This guy singlehandedly made a game that took the vidya by storm

and he has 0 gamedev or coding experience
what's your exuse?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm not him

>0 gamedev or coding experience

The hell are you talking about. Even before UT he made a romhack and tried to make DR

He made many earthbound fan games even before undertake

Romhacks isn't gamedev. They're incredibly easy to do

I will make a better game.

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this is my excuse

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I'm not stupid enough to accidentally make a hit game that's adored by deviantart faggots.

He had experience creating romhacks, he had experience drawing, he had experience with music, he got 50grand to make UT, and Temmie had his back.

You can decompile the UT demo to source
Go through it and tell me he didnt have any coding experience fucker

DJ Qualls?

Attached: jelly.gif (390x390, 1.08M)

His gameplay and code are awful. He's a genius musician and his game succeeded because of fantastic music.

He used Gamemaker

The fact that he completed any kind of gaming project already puts him well ahead of most people.

Isn't this the dude who made that thing with gray people with glowing horns? Shit is weird, people said that the fanbase is absolutely mental, but so is Yea Forums.

That's Andrew Hussie and Homestuck.

>Makes the highest grossing game of all time WITHOUT Kikestarter or having connections through Homestuck
Can Pixel be any more based? Pic unrelated.

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I didn't have rich parents who gave me expensive music and gamedev lessons at a young age.

He self taught himself music

That's Andrew Hussie but Toby used to live in his basement or something

He didn't take vidya by storm. Vidya took him by storm because this industry developed a taste for diarrhea and he managed to shit out the stinkiest and foulest shit that hit all the right spots for the degenerates that have infested this hobby.

Do you enjoy just making shit up on the fly?

so about a year ago i started working on a vn in renpy and it was going pretty well until i had a panic attack and realized i didn't know how to make music and didnt have the funds to ask people to make music.
so i gave up for a while and just focused on writing the story here and there and working on my art.
Writing and drawing are all i can really do. I'm working up the courage to ask people if they'll let me use some of their back catalog of music for my dumb game. I know it'd be huge if I made it, I just have to... make it.

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i have no talent

What's wrong with his code?

>easy to do
Not Earthbound romhacks at that time

That's really not the point. Undertale is a good experience, Toby is a great musician/good game designer, but he wasn't some amateur who overnight became good. He had lots of practice (and a lot of cash).

>genius musician

Saw this and double taked thinking he worked on unreal tournament.

OPs pic neither, and look what he did.

Decent game. He excels as a composer though and I feel like that carries a lot of the game.
Deltarune is looking like a better actual game to me personally.

He's some random young adult who is now working with gamefreak to make music for their game. If he can't be considered "genius" who can?

>with clout from homestuck, help from a kickstarter that raised over 50k, and an artist
stop pushing this romanticized rags-to-riches bs story please

you can't make a game in GM Studio without learning gml, brainlet

I didn't have a qt asian gf gamedev to help me out

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It's supposed to be bait.

She's a lot hotter in-game

I have no interest in making a game at all. I have no ideas, no clue on where to start, and no desire.

I have something that I'm working hard on and I hope people like it. That already takes up time. I do think that working on anything from comics to vidya to videos is a good idea. Doing something creative/practicing a skill in spare time makes time spent playing games seem less wasted desu.

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There's drag and drop scripting. You don't need to know shit

i see too many saying similar things unironically though

I already did, but it didn't work out quite as well

you can't even create variables with drag and drop

Toby is really talented and deserves all his success.


There are actually many toby foxes in the world, but only a few of them happened to be in the right place at the right time. Thousands of decent indie games are sitting on steam and google play and itunes and getting no downloads because they just didn't go viral.

Also furry characters helped.

For me, it's Dummy Undertale.

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At his age? That shits astonishing. I envy him, can you imagine accomplishing what he did in that time? Not only does he have a little bit of a experience but he also made his own music too. Shit, that's talent

He had connections to Homestuck and their massive community of autists. He had a lot of help from people helping him to program the game. Just look at the end credits of the game, he far, FAR from did it alone.

You want a massively successful game truly made by only one person, look at Stardew Valley. Now THAT man is a true one-man army.

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You know what to do.

Steven Gayverse the game

The game works just fine.. What's wrong with the code then?

I don't have any keys on me right now otherwise I would. sorry

Reminder that in just 10 years he went from being a complete neet to
>making his dream game
>got PAID to make his dream game
>has enough income to do whatever he wants now
>gets invited to endless conventions (which pay him to show) where he basically just hangs out and gets endless praise
>receives numerous interviews including Famitsu and Forbes
>met the pope and had him accept his game
>met the touhou Creator and being complimented
>met Shigesato Itoi
>not only met Mashed Potato Samurai but was personal driven around Japan by him, taken to his house, and got to play smash with him, which he also won
>has his creation in smash
>even more accomplishments that are too numerous to fully list
>and he did it all without any breakdowns, furry phases, going trans, or anything other degenerate shit
Why the FUCK haven't you accomplished anything remotely close anons?

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>ripping off earthbound has any sort of merit
this how muricans can make it far into vydia, by ripping off japanese creations

Procrastination is a hell of a drug

>or anything other degenerate shit
his fanbase is one of the worst though

Just get some gameplay going and make a kickstarter for it. Faggots eat that up.

How's your game called?

Toby is transparently a furry tho, he just doesnt lets it get out of hand

I'm working on it man. Not a game, but even if it flops at least I can die knowing that I tried really hard to make something people enjoyed, and spent time trying to git gud at something.

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same as with Phil Fish but at least tobyfox admits it

I don't have an army of Homestuck autists

If there's one part of gamedev that's easy to get people to do for free, it's music. Musicians actually like doing music for fun, unlike artists, and also unlike artists they mostly don't have delusi-- I mean aspirations of doing it professionally.

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Toby fox is kind of a bad coder and a merely okay writer/designer. His games are carried by good music and he had plenty of experience as a composer, with the game's most iconic song being a song he had been composing and rearranging since fucking 2007.

>literal earthbound rip off
So if I steal Pokemon and make a better monster tamer, do I win life too?

>toby was pulling off shit like this at 15


Yea Forums was the biggest promoter of this game, there were non-stop threads about the demo.

If you could make it more successful than Pokemon then, yes, you do.

Reminder that Toby already had
>a following from and other Mother communities thanks to Hallowen Hack
>was well known in the furfag community
>Homestuck famous since he made a lot of track for the webcomic
He didnt just pop out of nowhere


I already made a game. It wasn't a hit or anything, but the few people it attracted are perhaps some of the best examples of human beings I'll ever come across. Don't want to be the quality vs quantity guy or anything, but I wouldn't change the way it worked out. I love them.

I might try making another game though, a significantly different one, to retry the experience and how different themes might attract different people.

see it wasn't some passion project he did in his own time that magically took the world by storm

Isn't Hopes and Dreams more iconic for Undertale itself? Most would consider the pacifist ending the true one.
I guess Megalomart is in Smash now so you're right.

