Is senran kagura dead?

is senran kagura dead?

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Effectively yeah.
The creator left. The games aren't allowed on PS4. Yumi took focus away from all the other characters and killed interest for lots of fans.

A series that never ends is never a good series forever, I have come to accept that this was a great period of ass and tits which has now come to pass.

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It lives on in my heart.

They should just GTFO from PS4 and just make the games for Switch/PC

Until they get away from Yumi, and start focusing on The Yomi and other monsters creating actual boss fights with a story that actually goes back to 1 and 2. Ya the game is dead.

LOL the switch is garbage kid

It might be dying, but my love for the girls never will.

>new takaki ip already confirmer to be ps4 exclusive and will have Yumi and Asuka as guest characters
>Senran is stuck in gachahell and no words from 7even since Takaki left
I'll say it's barely alive, I'm just taking my wife with me.

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I think Takai should make more Evenicle, except with Senran girls.

We needed more good hometown.

Evenicle wasn't made by Takaki, the only thing it has in common with Senran Kagura is that Yaegashi Nan did the art for it.

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Then get Yaegashi on it.

I never understood why it got so popular. The ingame models have always been so shit with those standing up tits. Tits of that size should droop down a little, otherwise they look comedical.

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The drooped in the art sometimes, but soooo soft, you wanted to suckle them.

But even then there are many series that sell themself on soft looking girls.

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Yes but the Senrans were so BIG. The fact we only got one season of true toplessness is a shame. And, it was a different animator from Season 1 I think.

Dont die thread.

Arcsys x Senran is most needed right now, something like DBFZ/GG would print money, but they won't do it, they have their heads up their ass.

We just want titties.

And yet the Switch is the platform which is the easiest to play in private, as well as hide if someone barges into the room unexpectedly

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Director left.
Games are being refused on PS4 because Sony are cucks.

Fuck Shinovi Master, that anime was godawful

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But the nipples made it worthwhile.

Can you just post more hometown please?

More senran threads please.

here's your hometown

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When I look back in disgust at the 2010s I can at least remember the shining point that was Senran Kagura. It was nice while it lasted.

>Same breast and ass for every girl
I mean ill fap to those big balooners but I'd like some variety.

Keep going, post more.

When they jumped to Sony, and ditched gameplay by deeming it to be too Nintendo then yes. Senran is dead

They were too perfect. Blemishless, E cup with no drooping, super models. It couldn't last.

I want to snuggle Yomi.

I wanted more from it.

Senran threads are always full of seething tendies.


Damn. Perfect post

Post asuka butt


p o s t a s u k a b u t t

I'm just surprised they haven't ported SV or ReBurst to the switch

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Perhaps thats for the best.

fpbp. I'm unsure why the creator chose to leave due to Sony censorship instead of jumping to the handheld weeb machine, but otherwise this is absolutely correct. JPs love for pure vanilla waifu Yumi fucked the sales and interest of the rest of the world.

The creator refuses to leave Sony. Some crap about "he thinks they'll eventually censor too".

Guys a battered housewife, big time.

It's too bad, yet at the same time the games weren't that great anyway besides the cocktease of the girls' art. The actual in-game models were always lazily done(basically all the same bodies despite their art shows different busts and whatnot) and the gameplay was very basic.

Can't even wish for the series to go to porn anymore (not that it would), since after seeing the artist's job on Evanicle I'm not really interested since it wasn't that hot.

Probably Marvellous higher ups wanted to keep releasing the games on PS4 anyway because it has the higher install base, not caring that people don't want a worse experience. Or I wish that was true, but DOAX3's re-release sold better on PS4 than Switch.

SK2 is probably one of the prettiest 3DS games though.

When is Daidouji coming to New Link?

I wish this girl wasn't restricted to a damn Vita game, she has the perfect amount of meat.

>DOAX3 sold better on PS4 than Switch
The censorship was only two outfits from what I know, and I don't think that was a big enough difference to warrant the graphical downgrade of buying it for Switch imo. Being honest, the type of people who buy Senran and DOAX games don't buy them for the gameplay. It's about the tits and how good they look. I don't support censorship in games but if my options are "720p and full game or 1080p minus two swimsuits" I'm picking the option that lets me see HD2D plot.

>Can't even wish for the series to go to porn anymore (not that it would), since after seeing the artist's job on Evanicle I'm not really interested since it wasn't that hot.
Alice-Soft has never made good porn, a different artist (who isn't even as good as Orion) wouldn't change that.

Alicesoft made tons of good porn, what the fuck are you talking about?

>The censorship was only two outfits from what I know
They didn't censor any outfits, they removed the gels to exaggerate the jiggle physics, an item to blow the characters' clothes around, and an item to loosen the characters' clothes, all of which were in the original PS4 version.
The biggest problem of course is not the severity of the censored content but that it was censored at all, and Japan doesn't seem to particularly care.
>I don't support censorship in games unless it's slightly inconvenient to get an uncensored version

By good porn I'm referring to porn that is erotic and that you can masturbate to, not porn that is a vehicle for comedy and character development and isn't erotic in the slightest which is what Alice-Soft understands it as.

after jasmine and probably Fubuki, so maybe next year.

