Get kicked out of a dungeon group almost at the end of the dungeon because the group leader wanted an item I won when...

>get kicked out of a dungeon group almost at the end of the dungeon because the group leader wanted an item I won when rolling

Lmao, MMOs are garbage. Why the fuck did I pay $15 for this horseshit.

Attached: best-class-in-world-of-warcraft-classic[1].jpg (780x439, 41K)

Other urls found in this thread:

maybe you need to GET GUUUUUUUD

what item and what class are you and the leader?

>act like a douchebag rolling on an item that isn't for your class
>get what you deserve
Wtf bros why mmos suck????

>join strat at 58 with a full group of 60
>terrible players, priest specifically refuses to sheckle, rogue keeps stunning on opening sucking all my rage
>light banter against an annoyed dps with my level
>they immediately goes on the defensive, we kill the closest boss and they kick me out without saying a word
>I whispering saying they should at least tell me "this ain`t working"
>no response
Was it autism?

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Did you roll need on something you can't use? Rolling for alts isn't a thing faggot

Cloak of the Brotherhood I think it was called. It was the Deadmines dungeon. I'm mage and he was a paladin. I know I can wear it, yet he still asked why "the fuck" I needed it. I literally skipped all items I couldnt use myself.

It's for my class. I tried it on just now before quitting completely.

fuck this guy in particular

I thought I'd be fine playing without any friends but then the dungeon spam meta revealed itself and I immediately stopped playing. I genuinely don't think the game is worth playing without a group to back you up, especially as alliance on pvp servers.

>rolling on agility items

You really don't get much out of that item as a caster, but a paladin really shouldn't be sperging over it either regardless of spec.

Whats the problem? You got the item and you were gonna run the dungeon again anyway.

They're the autists for taking a fucking videogame so seriously user.

Admittedly I am new to this game and MMOs in general (I mostly just play single player games). I didnt know I couldnt get much out of this, all I knew is that I could wear it and rolled Need on it.
I only really started playing to please a co-worker. I found it fun until this shit happened. Going back to single player games now.

>Whats the problem?

I got kicked out for a bullshit reason is the problem. Screw the item, I dont really care about it. It's the attitude of kicking me off the group after all the effort I put into getting to the end is what upsets me. And this is why I dont play multiplayer games.


Its a fucking 15 year old game. Yet there are retards like OP t.rogue

Bruh, even is sp games a mage doesnt use the agility stat. Use your brain. Wow doesnt have any unique attributes.

>I found it fun until this shit happened. Going back to single player games now.
Good. You sound like a fucking faggot.

Go look up the icy veins guide for classic mage or something similar to Get a grasp on What stats you should aim for. The thing about classic is that stats often matter more than just «is this my type of armour».

i ninja everything i can to vendor for gold and when people bitch i tell them 'it's just a game'

If you can't handle getting fucked over then you made the right choice in quitting. WoW Classic's fun mainly comes from fucking others over whether they are on the other side or even on your own side.

your kick was well deserved. lol Yea Forums in a nutshell

WoW Classic? me and my bf's think that game is BOSS!

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>join guild in burning crusades
>do tier 5 raids
>win multiple rolls but denied items every time
>everything goes to guild leader and his RL friends for alt builds

Honestly you probably shouldn't be playing any multiplayer game anymore. You may be clinically retarded to believe a mage needs agility. I mean you can mouse over your stats to see what they do

>literally got outrolled on every blue I've rolled on except that shit tier 6 int 2 agil ring in VC

Im not even mad. I mean, not really. Totally cool for tank to outroll a rogue on cruel barb.

nobody "needs" stats pre 40 and itemization is shit the entire game, it's his cloak, he won, end of story

do you punch mobs till 40?

>1 person was mean to me once, so i have to quit
honestly, the player base is better off without a fucking baby like you. most people would take it as a learning experience, but you just decided to cry on 4channel about it, stomp your feet and give up


I don't understand why someone so thin skinned is even on Yea Forums. People here are generally pretty hostile.

Your story doesn't work OP.

>Item drops
>Rolls happen
>It gets assigned

If they kick you while the loot drop is active you still roll on the loot. Stop fucking lying.

what shit fucking logic

epic blog
go fuck yourself kid.

if he didnt state the rules (reserve) beforehand and you won the roll, you can contact support and they will transfer the item to you

I am a God-tier warrior tank, but I can't be doing with the work, and I also swear to God that I can't be fucked to train up a bunch of zoomer DPS & healers properly to stop playing like shit in PvE. I will probably get banned for chewing someone out if I kept playing a tank on my server.
Lack of tanks?
Fuck you, you guys earned it

We rolled on it, I clicked "Need" because the items says I can wear it, and I won. Leader then proceeds to sperg out because apparently he wanted it so he kicked me out before I could tell the dumbass I was willing to give it to him if he was really that upset about it. Screw me for not being an autist that knows how Lord of the Ring high fantasy bullshit classes work.

Yeah, go fuck yourself

>Don't understand your class and what good item stats are
>Still mad at other people

DESU you're a faggot and your reputation on your server will suffer the longer you keep at this.

Cloaks are universal, doesn't mean it's for your class

>If I can technically use it that means I need it
Are you a fucking retard?
You only roll need if it is a direct upgrade, and you will use it 100% (i.e. equip it).
As a rogue I can wear int and spi gear, and +spell dmg increases my poison DPS. Does that mean then that I, an agility using melee class which gets attack power from strength and agility, should roll on cloth caster items?
No, you dumb fuck.

Is tanking supposed to be kinda hard in this game or am I just trash? I feel like I don't have enough hate generation

MMOs have always fucking sucked.

>bullshit reason
>needing on a melee cloak as mage
Next time learn the game you retarded zoom zoom, huntards are bad enough without mages stealing equipment

How about you stop being so angry over this kind of bullshit, lmao hilarious.

wow is fucking trash but you are actually retarded

and once again op is a fag

>I can wear it so I can roll need
zoom zoom get the fuck back to bfa instead

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How about you quit the game you disingenuous anus.
Because it's the only fucking way players learn in this shitheap game

Haha fucking retard btw there are millions of mages so you might as well just delete your character. Replaceable bitch learn the game.

they are autists. luckily this is classic and we get to create shitlists of bad/ninja players. it's going to be so fucking funny when people who spent the time leveling to 60 get permanently blackballed for being assholes, can't wait. and no I don't mean being an asshole as in rude, no one cares, I'm talking about booting people for rolling on items they need, ninjaing shit, AFKing and doing zero dps in UBRS runs

Stun opens with 2 combo points and alot of mobs are immune to garrote. Also if he a sword rogue(most likely) you cant ambush.
Sounds like it was a good idea to give you the boot to be honest.

Quick tips for people who are interested in tanking (warrior) in this fucked-up zoomer infested phase of classic's life (either you're insane or just insane):
>Apparently I need to say this but you should always be in defensive stance and using a shield. I don't give a single fuck if your favourite streamer retard is using a 2H weapon and spamming demoralizing shout, that's not tanking, it's being lazy and a non-team player. It's also \\SHIT THREAT//.
>Use only revenge and sunder armor, do not use heroic strike, it is not an instant cast, it adds simply bonus damage on your next melee swing for 15 rage, and will waste a rage-generating weapon swing which means less threat in the short and long term
>You are expected to mark mobs in the order you will generate threat on them. For example, many players associate skull with "kill this first" and cross with "kill this next". Also you need to mark mobs for crowd control (polymorph, freezing trap, seduction, banish, hibernation etc.). Go into key bindings and bind the raid markers to a key or button on your mouse to save time.
>If you are going to use fear to crowd control ("CC") a mob, make sure to pull it way way way back before instructing the warlock to fear it, as it WILL run into other packs of mobs and aggro them meaning a wipe
>Tab-target sunder + revenge is fine if you do it away from mobs which have CC on them
>Get a ranged weapon. Use it to pull. It is your bread and butter. Charging is for retard-tier tanks. Never do it. If a pack of mobs has a caster in it, pull with the ranged weapon and move behind an object or a wall. This is called line of sighting and it will make the casters come to your location. Extremely useful. Do this on most every pull for safety, as there are patrols abound in classic WoW dungeons, and tanking a pack of mobs away from danger is basically your job.
>Use shouts and bloodrage just after a pull so you are immediately put at the top of the threat list
Maybe more idk. Maybe

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you can't give it to him if it's from a boss, retard

and agility not being a stat for magic users is known if you played any game ever

I roll need on everything.

You won't go far


>OP makes an entire thread to seethe and bitch
>Turns out he was the fag

>all I knew is that I could wear it
Everyone can, you dunce. Notice there isn't an armor class on cloaks. It's like huntards being able to equip 2h axes so they roll on a str axe that is completely useless to them while a warrior is in the group. Anyone who has played literally any traditional RPG can tell you that casters want caster stats, which are quite obviously intellect and spirit here. You're just a moron and deserve to be bitched at.

>i can wear it
At least this guy didn't roll hunter

Correct. Retards were always part of the experience.