Shill me your VN game right now, I know a ton of bros looking to get their production out there

I have no self control so I just shitpost all day, I can't even make myself play games anymore


bacon man

I have a short story I wrote that I really think could be turned into a nice short and sweet game but I have no passion or desire to learn how to make vidya, even in gamemaker or some shit

Sounds kino

I don't know who that is but I don't have any interest in making video games. Only playing them interests me.

I mean, either way the point stands that the game having good music really carries it and sets the atmosphere required for you to gloss over weak spots in the writing and be hyped for not very interesting combat.

yeah but at least I am not a cringey autist

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I'm trying to. It's hard to get a game kickstarter ready all alone. And even then, will it be enough? I don't like the things Toby likes. I just like fast paced action and esoteric lore. Not gay ironic modern stuff. It's probably hopeless to achieve what Toby did anyway. I have to do what only I can.

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Very similar to Steven universe fanbase. Poppy SJW stuff and Calarts artstyle.

Both fanbases are absolutely autistic. Although both dont last so long like Scott pilgrim and Homestuck fanbases sank into oblivion. American cartoon leaning stuff is always like this. Everyone hypes like crazy nutjobs but totally forgets after years.

If this is the only takeaway and consolation you get out of this then you're pathetic.

>Calarts artstyle.

doesn't look asian

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Nice TR Coot sweater

steven after not surviving

>Wanting to fuck a retard

Eh, I guess I can't really judge

Fanart and the game itself aren't the same

>and he did it all without any breakdowns, furry phases, going trans, or anything other degenerate shit
He is a tad embarrassed by the edgy writing of his romhack though.

I went to college, got a job, lost 40 pounds this year, and am working on at least honing my art and writing

I'm trying

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Hey eishiban! Love your fat art.

you guys are fucking retarded if you think undertale is popular just because of the music. tons of games not nearly on the level of popularity as homestuck have just as good, if not better, soundtracks. soundtracks can't fucking carry a game.

Can almost certainly guarantee he didn't.

He has to disown it since it's considered problematic by the moral police now

It's not exactly something to be proud of but it was pretty standard shitposting back in it's day

That's fine. But he did

love my normal art!

Attached: angry.png (224x159, 36K)

Seems to work with Nier.

hes got autistic furry friends and fans that gladly spent all their free time and income on the game which is alot since they are all on disability and dont have jobs

Do you have a normal SFW account?

I'm picky about my retards.

Has any other game done the turn-based bullet hell kind of gameplay before Undertale did?


Of course soundtracks can carry a game. Look at umineko of Phoenix Wright.

I can't say what his level of formal education in music is but he started composing for Homestuck when he was still in high school

Its his use of music, he's really good at nailing the tone that he wants each part of the game to give. This is partially because he actually does the music first and then makes the game around it.


This is exactly the type of guy Adachi was talking about.

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He's mentioned in a couple interviews that he learnt by playing Chrono Trigger Music on Piano.
Another source here

can't do art or music and don't have the free time to learn
>I pretty much just made up music on the piano and then transferred it to the computer until I was OK at it

>undertale isn't carried by the soundtrack
Undertale has sold officially 3.5 million. If you assume twice as many pirated, that's still only around 10 million sales. Hopes and dreams on YouTube has 22 million views. The music is literally more popular than the game. How many games can you say that's the case For?

Undertale is a good game, but the use of music in a game without voice acting makes it go beyond

Ut's more easy to bait because it's a meme game. What makes me mostly impressed is that despite Stardew valley having a shit art style, it isn't something that could be done with someone with zero or barely any experience with art. They guy not only is great at coding but also not that bad at art. He also did the music. But then again since UT is easier to bait, people go for toby who isn't even truly the best example of what OP described.

>They're incredibly easy to do
so what is YOUR excuse?

Undertale fans are disingenuous as fuck. They're really big on hyping up Toby as if he's some big deal, but then don't really support any of his other non Undertale related projects like LTH or Deltarune.

I don't want to make a game, I just like playing others'.

UT is pretty eh as a game. It's the characters, music, etc that draw people too it. He started with a fanbase by editing something that was already loved. Really not any different from the Shovel Knight people.

Attached: Toby Fox is Mozart.jpg (900x196, 24K)

I started learning an instrument when I was 10.
You don't just magically learn an instrument by yourself. If he's composing pieces himself someone at some point most likely taught him the basics.

Based? Redpilled?

Surely they're all over Deltarune since it's basically a sequel?

Toby's music is the sole reason I'm considering buying LTH and in what universe are people who liked Undertale not interested in Deltarune

Kind of like how most Marvel actors' films that aren't MCU related turn out to be flops? Look at Chris Hemsworth's CV.

He works at gamefreak now?

Maybe he can make Pokemon Music great again. The OSTs haven't been good since B/W

3.5 million? That's it? The way fans talk about it you would think Undertale was the next Minecraft. (100 million)

He had experience though, he did romhacks.

>it isn't something that could be done with someone with zero or barely any experience with art
I'm pretty sure the art is the main reason the game took as long to make as it did. CA has a degree in computer science so writing the game engine off of XNA like he did was probably a snap for him, but the art was visibly shittier in early versions of the game and he reworked all the character portraits several times over the years. Probably took him a long time to get the hang of the pixel art.

>go back to your job
I guess the one good thing is I get paid to make games, but they just aren't my games now

Obviously Toby had to work very hard to reach his level of musical talent at such a young age but the idea behind that post isn't really wrong, he is naturally gifted in a way very few people are. Undertale is objectively a very easy game to make. Its not hard to code or design a game like that, the problem is you can't make music as good as Toby fox. Its just not gonna happen. Undertale is not a good example for people to strive for.

Good sir!

a good deal of it was luck
the 'message' of the game itself happened to fit perfectly in the social climate of the time(and I believe Toby knew his game was going to be popular among that crowd though whether or not he specifically pandered I dunno)
under scrutiny the characters and such are kinda bad as a whole(but fine in a vacuum)
and it wasn't just him either but that's how credit works, I guess

It isn't that sold but it is certainly the most overrated indie title to date. There's an accomplishment here.

>He started with a fanbase by editing something that was already loved. Really not any different from the Shovel Knight people.
Really not any different than any successful modern indie developer. it's probably why I don't really much care for those types of games because they always feel like pale facsimiles of what inspired them.

>guy spends a decade and half building connections with people from various fandoms
>they all have his back when he starts venturing onto the project

I'm not from a rich family, I don't have rich and smart programmer/designer friends, I don't have a comfy house and could never afford a fucking family piano. As for the rest of Yea Forums, which is mostly comprised of upper middle class sheltered white kids, no you guys have no excuse
I don't live in a comfy first world country like sweden.

No retardo, Toby was born with the initiative to engage with other people like him and be socially active. His talent is secondary.

