Monster Hunter Iceborne

TGS is in 3 days (2 if you're in burger country). They'll definitely show Rajang, but who knows what else they'll show

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Isn't this shit out already?

I kinda wonder if we are getting Master rank Behemoth and Leshen.
If they do add more monsters i kinda hope they dont do crossover ones but instead bring back series favorites.
Like Chameleos Ukanlos and Akantor.

Id also like to see them re use the Kulve tharoth map for a new Monster.

They did say there will be a new siege so that's possible

Problem is, Lao is one of Ryozo's favorite so we're gonna suffer

He is talking about post launch free DLC.
Base version got like 5 new monsters post launch.
6 if you count ancient leshen as a separate monster from the base one.

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Lao was horrible in the original games.
Its not impossible they will make him actually fun now.

>doing Acid Glavenus
>difficult as fuck as GS due to its speed
>starts getting paralyzed left and right
>Girros is applying status all the time
>gives me tons of chances to TCS
>Glav suddenly shifts to killing Girros
>it fights back and re-applys paralyze
>then Glavenus finally limps but does one sweep and this kills the Girros
>decided to NOT capture and just outright kill Acid Glavenus to avenge him
>did it and went back to the girros to pay my respects as the timer reaches zero

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I just joined an investigation for an MR Odogaron. Got to the dog, only to find it being absolutely manhandled by a Savage Jho. I dont think between the four of us hunting it that we did more than 2k damage before it was limping away. My god it was both painful and hilarious to watch.

Lao’s armour is already available as a Layered set from Kulve, so I don’t see him being added.

Good early game Lance set?
Need something to help me deal with barioth.
Banbaro set seemed nice since it has that offensive guard skill.

el gatito gaming meow meow meow meow was warned

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Yian Garuga fight is boring an easy as fuck

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Lancebros, is the barioth lance a good one for early mr?

They nerfed the shit out of regular Garuga. Scarred is better.

life is pain as a PCbro

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What do we think of the final boss?

Any good gunlance sets before g rank zorah? Eyeballing brachydios right now, not sure if I'll go for that or nargacuga, or if something way better is on the way

Tigrex makes me angry - any tips? I use hammer

It's one of the best, go get it

Damn good and its got a great gimmick. I actually hope it gets a variant or tempered version

She said the meme word, h-haha

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I hope Gore is revealed at TGS.

I made a decent mix set with full attack boost, a few critical eye, full evade extender, full artillery, 1 offensive guard, 3 health boost, protective polish. Might be more can’t remember

i hope i see you at tgs adam


100% legit Leak for you guys: TGS will unleash Plesioth as the second free update monster, no joke. I'll go to Areas 1, 3, 4, 11, and 12 in the Ancient Forest, and Areas 5, 6, 2, and 3 in the Elder's Recess.


Don’t care give me khezu

From what? Still haven't gotten a polish deco

>plesioth without water combat AND without an area to actually swim in properly

Pretty great, although the sequence after the fight with it jobbing to Nerg kind of ruined it.

ill be seeing you soon friend

Am I the only one who kinda doesn’t like all the recurring characters in the games?
Like ffs you have all these MH3U and MH4U characters in Generations but it just makes the world feel so much smaller than it actually is.
Even Cha-Cha and Kayamba are there, what the fuck?

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Please Capcom

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i really like ishvalda actually, his fight is great i love how hes so uncanny. his theme is orgasmic. speaking of, is there a channel that rips the themes in great quality?

Gen isn't canon, it's a fucking greatest hits game, I personally like the tie ins between 3, 4 and World with Aisha knowing Guildmarm and Ace Cadet showing up in World

Very fucking good. Only asshole to cart me in G rank until now, almost made me fail the quest.
Top notch music and design.
Xeno better have something special to it in the near future, fucker still has the "researching" hunter's notes while Finalboss has a proper description

>inb4 "RED XENO" fight as postgame content

That nigger weissgaming wrote "high quality" on the naimelle theme while it's crispy af and i couldn't find a decent version

Farewell Girros-kun. You were a great companion in user's moments of hardship, may your soul rest in peace.

A lot of the directly ripped Iceborne themes seem to just be like that. It's really noticeable with stuff like Garuga's theme.

Art work book says that a fully matured Xeno would just be Xeno but black.

Why the fuck are raptors so fucking big in 4? Jaggia is the size of a 3U G. Jaggi and the same goes for the small dromes.

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At the very least World acknowledges that Bherna exists

It's a shame, i can't listen to that earrape

Most fun weapon class?

Easy mode weapon class?

>Blackveil Vaal
who let the retard who designed Lunastra have another chance to design a monster

>She is a niggress
So THAT'S why you fuckers killed her. SHE LITERALLY DID NOTHING WRONG

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Why the fuck didn't anyone tell me how fun Gunlance is?

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>Most fun weapon class?
>Easy mode weapon class?

What's a good armor set for lance in LR GU? I'm currently at ***, so is there anything I should be farming?


You answered it yourself.

Did they change it so that it doesn't ignore 95% of its moveset?

What the hell is Galvenus' beef with that one particular Rathian?

swap those around

Bitch raped my boy Kut-Ku, and hoes get the blade.

It does? At what point?

>that one nigga who uses the meme build that just spams charged shots with a long gunlance

>Fighting Tigrex
>Odo shows up
>Actually has an even turf war before doing nothing but leaping on the autistic tigrex

Great Sword
Charge Blade

One of the loot items that the Argosy can bring in is Bhernastones.

I love these weasel-badger-wolf fuckers so much, I wish there was a Great Wulg and/or a full armor set for them instead of just a comfy neckwarmer.

>He bullied Rathian twice

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If it was just that. He chased his ass halfway across the world to find him.

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Here's the REAL question....

Did it dethrone Ahtal-Ka as the best Final boss in MH?

I'm so dissapointed that Namille doesn't make everything go pitch black.

I see that as even more reason to add him. Sure the layered armor is there , all they have to do is make it an actual set with skills now. It's less work than making a while new set.


