It’s okay when Japan does it

>it’s okay when Japan does it

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Other urls found in this thread:

>this thread again

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Except the guy on the left is an actual good character with a coherent character arc.

Daniel go to sleep

Neku's entire character development revolves around stopping being an edgy shit.

We’ve already been over this, you autist.
Neku has actual character development and is repeatedly shown to be changing for the better. Donte has nothing like that.

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the shilling period for DmC ended years ago, faggot.

TWEWY points out how retarded and shitty Neku is in the early game, and makes his self-improvement a story-central process.
DmC doesn't really see Dino act less like an asshole for the entire story, and he continues to behave like a dickhead until the conclusion. No characters or story beats call him out on this, it's just the "cool" way he acted, and continues to act.

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Neku actually has a good game to his name.

Man, what the fuck is wrong with Ninja Theory?

TWEWY has actual likable characters and villains.

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Neither of these characters are actually assholes.

>not an asshole in Week 1

That isn’t really true; at the end he turns on Vergil and becomes a protecter of humanity and gets white hair. You can tell it was meant to be a coming-of-age story about realizing Vergil was an untrustworthy dick, and accepting his destiny as more than a partying drunk, it just didn’t get paced well or written well generally.


He’s not, he’s kind of annoying at worst.

>b-b-but he reluctantly would have killed somebody under threat of total non existence!

>ignoring him acting like a dick towards Shiki
>ignoring him acting like a dick to Beat and Rhyme
>ignoring his reaction towards Rhyme’s death

He only reacts like that to Rhymes death because of how hurt he is, it’s made very clear he doesn’t sctually mean it.

>it just didn’t get paced well or written well generally.
Still the best written DMC game, to date. DMC3 is a close second and all the other stories are written really poorly

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I thought DMC5 had way more well-crafted characters than DmC, and I say that as someone who actually liked DmC. But compare the identity and personality of someone like Nico to someone like Kat.

Nigger he literally tried to kill Shiki when the entire first day was about drumming in that you need a partner.

TWEWY makes fun of Neku for being an edgy asshole and has the other characters call him out accordingly. In DmC, you’re supposed to think that Donte is “cool”.

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I think we learned that there wasn't anything wrong with DmC, just how the weebs react to designs they don't like

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>best written
Not when Vorgil and Kat exists. Shiki does more in one week than Kat does throughout the entire game.

>there wasn’t anything wrong with DmC

Under threat of non existence while having no memory be very begrudgingly prepares to kill somebody’s he’s known for less than 15 minutes.

Kat was a well written character that went through an arc. Nico just autisticly spouts one-liners regardless of context. I like Nico, but I'm not going to pretend she's well written

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>trying to kill someone who has done nothing but be nice to you and encourage you isn’t him being an asshole at all
Please go outside.

So if your choices were to kill somebody you barely know or die on the spot you’d choose to die?

>Kat was a well written character that went through an arc

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Shiki felt insecure about the fact that she looks like a NEET. Vergil and Kat were literally risking their lives in order to free humanity. Go read a light novel, weeb

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nice bait.

Neku grows as a character.
Donte is still an edgy fuck until the very end

it's probably Barry shitposting since he loves to shit on everything Nomura made

>Under threat of non existence
Where the only means of survival is having a partner. He was so much of an asshole he almost got himself killed too.

Considering how the game itself encourages you to work together and how Neku repeatedly ignores Shiki trying to dissuade him from listening to Uzuki, I’d say that’s a dick move on Neku’s part.

>Still the best written DMC game
*copies they live and futurama* YES ITS SO GOOD

Even if you'd kill the other person doesn't mean you aren't a selfish prick. What kind of autistic sociopathic way of thinking is this?

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Reminder to report for spam

Shiki helps Neku develop as a person, confronts her own insecurities, and actually grows beyond her flaws and takes down the GM that was psychologically fucking with her? What does Kat do in the story that compares to that?

She took a bullet for her cause and still had to learn who she could and couldn't trust

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>had to learn who she could and couldn’t trust
Getting passed off as trash from one guy to the other isn’t an arc, dude.

>Still the best written DMC game

ah yes, back and forth "FUCK YOU"s.

How Shakespearean.... NOT.

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Are you pretending DMC1-3 aren't shameless copies of Hellsing, Blade, Inuyasha and Trigun??

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Metal Gear Revengeance = TWEWY >>>> *power gap* >>>> wall >>>> wall covered in shit >>>> smash fanbase >>>> rosterfagging >>> DmC

>Kat literally hides behind a trash can at the end of the game

user, his choices were:
Kill someone THEN die on the spot
Or don't and survive
He didn't listen because he was an asshole and almost got them both killed.

>Acknowledging that people in life or death situations typically take the action that leads to their immediate survival rather than taking the moral highground makes me an autistic sociopath

If you don't understand that the survival instinct overrides higher functions of the brain like morality then you're the autist. A true asshole is somebody who willfully and intentionally fucks people over without that survival instinct being involved.

we're talking about the shit quality of DmC's writing.

Why are you dragging in other games to distract people from the core issue?

>Shiki helps Neku develop as a person, confronts her own insecurities, and actually grows beyond her flaws
Kat literally does all the same things, for Dante, except she's actually present for the last boss battle, unlike Shiki

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No, from his perspective his options were

>Kill Shiki, ??? happens because he woke up 15 minutes ago and doesn't fully comprehend the rules of the game yet but at least he won't die immediately
>Get erased on the spot by the people running the death game he's just woken up in the middle of

>except she's actually present for the last boss battle, unlike Shiki

confirmed for not playing TWEWY. She is in the final battle, granted the boss has her captured but you free her and she helps you

Looks like we found the trolls that haven't even played DmC, yet

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>Kat literally does all the same things, for Dante
Except we aren’t shown the logical setup to this and there’s next to no chemistry between the two. We’re shown how Neku and Shiki help each other learn to grown and come to actually care for each other.
>except she's actually present for the last boss battle, unlike Shiki
Nigga, what? She literally helps Neku take on Anguis Cantus and helps pass the puck towards him in his fight against Draco Cantus. Hell, Beat got sucked in too so it wasn’t just her.

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It's literally Neku's arc from week to week

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Who is the troll?

The guys shitting on DmC for being a bad game or the guy defending this abortion?

