>Playing Classic WoW
>Not playing a dwarf
Why would someone do this?
Playing Classic WoW
Shadowmeld is nice when I want to be a nigger
Warcraft dwarves are like an extra bland mix of Warhammer and Lord of the Rings. Actually I think that describes the setting as a whole.
I wanted to be a warlock
will of the forsaken
thats all you need
Because Tauren are the only classic race with SOUL
Dwarf players are simultaneously bros and cunts.
It doesn't really need to be anything more. In a way, that makes the subtleties of its unique character stand out more.
>Minotaurs that a just native Americans but more gay
Hard pass
Don't see any other threads for this atm so
>Apprentice Herbalism capped at 90/90
>everything else caps at 75/75
What the fuck is going on? I never played retail so if this is a carryover I wouldn't know.
You're a Tauren
>Gimfan Axebeard
pretty gud
>Hagnar Beardbeard
Hagnar is nice, but Beardbeard?
You learn the next to to go 150.
>Bolin Underholme
i like it.
>more than 1 day passed and the DDoS attacks continue
>still can't log in
>Raghelm GoldSmith
Because not all of us are balding manlets
>he doesn't want to play the only female dwarf on his server
fact: blizzard knew female dwarf was the least popular combo so they snuck in the biggest honkers and they have ridiculous bouncing when they run
LF 3 MAGES (imp. Blizzard) 50+ ZF Spellcleave FaSt Grind Googogogoog
Fuck this shit.
>Bolgan Underbeard
Lame last name
>Durgar bloodshield.
My mom must've fucked an orc
Ragin Hillbattle
I play a female Dwarf Warrior
Playing a Brewmaster Dwarf Monk on retail, having a good time with fun mechanics and amazing graphics, then fucking my gf with the spare time I have not killing the same mobs 37 times for 1/5 mob meat
>Play paladin
>Attack mob
>Go to user's house
>Fuck his GF
>Come back
>Collect loot.
>love warrior
>love dwarves
>compelled to pick my combo based on that
I know Humans are best for PvE and Gnomes are best for PvP, but I'm mid 40s and still not regretting it, dwarf for life
I caught my gf erping with someone on moonguard. I got pissed off as fuck, but now that she's back at her house I can't stop jerking off.
Dwarf stoneform is really good in pvp you just become a bigger pain in the ass for them
This made me quit my alliance priest. Horde is 70% undead the rest are orcs and it's overpopulated. I thought I did but I didnt
I can't be a dwarf mage
Durgar Goodsmith
>Urin Axeholme
Yeah no thanks, I'm gonna stick to playing human.
Haggar Goldbrew
>Haggar Doombattle
Because I play a troll
But user, I am playing a dwarf. A dwarf rogue. Also the first character I rolled was a dwarf hunter because of that intro cinematic where the bear charges the tauren.
Reinhelm Hillhand
>human warrior
Fuck I will make an undead rogue or priest as my alt
Reingar Bloodhelm
not bad
>implying my dwarf name isn't Dickvein Coalslammer
Warrior Trainer
Tavern Keeper
Mining Trainer
Smithing Trainer
Rogue Trainer
guard NPC in the throne room
city guard NPC
quest giver in human settlement 20 minutes outside the starting area
joke NPC
Tavern Keeper
another guard NPC in the throne room
My friends wanted to play Horde for some reason. Fucking sad bro I love being a dwarf.
Go ahead, it's all shadow bolt spam in vanilla
>gimgan hillmountain
wtf man
god damn it beardbeard not again
Someone's gonna get their ass whipped!
verycoolguy is fucking back
Alliance is lame. You get to choose between a normie human, twp different midgets, and a purple guy. Horde on the other hand...
I'm a undead rogue
Wrong. Alliance IS for faggots, but literally every Horde race is edgelord queerbait and therefore worse if you aren't 15. The one exception is BE, because they are simply the same faggot tier as Alliance.
Dwarves are the only race that break the mold. They are bros, hardcore, but not edgelords. Literally the only playable race if you are not a gigantic queer.
quest wars
ragnar hillhelm
Hagfur Runebeard
Mages are KoS due to this. Also no invite to my parties. You wanted to solo experience the game, now you´re gonna have it.
>Reingar Spikeforge
What's my dwarfrole, o taskmaster?
>Bolli Hammerbeard
Not bad.
>Bolnar Hillshield
I sound like a generic redshirt that gets named and then has two lines before dying.