enough to be upset.

Pokemon was never good, unironically. Probably the most overrated long-running franchise out there. The fact that Gamefreak is so incompetent that even diehard fans are starting to crack is icing on the cake.

i think it would be justified if they actually included all the pokemon, but it just seems like they're being lazy

I think it's a combination of issues from gen 5 (mostly the post game content) and later.

>Wah mah Japy Wapy games that are for kids do not cater to me anymore
>Im going to whine and post the same screenshot and make the same threads in an autistic rafe
Play an adult game you Autistic Boomer.

Whenever people say "literally the largest media franchise on the planet" what they don't understand is GameFreak doesnt see a red cent from most of that, only from the games it produces. So here's some number for the number of copies sold. Now ask yourself, why is the company that sells a combined 20+ million copies a generation for two decades, the same number of employees as the company that sold mount and blade:warband out of a garage in turkey?

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Those who are fans of this franchise are lolcows and have severe autism.

>the alternative is waiting 5 years for a pokemon game to reach the insane levels of detail that the detractors are expecting

Literally nothing wrong with this.

>is GameFreak doesnt see a red cent from most of that
That just means they're even more retarded than people think. You're telling me they somehow signed a deal where they get like 10% of the entire franchise's profits despite creating it?

Who the fuck owns pokemon itself then where 90% of the profits go to?

Reminder to never forget the complete money grab that was ULTRA HALLWAYS

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I'm glad too ok ko lets get cucked is over, too

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Hahaha good luck criticising Nintendo instead with it's rabid fanboys

Pokefags and Nintendofags are not the same, we have a pokemon board for a reason

These threads aren't fun to read anymore, they've become fucking depressing

>If you want to play the game you're retarded
>for 100+ posts

It's legit pathetic just don't buy it.

Same. Those meanies just won't let us eat our shit in peace.

they are small on purpose to keep the expectations low. they have plenty of money to hire more people but there's no incentive for them to do so as long as people keep buying their half-assed shovelware.

>Defend or not I'm still buying this Day 1 LUL

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>Expects anything else
Nobody here enjoys garbage as much as you. Go back to /vp/ if you want to talk to other Masudrones

this is how very many publisher deals work.
it depends on the deal TPC makes with the company it's licensing pokemon to.

I won't, Pokemon died for me when US/UM came out
Both sides are fucking dumb, people will buy the game no matter how much shit the opposition throws at it, and the others will only get shitty games no matter how much they defend GF

Because we want to eat shit with you but the glaring flaws are agitating our collective autism to unforeseen levels.

Why do you make it sound like everyone is defending gamefreak? It's just one faggot on twitter and probably a handful of shills.

Because they used "we gotta make new animations and models" as an excuse to justify less pokemons, now it's being proved they are rehashing as much shit as humanly possible, can't have your cake and eat it