Brick and mortar gaming stores have basically disappeared

>brick and mortar gaming stores have basically disappeared

Will you miss them?

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Hey Yea Forums my friend wants to surprise his gamer sister with her own little Minecraft Discord in 3 hours. It'd mean alot to her if some people joined!


Why does this situation feel so familiar

Glad to see you revoked the no singles policy thanks Robert!

>browsing gamestop
>pick up a show case for resident evil outbreak
>employees filled the box with centipedes to make it more horrifying

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a whole bunch of retro game stores are popping up in my area. Gamestop and all of its funko pop Five Nights At Freddy's shit can go die in a ditch though.

Hey Robert got any extra vests?

Do you guys still get your food from brick and mortar shops or do you use GrubHub/PostMate/UberEats/etc?

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>Sorry sir, but single white males are not allowed to view Joker on opening night. Please leave.

I cook because I'm not a pathetic millennial

>imblying millenials arent cooking more than most people due to being poor as shit

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chinese takeout will never go out of style, even if amazon someone manages to buyout and own all commercial kitchen property.

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I am a pathetic millennial and I cook

>Have to be always logged in always online to play the most recent releases even if they are single player unless you want to buy old consoles/games

Digital only platform will only get worse and worse

That's a lot of fucking butter
Also no seasoning on the salmon?

gamestop sucked and they still put game discs in fucking envelopes as well as fuck up cases with their stupid fucking stickers, they can fuck off

stop falling for this meme. millennials are some of the most privilaged people other than boomers. I'm a brainlet and I still got my degree at $100k+ job. stop pushing the "millennials are poor" meme you asshole. this is literally the best time in human history to be alive

Attached: exoboo cooking.webm (1920x1080, 2.88M)

So this is what society looks like.

does that method of cooking steak actually work without making it "well done"?

lifehacks are cringe as fuck.

Are we a society? Are video games society?

if you're a roastie maybe.

>Not saying how hot it was for the cookies

wait is the baking legit?

i "cook" my fish like the second.

Do you think your life insurance would drop you if they found out you went to see Joker in theaters?

I'm not paying some dipshit to deliver food to me, do it for free or fuck off.

Nah. Going to the game store was only fun to play demos and see new shit, but now all the advertising is on the internet too.

Hey, give me your job.

Nah. To properly cook a steak that way, you do what's called "sous vide", and put it in a plastic bag as a barrier to the water.


what about the coffee pot fish method. Any issues with cooking that way?

I mean I guess you're just making fish soup right? My only concern would be how hot the water is.

Also, I think I misread your post and thought you were talking about cooking steak in a coffee pot. If you want to cook it with an iron and foil you can, but you'd probably have to experiment with the heat to get it right.