Astral Chain

Astral Chain

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Other urls found in this thread:

Astral Chain

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>liking her for her tits and not her glasses and personality
Fucking virgin.

Marie butt

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>liking someone because they are visually impaired

Game is shit
Use the catalog before making a new thread

Shut the fuck up bitch and thanks

What are some good abilities to use? I've pretty much just used anything that gives %attack up because I don't know what the hell is good

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Marie looks like she has fetal alcohol syndrome

What an ugly stupid bitch

This design is too problematic, no wonder why they could only release this game in only one console.

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>Other thread is a astral chain hate thread

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What was her problem?

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>people criticizing a game on Yea Forums!
>quick call the mods!

>This design is too problematic
I know right?

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Artist? There is shit all on pixiv for this game

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cry more faggot

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>also censored
Nice clickbait.

>Villain gives his big speech about what his plan is while i'm fighting 5 different legions at the same time.
Well I hope it was nothing important.

Hey you, is the first time i ever see you in an AC thread.

Take this shit to /vg/, please. Sage.


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worst and ugliest character of the game
what is even her puropse?

Imagine saving and posting wojaks.

Asstral Chain

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I'm not sure if this is a glitch, but Round Sword's duration doesn't decrease while in Slash mode. The skill stays active infinitely, and you can chip enemies to death if you want to. Focus doesn't matter either, but you can use it to make dodging easier.

Attached: infinite round sword.webm (640x360, 2.86M)

Parry attack on everything. Super Armor Omega on sword. I really like E-Call Lock on Axe because it works if you summon him to block too.

What the fuck was that ending?
It was so abrupt and unstatisfying, and overall made me think worse of the game.

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And normally it only lasts about 13 seconds.


>Alicia will never be your step mom
Why live

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I felt that way but then File 12 made it all better.

Imagine being this upset

How old is Max anyway? Is Alicia an archaeologist?

Play file 12.

Threadly reminder that the beast legion is a qt

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Fuck I'm starting to understand the sweat fetish...

Keep going user, my astral chain folder is slowly growing

Astral Chain gave me a bandage fetish.

I made an attempt to fuse both Dark Hero versions in some way that doesn't sound like complete shit. Thoughts?

To be honest I only started checking out if it had art recently so I don't have much.

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Most of it is on fucking twitter, sadly.

Sounds kind of off, like there's something dissonant about the vocals. It might just how bad the autotune is on the male track.

Seems that Nintendo only starts aggressive marketing when they are sure the game is a success (except with Splatoon, in that case they were hoping it was one). They just posted this.

Holy shit i never even thought about combining them.
Hopefully they don't take this out on a update

Well this should quiet down the doubters saying platinum were lying that this game was successful for them

Putting the cart before the horse there, Nintendo.

Comforting to know

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Do you play the games you waifupost?

What? user, the game is already out and Platinum Games themselves already said that it was a success, they even made special art to celebrate.

It's not putting the cart you're already on the road with your horse dipshit

Impressive collection you have.

I just don't like the male vocals for the song very much, and it clashes more when put together like that.

I think this game could've used a bigger marketing presence before launch, that's all.

I try to.


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Where is more Marie?

You used a phrase that doesn't make any sense in the current context.

It didn't have a bad launch or push user.
They released it at a very good time, just far enough from their other releases to not be swallowed in the rush.

>Quick succession of rave reviews.
I can't remember the last time Nintendo did this.

Literally only there to cater to waifufags. Note how she's in the opening yet has absolutely no relevance to the plot whatsoever. Kyle is more important than her and he's only in one chapter.

>most of the female characters are fairly (key word) grounded, despite some having anime hair colors


>On one chapter.
You didn't even play the game.

It makes sense to me, dammit. Game sales is the cart, marketing is the horse. Horse drives the cart along. Doing the marketing after the game has already sold well is backwards.

>Human gets redshifted in front of your eyes
>Kill them without mercy

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You’re angry over a character that you admit is insignificant in the grand scheme of thing

I have a zanier office manager in real life. Spec ops janitor is cute as fuck, you tasteless bitch.

The combat is fucking great though. A few complaints about the camera and how janky doing corner jumps can be, but holy shit is it fun to go nuts with unchained legions in this game.
Hoping all these plot hooks and unanswered questions were left as bait for a Sequel because I could use more gameplay like this in my life and some of those dangling plot threads have me genuinely curious.

Jena vanished 20 years ago, obviously being taken into the Astral Plane during the Pandemic, and her monsters are also data creatures like Chimera. Did she somehow assert her independance and break from of the archiving? Not to mention her sympathy for the twins because of how their mother died in the Pandemic. I'm genuinely curious about what happened to her.

It's a pretty brutal world. If you read Max's notes, it talks about how it was bag 'em and book 'em until Zone 06, when it just turned into a zombie apocalypse massacre.

Had you tried GATTAI with arms legion? You float...

Or use the beast Legion and ride over it like a chad

Which "ORAORAORAORA!!!" Is stronger? GATTAI or stand?

>People fell for the review bomb

Wearing it does more damage than the 360 ZL input if that's what you are asking.

GATTAI, but it takes forever to come out and I'm not sure if it's more than stand + you hitting them.

Charged ZR > ZR does a much faster oraora, don't have to do the punch combo before it. Charged ZR is a grab too.

Max is 50 while Alicia is 32

Redshifting destroyed the entire rest of the planet, no one has time to fuck around with this anymore.

Huh, I've never gotten charged ZR to connect. I should try harder.

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Her face looks just a touch wider than everyone else and it bugs me ever so slightly.

Now that I think about it, when you do it in GATTAI mode is actually a "ATATATATATA!!!!"

>Macross missile (laser) barrage.
Was this game made for /m/?

I hope she dies in the story

Arale Chain?

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She rightfully saw Yoseph as a petty fag. Her plan wasn’t all that bad, it was just held back by her autism. Her homunculi were uniquely suited to wiping out hundreds of chimeras at a time through absorption, and were honestly a much better plan for the defense of humanity than the legions. Letting her kill Yoseph would have been the good end.

I guess Dad’s a DILF

Does they managed to salvage his mass legatus production technology?

>song with vocals start to play.
Was that necessary?

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Kyle should have gotten more screen time

Is the pastebin complete yet?

Nintendo thought so.

Several cops get legions of their own in file 12, so they can still create them.

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>Not because is an standard toku practice.
You disappoint me.

the problwm was her homunculi caused massive collateral damage as well. The legions, while inefficient in comparison, were much safer. The homunculi additionally caused mass data corruption and redshifting

What do you get after completing all Olive's cases?