>loot council

Holy shit I'm warrior, if this happens to me early on a dungeon, ima flake on all them. I know how valuable I am as a tank

>(sabotaging the tank`s rage) was a good idea to give you the boot to be honest
This is your brain on rouge

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>rogue keeps stunning on opening sucking all my rage

while i know its not helpful to a tank its the best pve sword rogue opener and im pretty sure tanks themselves can literally circumvent this with taunt or stance changing

Tank tips cont.
>No matter what, always turn the tanked enemies AWAY from your group. This makes it easier for the melee DPS to get into their best position to do damage (being behind a target removes the enemy chance to parry an attack from the combat table), and also stops them from getting cleaved if the mobs do cleaves.
>If the priest keeps putting power word: shield on you, tell them to stop doing it politely. PW:S will KILL your rage generation. You need to take damage to generate rage, as well as dealing damage; more rage is more threat and you will NEED the rage from taking damage to tank well.
>You are expected to lead. In most groups the tank's word is final. In light of this position of authority, you are in return expected to know the dungeon layout, where to go, what boss does what, where to tank things, how to pull certain packs of mobs, what mobs do (casts etc.), and tactics for fights. Fortunately, classic WoW isn't particularly taxing in this regard and if you're even a semi-competent DPS, you will pick up most of these things by observing a good tank or going on a dungeon run or raid.
>Macro auto-attack onto your threat generating abilities. This is a good increase in threat as you will automatically start attacking a next target no matter what.
>Move mobs you are tanking actively AWAY from CC'd ones -- \\IMPORTANT// no one forgives a tank for breaking CC early, it's just embarrassing
>There is no AoE threat for warriors in this game. We have two taunts: one is a regular taunt with an 8 sec CD, the other is challenging shout, a 10 min CD AoE taunt which taunts all nearby mobs to attack you. In this period you need to establish threat on all these targets by using sunder and revenge ASAP.
>Get sunders and revenges out ASAP on all targets after a pull so you don't immediately drop threat when a healer or DPS heals you or attacks the mobs.
From reading these small tips you will be marginally better now than you were previously.

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Huntard stole my corpsemaker from RFK when I rolled on a private server earlier this year. Everyone had words for him. Everyone.

at least hes not an avatar posting shitlord lmfao

You're worse thsn hunters. Just because you qualify for an item doesn't mean you roll for it.

>roll need
Are all boomers this dumb?

it can be the difference to use an extra sunder armor and on a group with the dps on point or a under leveled/undergeared tank it may pull aggro. Plus on the early stages of dungeon farming tanks rely on using Berserker Rage to generate extra rage on damage so they can reliably generate enough threat.

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You're talking about a tank 2 levels below the rest of the group in a decently difficult dungeon at a point in the game where gear is actually important. The tank is going to have a hard enough time keeping aggro from the healer without a dumbass rogue trying to top the damage meter.

>muh combo points
Wait for sunders, retard.

Yeah, I can circumvent this by stance changing to balanced since you want to be the tank so bad

Group leader sounds like a chad.

>posting reaction images is avatarfagging
I don`t think you understand a thing about anything

If you have no bearing on a new game and you can roll need on the item, you could think agility must effect cast speed or something since you shouldn’t logically be able to roll on something mostly useless to your class

>As a rogue I can wear int and spi gear, and +spell dmg increases my poison DPS.

Sounds like shit game design to me so it can’t be his fault. You shouldn’t be able to roll need if your class will never need it.

>Charging is for retard-tier tanks. Never do it.
If you aren't at risk of face-pulling another group and don't need to LoS pull, you absolutely should charge for the free rage. Even if you don't have tactical mastery and take a threat generation penalty on whatever you use that rage for, it's still worth it.

Just spam battle shout bro

Cont. cont...
>If a DPS is not following the marked target kill order, tell them to follow the order politely and tell them, or remind them, what it is (skull - cross - and then whatever else is next, usually the poly'd target as polymorph can be re-applied with ease). If they still don't follow the kill order, it is time for you to be a leader and either kick them, or refuse to tank until they do, or drop group and ignore. Trying to explain why takes time, you should just kick them if it's a PuG (if you like them it's up to your -- your call), and if it's a guild group, you should take the time to explain why they should as it's your guild. The reason is simple: the kill order shows what you have the most threat on. If they attack what you have the most threat on at the same time, not only do they not get aggro needlessly, the mobs also die quicker. This is smooth, and makes the healer's mana last longer as they only have to heal one target -- you, the tank. Resulting in -- would you believe it?! A faster dungeon clear!
>If DPS or healers pull -- well, if it's an accident let it slide just once. If they do it twice just kick them or leave. Fuck them. They're shit.
>Use a fast-speed weapon it lets you get threat out faster with auto-attacks and also generates rage faster.
>Stance dance! It's important.

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From the replies I thought people were exaggerating because Vanilla had cloth items that inexplicably had agility along with intellect but I looked it up and this was a pure agility item.

The paladin would have benefited much more than you, even if he was a holy paladin. They made the right choice.

Games that restrict items by class are the oddity, not the norm, you imbecile. It should be immediately obvious from your items saying 'Cloth' rather than 'Class: Mage' that the game segregates items by armor class and it would take a very special type of retard to think that only mages wear cloth. Nevermind that this is something labeled 'Cloak' which is obviously a slot that everyone has and so is naturally wearable by all classes.

You kids sure love to throw the word retard around a lot. Is your life that bad?

Not as bad as you are at this 15 year old game.

That pretty much stops working once you pass Mara. The threat doesn't scale.

Yea Forums isn't for you. Go back.

Seriously what the fuck is going on, why is everyone 2h tanking? I had some cunt have a go at me yesterday for needing to drink every pull, I WOULDNT NEED TO IF YOUD PUT ON A SHIELD YOU FUCKING RETARD

I've been here since 2007, kid. I ain't going nowhere.

>always be in defensive stance
>Stance dance!

make up your mind

Defias/Scarlet Crusade are still people you cunt

Why the fuck would you ever join a guild using loot council

You wouldn't be posting sick bait posts if that were true. A kid is you.

Charging into a pack of mobs blindly is very contextual, for most learners (which is what the tips are for) I'd recommend they don't until they've learned the dungeon(s).
However stance-dancing from def into serker for berserker rage to nullify an upcoming fear is vital 100%

i like how people actually talk in dungeons this time around
i remember my mop and wod days, nobody said a fucking word. the most was afk or brb. it was like playing with bots

postem n rateem

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Yeah, sure. Now let's talk about you and why you're so angry all the time. Why is that?

Because they are retards who cannot play, and they lie about being a tank so they can do epic Laintime DPS with a 2-hander. Lmao. Give this game a year imo to weed out shitters.

>I did something retarded, this game SUCKS
You absolutely should go back to single player games, and stop posting online while you're at it. Hide your shame from the world.

Ah, I see you have now switched to 'u mad.'

Lurk moar.


Did OP boot himself from the raid? I must've missed that part.

Is Arugal supposed to be a huge difficulty spike or was my group just bad? Keep in mind we had little issues with the rest of the instance.

Just accept you fucked up and move on you sensitive fuck. Learn from it.
>Mage player

>finally, I got the agility item I wanted
>now I can cast my spells on one leg

Well you clearly are upset, can't really deny that. I'm just trying to figure out what went wrong in your life.

In combination with my levelling buddy suddenly losing it, and some douchey players, I've cancelled my subscription (but may return to it later on in a few months, I didn't delete my character), but had a rather weird run in with a weird douche for SM Cathedral.

I was going as a tank and the party consisted of some underleveled DPS, a healer and a level 42 warrior. I was level 39 as the tank so was obviously a little low but high enough. As the run started I was multitasking between that and talking with friends and doing other things, but was going as quickly as I could considering I had never done that dungeon on that character before (Not since 06 at least) and was taking it kinda slow anyway. But this level 42 warrior would always say "LEGIT BRO! Hurry the fuck up" and so I sped things up a little and continued what I was doing, things were going fine as we got to the Cathedral and were clearing out the mobs. And then he repeated "LEGIT BRO" and urged me to hurry up...and so I did. I just rushed into a bunch of mobs without giving a shit and ended up pulling too many. The group promptly wiped and the tard called me a spastic and asked for me to be kicked out of the group (but I was promoted to Leader so that was impossible). At that point because I was fed up of this shit (and all the other negative shit that happened to me in Classic recently), I kicked everyone out of the group and that guy ranted at me. I promptly just laughed at him for being such a spastic (ironically) to the point he blocked me.

Moral of the story: If you are playing with impatient players who think most of the group being a tad underlevelled doesn't matter, you should probably just kick them out of the group because they shouldn't expect a super quick run with that group make up in the first place.
Legit Bro.

>getting this mad over a video game
Hearty keks lads, this game will be dead in a month.

bad, arugal might surprise your healer for a second when your tank starts attacking your rouge but overall is not hard

i remember that happening back in the day. yeah that does not surprise me, especially if they are 4 stacked.

I'm not even OP.

Not a raid. Also booting a shithead who rolls need on gear they don't need is the correct response.

>form Alliance SFK group
>literally everyone's a paladin

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People did this all the time in vanilla for lower level dungeons because everyone was arms or fury for leveling. I don't think it works past 30s though.