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Still waiting for 7EVEN. Mostly because I really want to know what the fuck they're been working on for so long (and new models). They haven't even said what genre it is yet and it was supposed to be out about a year ago.

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It's dead, user.

Tsumamigui series? Heartful Mama? Haha Ranman? Pastel Chime? Oyako Rankan
? some aren't even games but visual novels or NTR simulators but there is huge catalog from Alicesoft from any kind almost.

What was worked on had to be scrapped because of Sony's new policies.

Fuck dude. I don't like to wait and they been teasing her up so much already. Im tired of seeing costume n°134579 for some of the girls already.


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Better dead than living forever in infamy with a gacha

You said they didn't made shit to fap but they did, you stated "LEL FUNNY GAME" I put you serious ones. What do you nitpick?

Haha Ranman is totally vanilla if this is what you ask

Yeah too bad switchowners dont buy sk games,just look at raffle or pinball.

That never happened. The game was supposed to be OUT before Snoy's new policies came into place. Whatever went wrong with the development started years before that.
and even when Takaki left he said that the core gameplay, whatever that is, would not change at all, just cleaning shit up the Snoy didn't like.
They're not going to flush however many years of work down the toilet just because they have to make the god rays and ecchi steam clouds bigger than before.

I said they didn't make good porn. NTR isn't good porn.
Why is the midsection of their torso at a completely different angle to their upper torso and their legs?

yes, snoy murdered it

Pastel Chime series, SRPG, Vanilla, serious storyline

Stop your shitposting.



It lives on in my testicles.

Stop defending a company that hasn't made a good sex scene in 30 years of making eroge.

But Reflexions sold really well? What are you talking about? Pinball is £36 for a pinball game with like 4 or 5 tables, it makes sense that nobody bought that.

hopefully, the art was incredibly mediocre and the gameplay was even worse

Jasmine is shit. How they pretend you to flirt with a old granny? Fubuki on the other hand...*dayum*

I hope so.
Garbage series for weebs trash.

Did Pinball even get a release in stores? I thought it was e-shop, amazon, and Xseed websites. I mean, I've never seen it in stores, not even up for used in gameshit.

Stop being retarded and pretending to know what a good sex scene is about because that what is, you never read, never played those games and you pretending to know about alicesoft for what? browsing some galleries for Evenicle and Rance? only two games pfff

>If you criticise my beloved game company you obviously haven't played any of their games!
Eat shit and die.

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And what is YOUR favorite game?

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Here's a better question
How do we save SK? I refuse to believe gatcha hell is the only road we have left

Do we just buy and rebuy the old games? Are the spin-offs allowed? I just found my love for this series a few years ago, I don't wanna say goodbye yet.

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Give the girls bigger and better butts.

Stop making Musou-lite games. Deep Crimson was a step on the right direction.

>new senran game
>by wayforward

>Is even worse

But one cannot improve perfection user

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The ingame models have little asses.

I partially agree, I don't mind them being musou games, but toning it down and have more teeth for the gameplay would improve matters greatly

I'd like a 2D Senran game. Maybe by M2 or Inti Creates, WayForward games look nice but that's about it.

why cant japan like her, I just want to see her show up in more stuff

7even was confirmed to still come out and will get made a couple months agom the gachashit games are making money. So its still alive in a way yeah

Reboot the series with Best Girl Yumi as the main character.

>the art will never look this good again

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How does this, with drooping and softness become.
This? No imperfections and super shiny?

Literally different artists.
The cards for Who Wave are "outsourced"

Well where did soft yomi artist go?

>not playing anime titty games in the living room at full volume

He "improved."

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Oh yeah he became chipmunk face.

It just doesn't have the same appeal anymore. Haruka is the most striking.

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Second anime season made it clear that they had a direction for the series finally, and even some leeway with the whole "demons aren't all bad, man is the real monster etc" angle. Sony's censorship must've really screwed the game development though; you don't spend tens of millions on a new anime, characters, voice actresses and advertising for nothing. I'm glad the Senrans got into BBTag, at least we'll be able to play them one last time, even if they did have to start with fucking Yumi.

Same artist?


He can do art without chipmunk face, i mean just look at evenicle 2.

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Maybe a good titty ninja ecchi game will exist in its place

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Is that the same artist that also did Kanokon, Ladies vs Butlers, and Upotte? I just looked up season 4 of HS DxD and no its not done by XEBEC even though it looked similar to XEBEC's artstyle.

Is her game translated?


No it's Takame Akio.

Shading and face is totally different from Nan.

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It was already going downhill anyway.
>shitty spinoff after shitty spinoff
>degrading art quality
>each game has more dlc a lot of which is just recycled from other games

My brother. I'll be taking Ikaruga with me. As dead as the series had been, I can never abandon her.