Dante only said "fuck you" twice in all of DmC

Meanwhile DMC4 was the game trying to imitate Shakespeare while we all cringed

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The World Ends with You is a bad game, with bad characters, and a shit tier soundtrack. Seriously, the vocals are actually out of tune and it's fucking horrible.

So, you want to argue Kat’s arc against Neku’s too? Because I don’t think that will end well for your argument, dude.

>from his perspective his options were
Do you know why he thought that?
Because he was an asshole to Shiki and didn't listen.

The World Ends With (You)

>edgy faggot turns into a good guy in the end
pretty bland and generic character development, desu. literally every game has that plot.

>Implying Shakespeare was a good writer

>Meanwhile DMC4 was the game trying to imitate Shakespeare while we all cringed

you mean that Yea Forums loves the most in DMC4?


I believe the original point was that DmC had the best writing in the series, not of any game ever.

This post is pretty solid

I dont get it. Its okay when Japan makes shitty games with shitty protagonists?

donte was a cringy tryhard faget

Neku has good chemistry with his partners and we’re shown multiple moments revolving around his growth as a character. Donte’s arc feels cluttered in comparison.

>I believe the original point was that DmC had the best writing in the series

and that point is dead wrong

You tripping both games had amazing soundtracks

>IP didn’t even go up
Really, nigga?

It looks like he just nailed

Nah man, I can't do out of tune vocals. I'd rather tear my dick off like a paper towel and eat it.

I mean those of us who don't use Yea Forums as our autistic safe space

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>74 posts
>23 IPs

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How was it "cluttered"? Dante meets less people. You sound like you're not even trying to hide your bias.

Donte isn't from Japan, idiot

>that one scene in Week 3 when Neku cheers up Beat over Rhyme
Neku became a pretty cool bro throughout the game.

inspired yeah but not what nt did, they straight copied it for DmC


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Yes, you use it for your autistic samefagging.


Except we’re shown that Neku grows from each encounter and see how he learns to become a better person. Donte’s arc isn’t we clear cut in comparison.

Never played DMC but thinking it has to be "clear cut" to be meaningful is actually really lame.

DMC1-3 straight up copied Inuyasha, Hellsing and Blade's story. Just replace "vampire" with "demon" hell in DMC3 you have to fight a demon that's both a vampire and a demon. For the whole plot, not just one level, too.

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>Dante's arc
>Im donte the demon killa
>Hair turns white
the end

It is when the takes the good ol’ tell but don’t show approach. We’re told that Donte comes to appreciate and care for Kat but we aren’t shown that process.

He hasn't played it either, it's pretty clear cut with lots of foreshadowing also. DMC5 even took narrative elements like Vergil's inferiority complex and made it canon to the OG universe

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>I will like a game despite it being a horrible one just because I hate its fanbase

>doesn't know the difference between copied and inspired

We are literally shown multiple times

>Vergil’s inferiority complex
That shit was present since DMC3, dumbass.

People are so dumb, they don’t even understand the significance of the “demon killer” line.

>It's "copied" when it's done in the west
>It's "inspired when Japan does it

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>significance of the “demon killer” line.
Tameme's self insert trying to be "cool" ?

Japan's whole culture is copying the West.

No it wasn't. Vergil only started think Dante was Eva's fovorite son in DmC then it shows up again in DMC5. It's never mentioned in DMC3, Vergil just says he "needs more power" over and over again.
Hell he was canonically killed with Eva in DMC1 then Itsuno retconned it in DMC3.

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Is this what constitutes as actual chemistry?

kino designs, what's wrong?

>here's your DmC2 bro
I will admit, I actually laughed hard when they used "From the makers of DmC:Devil May Cry" as a marketing strat. There was literally 0 silence from the audience.

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Neku looks like a spicy tuna roll, my man.

>Is this what constitutes as actual chemistry?
Yeah I don't think a regular poster on Yea Forums would be able to recognize "chemistry" between a boy and a girl.

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It’s not chemistry, all it shows is that Donte ares about his little group.

>Vergil only started think Dante was Eva's fovorite son in DmC then it shows up again in DMC5
Vergil never mentions that he's jealous of Dante. Vergil needing more power is part of his inferiority complex because he couldn't save eva.

>Eva and Vergil died in DMC1 but was retconned in 3

Compared to Neku and the rest of his partners, it comes across as flat.

>Hell he was canonically killed with Eva in DMC1 then Itsuno retconned it in DMC3
>he says when Vergil literally shows up as Nelo Angelo

The beginning of the game has none of the demons knowing who Donte is, only that some guy is going around killing demons. Then he meets up with Vorgil and needs to make himself known at the nightclub. That line is him saying “I‘m that guy that’s been killing all your mooks.” It’s jot some throwaway line to show off how cool he is, despite what Yea Forums thinks.

NT literally copies everything from they live and the futurama episode you tard.

yeah... they pretty much decided they were shit and chose to adapt

I always felt like Neku's character development is kind of weak, he just magically stops being a dick after the first couple hours and the entire game is power of friendship. Comes off as hamfisted. I like the game still but pretending Twewy isn't flat too come on now.

>this is your average DmCfag

Neku's character arc was so fucking natural and good. Fuck. TWEWY is a top five game for me.

> how cool he is
But he isn't?

>he just magically stops being a dick after the first couple of hours
Nigga, what?

>Vergil never mentions that he's jealous of Dante.
He does in DMC5. Very convenient since it's the next game after DmC and Itsuno said he wanted to cater to the DC audience

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Uh yeah he does.

>I cannot live without you I guess we are friends now
>Oh no Shiki is gone this guy is kind of a dick but do it for her
>I am bffs with everyone

But that’s fucking wrong. Even after the end of Week 1, Neku was still concerned with only himself and Shiki. He's still very much misanthropic and has to deal with Joshua passively encouraging him to give into his hatred of others throughout Week 2. It isn't until Neku meets up with Mr. H, Sota and Nao, and Beat throughout the Game that he legitimately starts becoming an actaully better person and starts applying those lessons during Week 3. There's no instant transformation, it's a gradual buildup for Neku's arc. Hell, he almost lapses back a couple of time due to Joshua’s influence.

That’s the fucking point.