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>She's a dog trainer
Shit, now I feel even worse for taking her doggo.

It was literally Nintendo coming in and saying "this isn't anime enough, put some insert songs in there."

Here are my favorites
>Auto Sync Attack
Great for when you get distracted and miss syncs, just don't put it on a legion with lengthy sync attacks.
>Super Armor Omega
You can't be knocked down. You still take the same amount of damage though so don't go too crazy.
Saves you from death once. Goodness is self explanatory.
Pretty easy to overlook because of how often it drops, but it's a godsend when you're trying to use any Legion's
L1 ability for prolonged amounts of time. Especially Sword and Arrow's.
>Chain Extend
Not really that great in combat, but with enough of it you can annihilate stealth sections without getting anywhere near the action.

not to mention they weren't a true solution as shown in chapter 9. her Homonculus couldn't hatch in the Astral Plane, so they could only be employed as a defense on earth, which would lead to an unsustainable amount of collateral damage.

but with the sequel hook of taking back the rest of the corrupted earth, her Homonculus would have reclaimed the planet within weeks. It would have been a slaughter like no other with how they steamroll and get stronger based on chimera they encounter.

Does the game contain only exactly enough material codes to upgraded everything to max or are there excess?

>big eyebrows
Am I the only one who loves this quirk?

I want to ___ my twin!

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It's always necessary to make any amazing moment instant kino

Stupid question, but how do you use Legion skills? Without switching them or using an item I mean.

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She's there to be the peppy beam of light out of all of Neuron's side characters. She's captivating and she works because unlike even a lot of the major characters who have plot relevance, she has an actual stage presence every time she does anything. It's charming to boot since she's always doing her best and wants everyone else to do the same.

Bless you user


customize! come on!

What is she saying?

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Beat up.


left stick motion + button you have set to call the legion

I'm kinda new to beyond-the-surface-level-gameplay myself, but how would you even use Legion skills with an item?

Also where did you get the idea you can do them without switching?

Are we talking about LZ+X/Y abilities, L1 abilities, or equippable skills?


I'm liking it from what little I have played so far
I thought the slowdown on the sync attack prompts would bother me but it ended up being fine, what does bother me though is that the finishing move animation breaks up the flow of combat way too much, they should have just had it happen in battle.

I also feel that the silent protag was a mistake

Can you customize both characters? I hate it when a game gives you a family member or members and you end up looking radically different from them like in Dragon Age.

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I don't understand.
The buttons you assign them to are the same ones you use for switching Legions and using items.
The first one I guess.

The most you'll get is your twin matching the same skin color(Most of the time) that you have.

no because you're adopted

Don't use every sync attack chance!
Axe legion is best boi
Riding beast legion auto dodges everything! even the final boss' attacks

Just hold LZ bro

Get in.

Nursing handjob

>The buttons you assign them to are the same ones you use for switching Legions and using items
Aren't those just different control schemes with no real effective change in practice?

No. Although your other Twin does kinda match (In a small manner) what you customize with the main Twin you play as.

Oh, okay. Thank you.

I wish she was a boy

Crazy how you can die 3 times in a battle, heal 50 times, use consumable combat items and get an S+ rank.

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Because this game is not designed to rank you with the usual "no damage" and "no heals". Instead it gives points based on how much different shit you did, if those points reach 10K you get S+.

It is a problem. I feel like every action game I play recently has dumb fatal flaws with the scoring system. DMC5 punished you for doing every encounter and Bayonetta 2 let you spam invincibility items for the entire game (except for the credits). W101 was perfect though, unless I just don't know the cheese strat.

You can't just be as strict with rankers like back then. Even DMCV is more lenient with S ranks.

And besides, if you want strictness. That's what what playing on the highest difficulty is for.

>mfw Noah Prime's entire moveset
Did Platinum even bother playtesting this boss fight? I swear it's fucking impossible to beat him without using revives, especially when he has a bunch of instakill moves that seem to come out at complete random.

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I don't know about the rest but healing shouldn't affect rank and I'm glad to hear Pt. fixed it. Getting hurt punishes your ranking and using healing items just means your rank is being punished a lot. Healing just give you more opportunity to lose rank.

Hey pardt nah!


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No, their game is this Friday

Auto-bind is pretty good for stealth sections, it can bind people through walls.

Shota Kyle is best Kyle

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Except it basically gives you an S+ rank if you take no damage


>Bayonetta 2 let you spam invincibility items for the entire game (except for the credits).
If somebody wants to grind a ridiculous amounts for that it works for me. At least it makes items usable instead of trash you can't ever use.

Wait, which is his actual face?

He only has the cage move that can kill you but you have to avoid it quickly. I was guaranteed death at one point but I had the fortitude ability. Still took a few tries though, I liked this fight.

In case you haven't noticed, no AI in action games is truly random. Just remember what they're going to do relative to:
>Their distance from you
>What they just finished doing, and what phase that puts them in

I'm not entirely sure on the specifics, but let's just say for example, there's a winged chimera a good distance away from you, then they'll either shoot at you, move around, or they might go in to attack you directly these three options are probably not a thing for any winged chimera but sh, it's just an example. In that case, you can have your reactions work in compound with memory, and thus anticipation.

The final boss is basically just a glorified final that you barely had any way of studying for. But that doesn't mean it's not possible to get used to and beat him otherwise. Good luck.

Left to your imagination, but him secretly being a kid in a mech suit is an amazing idea.

Aesthetic color choice. What color boots? White?

>beat the game, start doing post game stuff like getting S+ ranks and collectibles
>only AFTER beating the game I realize sync movies vary by weapon
>charge attack with gladius sync with axe legion is a sweeping attack which puts an explosive on any enemy it hits
>start using perfect calls with axe so I don't even have to fucking dodge anymore
>gravity well/crash bomb/slow shot

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The secret post-game final boss is kicking my FUCKING ASS

Is it the last fight in Olivia's cases?

How many Olivia cases are there?

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What's the point of the blue glowy thingies that just happen to be latched onto random parts of the infrastructure in the game?

I try shooting it with Arrow Legion and taking pictures of it but nothing actually ever seems to happen. But it feels like they're there for a reason. Does anyone know?

this, its all about combat, and the other shit like side objectives and red matter.

Yep, that's the one. I think it's like 70 cases?

I used 1 battery fighting him first time because I ran right into the instant kill not knowing what it was. Afterwards it was easy to avoid with beast and arm. I rode beast a lot in general during the fight to have it's auto-dodge ready for the attacks I didn't know how to avoid yet. Fight took 10 minutes but still got S+ first try.

