The cake WASN'T a lie. It's in the fucking game

The cake WASN'T a lie. It's in the fucking game.

Attached: portalcake1.jpg (672x372, 169K)

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but is it a real, physical cake? it's in a game, ergo it isn't real

The reward being a cake is the lie.
Not that it isn't real.

OPs retarded thread buttfucked by the first post


It's a piss cake.

Is that fucking almonds? That's not a real cake

yeah but why does it exists then, did GladOS made the cake to eat it herself?

Yes, she said so in Still Alive.

>you will be baked and then there will be cake

GladOS never said you will get a cake. Technically she didn't lie.

why is portal and half life so comfy

i've always said that and nobody fucking listened to me because it was more important for LE MEME REFERENCE

Most people who spouted it never finished the game. It was a war you couldn't win.

>Trusting an addict who drinks his own piss.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 25K)

But is it edible? What if it's made of cardboard? Or worse, polygons?!

But it's not for you.


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>fat goth bitch
yea nah, it wasnt

She said that cake and grief counseling would be available at the conclusion of the test. Instead, she tried to kill Chell.

>The game
We are going to give subtle hints about how you shouldn't trust GLaDOS
look at this neat easter egg I found
>"nerd culture"
Lol XD the cake is a lie its so random yet so deep at how the game does it story telling!

Attached: 1520205012009.png (428x456, 234K)

Now you know why she was so upset at it being a lie

Fun fact, this thing that you see at the end of the first game was actually the intended gag icon of Portal by the devs instead of the cake.

Attached: Hoopy_the_Hoop.png (360x515, 48K)

>The game 2

Attached: 1507858737188.png (127x188, 51K)

Attached: bedtime-with-babish-andrew-rea.jfif.jpg (1141x700, 165K)

Is he gay?

>The game
You just lost it.

What game?

Attached: 26611e364b3c0f44c0e5f792e6ad75a7--internet-meme.jpg (236x253, 11K)

Yeah, the Portal devs loved their "Hoopy the Hoop."

Also Portal 2's space core came about because Valve employees kept sending each other some dumb video of a goldfish with a voice saying "I want to go to the aquarium" dubbed over it.

Valve is very out of touch as to what the wider community considers funny.

was this game the start of "reddit culture"? I feel like vidya as a hobby just died with this meme

I don't know but he's definitely a faggot.

Portal and the Big Bang Theory came out shortly after facebook and reddit gained traction. From there all was lost.

I remember reading this during that ARG shit. God that was a fever dream.

hes alright, hes dropping /ck/ memes every now and then

I think he actually has a boyfriend.
his original cooking videos were great though, actually informative instead of the new meme shit he does.

>"We thought we should have a warehouse full of Hoopy t-shirts and mugs and posters…we would watch that hoop roll by over and over again. That was the part of the game we were most proud of, and nobody cared."

What the FUCK were they smoking???? It's a fucking hoop falling out of the sky, which most people assumed was just a piece of rubbis/Glados simply falling from the sky.

WHO the fuck laughed at that or even noticed it? It boggles my fuckin' mind dude

Attached: 1544067353436.gif (240x240, 26K)

>Judging people for discarded ideas.
I bet you never had a single stupid thought in your life.

Attached: 1547589193316.jpg (466x404, 26K)

Except you wouldn't go that far wit ha bad idea and you wouldn't have so many people on board. Plus I bet any "bad idea" that does make it into the game is lost to the ether. God valve drones are stupid.

Wolpaw at least hated the cake memes and tried to do absolutely no cake jokes in Portal 2 (but finally gave in and did one very small one)