But OP said that he did need it, and he won it fair and square. He's not to blame.

>doesn't know the dungeon
>alt-tabbed away from the game
>gets entire party killed
>kicks everyone
holy shit I think you're the worst wow player I've ever seen

>Doing VC as a chad paladin tank.
>Annoying ass rogue keeps pulling ahead of me and wont let me drink to get mana.
>Finally reach the end
>Get vancleef to 30% before kicking the rogue from the party
>He's flailing around spamming /say to get re invited
>Boss dies and the brotherhood chest drops
>We all greed and the priest wins he then proceed to DE it.
Fuck all you zoom zoom faggots I will kick every single one of you from my groups and there is NOTHING you can do about it.

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I'm tired of the 'zoom zoom' mentality some tanks and players have. Sure if you as a group are running the instance for the third time that night pull and go fast but there is no problem taking your time before encounters.

Also, if your in "gotta go fast" mode nobody should never get mad when you overpull and wipe. Usually groups I play in that are pulling many mobs aggressively have a good laugh when the patrol walks in and fucks everything up. But not always

Same point still applies though? So not only that but you're also getting mad on OP's behalf? Mad ridiculous. Are you his mother or something?

>doubling down

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>friend accidentally rolls on Cruel Barb
>wins it
>agrees to let me kick him out so I can loot it
>I try it
>can't loot it

Why didn't this work for me?

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>he doesn't play agility mage with 60% dodge


It's your fault

Read the thread.

I have a brain (shocking I know), so I can imagine how I'd feel if that happened to me. He's not to blame.

paladin is a better dungeon tank than warrior by fucking miles. They aren't super great at low level though.

He doesn't need it (mages do not need agility) and his lack of knowledge resulted in him taking something he had no real right to take. Now he knows better and you're for some reason white knighting this guy because, most likely, you're some fey little effeminate twink who wants to be "nice" all the time

>Apparently I need to say this but you should always be in defensive stance and using a shield. I don't give a single fuck if your favourite streamer retard is using a 2H weapon and spamming demoralizing shout, that's not tanking, it's being lazy and a non-team player. It's also \\SHIT THREAT//.

Opinion discarded you are a shit player and a retard.

But OP won it fair and square.

You're the shit player AND a retard if any of that simple shit is egregious to you. Like how bad. Are you. FUCK?
Have fun doing MC for years.

Get that up ya

These threads make me so fucking glad I didn't bother checking classic out

Yes but I had tanked Herod at level 36 with a good supporting group
>doesn't know the dungeon
It's been 13 years since I did it
>alt-tabbed away from the game
That I will give you a point on, my heart truly wasn't in it after the other depressing shit that happened
>gets entire party killed
Because someone urged me to rush and I did, so they got what they deserved
>kicks everyone
Because they were douchebags and more than one person acted salty and retarded.
I agree with this. Especially for those not super familiar with the dungeon. And of course the appropriate response to wiping once isn't "FUCKING KICK THIS RETARDED FAGGOT TANK" if you asked the tank to fucking rush in.

You can tank raids without a shield even. Retail babies are pathetic brainlets.

Because you are retarded

The only cunts with a quest there? Who'd have thunk?

You don't Need roll on an item that's not for your class you fucking mongoloid. If he won a Greed roll it would be fair.

You don't understand greed/need systems. There is a reason 'ninja loot' exists as a term and players who do exactly what the OP did get blackballed.

tanking is by far the hardest role in dungeons. idk about raiding

>HS costs 15 rage
Not if you're specced right it doesn't.

You should still use heroic strike and cleave if you've got excess rage.
>Charging is for retard-tier tanks
Unless you're going to get another pack in and you can't CC properly, this is wrong.

Shouts are the lowest threat generating ability we have, they do essentially nothing. Tclap, cleave or spam sunders are more effective.

Otherwise spot on

Stop biting

By mistakenly rolling need.

It's like if some guy was giving out burgers to tramps and you went up and took the last burger, not knowing they were for the homeless. And behind you is a guy with ratty clothes on and a 6-month beard growth smelling like squid and ass. And he looks at you eating this burger, and your eyes meet for a split second, and his face is just the worst kind of sad and you just immediately know you fucked up.

That's what this is like. He did not win it "fair and square" but only because he rolled need INCORRECTLY. Ergo it's not fair and square, the loot was effectively rendered useless as mages have no fucking use for agility. Fair and square is if both warriors roll on a mail chestpiece that is an upgrade for them both with +str and +stam on it.

God why am I even talking to a retard about this, shit, you even made me come up with some crap about a homeless food drive.

So, okay. Let's say I'm black and poor, and you have something that I need. Is it ok if I kill you because you refuse to give it to me?

Oh no no no

And how do you know he wouldn't have been booted even if the item was for his class? Would you condone that?

Uh yeah if I was leading that dungeon and I saw a mage roll need on agi items I'd kick them the fuck out,

have you even played World of Warcraft or not

Honestly working with tards like OP and making it work just long enough to get the group quest or leveling dungeon down is a huge part of vanilla that's sorely missing from the modern experience

You misunderstood. Read again.

Most of the complaints I hear coming from players kids who never played vanilla can be solved by being in an actually good guild, and not with memelords who teabag each other with no sense of consequences. If they're shitbirds, then tell everyone else in the server that they are so you can save other people from having the misery of grouping with the retards who are treating this like retail.

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There's nothing to misunderstand you're just being a fucking bitch now and splitting hairs and grasping straws for a point you're just plain wrong in, shut up, you're basically flat-earthing

Why would you do it to him Jingles? It was just a Savage Gladiator Chain

Pretty good, you're blurring the line between genuine mouth breather and bait. I'll bite and say almost certainly he wouldn't have been booted for doing something not retarded.

Do you condone it or not. Simple question. If you do then this entire conversation is moot since you're an asshole just like the guy OP is describing.

This thread was good to read. Thanks Yea Forums.

>imp HS
wasted points

>be on firemaw
>trick idiots into giving me control of world chat
>ban hundreds of people
>all those whispers of people asking me to unban them

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I highly doubt that but ok sure.


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You smell that? Thats the smell of WoW cancer pre burning legion.

MC is a piss easy raid and people were doing it back then with shit gear, and without the use of flasks. You can most certainly tank without shields and only retail babies think otherwise. If you're not tanking then shut the fuck up, and also learn how to manage your own threat too while you're at it.

His shadowbolts do damage but besides that nah

>Skarm does it so it's epic

I'm asking if you condone booting people from a raid or whatever simply because they won an item for their class that you wanted. Do you think that's ok or not?

Cape of the Brotherhood is not a mage item
So yes I condone him being kicked
You are retard
Never post again

not when it was a current raid. A group of random retards will be able to clear it on 1.12 just like they could back then and just like you can clear older tier raids in retail.

>And how do you know he wouldn't have been booted even if the item was for his class?
That has no relevance to this discussion whatsoever. It's like asking us if we believe false imprisonment is justified because some people commit crimes. What the fuck even.

You misunderstood again. I was talking hypothetically, if the item was for his class.

>im a literal fucking retard
if you actually think you need a sword and board equipped 100% of the time while tanking outside raids you just have brain damage sorry man

Well... it's an unfortunate situation for everyone. I don't think I'm going to assign blame anywhere. It seems like maybe the current game design is flawed if it leads to situations like that.

Why the fuck does your retard hypothetical matter? Of course it's scummy to kick people who rolled on an item they need. In the scenario mentioned ITT, OP is obviously a fucking retard. You're also just as fucking retarded.

But it does. Face it, you people just want an excuse to be an asshole and shit all over others for absolutely no reason. That's what this comes down to basically.

And that's why Classic will be dead in less than a year.

Cool strawman.

Was that so hard?

>be polite and just try to top damage meters in dungeons
>nothing bad has happened so far
feels nice

Every game imaginable can be considered flawed in that regard. If you're giving the player autonomy, they are free to fuck up. If you do not give a player autonomy, that can be considered a flaw. Meaningless.

>dps assblasted I'm 2H tanking and blowing them out on the charts

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So what you're saying is that most people need to be governed since they can't be trusted to do the right thing.

Actually a bad thing and I'm sure you've caused problems for your tank. I don't blame you though, most people don't know shit about threat generation.

Was it so hard to see that your hypothetical was absolutely fucking needless in nature and just so mindblowingly fucking stupid that it caused mass confusion among the people replying to you?

>But it does. Face it, you people just want an excuse to be an asshole and shit all over others for absolutely no reason. That's what this comes down to basically.
That's not what they are doing and exactly what you are doing though. They are actually responding to the situation OP presented them with. You are coming in here inventing hypotheticals as an excuse to be an asshole and shit all over others for absolutely no reason.

it's just boring

That's just, like, your opinion, man.

Lol but what if he needed it okay but what if he greeded it okay but what of I ualagakagaialahaual You mad I'm right

It's my fault that some people can't read?

By calling him a retard for playing the game and having a bad experience because people are assholes?