You literally fight Vergil's ghost at least 3 times in DMC1. Try playing the games we're talking about here

>He does in DMC5.
Post proof. The only thing close to it is that Dante says that Eva wanted to save him too.

Yikes. This game isn't even top five games of 2007 when it was released.

And Capcom copied everything from Inuyasha and Blade you tard

That's not a fucking ghost

>Try playing the games we're talking about here
>Vergil Ghost
How about you idiot, Vergil is not a ghost he was just brainwashed and forced to wear that armor by Mundus

>Donte needed to tell people who he was vs demons already knowing who Dante is

You haven’t actually played the game at all, have you?

Yeah, it’s a young Donte here.

>2.5 in less than a year
>2.4 in a span of 6 years
>b-but PC sales don't count
cope, DmC will never outsell DMC 5.

the DmC combo community is dead. 99% of the combofags are playing DMC 5CE, 4SE or 3SE.

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It's called tropes you buffoon.

>trying this hard
Kay, fag.

That's the proof. Vergil's inferiority complex stems from Dante. He thought Eva just chose to save Dante and abandoned Vergil when in reality she died trying to save Vergil. These mental gymnastics on Vergil's part were never mentioned or alluded to in DMC3 or DMC14 either, The first place they showed up was in DmC Vergil's Downfall and were canonized in DMC5

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No shit
>a game sabotaged by a vocal fan base
>a game the fan base sucks off

He was killed and his bodies was being controlled by the guy who killed him. This isn't even the part that was retconned. DMC3's secret ending shows him getting killed by Mundas.

But "ghost" or "lifeless zombie" might as well be the same thing

They probably wouldn’t have sabotaged it in the first place if the devs didn’t act like total pricks. Or if the game was actually good.

>coming up with nicknames for fictional characters you don't like

DMC5 need a handicap to "outsell" DmC even though it was designed to cater to both DmC fans and DMC4 fans.
You're the one coping weeb

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DmC fans and TWEWY haters, together at least in one thread. This is magical.

>need a handicap
Such as?

>Vergil was killed
Shows up at the beginning of 5 alive.
>Shows him getting killed
Except we only see him try to attack Mundus, Nelo Angelo description doesn't mention any death only that he was brainwashed
Pls stop

tropes cut both ways
That episode of Futurama was a parody of Charlie and the chocolate factory and subliminal messages are a trope that's been used over and over again in media since the 80s

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>alienate your fanbase
>fans sabotage said game
good work there detective

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But the devs didn't even act like picks. All the weebs sent the devs death threats because Capcom told them to change Dante's hair.

Its just a Barry clone try to put both sides against eachother exactly like Barry tried.

The reboot doesn’t have based Math Man and Shades as villains so it’s already a lesser game by comparison.

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Vergil split himself because he thought his humanity was weak and wanted more power to defeat Dante only after being defeated by him numerous times. He felt inferior to Dante in 3 and 5 because Dante was always one upping him especially as Nelo Angelo.

>He thought Eva just chose to save Dante and abandoned Vergil when in reality she died trying to save Vergil.
I asked for proof that Vergil says this is the reason in the game.

DMC3 manga literally shows (and the novel) basically the same thing as DMC5, Eva only being able to save Dante while Vergil had to fend for himself.Him not knowing that she died while she was looking for him and developing an inferiority complex from that is realistic and the only outcome since he and Dante went separate ways and never talked about what happened.This was is something that was completely inevitable if you knew what happened on the night Eva died (which is what DmC obviously stole from DMC)

Not even a TWEWY hater. The game was really good, but the writing wasn't

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Nah, Donte is still pretty much an edgy faggot at the end of the game. He's just not a selfish, ego-self-centric fucktard at the end.

>Old Dante was too outdated and gay. We want him to be ageless, like "Fight Club".

>he says while being a fan of DmC
At least TWEWY had villains that didn’t suck ass and a strong supporting cast.

The release numbers of an additional platform (PC)

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not true lmao.
DMC 5 outsold DmC because Capcom finally realized they made a mistake and learned their lesson. See this happens when you actually give your fans what they WANT.


Stop shilling two shit games

He refuses to let George Tiller/Jack Kevorkian take over the world. That's a step up from being a lazy nihilist who doesn't care what happens to anyone, but it doesn't indicate Ninja Theory was going to write him better in the future. The Vergil DLC was not well written.

So Ninja theory made a worse version of charlie and the chocolate factory?

>implying anyone is shilling DmC here

>Donte is drinking virility in his first scene
>finds out about the secret conspiracy
>slaps virility out of some guy’s hand and acts like he’s always known better
>only saves mankind because his GF is human

What fucking alienation? The ones you fuck keep writing in your head in an attempt to rewrite history?

And DMC is a shitty shonen

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Dante literally kills Vergil Nelo Angelo in DMC1. The fact that he's a live at the beginning of DMC5 has not barring on the fact that Dante killed him at the end of DMC1 or that Mundas killed him, then resurrected him as his slave, at the end of DMC3. Vergil being alive at the beginning of DMC5 is literally just a plot hole, but the DMC series was already notorious for plot holes so no one cares. If you played the games I wouldn't have to explain as much to you

I played it to 100% completion. Donte is trash. He has no consistent characterization, doesn't learn anything, doesn't change, and he doesn't even know what he's fighting for. He is a bad character.

>he just magically stops being a dick after the first couple hours
Dude, it takes him a week to care about one person other than himself.

This is how I feel about it too, I’m baffled people think Neku has some amazing character arc, the setting is far more interesting than Nekus generic ass.

You don’t even know the context of this picture. Again, rewriting history much?

OP seems to be crying about people not liking Donte's personality, but accepting Day 6/7+ Neku.

>MC realizes all the bad shit happening is done by bad guy
>prevent bad guy from conquering the world
yeah, I agree. Generic and bland plot.

>"OK so old Dante is gay like those Brokeback guys."
>"Yes, now what should our new Dante be like?"
>"He has to be really hetero, like a cool movie with no homosexual overtones whatsoever."
>"How about Fight Club?"

