
It was just too unpleasent guys, back to the drawing board.

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Other urls found in this thread:

wtf i love eurojank now

also stop shilling your articles here retard

>linking directly to shittaku

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nobody cares what white women have to say

what shithead wrote that article

go to fuck yourself

Not enough safe spaces.

>failed to do what was morally right, opting instead to do what was politically expedient
this is every western rpg ever

Suddenly I'm interested. More details on the game? And is there a PC release?

Can’t you do the typical “side with the natives against the evil colonialist” shit in this game, or is even approaching the subject considered taboo for this dipshit?

Yes and yes.

fuck off tranny

>you can't make your own setting and timelines you shitters real people died
If they made a christopher columbus game and ignored that shit then I could see a problem but this is fictional

>its not woke so its bad!!

Guess it may actually be worth checking out, dependong on the devs reaction of course

All of a sudden a game I couldn't care less about has piqued my interest.

Apparently you need to be fucking careful with the factions because you're a diplomat first and foremost.

oh yeah it is that tranny isn't it, is it the one that started crying when someone asked if traps were gay

holy fuck the delusion, do these people even take history class or are these the types to revision history as this magical non violent thing

Hey guys it's a clickbait article to a game that just came out, boy I hope it isn't a marketing campaign.

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Just to be clear, this is the game with a release trailer showcasing 15ft long lizards and massive werewolf-like beasts as enemies, correct? And this same game is bad for...a display of historical morality? Unironically impressed shittaku, you've outdone yourself this time.

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>i'm more moral than every single person who lived before 1800

God, I wish that were true.

it's textbook entitled yuppie revisionism - they live comfortable lives making money complaining about the exact same historical actions that led to their current comfortable circumstances

So he’s decided to play in such a way that doesn’t piss off the people he doesn’t like, and he’s mad now? Isn’t that more his fault? Just bite the bullet and alienate some fuckers.

tl;dr game is objectively good but doesn’t have “FUCK WHITE PEOPLE” written all over it and that annoys me

>I haven't actually finished the game yet but that's not going to keep me from writing an article about my feelings
burn this industry

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That's a white man tho

fucking trannies i swear

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Is this the 2 minutes of hate thread?

>it’s easier and safer to just keep the status quo then enact any major social changes

Has he considered maybe that’s what they were going for?

White men’s greatest adversary is white men who want to be women

>The magical New World is mostly a playground for the player, not a means to examine complex issues.


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>"I want to make change but only if there's no consequences."
This is why you're a game journalist.


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I think that's one of the things that really pisses me off. I don't hold being an idiot, having stupid opinions, or any of that rot against a person, because we all have them and we can all live and learn. But it's the arrogance, masturbating their own ego, and lack of respect for all those who came before.

If you can judge a man (or woman) by their treatment of their elders and forbears, then most of our current youth and adults have become worthless.

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Is that Cosmo?

>a game in a semi-historical setting is bad unless the main character fights for 21st century liberal values
Imagine being this re-
>Heather Alexandra
Oh, it's just the most mentally ill author at the Special Olympics of game "journalism." Amazed no one has gotten help for these people.

are we finally coming out of the Onigger CIA-induced dementia haze of kowtowing to far-left media cultural commissars?

with the chappelle show redpilling normies on (((critics))) and (((mainstream media))) even further can real art finally be made by Conservative Western straight strongmen as real art always was?

>Greedfallis uncomfortable with itself. Can I do anything about these injustices? Can I tear down the system that perpetuates them? For the moment, the answer seems to be no.

>Wrapping yourself in the pageantry of the 18th century means recreating the iconography of colonial expansion and native slaughter. It means emulating a time when supposedly great men failed to do what was morally right, opting instead to do what was politically expedient.

Pure pottery

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Holy sh*t, Kotaku are going nuts, i am getting this game.


Women in general are detrimental to story telling. Article doesn't surprise or anger me.
Also, pastebin that shit.

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Is it getting cracked?

I remember finding this tranny YT channel and watching his DMCV gameplay

Attached: big yikes.jpg (619x683, 59K)

The article is written by a tranny

Basically, the author is angry that the game makes colonialism look cool

meanwhile in japan

"Some players may not be disturbed by this setting. For those players, what will matter is whether the combat is decent."

Is this parody?

Imagine being a cuck in game

sjws eating their own, nothing to see here

you know i would actually buy it

Attached: 1517871804496.jpg (991x902, 60K)

>status quo
>power structures

is there a school these retards go to that they use all the same buzzwords?

Journalists should be shot

I was on the fence but if kotaku hates it, that's the biggest stamp of approval a game can get in this day and age.

Attached: carl2.jpg (480x360, 20K)

>some literally who journalist made an article
>Yea Forums rage baits and gives article monetization.

If he wrote that then i don't care if he is a black man or a left-handed lesbian Eskimo, he became a white woman when he wrote that.

>it means emulating a time when supposedly great men failed to do what was morally right, opting instead to do what was politically expedient


Buy his game

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Imagine being such a pussy that you feel guilty for winning

It has 76 on Opencritic

You ARE going to help best boy COLONIZE, yes?

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What a boring way to play who doesn't wanna get in close with some faction then kill the leader at a dinner party?

Bitch made is bitch made, I guess.
But yeah, I didn't really look, my bad.

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my guess is that the tranny found a thesaurus and has been using it.

>"heh i just used the world milquetoast on this game review it's only a matter of time before i get my Pulitzer now!"

Oh my

Has anyone actually played this game? I can't trust the steam reviews because half of them are retards who bought a eurojank rpg and are furious there's clipping and bad voice syncing. On the other hand if I can really subjugate filthy natives in the name of glorious Europa then I'm sold.

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Nigga what

The girl on the right is kind of cute tho

Attached: FATASSASIANGORL.webm (1280x720, 480K)

Imagine how silly Heather would look if THAT'S THE FUCKING STATEMENT THE GAME IS MAKING.

don't worry, i didn't look either.
the except posted here made me think another disposable white bitch with a retarded opinion wrote it.

>Spiders finally made Double-A kino


Attached: Jehanne-Rousseau.jpg (640x726, 62K)

>tattooed fatass thot

if you actually thought reviewers would like this game on any level, you're fooling yourself. Not only is it deeply tied to a time that modern liberals find objectionable, it's also a fucking Spiders game and therefore guaranteed to be trash.

>he didn't get the playasia special edition

Attached: panty-party-limited-edition-591371.11.jpg (640x640, 90K)

She's the CEO/founder and lead writer of the game.

>people are retards for criticizing glitchy low quality vidya because muh eurojank
you're the retard

I guess The Godfather movies suck because they don’t feature enough of the other races dealing with oppression

You can have historical morality in a fantasy setting, the setting is clearly inspired by and designed to mimic real world history.