Close. My point is that not governing people can be perceived as a flaw because it gives them the opportunity to be retarded, but governing them can also be considered a flaw in removing player choice and freedom.
My point is that
>It seems like maybe the current game design is flawed if it leads to situations like that.
is a meaningless conclusion.

>retard does thing he obviously shouldn't per widely understood etiquette and long-precedented game mechanics
>0 utility gained for him by his action
>large negative utility for other parties impacted by his action
>>>>>>>absolutely no reason
Fuck off.

I think most humans are flawed as evident by this thread. The game is fine.

>group struggles to find a tank
>I tell them to find another DPS while I go tame a bear
>after the dungeon is done healer says my bear was preferable to most tanks he's had

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Its your fault that your debate and communication skills are so lackluster that you go around making utterly braindead hypotheticals devoid of any value on an indonesian tapestry forum.

But my hypothetical was related.

Yes. They are responding to the situation OP presented them with. What excuse exists? You're the one inventing hypotheticals and responding to others with them so you are the one creating excuses.
If OP did not want the opinions of others, he did not need to make this thread. You on the other hand, are specifically responding to others.

>Shitposting masters of the server
>Own the world chat and kick anyone who doesn't like us
>Recruit people that have been kicked out of other guilds for being offensive

Why did you join a guild that doesn't have fun user?

No, it wasnt. You have been told why by two people.

>Wants to experience Vanilla world of warcraft
>Gets the vanilla experience in the form of ninja looting
Did you honestly walk into this not knowing that WILL happen?

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You communicate terribly and nobody was an asshole in that situation other than OP

Right, which is why I said
>If you're giving the player autonomy, they are free to fuck up.

Okay, but why do you feel the need to call others retarded simply for playing a video game? It's not like OP went out of his way to do the wrong thing deliberately.

Free, yes. But they have the option not to, but they choose otherwise. That's nobody's fault but their own. They made that choice, just like you people are making the choice to call someone a retard for playing a video game.

>large negative utility
I'd like to emphasize this by noting that their negative is not getting the reward from their skinner box. Electrocute a rat who presses the food button and you can bet that rat will be fucking pissed.

Nice story bro but that's not how rolling works. If you were kicked out after rolling need/greed on the gear that changes nothing. Your roll still goes through and if you win the roll you still get the gear.

Not only did they do something wrong, they made a post claiming every other person involved was wrong and the game they were playing was shit as a result. Are you saying people ITT are meanies?

>Tanks don't charge
You do if you go down in arms tree and get Anger management to stance dance. And yes,you want to do this. You won't find anything useful in fury for awhile and prot is pretty underwhelming, You need as much threat as you can get and Arms gives you what you need.
Changing stances will...
A- Not drop your threat
B-Not get you one shoted
As for how to stance dance, Just make a macro for almost all your abilitys, putting you in the correct stance to use the ability. There are plenty of guides that explain this.

Where did they claim they didn't receive the item? Does everyone here huff paint?

My only posts in this thread was criticizing
so your baseless assertion has nothing to do with me.
If you want to apply what you said generally, refer to I don't care what people are saying about OP. is simply illogical. You're the one creating excuses to be an asshole. Others, regardless of what they say, are responding to OP. I don't care how you feel about what they are saying, I'm just pointing out that is faulty logic.

I have fond memories of being a shitlord in extreme late Lich King
what I did once was I wormed my way into random tiny guild
and because they were nearly Entirely all IRL friends with each other except for me and they had the guild bank set to completely open so I cleaned them out completely of all their shit and left, which for someone new at the game was a fuckton of gold and stuff

I'm shocked and dismayed that people like you actually exist. The fact that you went to the trouble of making this thread instead of just using your brain to figure out why that item wouldn't have been useful for your class is alarming. I really hope that you're just shitposting.

delusional huntard

How the fuck is it obvious that a shaman would wear mail? Why do shamans get to wear mail anyway, lore wise they're not much more than savage priests.

>I don't care how you feel about what they are saying
There lies the issue.

Server? Don't be a fag that sounds fun

It's possible during the first couple dungeons, maybe? Otherwise I agree.

>But they have the option not to, but they choose otherwise. That's nobody's fault but their own.
I think you're drawing your own conclusions and applying them to my posts. All I posted was
All I said was that 'flawed' as was used in is meaningless, because every game is flawed to the degree expressed in that post. Everything you're now replying to me with has nothing to do with anything I expressed in the posts above. If anything, my point was precisely that it's people themselves that are responsible for their actions.

>went out of his way to do the wrong thing deliberately.
So it turns out the chemical plant exploded and killed three people because a guy did something stupid that any reasonable purpose would have known not to do, but he didn't do it on purpose so I guess we should just forgive him for his negligence.

speaks more for how shit the average player is
I know I would've tanked even better if I had control of our group's warrior who was insistent on being DPS

"Its hunter loot"

You read that backwards. It's obvious from the fact that the shaman can wear three of four armor tiers that other classes must also be able to wear those tiers and so not everything of those tiers is meant for the shaman.

Perhaps that's an issue for you. That's your problem.
I saw as a flawed post, and gave my reasoning. Reasoning that has gone unchallenged.
I don't care about any other 'issue' you're having nor did I respond to, or provide an answer to them in any of my prior posts.

Nobody died though, except maybe OP's faith in this game. That's one less player playing Classic.

Are you retarded? Is this why you only play single player games? So people can't laugh at you?

Just curious, but on a scale of 1 to 10 how dead inside are you?

The shouts give threat based on the number of targets they affect, if you get your whole group in range battle shout does more threat than sundering, and it's for the whole group of mobs too, even more of a bonus if you've got a group of hunters/locks

People should be criticized for mistakes, particularly if they're completely ignorant of them and blame others.

You have the critical thinking ability of a five year old. Please refrain from engaging in debate until you have manage to be accepted to a community college.

>play game normally
>guy kicks you simply because he wants something from you
>somehow this is OP's fault

It hard but only because Blizzard refuse to give tanks the proper tools to use

Debating isn't as hard as you think it is. It's literally just a back and forth game until someone runs out of knowledge. Wow, brilliant.

Or you can literally hover over what that stat does.
You rolled need on an item you don't need that other people needed, that's called ninja'ing loot.
You stole the time and effort of your teammates to be a selfish idiot, and you got punished for it, stick to single player games, you probably play then just as bad.

I appreciate the zoomers playing. It's fun doing dungeons as everyone learns what to do. I was afraid that classic was just going to be people zerging to 60 doing optimum strats for everything.

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But he didn't do it deliberately.

>hunter pulls a mob
>instantly kick him and find another dps

Is there a better feeling?

So your hypothetical is fair but no one else's is, eh? You have been told why yours isn't. The one you just replied to is because it is actually the same scenario as the original, simply with a more negative result to impress upon you why the scenario is important. You changed the scenario.

>Friends complain because they're doing a dungeon called Gnomeregan
>Searching through Alliance cities trying to get a group together
>Three separate people say they want to join and flake out, takes them almost an hour to finally get a group together
>I ask them how they handle groups in retail WoW
>"You click a button and it finds a group automatically for you"
>"Wow, that seems like a way better system than the one they've got in the game currently"
>"It's not, nobody talks to each other in retail WoW, it's like playing a single player game"
>Watch friend play through two hour Gnomeregan while I play Tekken, they barely say anything to their group besides blaming the tank for pulling and rolling on items
>"You guys don't seem to be talking to your team besides berating them. You're sure WoW retail isn't a better system?"
>"Believe me, the community in retail WoW is total shit."
>"What if everybody on the Classic server just migrated to retail and agreed to talk with one another?"
>I got no answer
>They play a dungeon at their level (30) fighting 31-33 mobs for two hours and handing in five quests at once, barely hit 80% of a level

I'll never understand the appeal of MMOs

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I dont think classic can survive for a year

I'd say 1. I'm capable of holding an opinion, support it with reasoning, and not fall back on trying to change the subject and insult people when I cannot argue what they say. Life is pretty enjoyable when you can focus on just trying to rationalize and articulate your beliefs instead of trying to diagnosis complete strangers using baseless assertions.
How does that sound?

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My change wasn't as drastic as yours. At least mine was related.

whats the best vanilla auctioneer mod?

If you say so. Because you honestly sound like some boomer cops I once knew. Just saying.

That's not what happened.

>instead of trying to diagnosis complete strangers using baseless assertions.
You're free to think that. I personally think it's baseless and meaningless to invent personalities for people you know nothing about and use what is considered a defense mechanism but that does not remove your right to rely on it.

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>If A then B
>If A then *B*
>IF D then B

>someome tells me to shoot up a school
>I disagree but do so anyway
>wtf why am I the one in the wrong?!?! he told me to!

>healing sm arm
>3 warlocks as dps

If you life tap below 50% in combat im not wasting my mana on you.

Terrible experience forreal

>long-precedented game mechanics

The guy did say he just started playing the game. It doesn't matter that classic is 15 years old, it's new to him.

