Im tired of all your shitty japanese and fighting game threads. Happy 5th birthday to the most pleb filter game ever...

Im tired of all your shitty japanese and fighting game threads. Happy 5th birthday to the most pleb filter game ever. Seriously, if you werent there in Destiny 1 year 2, you can't talk shit.

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Other urls found in this thread:

what's that fidget spinner thing supposed to be

>pleb filter
>plays shooters on a console

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I miss year 1

Year 1 was great as well, but nothing beats the age of triumph from summer year 3.

Absolutely based and Destinypilled. The only game I can stomach playing nowadays, ironically.

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>The game is going to be 100% free on PS4 thanks to New Light
Microsoft really needs to steal that shit for the next console

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user.. Its going to be free on Ps4, Xbox, and Pc

it's free on all consoles snoyboy

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I didn't play Destiny 1 purely because it wasn't on PC
Destiny 2 is pretty fun, dunno if i'm going to buy shadowkeep but I had fun with forsaken.

>What is Xbox Live

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>what is psplus

Not required for Free To Play games, retard

>what is pc

Also xbox live is constantly on sale lol, 2 bucks rn.

>hurr but its just $2
Do you not understand what 100% means, you fucking clown?

You can still play its singleplayer without xbox live. So your'e wrong, and also Its still free on pc so, just admit youre wrong user.

>No Raids
>No Strikes
>No Crucible
>i-i-its the same game
I never said it wasnt going to be 100% Free on PC, whats it like being mentally challenged?

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Destiny is unironically in the best place it's ever been in D2 Y2 and soon Y3. We're also pretty much going from Destiny's Rivendell with Forsaken to Mordor with Shadowkeep.

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Youur argument was that the game wont be free at all for xbox. It is, How broke are you user.

D2 is in a pretty decent spot now too. It's catastrophically stupid that they basically had to go "yeah we'll go back to the way we did it in D1" for two years to get it there, but there's a shiiiiiit ton of content now.

So are they gonna drop the price of Forsaken once the game comes to steam?

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Its 100% free for 20% of the game, whereas its 100% free for 100% of the game on PS4.
I bet you're just swimming in money being legitimately illiterate with the reading comprehension of a four year old, though.

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$25, that also comes with all Black Armory + Drifter + Opulence content.


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Yes user, and the 3 dlcs that came after forsaken will be free in october when you buy forsaken, so dont get confused and buy the annual pass for year 2, just buy forsaken.

>tfw hearing the original title theme again

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>Pleb filter

You're right, it does let me filter out all the brainwashed plebs who give Bungie every excuse and benefit of the doubt possible, every time they release new content, for years on end.

>Destiny launches content
Guys, the game is in the best state it's ever been! Bungie is listening!

>2 weeks pass
Guys, the game is in the worst state it's ever been, Bungie is ruining this game!

Repead ad Infinitum with a 30$+ price tag each time, no less. I suppose this is par for the course for retards who play live service/MMO type games but I came from Halo, and Destiny doesn't live up in any way, shape, or form.

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Thanks m8

Step it up /m/.

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Sony doesn't charge a subscription fee to play the f2p games. They know their demographic cant afford it. Also Sony doesn't take EBT.

Isn't the moon more like Moria than Mordor? Save Mordor for the evil space doritos if they ever arrive.

Sorry, but Destiny year 3 in spring was better than any halo game. Yea I wont argue that its a high risk game with the bs that somtimes plagues it, but buying the game when its in its cheapest forms is a high reward. For example in year 3 the game with all of its expansions was only 60$, or right now with new light you can pay for which ever content that you want.

This is why I stopped playing Destiny 2. When I realised they were doing the same shit they did with the first one I quit.

This game fucking sucks and you consolefags are arguing over nothing. Especially you holier-than-thou snoybois.

Destiny 1 had a botched launch and failed to live up to its potential. It got very slightly incrementally better the more money you dumped into it. Bungie lied about countless things. But at least the music was good and the art style was beautiful. At least there was something to remember, buried in that sad hollow shell of a game.

D2 botched the launch once again, had shitty DLC's, and even further shitty DLC's that seem to equivalate grinding checklists and repeating old content = worthy paid content. The music isn't as good and the art style is terrible. No thanks.

And the worst part is, all these shortcomings and greedy practices aren't even Activision's fault, it's all on bungie. It's like the notorious halo 2 development days except instead of pulling everything together last minute they just said "fuck it, they'll buy it anyway" and they were right, sadly.

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You type like a retard.

I once met a guy who recited lines from that cringy robot named Cade or whatever with all the jokes about loot and shit. It was at a gamestop.

We've already seen every single thing this franchise would possibly deliver. Every new content iteration is just a rehash of the former one with the same gear treadmill. They're gonna yank yet another major villain out of their asses then you're gonna play through the campaign where you conveniently come out on top always and then you're gonna run strikes to gear up and then you're gonna go to the raid. At the raid you're gonna have to dance the macarena while spinning counterclockwise on one foot while hoola hooping, singing the national anthem backwards skipping every 3rd vowel while fisting your own ass with your left hand and typing an essay on feminism with your right one. Then one of your teammates will do something wrong and you're gonna repeat this until everyone manages to fulfill the completely arbitrary ritual so you can shoot big bad for 10 seconds and repeat. Then you beat the raid and keep gearing up for no reason at all whatsoever other than staying in this pointless loot until the next piece of content drops.

It was great during year 1, with the vault of glass being the only good raid they made, then year 2 raid design went downhill with needless bloat that makes these "raids" feel more like you're going through a tv show with arbitrary minigames every 5 steps, which made them a complete fucking chore to replay. There was no focus whatsoever on the actual shooting part and it stayed that way until now and peaked on garbage TV show minigame design with the Leviathan. Exploring the Dreadnaught was also fun and they've been trying to rehash that feeling ever since but the entire novelty of it is already gone.

Destiny 1 was a must-play and that was it. This franchise doesn't have anything new to show and is already stale and predictable as fuck.

>Literally Ever
Holy shit kill yourself. It's fucking pathetic that you would ever spend money on Bungie. Shall I go down the fucking list of bullshit?
>$400 UP TO NOW
>TDB, HoW, RoI, CoO, Warmind

Seriously, neck yourself OP, and please feel free to try and shoot up Bungie studios while you are at it. Fuck you all, you ruined gaming.

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why you didn't assault him on the spot is beyond me. Fucking go to him and beat his shit in or just fucking neck yourself faggot.

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>D1Y3 better than any halo
I don't see how that is.

Personally, destiny's PvP has never been fun for me. It feels like an afterthought. In Halo it's a full fledged experience with tons of customizable modes, balanced sandbox, map editor, theater mode, tons of vehicles. In destiny the best you get is some maps made out of cut content assets so they're visually different than the other maps made out of patrol area assets. And the balance is a clusterfuck, everyone gets 3 guns, everyone can fly, everyone has super moves and perks and stats. RPG and PvP FPS aren't meant to mix.

The story, no. The story is nothing close to any halo. You run through the ""open world"" parts in most missions and then slightly branch off to new mission areas, but nothing really happens. The enemy ai is terrible and uninteresting to fight. You never get to use special vehicles, basically only once or twice during a whole campaign. Story is delivered in the form of characters talking over a radio. Taken King and rise of iron combined probably take 5 hours to run through, max.

The raids and strikes are where the game shines, I admit that. Exploring and pushing into uncharted hostile territory with your friends is fun. These are the parts most similar to halo campaign missions. Highly linear and scripted yet more fun than aimlessly shooting enemies in "open world" sections otherwise.

Speaking of open world, it doesn't deserve to be called that because you don't explore anything. The maps are all tiny and you're expected to keep going there hundreds if not thousands of times. I'm certain my backyard is larger than destiny patrol areas.

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I disagree with you heavily on the VOG being the only good raid. Kings fall had great mechanincs, golgorth and Oryx both had high intesity moments that gave you a rush. Wrath of the machine was ok. I agree with you on leviathan, but The last wish raid is on par with VOG and Kings fall. Doing riven legit is really fun, and also the shuro chi encounter with the plate mechanics, But.. Youre wrong on your first point. There is still one last adventure left in this franchise that has been building up for the past 5 years. The actual darkness, I agree that this past 2 years of destiny has been filler, but I know itll go out with a bang when the darkness arrives.

How badly have they raped the lore now?

>Destiny gameplay
>EVER good
Absolutely fucking pathetic. I bet before destiny you were playing with literal shit weren't you? Maybe you should go back to your toilet sandbox, it's a step up from what you played.

>Pleb filter looter shooter
>Not warframe
I've never seen more autism and system fucking than Warbros.

What's lore?

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I dunno where you got that idea, my whole post is Shitting on the game. I hate destiny for how shallow it is and what huge missed potential it is.


It was never good, literal bottom of the barrel garbage.

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>bland disappointment that took 3 expansions to have just enough content to be considered a full game
>it's sequel that was an even harsher disappointment that nobody even bothered defending
I'm going to make a dozen jrpg waifu-bait threads just for you user

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>He thinks that light criticism isn't close to defending the game
AHAHAHAHAAAAAA How have you not ended yourself dude. You need to VEHEMENTLY wish for the death of anyone associated with Destiny or you just aren't criticising it enough. Where to fuck has your mentally retarded brain been living under?