Not really
The issue is Neku goes through three major phases: acknowledging other people, acknowledging himself and then helping others do the same
It works well because you see a very progressive cracking of his life-view assumptions as he encounters more and more counter-cases to his belief system.
Kat’s Arc may have a similar start point and end point but the compelling part of an arc is the arc itself, otherwise it’s just a straight line if you go directly from point A to point B

>He was killed and his bodies was being controlled by the guy who killed him
The original DMC mentioned that Dante thought that Mundus killed both Eva and Vergil but he just ended up kidnapping him into Nelo Angelo. The DMC 1 novel is a prequel to DMC and Vergil was alive in that.

>capcom announcing DMC 5
>fans expecting a DMC 4 sequel
>reboot happens
>horrible marketing
based retard. just admit you can't accept that there are people that do not like the game.

Because of how well Neku’s character development is shown not just through the story but the gameplay as well. His character arc is consistent and gets straight to the point.

Bruh. The entire character arc for Donte is that he is insecure about his place in the world because he has amnesia. He bonds with Vorgil and Kate because they seem to be familiar with the situation he is in. He acts out because he is insecure that Vorgil has his shit together while he’s just been doing jack shit in this little trailer park. But it is through the game that he finds his own role in the world. It was so fucking simple and yet nobody on here even got it.

If he's alive now that means he was never dead retard. Dante only thought he was dead.

But they never called Dante gay. That's just you projecting

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>Implying I care about what goes on in a shill thread

I know you don’t like the game. That’s the point. Your irrational hate for the game.

>showing Dante in a picture next to the Brokeback Mountain cowboys isn’t him being called gay

You're just baiting at this point, which i already know.

Why would I play a shit game?

Nah Sho Minamimoto was a pretty boring villian, the coolest thing about him was his design and the fact that he was trying to team up with Mitsuki Konishi and fuck over the system. He's actually kinda like DmC Dante in that regard

Yeah, Brokeback Mountain's main legacy was the innovative cinematography that Tameme wanted to bring to the series. I really liked the dutch angles in the Bob Barker boss fight.

And yet you’re here now.

Again, not knowing the context and then babbling like idiots.

>pic of Dante with Brokeback Mountain in background
based dense retard. also NT were being straight homophobic when they showed that image, but the urinalists let that slide in just because they hate the og fanbase


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then just explain it retard

According to Capcom's sales, DMC5 hasn't out sold DmC's PC sales

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Better than a worse version of Inuyasha (I didn't even know you could write a worse version of Inuyasha prior to playing DMC1 and 3)

>not liking based Math Man

Everyone got it but it’s not particularly compelling
OP certainly didnt

>2.5mil is less than 2.4mil
based retard

>insecure about his place in the world
citation needed, he seems quite happy living in squalor and randomly killing demons.
>He bonds with Vorgil and Kate
citation needed, he treats Kate like a useful tool for half the game until he suddenly decides he's in love with her, and he never bonds with Vorgil.

He never finds his own role in the world, the game literally ends with him saying he doesn't know who he is. He can't even answer Mundus when he's asked to justify his motives. He can't answer Phineas or Vorgil when he's asked what the world should be like when Mundus is dead. Not only is his character shit, he doesn't even have real goals. He has nothing worth fighting for. You're literally hallucinating a story and character where there is none.

This isn't "alienating the fanbase" this is a slideshow during a developers conference

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100k copies isn't going to make a difference

>I played it to 100% completion
Oh dud I totally believe you. No ones ever lied on an anonymous message board before

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They had a phone conversation with Capcom who really wanted to push the idea of Dante as a cowboy in a western figure. This is kind of evident now. They said to make him like the western that was popular. At the time, the most popular western setting thing was Brokeback mountain, so Tameem said are you sure you want him like the movies? And the guys at Capcom has no idea what the hell Brokeback Mountain is so they just say yes. Tameem hangs up the phone and asks the guy in the room with him “did they just tell us to make Dante gay?” And then they had a laugh over it and that slide was created to show the early misunderstandings between what Capcom wanted and what NT wanted.

We need to just spam tweet that image out whenever they start to shill for DmC, let the values dissonance kill them.

>insulting a well-liked protag isn’t alienating the fanbase
Are you autistic by any chance?


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Imagine sucking Squeenix's dick so hard that you actually begin to like it.

The game literally ends with Kate affirming that he is Donte, himself, and not a product of his bloodline.

>implying I even like modern Square

>we could have had a Red Dead Dante game and instead we got a meth addict because Tameme thought cowboys were gay

>At the time, the most popular western setting thing was Brokeback mountain
hahahaha holy shit man
>Brokeback Mountain
>released in 2005
>suddenly becomes popular in 2013
ok Tameem

Cowboys are kind of gay. The first gay superhero was a gay cowboy. Lone Ranger and Toto are implied homos. Lot of buttfucking on the trial.

No Kat takes a bullet because she cares about other people, Neku takes a bullet and the fact that he doesn't care about other people is irrelevant to the events of the situation he's in. He's forced to play the game whether he gets along with Shiki/Beat etc. Kat is a compelling character, Neku is not

Attached: 2dc03d7f67c91500ad011b25d89de3a1--devil-may-cry-kat.jpg (500x750, 60K)

>thinking a game is developed and released in less than a year
Fucking retard

The DMC1 novel isn't canon after DMC3

Somebody post those "DANTE IS NOT... DANTE IS..." pictures Tameem made as part of his campaign as well as the pictures of Dante in Brokeback Mountain and fight Club with Tameem saying "Dante is too upbeat and happy, and the way he dresses would make him get laughed out of every British pub".

Those numbers indicate the global sales across all consoles, and DMC5 outsold DmC in it's first 4 months vs DmC's lifetime sales.

Care to provide the PC sales of both games?

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>the fact that he doesn't care about other people is irrelevant to the events of the situation he's in.
Joshua literally picks Neku because he was a representation of what he thought was wrong with Shibuya. Did you even play the fucking game?

>horrible marketing
That's the part where your're fucking up. There wasn't any bad marketing at all. This picture was taken during pre-production, at least 2 years prior to any marketing at all.

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Of course I didn't, why would I play that?

>its has brothers and they fight so it's inuyasha

Ah, there they are

Read the fucking thread. Oh wait. You guys never do. Just like you never actually play these games.

ok kid

>entire game is about muh half good half evil edgelord bloodline
>"lol that doesn't matter you're just Donte"

Attached: 20190909_222242.jpg (3264x2448, 2.08M)

Before the nightmare heavily implies otherwise

Learn words my dude. Dante's arc might have been generic as fuck, but you would have to be a braindead retard to think it wasn't coherent

You sound like the game journalists who all flocked to Tameem's defense, screaming "WHITE HAIR! WHITE HAIR!" to drown out the criticisms.