You're a cunt

>stop at the river by Hemets camp for greater sagefish pools
>See three pools along my way, a whole days buff food for leveling
>Ends up taking almost 30 minutes to fish up 6 sagefish and a trunk because the same paladin wants to try and kill me the entire time
>Graveyard right there so I cant even get a whole cast off before hes back
Goddamn I know where I am but its ridiculous when its one guy 6 levels above you over and over again. Finally ended when 8-9 people started fighting at the camp

all this assmaddery, sure hes a retard for rolling on an agility item but the guy that kicked him was a PALADIN



Have you ever played an RPG before?

Can two retards not exist in a group at once?

He did do it deliberately, he said he thought he needed the cloak.
This was DM, he was high enough level now to realize what stats are what, he rolled need on something he didn't really care about and then is whining about getting punished for it

it sounds like your friends came from retail hoping to find the magic of classic without realizing that they kind of have to be the magicians themselves

They're trying to argue being mistaken makes them not responsible. Or something.

That two hours of dungeon was more interesting than the equivalent experience from collecting bear asses and provided better equipment with which to go collect bear asses. You took a long ass time to say "I don't understand things I haven't actually tried to understand."

>watching friend play an old mmo while playing dead game
Nice priorities lmao

Well we can see from you not responding to posts that you're the one running out of knowledge. That back and forth requires that you be able to understand others when they tell you how what you said was wrong and stupid.

>do VC once
>get the emberstone staff and cookie's wand
feels good man

but his friend says the retail community didn't talk to each other and they group at the press of a button. the only difference in this situation is the button and the dungeon took more time. i'm not saying retail is better, but the point is the community sucks either way.

The point is that he joined a group of other players without proper knowledge and as a result, at least partially wasted their efforts due to his purposeful ignorance.
However, since he does not personally care about the results of his actions, and personally does not feel it is worth getting upset about, he needs confirmation that he was in the right.

This was me on a pserver expect I was the paladin and fucked over the tank on the cloak

>enhancement shaman
>out dps mage and warlocks in library 90% of time and post dps results
>dont post it the 10% of times where im not #1

I also dont put down a windfury totem when im dps because i dont want to give my competitors any edge.

So when should I be doing markings for mobs? Seems like it won't matter until 30+ dungeons later on where dying is more easily to happen

>ran VC four times
>Cookie only dropped the mallet

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>rolled on a pvp-server to play with tryhard friend
>he plays 24/7 and overlevels me quickly, haven't played together once
>ganked every 5 minutes
Why do people pretend that this is fun? Are there gonna be paid transfers or will I have to reroll? I hope not since I'm lvl 35

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Either they safely life tapped and can recover with siphon life, drain life, bandages or what healing you can spare, or they life tapped while pulling aggro like anyone else could have and actually need to be healed to not die. They did nothing wrong.

It depends on the intelligence of the people you play with. If they are dying, use markings, otherwise, it's fine.

Always be the tank.
Always make your own groups.
The trick I found is to make small enough pulls that they literally cannot fuck up and priority doesn't matter much.

I charge if it's safe to charge because it's more rage.

Charge when appropriate > defensive stance > sunders + demo shout

If you're never charging you might be retarded.

You summed up instancing quite nicely, because there's simply nothing to blame but your own team.

At least with world pve/pvp you can always get mad at some random nigger getting in your way and starting shit. It doesn't matter who was in the right or wrong, what matters is shit gets started and that's what leads to fun.

But the vast majority are too thin skinned to realize and accept this despite playing a game called world of warcraft.

If he's not willing to roll an alt to match up your level then he's not a real friend

Thats way worse wtf this is why I only let priests into my dungeon

WoW-players are incredibly butthurt and passive agressive. When you're the only guy in the party who's not a petty bitch it's like herding cats, just trying to calm them so they don't pull the whole dungeon and leave. It's miserable sometimes. People are just garbage.

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So one retard canceled the other out
It's just basic math

This is all good advice, but two handers and battle stance and berserker stance are good if you know what you're doing. I haven't used a shield since wailing caverns.

>DPS warrior rolls on AGI loot with a rogue and hunter in the group episode
Never bringing these retards again

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You seriously get ganked and never win?
I've been jumped numerous times by rogues and warriors as a warlock and I do ok. And they're my counters

>no high pop pve server
why the fuck does everyone pvp?

>hunter being mad at anyone about loot rolling ever

Seriously though, da fuck

Nah I was just lying, when a full group of lvl ?? hordes attack me I actually go beast mode and just kill them, I'm pretty good at this game after all.

>make small enough pulls
Sooo don't pull two groups at once like a retard? Amazing trick.

You're an idiot and proved nothing.

Simple enough for me. I care far more about successfully finishing a dungeon in Vanilla than on Retail. The game itself is not hard in either version but the difficulty comes from other players and retail allows you to skip most of that by automatically finding players, putting them in the instance, and immediately getting new ones for you if the other ones are retarded.
It's convenient, sure. But I stop giving a shit about clearing dungeons on retail incredibly fast.
That's not to say I don't stop giving a shit about clearing dungeons on Vanilla, but it takes longer to stop caring

Peer pressure. You're a "bitch" if you don't roll on pvp

>?? groups
Jesus, yea I haven't ran into that shit

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>only 95 stamina
I'd kill you in a stun if it lands.

LFG loses points because now nobody has to be anything but 'alive' to enter your group.
If someone boots them-- say because they're a mage rolling on agi-- they're fine to join another group right after.

In the ideal it works so much better; in practice groups take 5 minutes to get together if you're not DPS but take ages to finish if your group is full retard.
Although, for most of Retail, dungeons are impossible to lose at.

Another thing, cleave in defensive stance is good threat.
Having made the mistake of joining a group as DPS once, it really is an amazing trick that more people should try.

You're a total fucking retard

Fuck you you stupid faggot

pvp in Wow is more complex than your button mashing fighter.

better luck next time bitch

The fun far outweighs the bullshit
And the only real bullshit was getting camped by the ungoro mafia because you tagged the devilsaur that was assigned to Xiaoxixang, but there won't be none of that shit on classic


user, Warlocks are like the one class that actually doesn't have a true hard counter. This is because warlocks are the best class in the game when comes to 1v1 later on, so long as you git gud the odds will always favor you under equal conditions.

Granted, equal conditions should almost never be a thing when being ganked during leveling. But it's still a point that must be made. You stand far more of a chance at a comeback than say a warrior that got ganked by a mage or a priest getting ganked by a rogue or a rogue getting ganked by a hunter. Those are essentially unwinnable unless the ganked heavily outgears/outlevels the ganker.

Especially if you are an orc warlock, then rogues and warriors have to basically bet on RNG every time they jump your ass.

>killing centaurs in Desolace
>find a chest in one of their tents
>open it up and find a Swiftwind inside
>"fuck yeah free 8-12 gold!"
>back to killing centaurs
>eventually come across another chest
>pop it open
>another Swiftwind
>sell both for huge markup because there weren't others on the auction house

This will definitely be the last MMO I play.

>there won't be devilsaur mafia on classic

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what class do i play if i just want to wpvp?

I'm not an orc warlock. But i've played lock at 60 quite a bit, warriors can eat you alive.

The rest is true though, and frost mage vs warrior is horseshit for the warrior

Did you ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe, a lot of people find wPVP really fun?

Because this game has two factions and conflict between them is an inherent part of the game play. Most people I presume, do not want to go out of their way to avoid game play.

At least not while sharting is here

>form group as a tank with healer friend
>piss easy to find 3 dps
>healer friend stops healing dps that misbehave
>I let them pull aggro and die before kicking them
>replace them in seconds

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Orc Rogue

That's one real fucking heavy analogy to use on a trivial kids game.
And there was no winning, don't rush, he leaves the party/tells others I'm a shitty tank. Do rush, we wipe and he tells others I'm a shitty tank.

But again you are using a school shooting analogy on a trivial online game.

Most people do not enjoy the terrible minigame, no.

interactions with members of the opposite faction are fun as fuck on pvp servers
??s mercilessly ganking are relatively rare

I talk to my groups all the time. I've made a fucking mountain of friends, but that's cause I'm not an angry autist and making friends is one of my highest priorities in the game.

I'm not sure if you're lying or delusional. "fair fights" in world pvp are basically non-existent.

Agil helps all melee you retard..

It was happening on private servers where GMs weren't being attentive to it. Blizzard will be watching and if there is cross-faction collusion (groups from each faction not killing each other but killing anyone else who comes along), action will be taken. The mafia is entirely reliant on stopping anyone from either faction from tagging and that means both factions must be present in case someone from either faction tries to tag.

poorfag here really need a guest pass

>"dude why u kick me for rolling on AGI item as a clothie"

Jesus fucking chirst, you deserves each other.

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I'm not too familiar with private server stuff, but doesn't the Devilsaur Mafia require cross-faction cooperation? Because that shits always been bankable on blizz's PvP servers

You’re a retard for rolling need but you also should tell paladins to fuck off. They are a meme class and always beg to dps. We laugh them out of the group because I’ll be damned if I let them take loot that other good dps can have

Anecdotal vs Anecdotal

I've had plenty of encounters with people my level where it was a fun fight. Not all of them, but not none

How about you just kill them instead of being a little bitch?

You're one of those retards. Gotcha, I'll leave you alone before you have a brain aneurysm.