You’re right, nepotism is the only thing that matters.

Nope. The most they'll do is hype it up on message boards but it doesn't have the same kind of blind fanaticism behind it.

No, at least Marvel movies are sort of their own genre at this point. Obviously people aren't going to watch some drama or comedy when all they want is Iron Man to punch Hulk in the face.

The thing about Undertale is that the fans seem to have deluded themselves into thinking it's something unique and special when it really isn't. I like to think of it as the inverse Earthbound. Earthbound was an overlooked title that became genuinely beloved as a cult classic due to its humor and incredible narrative, while Undertale got a lot of hype and praise right out of the gate despite being dumb and very shallow.

>>met the pope and had him accept his game

Minecraft had all sorts of backing, plus its a game that autistic kids and even moms 'n' grandmas can play. Plus it gets streamed left and right.

3.5mil for an rpg is insanely good. Especially considering it is indie.

That's actually what I call talent and dedication. I could see that art wasn't his first skill even in the latest version but for someone that doesn't have art as first skill and is only one person, it's actually impressive he's able to even put graphics like that even if they don't look really good for a more experienced artist.

you can't make music as good as Toby fox
VI - VII - I and chromaticism isn't that hard user

It's not about coding or gamedev exp, it's about striking creative gold by making the right product at the right time. It happens with the right creative mind at work and with, frankly, luck. Not to remove anything from his success.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2, forget the waifus. That game is absolute garbage, what kept me going was the soundtrack. Every single piece of music in that game is beyond amazing and makes you want to keep playing till the end. Music influences you more than you think it does, get someone to play UT for the first time while not knowing much about the game with the music turned off and you'll understand

Out of curiosity how important is being able to play a keyboard/piano for using music software? Are you able to just fuck around pressing keys until you get something that sounds good or do you really need to have some education/discipline in the field? I've had enough experience trying to make music myself to know that trying to translate a tune you came up with in your head into actual notes can actually be really difficult.

>and he has 0 gamedev or coding experience

Aside from the game he made by himself?

Shut the fuck up Onsokumaru

He forgot to mention that it was heavily pushed by a youtuber.

Can't you use royalty free music?

If you genuinely feel that undertale didn't succeed because of the music, try playing the game with the sound turned off and let me know how that experience goes for you.

he's only a moderately talented musician. Anyone can be an ideas guy. He had friends to develop his ideas with.
>Toby had to work very hard to reach his level of musical talent at such a young age
I'm sure he had to work very had to afford the music education his parents paid for
Mozart was trained by his musician father since he was 4 years old you retard, Toby didn't even know shit about programming when he started working on undertale

Success brings success, all you need is one success big enough to start the rocket, and once you're on that, you're set for life with more opportunities than you can count.

Yes, Im not trying to defend or shit on Toby but its just really annoying that people keep talking about him like he didnt already have an army of autistic fans before he even made the game.


I really hope I make it, but at least I've gained skills and tried. Even if I die a failure, at least I attempted something.

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What happened to Toby will never happen to any of us, something about jews just leads them to success

Mleh, played like half an hour and got sick of the music, the art direction and the general feel that it's written by someone who hasn't written in a while. Good for him though, looks like he develop a cult following.

There's always someone that will genuinely like your game. There's ALWAYS SOMEONE. Remember YIIK? It has a genuine fanbase of like 20 people but there are people that liked the game enough.

>without any furry phases
you and I both know that's bullshit

>panic attack
Tranny redflag. I suggest you kill yourself immediately (in a minecraft modded server)

i heard theres a single switch in the game with thousands of lines of code for it
this could be wrong though cause i only heard it and didnt look into it

they're rich and help each other, nepotism and a culture that foments education and treating jews as more important than anyone else has been their key to success (and their persecution) for thousands of years


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Because I don't feel like it

because I've hid my mental illness all my life out of fear of institutionalization so the kind of person I had to present to people was the one getting any praise, compliments etc and I've never actually been praised for "being myself" my entire life
so while I have ideas, and some of these ideas I've discussed with friends, I have zero confidence and no pride whatsoever, much less connections or a support netwofrom long ago had eerie parallels in Undertale, so that makes me feel like garbage as well[/spoiler]
so that's why

Youd need to play with average music, which is impossible to replicate.
Obviously toby is multitalented, the character designs are great, the world design is great, the writing is great. Its clever. It has some of the more memorable boss fights in gaming.
The music is impossibly good, it shouldnt be possible for 1 guy make that ost at that age. He's one in a generation.

But I don't understand. You have the drive? And the ideas, I RUBBED YOUR PUTRID FEET!

Is it summer yet? I can't tell for real.

>character designs are great, the world design is great
Are you for real?

God, I hate using this word but is shithole always full of incels?

basic story is:
>angel sides with satan when he rebelled against god because heaven is boring
>gets a slap on the wrist and is told he can come back to heaven in 1,200 years
>it is the current year and still nothing
>realizes he has become forgotten by god, and has become a demon himself
>satan is planning a second war and sends the 72 spirits of the goetia to earth, including the fallen angel
>they're all distrubuted through the internet and downloaded by randos
>our mc decides to partner with the girl that downloaded him and defeat all 71 other spirits of solomon in a vain attempt to stop satan and make god notice him again

Are you seriously implying that was all him?
>The writing is great

wat the heck happened to my spoilers
ah well
I dunno if I'd praise his music to -that- degree
it's bretty gud though
world design's bad

>went to university to become a mathematician
>got into programming
>had talent in creating music
>no talent in art
>created games he wanted to play in his spare time
>composed, wrote, programmed, and did the art all by himself
>games' music become so famous people remix it constantly
>became a huge franchise in his homeland, with tons of events centered around it
>still humble and creates games in the series by himself to do this day
>has a wife, and 2 children
>drinks beer all day and composes songs for girls in frilly outfits
ZUN is the true inspiration model

Attached: 1567272177862.png (625x600, 310K)

>I dunno if I'd praise his music to -that- degree
I've never seen similar threads where people keep spamming different songs from 1 game on Yea Forums. On youtube it got like a billion views.

because I'm lazy and stupid

Lots of designs weren't even made by him and he had a lot of help with finishing the ones he originally started

people forget that toby had an established fanbase to jump off of. Making a game didn't jumpstart his life, he was already riding easy.

Every Griffith needs his band of the hawks.

Undertale is really the first realization of mortality for zoom zooms?. The absolute state of the trainwreck of emotions, cloduing judgment.

Then he's talented as a people person to convince others help him
And even then he made sure the designs that ended up in the game were great and memorable. Both in UT and deltarune.

Wonder how YandereDev feels about this

Grew up poor and retarded in a 3rd world shithole with no talent

She's a hapa.

and to believe faggots studied programming 5 years or more just to end as a code slave on some AAA's studio lmao, based toby

autistic furfags are a goldmine, that's all

My point is that people talk like Toby did everything all by himself.He didn't, It wasn't a completely solo project and had a lot of help which people for some reason don't want to recognize or forget like temmie's for a start. He even used to post about his project updates in forums and get feedback for it.