True Grit, 3:10 to Yuma and The Assassination of Jesse James would have come out since Brokeback Mountain. No Country For Old Men was more popular as well, I believe.

Honestly, what was the point of making donte half angel at all, it hardly added anything to his characters.

stop responding you fucking tards

>If he's alive now that means he was never dead retard.

Have you ever played a DMC game before? People get resurrected all the time. Vergil literally died, and was brought back twice. He's like Goku from Dragonball. Try playing the games, dumb dumb

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>Dante is gay
>Dante isn't "grounded in Western styles"
>Dante shouldn't be happy or cool or interesting, he should be an emo grunge trailer trash teen
All these years and you DmC/Tameem defenders are still using the same canned idiocy.

Ah yes, Danganronpa killer logic, where if they don’t do a horrible act they’ll die.

Not overseas. They dig that gay shit over there.

i can't babysit 2 threads
or can i?
what ever, fem dante

Attached: 1566927204961.png (510x680, 268K)

Says the one desperately sucking Tameem's cock like it's his life support system.

>the fact that he doesn't care about other people is irrelevant to the events of the situation he's in.
Motherfucker, what?

That’s kind of the point. He had the same bloodlines as Vorgil, but Vorgil turned out different. If bloodlines was all that matter, then he would be evil too.

>Vergil became evil due to purely economic factors.

There’s a difference between hating the shitty fan base and liking the game. I don’t even like the game. I still refer to him as Donte. I refuse to call him by the spelled name.

It's saying DMC4 Dante's cowboy motif looks goofy which it does. There's a reason it's DMC4 Dante they have on that cover, because DMC4 Dante is the only version wearing cowboy shit. If they wanted to say a version of Dante looked gay they would've use DMC3 Dante. (Notice DMC3 Dante doesn't have any cowboy shit as a part of his design) The gun holster bra is the nail in that coffin. Stop projecting and calling it "PR"

Attached: s-l300.jpg (300x300, 19K)

lol no

>dante witnessed vergil dying so that must mean its true

If you play DMC4 than you already have

Attached: 1548628751179.gif (320x180, 1.47M)

>Vorgil shoots a pregnant demon lady in the back and causes him to create a force of energy that kills hundreds or thousands of people
>Donte only cares about Kat throughout all of this and is later shown exchanging brotherly insults with the guy and patting him on the back in front of a destroyed city

It's not even the same type of character.

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>no actual arguments
Spoken like a DmCtard.

Bob Barker is the guy from The Price is Right

Attached: bob-barker-6.jpg (3000x2116, 1.36M)

>it became a DMC thread

Attached: 1545299283496.gif (175x272, 336K)

Why is it "goofy"? Why did he need to attack and insult Dante in order to promote his own ideas? Why did he need to shit all over DMC in real life and in the game itself?
>white wig lands on Donte's head that makes him resemble Dante
>both Tameem and his defense force chant "WHITE HAIR WHITE HAIR" as their response to every question and criticism about the game, with journalists making entire articles about how "DMC fans are losing their minds over Donte not having white hair, such silly people"

it was to show why he was good and not bad

>shows picture of Oscar winning movie
>is homophobic
pick one

Attached: 7b2.jpg (320x337, 12K)

>he just turned out different
what an amazing character

Doesn’t the game actually make fun of Neku for acting like an edgy faggot?

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>people get resurrected all the time

Like who? Mundus is still fucking dead, not even sure if they'll bring him back. Eva is fucking dead, Sparda is presumably dead too, Credo ded, Arkham etc. The only one that resurrected was Trish. And Vergil never died, his soul was trapped inside of one of Mundus toys.

the irony is capcom then made dante look hyper realistic in 5 and he looked a thousand times better than Donte did, don't even get me started on Nero aka the hottest guy in the entire action genre

That's what I get for not saying bill o'reilly I guess.

Attached: I'm outta here.png (359x438, 236K)

So it's like how Kratos can murder innocents, and the game rightfully tells Kratos he's a fucking sociopath that's lost himself to revenge.
It ends up being a theme of Kratos having this schism where he's a mass-murdering raging maniac, but still having to deal with actual emotions like grief, and hope.
But NT would just omit all of that.

>DMC5 PS4 + XBOX1 +PC = 2.5 mil
>DmC PS3 + Xbox360 = 2.4 mil
You do know DmC sold a lot on PC right? I guess DMC5 can only out sell DmC when DmC is missing a big portion of it's sales

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because it's literally the "I could be your angle; or your devil" meme

Forgot to mention Sanctus also resurrects, and that's about it. Unless I'm missing some novels or shit.

Nero was resurrected from the yamato when Agnus killed him according to the history of dmc video and visions of v and before the nightmare establishes that Mundus blackmailed and then brainwashed Vergil rather than soul fucking him

Mundus never died dude, Dante even says to send his regards to his son when he fights him later, since it's assumed mundus would come back many years later

>tfw you realize this wont happen because dante is shooting blanks unlike his chad brother

Yes. Yes it does.

Attached: emo kid.jpg (256x571, 77K)


It’s a fucking joke because SURPRISE he gets white hair at the end of the game.

God, I love Another Day.

Does what?

No one insulted him. Even if they did, that's not insulting the fanbase either. Mario's a "well-liked protag" but if you insulted him, I'm not gonna think you're insulting me because I've bought a mario game before.

I think we all know who the autistic one is here lol.

>DmC sold alot

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Uh yeah, people tend to be a product of their environment and not their lineage, bruh.

Not a fucking argument. Come back when you can talk like an adult.

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No those sales numbers only show DMC5's PC sales not DmC's. If you were confused it's ok because capcom bothered to label them.