>"They're the autists for taking a fucking videogame so seriously user"
>posting this on Yea Forums

So this is the true power of people who shits on classic wow huh....whoa........

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>But i've played lock at 60 quite a bit, warriors can eat you alive.
Only if the warrior uses their 30min cooldown, otherwise it's just a matter of having enough PvP gear and using a tidal charm trinket and even T3 Corrupted Ashbringers or ThunderFury fags can't burst you down. Once you've gained that bulk it's game over for everyone since nobody works better than a warlock when all the chips are down. That's the great part about locks, you have no DR in vanilla with tidal charm, so you get way more bang for buck than a warrior let alone a rogue would.

Agi is great for melee classes retard, especially early when it's your only source of crit.

>2H tanking
>Get sweeping strikes up from charge rage
>DPS accidentally pulls another group
>All according to keikaku
>Challenging shout
>It procs windfury
>Trash fucking evaporates
>"Holy shit user. *links meters*"

>reasoning with a huntard

>"fair fights" in world pvp are basically non-existent.
I'm just saying the players beating you in whatever scenario you're talking about generally aren't just there to fuck you over.
world pvp and some areas being nigh inaccessible at times is part of the game.


Based and redpilled as fuck

best bag and nameplate addon?

Tidal charms are hard as fuck to get though, especially on a new server.

And really? Charge > hamstring > BS > BR. the fuck you do after that? Deathcoil and go into the fetal position when he does his Beserker stance charge

Fuck off faggots, learn to pay attention to your surroundings.

>instant yellow attacks
>procing windfury

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>fighting against real people across the entire over world over 2 continents with countless external variables is a mini game
>fighting against loot preprogrammed loot pinatas in a tiny instanced area where even the biggest raid wouldn't be as big as a capital city without a single thing to interfere with you and your 39 buttbuddies is the main game

And this is how Massive Multiplayer Online died.

granted it wasnt meant for the paladin either


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I genuinely don't give a shit how it works as long as everything but my group is dead.

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>vanilla was har-

>level 41 and 69g
I never win greed rolls, I'm not gonna make it bros. I'll never get a mount.

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>live for this game for a decade for dungeons
>leveling up a new alt and leveling 95% in dungeons
>get wow classic 2 weeks late
>dwarf hunter because back in original was orc sham and need a new experience
>suddenly remember no alliance equiv of fire caverns
>suddenly remember no easy way into WC
>suddenly remember no short way to the werewolf place

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Haha look at this retard. Never come to Yea Forums with questions about wow

Theres alot of people that got upset about Battlefield and other titles/movies, and kind of felt like they were making to many children and there kind of sad of how it all played out so they started feeling resentment and thats probably why we have people playing wow looking at games like Hunt Showdown and Gears 5 and thinking this won't work for the long term..I haven't touched them yet.

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>level 29
>dwarf hunter
oh man. minerals never stay on AH for long and skinning shit gets lapped up eventually

VC is fucking based though or DM, whatever the fuck you want

>He doesn't have countless people on the server who will vouch for his tanking ability if it's ever questioned.

Dumb question I know but what stats should I be looking for as Warrior?

you are an insane narcissist if you can type all this out with out any realization that its your fault

>took herb and skinning as a priest
>don't even need to do gold farming sessions to reach 88g

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You can either double void walker or single voidwalker plus succubus. Death coil is only when you are sure you can get away from him, right after you trinket an intercept. Your succubus should be charming in the middle of death coil in case the warrior trinkets so that you won't get hamstringed again. At that point you slow curse his ass and kite him at max range, he can't do anything because his intercept won't reach you.

Imagine falling for the skill trainer jew.

Berserker Rage breaks fear and charm

Pvp is fun

>all the horde outside scarlet monastery stomping ant alliance that comes in
>the back and forth over yeti caves in hillsbrad

>school shooting joke
>"That's one real fucking heavy analogy to use on a trivial kids game"

why are you on Yea Forums dude, fuck off

Thank you thank you

Then double void sac. That nigger isn't getting jack shit rage during the whole thing and you aren't even moving much cause you'll just dot/drain him. He can't take you out within 2 shields + 1 tidal. If no tidal, well get another defensive trinket, it's all about outlasting him until his anti-fear cooldowns go away. Once that happens he's a joke and you can play keepaway with max range until he dies.

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Strength, agility and stamina.
If you are a DPS you want hit, weapon skill, crit also.
If you are a tank you want hit and +def, maybe weapon skill.

I play healer and don’t suck, i get all the loot i ask for and i’ll rerun if they’re being nice

You only make money in WoW by gathering materials or crafting items for others and selling them on the AH

Item grinding is dogshit money in 99% of cases, and that 1% of cases are well known and exploited to living fuck driving the prices down to nothing. People on my server were selling charms for warriors wind axe for 1g50s a piece, now they're worth 30s. Anyone can kill anything, but professions are limited to 2 per character so they're are always fewer alchemist for example than people available to grind mobs for drops. So dont rely on dungeons or grinding for your dosh.

Also stop buying skills, most classes have 1 or 2 skill rotations you literally dont need to upgrade any of your skills.

>Declaring your zoomtard status

>Need on something my RP set
>Group is cool with it.

>get a little burnt out in my 50s
>decide to download retail to check up on my old alts
>my first troll hunter made way fucking back when
>full t1 gear with the green leaf bow
>styling as fuck
>even had that quiver from the quest and some snazzy as fuck ammo
>which was all grey because wtf no ammo required
>call pet
>run to stables after asking a guard because what the FUCK happened to orgimmar
>there she was
>my first pet
>a black worg
>named after my black lab from like 15 years ago who passed away 5 years ago from liver cancer
>realize that this is no time to get sad, that is not what she woulda wanted
>take my dwarf hunter i made on ashkandi
>run my level 11 ass to the fucking outskirts of the undercity to find another black worg

I wont ever forget you, pupper. Lets go fuck up some troggs.

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>he thinks Thunderclap does anything threat wise
You use it once for the attack speed reduction and thats it. Its absolutely shit for threat per second. Fucking Heroic Strike and Battle Shout generate WAYYYYY more threat per second that Thunder clap you fucking mongoloid retard

>rerun with group for being cool with it

what was her name

Who said anything about using thunderclap more than once? No need to get rude.
So is a lot of the trees
It's for a slap and mitigation, silly.
I'll have to check that out

not saying just incase you are that crazyeyed brunette vet assistant who recognized my cat from /an/

nice wet fantasy retail tranny. It could take 30 min to an hour to replace a dps in the middle of a run

look and learn zoomers, this is advanced levels of trollery

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>retail has a fucking login queue

Lol. I got kicked out of a RP guild for posting a funny screenshot the other day. Real wierd fuckers on this game.


Actually the servers are fine right now.

If you mark targets and revenge the main one while battle shouting you can reliably keep most things on you, it's also great for pats as you can just shout to bring them to you instead. Battle shout falls off late game though and you have to tank "properly" but at that point you usually need to cc pulls too so it's less of a hassle, AoE groups still suck shit though.

Haha, have not seen player like you for ages!
Roll everything without even trying to find out which item is for you

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Welcome to classic WoW.

Okay now how do I tank as a Paladin?

>tfw I'm replaying War III and it really feels like coming home
>Meanwhile other anons keep paying 15 bucks a month to Activison and lying to themselves that they're finally home.
To each his own I guess.
Shame that you can't get the legit copy of War III anywhere

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You're a liar

>, kid


Please uninstall

>sweeping strikes

One of the best feelings in world,just decimates mobs.

The cloak is from the last boss of the dungeon. So you basically got kicked from a group that was over anyways. Unless they didn't kill Cookie on the way up but honestly he tends to drop the one hander far more often than the wand and you can get a better wand from a BFD quest guaranteed. Either way you were booted at the end of an instance so who gives a shit.

Yeah though, retards like you rolling on everything that give you the slightest of dopamine rush because you see + to a single stat that may benefit you is why Classic dungeons have been a chore for me. "Everyone will know their classes inside out!" is what you all were claiming and yet no one knows which items benefit them less than others and everyone just zerg rush rolls on everything without the slightest hint of loot etiquette or group camaraderie, leveling my priest has been especially bad because of all the dopaburnout mages and warlocks rolling on spirit gear, some of them are even rocking the blue robe from the Gnomeregan quest. In all the dungeons I've run more than half of them I've seen or been victim to a particularly bad ninja loot.

Everyone claiming this was a solved game, apparently all these zoomers and retail tourists never got the memo, they still haven't figured out the basics yet and are playing this game like its BFA with personalized loot tables, and if there is any socialization (because even they heard about how MUH SOCIALNESS is good and want to force it wherever now) its about what sort of drugs they're doing or the obligatory mention of their probably made up wife or girlfriend "aggroing" them, just cringey shit, now that I think of it the silent and straight to the point dungeons of retail are a better alternative...