Ship delivery point -> zenny trade in items

Wow, it's not like he was an absolute shitfest of a fight in the old days.
Stop acting like Monsters being slightly slower makes them irredeemable garbage.

>this kills the Girros
F, rest in peace

>bug controlling a fucking Mech and can use a dragonator
>vibrator dragon that uses rocks


Velkhana slayed. 31m 4 people.
Fuck that monster. AT Velkhana is going to be even more AoE spam isnt it?

That brings back memories.

Honestly the best final boss ever in MH.

Nope, instead
>it's sweeping Ice beam is faster than light and you have to use the FFXIV jump gesture to dodge it

Are....are you the guy that said velkhana is too hard 7-8 hours ago? It took you THIS long? What the fuck user?

>a dragonator
>”a” dragonator

I can't imagine what they'd do for AT Velhana, its already stupidly fast and spams a load of moves.

Does brute tigrex still do that unique stomping taunt or did that get removed?

No I just got to Velk.
A couple of groups I joined failed the quest but after that it was fine.

Why is bow so shit now?


>fighting temp bl*ck diablos
>shes constantly going underground
jesus this fight sucks, never landed my tcs except for the one time i mounted her

Because it was the crutch weapon of choice for shitters, so based capcom nerfed the hell out of it

Capcom already confirmed ATs aren't coming back.

They said no to MR for those two. I assume for licensing reasons. As for other crossovers, they said they don't have any like that planned at the moment, but they didn't have those two planned back when they put out world either. And they say they're open to collabs if they come their way.
I can't shake the feeling that they meant the shooting velkhana part, since the question was about that kind of fight with canons and whatnot.

Really? So what are we getting then?
Is th emax we are getting then just Tempered monsters?

>no AT Ruiner Nerg

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Best early MR longsword ?

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More new monsters. We already know the "no new skeletons" thing was a lie, since rajang is DLC. Also, nobody liked AT's, lets be real.

Actually, they said ATs coming back will depend on feedback. That's all.

Can you only get certain monster materials from carving? niggers in my hunts keep capturing and I'm wondering if that's why I can't get some of the mats I need

Probably Rajang and assmad rajang, Fatalis, Lao-shan Lung, and maybe a new crossover monster.

Xeno blanco gigante

There's so much for me to do. I feel overwhelmed.

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Think they'll add furious rajang as well?

Most of, if not ALL of the feedback on ATs was negative. Also, the MR Elders have their AT moves, so there's no way they're happening again.

Oh thank fucking god. This live service shit with ATs killed my interest in vanilla end game grinding.

>Can you only get certain monster materials from carving?
No. Carve and capture have the exact same loot tables and drop rates. Some parts are only from breaks or investigation boxes though. And if you want something really rare, do gold and silver box investigations, as their rates for rare parts are astronomically higher.

Which 3rd world country are you in

>nobody liked AT's, lets be real
I liked Nerg, Xeno and Kirin.
I appreciate they tried something new with Vaal but it was actual cancer.


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I liked the threat that were ATs in the base game, they're the only monsters actually challenging when you reach endgame

>Most of, if not ALL of the feedback on ATs was negative
That we know of sure. I don't keep my ear to the ground when it comes to the Japanese playerbase though.

pcfag here where do the current AT's rank in strength as compared to master rank monsters? Obviously they're below the master rank elders but are the AT's below say the first master rank monster in difficulty?

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I think I've heard that Ruiner isn't as bad as AT Nerg

>xeno but black
He better be the mr200 quest. We need a black dragon. Wizard lizard isn't here for some reason.


The start of master rank is balanced around starting it right after xeno. If you have endgame HR stuff, you'll steamroll through a chunk of it. Capcom stated that Barioth was designed to be a wall to force you to upgrade to MR gear and weapons, but I took him out fairly easily too.

What, you didn't like it shitting AoEs in every direction constantly?

Rajang/Furious Rajang
Chameleos/Rusted Kushala
Black Xeno Jii'va/Odogaron Rare Species
Lao-Shan Lung/Fatalis
potential Crossover monster

Here are your updates, please enjoy

>he didn't solo it


I'm getting outright oneshot by basic Narga attacks while playing Bow, so I guess it's time to finally bite the bullet and change out of my High Rank gear.
But MR Rathalos has no crit element. What do?

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Viper Tobi's is breddy gud

Where is Alatreon and his glorious pompadour?

use a real weapon?

If there's no collab monster then instead it's Alatreon/Oroshi Kirin

>best final boss
Despite what the Nesset gear wants you to believe, Ahtal-Ka was silver not gold

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Are there ever any Yea Forums 3U rooms up?

It was nerfed pretty bad, so I'm allowed to like it again.

No, play 4U or XX or gtfo.

>But MR Rathalos has no crit element

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I'm early G Rank in XX but 3U is my favorite game, what's the problem with it? Why do people here play the fucking worst one so often?

Because it's newer.

I am the bone of my sword

Super ele crit isn’t worth four of your armor pieces having utter trash like slinger capacity

Thats weird, I never see that many people playing 3U....

Use an actual weapon instead of a nerfed piece of shit that needs 4 (four) skills and element attack up to function.
Like Jesus Christ.

But styles ruin it, I ended up just using Guild GS through my entire playthrough but any time someone joined me they were using ende game Charge Blades and ruined my hunts so I got sick of it
>better than 3U
fuck off, XX is a shit entry, best is either 3U or 4U, objectively

go for raw bow, just like the early world days

shut the fuck up 4fag, 4u was a shit game.


4U/XX was the peak of MH.
3U was terrible shit with poorly executed swimming.

Heavy or light bowgun? I've never played either before

Not him, but elaborate why it was shit.

>you did it! WE did it!
still makes me grumpy

What is this? These are not fucking blades, they're damned clubs. They ain't cutting a damn thing. They look so blunt, Gaijinhunter uses these to beat his wifem

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>possible Alatreon DLC

Water combat is unironically fine, not only that it's rarely ever used. Leviathans and Piscine wyverns peaked in 3U. Ledges in 4 are annoying but it has good monsters. The literal only thing that XX beats any other game in is roster size.