More people worked on Undertale than on Cuphead, actually.

He's partially to blame for that since he promoted the game as being made "mostly by one person" and left it very vague how much of the game wasn't done by him.

Industry plant you say? Oh, I may have heard of stories as such, where one person takes the credit and the others turn to dust. Oh I may have heard them.

>try playing the game with the sound turned off and let me know how that experience goes for you
do this with any game you fucking retard.

because I only just recently stopped having a suicide attempt once a month.

This. It's like I grew up playing all of those already, I don't want to retread them with a new coat of paint. It's why I can't really get into Hollow Knight, but at least they did better than pixel art.

Ease of conversation.
If toby did Most of a thing and Im not proven otherwise then that thing being good means toby is good at making thing.


Loads of games don't rely so heavily on their music to be good.

Fuck it, he's retarded.

I'm working on trying to make a doujin for a touhou event next spring. that'll be my big accomplishment!

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This. It's like in a band, imagine if James tried to take all the credit for Metallica, even if he's the main songwriter and frontman, there would BE no Metallica without Kirk and Lars. Even if "all they do" is perform on stage and don't write songs, they're still contributing to the project in ways that James can't on his own.

Toby Fox might be James Hetfield, but he's definitely not Aphex Twin.

ITs more like saying toby is a mcdonalds meal and other people are salad dressing
There would be a delicious meal with Toby alone, just with a little less umami.

>haha you're poor seethe
>kicking a man while he's down
faggot move

this little stunt you pulled was grade A cringe, toby

honestly you should just kill yourself my man

Okay so he got a little bit of help, who cares, he did at least 98% of the work on Undertale

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McDonalds is fucking shit so that's a good comparison

>I am a fat fuck
>i am so fat i eat humans
>imagine being so fat you look at a person and see food

>he didn't turn the volume down on his gameboy during long car rides
There are a lot of games that are tons of fun even without music

>ITs more like saying toby is a mcdonalds meal
>There would be a delicious meal
>delicious meal

Attached: 1516385909238.jpg (499x338, 37K)

imagine being this much of a cocksleeve to such a mediocre game designer, I can't imagine how boring your life must be

blackpill :(

Attached: anthy.jpg (500x500, 109K)

Being someone who comes up with his own personal definitions for words like mediocre must be a blast.
Then you notice youre 150k in debt and all your friends have abandoned you.

D-does it envolve dragons?

It remembers me how people still think Hideki naganuma created and developed Jet set radio alone, fucking kek.

Middle Right is hot I want him

Tbf he tried to prevent some of it by not allowing hot topic and other cancerous store sell his products on t shirts. Gotta respect the man for that.

Yeah, in the end of the day, it's definitely not a solo project like Cave story, Stardew valley and touhou was.

>Three cups of coffee at once.

Slow down there, hoss.

Congrats, user. The stuff I'm working is pretty high skill ceiling (for the average person, not Yea Forums autists) and niche and I hope to get a small audience

Is it bad that I made it halfway thru the thread before I realized "UT" meant "Undertale", not "Unreal Tournament"?


youre a total faggot
heres hoping you lose it all

UT will never mean Undertale.

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>what's your exuse?
I have no interest in making or playing games that would become virally popular.

Attached: 1523943174126.gif (499x374, 968K)

yeah I get that a lot
he's a unicorn and he plays the trumpet

Attached: amdusias.png (1544x2016, 3.15M)

>genius musician
Lol yes. Hes right up there with Bach and Mozart. Maybe even a sprinkling of Brian Wilson.

Fucking fanboy dumbass.

No fellow boomer, I read it the same way. UT belongs to us.

Undertale is actually a decent game, I don't think most of Yea Forums denies that.
People hate the cult following that surrounds it however because it seemingly attracts the worst from tumblr and other degenerates.

I think it's just okay.

Angel battle network?
Will it have cute and funny characters?

and again with this retarded kid
fuck off with this tumblr crap

it's best to go indie even cuphead blew up more because it was made by two indie devs than some big aaa company who will put all it's workers through crunch unless you work at nintendo

>UTI will always mean Undertale for being a piss poor game.

To be fair, Cuphead had a lot of support by Microsoft. They had a strong publisher behind them and took some serious risks, what with refinancing their house to pay for the game.


well uh
the other protagonist is a young girl but she's like... 16. still like 4'9" and flat but I feel kinda gross if people lewd her. :^/

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You can cry all what you want but this are the facts that actually made it famous

>it was "free"
most people got it free or cheap as it is.
>it had unique game mechanics
stuff like turning off the game by it self, knowing that you saved before, using hidden system data made it different, causing some curiosity on the players
>it was easily streamable
kids watch streamers, don't pretend they don't, so famous people streamed this and more kids watched this game, asking to other streamers to stream it, making it more famous.
>"Shady" hidden content
this also helped the game grow, making people more curious about the game and keeping the game alive.

The dude is a good composer with good counterpoint, but these people calling him a genius don't know what the fuck they're talking about. Half the fucking soundtrack is 1 leitmotif that's rearranged with different accompaniment for christ sakes.

Austin Jorgensen was the better composer and had the better game for an Earthbound-like game, but it wasn't a bunch of furry bullshit and was generally dark, so it's not as well received.

>but I feel kinda gross if people lewd her. :^/
don't make her so fuckable then

You've already failed if you're making a game for the purpose of getting popularity.

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Apt description considering Undertale and Metallica are both fucking garbage.

What does he actually look like? Here he looks like an off-brand Projared but in another picture he looks like a jew.

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LISA does better at having a cult following like Earthbound itself, though the amount of people that actually played Undertale instead of latching onto it for fandom cred is probably comparable. Better composer, no, I wouldn't say so even though there's a goodly amount of good music in LISA and it's genuinely impressive that LISA is overall a one-man effort and was made in RPG Maker.

Deltarune's music blows LISA's and UT's totally out of the water desu

So is making a game like Undertale, which is short with most of the impressive coding being the easter eggs and save scumming detection.

He basically won the lottery. 0.000001% chance of replicating it even with a lot of hard work.

The new Men In Black was alright. He and Tessa Thompson have good chemistry.

I have self respect and don't want to suck reddit's cock

hate-sucking reddit's cock is still sucking reddit's cock, shut up about it

Nah. His game was successful because streamers, the good music, and the quirky characters.

you are not alone, I was wondering why carmack looked so weird

It'd have done pretty well just by virtue of, even if not necessarily the associations with Homestuck's fanbase, if you ask me. Not mass-media sensation good but good enough to get Fangamer merch and some notoriety.

100% disagree. Lisa's music is closer to the quirky insanity that was Earthbound. Takes more risks. UT is by comparison quite safe. Good fundamentals, but the Lisa stuff is just better written and actually takes risks.