Attached: finalb instant kill.webm (896x504, 2.93M)

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Thanks, boots are black due to the police cruiser theme I was going for, but white would also look good. I haven't taken enough pictures in good lighting in it yet, or with the Legions which have a more predominantly-white-police-car theme (primary color white, with black panels and red accent), but I like the way it looks with the legion summoned because the blue really works and almost has the effect of looking like the lights on a police car, so, thematic.

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Those are all just ideas from the art book, they probably are either undecided or think never taking off the mask was better.

Where do you get the eyepatch?
File 7, in the open area with the first police radar unit, hologram wall off to the side.

How the FUCK do I not drop shit?

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>Frogs kick my ass in Extra Cases
>Waste an hour brute forcing it
>Decide to just shoot'em instead
>Axe bro back attacks while I ditract
>S+ the case

Fuck I

Thanks, although the pastebin says File 10?

Shit, no you're right, I was looking at something else. It's 10.

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Lightly tilt in the other direction when any hint of gravity effects the other direction.

>song with vocals plays EVERY TIME you activate fusion
Clearly it was

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I just made it past file 4. I swear if Yoseph experiments on my sister there will be hell to pay. And Brenda isnt blameless here either. She knows what's going on.

>Having that part without vocals
Yeah if you want to complete deflate and rob the moment of any adrenaline

Should I get this? I've been debating it for a week now

Generally? Sure. But what are you looking for or expecting exactly? Or what are you open minded to?

Keep your hands steady and keep a lookout for assholes running at you.

>tfw get good at tilting but the random asshole charging out of nowhere still ruin the day

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Do you enjoy these kind of Action games in general? AC is pretty solid then (At least I think so far)

I've considered placing my controller on my desk to see if that prevents movement but haven't' tested it yet

I normally enjoy anything from platnium games.

Well then. Sure go and get it. I'd say AC is one of their better games.

Then yes. Definitely. AC has mixed opinions on how it compares to other Platinum titles, but the overwhelming majority agree it's among their better.

Just keep in mind you might have to stomach the first few hours since they're a bit slow and you don't get your "real" moveset for a while.

Except dodging while in L mode causes energy lost. About 20 per dodge.

Who had the better plan?

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>Beat game
>Go into training mode to test out some stuff I might've missed
>Discover a dozen different attacks I never knew I had

Yup this is a platinum game alright.

You can zoom the camera in and out by clicking in the right stick and pressing up/down on the dpad.

Game's been pissing me off. I feel like whenever you mess up you get pinballed between all of the enemies and the stun status and instead of redesigning the encounters Plat just made each attack do jack shit damage and added the lives system. 7.5/10

You'll probably enjoy it then. Although I would caution that it is a lot more ARPG, almost Zelda-ish, than their signature action games.

No it doesn't. Only Arm's L mode dodge uses energy (its also a dash if you hold it), and Beast's only uses energy if it was an auto-dodge but you can mash evade button for free. Sword, Arrow, and Axe dodges are always 0 energy.
It doesn't even matter if you were somehow losing energy in that webm trick though, round sword was filling energy with every hit.

Funny that you mention it

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What the fuck, why is this a thing?

I went through 3 revives that fight and got S+ so idk user

No u

How do I do Sword's breakdance spin attack? Sometimes I do it by accident if I press the wrong button but I don't know the input.

seeing as how attacks don't hitstun it makes sense that those things don't contribute to ranking

>You'll probably enjoy it then. Although I would caution that it is a lot more ARPG, almost Zelda-ish, than their signature action games.
One of the best descriptions of this game

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I killed him so fast I didn't even get instakill orb

I'm pretty sure it's the perfect dodge sync.


It was a secret thing in Automata revealed in an interview. I didn't know this game had it too.

I saw an ad for the mahou shoujo police in Harmony Square during the daytime mission there, apparently Yoseph just thought marketing the female twin as a transforming magical girl was good PR.

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For the people complaint about the wonky camera.
Now you have ALL of the camera.

Arrow, Sword, and Axe legion hold the camera at face level. Arm Legion holds the camera slightly lower. Beast legion holds the camera at ass level.

Oh my fucking god I feel like such a fool.

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>Mission with Lightning beast and Cerberus.
>Nearly die because of electric shocks
I dont know if I'm getting better or worse at this game.

Jena wants to sacrifice the few to save the many and her homunculi are a genuinely competent defense measure against chimeras, collateral damage aside. Yoseph is a selfish asshole in it for himself and judging from Noah’s file description he fails anyway. He was never going to control it.

Energy replenishes per hit? Im positive dodging with sword consumes energy. It makes sense considering sword parry.

That's a pretty late Olive case isn't it? You aren't bad.


In other news, the villain of Kamen Rider Vulcan is looking proper menacing.

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0 energy cost. Literally only Arm consumes energy by pressing dodge button. All hits replenish energy, round sword counts for that.

Attached: slash dodge 0 energy.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

So I just got my second Legion.
Is the basic combat bad for this part of the game? Or am I just bad?
I feel like I get locked into any given animation for like 10-20 seconds whenever I dare to press a button, and I can't dodge out of it. Attacking feels inherently unsafe, especially given most enemies don't seem to take a notable amount of hitstun, if any.
Also what the fuck do I do about fuckhueg spearsword chimera and their spin attacks? They cover a ton of distance and I can't get out of the goddamn way.

i dont know but i want to wash her face so bad

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why is she covered in dirt the whole game

took me a while but i just realized who Maho shoujo Akira reminds me of.

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Try zooming in on some butt.

Except she was also fucking crazy like Yoseph but in a different way. She wanted everything to be taken by redshift so it could be "naturally" stored in the Astral Plane which she saw as some archival system that would give humanity immortality by existing within it. Not quite Yoseph's crazy ass instrumentality plan but neither went about protecting humanity in a way that could be defended.

She hasn't bathed in twenty years

If you've ever watched Toku, the Insert Song is a great trope for when you wanna build hype.



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Thanks. I think I'm over halfway through.



I saw Kyle as black. Maybe it was those plugs coming out of the back of his head that look like dreads.

What did the description say?

What's Neuron's dress policy on red hotpants?

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Inb4 sneed

Neither. The best option is literally just give everyone stands like in the ending as Howard proves that it's the most effective way to deal with chimeras with lowest cost

How do I combo in this game? People are saying you can combo like in Bayonetta

All I can do is sync attack when I do a perfect dodge, sometimes

Unless ZR ZR ZR ZR is a combo

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Encouraged because Yoseph is a dirty motherfucker.