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If you buy the shadowkeep preorder do you get all previous expansions like WoW or do you have to buy every single one?


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You’re right, this whole game was a pile of shit ever since they chose to side with the jewlords at Activision and make the game into a shitty mmo.

No you stupid faggot. You have to buy the base game, dlcs 1&2, Foreskin, Season pass AND ShadowShart. Or you could just eat a bullet, that works to you worthless waste of space.

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This is exactly what the trailer was for Destiny 2, that meme robot standing on a stage and yelling shit like that. Almost as annoying as claptrap.

Stupid wanna be boomer. I can tell youre a zoomer just by you posting a fucking pro jared picture, let me tear you fucking down
Nah, subjective
The gunplay is literally one of the best in fps rn
>>$400 UP TO NOW
The game is literally a live service, and that point is irrelevant now with new light
Ill give you these
>>TDB, HoW, RoI, CoO, Warmind
HoW, RoI" and Warmind were literally good what the fuck are you on about, wrath of the machine was awesome and had a killer fucking soundtrack, Trials of osiris with HoW was godly fun
This is fucking bullshit and you know it, stop peddaling bullshit to convince yourself that you're right
Fixed, and even then they were still incredibly easy to get
Its so easy to get brightdust, do you even play the game?
First off, they are removing events, not full expansions, you want to know why? Its almost a 200gb fucking game retard, be realistic
Again peddaling bullshit to be right, you can buy ranks 2 weeks BEFORE the season ends, and seasons last for about 4 months retard, you think concurrent players will receieve a disadvantege? No, itll help players with not enough time on their hands and willing to pay for what they want

Youre such a fucking sheep, you dont even play the game, you watch yongyea and all those shitty youtubers and think you know shit about the game, kindly fuck off you stupid fuck.

Bungie Bungie Bungie! I love Bungie hehehe it's soooo fun to shooted the aliens hebehebahahahahh!!!! Mommy gives me good boy points to buy more sound for Bungie gaymeeee hehehehe

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Give me a quick rundown on this
I read some shit about Destiny 2 customization going full kike
Is that true or did they change it?

Imagine a grown man typing like this


Not even him but Destiny 2 is an absolute pile of shit and I’m sorry you’ve wasted so many hours of your life on it.

Uh what? Where did you read that bs. In october itll be the best its ever been in the franchise, thats one of the main focuses for the new dlc.

Destiny 1 got by on it's charm. For me, at least. The pulpy yet thoughtful lore and the overall unmatched visual design had me hooked for what was essentially more of a concept than a fleshed out idea. The Destiny franchise itself being that very concept.
I'll have fond memories for a long time of watching hour long videos just pouring over pre-release information for this game; just letting the fantasy of it all capture my young mind then.

5 years later and the same enemies fail to excite the imagination as they did when they were fresh, which of course, makes sense. It's simply upsetting that Bungie got into a routine of not taking risks with Destiny

It’s always been full kike, it’s Activision.

2 gets rid of all the “w

>Kings fall had great mechanincs

They had fuckall good mechanics. All they did was plaster some completely arbitrary nonsense that made no fucking sense at all whatsoever all so they could gatekeep when you could shoot big bad and artificially pad out the difficulty of the raid. All the vault of glass mechanics were actually considerate of the lore and integrated well with the core gameplay of a fucking shooter, instead of that absolute retardation that was the Oryx fight with the most fucking random minigames they could possibly pull out of their asses.

Even the little stealth section on VoG was justified by the lore because the gorgon could literally delete your existence with a thought. So was its "grab shiny thingy to shoot big bad" justified because it was the relic left by Kabr to shine Light inside the darkness of the vault.

Skip over to Oryx and you're lighting up some retarded pillars that were put there for no fucking reason at all, then a bunch of platforms that also exist for no fucking reason appear in the air arbitrarily so you can get a ball that is up there god knows what for, then you have to shoot some big black balls in a certain order for a reason nobody knows and keep doing stupid shit like until you can shoot the boss.

NONE of the mechanics since the Oryx raid have made any fucking sense whatsoever. They are completely arbitrary, counterintuitive and they have been increasing their vagueness all so they can get shill articles out there about how OMG IT'S BEEN 23984732984372 HOURS AND NOBODY HAS MANAGED TO BEAT THE NEW SHITTY UNINSPIRED RAID BECAUSE OF THE AMOUNT OF ARBITRARY COCKBLOCKS THEY'VE PUT IN PLACE, WOW DESTINY REALLY IS SO HARDCORE AMIRITE?!

Just because you've put a billion and one randomly specific obstacles between me shooting and the boss dying doesn't mean you've made something good. If you've failed to properly integrate them with the actual game you're just creating nonsense for the sake of padding.

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Been there since D1 Y1

D2 Y2 started out really fucking rough, then it sorta came into it's own. Worried for Shadowkeep though

The base game and the 1st 2 dlcs will be free on october, the 60$ shadow keep comes with all that i said plus the annual pass for year 3. Now forsaken which is the year 2 big expansion will be 25$ and the annual pass for it(3 dlcs) will be free with it. If i were you i would just buy the 40$ shadowkeep expansion. You dont need forsaken and the y2 annual pass, unless you enjoy shadowkeep and want more destiny content.

Can you stop with the bs info? The base game and the 1st 2 dlcs are literally free and you dont have to buy all the dlcs to play come october.

Is this thread even bait at this point?

Idk where you got the impression that it ever went to shit. The whole dredgen yor and shin malphur storyline is great, and so is the stuff with the drifter and the incoming darkness.

I can't even remember a single fucking line from Cayde and I played this franchise since it's grueling, unfortunate birth.

>Nah, subjective

>The gunplay is literally one of the best in fps rn

>The game is literally a live service, and that point is irrelevant now with new light
Doesn't change the fact Tards have spent $400 on a beta test and destiny 1.3

>Ill give you these
I'll give you a fucking noose to hang yourself with bungietards

>HoW, RoI" and Warmind were literally good what the fuck are you on about,
Oh so you really are genuinely mentally handicapped. I genuinely apologize for my insults.

>This is fucking bullshit and you know it, stop peddaling bullshit to convince yourself that you're right
Pinnacles, Recluse, Mountaintop, WoW, 1k Voices. Shut the fuck up faggot, you can get bullshit, meta good weapons that non top 20% can get. And go fuck yourself if you want to raid and don't have these items kid.

>Fixed, and even then they were still incredibly easy to get
Still happened retard, shit fucking does not fly, and will never be forgiven. Kind of like how I'll never forgive you for breathing the same air as me even after you fucking neck yourself.

>Its so easy to get brightdust, do you even play the game?

>First off, they are removing events, not full expansions, you want to know why?
"Be realistic" Yea fuck you nigger, I PAY TO PLAY SOMETHING, which means I am ENTITLED to PLAY THE FUCKING THING, GIGABYTES BE DAMNED FAGGOT. Get a bigger hard drive.

>Again peddaling bullshit to be right, you can buy ranks 2 weeks BLABLA

Activision isnt even partnered with bungie anymore, it stopped in feb of this year lmao.

>Destiny thread

Damn nice to see but pretty unexpected. Game is great, anxiously waiting for the expansion. Post raifu

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Not that bungles has removed the fucking game form the store. They will happily slurp up any retards cash who doesn't understand this yet.

And no fuck you, I'll make the game look as bad as I want nigger, I GENUINELY don't give a two flying fucks how many lies and truth stretches I have to make. I WANT YOU PATHETIC NOBODIES TO LIVESTREAM YOUR SUICIDE. You retards have ruined the games industry, Jim Sterling and Yahtzee taught me this.

destiny is absolutely the most pleb-filter game out there. it's so amazingly awful that you instantly know that anyone that plays it is a giga-casual know-nothing shit taste dicklord.
i'll never forget buying it on day one and the slow realization that the game was actually a complete piece of shit and that i'd been had.
destiny 2 was more of the same. they said
>hey guys we put lots of story into the game now so its a real game ok?
then the same shit happens in the end game. dogshit garbage dailies like
>suck three cocks on planet C for some mats
and you STILL cant matchmake raids. that wwas the most egregious shit ever. you cant even play the game without going on a forum or whatever. pathetic doesnt even begin to describe destiny. it's the biggest pile of cunt released in the last ten years.

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My favorite raifu is the exotic shotgun that you suckle on the barrel before you book your brains out Happy hunting user

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I like walking around the pretty environments and raiding with my clan every few weeks, you guys should try having friends it's a blast.

This thread made me uninstall, thanks

I think we can all agree that Destiny is a great pleb filter, yes

Lmao why would I ever want to surround myself with retards lie you have? Oh wait I know, it's because I'm not a fuckin retard who plays destiny, am I?

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Don't tell me what to do, user

I lost that picture

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I said post RAIFUS

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Imagine spending dozens of hours a week completing repetitive, mundane tasks for months/years without being paid for it. Destiny is like a magnet for sad people whose lives are empty without being given a hamster wheel to spin forever.

imagine playing Destiny games lmfao

fuck off back to /vg/ you skinner box comebrains lmao

>mfw all these haters will never experience sparrow racing in scourge of the past with friends, or raiding, or all the fun you can have in destiny

Why are you in the thread?