Here, you can double check

It has demonic brthers fighting over their demon daddy's super powerful swords, but oh wait there's actually enough sword for both with an extra even stronger sword. Of both the demon brother have white hair and the one who wears red is always chilling with a human girl

Attached: 1528009396885.jpg (550x550, 20K)

>implying that's even a pic you took and didn't just copy from the internet.
ok kid

No Country for Old Men wasn't even a western. It just takes place in Texas

>DmC: Devil May Cry
5,731 all-time peak players on Steam
>DMC 5
88,735 all-time peak players on Steam


>Donte has to go to strip clubs to get laid
>Neku has an entire harem of shopkeepers after his dick

At added a cool duality that's all over the game's design. Plus it adds to world building since DMC1-5 never did anything with their version of Angels. I guess DMC4 kinda did but that was so bad. I'm sure the angels will have a more prominent role in DmC2

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The virgin Donte vs the chad Neku

Attached: twewy shopkeeper responses.jpg (1625x1300, 875K)

No one at ninja theory said Dante was gay. No matter how much fake news you try and spread

>inuyasha invented the blue and red oni trope
dante and virgil wore blue and red :^)

I'd argue Post-Western, but ok.

So we don't know how many PC copies of DmC were sold, kinda weird that they didn't include them. Still, it already sold as much, if not more than DmC did in it's lifetime.

>implying the half of the fanbase that enjoyed DmC care about Tameem at all. Nice straw man loser

Attached: StrawMan.jpg (211x255, 21K)

imagine being this fucking upset that some user played a game


>prominent role in DmC2
lol not in a million years

DMC4 only had demons and people larping as angels.

>that one gay guy in the middle

Attached: IMG_5991.jpg (900x900, 82K)

at this point it's just ironic shitposting

>he actually believes this
Why are DmCfags like this?

He never "attacked or insulted" anyone tho

Attached: 1527830137196.png (625x626, 51K)

>DMC1-5 never did anything with their version of Angels.
>I guess DMC4 kinda did but that was so bad.
That's because it doesn't exist

What's non-ironic shitposting?

Vergil being jealous of Dante is brought up in the DMC3 Manga and in novels. DmC didn't come up with that.

>Vergil (twice)

>cool duality
Yeah, one that makes no fucking sense. Some demons are only affected by either demon or angel weapons because...? Also Some bosses give you angel weapons despite them being fucking demons.

There's a devil trigger, but there's no angel trigger. Explain that shit.

Barry, Daniel, and Diego.

>Kat is a compelling character, Neku is not

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That's what you get for sounding like a retard who doesn't know what he's talking about. Yes

DMC doesn’t have angels, you absolute brainlet.

I didn't know ironically defending DmC gives you tons of internet points

Donte grew up being institutionalized and fighting authorities while Vergin was born into wealth and didn't get his hands dirty until he needed to and has an entire personal army to do that work for him. It's party of NT's shitty rebellion story, Donte eventually found a reason to care for humans when he was made to see what was really going on outside of him's circumstances where as Vergin was using everyone to attempt to be a more Benveolent Ruler, but as his actions such as the abortion show he's just as cruel at heart as Mundus.

>Daniel, and Diego.
It's probably the same tard, they use the same exact screenshots and points when bringing DmC up.

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It got scrapped.

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Jesus Christ, that looks awful.

>he irony is capcom then made dante look hyper realistic in 5 and he looked a thousand times better than Donte did,

Hell, a DMC4 update gave Dante a costume that gives him Donte's colors and he still looks better than Donte


Donte's hair style was the worst aspect of his design. The DMC1 and DMC3 themed outfits look great on him besides the Ape Face still being there.

It looks like it hasn't tho

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This. Neku has a pretty clear cut and satisfying character arc and the way we’re shown that through the interactions with his partners was pretty nice to see. I can barely remember a single thing about Kat’s character.

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Uh oh. Looks like Capcom has other plans

Attached: DmC2.png (1440x900, 753K)

It had the wing talisman which is proof Angles exist in the OG universe

Attached: Wing_Talisman.png (600x600, 144K)

Are you actually upset that I got a character's last name wrong? You realize this character is mostly defined by being cutting-age 2013 political satire in a hack n slash about demons and angels?

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Because we're not autistic

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>but they sold their assets

demons have angel wings, there is no race of angels. just demons with better PR. this is all confirmed in both Itsuno's and Kamiya's canon IIRC.

>not autistic
Uh huh. Whatever you say, pal.

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This is a gameplay narrative discrepancy. It's like how Dante has immunity to bullets in cutscenes but his and Lady's guns still kill demons when you're playing the game

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They were sucking Microsoft's cock because they were paying for DMC5's promotions. Interesting that they never talked positively about DmC before that.

defending a reboot that failed so bad it went back to the original mainline is pretty autistic

Honestly, the political satire in DmC sucks ass too. It’s literally “THE MAN” but the game itself doesn’t even do anything interesting with it.

>use static drawings to save money on cutscenes
>still can't make Donte look good

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You didn't get a character's name wrong. you named a completely different persona just because they're both old. You don't get a free pass for acting like a retard

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Dante's not immune to bullets you complete brainlet. They deal damage, it's just miniscule. In both cutscenes and gameplay.

It’s actually fun how TWEWY actually handles talking about corporatism and products in a much more constructive way compared to the reboot. Hell, it’s even implemented into the gameplay to boot.

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Lol name dropping your boyfriends?

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My DmC lore knowledge is weaker than I realized. My sincere apologies.

I’ll never not be mad.

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those ass-less chaps look so cool

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What the fuck were they thinking with this?

If the "angel wings" are on demons than they aren't angel wings. Kamiya hasn't had a baring on what's canon in either DMC universe since 2003

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Good taste.

>implying they still need to use that model of Dante
>implying they won't reuse the RE engine like they always do

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Why are you talking in third person Daniel Furry?

>immune to bullets
Lady literally shoots him in the head in DMC3

Yes they did

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>The game was really good, but the writing wasn't
Compared to the reboot, it’s practically Shakespearean.

'angel' clearly exists as a concept, but they're not a real race. unicorns aren't real but we still know what a unicorn horn looks like.

The reboot didn't really fail. it's lowest score was like 8.5 and it out sold all the DMCs except for DMC4

That was during their PR for 5 lel

Attached: 9C3E6435-3536-4C89-9EC0-78F4F13221C0.jpg (1024x1024, 142K)

That one's gonna be in circulation for ever, isn't it?