Well, considering the Raven uniform...

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It's perfect dodge sync

The kid one makes most sense to me, considering his personality

Succeed where your father failed and fuck the wannabe mommy

noah basically exists just to redshift humanity and it’s implied that when the Akiras all restrain the core Yoseph loses control. Instead of becoming the avatar of humanity he jobs and dooms us all

So the first 30% of Yoseph's plan.

Guys, if I have a legion with 2 chips, does effect spread apply to both chips or just the chip its on?

The twin only gets the skin color you choose for yourself. They're otherwise their own person and dress themselves.

I like how Zero One gave a legit reason to why some random guy could put on the suit and then fight like a pro. So far it has been really good.

Naw, that's Daemon x Machina like said. The second demo is out now if you wanna try it before release.

My Howard-chan is a model officer, then.

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You can do command skills at any point in the standard combo(i.e. instead of finishing the standard combo you can do launcher into sync and either continue with air combo or switch to blaster) but you have to upgrade your X-baton for more command skills and every one of them has a sync attack

A kid in a mech suit would be named Kyle.

Are you implying it isn’t?

Effect spread is a stand-alone ability that effects ALL abilities, there's no point in having two similiar to having two parries or auto-syncs

I thought it didn't hatch because you stop it. there was a bunch of hatched Homunculi in the astral plane

>Ass level
Giving them this information was a mistake.

Still mad you can't remove the helmet.

Other costumes need customization so fucking bad, like male garbs is the worst shit in the game and it's night and day with female variants

Too busy playing kirby monster hunters (but i do have the demo).

Noah Prime is an astral pain in my ass

Not him, but if one of my legions has rffect spread, do all its abilities carry over to the others, say, my sword legion's super armor in effect no matter who I have out?

You get more defensive options as you progress. Perfect Calls and Parry can be used in the middle of your attack/dodge animations making them strong tools. Arm and Beast have good dodges, Axe can guard. Some of the sync attacks you get later have more i-frames. There's also multiple ways to obtain super armor so it doesn't matter as much when you get hit.
You should really be paying more attention to the enemies and not mashing so much. Huge sword chimera is very slow, he winds up before every attack and its a big tell for which attack its about to do. Don't use a sync if enemy is about to hit you. Your basic combo continues where you left off after a dodge too, so you can still quickly get to the sync attack. Enemies stagger more with more hitstun if you hit their backs. Take advantage of chain bind too.
Early on though, sword's slash mode (L button default) is pretty good. It increases your dodge distance a lot and you can slow time by clicking right stick, can also stun enemies by cutting their energy lines.
Dodging stuff:

Is it? Archer gas a gene code + effect spread chip, and I put a legion rush + crit chip on it to get legion rush on the rest of them, but it doesnt seem to apply

No, effect spread just makes the abilities active while dismissed but still selected, such as when you are recharging energy.

Effect spread doesn't make it apply to other legions. See

No only to that legion, for reference Sync-keep gives abilities for a while after you switch, Effect spread just lets you have your abilities even when your legion isn't called. Auto heal is the best way to show the effect

is deskwork the only way to get lappy special?

Oh okay. Well, have fun.

Got it, thanks. Sync-Keep with axe is great for his shield and I'm learning the value of Hit Rush every day.

Shield stays even you don't have sync-keep

I belive Glichy vendors can sell you them as well

Sync Keep is also just for when legion is dismissed, it keeps you in blue hair mode which means you have the Atk and Def of the currently selected legion applied to you.

You don't need Sync Keep for shield. Buffs always stay when switching.

1. Axe and Beast Legions are your best friends here
2. Try not to use up you revives prior to this fight
3. Stock up on healing items
4. Get used to using perfect calls (this shit will really save your life here)
5. Keep your fusion meter at max up until you face him, helps to get his health down faster
6. Use chain jumping constantly to get away from those instant kill attacks
7. In case you forgot, remember that you can slow down time and change your Legions on the fly by holding down X, don't do what I did and try to cycle through them

Redpill me on how to use Hit rush effectively

Combat constantly gets better throughout the game. You're more commited to your attacks so plan carefully. If you need to fuck off out of the way quickly try chain jumping away. Alternatively while dodge isn't just the win button it is in many other action games, it's still capable of avoiding most attacks. Just dodge AWAY from spinny multi hit moves instead of trying to dodge through them. Once you unlock perfect call on your legions that's a much better defensive option for moves like that. Also I would recommend upgrading your baton asap because sync attacks are important and you're going to want more ways of getting them besides the long combo you start with.

So what would you like to see in the sequel?

How do you do that move with the Arm legion, where he fires off curved lasers at a single target in front of him?
It seemed like both of them were going to destroy humanity, just in different ways. Only thing was Yoseph was going to do it quicker, so Jena kind of helped you stop him.
Having one effect spread on any one chip, is as good as having effect spread on all chips.

I just tested with Parry Attack (your player can parry, not your legion) & Auto Heal (life refills after you've taken damage). Of course both work when your Legion is out, but when your Legion isn't out both will still work when you have another chip with effect spread. If you don't have effect spread on any chips, neither parry or auto heal will work when the legion is not summoned.

Attached: AC_katsura_A983jfPE_08.png (1280x1829, 1.94M)

Has Jenna been wearing the same lab coat and panties for 20 years?

Abilities don't stay when switching with sync keep, you can try it with auto-heal. Only makes the abilities work when dismissed just like Effect Spread, but with the added bonus of also keep Attack and Defense boosts of the legion's stats.

A faster charge time for the sync gauge. It takes way too long for how short Legion Fusion is

>How do you do that move with the Arm legion, where he fires off curved lasers at a single target in front of him?
While wearing the Arm Legion, Back Forward ZR then ZL

>How do you do that move with the Arm legion, where he fires off curved lasers at a single target in front of him?
While wearing it, press Back+Forward+ZR then do the sync attack.

>heels perfectly intact

Attached: EDz_kP4U8AAluKa.jpg (1280x720, 134K)

Imagine the smell...

More X-baton modes and command skills, More indepth legion customization or give them chances to show their personalities, No returning legion aside maybe Sword because he's on the box and is the jack of all trades.
>How do you do that move with the Arm legion, where he fires off curved lasers at a single target in front of him?
like other anons said launcher into ZR then sync it sucks it's all flash and no impact

>Use Hit Rush
>Then switch to another Legion

Fucking this holy shit you can get maybe three fucking hits in before it takes like 30 sync attacks to do it again.

>it sucks it's all flash and no impact
It breaks those bubble shields some enemies have almost instantly.