No idea if the barrel is rifled, but this thing is my favorite fps weapon in any fps since tribes died. Midairing enemies with it is so good.

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is people still playing the first one? might come back. i hated everything about the second one, story is fucked and comic books are pathetic.

Post raifus or leave faggot

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unironically this board's most based thread all month

Sometimes i think about coming back to destiny 1. I never played year 3, was it as good as everyone says?
Do people still play the game on PS4?

This series is the most accurate use of the phrase wasted potential I've ever seen. It almost gets things right only to fall short and then charge you money for an hour or two of fun in the "raids". It's a sad franchise.

imagine believing that these are actual meaningful experiences in the context of a human life

I don't care what the meta is, I luv my Jade Rabbit

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Who's the artist for this?

Yeah it's still populated. The strikes playlist less so (might be 10 minutes in before you get a 3 man team), but you shouldn't have trouble finding raid teams or doing nightfall.

2/10 bait but it made me reply and buy the first shitty expansion pack of cut content at full price

>playing console blizzshit and trying to act high and mighty

D1 ended up being pretty beareble with all the fixed. People REALLY shat on DeeJ and it was slowly getting better.
Then 2 came out, most D1 players never bothered to buy it, and the D2 retards are just redditor faggots who will buy anything and be very excited and very happy with buying the comics.

Destiny was fucking fantastic, honestly. I got sick of D2 very early on but I've heard it's improved quite a bit, is this true? I was thinking about coming back for the new update.

I miss this weapon and D1. I usually just played pvp tho but when I did raid early on this thing was great for mobs.

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I played Destiny 1 from launch all the way to the very end. I just can't stand Destiny 2. Nothing in that game feels as satisfying as the first.

Who /DeadOrbit/ in d1 here?

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To be fair you can't matchmake raids because you'd just get a bunch of 10 year olds who are content to do the encounter wrong and wipe for 10 hours straight

That's no excuse, though. The SOCIAL SPACES need SOCIAL features to back up the fucking name. Perhaps an ingame LFG board? Maybe let us TALK to the other players???

The red and white was just too nice for me to pass up the monarchy

They've switched the ammo system from kinetic/energy/power to primary/special/power, which improved pve a lot.

I'd normally shit on your tards until the end of the thread, but eh, you caught me just as I was going to bed. I'll sleep tight knowing that you disgusting fucks can even muster up viable arguments for your pathetic Skinner box. See you next thread :)

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new monarchy all day bitch ass nigga
my boy

you're literally gay

I enjoy looking at skyboxes as much as the next guy but there's a certain point where it becomes joyless because the game they're attached to is of no substance

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>Buy new DLC



>Make new friends on /vg/
>Laught at the Paki with terrible connection and the crazy dude which exploded in rage in the voice chat
>Read the Grimoire every day
>Wonder about all those pieces of lore and the potential that might be explored
>Dream about opening Charlemagne chamber
>Stalk the entrance of Rasputin's bunker to help newbies from afar with the No Land Beyond
>Spend countless hours doing Vault of Glass with friends trying to find the rumored Kabr ship below the first jump puzzle
>Sometimes just wandered the Cosmodrone and chill to the music in some out of bounds area

It was honestly one of the best videogames i've ever played, and very up top near Thief 2 and Bloodborne.
3000 hours i honestly don't regret having spent. Could only play 2 of D2 for free, and it was all the disappointing shit I expected.
Goodbye all friend.

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Year 3 was kino and the raid refresh has some of the best armor the series has ever seen.
It's dumb how much of a turnaround the game has had. There is almost too much shit to do. It's easily the best the franchise has been and Shadowkeep isn't even here yet. Also with the DLC from the past two years becoming either free or dirt cheap there really isn't a better time to get into it.

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I'm convinced that something is deeply wrong with people who slurp up these nothing games... It's gotta have some psychological explantation.

Blizzard fans, destiny fans, Apple fans. They get swept up in extremely expensive marketing campaigns, get told they're buying the best shit ever, the final product is extremely mediocre and any improvements are incremental at best, and they blindly shill and decry anyone who points it out because they somehow got tricked into thinking it's the best and most premium product ever made...

>game is going F2P
>people say they aren't going to buy the game
>people still bandwagon on calling it shit without even trying the game out

Yea Forums never ceases to be filled with retards.

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during year 1 when there was lots of cheese and overpower guns and shit it was kinda fun

but now 300$ and 5 years later, it's going nowhere and its time to move on for me

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Poor man's warframe

Like I said it was a hollow game that became ever so slightly less shit if you dumped a fuckton of money in it. Still never reached the heights it promised. Very disappointing.

kek, this shit game isn't dead? the state of people's dopamine

What was your PvP setup? For me it was bladedancer hunter, blink for my jump and double snipers.

Attached: no-land-beyond-review.png (660x330, 21K)

Same except triple jump and the void super

>>Stalk the entrance of Rasputin's bunker to help newbies from afar with the No Land Beyond

You sat in a tiny parking-lot sized area waiting for randoms to spawn in so you could help them kill trash mobs?

Am I reading this right? What is wrong with destiny players? Look I get helping new players but shouldn't you just JOIN their fireteam and actually help instead of just... Meandering? And the way you described it is so bizarre to me.

literally the blandest shit ever. would have never played d2 if it wasn't free, but hey nice bait

>Oooh glowy lights and holograms BEST ARMORZ EVERR!!!

you're the kind of retard who thinks D2 armor is good, aren't you?

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Sunk cost fallacy.

>Pay big $$$
>Get basically nothing in return
>Well clearly the small amount of stuff I got is of the HIGHEST POSSIBLE quality. Clearly.

Bruh the ornaments were meh, but the design of all the sets was top tier. Don't even try telling me the reprised VoG set wasn't well done. And no, D2 armor is pretty lackluster. And I'm a warcuck so we get fucked with shit armor 90% of the time

Sandbox updates were all free for everyone, what the fuck are you talking about? D2 even gets free updates regularly with its seasonal shit. Festival of the lost, dawning, crimson days, revelry, solstice, and new Iron Banner weapons and armor. Far more shit than D1 ever had.

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Well I can agree there. D2 warlock armor is the shittest shit possible. Even the returning sets got shit on.

Idk, I was never a fan of raid sets. The Hive and vex stuff was alright... SIVA stuff looks absolutely terrible.

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>pay 60 EUR a videogame at worst
>somehow as bad as Apple retards paying thousands and thousands of dollars to always have the last one
ok faggot, you clearly are the most clever boy. so superior, tell them how videogames are a waste of money and time.

tbf apple products actually get you laid

Actually in D1 I remember paid content being removed if you didn't pay up $$$

Instead of every other MMO having 2 versions of content, one for old players and one for current players, D1 would just remove content you used to own and make it unavailable. Bounties, crucible Playlists, iron banner, and so on. Some achievements even became unavailable because of this which is against both MS and Sony story policies, they were forced to amend this in the 2nd game by no longer "locking out" anything.

As for seasonal holidays, I strain to consider those content. At best the new content is some armor and shaders, hopefully not reskins, and the GAMEPLAY is just stuff you already own/have played hundreds of times. Eg, Do X strike during X holiday X times.

It's the same idea. At least apple has some merits, although it's still very meh and overpriced, they have stuff there that you can't get elsewhere.

Destiny is just generic shooting, worse than Halo, worse PvP than Halo, worse everything except raids I guess??

by only counting all those fat wow players who got laid via wow social aspects and eventually even got married makes you wrong.
and don't you bring up the fact that they are fucking fatties, you just said "getting laid".

Don't quote my post, scum.

>Not waiting until at least year 2, to buy any destiny to avoid the foreseeably shitty launch and get the game and all the DLC on a discount.
If you bought D1/2 before year 2, you got a smooth brain

cope blizzard nerd, all the normalfags are getting laid but the fatfucks like you aren't

>pleb filter

This is probably the most boring and cookie cutter shooter i'd ever played. There's essentially 3 or 4 types of enemies in the entire game, wearing different skins and for the more difficult stuff I remember them just HP pumping a big enemy, making him 4x as large and tying some basic extra mechanic to them. The movement was floaty, the armour all looked so similar except maybe 3 sets, the guns were all boring, and if you ever wanted to know what the fanbase really thought of the games 'variety' you just had to spend a round in pvp to see what it all gets funelled to.

>inb4 b-b-but

no, my dude

D3 is due for next year, so it really is a great idea.


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Isnt this just a halo clone for the fortnite era? Also mate you cant cally anyone plebian and play a fps with a controllers. Thats kinda plebian.

I never played WoW. I got laid once thanks to Ragnarok Online, tho.

>Never buy D1, unfortunately see it coming a mile away that it's shit

>D2 comes out, everyone giving it near universal praise, "this is how the first game was meant to be!! Bungie's back, baby!"

>Oh, I guess they smartened up and made a proper game this time after all the backlash

>Buy game
>It's shit
>Everyone else starts calling it shit too

Wtf was i supposed to do

I'll never not be salty that the Cabal raid we got didn't have militaristic, space marine themed gear. Fuck that shitty opulent garbage
What are you on about?? When did content get locked out in D1??