At any rate the kind of story telling she's asking for is frankly too high brow for basically all videogame devs to pull off without it just turning into another power fantasy which all games are to be fair.

Also if they're aiming for a game with historicity realistically there's no much your character could do in opposition to the colonial powers besides organize a ragtag resistance which would inevitably be crushed by the more powerful invading army which would honestly be a more interesting story and a good critique of colonialism.

Disgusting haircut


>SJWs hate it

and sold.

this is every thread about cyberpunk on Yea Forums btw


>history is offensive
Does this dumb bitch ever talk about the gameplay at all?

How long has she been at the job?

where's the archive link you faggot

lmao this is what a university education buys you today


this if any of you motherfucker did give them traffic you should kill yourself imediatly

>new world colonial fantasy RPG
I didn’t even know I wanted this

That's a man baby.

Greeds Rise: Greedfall

I stopped trusting Spyder. Risen 3 and Technomancer both looked great, and were both terrible.

That's a man, baby.


I'm in the same boat. I just watched dan play for a few hours and I am largely undecided. Firstly, they have aristocratic niggers dressed up to the nines in 18th century attire with posh english accents. Secondly, there is a female rear admiral. Thirdly the natives all seem to be some kind of mesh between European hunter gatherers, and native americans, which the dev's have obviously done on purpose.
Gameplay looks decent tho, world looks really nice. Its like a combo of dragon age, witcher, and maybe a lil dark souls boss fights.
The diplomacy stuff seems cool. I just want to be able to be the "bad" guy. (which means good guy)

Gonna pirate to test it out.

Funny, I don't see the tranny out there changing the world. Unfortunately snarky comments on social media != rebellion.

The last game I bought that pissed off SJWs was Kingdom Come and that game was actually bad. How is this any different?

If you purchase a Spiders game on release day, play for 30 minutes, and leave a Not Recommended review on steam due to facial animation quality, you are retarded. There is simply no other possibility. Such a person cannot function on their own as they lack the cognitive ability to understand their surroundings. They cannot make informed decisions and should have their gamer privileges taken away.

Tranny Alexandra. It's right there in the OP.

Kingdom Come was decent game fuck you

literally the state of this fuckers life as xhe types this story out on a macbook in a coffee shop

its a video game you dumb bitch holy shit.

>game even bothers to use the backdrop for Colonialism to tell a unique story
>you can even interact with this stuff as part of the game's narrative
>somehow the game isn't examining these complex issues, despite it literally doing so

Do they want the game to tell the player what's morally wrong/right at all times... or something?

I'm gonna say it once again

The only thing the United States of America deserve is a nuclear holocaust

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stop pretending like everyone knows this literally who dev and should therefore excuse the game's shittiness, dumb faggot

>literally plays it safe to not step on anyone's toes in the game
>complains that the game is treating you like this
>you're too afraid to take chances in a fictional world to step up against racism

.....Man people are dogshit, just the fucking worst

>native slaughter
Oh fuck off.
I'm Native and by that talk, they can never have games set in that era where you can play as Natives.
I'm sick of these white people saying what's offensive to us.

I wonder if they write scathing critiques of board games like Risk too? It seems like 75% of popular tabletop games are basically colonialism simulators.

Shes shockingly based, playing the game now and ive been able to colonize some natives and be a total asshole about it.

What do you mean 'makes it' look cool?

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>linking shitaku directly
>discussing shitaku "articles"
>screencapping twitter hysteria of tranny """""journalist"""""
fucking kill yourself

Attached: db2.gif (480x292, 3.48M)

They're not trannies, they're just european

Colonialism, while not a great experience at the time for a lot of natives, brought may civilizations up to speed when they were lagging behind human development by centuries. If Africa hadn’t been colonialized niggers would still be living in mud huts instead of enjoying the advancement of modern humanity like they do today.

>wants to be a bad guy (who he thinks is a morally good guy)
>angry about women and "those darkies" in positions of authority in a setting with literal magic


that's the cover of a book about an incredibly cowardly and awful anglo

>that adam's apple
>not a tranny

You're the most retarded of them all, retard, because for some reason you think I said that the games flaws should be excused. I never said that you limpdick trannyfucker. I said that any retard, such as yourself, is immensely retarded, for buying a eurojank rpg on the rational basis that there will be good voice acting and facial animations. I would go as far as to say that buying a game without knowing who made it is additionally retarded and most likely something you do on a regular basis, retard.

>In the time I’ve played Greedfall, it’s clear that while I can alienate factions (sometimes gaining favor with my companions for doings so) there’s a great deal of advantage to placating all parties and maintaining the status quo on Teer Fradee. Don’t rock the boat. Make sure to bow before the racist cardinal even if you want to stab them in the neck. Dedicate yourself to a milquetoast middle path that keeps a peace but transforms nothing.
This is hilarious.

The worst part about being a naturally effeminate tranny is that you'll always be an ugly girl or an ugly boy no matter which you choose.

It is kinda pathetic that you guys still bother to look at these sites. I mean, who cares what they think? You might say, well it is a free and cheap laugh. But all you do is give them attention and views.

Everytime a game comes out we can accurately predict what they will say about it. Does it matter anymore? Aren't you just repeating the outrage cycles that they promote.

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Letting femoids have an opinion is wrong.

>SJWs mad

can I shoot indians in this?

who would ever do that?

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Thats a white man though.

I was watching some filthy french girls stream, and honestly the game seems like a boring version of fable.

A foid

More like a Fable that actually lets you fucking Roleplay

Oh, it's that tranny.
Maybe the game will be worth a check.

Reminder to burn all historical books because they're problematic.

Sounds really fucking based desu desu

But there so oppressed!

>can vote
>can safely walk the streets (mostly)
>has a job
>access to clean drinking water
>abundant access to food
>rents or possibly owns home
>has the privilege of being bale to swap sex
>gets leg up in many job industry's due to perceived inequality

That's what pisses me off the most about these entitled cunts. Women, faggots, trannies, Niggers etc. have never had it better than modern Western culture and yet the do nothing but shit all over it. You are only allowed to exist because of how great it is now, why the fuck are you complaining?

As a person who was actually part of an oppressed group growing up, this shit pisses me off.

Colonialism gave savages civilization
Racism is proven correct by science
And white supremacy is both the natural order of things and morally just.

Based, i will now buy your game

bro i had a kid in fable

>all these replies

I guess that greedfall will be a success now


lmao faggot

"Greedfall" confirmed to be not bad at all, whatever it is.

>game has clipping and syncing issues and no doubt full of other glitches
cringe, also calling me a trannyfucker while defending a game literally made by a tranny lmao

Don't let kotaku not liking it for dumbfuck political reasons let you knee-jerk into buying the game. It still looks mediocre as fuck.