So can axe by simply pressing ZL at like no energy cost

Once you've fully redshifted, you're gone. Might as well put you out of your misery.

I'm debating on whether or not an Astral Chain sequel will benefit from a more open world city or stay with the hub formula.

Also I just noticed this attack has absurd knockback if you hit the enemy in the back with it.

Attached: chimera homerun.webm (896x504, 2.89M)

Open world city. No question

To bad you can't really follow up on it from that distance

Fuck off, I am sick of "open world".

It wallsplats, so in areas with walls you could still chain jump to it.

I think what people meant is that you have dodge offset for your ZR string.

I finally picked up this game yesterday

It feels like I'm playing an anime, in a good way

Hub formula, I don't think platinum has the resources to make a good open world without losing quality. and personally I'm fine with the hub as it works with the police aesthetic since you might have more important shit to do then basic patrol shit.

I think in this particular instance, it'd work out well. Some of the blue cases you find could easily fit in a free roam environment. That and I'd just like to see more of the ark in general.

I get the feeling that it hasn't been 20 years for her. Like either time flows differently in the Astral Chain, or she had some sort of suspended animation (frozen in time) where she was asleep or maybe a block of crystal, then reverted back to human.

If you look at the gas pod body, lazer pod body, humunculous egg, they all say they were made by stuff stolen from ARI and I got the impression they were made recently. For her, I don't think she was in the Astral plain for more than a few months, but for us it was 20 years.

There's no food in the astral plain for her to survive on. Possibly she could've eaten human bodies that accidentally got dragged in on rare occassion, but nothing like she could survive for weeks on end that way.

Then again, she might not be human anymore and might not need food. It could be possible that she's been half-chimera for 20 years

Attached: 76710529_p0.jpg (1000x1000, 233K)

Is dodge off-set in the game? Depending on the legion the dodge sync seems like a better option than following up with a combo

No, what you're sick of is open world being done wrong.

Astral Chain could benefit from it, if it was a more fully realized game at least.

How do I add creatures to my database? Do I have to take a picture of them or something? I'm on file 6 and I only have one that I remember fighting. I don't know how I got it.

Dodge Offset is automatic, and only available after first-dodges

>Tfw you want the sequel to be The wire but with stands and shit but chimeras and the astral plane shit will just make it another anime game
I just want a buddy cop at-least.
Yes, that's the whole point of you taking a picture of lappy

Yeah have to use the camera. Yellow icon with question marks appear if it can be added to database. Don't have to save the picture though, database is automatic.

Attached: ac but photo.webm (800x450, 2.85M)

I don't care about an open world, but let me visit the damn place to upgrade my fucking weapons whenever I want to, it's retarded that you have to restart an entire file because you forgot to upgrade or buy medicine

>those shops in the city with interiors that are just flat textures

Attached: 1555011774686.gif (480x480, 71K)

Damn I wish the camera and weapon swap buttons could be changed or removed. I keep accidentally using the thing when I try to quick swap my fucking weapon.

Falling in the astral plane when you get caught the corner of a wall or the edge of some solid red matter sucks so fucking much.

Same. I just had to accept that the pro controller D-pad is garbage, I get the same issues in Zelda. always calling for a horse when all I want to do it change bombs.

Platinum probably didn't have a AAA budget.

Replaying Astral Chain File 01 (or whichever is past the prologue) and why did I get an S rank on investigation when I got everything right? But not S+?

Also if I die and give up, do I get to go back to file 12 with all my new records and finished side missions in tact?

You didn't find all the keywords

Do it faster, and skip getting the keywords that are not required for the questions.

You can quit the case from the menu. Just go to File Options in last tab, and yes you keep everything.

That's file 2 and investigations give time bonuses, finding all words, and just the words you need.
Your rank is saved upon completion and only overrides past ones if it exceeds the previous rank


What year is the game supposed to take place in? I want to find out everyone's ages, particularly the twins


Akira does enough of it. I gave up a gunner drone and a 1,000 G for that drink goddamnit I'm trying my best just drink it you bitch! NONE OF THIS SHIT WOULD'VE HAPPEN IF YOU HAD JUST DRUNK IT!

It's easier and faster to just get the minimum words needed. The 5,000 point bonus for that is really good.

Attached: quick investigation.webm (896x504, 2.75M)

how do you do that?

Thank you


Yeah, but that means you have to know ahead of time exactly who to talk to.

Rank the legions. Fore me it's:
Axe > Beast > Arm > Arrow > Sword

Axe has crazy high damage, good crowd control abilities (360 attack and Crash Bomb) and he alone adds like three defensive options to the game (Blue Shield, passive parry, and L Block). He's good enough to hold his own without any ability codes.

Beast Legion has very safe sync attacks that deal decent damage. Beast has two very useful tools, Howl to stun enemies for set ups, and his L riding ability to dodge bullshit attacks.

Arm Legion has the potential to surpass Axe Legion's damage with the right skills. He's got the second highest attack rating, but he strikes multiple times, which means he's a good candidate for all those Crit rate and Crit damage abilities you find. You can't be stunned when using his L armor ability, so you can slug it out, and most of the time you'll kill your target faster than they can kill you. His black hole ability offers great crowd control, and synergies well with his punch spam.

Arrow Legion has safe sync attacks like Beast legion, and it hits multiple times like arms legion, but its damage is lower than both. Decent with crit abilities. Fastest legion for tethering and platforming.

Sword Legion is okay. His L Zandatsu attack is good in theory, but in practice it's a lot harder to pull off than a parry. Most of Sword's sync attacks don't act independent of you. His Round Sword does crap damage, but it staggers enemies, and it hits multiple times, which makes him the best at inflicting slow status.

Down up ZR

Also forgot to ask but are side missions necessary for S+ ranks?

>For her, I don't think she was in the Astral plain for more than a few months, but for us it was 20 years.
That's disproven by the fact that Olive and Hal can talk to you in the Astral Plain at normal speed/pitch, and not super slow.

I just finished chapter 3
I get the feeling I should get off my ass and finally watch the last few episodes of the before I continue.

that beam looked like it didn't hit the character

>Also forgot to ask but are side missions necessary for S+ ranks?
Red cases are ranked, blue aren't
Do not back track until you have all legions

>Do not back track until you have all legions
This, there's really no point until then.

Stop having threads about this until I pick it up with Zelda on October 1st

It'd be awesome if we could walk into them to buy some costumes and such

>Do not back track until you have all legion
That was autocorrect fucking me
I meant to say the last few episodes of nge, that whole thing seemed inspired by it.