You seem unreasonably angry about this bad game. I worry about you.

I really despise the gay floating pose warlocks are forced to have. And all the stupid gowns. Instead of a cool warrior scholar I look like Tinkerbell's gay cousin. Wtf.

based, was she cute?

mai raifu

based, wish it's perk wasn't retarded though.

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Honestly, for any western big release you need to wait until the unironically paid shills leave Yea Forums and all that surfaces is the truth. Any triple A shat by Activision, EA and Ubisoft had people coming here and later admitting they were shills under paycheck. Evene the most autistic people could see the pattern using the same picture named the same way, or the posts always being made during their work-time, or even people flat out admitting it in later threads (which might have been fake, desu).

So next time either pirate and try it for yourself, or wait a month for the truth to surface.

WHY can't any Warlock armor have shoulder pauldrons? The winter event had a real tanky looking chestpiece but thats literally it. I'm sick of wearing fucking space pajamas

I already listed it. Petra HoW bounties no longer available after taken king released. Vanguard/strike bounties no longer available after any dlc release.
Vendor gear no longer available after DLC releases (their stock got changed to stuff that was too high for your level. Couldn't buy or equip.)
Crucible Playlists removed if you didn't earn current dlc.
Legendary marks no longer available after any dlc release ( you needed current DLC to earn them)

Same for iron banner. I think that's all but there's probably more. It was almost like that with D2 as well but MS/Sony stepped in to make them stop after their content lockout made base game achievements unavailable unless you bought DLC. (Leviathan raid was locked out for a few months until they begrudgingly patched it.)

Oh I've certainly learned my lesson. I will not touch Destiny 3 unless it's 3 years after launch with ALL dlc included and no future dlc.

Nigga this game is literally chasing the dragon the game
That being said, I’ve wasted countless hours of my life on that oiece of shit

she was a cute emo tomboy into anime, now she's an insufrible cunt into social politics, so we don't hang together anymore.
I honestly miss those years, thanks for making me sad.

If you hate the crucible, no-one's making you play the crucible. I pretty much never set foot in there.

>Bounce grenades around corners and bully shitters in pvp
>use it as my primary in pve with a kinetic special because it has infinite ammo
>still hits about as hard as special ammo launchers that aren't mountaintop
Fighting Lion is the best weapon in the game and you cannot convince me otherwise.

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>fighting lion
>is a wolf
thanks to all those trannies and purple aired retards at Nu-Bungo, I guess.

Many "quests" force you to fill out checklists that involve crucible.

Anyway I love & play Bungie's Halo MP to this day so it baffles me why crucible is such a shit experience in comparison.

Pauldrons are so Titans can have nice things sometimes.

Based choice, user
My buddy absolutely swears by it but I've never given it a fair shake. I probably should

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>thanks for making me sad.
yeah, nvm, you're just as bad you faggot.

The longer crucible quests are 100% optional, you don't have to chase after every carrot if you don't want to.

I thought D1 crucible was good but I dunno how they cocked it up in D2.

>Hunters get cool wispy cloaks&hoods
>Titans get ornamental medieval sashes
>Warlocks get... A small glowy metal ring
>Oh yeah and you'll never see your pants and your arm armor only goes up to your elbows so your chest armor is 90% of your fashion lol

guess you're right

I miss the old Warlock boots, but god I don't miss the weird old Warlock masks.

it explains why you still destiny.

That's because of an ornament equipped on it that changes how it looks. It looks like this normally.

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I was there in YEAR 1
And the game was ass shut the fuck up played up until destiny 2 when I broke that fucking Skinner box

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that's wrong because I don't play it anymore
i stand corrected.

Its an ornament friend
I unironically don't mind Crucible but fuck competitive. Got my Recluse and I haven't been back since. Thank god for the new solo queue maybe it'll be more bearable. But I certainly enjoy some quickplay
Warlock mark should have been something better. Fuck the nigger hunters for getting the cape, space wizards should of gotten that shit.

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Well she's a girl so...

get fucked warcuck :^)

this game has fuckall for endgame content. once you hit max light there's fucking nothing to do but grind for shit pieces you'll never use just to grind

Wtf no way man. The new warlock helms are either vaginaface or just random bullshit. Old helms resembled a cowl or hood, shrouding your face in darkness. But obviously in the form of a space helmet. It was a very intentional design and it made you feel like some wise old wizard scavenging for relics, along with the trenchcoats.

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>want to get into D2Y3 as the game seems a lot better since i stopped playing (pre-forsaken)
>feel like i missed out on most of the good shit and a lot of the content will be outdated once Shadowkeep comes out
>BL3 comes out 2 weeks before the new DLC
Ehh i'm tempted but even i'm sure i'll get more bang for my buck with BL3, feels like i missed the boat by not playing during the season pass.

>still no in-game group making/LFG/matchmaking/sessions for actual content(raids, dungeons)

Yeah no thanks senpai I’m tired of autistically looking at a third party website just to play for the content I bought

Destiny 1 was the last actual Bungie game, the current Bungie is a soulless imitation with no original staff left. After playing Destiny 2 it is apparent they have no clue what the fuck they are doing and are clearly just doing it as a source of revenue and not for a genuine passion for the game - the tonal shift of the game to be more humorous, awful armour/gun design, the casualiation of it and botched the gunplay that was practically perfect, the shit music and the awful engine that they still haven't optimized to have more frequent content updates. What's more awful is them adding a battlepass with a paid DLC already in the game, countless times disrespecting the braindead playerbase, destroying and retconning the lore, getting chink money investments after literally leaving Activison and firing ormaking all the old Bungie members leave

Destiny 1 at least was competent and you could tell they at least tried. The core concepts were solid but vastly underdeveloped, the raids were amazing, the music was spectacular and the armour/weapon designs were excellent. My best gaming memories are unironically with this game and made lots of friends along the way

So happy birthday Destiny 1 and FUCK nu-Bungie and anyone who still defends them

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>tfw finding people to play with is harder than the raids

>"Social" space
>Can't talk, only emote or t-bag
>Even on PC text chat is opt-in so 90% of players have it off by default and won't see anything you type

What a fucking worthless game. No fun allowed. Safe&sterile. Only play with people you know IRL. OR ELSE!

Nothing is "outdated" come Shadowkeep, friend. All previous armor sets are being brought forward in 2.0, and the guns from Forsaken on are all fantastic and worth grinding for. Plus the content is, dare I say it, fun. This is the right time to get into it with the huge shakeup coming in a few weeks. The app has a great matchmaking service, but I feel you. I don't mind but I can see how it would turn some people off

Still haven't gotten a god roll on this, fuck you Ada

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The atmosphere, world, & music of D1 are unarguably the best parts, and perhaps uncoincidentally the people responsible for those parts either left Bungie or were fired. Simply because they were unhappy the whole game, and the last 5 years of their work, was getting gutted & remade less than 1 year before launch.

Jason Jones is a retard who betrays his longtime friends and all his employees on a whim after promising to never do it again, fuck him fuck him fuck him!

If you want someone to blame on how destiny turned out, it is undeniably this man right here!

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>Destiny 1

Yeah no. D1Y1 was catastrophically unplayable, the “story” was shit, weapons were shit, PvP was shit the only actual redeeming factor was the Vault of Glass raid. Then the 2 DLC were unsurprisingly even shitter, Crota’s end was a joke of a raid and Prison of Elders was ridiculous. PoE also set them on track to make extremely obnoxious mechanics and bullet-spongy bosses.

Taken King tried to fix its problems but it was more like a bandaid, and after the initial burst of content there was a literal year with fuckall to do except do the boring overextended King’s Fall.

It was with Rise of Iron that the game resembled something that could be called “fun”, Wrath of the Machine was a fun raid with just the tight length and very reminiscent of VoG, also the many quality of life changes after 3 years of complaining made the game bearable for those who already sank some money on it anyway.

Literally all Destiny needed was a session finder thing like MH World has. They could do it but unironically they believe finding people to play is part of the challenge

user here dropping truths like it's no one's business.

Yeah, lobby hosting where you can set requirements. Just put a board on the tower where people can see it. Game instantly becomes 10x more playable.

Also have voice chat in the tower and everywhere else, and make it OPT OUT So people who dislike it can turn it off and never worry about it, instead of vice versa

Some of my fondest Destiny memories come from Y1 PoE before they nerfed Skolas. Without a doubt THE single most grueling experience I've had with these games. The burns were obscene. But I'll be damned if getting Lord of Wolves from Skolas wasn't satisfying as all fuck. I took that gun everywhere after I got it. I may be in the minority but I really enjoyed that era of the game. I want PoE back so badly it was my favorite game mode. The sound of the mines is seared in my memory

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Fanboy copt-out response.

true, fun stuff. I liked the pistol more, tho.
also D2 isn't half as quotable.

>Post raifu
Took two years to give it four bullets.

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>you're a pleb if you dropped this shit after paying $60 and not a dime more

Fucking hell, man. D2 has great tracks, too.

