What are you're hopes and fears for Breath of the Wild 2?
What are you're hopes and fears for Breath of the Wild 2?
Built Pounding?
Hey Yea Forums my friend wants to surprise his gamer sister with her own little Minecraft Discord in 2 hours. It'd mean alot to her if some people joined!
hopes: NDC on character design
fears: Big Maring crossover DLC
i wish that was me
is it okay to grope a slut wearing these kind of clothes?
the other day i saw a girl with a shirt that said down to fuck wearing a choker
More crossdressing options
How the fuck would you even defend yourself if she were to charge at you? She's fucking massive! Literally what would you do in that situation, shes got fuckloads of muscle and cushion to block every blow you could give you her, and you cant aim for the face because she is freakishly tall. What the fuck would you do with just your body? Cunt punch wouldn't even do damage as that puss is made of muscle too, probably.
Being obese lowers your hormones. Obese women have trouble getting pregnant. Obese women are for low test men.
>literal shitskin
>goy nose
>muh strong womyn
thank you based japan!!
are you okay?
built 4 pounding
No more rain hindering climbing or at the very least some things to help you ignore the slipperiness caused by rain. Really brings down the enjoyment of exploration when you need to find shelter to timeskip the rain. It was okay when it made going along the Zora river the first time more challenging, but it wasn't okay when it kept appearing in other areas just to waste your time.
Also the master sword trials. 1 GUY NO CONTINUES! ARE YOU FOR REAL!?
I hope they do something else with the durability system, whether it's increasing durability across the board, implementing a repair mechanic, or ditching it entirely.
I fear they won't.
god i want her to sit on my face
Put her into a submission hold by sliding a ring on her finger.
A proper, upgradeable home/home base with a motherfucking STASH for my equipment. I don't want to have to raid Hyrule Castle EVERY time my good weapons get low.
Built for fat old men
ask her to make tendies
same as me
Is that you, Gaben?
i meant i'm built for them
Memes rot your brain, son.
Only if they're your boyfriend or groped you first
This. Let me use a fresh iron sword to fix my current one, and take two full condition ones to make an upgraded sword with more damage and durability. I didn't like using swords as ammo and it made finding a cool sword in a dungeon less rewarding.
Also I want cooler shieka powers.
They age Purrah into a bombshell.
They age Purrah into a grandma.
>Aging Purrah at all
why would mess with perfection?
She's trying to reverse her anti-aging rune, so it's inevitable. I'm just hoping it becomes something hot and not something ugly. Obviously the best course of action is her embracing permanent loli-dom.
I want to more cool shit to find namely masters of the specific weapon types. "I'm the spear master, do a quest for me and I'll teach you a new spear move." "I'm the unarmed master, do my quest and I'll teach you an unarmed move" that kind of shit.
If they're going to keep the "same" map I at least expect some drastic changes and new areas. Caves, underwater swiming and area transformations are necessary to make it feel somewhat fresh.
I hope they also drop shrines and go back to full dungeons and mini dungeons.
Only other things I want are unique items making a comeback (hookshot, better and harder to get master sword, mask that reveals illusions, and so on, they can get creative)
Biggest fear is that they make it linear again, if they want to flesh out progression they can just give you better rewards for completing more of the game
What the fuck were they thinking by making the final boss worse if you actually did the dungeons in the first one
Dungeons, rebuilt new towns
Shrines yet again, everywhere looks the same.
I feel we should be able to craft arrows in line with this too, you can't really stay out in the woods if you run out of arrows since only some enemies will drop them and inconsistently.
It's kinda wild that the most martially talented Link with the most special moves are WW Link, a random islander, and TP Link, a random farmboy. This Link has trained his entire life to be a knight yet he can barely do anything but slash and stab. Can't even roll.
>I hope they also drop shrines and go back to full dungeons and mini dungeons.
Very much this. The shrines were an interesting experiment, but it's just not completely Zelda without proper dungeons. Maybe if the Divine Beasts weren't so lackluster.
Underwater being absent is strange, because if you look you can see that most rivers and lakes have a bottom.
more pornography featuring yoga pants zelda and gerudo link
literally none, I don't care if the game does well or not, I probably won't even play it
Is there anything more kino than the venus body type
more gerudo porn AND MORE GERUDO PORN
WW Link spent his whole youth training under Orca, who was an exceptional swordsman in his younger days. TP Link had the Hero's Shade.
no shrines
fucking huge dungeons
no breakable weapons
keep the freedom of the first one
more shrines
breakable weapons