Game has reverse traps

>game has reverse traps

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Holy shit

please don't say trap. this is your only warning

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Is that a trap in the webm?

>Reverse traps

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>that anatomy

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Been awhile since I've seen /ck/ on Yea Forums.

i don't get it is it horse semen?

I'm actually enjoying this current arc. It's nice seeing a weak MC actually stand his ground and want to fight.

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What manga

thankfully we live in the real world and not some magic wizard realm where just saying "ignis" lights your house on fire.

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lurk you stupid shit

I struggle to understand the significance of this webm

I don't care enough to search for it just tell me you faggot

A harem manga called Rokudou no Onna-tachi. Summary: Pussy MC's grandfather leaves him with a 'curse' mark which subsequently causes 'bad girls' to fall in love with him for reasons they can't explain. Out of all the bad girls he runs into this blonde bombshell that can more or less destroy anybody that tries to fuck with the MC or her. MC doesn't want to fight and wants a normal life but through a constant stream of events not only does he get a massive target drawn on his back but realizes if he wants his 'peaceful' school life he literally has to fight for it with his fists.

Honestly it's less about the MC forming a harem and more about the him learning how to deal with his problems rather than running away and letting others solve them for him. Yeah every new arc features a new girl, but only the blonde bombshell is present at all times while the others are called upon when plot demands it.

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Don't be a lazy faggot and use sauceNAO

then don't expect an answer you jizzguzzling scum

Thanks user sounds pretty cool

>When best girl is solidly lodged in 2nd place

It's a pretty fun story. MC may seem a bit too holier than thou at times, but since the manga is about beating people up and he gets worked over a lot because he stands by his beliefs THAT much, it balances out because he realizes he can't be a weakling forever.

We don't know that for sure yet, especially after the falling out Rokudou and Ranna had not too long ago. Plus Raino isn't the kind of girl to just step away.

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I feel like it should have ended here but it's still good.

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the guy on the left's eyes looks like he's wearing glasses

his eyes are glasses

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Onishima arc was great but the two after felt like filler. The current one feels back on track and I'm enjoying it a lot.

That the metaphor.

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Based Rokudou post

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>game has a both traps and reverse traps
>they’re not treated as one-off jokes, and become one of the best characters in the game

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Minami is pretty cute too despite being the weakest girl out of the ones introduced. The fangs help.

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Fuck off troon

>white power sign at the end
fuck off /pol/

Nah, Ranna will definitely win
It's like you didn't read the chapter where Rokudou discussed this with Hiruma

She's the main girl so it's obvious she will, but I'd at least like for Rokudou to try his hand at dating Raino especially when it's his one shot at a normal relationship. Also who's Hiruma again? I tend to forget the name of characters that don't show up for a while.

Afraid of the future?

the delinquent bro who used to bully Rokudou for the first like 3 chapters

Iinuma Haruya? I figured that's who you meant, but wasn't sure. Also you talking about this part where he basically tells Rokudou don't feel like he's obligated to be with Ranna?

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Read Kangou Banchou. It's from the author of Seven Deadly Sins and is just big dumb fights between crazy super powered delinquents.
Also cute girls

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yeah, Iinuma
I have no idea why I called him Hiruma

Cute fangs.

>Welcome back to "Cooking with a clinical retard"

>read that whole shit

worth every fucking second Jesus it was a great ride

It's nonstop stupid crazy bullshit and its wonderful

excuse me?

Go to Yea Forums, you faggots

Yea Forums threads are always better on Yea Forums though.

Where do you see that?

Thanks for reminding me I haven't read this in a lonnnng time

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>Give the guys an entire arc to learn Kung Fu
>It actually sticks

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