Daily Dose.
Daily Dose
Other urls found in this thread:
thanks doc
thanks doc
Thanks doc
there is already a thread up you idiot
thanks doc
Gracias doc
arigatou sensei
ty dr
Namekians don't have genitals.
thanks doc
I love this doctor!
Thank you doctor, you are my greatest ally.
Namekians reproduce asexualy, would they even have a penis?
based, doc
Thanks, doc.
Thanks doc.
thanks doc
Thanks Doc
Danke, Herr Doktor.
It was a quiet day out on the plateau. Vegeta and Piccolo both stood opposite of each other:
"Vegeta: You have been skipping out on your medication. Why?" asked Piccolo
"I am a Saiyan prince. I don't need any of these worthless daily doses!" he replied with defiance
Piccolo shook his head in disapproval and began to charge up his binding rings. Before he knew it, Vegeta was trapped and ready to receive his medication:
"I didn't get this medical degree for nothing. I want to help people. Just sit still and it'll be over soon," Piccolo calmly stated
Despite his gentle reassurance, Vegeta continued to struggle, cursing at the Namekian under his breath. Piccolo pulled down his and Vegeta's pants: He was ready to administer the dosage. Piccolo inserted his long, thick, Namekian cock into Vegeta's soft, Saiyan anus:
Piccolo replied "That is no way to speak to your doctor!" and continue to apply the daily dose
Piccolo's cock was thoroughly pounding Vegeta and Piccolo was near ejaculation. But it seemed it just wasn't enough to help his patient. What should I do though? Piccolo thought. Suddenly, like a flash, the idea came to him: Immediately after ejaculating, Piccolo unsheathed his Piccolo tallywacker from Vegeta and began to charge himself up. Vegeta thought, it was finally over, but he turned his head back only to see a giant Piccolo, with his peter-popper even larger than ever.
Vegeta braced himself for the bullet train-sized one-eyed monster that was about to penetrate him. At first, it hurt incredibly: Vegeta had never felt such an powerful surge of pain before. But after an hour of nonstop buttfucking, his anus became stretched and worn out to the point where he could enjoy it!
He grew it just to fuck Vegeta there.
thanks doc
Danke, Herr Onkel Doktor.
When Piccolo finally ejaculated, it was released at such a force that Vegeta vomited a large quantity of the semen. Piccolo reverted back to his normal size and let Vegeta free:
"Thanks, doc. I'm sorry about how I was acting before. This medicine is great! I'll see you tomorrow then."
As Vegeta flew home, Piccolo gave a smile of satisfaction: He was glad he could help another person with their daily dose. But he had to hurry and give the other Z fighters their daily doses too! And so, he flew off as well.
The end
ty dr
>this board
Extra strength
What the fuck
Daily Dose isn't "gay".
It's simply a reminder of the dangers of the internet, and the degeneracy that can happen if one spends too much time on it.
Now tell me, is that "gay"?
Your explanation is gay
thanks doc
thanks doc
that isn't a penis. it is a dosing rod. Do you know nothing of medicine
Thank you.
Grazie dottore
Diolch meddyg.
I like the other gifs by this artist more than the doc's.
Many thanks, Doctor.
Blue board.
>taking daily medication is gay
>being healthy is gay
Found the newfag with tuberculosis
Thanks doc.
d-doc...i need a..str-ronger d-dose...
thanks doc
arigato, doctoro
Thanks doc
>It's simply a reminder of the dangers of the internet, and the degeneracy that can happen if one spends too much time on it.
you're a fucking retard and this is straight up false. it's called "daily dose" because it was posted literally every day along with cp and other shit back in 2011. lurk more.
thanks doc
Thanks for not playing along with me, asswipe
>hurr merely pretending
nice try newfag. back to lurking with you.
thanks doc
thanks doc