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>i started with it so it best!
Mounting is a shit mechanic, frenzy is a shit mechanic, all of the new monsters are awful, and the worst part is that it was on the 3ds. It was so bad they literally had to make a new apparatus to make the game not fuck your hands.

Unique weapon models actually got unique sound effects across the board this time instead of only a few like the base game so maybe.

Namielle is literally the hardest monster in the game.

worldbabbies, everybody

They don't even have slime on them and I'm supposed to believe they're blast element?

Is it me or is Ebony Odogaron a bit of a pushover? Usually my MR hunts take like 35 to 40 minutes because I'm so used to classic MH, but I cleared him solo in 24min with no carts and a thunder hammer, which I barely use because I prefer Greatsword, SnS and Lance.

I started with MHp3rd on the PSP with an ENG patch.

tidal naja can eat a bowl of dicks though

>have used gunlance since gunlance existed
>everyone will think I’m a bandwagoner now after the buffs

old Garuga was awful and XX’s deviant version was ironically much better despite the aoe spam

The less armor you wear, the faster your attack and movement speed.

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I’m glad I’m not the only one bothered by this shit.
I could care less about it just being bone with monstie bits on them, but WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY FUCKING BLUNT?

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coral pukei is so fucking ANNOYING I swear this monster is designed to fuck ranged players

>It was so bad they literally had to make a new apparatus to make the game not fuck your hands.
The claw would like to have a word with you.

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Less annoying than the "if you come within 20 feet of me you lose control of your character" poof bat

If you use a trap on a monster right at the start of a hunt and use all your tranq bombs at once, you'll capture the monster immediately.

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Everyone is bothered by it
It's clearly a cut corner due to actually having to do new models for everything for once
All we can hope for is that they throw more manpower at it for MH6

Oh, so you're just retarded then. My points still stand.
Those all suck. I can't stand a single one of those pieces of shit. Ceadeus is better than Shagaru, Gobul is better than Tetsucabra, Lagiacrus is better than Najarala, and Gigginox is better than Nerscylla.
Literally all handheld monhun games are ruined by being on a handheld. The Gameboy was a mistake.

sounds like a based monster

No one cares, besides the difference between a master and a shitter is clearly visible in how they play.

Oh nooooo, one monster that isn't incredibly easy for ranged fags, how terrible

If you mine off of Zorah Magdaros you'll heal him.

Oh, so you’re just retarded then. My points still stand.

You can parry monster attacks with the right timing when your weapon is at blunt sharpness levels. (yellow, orange, red)

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So has anybody found the "white Nargacuga that deals poison" yet? It sounds like Lucent Nargacuga to me.

>Finally beat the Vaal Hazak variant/subspecies
This is probably the worst fight in this game

doing this will sharpen your weapon

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If you get poisoned enough, you will become resistant and heal instead of taking damage!

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>I have no argument so I'll just repeat what he said! That'll show him!

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Wrong, Listfag. I started with 4U, where Garuga was arguably at his absolute worst.

>the old days
Garuga was fine before 4 too

you’re making trite comparisons without any substance while calling people retards, I think that deserves some similarly elementary-school mocking

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It's not in the game

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>started with 4u
>everybody who criticizes World is listfag
rent free

>this kills the Uragaan

>proceeds to call everyone worldbabs

Why do you compare monsters with no similar traits
>ceadeus better than shagaru
Imagine being such a contrarian just to bait (you)s

Wyrmstake Blast should be loaded with gunner ammo and get different effects based on that.

reading comprehension, dumbfuck

It's a shame she's not a permanent choice.

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Nah coral pukei is pretty for range. Just wait till barioth and everything after that

how do I find gold rathians

referencing this dumbfuck

There's nothing in 3U that's at all like Najarala, Tetsu, or Nerscylla, since they're all new monster classes. I gave what was probably the closest options. Also,
>everybody who disagrees with me is a contrarian!

I'm sorry i can't really see what your picture is supposed to be, could you repost it ?

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yes, that post is like "look here, everybody" not saying that worldbabbies are everybody, you esl motherfucker

Very cool; it looks like a goddamn resident evil monster by the end and it’s mechanics remind me of akantor (choppy lava screaming boy - forgot the spelling).

Fuck the cutscene after even has a Resident Evil “close up of gooey infected eyeball” shot

you still assumed he's a worldbab, just like every other time. Getting tired of this shit

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Her steamworks cutscene is cute!

Gen and GU are 100% canon. Just because capcom calls it a spinoff(which, btw, they call the entire Portable series and all G-rank expansions spinoffs as well) doesn't mean it isn't a contributor to the overarching MH world.

She has one? Is it only available while she's assigned to you?

Anybody have a good headset recommendation for PS4? I bought the shitty default one for 20$ on launch and it's starting to go. Some over ear thing with huge earmuffs? I've got a gigantic head and ears

>no monster hunter NBA jam

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The only reason they took serious handler from you is because she couldn't handle you pumping several loads down her throat after every hunt unlike that fat greedy cum guzzling credit-taker of a ''handler'' the game insists upon giving you

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Took me 40 minutes to kill brachy, am i retarded

>leave the Acidic Glav GS to me

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when do the optionals end, they just don't end
i thought i had finally cleared my MR2s but it's fucking blue cleared

He’s red-green colourblind so he flies into a rage whenever he sees Raths because he can’t tell which one he’s fighting and consistently reads their attacks wrong. He’s driven them to extinction in the Old World and how he’s taken it upon himself to eradicate their kind from the New World too.

Oh god the handler is back.

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I would happily become a nobody hunter just to stay with her... Fuck it, I'll take her back to the old World and we can have babies and train them to kill Jaggi

Brachy is insane

>handler is a slampig

Yea makes sense I guess

Great Wulg could happen in MH6, Bullfangos were in MH1 but it wasn’t until Dos that they got Bulldrome so there’s a precedent for small monsters getting Pack leaders in later games.