Attached: big_lebowski_dmc.png (1920x1080, 2.59M)

Name one time Dante was ever hurt by a bullet. We get it, you've never played a DMC game before

And it only took them 6 years and multiple discounts. Meanwhile, DMC5 is still going strong.
good thing itsuno is the one who said angels don't exist in dmc when talking about dmc4se

Dante hates everyone and everything and acts like a complete shit 85% of the game. then he suddenly likes kat. And then he suddenly gives a shit about humanity.
Meanwhile every single day in TWEWY Neku gets a little less edgy as every day passes and start being an actual person.
V in DMC5 has more character development in a single cutscene than Donte had in his entire game.

who's daniel furry? Some DMC youtuber?

Lady shot him in DMC3, but the cutscene wasn't on a high enough difficulty so he lived.

>it didn't really fail
>takes 6 months to reach 2 million
>needs to be discounted to reach another 400 in 6 years
>will never get a sequel

Hey man, the voice actress said it herself.

But if demons are a real race why would angel not be. Especially with all the references to heaven and roman Catholicism in the series. That wing talisman isn't just a reference either. It's made from a literal angel's feather

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I know, I know.

>a microsoft owned studio using ps4 assets
>making a sequel on the expensive re engine so it can bomb again

DMC4 kind of set capcom up with that one

>I'll never help you! Maybe living in your Shibuya WOULD be easier. Maybe. Except one problem- it wouldn't be Shibuya! I was never good with people. I covered my ears and blocked them out. But you know what? If I don't clash, I don't change. The world ends at my borders, and the best moments slip away. Shibuya's full of people waiting for those moments, when we clash together and find something new. Here in the UG, I clashed. I changed. And now I know- Shibuya should stay just as it is!
And that was when Neku became one of my favorite vidya protags.

Attached: neku smile.jpg (1202x1277, 246K)

Having Dante shitpost at a campy boss, while they sum up his arc in a goofy way is pretty fun writing.

DCM5 has been discounted twice since March. It hasn't even been out for a year yet. Even then it's trying hard to cater to both DmC fags and anti-DmC fags. How much more help does it need?

Attached: DmC influence.png (1440x900, 283K)

And in just a few months, it’s outsold, or is close to, DmC’s overall lifetime sales.

It never needed any? It's already well outsold DmC.

>catering to DmC
>Journos are still seething over "DMC is back!"
>DmCucks still want their shitty sequel


>will never get a sequel
Uh I don't know how to break this to you

Attached: 104-1553967257-1064786316.jpg (614x353, 50K)

>so it can bomb again
>second highest selling game in the series
pick one

I just love how ass blasted journos are.

Attached: 8924519C-8546-4BB2-BA69-1E52BA40E31C.jpg (680x278, 31K)

How to piss off an entire fanbase.

>anti-DmC fags.
aka Normal fans

It was pretty dumb to all of us above the age of 13

Attached: 1555905168450.png (1878x911, 1.82M)

What fucking message? A shitty They Live “PEOPLE NEED TO RISE UP” rip-off?

>second highest selling game in the series

>above the age of 13
And let me guess, you’ll defend stuff like bigger dick.

When the fuck did this come out? Aren't journos mad about Drumpf calling the media "fake news"? Isn't being suspicious of the mass media's agendas make you alt-right? Isn't being opposed to hedonistic sex a right-wing talking point?

>piss off an entire fanbase
>game outsells 80% of the other games in the series

Attached: 1564691773916.png (500x525, 420K)

not anymore, lol. Most of the "rebels" are pro corporations now.

Attached: 1375321685661.jpg (595x842, 152K)

Journos are weird, man.

Attached: DmC and journos.jpg (602x1080, 124K)

Attached: E95908E2-99C7-4C6C-AE33-46F47078BD4B.jpg (1200x1057, 319K)

>same images
>same arguments
>same post format
>faggots still responding
and this is why DmC threads will never cease to exist.
how hard is it to just ignore?

DmC fags = people with functioning social skills
anti- DmC fags = autistic weebs

Attached: 1560845865847.jpg (750x720, 35K)

Capcom also said they were happy with DmC sales.

I'm sorry that your character action game based around smartass demon-human hybrids eating pizza and suplexing plants wasn't serious enough for you. I don't know what Tom Clancy was thinking when he wrote DMC3.

I was talking about the TWEWY countdown, you retard.


Attached: C8A6C2F5-96ED-4366-A3D3-519192FAA828.jpg (1024x514, 44K)

The reboot is unironically more weeb than the original series.

at least the bigger dick line only lasted a second. That self indulgent Shakespeare cringe took so long because Cacpcom knows weebs will eats anything up

Attached: 1563037876058.jpg (1024x576, 46K)

>DmC fags = people with functioning social skills
>uses DmC app to take pictures of stop signs

>scrapping legitimately cool designs for enemies

Attached: C3D6612F-932A-4A82-BF1A-2961F192FABA.jpg (1920x1200, 148K)

Holy shit.

Attached: laughing beat.png (350x409, 33K)

>KH reaction image
>DmC had the Bleach reference
>calls others weebs
>while fighting about a nip game series

>he says while posting KH
>he says when the DmC reboot has shit like this

Attached: Western Anime.jpg (754x661, 132K)

I'm sorry you think a half assed Shakespeare reference was need to waste 5 minutes in your 7 level action game

Attached: 1528186061794.png (500x500, 55K)

Eye of Donte was legitimately embarrassing

kill time until the inevitable disappointment when theres no vergil dlc announcement settles in


Then DMC5 stole the design for the Artemis boss battle

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>game’s entire message is based around how corporations are BAD
>has this for its marketing campaign

Just like the game

>literally every game has that plot.
Wew lad, someone hasn't played Nier...

Every single thing hurts Dante, whether it's tiny or knocks him for a solid month. Bullets are no exception, he purposedly avoids them whenever Lady shoots at him in 3, except that one time he was caught off guard.

Attached: D0123D0A-4E51-4A8D-BFF5-E03B286299F3.jpg (480x360, 59K)

>people filled statues hasn't been done
>what is dmc 4

So, we’re in agreement that Neku is basically a better constructed Donte, right?


Yeah, pretty much.

Attached: IMG_5968.png (797x676, 714K)

which is a good thing since an Artemis boss battle will look horrible in DmC

I found a DmC fan.

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Nelo angelo isn't ghost, just brainwashed by Mundus.