>30 hour story at best based on reviews
>boast political intrigue but admits to ultimately boiling down to chosing between 3 or 4 factions.
>Abysmal cosmetic differences between the factions (The only one thats interesting or different is the native one, the others are literally recolors)
>Barebones RPG elements
>Barebones "Situational choices" that have been around since dishonored 2 (And don't seem to even be executed as well) Ala "Kill, lockpick, sneak"
>Light stealth
>ENTIRE GAME is in earth tone colors

I was interested for the story but no matter how good it is it wont be able to carry what looks like the most medicore RPG gameplay I've seen this year. it Might, and that's a big MIGHT be worth 20 bucks on sale. If you spend 50 on this thing you're a dumbfuck.

>almost 80 on MC
How the fuck

>linking directly to shittaku
I miss the days that this was a bannable offense.

You can shoot not-celts in not-america

>absolutely seething
Mutts are fucking retarded.

Colonialism and results of it make colonialism cool.

>we want games to be regarded as art
>but games cannot have "icky" subjects

fucking children

>ENTIRE GAME is in earth tone colors

Attached: 1366783358790.jpg (500x500, 43K)

To be fair: the game does look kinda shitty.

Look at those fucking milf legs you nigger.
fucking hot

the gameplay is what i didnt like, it looks sluggish as f.
I feel like the combat just has no excitement.

>anyone taking Alexandra's articles seriously
He's been Patricia's replacement for awhile in terms of "You could make joke articles and people would believe they made it" business.

Spiders didn't make Risen 3 though. And Technomancer was 8/10

look at that fucking adam's apple you homosexual

You enjoy gray skies and brown grass for 30 hours?

It looks like an indie game that's actually trying, which is more than I can say for 90 percent of the developer community



>muh colonialism

why can't people review a game based on merit and not their social justice fucking nonsense?

>KCD comes out


fuck off.

Crack's already out.

Well shitfire senpai this game might be for you then my bad.

Trying to be generic AAA garbage.

>smashed phone
of course
how in the absolute fuck do people bash their phones like that all time, I swear half the smartphones I see look like they'll cut you

Doesn't matter, the game is made for multiclassing.

this thread is just twitter outrage, minus the twitter
you're all the same kind of sensationalist cry babies
don't act like your own opinions aren't generally retarded either

It's burgers. Their peanut brains can't into context.

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I feel like this exact conversation happened about a different game a little while back.

most of the posters in those threads are dumb as fuck underage faggots or tourists from other shithole sites/boards.
they are dropping them

have sex/dilate or both

This is why I trust User reviews 10 times more than fucking game ""journalists""

>White men’s greatest adversary is white men who want to be women
Makes sense. If you hate what you are or used to be then you'd do everything to destroy whatever reminded you of your failings.

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Remember guys...

They are bloggers, not journalists

punishing terrible business practices is a good thing.

>implying there's a difference

the day of the rope can't come soon enough

Attached: It's_All_So_Tiresome.png (1022x731, 643K)

I know several journalists from young to pretty old and they are all fucking degenerate pricks

you must've really liked the brown and bloom era games of the ps360 gen

>Historical fiction with sad things bad
>Fantasy fiction with genocide and body horror good!
What did they meme by this?

>the people rating games are mad a game isn't MORE BRAVE about colonialism


this is why ratings are worthless

trannies seething

It's almost like.
The title is a portmanteau of greed and downfall....

More not woke enough. The article says it denounces the colonizers, but because that isn’t what the game is fully about, it’s worthy of a trip to the psychiatrist.

No bully.

based, gonna buy it now

>criticizing colonialism
Really makes you think.

>Make sure to bow before the racist cardinal
I would have anyway, he sounds like a top notch bloke


Attached: 1550374546267.png (332x332, 148K)

WTF im buying 2 copies now

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I hope all of you are happy. You can't even let a honest game journalist review a game without driving them to suicidal ideation.

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>Cowboys and Indians isn't allowed anymore.

What a miserable motherfucker that "journalist" must be, imagine living life like this.

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Brown and Bloom often looked ugly and dirty, this game looks peak autumn comfy.

I'm in tears.


All it takes is people disagreeing for them to want to hide away in shame?

The era of European colonialism is one of the coolest settings there is, and I hate the fact that more games don't feature it

Attached: firingsquad.jpg (1456x688, 99K)

Trannies and kotaku hate it?
Going to buy it now.
Still need to finish kingdom come and yakuza0, but whatever

Jesus Christ, I fucking hate journalists.

How do people even live with thin skin like this?

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>"So I guess you will join the 40% hm?"


They don't.

>tfw you're such a bad ally you can't even help fictional minorities.

Rudolph if the red nosed tranny...

Complete the song

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I really enjoyed King's Cum Delivery, but the fag last boss was such a disappointment. What kind of retard doesn't wear a helmet? I beaned him with a mace once and he died

>Man this is some good stuff.
>This stuff right here? It’s good. I want more critical analysis of games actually taking the themes into consideration. Not just “yes this game endorses killing drug addicts for points but SO AWESOME” but real. Fucking. Critique
holy shit kill me now

>clipping everywhere
>few building and most are copy paste, dragon age 2 tier
>voice acting and lip sync in levels of mass effect andromeda
that's all he had to do to shit on the game instead of going "Im smarter andmore moral than everone else hurr durr"

These fucking people, I swear.

Attached: The Virgin Nature vs The Human Chad.webm (565x320, 2.91M)

oh no I put out a controversial opinion and people disagreed with me



Attached: fc7.jpg (680x967, 84K)

>No one should review a game if they didnt finish it Reeeeee
>posts something proving him right but goes against his "team"
>no no no that's okay because of le bad abcefsjW
Cringe & anime incelpilled

See this makes it even harder to pick native and get a white wife, because this article just makes me want to be the colonizer (Yet the only colonizer wife is black.)

>Heather Alexandra
>it's a mtf tranny
Every. Fucking. Time.

Attached: 1522095946310.gif (320x240, 2.06M)

Pretty much, to open some doors you need to burn some bridges, hell that's pretty much a good thing for an RPG since it gives your choices weight, without any weight to your choices you don't really give a shit.

>Spiders drives a tranny to suicide with Greedfall
It's over lads.

Attached: greedfall coat.jpg (1600x995, 795K)

>Always complaining about oppression in history
>Always complain whenever any negative aspects of history are shown
>Always try to shove diversity into non-diverse historical settings, effectively editing the oppression out of history.

I honestly don't understand their mindset. I'm not mad its just....Imagine you were walking down the street and you saw someone nailing their hand to their knee. And they were boasting about it, shouting about how great they were.

Thats what I feel when looking at these "Journalists".