What a hero

>I was born in the new world
>the new world is my home
Fucking what? How old is this guy? Wasn’t the new world just recently discovered and that’s the whole reason we’re going because not even the old ass Wyverians know anything about it? Was this guy immediately born fully grown on our way there?

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Seriously when can we get a handler switching option like how can do with the house keepers in GU?

They said they would consider it based on player feedback. A lot of people dislike ATs so there’s a good chance that the big focus on Variants is their replacement.

People have been on the New World for 50 years, wasn't his dad first fleet? He might be between 25-30.



man, clutch claw in the arena is silly
walls are always in reach, you can slam them for knockdowns like 5 times

The new world was discovered 40 years pre story setting. This guy was the son of the first settlers that started the colonization of the new world and built Astera and all the camps in the various zones.

Pretty sure they hinted somewhere that he was 23-24

Do any later armor sets have razor sharp or I am still going to be rocking Narg set? I reuse to use LS without razor.


Razor Sharp is a level 4 Deco IIRC

just wait for pc

honestly i wouldn't mind carrying around a pair of brachy sockem boppers for dbs, but those look like shit

Are there any new bow worth crafting? I just got past the first fight with Velkhana and they all seem very underwhelming and not a decent replacement for Kajarr bows.

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As an actual reward for something? Because I sure am enjoying all these wonderful poisoncoat, specimen, and other trash gems. I haven't gotten a single good one in IB yet.


Sounds about right, yeah. Do we have any clue of how old the handler is? To me she always seemed really young, like maybe 18-20, she's childish and has a pretty young looking face with baby fat.

20 weeks bro ;_;

That's because Kjarr shit was busted strong and pretty much ruined post game once it was introduced, nothing will feel like that in G-Rank until they add something to replace it.

That’s actually a good weapon choice for Ebony Odogaron, he’s super weak to element attacks on the head and they break his rage mode, so using an elemental weapon that specialises in cracking open skulls fucks him over hard.

I kept tripping him all over the place with GL n6, so I think he is.

>4 players wail constantly on Shara's head
>it never broke and he died

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>I started with 4U

All the "anti listfag" people are 4babs

>She has one? Is it only available while she's assigned to you?
and sadly

World sold 13 million copies and Iceborne seems to be doing pretty solidly too so they don’t have to worry about money, just time. The dev team is large but for games of this scale on modern hardware there are some things that you just need more time for. Throwing more staff at it couldn’t hurt though.

My mistake, it's a Charm, not a deco. Here's a guide on getting it.

Partbreaker fren

man, i never knew that tobi was such a fun fight since at high rank he'd die to a stiff breeze
thank you for doing him justice

Onagaan? Urahole?

I've head it's weaker to impact damage

If enemies can still kill ou very easily (assuming end game will be like that), I wouldn't say strong weapons would make the game easier, just faster and less repetitive.

The reward for MR200 is having her permanently.

>still not crit element/status charm
T-thanks Ryozo.

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They were working on the next MH and Iceborne simultaneously so hopefully by the time the next game is done they'll have more models finished up

This Uragaan's suffering is now over. Try not to be too jealous.

Guiding Lands only, and you need to grind MR to level up regions to 5 or 6 IIRC.

Thank you.

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I made the mistake of choosing lance for Brachydios and was too stubborn to change. Very long hunt.

I suppose, part of the difficulty in old games was when you hit a wall, you might get to a point where you've used all your heals, killing the monster fast no matter how much it hit you would get rid of some of that risk.

If you could erase one gen and any mechanics it introduced, which do you pick?

4th Gen is the obvious choice to erase:
>no mounting
>no 3DS games
>no relics
>no CB and IB so we could actually get unique models for every other weapon

What happened to critical element? Did they replace it to make us use insane amounts of elemental equips instead of other stuff?

There’s a fucking lot. You’ve got optionals for all the new stuff but also for all the LR and HR stuff having MR versions.

I fucking hate that fat dumb cunt so much

If I remove 4 despite liking a lot of it can I use the regained power to bring back water combat?

You would think if they wanted to buff element they could do it by making the basic CE skills available.

Of course not, but they did make Spare Shot a Charm so people are already back to Glutton Spam.

>Iceborne seems to be doing pretty solidly
0.44% of people who own MHW have completed Velkhana.
>Doing well

Mounting is the only problem there, 3ds games started with gen 3, relics are dead (Kulve is nowhere fucking near that level of ass), and removing weapons is dumb.

Can someone please tell me how the counter with Valor LS works? I've tried using it so that the attack hits the white glowing shield and get dunked on. I tried waiting a bit, got dunked on. I tried timing it so my attack was hitting them in the face and still got dunked on.

What is the god damn timing on this shit?

The First Fleet arrived 40 years before the game begins. Each successive Fleet arrives a decade later. The New World has been known about for a while but unexplored due to the difficulty in reaching it, kinda like the New World (ie the Americas) in the real world. It’s not until our character’s arrival that shit actually gets done and the place is thoroughly explored though.

I understand normal shot gunlance, you put your stage and ground pound blast as much as possible. I understand long shot gunlance, you do that meme shit while hiding like a bitch. So what is wide good for?

Why are people so confident that there will be anything to unlock at MR 200? Has no one already reached that?

Probably just that there's an achievement for it.

Velkhana 2 piece and Silver Rath 4 piece are Crit Element and True Crit Element
Silver Rath armor blows chunks though
Namielle set bonus is all element based too

Monsters with shitzones everywhere

It hasn’t even been out a week yet and there’s a fucking lot of content in it. Only reason I’ve slain Velkhana is because I’m currently unemployed.

I need pics of the Namielle SA

There's an achievement so there's probably at least a special quest, I'm not expecting a hidden monster at this point.

most people don't burn through an expansion of this size in 3 days

Does anyone know a worthwhile upgrade path for the hunting horn? I just got to lightning anja, and I’m still rocking the regular ore HH.

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Game hasn’t been out for a full week yet and it’s also fucking gargantuan in size, of course very very few people have hit MR5 yet.