Both OFF and LISA got closer to the Earthbound soundtrack than UT did.

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The music was mediocre, only brainlets think otherwise (which you probably are). It's also important to note it's easier now than ever to create music with music production software that does everything for you, basically.

....carmack didn't work on any of the unreal games

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>Worked on everything but unreal tournament despite making unreal engine what it is

that's a little mindblowing right there.

naive kizuna poster, if the game fails you can't make another one. especially if you're one man armying. unless you have an insane support network you can neet off of for years, you're done and have to go back to wage slaving which kills any amount of time you would have to put into another one. yes, popularity literally does matter, and only the naive and foolish don't understand the importance it holds. it's why marketing is a top expenditure for entertainment.

>not tumblr crap

Yeah, the big thing with both of those soundtracks is the heavy utilization of sampling, which is something Earthbound did a bit of. UT is more soundfonts and chiptune stuff. Still good. I can't hate on the guy, but I think that Lisa gets it closer. I also prefer dark humor.

are you literally me

Alright well at least now I know you're trolling.

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No, like literally, I just checked, Carmack worked on everything BUT Unreal Tournament despite being a critical part of building modern Unreal Engine, I was not aware of that, I am agreeing with you, you fucking bitch burglar

I mean, when you consider most of that went straight to Toby then he's easily a millionaire who can do whatever the fuck he wants

If you like bullet hells, fighting games, video game bosses, and esoterica, you might just be me.

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>that gif title

Doesn't take talent to create a terrible game. The excuse most people should have is that they don't want to make dogshit.

Carmack didn't work on the unreal engine.

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this basically
not that that isn't valid but undertale is kind of overrated

who the fuck is this

he was born to jewish parents who taught him that which is more powerful than tallent.

I liked the game but what's there to do after the 3rd year? Also my biggest concern is that it feels so lifeless how everybody stays the same even the children after many years.

Talent is an idea fucking losers cling to because they got tired of trying. It's fatalistic dogshit that only the weakest of spirits acknowledge.

You're the brainlet if you can easily make music with melodies as strong as Undertale and aren't doing so to make bank. It's that or it's not so easy. Music that is hard to compose isn't necessarily good or even likable. You're like metalfags who always scream how it's the best genre of music because of how hard it is to play. Most consumers don't give a fuck. If you want to be a pretentious artfag that rots in poverty, be my guest.

Music in Stardew is actually objectively better than UT too.

Yeah well I can draw nice exquisite ass and titties than he can.

Lack of creativity

If there is someone that is self taught in music here could you please give me some advice to someone that have zero knowledge about it and want to get started? I would ask Yea Forums instead but it's not game music focused.

Watch plenty of tutorials on Youtube, have a notebook and pencil in hand, be a sponge and soak up as much information as you can and write it down. Just look up music theory.

>what's there to do after the 3rd year
Get all the items, get all the achievements, build your superfarm? After 3rd year you should be wealthy enough to where you can afford basically everything. Also you can divorce your wife / husband and get a new one.

if you have to look up music theory then you already arent gonna make it. you need to just know melodies. they need to be in your head, trapped--and youve gotta let em out. if you dont have that, youre doomed to mediocrity. you cant teach creativity.

>gamedev gf

yeah, I am an indie dev and I know there are more traps and trannies in this industry than a car boneyard in Vietnamese jungle

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If you don't know how to play an instrument, learn how to play one. Guitar or piano are both good, though I would suggest learning at least a little bit of piano. After that, learn how to play some pop songs. Study them, write out the music, see what notes they use and what kind of chord changes they use. Try using the same chord progression and putting your own melody on top of it. Then try making up a melody without any chords, and then writing chords to fit the melody. Make a couple of beats, or download a beat library. That should get you started in the right direction.

>she's like... 16. still like 4'9" and flat

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Is it weird that I have listened to this game ost like only once and some few tracks and never got back to it again? I wouldn't call it bad but for me to not even go back at it I can say that I genuinely didn't find it interesting. Certainly a minority but at least it's a genuine feeling.

I just realized this is general grievious until after i got a boner.

why am i so into geeky horny girls jesus christ

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It's not his knowledge so much as his actual determination. He does shit even if it's poorly or has to learn along the way, but I knew the guy way back in the day and you wanna talk about someone who will just fucking do what he want?. Doesn't matter the hurdles, if Toby wants to do something he fucking does it. I don't know where he gets the energy.

Not self taught, but I do teach.

Learning to read bass and treble clef and how it relates to the piano keys is probably the first step. Pretty much any DAW you work in that uses MIDI is going to be based on what's called "piano roll." Understanding that's probably the first step. I'd get yourself a cheap MIDI controller or all-in-one synth to play on.

Once you can read music, everything opens up. It's like being able to read English. Can seem daunting at first but really, sheet music keeps track of pitch and time. If you're a little math inclined, you can think of it as an X/Y coordinate system. X is rhythm, Y is pitch.

Only 4 years from peak attractiveness

>if you have to look up music theory then you already arent gonna make it
Knowing basic notes and scales is just a shortcut. You don't have to know a lot of theory, but basic theory is good.

>made a game
lol ok

shit nigga nice to know im out there

looks like shit, give up

It's not interesting. Some songs (the flowey fight comes to mind) are nice, but that's nothing to write home about. Megalovania especially is overrated and utterly boring.

user thats most of the soundtracks. What was the last time you've listened some sweet megaman osts?

Show me one trap/tranny with thighs like THIS

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>get cool melodies stuck in my head alot of the time
>have no fucking clue how to work a music program

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There's lots of people who didn't get popular with their first work.

I mean, I do have a lot of game osts and tracks that I listened more than one or three times at least. with UT I literally gave it a look at some tracks a single time, which was when I first played it.

from relative normalcy
it's as simple as this. some people are just screwed over by life and can't force themselves

isn't this temmie?

isn't that toby foxes gf?

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Nice try.

Tutorials, nigger.

Hope you're at least recording yourself humming them or something, lest you forget

This isn't entirely true. You can teach writing melody. It just takes learning Schenkerian analysis and applying structure and prolongation to your melodies. Of course, they don't usually teach Schenker until grad school. Structural Hearing by Salzer is a life changing book.

hey dude if you post it here i'll probably not see it... but if i do i will buy it.

this is actually a message to all Yea Forums devs, i WILL buy your game if i know that it came from here.

Where's your album bro?

That's a cool support user, but I will never post my game on Yea Forums. It's a not a good thing being forever associated with this place.

>tfw the 1st place winner in the global shonen jump one-shot contest was some dude from /ic/ and he won $10,000 and was assigned an editor, all just from some fun little idea for a manga he had in one thread that he eventually built upon for the contest
It's never too late and that just because you go on Yea Forums doesn't mean you're "too far gone" already.
Reminder that anyone here including you could be the next Toby Fox or big shonen jump mangaka. Keep doing what you love.

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i like bottom right's design!