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U mad bro? Oh he mad

the chadness

by yourself or in a group? ganking lowbies or actualling killing 60's? if you're asking just in general for overall it's a warlock

Do you mean his mind control? You just have to warn someone to be ready to CC

how is servers situations? which one is worth playing by now?
horde alliance balance
hardcore retards ratio

>mfw retail is actually more sociable than classic is
rofl i cant believe classicbabbies were hyping this shit up

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I heard The Avengers play on Bigglesworth.

Pagle is high pop what are you even talking about. There's queues all the time they're even offering free transfers

Saw that ring drop during my first classic dungeon run.
>me: That would probably benefit the lock best
>Warrior tank: no I can use the agi too (and of course this dumbshit wins the roll over his lock friend)
Plus he was one of those supertanks that tells everyone what to do, gets jumped by the rear spawning patrols despite me and another calling them out for them, dies, tells healer to use lower rank spells next time (they were, like the one lower rank that exists, as if that matters because this utter mouthbreather is pulling groups while the healer is less than half mana), blames everyone, rages, ninjas... oh my. Not a great way to start out my Classic dungeoning. Thankfully it got better as I leveled and left all the crap warriors in the dust.

You deff read that last post wrong user

Maybe people just aren't talking to (you), because you're an insufferable cunt shitposting the exact same lines spewed in every classic thread

classic will be dead when the next wow patch hits rofl
only people left will be crusty minmax private server neets

>rogue keeps stunning on opening sucking all my rage
Yeah, fuck that guy for stunning the enemies so you don't take damage and burn all the healer's mana so you have to take breaks more often. What an asshole.

Sucks to suck. Roll a warrior like I did and form your own group within 5 minutes with zero mail or plate users. Fuck paladin heals and fuck any mail user sub 40, they aren't in my group ever.

You introduced rational decision-making on OPs part as well as validation for his need roll. Your question was irrelevant. Of course team players who roll for class-related gear shouldn't be punished. Go away.

>be me, 15 years ago back in vanilla
>not in an endgame raiding guild. but have a cunning plan
>there's a mage robe equivalent to t2 obtainable outside of raiding
>robe of the archmage
>this comes from a tailoring pattern found from an optional mob in LBRS
>run LBRS all day every day, make a name for myself as "that LBRS guy"
>every LBRS run i do is successful, people want to join me, and all i ask is that we kill the optional mob
>after months of this, the tailoring pattern finally drops
>rogue rolls need on it, blinded by purple
>the tailoring pattern is bop, and the robe of the archmage is also bop, and the robe is mage-class-restricted, so it is literally useless unless youre a mage
>explain this to the rogue, he immediately regrets his decision, quits the party, and hearths out
>spend the next 2 months badmouthing him in orgrimmar
>successfully got him kicked from multiple dungeon runs by showing screenshots of his ninja looting in LBRS to party leaders
>he eventually quits
>a few weeks later the tailoring pattern drops again, and i win it, even though i was against another mage
>became the best-geared horde non-raiding horde mage on my server
>was invited to an endgame raiding guild a month or so later
vanilla was fun

A person who makes retarded moves is a retard

that picture is just....human interaction user. whoever made this is a lonely lonely person. i feel terrible for them.

>guy kicks you simply because he wants something from you
I dont think you understand. In WoW, loot is handed out based on the utility a class will get from it. When OPs mage rolled need on an item useless for mages, he effectively stole it from anyome that could get some use out of the AGI bonus. He then came here for validation, and the majority of posts agreed he made a bad move.

>Guy accidentally loots it
>Still fuck him to the point of quitting

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No. You described a totally new situation where the kick is unjustified and dickish

Literally 90% of players on all realms except maybe Herod and a few other servers are casual scum who haven't played WOW in eons and it shows. I honestly don't think they will stick around for much longer either.

>he dungeon spammed to 60
you missed out on the biggest part of the game

user I don't think his kind are safe outside of their instance, just leave them be.

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>level 30
I'm not gonna make it to 100 in time bros

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have fun paying for class skills

>tfw dungeon spamming because I want the full scarlet crusade set plus tabard
>Haven't done a quest in forever
>Almost outleveling it.

user explain

that set is being overused right now, every 35-45 warrior or paladin I've seen has had it + plus ravager.

paladins dont use agility? are you dumb?

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Your right, the irony of being an undead while wearing it is juicy though. Like a jewish nazi or a black klansman, I will become the uncle ruckus of the forsaken.

This illustrates the tragic ignorance of OP. I can see why you made a mistake, but anyone here that denies OP is a faggot can fuck right off

lmao look how many tards you've triggered. based. fuck paladins and fuck wow fags

i hate it but i have to play it because it would mean a complete loss of contact with an important person if i stopped

i want to die

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Boys how the fuck do I win against Undead Rogues as a Human Warlock?
the fuckers always find me while im eating and fear aint shit cuz they either Will of the Forsaken or lock it.

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Try to get a long lasting DoT on him like Corruption or Curse of Agony so stealth is useless for the fight. Succ's are good against them with Seduce, will let you get some range and open for easier fears. You can always Death coil him for an instant fear if you have it, other than that you gotta wait out WoTF if its up. Engineering bombs can help too, with their long stuns.

Everyone is thinking it im just saying it

World pvp in classic is absolutely boring and the antithesis of fun

Its basically just a race to the bottom to be the biggest dick possible for no reward other than being a dick

No one but (you) is thinking it. And fuck off with the spacing. Its PVP, the biggest dick is the winner. It's competition in its simplest state, You vs the enemy. If you don't want it, go play on a baby PVE server so you can have your safe space.

If he's eating then he's likely out leveling which usually means voidwalker, rogues are opportunists after all so unless you sac and try to bait kick then you're out of luck. WotF also counters Seduce too I thought

I just got done tanking Uldaman. The packs in the later area of the dungeons are so fucking annoying. They are like 7 mobs and one Elite and it's impossible to hold aggro on all of them when your DDs decide it's time to nuke, usually about 0.2 seconds after you pull.

Fuck that place, seriously. Also the last boss is overtuned as hell, we barely killed him as a group of lvl 41-43.

Undead detected

You're compensating

>Horde are always the instigators
>They have on average been more underage than Alliance on every poll ever
>Surprised they act like children
I mean duh

I play on an RPPVP server and my guild hosts massive WPVP raids every saturday that are fun as fuck. Beyond that I have a ton of fun answering calls for help and locking down leveling areas from corpse camping allies for my friends. If getting ganked costed repair bills I'd understand the fuss but you can literally just move anywhere else on the entire fucking planet if you don't want to fight them. I'm a total fucking carebear playing a class that's borderline useless on its own and I love how world pvp goes.

>literally just move anywhere else on the entire fucking planet if you don't want to fight them
Except when you're doing quests

There's always other quests, there's always other grinding spots, there's always dungeons, there's always professions to level and there's always sitting in trade chat shooting the shit.

>implying I play on the no shoes niggers faction
I'm a paladin main.

>i want to do x
>no you cant do x
>why not
>because people like being dicks
Fair enough

Fuck you. I had the same thing happen to me as rogue when the fucking PRIEST rolled need on that cloak and rolled 1 higher than me.

This. There are so many fucking quests in this game. Each level bracket has at least 3 zones dedicated to it.

Yep. You can also call for help and start a fight, someone might come.
When you rolled on a PVP server you put yourself on the mercy of humanity and humanity on the mercy of you. That makes the friendly interactions sweeter and the bitter ones more biting.

That's not an argument, you still haven't explained why you don't just move to a PvE server if you feel WPvP is boring. By lashing out like this you only look more retarded than you already are.

>I want do x
>but you can do x easier in the y area

Mages are the new huntards. There are so many of them now that I've pretty much been forced out of my main class. Blaming streamer faggots.

Not him but there is no oceanic pve server so tough titties there

based Aussies

>Rogue takes the strength ring that drops in SFK
>Complains when I take the agility cloak later on.

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If a mage rolled need on AGI gear in my group, Id boot his ass too. All the servers are still young, selling items is good money. Fuck dipshits who proclaim to need that shit, then will run off and sell it.

>not being the leader yourself
That's where you fucked up

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I remember being part of a guild where the leader was an undead warlock, and the guild literally fell apart when we found out he was using tanking accessories.

>Need on shields
>Sell them and continue 2hand tanking

Then don't play on oceanic servers? It's not like you losers have real life friends so you can't use that excuse for staying, and latency for WoW in 2019? Who the fuck can cry about that? This isn't TBC there's no arena, no e-sports where a bit of lag will cost you money. You're fighting against 15 year old stale shit with patch upgrades in advance, what is there to worry about going on the EU or US? You can even pick a high pop cause you'll be awake when most are asleep so you'll never need to worry about queue times.

>ctrl+f retard
>1 of 63 found


>just like in 2005
Home. I miss the shit flinging

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currently at the upper levels all players are entitled whiny shits
imagine playing a game 24/7 there's something wrong with them user

I've been purposely inviting rogues in LFG saying theyre DPS LFG SM or w/e and then kicking them and whispering mage/lock spellcleave only. LMFAOOOO so many tearssssssss

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It'll balance out, everyone thinks its such an accomplishment to level to 60. Once people realize it's just a time commitment problem, they'll stop feeling like mr special

>kill 50 bears
>kill 50 wolves
>kill 50 coyotes
>kill 50 boars
so basically classic wow is the slayer skill of runescape

>be greedy
>people don't want to play with me
wtf shit game

Nigger what are you doing

blizz throws quests in the mix that have annoyingly low drop rates or items surrounded by a high density of mobs once in a while

It's especially funny how shitty rogues are at zoomercleave because they're usually the zoomers.