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Not as good imo. But it's not terrible

i played through D1 including TTK and the base D2 game which I got for free. complete waste of time. TTK had a bit of soul, D2 is utterly soulless. I kept waiting for the game to get good, and then it was over.

>200 replies
>64 posters

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Anyone who hates Destiny 1 either plays JRPGs and Danganropa all day or they stopped playing in year one and are storyfags. D2 still has lots of issues especially with atmosphere, PvP balance, raids, and art direction, but D1 is kino.

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D2 really showed just how great D1 was, especially house of wolves onwards.

I still play a lot of D2 since Forsaken fixed a lot of the problems but I didn't even break 100 hours in Y1 because it was so awful.

D1 really just nailed the balance, art direction and weapons. D2 has spent most of the time correcting the mistakes of a few fools and i really worry because the annual pass was really quite poor and didn't respect your time so not really hyped about shadowkeep

You mean the thing Bungie was known for and failed to deliver on?
>hmmmm I wonder why people were mad.

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I don't know man, it's kinda hard going back to D1 and being reminded that there's no universal map

Yeah, I replied to a lot of people, why? Because I will defened how great d1 was till the day I die.

says a lot if the only good things we can say about D2 are clambering and the map

all me btw

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It honestly feels way longer than that.

Best strike
Best cloak
Best music
Best setting
Best secret

How can one Fallen be so based and also homeless

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D1 is a shadow of what it could've been had Jason Jones not decided to reboot it less than 1 year before launch day

I got destiny 2 for free, campaign was dreadful in every sense. Not a single character was remotely likeable.

I want to talk about cayde the blue Titan and ikora. The game is whatever but those 3 piss me off to no end.

It's one thing to establish 3 main races with 3 classes and to develop characters across the entire game that have good chemistry. But it's another to make THE iconic 3 that represent the rest and I can't think of a bigger blunder than these 3 idiots.
They represent the lowest most horrendous form of "subverting expectations" by conflicting with all of their themes to the point they look like REALLY bad OC.

Awokan Titan, first off, the Titans are essentially Spartans, and awoken are essentially space elves/wraiths/ vampires, fuck you if you disagree. I personally main an awoken Titan but I couldn't help NOT designing him like a fuckboy. If they were to make a Titan he should have been an EXO or a human, an EXO is preferable because exo were meant to look like living weapons, the concept art never backed off from showing us edgy EXO, do why did they make cayde?

The humour is for SHIT. it's like reddit had a baby with Facebook. Everything cause says sounds like fucking PLACEHOLDER text to be filled in later! What the fuck, he sticks out so much it's like he's not even in the same game as everyone else trying to out brood one another.

If you were going to make a hunter, should have made it a grizzly human or a female awoken. Cayde is beyond fucking retarded.

Ikora is Tumblr OC tier. I won't even go into that much detail, they should have just made the warlock a cute awoken chick or a bearded grizzled awoken or human man

Trying to be creative and move away from common tropes is one thing, it's another to conflict with your own themes and story and purposely choose the worst character archetype options to "subvert our expectations".

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Lots of "YA" women were on the writing team for D2

just saying

>Jade Rabbit
Why make a high-impact scout rifle that encourages going for body shots?

>Not a single character was remotely likeable.
I liked my female hunter...

D1 might be one of my favorite game ever, I tried to keep up with D2 over the years but I've really had it with the whole "the new content is just doing the old content again" model that some of the content drops were (looking at you, Solstice and whatever the museum thing was). I really wish that they would just get rid of Power entirely so that you don't have to grind old content before doing the new content each season, too. There's just no fucking point to Power.

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I don't doubt that the entire game was made by women. No way someone with any decency and self reflection could have worked there and not completely shitted on all the stupid fucking decisions they made. You're spot on, it must have been made by a group of people who never received criticism in their life and didn't have to challenge themselves because a AAA game was guaranteed to be a hit.

The best character in the series is right next door.

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i tried it when it was in beta and it was fucking boring. i didn't know who i was supposed to be or why i should give a shit about any of what was going on so why would i keep playing the game when the gameplay is also just borderlands but somehow even more dull. i think the only people who like this game were the same people who loved cookie clicker because they just enjoy seeing a number go up

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>his whole character ark is to cum a lot during pvp matches
yeah, "best" indeed

Destiny one is going free to play?

The maps are the size of my backyard, you don't need a damn map

Hey don't blame me if you didn't find the lore where he fucks the queen of the elves.

Rock map off, Hive bitch
I’m legitimately concerned for you user, normal people don’t behave like this, even on the internet

>tfw doing the taken version carrying two people under light level doing finishing it with literally one second left and them both getting Black Spindle
Them screaming over the mic and calling me a god and adding me after was the best feeling ever

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for quick traveling I mean
you know, opening it and selecting one of the spawn points to go to like in 2?

No joke, kill literally everybody but him and have him become the new leader of everything. We don't need a faggot Titan who broods. Titans shouldn't brood. This game had a simple concept and shitted all over it by the second game.

Make a jolly Titan who smiles as adversity and supported you throughout your struggle. Not a whiny bitch who apparently was undergoing a whole tragic character arc over the radio with us? As if would fucking care.


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This is what players like you dont understand. The game isnt about they story. Concurrent destiny players only play the story one time, when its on launch to level up. The meat of the game is everything thats after the campaign. Stop trying to play this game like if its halo, its not. This is a live mmo.

I was there. fuck d*stiny 2 and especially fuck b*ngie apologists

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One of the first, if not the first exotic gun I wielded. Thats probably the moment I realized the game has a lot of cool guns and recommended it to people.

D2 was supposed to be the narrative lowpoint, it's expected for everyone to be depressed then.

Shaxx needs an expansion though, Saladin got one.

>Bro stop asking for a decent story people only read it once so it doesn't matter

I hope you're getting prescribed with something for these big thinks that you're having you based retard.

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Jesus Christ, never would have thought we would have fucking nostalgiafags for D1 of all things. What next? Bungie take us home and give Destiny classic?

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Babies first raiding.

It really just isnt a game for you. This game isnt ment for solos, destiny works when you have friends to play with. Thats what most of the playerbase is, its what keeps the game afloat, the communitites that have sprung from it.

it's a fucking boring mmo if that's what it is, one with no room for roleplaying because it's a linear story where you play as mute murderhobo with no backstory

I get that but nobody wants to see characters who aren't interesting or compelling in anyway start brooding. This was my first destiny, never made it past the tutorial in 1. They never did a proper introduction for these people and I immediately didn't like them. I would have preferred shaxx brooding, I would have preferred the speaker brooding. Those are compelling characters. Cayde ikora and zavala are annoying

You can keep whining about the game not being what YOU wanted, but the game was never that, and it never will be. It really isnt ment for you, its ment for people that are social, sorry.

Cayde's also fucking dead because Fillion left because he didn't like the direction they were taking his character.
Funny thing about Destiny is; all the best characters are dead or sidelined into lore.
>they should have just made the warlock a cute awoken chick or a bearded grizzled awoken or human man
Osiris got exiled for wrongthink
>f you were going to make a hunter, should have made it a grizzly human or a female awoken.
Andal Brask is dead and Petra Venj is still alive so she can't be a Guardian.
We DID have an Exo Titan Vanguard. I'd personally be fine with Sloane as Vanguard Commander seeing as she's second in command already

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Cayde is annoying for being a meme spouting sperg and Ikora is just boring.
Zavala has the capacity and lore justification to be cool, but no one will let him.

i played it with my brother and my other friends when it was in beta and only one of us stuck through and actually bought the game after beta because it was fucking boring. i remember the moment i dropped it too, that first strike they had in the beta, when the tank shows up and my group of friends spent about 10 minutes just doing nothing but shooting at it. i nearly turned the game off in the middle of it.

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I was one of the largest proponents for D1. The game was like ME1 to me where it was kind of goofy and awkward, but it had unparalleled ambition and I loved the aesthetic it had at the crossroads of westerns, fantasy, and sci-fi. Taken King was peak Destiny and the game at that point was something I was proud to recommend to my friends. I didn't feel like I had to counteract all my compliments with "but the content is pretty sparse and very repetitive." I didn't play the last DLC for D1 because I got sidetracked with non-vidya stuff in my life during that period, but I had high hopes for D2 when it came out.

Unfortunately D2 was a massive pile of shit where they slowed everything way down, made everything feel like shit with regards to power, constricted the use of shaders so that they could push microtransactions, and basically rolled back all QoL changes made in Taken King. I don't remember if random rolls on weapons was something taken out pre-D2 or not, but I remember that being a thing at some point.

All of my friends who play Destiny wanted me to get back into it for Forsaken, saying it's really good and it'll remind me of Taken King, but I can't really rationalize jumping back on the train when it took them D2, D2's first two expacs, and then D2's first major expac before it got back to D1 levels of fun.

D2 Curse of Osiris is one of the few times I've actually fallen asleep while playing video games.

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>Cayde's also fucking dead because Fillion left because he didn't like the direction they were taking his character.
That's not true, the only reason Fillion wasn't in Forsaken was scheduling.

You again keep talking about story. Dude the thing that people stick around for are the raids, the events and pve gamemodes, and crucible. Have you even tried a raid with 6 friends? No you havent, thats why you dont see why people find the game fun.