>All the articles that claim to have the locations of all the hidden items
>Click on them and they're literally all incomplete and only a handful even admit it
This shit oughta be illegal, fuck you I'm not disabling my adblock for your shifty asses.

Attached: 1567666243266.jpg (1280x720, 165K)

This. Find a legion that's good for hit rush (I use Arrow because it's other skills are doodie), then switch to another legion while you've got the first one covering you. I guess Axe would be another good one to put hot rush on because of it's outrageous damage output, but it's other skills are just way too good.

Stay out of the threads so you don't get spoiled like that one sperg.

Other than the missile barrage being the end of the combo it's a pretty alright input. That super dooper punch at the beginning is nice.

I think people who aren’t liking the game should turn it onto casual, not because it’s hard but because it just isn’t very fun until you unlock a lot of the Legion abilities and other gimmicks. It feels a lot like DMC 4 in the regard that the first playthrough is just to unlock the full gameplay, then future playthroughs are where the fun actually begins... which is kind of a mixed bag. I think they were trying to keep the game fresh as you went but they sacrificed a good chunk of fun for it.

>that whole thing seemed inspired by it.
Legion color set 20 is literal EVA-01 colors and there's ones for 00 and 01, even Lilith has a scheme
>I use Arrow because it's other skills are doodie
SLow shot is the shit what are you talking about? It even lets you immediately destroy a layer of the egg barrier regardless of position

>still not complete

i thought Yea Forums was an autist board

That could be how the future works, nigga.
>Go to town shopping.
>Hit button underneath shirt panel.
>Hologram displays how it'd look on you.
>Buy shirt.
>Drone delivers shirt to your home from warehouse.
Limited fuel for mass shipping and such.

How do you swap to another Legion after using Hit Rush? Whenever I use it, the swap is always locked out until Hit rush finishes (which usually takes forever). Do I have to try swapping right after activating ability (during the little noise that plays) or something?

we also need
>a TOILET guide
>a KITTY CAT guide
>an ITEM guide
>a PHOTO guide

Yea Forums is slacking

This still doesn't have the dog holomask?

Lappy sure is strong!

Sword > Arrow > Axe > Arm > Beast

I like the speed. I got Arrow with extra speed for quick gathering and moving. Sword is just my bro, he's been with me longest, he's fast enough, does good damage, plenty of blue shine chances. Axe is versatile and cool as hell, but fucking SLOW. Arm has the same problem, strong but god I can't stand how slow he moves. Beast doesn't float, his attacks are okay but he's needed too much, feels like a fucking weight I have to keep around for digging and sensing enemies, ugh.

It's not helped by the fact that it was uploaded as a guest, so I think any time the person fixes it it's technically a new file, because I've seen someone update it then refreshed to see it not change, then followed the new URL to see it updated. My most recent one is
This is a reliable cat list:
The File 12 cases aren't terribly clear about how they're unlocked - you don't have to just do them all in order but knowing how many you have to do of which group to unlock what is weird. But you don't have to do any of the astral plain ones at the bottom of the list to get the ones you need, I think.

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I just bought it waiting on the download. Looks kind of like Xenoblade 2 to me desu

Axe > Arm > Beast > Arrow > Sword
Axe has ridiculous sync attack damage and will likely net you S+ just through time alone. His perfect call would do good damage if it hit consistently but it doesn't.

Arm has Gravity Bomb and can grab flying enemies.

Beast has Howl, riding is okay but I only use when it's required because Axe already takes care of most things defensively.

Arrow Legion has slow shot which is nice for interrupting attacks. Also a good legion to equip slow attack on.

Sword, honestly I only use it as a buff bot for my other legions, can't find much of a use for it.

You can trigger it and go back to the start before he hits

>More Legions
>Different fusion for the legion you have equipped
>longer fusion and more fusion combos
>visiting the nuked redshifted continents
>better distribution of the cosmetic options (right now it's too much headwear and not enough tops)
>a story where they don't actively punish you for liking characters (remember when Jin went from having a legion to not having one? Lole now we'll never talk about him again other than when he's depressed and you have to make it worse by decking him in a fursuit)
>better tutorial skippability
I really like the game and if they want to do a sequel justice they've gotta do at least one of these.

Attached: IMG_2807.png (613x274, 60K)

>Legion color set 20 is literal EVA-01 colors and there's ones for 00 and 01, even Lilith has a scheme
Do you know which numbers? I made my own from some of the slots I did get, but I missed some slimes. I got Unit01, first unlock.

There are a million fucking Eva references, none of it really adds up or works like Eva did though. It falls pretty flat imo. Diet Eva with even less explanation or meaning

did someone upload the cd?

Attached: astral-chain-collectors-edition-597341.11.jpg (1500x1500, 238K)

>Arrow Legion has safe sync attacks like Beast legion, and it hits multiple times like arms legion, but its damage is lower than both.
Arrow has absurd damage on it's dodge sync attack, especially on crits. One of the hits in this webm is 1054 damage, with the rest being 200+ each. I've seen 1k hits pop up when fighting with it out too, not even a sync attack.

Attached: arrow dodge sync damage.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

Power charge first then set arrow legion loose, you don’t need to dedicate super armor to it because it’s ranged and you don’t need to worry about it whiffing as much against faster enemies.

Is there a male version of this "anime"?

Just hit ZL again, it should automatically bring out the next Legion in your list. If it doesn't, hit Y to switch Legions and then just summon with ZL. I'm pretty damn sure resummoning with ZL will work though.

>Whenever I use it, the swap is always locked out until Hit rush finishes
It turns grey to show that legion can't be used, but its not locked out. You can still tap or hold the button to change legions, then summon with ZL or L.

Don't fucking use auto sync it's legit garbage. It will get you killed when you're trying to dodge giant attacks and your auto sync will throw you right into battle.
If you want good abilities you can't go wrong with attack up, slow attack is really solid too on arrow legion, you can get 1 slot abilities with additional like +6% slow attack which adds up quick, slow is basically an overpowered stun. Fortitude can come in clutch depending on the enemy, and you can't ever go wrong with super alpha/Omega armor. Away from my switch at the moment so I can't remember which others I use, just keep an eye on the extra abilities that come ok the pieces cause you can get really OP since one slots can have like a 3 slot power up attached to it.

Hi, I OP'd the Inceladus thread. These guys make great visual guides if you get confused.
Still no Slime guide anywhere though. Unlucky.

