OH SHIT. Agent47 is coming to kill you. The last vidya character you played as is gonna protect you with a team of grunts.
Who is it and how fucked are you?
OH SHIT. Agent47 is coming to kill you. The last vidya character you played as is gonna protect you with a team of grunts.
Who is it and how fucked are you?
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't think 47 could kill anyone in FFVIII. He has no way to compete with magic barriers.
>Creeper World 3
>Specifically a 'Play as Creeper' map
I might be safe behind the tides of purple goo. The grunts are melted though.
Baba wins instantly though.
All baba has to do is Agent47 is STOP.
And if baba messes up, baba just goes backwards.
Baba wins every time.
Am i safe guys?
>47 stealthily scales my balcony
>as he crests the railing he comes face to face with an oversized musket barrel
>Agent47 also has the 'Groundhog Day' style hindsight of multiple playthroughs of the same scenario.
You're fucked regardless.
Captain Falcon
id like to see him try
How would Agent 47 out Agent 47 himself?
I feel like he won't protect me.
>Last game I played was Hitman
What the fuck is going to happen now?
I'm so fucking dead. The life expectancy of diamond dogs soldiers doesn't seem to be very high
Pretty sure adam jensen is more competent than 47
I really want a Hitman vs. Hitman multiplayer game.
>Two Hitman that look like regular NPCs when they take on a disguise
>Have to either be first to kill/escort the target out, or kill your opposing Hitman
The tried to do a Hitman vs Hitman game in Hitman 2, but instead of one protecting and one attacking its whoever can kill the most target NPCs in a map.
It wasn't quite the same since it was basically just a speedrun game except you were allowed to toss ghost coins to the other player's game to distract the npcs on their end (which you couldn't see since the ai was all client-side to your instance of the map), and the state of whoever picked up goodie crates.
>Byleth from 3H
>Able to destroy huge giant robots with laser swords that shoot laser beams
>Has timepulse to go back in time
I think my chances are good.
Isn't this basically Assassin's Creed multiplayer? Or was? I stopped playing after Brotherhood. God the multiplayer was fun.
>Digital Devil Saga 2
sorry Hitman, you're kinda fucked
though what kind of demon would he turn to?
I imagine that battle would be a coop hitman go level
Ass Creed was just player vs. player focus with no real objective other than whoever gets the most kills. Was fun as fuck in Brotherhood and I kinda miss it.
The Ship is basically just realtime Clue except everyone is a murderer and you want to use specific tools for the job.
Fucking Dammit, i'm either dead or going to be raped
>post game Nero
FUCK YOU Agent 47!
>Lobotomy Corporation
It's such a bullshit to infiltrate my branch.
So many ways to fail assassination:
* death from employees
* death from abnormalities
* rabbits will kill everyone in the department
* Final boss Angela
* True boss TT2
And what's worse, he won't be able to escape the facility after entering.
Astral Chain.
>That guy there, Arrow Legion!
Well, I'm fucked. Then killed.
my lvl 1 mage in greedfall,
if they stasis him, I could stab 47 in the dick, but I’m most likely fucked
He couldn't protect Roman or Kate.
You're fucked.
>Day of Infamy
>Canadian officer with a squad of grunts
There's a small chance of us surviving.
I'd would say I'm pretty safe.
Mobius 1
I guess I'll be safe for a while if can just fly around with him at 10000 feet
>tfw I played as 47 last
So it's basically the last mission of C47?
I'm not exactly sure what would happen, but I'll probably be fine.
>what kind of demon would he turn into?
47 would probably be Samael, since he's the Angel of Death. 47 would probably be either Law or Neutral in terms of alignment.
47 wold actually make an interesting SMT boss honestly. He would have a ton of potential status ailments to inflict and probably his own death spells too.
>Jetstream Sam
i'm good.