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Wait, is this game like the colonial war?
Who do i play as? Please not a nigger

It sounds like a good system the game has.
A few generations ago we were complain that game morality systems were too simple, they were "save the orphans" or "burn the orphanage down yourself."
And saving the orphans usually netted the best reward too. It was being evil for evil's sake.

Now we seem to have a situation where the best rewards come from keeping the status quo while bucking the trend isn't as beneficial, which is just like real life, and suddenly that's a bad thing because it's no longer black & white.

Man, fuck these morons.

Yer havin' a giggle there, mate?

A fully customizable character, male or female.

It's a budget game with 5% the budget the likes of Skyrim and TW3, I can handle these just fine.
Voice acting actually has been praised by most however.

>Live in America
>Scream and cry about colonialism.

Attached: 1432256608981.jpg (848x360, 40K)

I know, i mean which side do i play as?

can I romance a native girl and slaughter her people at the same time??

You're customizable and this is an ARPG, the plot involves choosing to support the colonizers (mixed whites and blacks coming out of not-Britain) or the natives (who are Celt-looking whites.)

How's the performance? Can my poor, old 770 and i5 4670 run it at 60fps?

even the liberal cucks at SBF hate kotaku, like come on.

Social and political nuance is too difficult for 90% of people.

this combat looks absolutely awful

Attached: 1565924564289.gif (245x194, 846K)

what a long ratto

Up to you.

the colonialists

Heh that's a funny rodent...

even Bethesda blacklisted them

It's a ferret, dude.

>anti-white racist feminist transgender reviewer


Attached: bigthunk.jpg (280x215, 94K)

look is the game good or not? from the reviews it seems like typical eurojank that might be good after several bugfixes but knowing eurojank it'll never get fixed.

What a fucking coward.

Can't wait

Attached: 776334444.png (470x710, 547K)

Look like a AAA eurojank, sign me up


lmao like I give a shit

I’m way more interested in this game now than I was before I read that blurb.

>hair is more of an silver than white
This is a paid "journalist".

This game looks like shit version of Final Fantasy XV. Am I close?

Isn't this the game that has dinosaur or dinosaur like creatures in it?

>*say retarded opinion*
>hey your opinion's retarded

Attached: 1568048032641.png (332x331, 98K)

Oh game is realistic, where the new world is just a place to plunder and slaughter and get riches and fame.

Why do they need to be spoonfed?
>the game must make deal with consequences, instead of you using critical thinking and making choices

Attached: 1545503461580.jpg (431x463, 38K)

Colonialism ended up being a bad deal for us because now we have to pretend that they are equal to us.

Should’ve picked our own fucking cotton, basically.

Attached: $20 AN HOUR.png (381x34, 7K)

>incredibly cowardly and awful anglo
just say "anglo" then

He's literally a mutant, you expected him not to be a worthless piece of shit?

Attached: 1398732469253.png (800x600, 50K)

> we want The Witcher 3 audience

When you google his name, the most searched result is "heather alexandra man".

It’s an objective fact that magic is more believable than the idea that blacks can build and maintain civilization.

I didn't even know about this game but now thanks to Kotaku's outrage I'm gonna buy it!
Thanks Kotaku!

shoulda done like the based spaniards and destroyed them all

Attached: Storming_of_the_Teocalli_by_Cortez_and_His_Troops1-56a58aca5f9b58b7d0dd4d77.jpg (768x803, 139K)

Guess Im going to go full SCIENCE in my first playthrough and replay it then as evil magic church man.

>it's bad because colonials
Yeah, but what about the game?

>read a history book
>"literally shaking rn"

>self proclaimed anti-white
>still too much of a pussy to actually oppose the establishment even in a fictional setting
Pottery, it rhines

guess I'm buying it lol

Attached: 1563684582027.jpg (480x480, 18K)

Can I use rifles/muskets?


I agree. I feel the closest we have come to having it mainstream were the pirates of the carabean movies.

yeah, it reminds of witcher, which by the way looked 10x more fluid than it. it also looked like carried at least some weight. this shit right here? a nigger teleporting around throwing hadokounes, mmorpg-looking buffs and aoes. its fucking awful

by dropping it while being drunk.
Nothing wrong with drinking but if you are getting so sloppy you are dropping things its time to look into your alcoholism.



>trans shit

it figures

Of course they won't go through with it the moment they have to experience some form of hardship in the form of the game blocking them from questlines related to said establishment. So they'll play it safe because they're used to a pampered lifestyle and haven't actually experienced struggle.

>I'm not on the same page as other folks
nigger, you're not even in the same book

Because to them there isn’t subjective debate. Obviously the writer’s opinion was themobjective truth and anything that goes against it needs to get in line or go away.

>ancestors completely conquer and enslave/outwit/overpower other races to ensure western civilization and their descendants are the dominant force in the world
>ruined within a few generations because of white guilt fifth column bullshit

Reminds me of that old screengrab about how trannies will NEVER pass

Nobody is fooled by this dude for even a split second

The spaniards didn't, though, that's the problem. Basically everyone in latin america now is mixed native/negro/white (except maybe Argentina and south Brazil). While in North America, like 5% of people are 1/64 native and less than 1% are actual Natives

That's what americans did.

The spaniards were more, kill the rulers and then fug the women.

natives raped and butchered people, funny how no "woke" folks like to point this out.

>harkens back to some vile shit
Which journalism school do I have to go to to learn to write like this?

>still no rpg game about the incas x spanish conquistador wars where you can get shamanic powers from the animal spirits in the jungle and sacrifice captured conquistadores on the blood altar

>fuck drumpf we're gonna go start a revolution and unite the world for social justice!!!!!!!!
>*sees thing they disagree with in a video game*
>guys i am literally shaking rn i need to go cry for a few days please the internet has pushed me far enough i am done with all this please i cannot take it

Attached: jack_nicholson_joker.png (670x344, 94K)

>In the nearly 10 hours that I have played it so far, it fails to pull its disparate threads into a cohesive whole.

I wish I was getting paid to both tell my reader that I'm unknowledgable about the topic and that I am qualified to talk about it in length too...

>Literally cannot even stand up for themselves in a fucking video game.

Attached: 1564415121465.png (1187x662, 1.32M)

>no sjw faggotry or judaism to be found
what an excellent endorsement. thank you trannytera

>People are being tricked into buying a mediocre game because of "muh SJWs" as we speak
Ya hate to see it.

Attached: wrefwyghwy.png (330x432, 205K)

And they burning out any of them that thy missed to make fat stacks from selling onions to anticolonialist cucks.

It's fucking hilarious.
>P-Please I'll be a good boy, d-d-don't block paths for me, I'll kill the natives just like you want me to
>*proceeds to go rant on their blog hours later after killing natives*

I'd like to think that everyone in this thread understands the game is 100% eurojank, and some people will just buy it anyway like Elex and Technomancer.

ayy lmao

Attached: jackie.png (1019x637, 1.11M)

>implying its not worth it for more anti-sjw games

someone get this person a copy of AoE2 Conquerors expansion
or just AoE3 too fuck it.