>Zavala has the capacity and lore justification to be cool
My favorite part of the official D2 reveal stream was when Deej asked Lance Reddick to talk about what sort of character Zavala was and he just struggled to say anything at all.

Space thong
Ricardo Milos vagine
a uniboob girl looked from above

if the gameplay is boring with my friends then what the fuck am i supposed to fall back on, dopamine hits from getting a slightly better gun with a way cool skin on it?

I don't see why they want to even attempt to make zavala cool when he's a bald blue alien looking person with glowing veins wearing armour that looks too big for him.

Here's a pitch. Why not make zavala a young awoken soldier who learns to lead and grows into a capable hero in the story? Or an EXO Terminator type, or a generic human man. There are so many ways to have made this character and they chose this dude who looks like an avatar.

>Cayde's also fucking dead because Fillion left because he didn't like the direction they were taking his character.
Hit me with that hot sauce, user.

>I was one of the largest proponents for D1. The game was like ME1 to me where it was kind of goofy and awkward, but it had unparalleled ambition and I loved the aesthetic it had at the crossroads of westerns, fantasy, and sci-fi. Taken King was peak Destiny and the game at that point was something I was proud to recommend to my friends
>Unfortunately D2 was a massive pile of shit where they slowed everything way down, made everything feel like shit with regards to power
>All of my friends who play Destiny wanted me to get back into it for Forsaken, saying it's really good and it'll remind me of Taken King, but I can't really rationalize jumping back
>D2 Curse of Osiris is one of the few times I've actually fallen asleep while playing video games.

I could've written this myself. I have the exact same thoughts and experiences as you, what the fuck

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Destiny 1 launchfag here. I still cannot forgive Bungie for the shit they've pulled over the years. Hope D3 won't be complete aids now that Activision is out of the picture.

>D2 has spent most of the time correcting the mistakes
D1 spent most of its first year correcting mistakes, too. Just like D1, D2 was pretty great by Y2, except D2 was in a better state than D1 at the same time frame. Better weapon system, better modding and perks, masterworks, a third game mode (gambit), actual seasonal updates, more locations, more armor.


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The reason my friends don't play is because it looks fucking retarded. I got it for free and so I played it for my friends to see if it's even worth buying. I can't imagine buying it to begin with desu. Basically I didn't recommend it, guess I should have convinced them to pony up because it's only fun with friends apparently? Lmao grow up

Zavala gets shat on because Forsaken has the theme of going behind the Vanguard's back and doing illicit stuff. I'm betting they shit on him again when SK drops because of the moon and the shit that went down on Mare Imbrium

Almost all of D2's marketing was a fucking trash fire that I squarely place blame on Activision for. That "for the puppies" and interviewing actors and removing all the sense of mystique and mystery from things smells too much like them.

All Zavala's interesting bits come from lore cards because whoever they have writing him has daddy issues and can't see past "gruff authority man". Nowhere in him can you see a man who had to watch his wife grow old and die while he was immortal, or someone who has no friends because he gave himself entirely to his job, or the Awoken who doesn't even view himself as an Awoken. It's a shame.
Compare the Zavala we got with this one.

I doubt it, the series is focused on gameplay and bungie has never been amazing at good gameplay. Most of their titles have ok gameplay carried by a good story. Destiny didn't have either of these things from launch.

>says a lot if the only good things we can say about D2 are clambering and the map
I liked the new gun types. Decoupling weapon type from slots. Mods. Masterworks. Planetary vendors. Using shaders on guns. Quick traveling. More locations.

Reminder that Zavala never stopped being right during Warmind and we were forced to side with Ana Bray for no reason. I'm silently hoping Rasputin goes berserk again just so he's vindicated.

I just wish that I did not have to do the same shit for powerful rewards when the moon expansion hits. Like whats the point of infinitely doing the same thing to level up the obsolete power level?

They've said they'll be retiring some powerful sources once the moon is live, just not which ones.

>Awokan Titan, first off, the Titans are essentially Spartans, and awoken are essentially space elves/wraiths/ vampires, fuck you if you disagree.
This is your bias. Not the game's problem. Here's Zavala as a Titan:
Here's Cayde as a Hunter:
I think they're pretty good at their roles.

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It used an entire new area dude

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They're going to retire some sources and make certain sources featured week-to-week to encourage variety but I'm with you. I wish that they would just get rid of Power entirely.

>That weapon he's using
Gib exotic spear
Gib back khostov

Then you see even less of the already pitiful open worlds

why does he look so drunk this season?

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>i tried it when it was in beta and it was fucking boring.
Destiny 2 Beta and Destiny 2 Forsaken are almost entirely different games. They changed a lot of shit to make the game feel faster and less monotone.

I miss D1.

Even if it was a simple raid, I felt like Vault of Glass was the series' best raid in all the ones I had played. It was immersive and felt like spelunking some hidden Vex wonder. I don't know if there was a more hype moment than the Atheon fight in all my time playing Destiny. Your party being scattered across time, weathering withering fire from omnipresent enemies while shooting Oracles that threatened to write out your party's existence from the fabric of the universe, and then pulling together in front of Atheon with that swell of music and invigorated by time itself attempting to right the Vex's atrocity.

>Guardians make their own fate

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I was out of the loop, but can someone tell me what is happening to enhancement cores in the new expansion?

>I'm silently hoping Rasputin goes berserk again just so he's vindicated.
I don't because all the cool shit in Warmind was centered around Rasputin. I want more of that solar panel armor and weird orange lines.

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>the last surviving Iron Lord

Wait. Wasn't the last expac of D1 about the Iron Lords and you see that there's another one of them alive as a vendor and then the player gets made into one as well at the end?


This was like 5% of the gameplay in solstice, most of it was running strikes, gambit, crucible, patrols, public events.

yes the Rise of Iron Expansion.

If you import your save with the completed campaign Lord Shaxx would even refer you as Saladin's Young Wolf

The thumbnail of that video reminded me of how D2 would show you the dates on which you first did each raid in D1 and who you did it with. Supremely fucking kino.

Rise of Iron wasn't indented to be a release and only came out because the live team are miracle workers, D2 was in development before RoI came out and that slipped through the cracks. Efrideet canonically spent the entire Red War sniping Cabal from a tower and openly wept when the Traveler wore up.

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They're adding in new resources to enhance shit.

Titans lead the way.
Warlocks read the books.
Hunters suck the cocks.

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The point of that cutscene is that you're meant to see it before the D2 campaign starts, so you can see all Zavala has built burn down to the ground, and understand why he became so brooding and depressed. Prior to the City's fall, he probably would have taken a more active role like he did on that cutscene, and like he did during the Taken War.

I agree with you, I'm just saying there's a disconnect between the lore team that's made this character for Zavala and what the narrative team who puts shit in the game give us.

I swear the usernames in this game never disappoints me

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RIPIP mlgbonghit.

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Wonder if we'll get to change names whenever we want since it's on steam.

>269 replies

Absolutely based.

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Oh, you meant to get the armor. You're right, I guess. I hope you weren't expected a full fledged campaign out of a seasonal event, though. And the EAZ is not crucible, so it'd get boring quick if they didn't make you do a bunch of assorted stuff. Not saying it's fine, just that it wasn't unexpected.

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Im happy with. My first thread to get this many and its on this game. Theres negative people yea, but theres also the ones that found value in d1. Ill always have a place for it in my memories.

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Rest in peace.

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how's the pinnacle grind going?

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Got every one save Revoker (I don't snipe) and just helped a friend through the glory grind, he's getting Mountaintop and Recluse tomorrow at reset.
So pretty good.

I got Redrix this morning and then this roll right after it.

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Everyone loves to shit on Destiny, but it is pretty much the '10s Halo.

*shoots you with thorn*


Redrix is one of my fave pinnacles. I've been a fan of it when i got it.

Foresaken burned me out on this game and the completely worthless annual pass buried my enthusiasm. Won't be coming back.

So is there going to be a destiny 3 or no ?

I think they pushed it back a year or so after splitting from Activision.

of course there will be - right after they suck every last cent possible out of D2 players' wallets

>expecting actual discussion about one of the better shooters this gen

Oh OP, Destiny triggers the spergs too much hereto talk about civilly

Voidwalker warlock has been my main since D1 y1, it's just too fun nova bombing shit to death

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It HAD potential, it did not realize that potential. Big difference

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I’m just trying to get Anarchy so I can combo it with my one-two punch Last Man Standing
Holy shit they weren’t kidding about buffed droprates in prime and reckoning

Who here MOTW emblem?

Looks like they all went to bed haha, user Im a warlock main since d1 y1 as well, Im a solar warlock though, I loved resurrection and catching the enemy offguard.

Man, at first I didn't think much about this game. But fuck me do they know how to keep people playing.

This is the only game that itches that "loot stuff and kill players with it" itch. I hope they keep bringing cool stuff like gambit. That mode is crazy fun.

I started progress on it only a couple of days ago. Not even 1/3 of the way there.

Like it or not

they still failed to make things work
never forget when equipping gear that makes heavy ammo drop more makes it drop less

>tfw i got taken arnaments

when one mod breaks the fucking game mode so hard jesus christ

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Post your greatest moments.