Attached: IMG_2754.jpg (747x421, 74K)


toilet guide

yeah. BTW for anybody who doesn't know, the dog holo mask is in file 11 during the quest the Third Wheel, in the astral plane part of it. See attached image

see image at There's a male supporting character, probably another legion cop, but he's not the main character. Also I noticed the chain in the top image makes a heart symbol. Cute how the legion makes a heart hand-cuff around the anime legion, much cuter than a neck-shackle with chain leash

Attached: DogHoloMask.jpg (1920x1080, 463K)

Most astral chain hate threads are literal babies who suck at video games and think astral chain is hard, but get over taken by actual gameplay discussions and people who enjoy the game.

You get most of the slimes just going for the chests, they show up when you open up certain chests.

Single slot Super Armor Omega is great, even when its attached to something useless. I put them on all my legions.

Attached: one slot armor omega.jpg (1920x1080, 573K)

I want to cum inside marie

We know Alan

Are the Ability gem things just randomized then?

I mean, I assume some of them are set-- like the enemy health bar one, but others are just random right?

Here fren

Most of us are brainless who need to be talked through things. You seem cool though.

Get in line user

We all do!

That's right. We Diablo now.

Imagine the smell haha

I want to cum inside Lappy while Marie watches


Them and the Snoys who couldn't get heir multiplat so they tried to bomb it.

Attached: IMG_2832.jpg (900x900, 89K)


What is this arrow legion wearing? 6% crit chance + 200% crit damage, or 12% crit chance with +100% crit damage?

So if I want to do a certain part of a file again to get something I missed, do I have to play the whole thing to the finish again, or am I allowed to get what I was looking for and duck out?

Attached: astralchain_wallpaperLappy_1080x1920.jpg (1080x1920, 1.32M)

I want Olive to step on me. I shouldn't be so turned on by shoes but yet I am.

Open world would be kind of interesting because open worlds tend to be an excuse to reuse parts of the world as levels, but Astral Chain has some of the most extensive level reuse I've seen in a game. Granted, it does it pretty well, the level reuse doesn't feel annoying at all.

That was 200% crit damage. I don't really use crit chance. Back attacks and headshots are 100% crit rate automatically, and those abilities apply to player character too.

Marie didn't play a role in the main plot but she gave side content a soul, if she was just another serious grounded character the game would of been way too monotonous, that being said if she was pushed into the main plot of the game it would of been really our of place.
Basically she added a nice balance to things and replaying the game as lappy is amazing.

The game lets you go to a certain part of each file, then you can do what you need to do and then just dip. It'll be saved.

Wait what. Beast legion will auto dodge even if I set the controller down?

Nice to know, I saw that you can do that, I just didn't know if you had to play through to the end or not.

Yeah, it's like how you see cops irl visiting the same local problem areas every other day. Feels organic.

You don't have to play the entire file all over again.

Each file is split up into sections, sometimes nine, sometimes three. You can start at any section of any file, just play the parts where you want (like a specific case) and go back to file 12 at any time (minus button -> System -> File Options).

You didn't know?

Is this shit on panda yet?

It makes sense in the narrative, which is the important part, really.

Yes, but it drains energy with each auto-dodge. No energy is used if you manual dodge though. Still a good safety net.

Attached: beast auto dodge.jpg (1920x1080, 510K)

It's a good thing it does too, considering how awkward steering the damn thing can feel.

Attached: EDBwb-fW4AAgPc_.jpg (3000x2222, 398K)

I really like the game but I'm on File 10 and it's starting to drag.

You're almost there, ganbatte user

Marie is for _____

Attached: Astral-Chain-51.jpg (1000x562, 92K)

May I ask are you playing on ultimate or standard? I'm playing on ultimate and I've beaten a large majority of cases but there are some that feel completely ridiculous



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I like to call it Astral Lame because it's boring

Giving blowjobs with the Lappy suit on so it looks like you're sticking your dick into Lappy's neck.

I've beaten this boss multiple times and this video is my first time ever seeing that instant kill thing everyone keeps mentioning idk how I missed this

I like to call your mom "my bitch", because she spent all of last weekend burying my bone.

I want to fuck Brenda while wearing the Lappy suit.

>enter post game
>haven't used fusion a single fucking time since
Is there a way to earn more meter faster?


There's an item, Reso-max, that you'll get on some file 12 cases, that maxes it out, but I don't know if you can get it anywhere else, and I know you can't take it with you on Olive's cases unless it's given to you.

stuff they had in the concept art

Attached: Astral_Chain_Legion_Concepts.png (800x1002, 629K)

This may sound like a dumb question, but does anyone know if abilities of the same type stack? If I have an ability that is +25% attack, will it overwrite any additional attack abilities (+5 or +15) or will they combine? Are the effects additive or multiplicative of each other?

what is fusion and when do you learn it?
Im only on chapter 6

You don't need to know yet. Shush.

It's a secret.

Get out of the thread.

Definitely want the Baton form being tied to legion to be used.
Maybe they could keep the old forms for when you have your legion put away.

Exploring outside the ark with that downtown shopping area and HQ being your hub world.

Haven't played this yet, but for the people who have finished it, can you change the playable character at the end? Or maybe by replaying the first file?

Is Olivia the cumdumpster of the whole neuron department? Alicia Marie and fem Akira included

Yeah you can just replay File 1 and it brings you back to character creation.

what a disgusting picture, something about it makes me want to violently murder this faggot.

He used it about 4 times when I fought him.

>but I don't know if you can get it anywhere else
Brenda sells it, but it can't be used for Olive's cases. Good for replaying files though. Drink it inside the sparring room to max meter and get to keep the drink.

Attached: final instant death attack 2.webm (896x504, 2.85M)

You can just reload the first file.

Attached: lappy on the job.webm (640x360, 2.65M)

No, she seems to be very gay for Brenda.

which super armor is better, alpha or omega?

>this faggot
Pictured: this faggot.

Attached: 1568028370914.jpg (720x540, 83K)

Items used in the training room don't go away?

Are there any salvage items I shouldn’t be selling?

Nice. I remember people mentioning you were stuck with your choice around release so I had to ask

Cat food. That's pretty much it.

you can buy it frmo brenda

Omega obviously. Its just the 3 slot version of the skill compared to alpha's 2 slots. Omega covers light and heavy attacks.

Nope. They get refunded every time you choose start over in sparring or leave the room. You can use it to play around with fusion or grenades in training.

Just wish that faggot Alan wasn’t always ogling mai waifu

Cool, thanks

I thought only one covered light attacks and the other covered heavy

but it says it only covers heavy attacks and alpha only covers light

has the full artbook been uploaded anywhere?
doesn't matter if it's scans or just photos like this

christ all mighty. What is wrong with that couch? I never noticed this. So much for top of the line police. These cunts need to demand better from Yoseph.