SJW faglords don't like to talk about the fact Spain initially wanted to ally with them and cooperate, and it wasn't until they witnessed Aztecs randomly and brutally sacrificing women and children and mass raping other tribes that they were like "fuck these assholes"

These fucking retards aren't even talking about the game. How can they even call themselves "gaming" journalist. This shit reads like some trannies rant blog on tumblr.

Attached: what in the fuck.jpg (800x600, 198K)

Okay apparently all game journos hate the game, that means it’s an insta purchase from me.

this is how TW2 and KCD became so popular here despite being shit games.

you know, there is something depressing about having to hide your lack of self worth from yourself by inventing fake evil people in the present and past you can feel superior to.
Think what these people could accomplish were they to be forced to look at themselves and wonder why they are so unhappy, what a pitty


but KCD is not a shit game.

Attached: KingdomComeCavalry.webm (640x480, 1.1M)

Spain wasn’t nearly as bad to natives as it is made out to be. Historiography really turned on them for political reasons at some point and people still buy into 17th century anti-Spanish propaganda created by protestants and the Dutch to this day.

Yeah plagues they brought by accident did most of the work for them.

KCD is far from a shit game. They’ve fixed most bugs by now also.

>is there a school these retards go to that they use all the same buzzwords?
Yes, Columbia Journalism School

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I came to Yea Forums because it looked good but I was worried it was going to be some white man bad bullshit instead of the colonialist rpg I wanted. Thanks for selling me on it kotaku

they freaked out about KCD too and look how fun that was.

Attached: kingdomComeFlight.webm (720x576, 1.22M)

These faggots need the white made western world to survive, do you think this stupid faggot would last in a islamic world or an african world?
I know the chinks wouldn't stand for his bullshit.

Nah you can betray them to join the natives.

Had a very large forehead.
and if you ever saw it
just bully him till he's dead

Attached: 76876.jpg (212x237, 6K)

Most of your elders weren't toilet trained.

>Female reviewer
>Probably an SJW feminist

Lol, nice bait, OP. The game is pretty damn fun, so fuck off.

It's a MtF tranny.

Ah shit that happened to me too. GOTY

is the game cool or good
i was thinking of checking it out

Name one thing dishonored 2 did better than 1

Looks like I just got 2x more interested in this game

I gave a hearty out loud chuckle these people should really just go away permantly

That's even worse, OP should be ashamed of himself. Not to mention he fucking linked Kotaku of all places...

Oh well that invalidates the point made then doesn't it...

Chinks would treat him like a girl because they don't have enough


Anywhere I can pick up a ring in the starting area for free?

seed you fuckers


oy 'enry get down from there

The article says it's fine to play and also specifies that these are impressions from the first 10 hours, not a review.

Doubtful desu but I admit 2 was bad enough that nothing much stood out in my memory.

>native ds4 support
off to a good start

this. they dont even have giant enemy crabs, how could you call it historical?

yeah i dunno, i played it about 3 years ago but i thought movement felt a bit better than 1

>Game set during colonialism era

>tranny sjw reeing about game
that's good PR in my books

>enjoy your videogames or whatever
how to say "my career in 'videogames' was just convenient and I don't actually play them" in a single sentence

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fun game

Attached: kingdomDeliveranceBoxing.webm (1280x720, 2.67M)


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I can't remember well enough to argue, but it felt worse than 1 on everything I do recall. Pacing, writing, levels, atmosphere, length. Like, fuck, if two had been the first one it would never have earned a sequel.

Yes, going against the grain is a struggle.

Imagine the reality they would have wanted in regards to colonialism. The explorers and settlers would have just dipped into crown’s purse and use/waste the funds to uplift savages who had done nothing to deserve the benefits of said financing.

>Doesn't know the difference between great and good
How the fuck does someone like this get hired

Same retard who makes those shitty FFXIV posts

>writes another completely idiotic article
>gets shat on for it
>help! I'm being bullied!

ADVICE. Rush intuition. It increases how many ingredients and loot you get when gathering. Get it at the beginning of the game because the amount it increases your loot is insane. You go from getting 1-2 items. to 5-6 from the first upgrade. Max that shit out ASAP even if you don't use ingredients you can sell it for mad money.

Nonshit it’s not about vidya gaems, it’s about how all media has to reflect their opinion/person act as the moral arbiters of everyone else. Remember a dumb fuck who is paid to review a entertainment product thinks this.

I mean, both of those words make sense in context. You're projecting a particular intent.

Bugs made it better

Attached: Dead.jpg (1920x1080, 131K)

Yeah just ignore my post about the actual GAME and instead talk about whether some retard hating the game is making you like it because thats totally what counts as playing a GAME nowadays.

Who cares what journalists think about literally anything?

lot of jank at launch desu

Attached: KingdomDeliveranceKungfu.webm (1024x576, 961K)

Great setting, dogshit gameplay and combat. Yea Forums pretends it's a good game because muh sjws

You were conditioned last gen to hate earth tones by whiny "video game experts"

>someone ITT has actually played the game
Well, user? How is it?

Kingdom Come was great.

Well a few points for people that is interesting in it.
- Open World: The game is divided into maps so you quick travel from region to region.
- There are only 2 types of magic (that I have encountered so far): The Ring let you punch magic and throw magic missile also cast one spell that freezes your enemies. Upgrade will do stuff like more damage and strip armor (kind of redundant since magic already ignores armor)
- Quests: Well there are a few ways to approach a quest but it feels underwhelmed.
- AI: Sneak is kind of broken? You can oneshot enemy and they ignore corpse.

>Think what these people could accomplish

KCD was hell on release day
I remember just trying to run the game without stutering from memory leaking

Is magic good? Can you mix magic and two handers easily or is it better to just specialize in magic only?

I have only played a horu user, so far I'm not really that interested in this game. Nothing wows me like witcher did. Witcher opened up with a great presentation, great writing, great everything. This game? I don't know, it has okay graphics but the character models are shit and the character interactions are weak so far & unbelievable. The way the characters talk hasn't really grabbed me. Watch a youtube video of the first hours to see what I'm talking about. I'm going to give this game 10 hours to see if it gets good. Right now I'm just not really caring about what's happening so far.

This game might wow me later if it opens up and introduces new mechanics and other features.

It also had multiple game-breaking bugs. I had to restart my first save after a few hours after permalocking the main quest. Good game, but it was definitely not done at launch.

Every american journalism school, or 'communications' degrees for short.