So why doesn't WoW have need or greed for rolling

It does. Are you retarded?

It does.

Then why is there all this loot drama, if you want a specific piece than play that class
Wait, dont tell me need isn't locked to classes that can actually use the stuff and is just an open option

It is just an open option.

This is one of those things they fixed in later iterations of the game, but classicfags like to pretend everything was all sunshine and roses.

Its an open option, because that's how it should be. Different specs for certain classes use different stats. There's loot drama because we live in the current world. Even back in 2005, there was tons of loot drama, its just natural and comes with the type of game.

>open option
Thats retarded

the idea that everyone gets their own personal drops is retarded and takes away all of the comradery from working together for cool loot. The chance that you can't get anything makes it feel risky, and worthwhile. Retail WoW's system is makes me feel like a drug addict running raids over and over itching for my next fix.

You're retarded. It's how the game used to be, and it works fine. Sharing is a normal thing if the fucking world, not everything is infinite

Gear in vanilla is not optimized for classes, and some builds favor stats that they normally wouldn't ever bother with. It wasn't well thought out because the game is like a compromise between truly open build faggotry such as say Baldur's Gate / Fallout / Everquest / SWG / etc and tightly spoonfed shit like modern WoW. So you'd have niche builds such as melee hunter (there was an actual talent tree just for it) that were effectively subpar as hell but still considered valid by the game by design intentions and so there you go.

Eventually the devs leaned to the latter and just said fuck it, our players don't need to explore and figure things out for themselves, let's just make things easier for the both of us.

Communist, everyone gets something, attitude you fags have going on. You sure you're on the right site?

If I'm Priest, does +Healing even matter if I'm doing dungeon quests or do I just prioritize Spirit/Int/Stamina?

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not really unless its a HUGE upgrade over some 1-5+ only stat item. Only at near max level is it useful because some +Healing gear can be used to replace BiS gear for quicker access to raids

>fury tanking BRD
>group goes slight retard and asspulls near the end of one fight
>shift into berserk stance and intercept them off the healer with zero hesitation
It's the little things

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Tips for a rogue newfag? I'm currently level 11

Hit your buttons

>muh nostalgia
Great argument

Is the user who did this Grudgebook thing here? How the fuck do I use this Addon? There's no button for an interface or /command I can figure up to bring up the window. I know it's working because it gives me text on kills but that's all I see.

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>started playing in vanilla
>just now realized you can shift+tab to target the previous mob

Once again OP is a faggot

The burden of knowledge falls on you in every pvp encounter. If you don't know what to do you will get obliterated

I do this all the time, stance dancing is fun as fuck I shoulda got tactical mastery sooner. Lately I've been shifting into battle stance to weave in overpowers when it procs.

but overpower shares cd with revenge which is the best threat generating ability.

Huh, I didn't know that it. It's still a great tradeoff if I already have threat though since that's like 300 damage vs 5

>pay $15 for this horseshit.

Le Rouge

such is the Life of being a hunter.

>people actually think tanks run the groups
lmao you zoomies better sit there and wait while i drink. whats that? you pulled while i just started to drink? enjoy the runback

are there any fucking bag addons with a decent autosort?

This post made and endorsed by Healer Gang

>be healer
>out of mana
>"guys I need a sippy realy quick can you-"
>everyone leeroy jenkins the last dungeon boss and they die one after another

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Joke's on you, artard. I'm making a STR/STAM/AGI Survival Melee Hunter and you can't fucking stop me.

you can tab and revenge any mob thats losing aggro. shield block into revenge is much better than spamming sunder.

If you didn't spend an hour trying to recover your corpse due to rampaging overleveled alliance gankers you didn't play WoW at all

>tfw tanking ZF as a p*ladin and getting outthreated in spite of blessings of -30% threat on all dpschads

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so uh whats the lfg addon? spamming lfm tank for scholo is getting a bit old

>not just relentlessly lelling as they fall to their deserved deaths and telling the retard mongrels to wait for their king

holy sh*t lol IMAGINE playing paladin

>BDF quest where Horde kills anyone who are in the caves before the instance
>30-57 wand
>Easy kill 10 dinosaurs quest
>32-60 wand

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Oh hey you were the retarded Warlock who didn't bother buying any ranks of blood pact or mana drain because "it would be too expensive"

The only reason we didn't kick you earlier was because we were two rooms away from Arugal by the time we figured out how fucking retarded you were and just wanted to finish.

>mana drain

Holy shit i love classic wow so much you fucking retard op pls include me on redshit screenshot

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Nevermind I'm a retard, the fire wand from the dinosaur questline has a slower auto-attack

are there any cute neet girl streamers into anime for classic wow?

I get the blood pact, but mana drain in pve, get the fuck out of here.

Theres so many bad underage, stoned, retarded, niggers in pug shit.

>reach level 60
>thought there would be only decent players 60 already
>half of them are fucking retarded
what the fuck bros? how the fuck do you even hit 60 already and still be so retarded?

By being a neet

>classic wow
>29hours /played to get 17 and join deadmines
>2 hours to get full group bc youre a dmg agi class and deadmines high demand for all the good rogue drops
>hour later group finally assembled
>holy tits rare droprate cloak with more agility (ur agi class dmg and abilities entirely based on agility) than any other cloak and will use for ~30 hours or moee /played time
>mage rolls need
>literally one of the 3 classes in the game who gain absolutely no benefit whatsoever from the cloak except an extremely minor health bonus
>you were only agi class in group, even tank passes who could benefit even somewhat
>mage wins the roll, impossible to trade an item won
>mage: lmfao why are u mad its useable
>paladin: why did u take the rogues cloak
>i can fucking use it thats why i paid 15 bucks for this shit

Tfw guy on video game forum "u mad bros" u for laughing at mage

Classic is not hard, just tedious and time consuming

Go level a warrior faggot n see if u think classics easy

U prolly played hunter

Mindless guide following grinders are the worst. The most valuable thing you can have is a soul.

Is it really that hard to understand that time consuming does not equal hard?

Uldaman sucks balls. It's ranged like 40-49

>Always use defensive stance and a shield.
>Use only revenge & sunder armour. No heroic strike. Less rage.
>Key-bind some marks to signal to the group what to kill first, next, or CC.
>If you're going to CC, do it away from packs so they don't activate other mobs.
>Get a ranged weapon for pulling.
>Faceroll shouts and bloodrage to get everyone angry at you.
>Get mobs to face you, so melee DPS do more damage.
>PW: Shield kills your rage generation, which stops threat.
>Tanks should know what to do before entering the dungeon.
>Macro auto-attack to your threat generating spells. Automatically attacks.
>Move regular mobs away from CC'd mobs to dab on them.
>Warriors have two taunts. One is a regular taunt with an 8 second cooldown & the other is a challenging shout, with a 10 minute cooldown. When you use it, faceroll sunder and revenge on everything ASAP.
>When you pull, sunder & revenge on everything ASAP.
Got it. I'm a new warrior so I've got no idea what my abilities really do atm only from tanking in retail. Like Thunder Clap works different.
> Blasts nearby enemies increasing the time between their attacks by 10% for 10 sec and doing 10 damage to them. Will affect up to 4 targets.
>Blasts nearby enemies increasing the time between their attacks by 10% for 10 sec and doing 2 damage to them. Damage increased by attack power. This ability causes additional threat.

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boomer wow vets take their sweet time leveling without quest helper or dungeon cleaving shit. Only pserver tryhard autists and zoomer guide readers rushed to 60

>tfw start to get mp5 gear on shaman

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>play wow for the first time when friend wants to go back and play classic
>knew nothing about the game, but he bought me a month sub to try it out
>we start together
>within 3 days he's already tired of his class despite knowing about the game and choosing it
>starts another character on the other side of the world (eastern continent)
>makes me walk all the way there to carry his new account
>turns off alternating loot despite sharing the same quests
>takes all the side items needed for things like cooking and leatherworking despite wanting to do some stupid merching at the auction house instead of actually training side jobs and just trades me the quest items
>proceeds to rage at me for either not pulling aggro when he's dying, or for pulling his aggro accidentally just doing damage
I'm a hunter and he's a melee user of some kind, but how am I supposed to know how much damage will pull aggro when he charges in and starts but I hit it basically once and the enemy changes to me?
Is it really that easy, or did he just turn full sperg mode on me overnight for no reason?
Not knowing how aggro mechanics work, I find it hard to play with him like this. Will things smooth out when he gets to a more even level with me?

Aggro just means that the mobs attack the player doing the most damage to them, there are skills that generate more aggro without doing more damage. You could wait a bit for him to deal damage to the minion so you don't pull it off of him with the first shot
For the most part your friend sounds like a dick and you should ditch him unless he fixes his attitude

whats stopping people