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The Destiny 2 gameplay loop:
new content drops
You have to rush through it because the raid will be out soon and the only thing that actually matters in the game is power level - if you're too far under leveled it is literally impossible to play high level content regardless of skill. This makes the game feel like a job for 3-4 weeks.
If you aren't high level fast enough more and more people won't want to do the raid with you when you finally are because either "X clears/meme loadout required" policies (and who can blame them, when you're playing a raid for the 25th time you don't want to carry someone, you just want to be done) or because by that point people will just be bored of it and are simply waiting for the next content drop
Oh, and meme loadouts are often completely RNG dependent, so you could play over and over and over and never get the right drop. Many Destiny 2 players confuse luck with skill.
Meme loadouts persist because Bungie can't/won't properly balance things on a timely basis.
Wash, rinse, repeat, that will be another $30-40 please.

Warp desperately needs a PvE buff though.

Holy crap, it's been 5 years? I remember the Loot Cave. Good times.

Got the base game + Osiris and Warmind for free on PS+. Which is a good thing, because I can say with full confidence that the game is shit.

>A shotty with one-two punch

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You know the rules, post times.

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Granted that Year 1 D2 and up until Forsaken was real shit, now its objectively great though and anyone who disagrees is either a weeb retard or a contrarian hipster faggot
>Amazing gunplay, shits all over stuff like Overwatch and any of the fucking CoD's or BF's
>Loads of different weapons, and despite what shitters will tell you, everyone is usable in pvp outside of swords and maybe scouts
>Vanilla Story was pretty unbearable with its shitty jokes and cringy dialogue, but Warmind and Forsken had good stories
>Classes and subclasses + gear builds have enough depth that they feel unique in both pve and pvp. A Wraith Hunter with bows and snipers play very differently than a Skullfort Striker Titan with shottys and Autos
>Between Strikes, Raids, Patrol, Forges, Dreaming City, Gambit and Menagerie, there is loads of PvE content
>Comp with friends is fun. The only people who dont like Comp are 0.6KD shitters

Personally I enjoy the Dawnblade super over the Radiance super, but I wish you could res yourself in one of the Dawnblade trees, a flaming sword res would be op but fun.

Nova Warp is also pretty good, and since getting Geomag I've actually been using Chaos Reach for PvE content

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There is almost too much to do in the game. With Shadowkeep its almost daunting. There are worse problems to have though.

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>1043 hours
jfc, Destinyfags really do suffer from Stockholm Syndrome.

You’ve spent more than that on here

Where'd you get that from?

I have no idea. I put it on at launch and never took it off.

I mean the timer. How do you know how much you've been playing

My main issue with D2 year 1 was a lack of content, year 2 fixed that, and now year 3 is going even further, as well as reworking armor and making almost every set relevant so you can play fashionably without sacrificing stats

now if only we could get an actual new enemy type and new subclasses, but those're likely to be in year 4 or D3, whatever happens

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>Destiny 1 year 2
nah fuck you I played it and it was okay at best

Yeah but shitposting doesn’t cost $800, unlike Destiny.

>comic books are pathetic.

Red Death.

>every set relevant so you can play fashionably without sacrificing stats
I'm probably never going to take off the Frostreach set. Thank you ornaments

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>plays a shooter on a console
>calls other people plebs

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I got rookie numbers

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10 Year Plan

What about it? That it's gone?

Hardly played rise of iron. Most of my playtime is vanilla D1, rise of crota, house of wolves and the taken king

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There was no such thing in the first place

Finally got this catalyst, too bad the nerfed me boy :(

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I wish Spire of Stars wasn't so ass.

i was just farming the first encounter for the emote. Fuck doing the whole thing

About how long did it take?

>Destiny 1 year 2
I was there Year 1 faggot and played off and on thoughout the whole life of the game.

Skipped 2 since it looked like they were gonna bungle it at launch as well might pick it up on steam though since it sounds like they improved it and they freed themselves from activision.


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takes like 5 mins each run, you need to lfg tho but dont need a mic. 1st enocunter is really easy

I'm planning on picking this back up if forsaken is discounted when it hits steam. What's the current weapon meta? Are scouts still good? I stopped playing after warmind dropped.

Hand cannons are meta and pretty much dominate PvP. Scouts are in a bad spot but get buffed when shadowkeep drops, your probably better off with a pulse rifle they are 2nd best choice PvE/PvP

Thank you kindly user

Forsaken will be 25$ and the annual pass for year 2 will be free on october so dont buy the annual pass that includes season of the drifter, opulence, and black armory. Scouts suck now(but will be buffed) and grenade launchers are now the best dps weapons. In crucible handcannons are meta, and so are pulses

Thanks for the heads up famalam. Where did they say forsaken will be 25? I'm excited about that

Meta on PC is wildly different from the meta of consoles, Bungie are struggling to balance to two.

Crucible is the worst part of the game and forcing players into the game mode to get gear is a horrible design decision.

its weird, 2 of the best PvE guns only obtainable through PvP lol

>Destiny 2
>2 meaning there were enough retards to be fooled into buying the same game twice

Now now, you're looking at it all wrong. The entire game is a pleb filter, because anyone that's willing to play it is a pleb.

>console shooter
>"""""pleb filter""""

5 years old and the serise is already shit. good job

It's on pc too retard and its the best way to play the game.

Scouts suck. Get a spare rations or a last word and you'll cream games.

Fuck you :(((

I'll wait for Fabled to become the new floor in order to pollute Comp as little as possible with my presence.
Since the sheer amount of shitters who will be doing the same should skyrocket, I will blend in easily.

wtf a good destiny thread on Yea Forums?

what the fuck is going on?

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>Destiny 1
>on PC

>Destiny 1 year 2

You mean when they ruined the missions and got rid of the better voice actor for the sidekick ball thing?

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Would you guys buy a Destiny Classic ?

>they fixed the hidden xp gating

wow you are a fucking shill. yeah, they 'fixed' the thing that they designed and was working as intended until players discovered what they were doing and bitched at them.

For cheap on PC maybe.

List some of your favorite lore cards.

>The play made by Marcus Ren's ghost
>Calus' guardian fanfiction
>The entirety of Shaxx and Mara's romance
>Felwinter interrogating that warlord
>The anime theme song on Two Tailed Fox
>Shaxx crying over the Ahamkara he just killed because it was so badass while still on fire
Also every card featuring the true Kell of Kells.

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>Destiny 2 is an absolute pile of shit

bungie isn't a good dev. they have no passion, and they are incompetent. so many bad design decisions plague D2, it's embarrassing. and their continual push towards the cash shop is disgusting for a game that cost so much, and is basically a subscription game at this point.


Imagine if i had actually studied or learnt something new instead.

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Casualization during D2 Y1 almost killed the franchise, and CoO/warmind were an absolute joke. I can't believe they thought those things were a good idea. Forsaken was good but their 'new approach' has 90% misses in my book. Imagine telling people that the only thing that they enjoyed every weekend (Trials) was "not what they actually wanted"
Destiny 2 reminds me a lot of what has happened with SFV. Both games have grown a lot and are in a decent state but its casualized roots still hurt twitch views (they do matter) and the overall reception of the game
If there's one thing that is in its best state right now is the lore

Warmind was where they started to course correct imo. That community summit may have been filled with streamer cancer, but it was them admitting they fucked up and taking any steps to try and fix it and apart from one misstep, having an ENTIRE season centered around Gambit, they've been slowly and steadily improving since then. Shadowkeep bringing back more heavy rpg mechanics seems like a really good step in the right direction.

>pleb filter
Destiny was on its release the most casualized FPS aviable

>Destiny lore EVER being good
The fuck is your issue faggot?! ITS ALL SHIT YOU TARD. NO CHARACTER IS ACTUALLY DEEP, NO CHARACTER IS GENUINELY INTERESTED. The events in the cards mean nothing and never will mean nothing. Also, you wasted your time reading walls of text for your garbage story hit.

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>He doesn't KNOW
BAHAHAHAHAHAAAA LOOK AT THIS TARD Seriously get fucked nigger, if you can't understand why the game you play means you deserve the death penalty I don't know what will.

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>Trying to talk shit on lore when most of those examples are literal joke entries.
At least research the game you're pretending to hate you falseflagging nigger.

>flaming faggot
>using basedjack shit
This is the overwhelming majority of the people that shit on the game. Just ignorant shitposters

You could have managed to kill yourself hundreds of times over in that timespan. I'm proud of you user, thanks for taking away all of my oxygen you DISGUSTING waste of space

Why should I EVER need to research anything into this shit fucking franchise when you worthless cunts can't actually defend your shit. but I'll humor you tard.

I dont remember much but i loved those vault of glass legends cards from destiny 1, also the ones about the hive genociding a galactic empire or sonething.

Ursa Furiosa and No Rez for the Weary

Why yes I'm a flaming faggot, but I actually get laid while you play the worst game of the century. And unlike you I actually productive in life. Get necked tard.

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The latter one was the Book of Sorrow chronicling Oryx becoming what he was.