Sure, if you're working on a pokemon hack in 2019. But an Earthbound hack in 2008? Definitely not.

Also gamedev is more than just programming, user. Games have multiple aspects that have to be worked on.


Honestly I don't really have toby as an inspiration myself but thanks user.

Is there a point to me being to proud to use Kikestarter and Jewtreon? It seems like free money from retards. I don't even have to deliver anything, I can just make promises and idiots will pay me.

What if I want to be like the Hollow Knight devs though?

do it nigga
pointlessly convoluted lore like in TES and homestuck (first two i could think of pls no bully) are my shit, and i enjoy me a good platnum-esque button mashing stylish action

>I don't even have to deliver anything
ahahahahahaha imagine thinking this. You're fucked if you do that

You're a good user, user.

How are they?

why the fuck did i not think of that

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I keep forgetting how convoluted homestuck is. I guess there is a market for it after all.

Not him, but I've been doing that a lot lately. Good thing I've always loved humming and beatboxing since I was a kid.

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>want to make something
>don't wanna go to school for it just to make a passion project
>too dumb and impatient to self teach

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They seem to be in good spirits busy with Hornet's game.

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very cute

Why, just out of curiosity

hey you
post something from that passion project you've been working on or thinking about

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>Wasting my neetdom browsing this website 10 hours a day

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>what's your exuse?
I didn't like his game. It's ugly

>wasting all my free time browsing this website

Toby worked in a project I never really would be that interesting in doing which explains why it isn't inspirational for me. The fact that he's rich and got on top for it doesn't mean aything. It's like saying I am inspired by any rich person because of they money and popularity with something I would never have interest in doing.

It's a passion project yes, but this is the last place I would post about it.

And written even worse.

I'm sure a lot of you guys would be cool but any asshole could serp in and take your shit.


I don't want to be anything like that faggot

I don't have autism bucks from Homestuck's fanbase to carry me. This nigga was set the moment he had opened that kickstarter.

Punished user has seen so many traps and trannies that he doesnt believe in women anymore

im a retard, tranny, i hate myself, i am a brainlet and no creativity, energy, or redeeming qualities, and im physically unable to create something remotely decent.

as boring of a game as X and Y were, I give them the benefit of having good music

He's an example of someone who's actually fit to be the "ideas guy"

You are a moron

Toby being an excellent ideas-guy is actually why I have a lot of faith in Deltarune, even if he hires complete randos to help him develop it. He knows exactly how he wants his game to go to lead up to that fever-dream ending he wants. I imagine if he caught one of his devs dicking about or injecting their own things without his approval he'd quickly nix them from the project's development.

Are you really this fucking stupid

>met the Pope
>decided his own game was the most important thing he could gift

Holy shit the arrogance. And people lap up his "humble" schtick. Goddamn what an awful fake he is.

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Wasn't it MattPat that gave the Pope a Steam key for Undertale as a gift

hes bright talented and optimist hard worker
im not.

that wasn't Toby who did that

MatPat met the Pope. I'm halfway convinced you know this too. Fuck off.

I am not naive enough to believe in the flase narrative that toby is this humble good hearted and kind dindu the fans make him out to be but this whole thing was made by a shitty youtuber, not him.

ITT: A bunch of sour talentless fucks who rather than go out and learn how to make their own thing literally spent a thread telling each other someone elses game was shit


Fucking CLASSIC Yea Forums

But you are here too

how do i transition between a normal chord and a barre chord on guitar without making it sound like shit

i dont have art for it outside of a few mediocre sprites I threw together years ago

pretty much all my work in it is pages upon pages of writing and worldbuilding

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Generally better to stick with open chords or barre chords. The reason that it sounds like shit is because you're changing voicings drastically. That is to say: the voice leading isn't smooth. Basically you want to try and move the shortest distance between notes in a chord (usually). You can break this rule for effect.

It really was tho.

Make something better

these look really good, but I fear these character drawing styles clash a bit

Irrelevent to any criticism of Undertale. You can tell your baker's bread tastes like dogshit without baking your own. It's the more family-friendly version of ""defending"" games by saying "b-but others games are worse!".

Imagine paying money for a game that is nothing but old Yea Forums memes, and ends with you fucking a goat.

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You don't need to be a chef to know when someone burnt the roast. Keep eating shit.

3.5 million is very high for an indie, especially for a game that looks like it does and is turn based, some AAA only sell that much as well.

What game can this work for?

I decided to delay my passion project until I'm good enough to make it, instead I'm making an RTS in order to train my coding skills and well everything else.

It outsold DMC5 and RE2 with 1/400 of the budget.

Based user actually doing training projects with the end goal of using his experience with his magnum opus.
You can do it, user.

Thanks lad, best of luck to you too.

"That's it?" What the fuck are you smoking, that's pretty good by any metric that isn't AAA Hollywood-like development.

>that in just 10 years
You can go to college and get a PhD in ten years.

Luckless,Talentless,Uninspire,Lazy and let be honest here I already accept the out come of my life so it wouldn't change anything anyway

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Me? Talent? With this face? What a joke.

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Why did you get into a panic over music? There are plenty of games that just use purchased stock music.

Monster Girl Quest for example didn't have an original piece in it.

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I gave up my hopes and dreams years ago and threw them in the garbage.

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If you speak whiteflag play AĂ«demphia senpaitachi, the creator has been at it for like a decade now. Really good RPG that looks amazing and plays great. Game's not fully done, but you can play the demo, which is at least as good as many (good) finished games already.
You can also lez one of the characters.

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Link? What the story is about?

>If you assume twice as many pirated
thats extremely low, most games are about 10 times as pirates

Are you implying that the one on the right is a dude?
Looks like a lady to me

That's even better for them. Things like that are very popular.

bottom middle's milkies makes me want to jerk off hard

I don't have a pre-existing fanbase from a webcomic and multiple romhacks, or any pre-existing skills?

>I am not naive enough to believe in the flase narrative that toby is this humble good hearted and kind dindu the fans make him out to be
He isn't. He was a member of smnet's secret cliques. He's well meaning but has no issue fucking with people for a laugh.


I dropped out of pharmacy school and started taking classes for a bachelor's degree in computer science during the summer so that I could make my own game and become a success like Toby.

Whether it works out like that or not, as long as I don't have to go back to pharmacy school then I don't give a flying fuck about how badly my game fails.

He was also Hussie's whipping boy. He's not some nobody who got lucky.
Girl MC gets isekai'd from her garbage world. Ends up isekai'd again afterwards as she was leading a revolution against a local tyrant. Eventually she goes back to both worlds she got booted out of though, and forth, and back, you get it. A lot of the scenario is about shady power figures. The story is interesting and good, though nothing groundbreaking, and not the main dish of the game. Characters do shine though, really liked them. Aredas is a damn Chad.
Sidequest writing is very good. It's pretty varied and you can play a lot of them as a (sometimes genocidal) scumbag. Has some genuinely touching stuff too if you go for it.