Is there a hidden lvl 4 deco though

finally got the physical version lads, just intalling that shit

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Why is Namielle so much better than Velkhana?
>better theme
>better weapons
>better design

And just imagine the underwater fight in MH6

Have fun user. Iceborne is really good.

The fact that it sometimes forms into a jellyfish-like wingspan makes her perfect for MH6

You can still, in most cases, come back to a tent and be fully stocked, change mantles, etc.

Anyway, I think very long battles is a feature of MH series, so yeah, it's fair, but certainly makes the Master Rank progression less rewarding ('im still using the same equipment).

It's the same shit as in MR, you use two pieces of a set which continue be redundant forever but still provide more damage than the alternative. This time it's Velkhana

Silver Rath comes with True Crit Element but its skills are so beyond terrible it makes you question life. It's possible that the maths still works in its favour in the end, but Slinger Capacity? Fucking really Capcom?

I expect most element builds will end up being 2 Velk, 2 Namielle with hidden element weapons. Namielle comes with Constitution which is useful for Bows and DBs which are traditionally good with elemental damage, so we're probably looking at Velk/Nami clownsuit with an interchangeable fifth piece relevant to the weapon or element being used.

namielle is female, velkhana is a tranny

Nice, it's time to rush a little bit.

Is there a way I can filter Longsword users from joining my hunts please

I actually like Velkhana a lot more than I was expecting, it’s by far my favourite straightforward traditional dragon battle in the series. I haven’t reached Namielle yet but it looks really out there and not really comparable to Velkhana. Just from what I’ve seen of Namielle I expect to like it just as much as Velkhana once I’ve fought it.


i dont use hh, i have a question
if i use zinogres armor and his horn is this fine? or is this an absolute dogshit set? im not a meta fag so i dont care much but i also dont want to do horrible dps

>not wanting to do horrible dps

Go to SOS settings in the menu and change it to manual acceptance only, then when someone tries to join your quest you have to manually accept them first and you can check what weapons they’re using before accepting or denying.

Most weapons got pretty impressive upgrades early on, it's just bow that sucks, sorry pal.

Even I'm doujins she's obnoxious and butterfaced

Imagine being this assblasted

tbf, horn had some great buff, if theres no hammer, horn can still ko

Switch axe and charge blade should both be scrapped and instead combined into one single axe weapon. Insect glaive can stay. Sick of this transformers shit.

What if they join with a long sword equiped, but change their weapons after they are in?

I do that a lot since I do lots of random SOS searches and I change the weapon accordingly to the mission.

how do I stop getting btfo by vaal hazak

I hate this monster so much

Is the long sword the most hated and loved weapon of MHW?

Are those videos of hunters slicing Gen-dino's tail during a spin and with a LS just good timing or did LS get a fucking counter move?

It's been the most hated on Yea Forums since FU days
Salty lancer tears

Get Effluvia Resist level 3, it makes you immune to getting your HP cap halved so you only need to worry about the slow tick damage and Vaal Hazak’s own attacks. His actual move set is pretty limited and the fight is more about overcoming all his disease bullshit so you can get close and push his shit in.

they both play very differently though, i love switch axe but despise charge blade

thank fucking Christ for Flinch Free, man.

Health Augment

>tfw I like both
How do I bridge the gap of hatred between my people?

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give switch axe the damage of charge blade and then maybe it'll move to indifference


Just slot in Flinch Free retard

How do I avoid getting btfo by tigrex?
I can barely scrape by with a bow but the second I swap to a melee weapon I get assfucked.

In terms of axe gameplay you could keep the "two modes" gimmick present in both weapons and have one mode play like the switch axe axe and one mode play like the charge blade axe.

Can we finally use normal armors as layered armor?

I can't understand why it isn't a feature yet.

>Join Tempered Banbaro 8 minutes in to get Vit Mantle+
>Touch down off Wingdrake
>Quest complete
>Get a Handicraft jewel in my fucking rewards

Tonight is a good night lads.

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Or just sheath and dodge when he starts sperging out all over the room, he stops after 3-4 charges
Break his claws and he'll fall all over himself when he tries to U-Turn.


Is pink rath tempered lv 1 or lv 2?

Namielle has water element and has a proper cool unique model.
Haven't made it yet though

World. In my opinion it added almost nothing of value and ruined a lot of things I loved about this series. I'd gladly get rid of every single mechanic it introduced.

Does Iceborne have a lot of the same boring weapon designs from original World or has it improved with the later weapons?

>Shara's set bonus turns every mantle into rocksteady

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>decide to post a legiana investigation since i want to make its SnS
>in hoarfrost
>haven't unlocked the upper part of it yet
>the fucking thing flies past the blocked part and doesn't come back, meaning i can't fight it at all
what the hell

God I hate Gen for ruining MH

Without the defensive boost
Nice for roars and tremors but now you die twice as fast to multi hits!

>mfw nightshade paolumu
capcom why

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why do people always blame games instead of the developers when it comes to monster hunter?
makes no sense

>makes no cents
cause it makes bills son

>Charge blade is easy mode because requires me to hit the monster more times in order to take longer to beat the monster

LS already had a counter in World dude. It just got a less retarded one that requires more setup.

>reach barioth quest
>decide not to do it and just grind optional quests
>beat all mr1 and most of mr2 with ease
>reach regular old paolumu
This mother fucker single handedly killed all of my drive to play any more optional quests, most monsters got interesting new moves and combos. What does this ugly faggot get? The most unbearable and annoying fucking combo and mechanics in the game.
>stays in the air 90% of the fight
>flashing him doesn't always knock him out of the sky
>constantly moves out of reach on the ground when I'm about to hit him
I never thought I could hate this ugly abomination even more.

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It’s improved but there’s still a lot of reskins unfortunately.

>50 glavenus cortex
>but not a single fucking mantle yet
I'm seriously going to kill somebody. I've been at this all day, don't know how many times I've cracked this niggers head open.

>tfw sns
>just falling bash his massive face over and over
good fight imo

It took me 20 Glavenus hunts to get one, you’ll get there user.

so whats a good hammer right now?