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>I just looked up season 4 of HS DxD and no its not done by XEBEC even though it looked similar to XEBEC's artstyle.
Dude what? Xebec didn't do any of DxD and S4 looks completely different to S1 through S3.

Takaki killed it for not bringing mainline games to Switch again.

It was already dead when they split a barebones rhythm game with shit music in two. It's only gotten more insulting from there

>games reuse the same generic models for every character over and over again
>new game will finally have new models
>new game gets cucked by sony and the creator leaves

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They all have no ass.

>Xebec didn't do any of DxD and S4 looks completely different to S1 through S3.
I know XEBEC didn't do anything of DxD. I thought S4 was done by them because similar artstyle but S4 art was done by Nan instead of Akio.

TNK did seasons 1-3 and Passione(I thought it was XEBEC due to similar artstyle but again done by different artist) did season 4.

I guess TNK didn't want to do S4 of DxD. Same with Maken Ki where season 2 was done by a different studio(XEBEC) instead of AIC who did season 1 which is why artstyle was different between the 2 seasons.

This is done by Uno Makoto.

the Renewal art is so fucking good, not only is the art itself better but he actually decided to give the girls some needed SASS AND FLARE.

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I still don't get why devs are so persistent in keep vita alive or act like its some kind of last bastion of weeb games.

I know that audience isn't going magically do a switch but at least tying move away would be good.

Do he even do anything at this point? Last time I saw something done by him was on rail wars.

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>Sucks on a bullet like a binkie

Does the fry elf series have uncensored translations yet?

S4 can't look like Xebec, they didn't make everyone fat.

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Those are tank scans.

Magazine scans are censored for obvious reasons. Just wait till someone get arsed.

>I guess TNK didn't want to do S4 of DxD
Lol no they pissed the LN author off with S3 where he needed to write a side story to retcon the damage, and have an episode 0 of S4 under new direction.

What I find hilarious is that TNK (who should be dead) picked up Senran for S2 since Artland who did S1 died. This is after the partnership Senran and DxD once had. They then proceeded to ruin Senran beyond what Sony has done. Takaki should have listened.

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>Lol no they pissed the LN author off with S3 where he needed to write a side story to retcon the damage, and have an episode 0 of S4 under new direction.
Oh yeah I remember that, was it something with fucking and rushing with the order of a specific arc despite the author saying that it was a big mistake?
I still got to finish S4

such a soulless ASSka

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>MFW found out XEBEC is no more

It hurts.
>Zoids series
>Ladies vs Butlers
>Animated cutscenes for Mega Man 8, PS1/Saturn X3, X4, and Maverick Hunter X

Found out Sunrise actually owns them now.

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How are there still no tankobon scans this many years in.

Based Xebec is still working in Fafner Beyond. And they were absorbed by IG, not Sunrise.

Didn't got licensed?

They did BN and starforce too.

Least FMP by them was decent as like the last project

Takaki still makes the games, he just doesn't work at Marvelous anymore

DxD has always been a mediocre ecchi anime, but at least the first two seasons were entertaining and had solid and sexy artstyle

But fuck, S3 was hot garbage, the animations and artstyle went to shit even in the bluray version, and the story and pace was so atrocious that I don't even remember what was about

Well, at least we still have the special 01 which gave us Rias in a slingshot swimsuit

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>Pace, story
The story was shit and I dropped it ever since God was apparently dead. One cannot simply kill the Alpha and the Omega.

>They did BN and starforce too.
Based. No wonder Capcom was bros with them and allowing XEBEC to use Mega Man's IP for animation.

Takaki is doing some game with girls jet skiing. I doubt anyone would care as much as they did for VD

I'm pretty sure that he didn't wasn't totally involved with VD.

>buying Scarlet for PS4
fucking lol! what morons!

you can circumnavigate the snoy censorship by getting Fortune (pre snoy censorship era) and download the dlc that adds the Scarlet dlc without any of the censorship, so you get the new girls and costumes but no censorship at all.

the switch version is nice though because it has the hd rumble so you can feel the jiggly-ness

What is this game? Got a link?

It's called Jet Girls. Every girl has their own breast size like in VD. It's interesting but the art is pretty generic. Nothing special

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I wish VD took off. The anime was goat and the game was fine but they had to fuck up the mobile game.

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Whos mad/jelly?

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When's it coming out? Cuming to the US? Switch?

>4 seasons of him not plowing these girls hard
>Stupid plot with a dead God and some red dragon being stronger than the almighty


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VD game was better than the anime, anime was unbelievable shitty. Even shittier than the Senran anime.

I'm not sure. I think there's going to be an anime as well

The anime had some 10/10 scenes and top tier character designs. The game felt like bootleg Senran and the characters all look too similar.

With toplessness?

I hope it plays like a party racer with local and online multiplayer.

It may as well be if shit like the pinball game is going to be the future.

>only thing left is gacha shit

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We need more senran titty posting.

Any tittyposting yet?

Keep going thread.

This and it makes me sad.
SK 2 was kinda fun.