Hussie ended up his whipping boy.

The true indie king.

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Good luck Yea Forumsrother.

pokemon is already a rip off of shin megami tensei

Do you have a gamedev blog? I'll follow your progress, make one now!
Same goes for any other one man army user here, post them, let's get some hustle.

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Godspeed, I truly hope you make it.

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Post blog, I'll write music for your game, as long as I have references for the kinda thing you want. I'm good, too.

>code is awful

Now, you've made the classic non-developer mistake of confusing process and quality.

The code
>does everything it was designed to do,
>without bugs or crashes,
>at a performant pace, and
>never once was on my mind during the gameplay because everything just werks.

ANY code that accomplishes all of the above( accomplishes intended goals, is performant, just werks) is good code, even if it'd benefit from a refactor so other programmers can read it more easily.

Inb4 Zoe landwhale will try and kill this guy.


It's better to think Undertale was an effortless product that he just scrapped together so they can see themselves in Toby and keep up the fantasy that they're ever going to see the same success from bare minimum.

dont know where to start

I honestly don't envy or care about him, regardless of my opinion about the game. Saying that for myself at least.

i cant draw or program. I can write stories though, as I've won a bunch of competitions and have has my short fiction published in magazines.

Why do you say things like this without posting any proof

>has his creation in smash
Smash has lost its touch when they added irrelevant characters like Cloud or Bayonetta.
At this rate shit like Goku or Shrek in smash are more likely than ever

I don't really want to money or popularity like undertale have achieved and other indies. What I want the most is my game being an influence for other indie games. That's actually harder but I am confident.

>What I want the most is my game being an influence for other indie games.

Because it means that you really did something that was that good to someone that they got inspired to turn their project in reality. There's nothing more meaningful than that. Money and popularity are good but not top priority for me. I have seen that games like LISA inspired other devs into doing rpgs inspired by the game and that's how I actually would want to be like.

Its much easier to inspire other game devs than make actual fans, I'm a shit game dev and I get other game devs looking to me for inspiration all the time even if I never actually finish anything

post it

I would agree with you if I haven't seen so many popular games that have no games inspired by them. I can understand by inspiring in attitude but what I am looking forward is the inspiration showing in the actual game, like being graphics, writing and etc

Andrew? Andrew Hussie? Is that you?
Andrew, I can't and won't make this any simpler for you.

You failed at life. You failed. When one thinks of what man is capable of, pushing himself to the limits physically, mentally and emotionally to achieve heights of success never before mentioned, your name will not be whispered in the same, reverent fashion that others have.

Nobody will remember Andrew Hussie. You aren't even a header or a footer in the career of someone else. You are nobody. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

In short, you are an enormous failure.

Andrew, being that you're about 35 years old and your brain has probably hard-wired itself to accept such failures by now and write off such criticism by being "flippant", really suggests that you've passed beyond the proverbial breaking-point. There's no turning back. This is your career, this is what defines you and this is what you'll defend to the end.

The abhorrent failure that is MS Paint Comics, Andrew Hussie, that is your legacy.

Maybe I'm over-reaching, however. Who knows? People CAN change. Maybe you'll read this, Andrew, and think long and hard about what a wasteful life you've led. Maybe you'll think, "wow. It's incredible just how abysmal and pathetic I really AM!" Maybe you'll lift some weights in the morning. Maybe you'll take a self-help class.

Maybe in a couple of years, Andrew, you'll have learned from this failure. I doubt it, though.

I genuinely doubt it.

Now excuse me, I have to work on Deltarune. My accountant estimates over sixty million dollars in sales.

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>I would agree with you if I haven't seen so many popular games that have no games inspired by them
I think you just arent looking hard enough

I literally follow gamedev tags in social networks, sites like and even personal sites, I don't know where else could I look at

whats a popular game that doesnt have a million amateurs trying to make bad knockoffs?

I don't have an excuse. After sans got confirmed for Smash, I cut away the last of my inhibitions and got started on my game. I have my game dev doc finished and while it's going to be in RPG Maker, I still have faith this game can and will be both fun and worth the time while offering a fun and unique experience as a JRPG.

Any coding experience I have is negligible. I'm learning as I go. I have a decent understanding of how RPG maker's logic works and have begun implementing different little features and prototypes of the mechanics I want in the game one by one, testing them, so I can verify they can be done, then moving on to the next.

Today I took a break from that to focus on making some character sprites. I have finished two of the playable characters, and started on a third.

Toby has inspired me enough to really go for it this time. I'm going to win.

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guacamelee and GRIS

Imagine being motivated by having your character included in Nintendo's circlejerk game

Be honest: you arent going to make it. Give up.

He actually can’t draw for shit. Temmie is there for that.

If money and popularity is the main reason you got into game dev then I have bad news for you.


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Imagine being such a doomer that you only have negative things to say in the face of someone being MOTIVATED.

You're losers and will remain losers because of your own mindsets and no one else will be to blame.

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I have been making games for decades, I am calling your motivation weak and pathetic, because that's what it is

Most things on the game-development generals never get past conceptual phases, but anons have had good ideas get off the ground before. Quit being a fag.

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Go for it user.
Depending on which maker you're using, there are scripts out there which people have made which you can use for free, even in commercial use of you give the creator credit, go look them up.
Otherwise, some words of advice:
Create resources as you go. No need to waste work manhours on assets that won't be used later on.
Have your battle system dialed in before you even make a map. Get whatever CBS you want, create all the classes/characters you will need and then some, make some enemies to test combat at higher levels and play test the hell out of it.
Use events for most things. Don't entirely rely on scripts because events are compatible with all scripts. I wanted to make a game with limited inventory and crafting and the two scripts clashed because the craft script called an unlimited inventory.
Don't give up.

Dude, you literally are going to work on your game just because a character got in smash.

nice bait

If you actually made games for decades then you'd either support him or are so far up your ass you're not even worth listening too. Scream at the wall.

Why would I support someone with a weak motivation? Strongly motivated people are self-motivated people. Being motivated by the success of others, especially something so fucking stupid as SANS IN SMASH is taking you nowhere


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They could be testing him. If a couple of shitposters are enough to kill his drive then they won before the fight even started.

Motivation can come from anywhere is is equally valuable regardless of source as long as the person commits to the end. This is actually an objective truth and any argument against will simply be seen as jealousy, elitism, or some other form of antagonistic pressure. Your posts will only serve to further push people who actually are serious anyway.

>I've been making games for decades
Don't make me laugh. You don't know me and if you think projecting the way you see the world onto other people gives you some kind of crystal ball into how they'll turn out on their own, no amount of decades will make up for your own close mindedness.

You don't understand the grander implications. Some out of nowhere guy made a game that got such acclaim that he's had the ultimate success story that has, most recently, landed his character in Smash Bros, something that not even Suda51 can swing no matter how much he begs Sakurai. What an honor. If you can't be inspired by someone's success, you're just negative.