I don't know, I only have 1 hour experience with it. I don't know how abundant skill points are but so far the game doesn't look like it encourages it because you pick a class early on, and it already will waste some of your points to prevent hybrid. You CAN put points into the other stuff, but we'll see. The game says you can unlock more classes later on, so maybe there is one that is a hybrid. I'd probably ignore other peoples opinions until after the game has been out a few days because this game might open up with more things to do later and more options.

>is magic good

By good do you mean useful or good as in it's fun to play? The combat in this game is like a worse version of assassin creed. Nothing feels good in this game. Not the controls, not the combat.

Why do these people play games if it just makes them mad?

anyone know fi I can change hairstyle mid campaign?

>heather Alexandra

All I needed to see to completely disregard.

Restart the game user

Who dares insult Chuck?

>The minute we get a game that lets us play through native mythology, even a fictionalized version of it, some bluehair is going to screech bloody murder about it being disrespectful

Is it anti-SJW or is one shitty clickbait author overreacting?

Two handers come standard with mage, though. I am asking how easy it is to swap weapons. The gameplay makes it look like you can easily go from using a sword to firing a gun, so I am asking if you can easily go from casting the stasis magic to chopping with a twohander.


Fuck leftie reviewers.

Is the game even good or are you all just talking about bullshit journalism stuff while you download it from the pirate bay?

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I buy Eurojank only on GOG. No reason to buy on steam.

Im not giving kotaku a click

Why the fuck are they always bitching about history? what the fuck do they want us to do? build a fucking time machine?

Retarded fucking niggers dont even understand that before we colonized those shitholes the natives were warring against eachother like a bunch of savage animals.

Be humble faggots

Attached: 1567012907758.png (637x588, 18K)

the latter for me

Im having super fun with the game.
Sneak seems broke tho

People did the same whining about The Terror even though it's one of the best television shows in a long time.

Oh yeah you can. It's all hotkeyed. You don't actually "switch" you hotkey your gun to a button, press the button and you will fire gun then switch back to your weapon. All the skills function this way. While weapon switching you press the hotkey and it instantly changes (the other weapon teleports into your hand)

Fuck you. I laughed.

Intradasting. This teleporting, two hander wielding mage is probably the most interesting the game has to offer in terms of gameplay. Full size rifle and traps might be okay but eh.

They're idiots born in an era where you can delete your posts and pretend your mistakes never happened, they think history books work the same way.

SJWs are literally too stupid to form their own opinions on anything, so unless the game stops every ten seconds to break the fourth wall and say, "This is BAD and WRONG and FUCK WHITE PEOPLE," then they think it's glorifying colonialism no matter how morally dark it's presented.

>heather alexandra

2 female names but still 100% male

No more White guilt.
No more White guilt.
No more White guilt.
No more White guilt.
No more White guilt.
No more White guilt.

Seems like most of the negative reviews have to do with technical issues and not the game itself.

>>failed to do what was morally right, opting instead to do what was politically expedient
>this is every western rpg ever

These people are fucking stupid. Literally everyone in the world did "what was politically expedient" because "what was morally right" didn't even exist. The idea that it is wrong to conquer didn't even exist yet. White people didn't even invent it yet. Non-Whites certainly didn't either because all the Natives were warring with each other and the Muslims were trying to conquer Europe.

Five bucks says my comment is never approved.

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I don't know what you mean. Heather's opinions are some of the most reliable in the entire industry. If (s)he says a game is bad, it's almost definitely good.

>If they made a christopher columbus game and ignored that shit then I could see a problem but this is fictional

They they made a game about Muslims conquering Spain would there be so much handwringing? No. It's all anti-White bullshit.

Stay away from lockpicking, it's a noob trap! Any quests that require getting through locked doors have keys you can find. If you want money get intuition. You will get lots of rare stuff you can sell with intuition and the potions/alchemy rips through the entire game

how the fuck does shittaku or any of these bait websites gain enough traction stay alive?

There's no way anyone actually gets their information from them is there?

Is the game good or not!? Shit!

All the whining about killing animals from nature fuckers is hilarious to me, what do they think nature is full of? They recently caught fucking bunnies killing and eating smaller animals whenever they got a chance.

Also got to mention. You want intuition asap because shops have limited quantity of items. You want the gold to be able to purchase all their ingredients too so you can abuse the most broken alchemy in the game. If you get intuition early game, and keep putting points into it, you will never run out of alchemy allowing you to dominate everything

>video games are great and all but what about the real issues?

Guessing this is by the devs of Gothic and Elex?

People need to understand empathy is a trait predators developed to understand their prey

These people gain status in their circles from complaining about this shit, but there are more of them than there are media products to complain about, so basically everything that comes out has at least a few of these shitheads taking potshots at it in the hope they can score a few points. None of these types actually give a fuck about colonialism or any aspect of history for that matter, they are just desperately scrambling to claim scalps and make a name for themselves.

Based Columbus whipping women into becoming whores.

So is this a game set in colonial pre-revolutionary war era America?

Worse, he didn't have the balls to side with the natives against the colonials despite having the option. He's whining about his own weakness.

But dont you need science to make alchemy stuff?
I already started Intuition because I learned my lesson in Elex to grab the loot feature first.

Written by a literal tranny

You think steam reviews are less biased? I've had good games get shit on by steam because some retard is trying to play an action game with kbm and throwing a fit.

Can the daughter of the local chieftain fall in love with me but her powerful chieftain father disapproves of our relationship and wants her to marry a native warrior. Meanwhile, my fellow euorpeans hope to rob the Natives of their gold?

Complaining it's not political and that it's a game to roleplay in? Who is this whore?

It's Eurojank. If you liked Elex or Kingdom Come, you'll probably like Greedfall.

Pretty much, there is one native love interest.

okay is this game actually good eurojank? im not gonna buy it just to spite the virtue signaling journalists

Seems like a High Fantasy equivalent.

Literally buying this game now, thanks koraku!

Im having fun with it and I just spent the last 3:45h in the starting area so I think if you love exploring every everything the game will be more than 40h.

Pick Extreme difficulty though or its a cake walk and enemies dont have enough HP to withstand guns and explosives.

No its more like "what if ireland/scotland were further west and france tried to colonize it in the 18th centure in a fantasy setting".
Natives are celts and not native americans.

Remember: Always do the exact opposite of what Kotaku says.

... but you are also supposed to do the opposite of what Yea Forums says.
Im in a bind!

I genuinely hope this tranny faggot gets raped to death by a pack of feral niggers.

Yeah you do but intuition lets you find the alchemy stuff so you can still place traps without science. Invest in science later when the game gets harder. You don't need it at the moment. Right now just benefit from all the better gear you're finding that you can sell for easy money. If you had went science first, you wouldn't even be able to make anything because you won't have money or ingredients lol

So basically what xir is saying is that it's a good game then?

Why aren't they complaining about whitewashing native americans then?