Please post a picture user

t. PCfag

acid glav

is zinogres shit? it looks cool

Do an investigation, the rewards for them are fucked totally. I hunted it 6 times without any luck then got 3 mantles from one investigation

literally on google

Wait does this mean I can spam ZSD Claw with it?
You'd just max life steal to make it work


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The wiki doesn't have pictures yet

Current DLC plans. Don’t tell Ryozo I showed you this.

>Furious Rajang
>MR Vaal Hazak

>Cleaving Seregios
>MR Zorah Magdaros

>Gore Magala
>Shagaru Magala
>Chaotic Gore Magala

>Rusted Kushala Daora
>MR Nergigante

>Green Nargacuga
>MR Xeno’jiiva

>Raging Brachydios
>Cryoconite Velkhana

MR Kulve is a maybe, it’s not currently in the works but they’re still considering it.

health augment ate the fat dick in IB
theres you problem

Nvm I found it. Looks cool as fuck

yeah ok lol
my dad says catlolis are unlocked at mr 500

How the fuck do you beat this thing?

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Is catching this Tigrex the quest line for the Spare Shot charm? I accidentally killed it because it doesn’t show skulls or limping for some reason

I only just killed Nam and am a scrub, so no Garuga yet

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>tfw got 2 on my first kill

Why are so many people complaining about nightshade?
Its just a fucking paolumu.

Who makes the games??????

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fuuuuuuck i need that
all the good switch axes in the base game looked like shit, i need to fashion hunt.

Tigrex gets tired easily. What gets him tired even faster is getting smacked upside the head with a fuckoff big hammer.

There's nothing more satisfying than knocking these zippy little fucks silly.

I believe!

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>health augment ate the fat dick in IB
What are the rough values for it now?

Are Pink Rathian and Azure Rathalos the same subspecies?

Hit the monster while not getting hit yourself

That's how they work in base world too. I don't know why anyone is going after rare parts without investigations. Has it been so long that people just forgot and only remember purple boxes and decos?

How are dual blades in Iceborne, I feel like they're literally the same but worse because every monster in Horfrost Reach has Iceblight

How do you use the trap in his fight?

Become one with the incest and spam aerials
Also make sure to bring the airborne skill

Clutch claw attack that sends the monster running into the pillars

Just slot 3 pep gem decorations. Trivializes the whole fight.

i need to take a break, feeling burned out
only optionals left are for unlocking more house items. i also need to level up guiding lands, currently at two for all of them
what else can i do for fun so i have something to do

Once you get to the guiding lands ypu can make health augments

but I want to believe

Any of the Anja weapons good? Got a mantle on my first MR Hunt.

I almost exclusively used the lumu and only optimized for AT elders since most of them looked like garbage
Not a lot of new armor sets are particularly SA friendly though

Is Shara supposed to be handler's father?

Tell them to fire their piece of shit weapon designer and to beat the ass of anyone who helped in creating Kulve Taroth

Does the valor HBG suddenly make it ok to hit shit weakspots or should i kick this faggot shooting piercing shots at Fatalis' tail and wings?

Pic unrelated

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The Shara Ishavalda set bonus is permanent Rocksteady without a defense boost. If you max life steal it will probably be the meta set, and then spam Claw

is slinger burst on the SnS any good?
i'm struggling to find any utility for it

So far I've exclusively used HBGs that are good with sticky shots and cluster.

Can anyone vouch for any other HBGs, ones that use pierce or spread or even normal shots? And are they as effective/more effective than sticky?

Would be nice to do a HBG hunt without constantly making new ammo.


Just me calculating, Landing an SAED went from giving me half a health bar to barely a quarter

I only use it to get to perfect rush quickly

Looking forward to that then. What's it look like?
The monster itself seems hideous but the female Namielle set is literally splatoon so I can't actually make assumptions about presumed armor aesthetics

Try the GS 3rd charge with 2augs and tell me if it still gives back 180 hp on crits

Which one of you fucking retards came into my temp diablos sos and cried about me using steel ball rain?
You had a fucking hammer and i was slamming the wings the entire fight, if you're that asshurt about bow just leave the fucking hunt
I will NEVER understand autistic hatred for certain weapons just fucking focus on yourself nigger

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Just killed Velkhana, will the difficulty amp up considerably?

Also i'm rather mad at the Garon armor set, I didn't know that the cool as fuck Odogaron sets shown were the beta ones. I was really hyped for it. Then i saw the Alpha sets and how they make my character look like a fucking tranny.

>Rank 9 Odogaron Lance
>New unique model, cool shield
>Ebony Odogaron lance
>Rank 6 model, fucking blue instead of black
>Actually a worse weapon stat wise

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it was me xd
you can kick people from SOS calls]/spoiler]

>being upset that the usable armor sets with slots and shit you want are the nice looking ones

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buying a ps4 right now

He likes trannies

Can someone please tell me how the counter with Valor LS works? I've tried using it so that the attack hits the white glowing shield and get dunked on. I tried waiting a bit, got dunked on. I tried timing it so my attack was hitting them in the face and still got dunked on.

What is the god damn timing on this shit?

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>I use the weapon that can fuck my team mates damage up if I don't pay attention
>While I stay out of range and don't have to face the same problem
>Geez why can't people just worry about themselves
Havin a big think ere m8

>Out of range

You are one dumb nigger.


I've used it to KO shit by shotgunning their face with rocks

He said it after diablos died
Literally EVERY weapon can fuck your teammates people here complain about longsword and switchaxe but not once have i been fucked over by them in my 370 hours of world.

Get a FUCKING grip and stop crying about problems that aren't even real

he was talking about the falling rocks's range retard-kun

you use the bow, how would you be fucked up by an LS or SA?

poke shell, has the most mobility of the 3 play styles and the least amount of animation lock.

I've been fucked up by DBfags far more than any other.

>Inb4 because you play bow
forgot to mention i play GL SA DB and HH along with bow

>he isn’t farming tempered monster yet

What’s your excuse

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there are so many optionals
so, so many

You get more research points and investigations from capturing instead of more parts. You can do investigations for rare drops.