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Books of sorrow is like the holy standard of destiny lore but I really believe lore from forsaken onwards are close to that level, even though I don't think everything from D2 Y2 is even close to TTK levels

>his pleb filter is a console lootershooter with bullet sponge enemies

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lose weight

The Calus Psion stories come close to the Book since they give you about as much of a glimpse into his mindset as the Books did for Oryx.

Maybe I wouldn't have to shit on you guys again if you pathetic incels let the thread die instead of shambling it's corpse for HOURS.

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>imagine being this mad because someone plays a bidyagaem u don't like
Seek help.

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I mean in quality but yes
What destiny needs now is something that apex is copying from stuff like overwatch. Short animated stories about key characters that they'd release along with DLC. Animating the battle of twilight gap is something that they've been owing us for years

Game just looks dull mechanically. Aesthetics are nice but it just looks like Borderlands in space mixed in with MMO cancer.

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Year 1 and the red war was so bad. I remember reading and laughing at the destiny subreddit for good laughs around that time because of how much bungi was on a hot fire meltdown. I truly hope they don't fuck it all again.

pirated the original destiny years ago and it sucked
I don't give a fuck

>Seething this hard
Keep your shit to one post, samefag

They wanted casuals + marvel humor to make it big like capeshit does. That's why we had double primary and a laughable story
They'll fuck it up again, maybe not in that way, but in some other way.

KEK, I just love making Bungiefags seethe. I fucking dare you to defend your $400 abortion successfully. You retards can't actually do it. So instead you are going to keep consuming shit while everyone else plays better games and enjoys life.

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Didn't they say that they haven't shown Twilight Gap because its true scale would be insanely difficult to render and show? Something like thousands of wolfships and millions of Fallen.

Please feel free to ingest your fecal matter tard.

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At some point I got Destiny 2 for free on my Blizzard account. Now they are threatening to delist it from my account because the publisher is changing or something?
Luckily, I never played it, but this sounds like a fucking nightmare.

They're switching to steam because they paid activision to fuck off so they no longer publish for them.

>Twilight gap time travel mission
>Cayde pokes in and says funny words "Dude why are the called fallen? cuz they keep dropping xdddd"
>Walk through scripted rooms of BADASS(tm) space wizards blowing stuff up
>reach huge area with music crescendo
>see ten vandals, 2 dregs, one ship and an empty skybox
>run through bland landscape and reach building
>"Guardian, you need to get up to this soon to be crucible arena and help shaxx" over the radio
>Go into reused twilight gap crucible map
>5 shanks and 2 vandals
>See shax npc up in a catwalk doing basic movements on a timer
>finish mission "What's old is new"
>Get two tokens and a blue


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I don't know but it doesn't really matter. You just have to follow shaxx and how they funneled all the fallen that one time. I want the drama more than the massive action

Cayde wasn't at Twilight Gap you casual.

>tfw you could tell from the the reveal Destiny would be dogshit
>tfw you could filter out normies based on if they were excited for it

What the fuck happened to weapon and armor design in destiny 2?
Did every good artist leave bungie after d1?

Too bulky, too shiny, colors too washed up. No shader or armor makes things look like D1's DO shaders or some other matte shaders with bright light (can't remember the name of the SRL black and blue one)

The short answer is that there's no "generic city" sets that look good.

My fuggin fists. Shoulder charge is the best.

imagine playing this trashheap of a franchise holy shit it's got the be the most nondescript casual bullshit around and that's not even mentioning all the controversies and broken promises

broken promises, outright lies, all pushing you to the cash store

This Revoker quest is reminding me that I was actually fairly decent at pvp sniping, I just didn't like it.

I haven't played it, that's why I was asking.

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This game is shit and will always be shit

>there are people that think VoG is the best raid due to how braindead easy it is

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>tfw you run with your friends who, for the life of them, can't make middle strat work without getting angry

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all the fallen are homeless, user

This entire thread is neo Yea Forums and needs to be contained.

It filters out those who play it obviously

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>Her benevolence


So is Shaxx black or white?

He is a lionman


>Her Benevolence
It's The Supremacy.

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What was the fucking point of this? It literally doesn't matter to the story and feels like it was done ONLY for marketing purposes

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Nice try retard. Here is a counterfeit (You) for your troubles.

Cayde's dialogue was worse and more forced than anything in Borderlands

>he doesn't have a hacked ps3

>The Supremacy.


don't talk shit about the best sniper rifle in the game

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in 1? not really, he still kept it to himself for the most part
in 2? yes, his writing was so bad the voice actor actively refused to voice his death since he took it as an insult

Granted, but it becomes an SMG

hello zippy my senpai the final round man

honestly, I wouldn't mind that if they also gave it an extra perk like auto reloading or healing per multiple kills

wasn't that efrideet's spear though?

Narratively it setup the revenge arc against Uldren, yet the bait & switch with the Dreaming City sort of took bigger priority, the later seasons (namely Season of the Drifter) expanded upon the reasons and methods. It was more of a revenge ploy by the Fallen than it was Uldren (Uldren just fired the last shot). Pirrha had access to munitions that had Weapon of Sorrow qualities, so it's pretty needless to say the whole thing was planned pretty meticulously from the start, not to mention that Reksis was the one to have a swing at him in the cutscene, who happens to have an outright massive hateboner for robots. There's a whole lot going on in the cutscene (and the circumstances of Cayde's death) that aren't really explored in full detail in the cutscene.

Keked at the image. There's a lot of people typing like that lately. Why is that?

>in 2? yes, his writing was so bad the voice actor actively refused to voice his death since he took it as an insult
Got a source for that?


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that's the thing, there was no reason to have a revenge arc and the whole story could've shipped without that aspect and still be the same. We'd still hunt Uldren and his barons because they're clearly a threat to the system and because he wants to fuck around with the darkness a little too much. Killing Cayde is ultimately just a shallow attempt at getting someone's attention after the disaster that was y1

Not if you look into the future. Every step of Forsaken is essential when you realize Uldren is going to be the next hunter vanguard.

I think it had to deal with the split focus, it isn't exactly a new thing in the series proper. Taken King and Rise Of Iron were both too split into two different arcs and during the time that people were talking about D2 expansion in Y1, this was on the drafting table almost constantly. Beyond that, the theme of the expansion was Outlaws, revenge and dreams. If we had to find something that didn't really fit the narrative on a larger whole, you'd be better off talking about the Black Armory, which even Luke Smith admits was pretty botched narratively. In that it was a cool concept executed extremely poorly.

plev filter as in all plebs from other games gravitate toward it?

in that case wouldn't it be easier to change the theme of the season rather than the entire story of it? instead of Outlaw it could've been something like 'Season of Secrets' or 'Season of the Curse' or something like that

Well in Shadowkeep the season is "Season of the Undying", which indicates a Vex focus, yet narratively we've mostly seen the Hive, moon and Shadowkeep being paraded around. It's mostly been the nature of most Destiny storytelling so far, they start subplots which kind of eventually boil into bigger parts of the story and then sort of mesh it together. Six years ago everyone was kind of glamoring around how the Awoken, the Queen and especially the Prince. They were then kind of forgotten for the entirety of D1 and the first year of D2 and then resurfaced to deliver more info for the next Hive god that's coming after us. Oryx was one of the three siblings and so far D2 has been pretty anxiously building up towards the confrontation against his sister, Savathûn.

>old game doesnt get support anymor

cry me a river

>b-but but the in the lore this game is pretty awsome

destiny fags need to get gassed

but look at our fashion and cute raifus lol and lore is so deep xD

How you fags haven't offed yourselves yet is a fucking wonder. Doesn't it bother you that you have payed $400 for a series that EVERYONE shits on you for? Doesn't it get tiring to know that you are such a waste of space that the gun in the closet starts to feel welcoming because you play such shitty drivel?

shadowshart Bungiefags suicide livestream when?

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You weren’t there, man

Hey guys, so I told my friend about Destiny New Light (tm) and I wanted to run him through the Leviathan Raid. But like he is so under leveled, do you think I should grind him up or wait until the season ends and he can buy Season of The Undying(tm) Season Ranks? I'm like seriously cool with either one. Once he gets to the objective, we are going to be Unstoppable!!!

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Based poss bro

How is the game now that Activision doesn't have a vice grip on Bungie's nutsack? I quit because I encountered a bug that stripped some of the rewards I should've gotten from raiding, and when I tried to get help pretty much everybody told me to go fuck myself.

But I wouldn't mind starting a clean slate on Steam or Stadia when that's out. Kinda curious.


Year 1 was fucking dope. Running Pulse Rifle/Pocket Infinity on a Striker Titan was amazing.

But Year 3 with mapping people with voops combined with Twilight Garrison movement and trolling with the Radegast artifact was the most fun I've had in ages.

It hasn't really been in a horrendous spot since Year 1 actually. Forsaken was pretty much the best entry in the series and the rest of the game and it's problems are pretty archetypical to it's genre (content draughts, power creep etc.) but in terms of what to expect the current situation is that there's almost three years worth of content to do, with most of it not really being useless either (guns and gear from all seven seasons of the game are more than viable) and Shadowkeep is looking towards giving depth to the gearing in general.

>zippyman taking it for the team

what a legend

>Twilight Garrison

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TTK was the motherfucking shit. Shame about the rest though