I tried using items in the training room and they didn't get refunded
what am I missing

Attached: EDcRCe8U4AAFLqn.jpg (1450x2048, 234K)

That's not Neuron HQ.

Nobody here actually liked that song they played during fusion, right?

That's not the police couch. That's the one in the ratty safe house Hal has.

Yes but I've tested them. It's just like all the other ability codes that have higher percentages but take more slots. You can equip Omega and let the aberrations or humanoid types wail on you, won't stagger at all.

Did you go into sparring with an enemy?

So could Akira stand up to Bayonetta?

thinkin bout justice

It wouldn't be REAL toku if it didn't have an insert song

which option you choose faggot? I thought it was pretty fucking rad.

Rhymes with Chocolate Rain

Hell no, Akira's a whiny dumbass.


>cute design
>let's slap a cancerwart on it

The male version is whatever.

The female version is legit a fucking banger.

Is this what autism looks like?

Some stay dry and others feel the pain

>Kyle is just a kid in a mech suit in Astral Chain 1
>Astral Chain 2 takes place ten years later
>Kyle is eventually unmasked as an adult during the game
>No one is the wiser that he was actually a kid in AC1 unless you're clever enough to use IRIS to check his current age and subtract ten

>game has blatantly wrong information about its own mechanics
oh joy

Attached: rac.jpg (625x625, 82K)


Attached: free use items.webm (800x450, 2.83M)

Yeah, sparring from the training menu, not just... the training room itself.

The only good plan is to gently fug your Legions until they love you enough to do the fusion dance.

should I turn damage numbers off

The real Asstral Chain starts here.

>Human redshift before eyes
>kill without mercy

>be any zombie game over the last 25 years
>watch person turn to zombie
>kill them without mercy
>no one cares

why do you fags do this? This is so beyond a trope in media, why still argue it?

Too bad Akira is way too much of a bitch to be Hajime.

Well, I've bought Collector's Edition, now I need to buy Switch as well.
Any tips for that? Which version and wich merch is must have for it?

>playing a zombie game ever

Attached: 65885823_360223571325644_8734358275912619351_n.jpg (400x400, 23K)

I never found them obnoxious, I find them helpful knowing if I landed a crit or not.

The newer Switch model (that comes in all-red boxes) have improved battery life and load times over the older models, so you should get one of those. Switch Lite is just not worth it, the cash economy is too small for completely getting rid of all other play options and being unable to remove the joycons from the screen. Other than that, you should buy a screen protector if you plan on playing in handheld mode a lot. That's pretty much it for the basic requirements.

I hope they make the character faces a little more expressive in non-cutscenes next game, they were fine in cutscenes but at times the voices didn't match the faces at all.

I turned them off when I used round sword for the first time and so many fucking numbers came up on screen I couldn't see the enemy or their attacks anymore

Can I possibly never ever use it in handheld mode?

Sure, whether you ever take it out of the dock is up to you. Though I personally find handheld mode super convenient and play 90% of the time on it since we only have the one TV for me and my two roomates

who balanced this garbage the later cases in file 12 are fucking bullshit

Great, thanks for answer.
Now I only need Xbox and I'm good, but maybe I should wait for next Xbox.

There should be more info on the next Xbox at next year's E3, I'd say wait until then before making a decision. Chances are it'll be backward compatible with Xbone games anyway.


Asstral chain?

That's what stopping me now. But I'll probably only use it for Xbox and 360 BC games. And maybe Rare Collection.

Cans too. You can throw them away in trash cans for duty points.

Empty cans aren't classified under the salvage tab

I like the male version for fusion. I like the female version for listening to music while chillin.

>blatantly wrong
Nigga, if you put on a ballistic vest you aren't going to be phased by something like a BB gun just because it's intended for bullets.

Do you guys use Auto-sync? I found it helpful when I didn't know what I was doing but now I like to sync when necessary in file 12.

You aren't classified under the salvage tab

Attached: IMG_2404.jpg (720x651, 30K)

It's great for legions with really short syncs like Arrow and Arm, but for ones like Axe and Sword it can get you killed.

Auto-sync was great for the first 8 or so Files but then they start throwing enemies that'll curbstomp you if your mindlessly sync every attacks so I stopped using it because it was doing more harm than good.

>No batteries
>Fighting enemies that don't stagger and will knock out at least half your health if you get slapped by them
>Shitty cramped stages or stage hazards
I just gave up.

I just put Hit Rush on all my Legions and keep swapping so that there are always two Legions out at once. Is this optimal?

>have to fight arm legion in a poststamp sized area
>starts beyblading
>camera starts beyblading too
>can only see a flicker of boxes and walls before I die by the third hit
>loading screen takes longer than the actual fight
what the fuck

>finally beat him
>axe next
>instagibs me right after spawning by what I assume was an attack
how do no enemies have tells to their attacks, you either anticipate them right or can just eat shit
this is souring the whole game for me right now
what a load of shit

Just started the game, on case 4. The blue haired medical chick is so fucking sexy I cant go in that room without masturbating immediately.

She is.

How do I get to the switch that's underneath the level in the last part of File 3?

The game wasn't playtested.
Like, at all.
Fun fact: Arrow's delay sync attack lets you easily go out of bounds in most levels

Oh, sweetie, if you can't do that one you DEFINITELY on the able to do the others.

Attached: IMG_1920.png (345x308, 98K)

this one

Attached: fucker.jpg (1280x720, 134K)

Any out of bounds goodies we should know about?

>you DEFINITELY on the able to do the others.
are you okay user are you stroking out

This shit's way too eva to be considered toku.
I don't get how you guys can see anything but Lappy as lighthearted in this game unless you're just not paying attention

Probably. Send help.

Attached: IMG_1920.jpg (345x308, 16K)

Oh hey the style looks pretty good in 2d
Too bad in 3D Marie has downs and everyone else is riddled with tumors


So it was a backtracking thing then, should have guessed. Thants, user.

>Toku means lighthearted
What the fuck are you on about?

So to get pure platinum do I HAVE to get S+ on both standard and ultimate? I can't just do ultimate S+ to get everything?

Nigger toku is for children and is 200% silly at all times, even when it's being melodramatic.

If you can't see the difference in tone between supaidaman and eva you may be retarded

>hasn’t watched Amazons

Also, phase 1 Kamen Rider was directed as a family show instead of just a kids show and could get pretty brutal, especially in films and light novels. Hell, the Faiz light novel had rape in it.

Cool story bro
Astral Chain isn't toku