Alright so you are going Intuition 3 first?
I was thinking Intution 1, Science 1, then max out Intution.
Just left the starting area with level 4, so my second talent point is coming up soon...
well Im going to bed now but when I get back it will be coming up soon.

Masterfully put, my friend.

Attached: 1499379810068.png (960x720, 1.33M)

It would be whitewashing if they copied native american culture and put white people in there
But its celtic culture and folklore, not native american

>Why aren't they complaining about whitewashing native americans then?
Nobodys getting whitewashed because they arent native americans but celts.

is it insane, it's like seeing several whole demographics of people who have never looked closely or thought about politics or history in their entire lives, finally wrapping their minds around it or attempting to. and they take one glimpse into the past and are so overcome with feminine tears that they need to drop to their knees and give themselves forty lashes with the whip.

how the fuck did this happen?

they were apparently totally unaware for the past bajillion years until 2016 that politics don't really give a shit about The Feels of the Sad Individual.


Yeah but you could argue they took a setting as inspiration that is supposed to be full of native americans and turned them into celts. I'm not complaining but I'd take natives instead if they took out the black colonialists.

>burn this industry
Why do fags act like this is the industries fault and not sjw tranny leftists?

In fact I think the natives are the whitest people in the game.
the not-french jews and not-spaniard sea jews all are pretty tanned.


Inspiration being the key word here, its not reality.

There is more to life than constantly thinking about niggers. Unironically have sex

>be you
>bloodthirsty conquerer
>travel across the known world, meeting new civilizations, and kicking their asses because they're weak
>You've got the best bros a warrior could ever ask for, and sex comes easy
>Fast forward several generations
>your current heir thinks it's reasonable to chop of his dick and say he's a women, all the while apologizing for the things you did to people who really don't care

What a world we live in

>Why aren't they complaining about whitewashing native americans then?

Just give a couple more days.

Direct linking kotaku should be an auto ban

Name one worthwhile thing journalists do that isn't done by the internet hundreds of times better. They are nothing but paparazzi at this point and they deserve to be beaten to death if they have the audacity to shove a camera in someone's face just to scrape together a shitty story so old people would change the channel.

Have these niggers ever played an RPG? Role play as your SJW hero if you want to.


Attached: Greedfall Info.jpg (1972x8388, 3.84M)

>Unironically have sex


Obviously, but that doesn't usually stop people. If the setting was like assassins creed origins but they replaced the Egyptians with white people that build pyramids there would be plenty of bitching.


Oneangrygamer redpilled me on the Jews.

It's karma for your ancestor's savagery. It will get worse until you right all of the wrongs of your forefathers.

It's all routine isn't it?
>Makes inflammatory opinion
>Gets told they are an idiot
>"Ugh! Good bye!"
>Comes back a week later
every single time, every single one of these idiots.

I'm doing intuition 2 before going into potions.

fine I bought it

Whats your point? I dont give a fuck.
The developers are obviously neither conforming to sjw bullshit by abandoning their vision of the game nor are they appeasing the alt-right people again by abandoning their vision of the game.
This looks authentically like a game they came together, discussed and envisioned.

Why is no other race having to suffer like this despite doing the exact same shit?

Because the people who control society (Jews) fear the Aryan man.
Japanese are next in line, as they also fear the samurai.

anyone else get deja vu?

When women do it they get sympathy and their boyfriends/orbiters have to pretend they want them to come back. Trannies must think they can do the same but no one wants them back.

>snippets of the article ITT gave me the impression this is some super accurate, realistic recreation of that era
>it has fucking magical beasts, super powers and ridiculous combat
>but muh oppression, take it seriously!

Attached: 1552833054866.png (400x400, 225K)

First they take my women then they take my waifus. Just let me live in peace.

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Anyone else watching bikeman playing it now? Looks pretty fun.

>it has fucking magical beasts, super powers and ridiculous combat
this sounds like a very accurate colonialism experience for the natives

>if I let the download run at max speed I can't shitpost
>if I don't let it run at max speed I probably won't play it at all tonight
truly a conundrum

>the magical New World is mostly a playground for the player, not a means to examine complex issues

Attached: 1522092325149.png (634x857, 324K)

i wonder if devs can target certain writers in a place like kotaku or if its up to kotaku. if the former, thatd be a pretty good strategy

>everything must be politically poignant and have some grand statement to make on social issues of the present and past
>as long as it coincides with my own viewpoint
>if it doesnt fuck it i hate it
How can these people live hating everything?

>Name of game is "Greedfall"
>Pissy that the main concept of the game is greed
>Entirely misses the point of the story
Yeah, this was written by a hack tranny with no brain what-so-ever by Kofucku.

the devs realized colonialists with guns were overpowered and tried to balance things

Use your cellphone to shitpost

Btw seed

Yes, but it requires intelligence to do so without getting yourself a bad game over. Something the writer of that article lacks in abundance.

Which torrent we using lads?

I wonder if xyr doesn't realize this will only make normal people actually buy the game instead, especially one with as few marketing as Greedfall

Attached: TheTechnomancer 2019-06-10 00-10-00-07.jpg (1920x1080, 150K)

you're literally the equal and inverse of an SJW. Two retards don't make a high IQ opinion

>How the fuck does someone like this get hired
They showed off their hairy axe-wound and let everyone in the office sniff it.

((You know why))

>the year of our lord 2019
>still using public trackers instead of private

>have shitty internet
>application denied

Attached: 1419402041615.png (256x256, 9K)

how is this even related to the gameplay?

how do you manage to get tumblr nose irl

even ((tricks)) can only account for so much, people are taking to society destroying behaviors WAY too quickly and without much resistance.

if we go much further the damage will not be reversible.

Was Technomancer any good? Worth getting on a sale?

>see the OP journo
>decide to google it
what is this abomination?

Attached: walk away.png (501x445, 192K)

They only fear the samurai because nips will out-jew a jew any day of the week

Gacha proves this

And thats a good thing!

Attached: v.png (1202x61, 13K)

cant bother to seed all the time

will it be like morrowind where the scamp and trading dwemer coins back and forth among high-ticket items gave me more money than had any meaning, and became more fun again when i chose a random box in a random dungeon and dumped all but 1000g in it? should have chosen a more random and out of the way dungeon, i still come across it from time to time

Most people don't think think ahead or follow ideas to their logical conclusion.

Oh my fucking god, that's gold. This feels like satire. It's so fucking lacking in self awareness that there's no way somebody actually wrote it, read it back to themselves, and didn't think 'Yeah this doesn't feel utterly hypocritical at all'.

She's fucking with us. It has to be. The level of delusion you have to be operating on to think like this essentially eliminates the ability to form coherent sentences outright, meaning it's impossible for this not to be a very straight-faced comedy routine.

On a sale? Sure.