How are you falling for such obvious bait?

Neku actually becomes likable so yes.

>It's just a prank bro!

Attached: 1566263584020.jpg (1280x719, 110K)

You shouldn’t be proud to flaunt your shit taste, man.

Some people enjoy the shitposting. You didn't enter this thread expecting worthwhile discussion, did you?

The bigger question is who would win in a fight?

user this whole thread is an obvious bait

the concepted existed in DMC since 2007 from the audio drama which had artemis doing the same thing it did in DMC5

Neku has some serious hax so I’m going to have to go with him.

>threatening to murder women is BADASS!!

Attached: F8BEC9B6-5069-4802-A025-E977B1A857AB.jpg (840x1024, 100K)

I'm bored

Anyone have that edit with Nero shopped in?

Aborting babies are way cooler.

All I knows is that DmC can fuck off.

>Clan Nephilim

Attached: 1549637819735.png (188x320, 36K)

>anti-capitalism and consumerism
>#woke twitter ending

No wonder journos loved this game.

Attached: IMG_6006.jpg (540x960, 73K)



He has an actual character arc, grows to become likable, and his game is actually good as a bonus. So yes.

>lighthearted delights

>man, I wish Kyrie was here


Kyrie is his angel.

The guy on the left’s game is actually good and has likable characters.


Attached: F953EBFA-2AE1-4819-8702-2CCC08B1297E.jpg (1024x562, 46K)

I really do love the TWEWY cast. They all play off each other really well and legitimately grow.

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>Her body, her choice chud!
How did Tameem get away with this?

It was a different time.

Attached: chad and virgin.jpg (536x433, 23K)

why is everyone so fucking ugly in this game

western game designers

You should’ve seen what they did to Eva.

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Attached: mundus fucking scene.webm (900x506, 2.95M)

My fucking sides.

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They did. After they drastically dropped expected sales for the game. Twice.

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>This scene
>People actually enjoyed this garbage

Jesus Christ, Sparda put his dick in that?

No one shopped tameem's face on the pictures yet?

Pretty sure I've heard that story in an old folk tale but you do you

So we can agree Agnus was based right?

Attached: Agnus.png (1066x713, 739K)

Not only that but he betrayed his entire race over that.

>he continues to behave like a dickhead until the conclusion
Name one example

His moment with Dante was great and he gave us Nico so yes.

>there are people unironically liking and defending this game

How about this?

How is that any different from how classic Dante would act?

He doesn’t like what Vorgil did but he’s not going to break off his new relationship because some demon died. Also, you fuckers are pushing the whole “pregnant” shit pretty far. You do realize that the baby is using her body as a host until it is fully grown only, right? Even in the boss fight, the boss is the baby, not her. She only cares about the baby because without it, she no longer has Mundus’ favor; and Mundus only cares about his spawn because he can transfer his powers into it should his body die. It’s not really pregnant in any sense.

>i guess the sniper abortion was ok vergil, lets keep working together
>wet chunks
>"I did it."
>let's not talk Vergil down, just kill him

Dante pretty much goes into the Demon World to stop it from causing any more chaos and trusts Nero to look after the human world in his stead.

Don't get carried away, Donte was at least attractive. DMC5 Dante looks like a photo-realistic old meth head.

I just like watching stutterers struggle to talk

I’m talking about the fact that Vorgil shooting the baby pretty much causes Mundus to flip out and kill hundreds of thousands. Donte doesn’t give a shit about this and pretty much only cares about Kat. Protector of humanity my ass.

>Donte was at least attractive. DMC5 Dante looks like a photo-realistic old meth head.

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This, I've only ever seen 2 video game characters get called legitimately attractive by girls, and they were RE4 Leon and DmC Donte

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>he hasn’t been on social media
Pretty much every chick I’ve seen on social media when it comes to DMC wants to fuck Dante, old man or not.

>some demon died
>force of energy that kills hundreds or thousands of people
>says that it’s his cross to bear
>says to his brother that he had no right to decide the lives of so many innocent people
>forgives him because he says he had to weaken Muhndus

Stop making shit up

From girls who I know are huge sluts and don’t play video games, on order of who’d they banged first, top five
>Nathan Drake
>New Leon
>old Kratos

I'm serious. Granted, these girls weren't into video games. Maybe it helped that they weren't informed by the stigma around Donte. But yeah, girls are into that look, or at least they were back in 2013 when that game came out.

No shit, why would you blame Vorgil when Mundus is the one killing people. Do you blame the woman every time her husband beats her too?
>well maybe if she had wash the dishes...

V is more handsome than any other DMC character.


>Rat looking punk filled with STDs looking better than incel boomer

Nah bro

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>from girls who I know

>old Kratos

>Vorgil killing Mundus’ baby has nothing to do with the fact that he flipped out and killed people
Kay, retard.

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I prefer his complete version

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That's a lie

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Done be mad cause you don’t know any girls irl

Yeah its crazy, almost as if girls would prefer a handsome young in-shape guy over a creepy looking middle aged man with the hair of a witch.

Nobody forced Mundus to kill all those people.

whatever you say, ESL nigger

That’s because Neku is a chad.

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Leon and Nathan are the only attractive people on that list.

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And nobody forced Vorgil to shoot Lilith in the belly. There’s a cause and effect here, dude.

>hair of a witch.
Donte has white hair..

>only lets his brother live because squirrel thot said to let him live

You don’t know women


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Yeah, and he didn’t like that Vorgil killed the spawn of Mundus.


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Donte should have made some kind of attempt to talk Vorgil down before they started fighting. Having squirrel girl be the thing stopping him from killing his brother was a mistake, a missed oportunity to show how different Donte was from the beginning.

>i love grabbing rape victim ass!

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And he ends up patting the dude on the back later on.

He was in DT. His evil side took over.

He tried to talk him down. It didn’t work.

So, basically like this?

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Donte is so cool

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Because it was a good thing the baby died.

Tell that to the hundreds of thousands dead.

But he didn’t kill those people.

Why do you think Mundus had a meltdown in the first place?

But Mundus doesn’t have to kill those people. He chose to do so.

Yeah, because Vorgil killed his kid.

So he deals with Vorgil. He doesn’t have to kill those people.

as a reaction to Virgin killing his wife and child