I don't need your support. I was answering the OP, nothing more. Just because an event kicked me in gear doesn't make my motivation any less meaningful. I was spurred on to start. Are not heroes the inspiration for many of humanity's greatest accomplishments? Toby Fox is an Indie hero.

how can people make a living off drawings when the competence is inmense

Ignore those fags, nothing they say will hold any weight anyway. Make us proud user.

>Motivation can come from anywhere is is equally valuable regardless of source
It's like watching one of those self-help videos that gets you pumped up in the moment but it doesn't actually amount to anything. Weak motivation

That is not for you to decide you gatekeeping shitlord.

You say that like it's an opinion and not a fact

Thanks bro, I appreciate it. I only came onto Yea Forums today to take a break from the project in the first place as I wind down for bed. It's really fun to make it and so far everything works for the most part.

Biggest hurdle will be tilesets and some of the more abstract code challenges ahead. I wrote the premise for the game some two months ago in the form of a story, but then connected the dots in my head to make it fun as a game.

Look pal, I get it. You think you're right because you saw a bunch of low effort bums say "I wanna make games!" and then back off as soon as they got into the actual process.

I've only been getting more and more into it as I go. I don't expect to quit because working on it is actually enjoyable. The only reason I won't be working on it more is because I have other responsibilities during the week.

Your negativity made me a bit bummed at first, but then I realized that you probably got this way because of experience with other people. So I'll say thanks for affirming my resolve by telling me I won't do it.

>Look pal, I get it. You think you're right because you saw a bunch of low effort bums say "I wanna make games!" and then back off as soon as they got into the actual process.
No, I just think your motivation is weak, that isn't personal projection
It means nothing unless it comes from within yourself and you don't need any "resolve"

>I do think that working on anything from comics to vidya to videos is a good idea. Doing something creative/practicing a skill in spare time makes time spent playing games seem less wasted desu.
But how do I bridge that gap of not having enough skill to creatively express myself and losing creativity because of it? It's a struggle, man. I really want to do something but I just get turned off so hard when I fail at it.

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good luck Doc

That's just a difference of philosophies.
How many games of yours were finished? Were they flash games?

Give me a yuri mode/route and I will now back your Kikestarter.

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>That's just a difference of philosophies.
It really isn't, do a study on it if you want and you'll see that it's true, real motivation is self-motivation
Although I don't want to shit on anyone for trying to make a game

>How many games of yours were finished? Were they flash games?
3 games and no

No game dev blog?

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Temmie is unironically a cute person in both appearance and personality. She seems very nice and easy to get along with. I wish I could become her friend.

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top middle and top right are yuri, but to balance things out, middle left and middle right are yaoi.

Thanks. MV, so there's a lot already available. My plan is, aside from my 100% locked in player character assets, to just use placeholders for everything and get the game functionally how I want it. I've listed out my classes and skills and such in the GDD, so I have my blueprint I'm following as opposed to making it up as I go.

squidward tentacles has all the talent

oh my goodness user that's fantastic!!! I love it!!! and unfortunately no, not yet as I haven't actually been motivated to start the game, but I really want to get things going soon. I have a passion in my heart. And seeing things like this is surely motivational as well!!!!

I can be satisfied with that, but there is always room for improvement.

Now where do I have to go to give you money

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I am looking forward for it. I am really glad to hear that it could help you get motivated.

>Not just shitting out the next Flappy Bird craze
We're Doing it wrong

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How do I check other threads in this website?

How charismatic must this guy be?, he literally played with Sakurai's in his house and made his way into Ultimate.

click on catalog, on the top or bottom of the page.

Motivation is pathetically weak by default, because it fades. Discipline and perseverance is the real shit.

When Toby breaks into your house and demands something, you listen. he can't be stopped.

Ugly weirdo cunt.

I'd like to make an android game for normies but I can't draw and I'm to lazy to learn how to program. Perhaps some day..


take ur meds

>bubsy 3d's single fan stopped making videos

My computer's shitty
I'm aiming to do what he did too though (not another Undertale, mind you, it is still an RPG, but with DQ mechanics and Xenoblade flavor, in 2D)

I'm doing engineering first and then I'll take classes to become a pro gamedev.
Of course I'll start developing the game like Toby, with 0 experience. I might need music like this:

if it was easy to just throw your ideas at the computer but no. you need years of learning/grinding boring ass shit just to make something then you need to be extremely lucky if you want a decent return

I want to fuck Toby.

Pretty much, the anime bullshit allowed it to flourish in japan while the shitty humor and reltationship stuff had tumblr and streamers sucking its dick.

>0 gamedev or coding experience
15+ years of making music and writing stories/dialogue

Where's all the shitty uninspired Undertale knockoffs? It's been 4 years you'd think there'd be a bunch out already.

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I just got back on the writing horse and cranked out an outline for the first two chapters of a new visual novel within the last day.
Can't remember how long it's been since I've been this motivated, only hope that it carries through before my well dries up and I trash it like my other two VNs.
Killing games are hard to write

>in just 10 years

Imagine being a guy that made a game inspired by SMT and Earthbound and you not only become a indie success, your music and character as a costume get put in a game with the characters from the games you were inspired.

That and one of the most cringe-inducing fandoms since 2015 that you can ignore but...

Hopefully he doesn’t become a one hit wonder like the guy who made LISA: The Painful.

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Maybe because they're "Undertale" fans and not Toby Fox worshippers?

Stop sucking his dick already op. Undertale was trash and you know it. The only good thing it had was the music and shmup style combat.

guacamelee IS an amateur knockoff in itself, user

Instead of killing the enemy incels, sjw faggots are killing themselves. Damn this shit is so funny.

>He's some random young adult who is now working with gamefreak to make music for their game
Really nigga? That's all it takes for you to think somebody is a genius?

I have no creative direction and a master's degree to work on. Higher education is the only thing with arguable worth I have in my life.

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>or Deltarune.

Earthbound romhacks are still a nightmare to do. More so when Toby was making them.

t. tried making one last year

why the fuck do you pretend to know what you're talking about you fucking retard?

He used game maker, most of the groundwork was already done.

Now, what's your excuse?


wtf is that grad schooler trash?

Bootstraps, my firend. Ever heard of them?



Mediocre or not, at least he did something. Not everything you make has to be perfect, especially when you're 15.

Too bad Lisa isn't a good video game.

i don't have any writing skill and all i know how to do is to 3D Model. i'd be better off in some office making CAD shit, and would probably enjoy it more.

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I don't believe that its going to last. I can see it waning even today, only major recognition it gets now is meme fame for Sans, especially with his Smash shit. Give it a couple years and it'll fall back.

>Undertale is SJW
Bullshit. Toby is based and you know it. It was Tumblur latching onto the game that caused it's fan base to spiral out of control. If anything now that Tumblur is dead the Undertale fandom is a hell of a lot more chill now.