>tigrex set bonus gives free meal a 75% chance to activate
I'm never running out of might pills ever again.

Is it even worth doing the the non-quest ones?

what do you need to unlock tempered?

I'm dicking around in Guiding Lands, shit's too fun for me to go back to measly optionals

EVERYONE hates that move in multiplayer because it creates a no-go zone near/on the monster. if you spam it of course melee users will complain

All of the monsters have jho levels of health.

not particularly, some give rewards like expanding your harvest box and level 4 decorations, but a lot of them are just fighting MR versions of old monsters + their special arena quests

The price you pay is looking like you work for this bitch.

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>Most fun weapon class?
LS - perfectly timed Iai Spirit Slash will never get old
>Easy mode weapon class?
Bow - probably don't need to explain why

>no nibelsnarf
bit mad

Joke's on you pal I wanted to fuck Rita as a kid

There's likely a quest for finishing most/all of the optional quests like usual

>just as a kid

Daily reminder to kick bow users on sight. Despite being 13% of the population, Bow users consist of 100% faggots.

I really really dislike handler

>He isn't wasting his life fighting some of the worst designed content in the game?
What gives?

>75% chance to activate
>but you always hit the 25%

>wanting “sonic bombs: the hunt” to be in the game
Please no, it’s so boring

Whats the fastest way to grind armor spheres?

pre iceborne it was bounties I think


Using bow and laughing at you and TAutists, meta faggots or whatever the fuck they're called now.

nigga are you retarded. does it look like we preiceborne? jesus fucking christ

suck a fat one t. pc player

I still don't get how that thing works, is it just a guessing game?

yes, after you overload it once, you can just hold r1/r2 to do it automatically

Look for hard armor sphere mining crops in the regions and equip your geologist+detector+rare spawn refresh rate up set

Should Namielle be moved to a Leviathan skeleton in MH6?

Velkhana is not fun

No part of it gimmick is being a jellyfish

Counterpoint: get good

She's not hard, just not fun to fight

Is there a mod that removes all cutscenes or even one that just deletes the handler from the game?

I saw screenshots of one that replaces the Handler with the quest board model.

>be me
>great swaxe player with over 200 games on this shitty weapon
>bow faggot flinches me out of my combo 3 times in a row in less than 2 minutes
>allright that's it
>I go into axe mode and start launching in air that faggot everytime he tries to do something like drinking potions or charging up the dragon piercer of whatever bow faggots do
>eventually I throw him into behemoth's shoulder bash and he gets pin down and dies

I've killed so many bow, and HBG users like this (LBG players need to have good aim in order to be assholes so they are easy to spot and don't accidentally trip you as much).
HBG is the best because if you stalk them they'll never be able to reload their weapon again in their life. Doing it to faggots that play cluster in multi is one of the best feelings you get out of playing the swaxe.





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guard lvl 5 and shield lvl 1, nigga wtf are you talking about?

Guard Up?
Lance can also still dodge fairly well

I have guard up. Motherfucker still does tons of chip damage and I got 700+ defense. I feel like shit

Whats all this bow hate for? Don't you all use flinch free if you play multi anyway?

I wouldn't call Velkhana not fun(that title is reserved for Lunastra), but my first cart in Iceborne was in it's slaying quest and it honestly feels like Velkhana is a bunch of different mechanics that barely fit together put into a monster. Key word is barely, it's still a rather nice fight that could be improved.

We fucking won bros.

My weapon is shit, do you really think I'm going to give up 2 damage per hit for fucking flinch free?
You are goddamn wrong.

It's cause you shouldn't need to blow an entire slot just so an entire weapon type is tolerable to play with, in addition bow players tend to act like entitled TA tranny shitmongers.

He's got wind up for days and Lance is mobile enoigh to avoid most of his shit if you can't take the chip

Is Velkhana set worth the making?
Heard it's good for LS


SA gods report in

It was always good
in my heart

is raw still king for SnS?

>tfw GS ate the entirety of the shitstick and GS users just continue through anyways cause that's how things go.

no, element is still better

falling bash spam was the meta in the base game was it not? and element doesn't affect that

>safags have been tripping me more than lsfags


not my fault they gave us a nice finisher out of wild swing :^)

Does Garuga have any turf wars? Haven't seen any.

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I honestly don't know is it possible to use an SSD on a PS4 slim? I double dipped with World and even thought I only played the PC version for a small fraction of the time I put in on PS4 having it installed on an SSD was like a dream. Now these PS4 loading times are killing me.

>Never used switch axe in 3, 4 or world
>Somehow got the R8 paralysis swaxe from the kulve tore siege
How do I learn swaxe?

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GS had the fastest Velkhana kill by far in the beta, GS is still crazy strong.

It is your fault go attack the tail you fucking faggot.

I could knock you into the air like a hammer user if you prefer that :)

Only retarded hammerfags do that shit. It's happened to me several times tonight and I want to murder them too.


learn your morphs, weapon feels like a clunky pile of shit until you learn when to morph out of sword into axe and dodge
since the weapon has no iframes or blocking or anything, positioning is extremely important.

Switch back to axe any time you need to back off from the monster, axe is massively more mobile in general.
Evade Window and/or Evade Distance are very handy since you have no defensive options other than the axe mode fade slash.

Well now you got a move that can apply better DPS for elements.

Was it not good at one point? I’ve just always used it because I like it a lot

Yea, falling bash meme really mess with the meta for sns in base game. It was stupid because you would need a weapon with high base to deal decent damage for falling bash but then you can’t build full raw because damage would be garbage when you aren’t falling bash.

