Is this the most cringey and edgy game out there?

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It is pretty lighthearted at times.

Its not even Christianity.

>getting this triggered over a fake lizard religion in a fake world

seething reptilian

Eat shit, Christcuck.

Your post is infinitely more cringy than this game could possibly be, faggot

1. It's not explicitly Christianity
2. She's the villain

Too realistic for you?

She doesn't hate faith though, just those who manipulate it.
Also, don't go for the double d when you xd bait.

The Seiros religion is objectively false. The Church deserved to be torn down.

she not the villian sjw fags like you are

If the IRL pope was a dragon I'd consider going to mass.

>Brings ES JAY DUBYAS out of nowhere

I bet youre the faggot who used to always derail Isaac threads

Same tbqh. Hard to deny a religion being lead by a god damn immortal dragon.

Ever stopped to think what the world would be like without christianity haha

If the religion was Islam Yea Forums would be having daily Edelgard threads

>Side with the good intentioned extremist anti-villain that believes in ends justifies the means that is only warring against the church and not the faith itself.
Why can't we have normal topics like gameplay, easter eggs, and DLC wishlists?

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But we already DO have daily Edelgard threads.

>against the church and not the faith itself.
>the church of seiros
>headed by seiros
>muh church, but not the faith
are you retarded

That's literally what Edelgard says to Rhea on her route.

You obviously haven't played the game, mouthbreather

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>Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.
When are you going to stop worshiping an invisible sky magician and get out of the cult?
Attacking me with strawmen doesn't make your life, or society better.

Ironically despite similar themes to Christianity, I found some similarities between Rhea and her church, and the military dictators of Edo-period Japan which oppressed Catholicism to the ground until royalist forces ousted them.

either bait or didn't play the game. not saying there aren't valid ideological reasons to pick a route other than CF but your "summary" is disingenuous at its core

edelgard literally says she doesn't care about what or who people worship, and if they want to worship lizards they can, but said lizards should not consitute a shadow government unaccountable to the humans they secretly lord over. and despite that she even gives rhea the option to surrender at least once explicitly (last chapter)

i really feel like people who side with rhea must have played in English, because the Japanese rhea voice actress comes across as so fake and insincere you can't help but agree with edelgard's proposition that she's really just a master manipulator

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based foolsposter

Why are Christcucks so easy to trigger?

Christianity isn't even in the game at any point.