Attached: TheTechnomancer 2019-06-09 15-36-38-06.jpg (1920x1080, 266K)

Also you're late, he already got shit on for trying to be so politically heavy handed with this game and quit the internet, I guess.

Yea Forums hates it because it was made by Spiders.
So that's double the positives.

Heather made this exact same fucking comment about colonialism in the Iceborne review.
We get it, you took a course at the community college.

Attached: 03af17e2350f3b0b105323ee9eeb3830d6649e4e7c3f1729701e1a9a3d1b5dab.gif (691x687, 1.58M)

There is no good critique.
Weakness gets destroyed by strength. Anything else is a perverse delusion only allowed by the strong.

God help us.

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>about colonialism in the Iceborne review
What the FUCK
How can anyone even possibly make that connection? Is this the definition of obsessed?

>only approved followers can view this feed

i have a feeling theres more comments/messages of "tranny kill yourself youll never pass" than something well thought out or simple "i disagree because ___"

'i disagree with you and think your opinion is quaint'

Based frogs. Just finished installing the game. Gonna colonize some filthy savage puss

I was on the fence about Greedfall until now; now I have to at least try it.

And still trounched for not being politically correct nor interesting enough as a videogame on its own merits. This is just DA:O, everything from the uncanny faces with tattoos everywhere, conversations, quests, companions and even battles.

This game seems really cool
And really high budget, how the fuck have I not heard of this? Literally no marketing?

It’s a small studio, no cash for marketing. I learned of the game just a couple weeks ago from youtubers. Seems promising honestly.

It's shitty and buggy as fuck apparently. I had the exact same reaction a month ago when I heard about it. The studio is known for it.

Jason Schrieier, also known as "the one insufferable gamejourno who also does attempt to journo some games".

like god he is the most insufferable shrew but nobody can see he isn't at least trying to do investigative journalism sometimes. his competition is just so fucking bad that he looks talented by comparison.

i havent played it much because the combat was so bad, but there really wasnt much of it where i stopped(right after the first raid party passed the fortress or town you stay at a night or so). is there a reason i should continue? it seems like it could have some good writing, but so far my impression is exactly what you said

wrong tranny

Let's not pretend one outrage farmer is any better than the rest.

How do these people deal with real life? I mean, what the fuck, if she can’t take a bit of criticism for writing such a piece of garbage she probably shouldn’t be a journalist. Or anything, really, because such is adult life.

he is breaking actual stories whether or not you like him as a person (i fucking don't).

as i said, him doing his job at a VERY BASIC LEVEL puts him head and shoulders above his drowning coworkers whose sites are all crashing and burning.


This looks like a great Black Friday sale game to get my eurojank fix in over the holidays.

They live in real life hugboxes. Probably cali.

French developers whom made Technomancers, sort of the ubisoft B-team since they're owned by the same holding company.

hard dropped. thanks, user

It’s expected given the genre they’re trying to tackle within their budged limitations.


It's on discount on Steam, right now.

>You can betray the factions you hate ideologically
>Complain that doing so might have negative consequences

What the fuck is it bitching about? Yes if you kill the evil racists they won't be around to give you stuff anymore, what did you want/expect to happen?

Refunded my copy less due to the shittaku, and more due to I was under the impression it'd feel like dragon age inquisition in the world and combat would be more witcher esque...Towns are frozen stock still like if time ceased to exist in them. Yeah, I'm fine with canadian jank but eurojank is slowly where I draw the line. There's plenty of decent eurojank games cheaper and worth the money. Like underrail or stalker, this is more trying to wear the skin of an early 2000's bioware rpg and get away with it...Or something. I don't know it only appealed to my autism due to the idea of cosplaying saltzpyre for some memes and dressing like a warhammer fantasy inquisitor.

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go back to your own country

>if we go much further the damage will not be reversible.
you do realize there have been panic obsessed alarmists screeching this literally since human society began right - there's no such thing as damage, it's just progress in a direction you don't like

He already lives in a special bubble made just for him where hos delusions are humored.

I remember the late TB tearing it apart. Bad combat, flat characters, but a very appealing setting.

Word! Spread this.

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Sounds like technomancer. I might stay away for now since Steam Reviews are reporting performance bugs as well.

yeah and how many of those years were child drag queens having their right to strip in bars defended you stupid fucking faggot? Shut the fuck up don't give me this "your parents said the same thing" shit. Stop pretending society is okay right now.

Shoulda got it for free

i ejaculated all over my keyboard

>likes Cisquisition
>likes Overwatch
>likes Soihammer
>likes Kotaku

it's funny because this 'critic' is so bad at its job that it doesn't realize that these problems are just due to the game being mediocre and not an explicit decision by the developer

did (s)he side with the empire vs the savages? i havent seen anything about how (s)he played the game

(S)he spells out in the article that they deliberately tried to appease everyone and never spoke out or took any risks, then complained that things worked out in favor of these kinds of people she hated despite not doing anything against them.

You do realize innumerable kingdoms and empires throughout history have fallen apart, right? Doomsaying isn't always wrong, if you quote the Greeks know that their civilizations fell and were conquered many times, and outright eradicated by the Ottomans. user is looking at the stage where our empire falls, as all have done before.

>Stop pretending society is okay right now.

firstly i'm gonna have to stop using that word thanks to shitty clown memes

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>It's a complete bottom bitch irl as well as ingame


This is stupid. Plenty of societies have been completely obliterated for all kinds of reasons. In the case of Native Americans the people themselves nearly went extinct. The alarmists are usually wrong because the alarmists we read are the ones whose cultural streams triumphed and survived to the present day. The alarmists who were actually right didn't get their alarmism preserved for posterity... because they were right.

You make it sound like child drag queens stripping in gay clubs is inherently bad instead of the progress we need as a society.

People have different tastes than you user. If you wish to claim yours are superior go fight for your daikumara you strong specimen of a ludite.

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Kingdoms and empires always fall apart, it's the natural cycle of conflict -> growth -> prosperity -> complacence. Pretending that it's some kind of foreseeable and unique doom that can be averted is ridiculous. It could last another 100 years or another 2000 years before the next big change, obsessing about it within a single lifetime is absurd.

Complacency leads to the sort of social rot we're experiencing now, you act like these events are random with no cause. If you cannot pinpoint what social ills plagued a failing empire that's only because you were not on the ground level. Whether this empire lasts 100 years or 200 (don't kind yourself with that 2000 figure) will depend exactly on the strength of outside pressure and how well its people can try and stave off that complacency.

They might as well be extinct. Everyone on a reservation is mixed.

There are a lot of natives in South America who aren't really mixed.

The causes are basic human nature - you think there's some kind of fixable flaw in society, it's like believing that you could teach the scorpion not to sting the turtle.

Not really the same as north american natives though. Look significantly different at least.