>How do I learn swaxe?
Go into training area and get comfortable with it

My tips (autistic SA main in vanilla), and after playing Iceborne at consolefag friend's house extensively:
>You don't have any defensive moves. You will probably need evasion window +3 minimum on anything remotely dangerous, like AT Nerg.
>You have 3 main "strategies":
1. Axe mode with Heavy Axe buff, going for flinches (good against targets that don't stand still like Odogardon or Tigrex)
2. Spam sword mode (potentially high DPS, good against a slow moving target like Kulve)
3. Spam clutch claw and ZSD (extremely high DPS, can only be done with Rocksteady or against monsters like Velkhana who can't know you off the claw)
>Learn which of the 3 strategies is best against each monster. TA autists will figure this out for you in the coming weeks
>Git gud at learning how best to build your amp state (heavensword flurry is best), and how to not run out of sword meter (use morph attacks liberally)

After that it's just getting comfortable with the moveset.

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What bow should I make?

For a while it was just Reload Sword because axe mode was too shit in comparison.
The free flowing switching after any move and the new buffs/moves in Iceborne make the weapon feel a hell of a lot better overall.

Will a kind senpai reveal the secrets of the lai slash to me?

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one for every element

Oh yeah, the fade slash got buffed in Iceborne. It doesn't give iframes so it has limited usefulness, but it's there.

Your strongest axe moves, besides the morph attack / heavy slam out of wild swing, are:

These got a ~20% MV buff in Iceborne and hit pretty damn well, and do TONS of flinch damage when buffed

>just slot in a worthless skill become lsfags are fucking shit

No way fag

>people actually use flinch free become of ls shitters

No way am I wasting gems on that shit. Rather just ban ls shitters on site.

The fuck? GS is fantastic. Hell, Crit Draw is practically back thanks to element buffs. It's a hell of a lot better then base World.

What is going on in this pic?

Daito Crow is in
Zin's IG is also a naginata
Naginata chads report in

I love my nagintas

enjoy your dps loss from your pursuit of theoretical dps

ls shitters should learn how to play the game instead of bogging down the entire team

>dps loss from ls shitters

haha ok

user is about to Iai slash those hockey players.

This but SAtards instead

>gets launched in the air with any melee weapon
>FREE RKO OUTTA NOWHERE on the monster and change to get a mount
nigga what?

god damn i hate using sword and shield against brute wyverns
at least clutch claw tenderising makes it slightly more bearable to slash the knees

i love how this game pushes you to get new armor, i manage to handle the first variants but it takes a lot of time now without the master rank armor/weapons

Are these the only two naginatas/halberds in the game?

>Capcom stated that Barioth was designed to be a wall to force you to upgrade to MR gear and weapons
Kek, shouldn't have made Styx weapons then. Barioth doesn't seem to do too hot with blast. In fact thus far the only monster I haven't absolutely decimated with it was Velk when I had to actually properly fight it. Fucking cunt kept spamming the AOE attacks until the timer ran out on me.

Took it at a game where some guy got his face smashed in. Funny stuff

>tfw Tigrex Alpha set is the perfect crutch for shitters like me

I can't, I just can't no matter what. I can't beat Shara with Lance even with tons of defensive skills

This is the only monster that's giving me trouble

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Is Crossblitzer a good LBG?

what sadistic developer thought of viper tobi? is not enough just getting posioned but super poisoned and paralyzed

Br-bros....? There's arch tempered in the core game right? I just got to the guiding lands and beat zinorger, and the only time I have failed a quest so far was once on the final boss.... Please don't tell me ice born is going to be just as piss ass easy as world was. Please tell me there's some kind of arch tempered hyper/apex something I just have not unlocked yet. The tempered monsters I have fought so far have been push over's, even the tempered death veil you fight for the mantel upgrade.

It can't be this easy right? No way they fucked up again.

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Just you. Everyone else is having fun and struggling

oh fuck. here, Just scrolled up. Please tell me this is a lie, this feels like a high rank game

It's not a lie. Everyone else is having fun.

this smells like a falseflag. Lotta red flags on this one

I didn't know Dumbo played Monster Hunter?

>just got to the guiding lands
>beat Zinorger
Something ain't adding up

even if you want more difficult hunts, i don't see why you would want arch tempereds back
fucking horrible lazy gimmick. AT Xeno was the only one i enjoyed.

one of the worst matchups

Not a falseflag, I'm being a big hyperbolic but its true, I have been jumping back and forth between hunting horn and Heavy bow gun. I don't have some crazy ass meta set, just death veil armor and some decos'

I carted a few times but the one and only time I got that "quest failed" screen was once at the sound dragon, and a few times when some bad player carted 3 times when I joined someone else's investigation...

G rank in 3, 4 and XX kicked my ass for a good while, and to this day 140 GQ monsters or the super deviants are still a challenge. I was really hoping we would see some crazy shit in ice born, I know there's a few things I have not unlocked so.. I guess I just hoped this game had AT at the start this time, not something we have to wait 6 months for.

>Tiger + T-Rex
>People call it "Tee-grex"

What the fuck is wrong with humans you all deserve a nuclear winter fucking single digit IQ hunters.

This is where you slipped up

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ya, I got to the new zone, killed a puki puki twice and fought zinogre? He shows up like right away.

because that's how it's pronounced
i don't like it either but i've accepted it


literally the same as 4u if you use guild

The super deviants gave me a hell of a harder fight then anything in ice born so far. I admit I'm kind of fucking myself by playing HBG and NOT brave though.

I'm enjoying it, still have to treasure hunt and crown collect ect. its just not a challenge, They made the same mistake that they did in core world, they make the hunter faster/ stronger/ hell give them a claw now, make skills better ect but forgot to scale the monsters up to match

>if you use guild
if only the game was balanced around it

>Literally EVERY weapon can fuck your teammates
Yes, but only the bow does it consistently and almost always give zero fucks about player placement. Tell what seems more infuriating, getting whacked by a hammer main because you were trying to hit the head at the same time, or moving because an asshat bow main dropped their rain shot only for them to fire it indiscriminately again seconds later halfway through your hit. That is why bow mains are cancer. 9/10 they fire wherever the fuck other hunters be damned. The only players that are worse imho are dual blade faggots that span DM and either get in the way or caught in combos and carted.

ATs are some of the worst content I've ever seen in a MH game, this should be cause for celebration.

Because it's based off of Tigre you EOP.