Was this the greatest DLC to ever grace the videogame world?

Was this the greatest DLC to ever grace the videogame world?

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ive never played bloodborne but i keep making lady marias in the character creation of every game i play

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I can't really decide. Both Witcher 3 dlc's we're also phenomenal.

If you only play games on playstation and partake in corporate product wars with other faggots then yeah probably.

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it elevated the game from being the game of the generation to best game ever made

>only 2 good bosses out of 5
No, it was mediocre.

She's my favorite boss in that game.

music wise

Old Hunters was fantastic but DS2s Crown series was better.

who /correct/ here?

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this user is cheating

Both games were amazing too, I haven't got so much fun in vidya since 2015. 2 games of the decade.

fucking based

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Shame about Living failures being a mediocre boss.
Felt a bit short overall, but each areas were great to explore. I'm a bit pissed off that the most interesting weapons in the dlcs (Rakuyo, Church Pick & Bloodletter) are the hardest to get at low level.
It also had a god tier trailer

What's the appeal of lady maria?
I played old hunters for the first time recently and she's a cool design and fight, if not a bit easy. Aside from that she didn't do anything outside of her intro cutscene and is forgotten after the fight.

It was extremely good
The Crown DLCs were better than anything in the base game but they still weren't particularly good

Objectively this.
It spawned entire genres.

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Hollow Knight's DLC was incredibly disappointing, it's a fucking metroidvania the expansions should add new tools and weapons and areas to explore not just superbosses and boss rush modes

Ruined shark giants for me

Living Failures are pretty easy but they're cool aesthetically, and they're immediately followed by one of the coolest bosses in the game

>physical disc expansion
pick one

I mean, it does contain all the best weapons and some great areas and bosses.
But honestly it having all this good stuff is because of From's terrible development process.
The Witcher 3, on the other hand, is a complete game and the DLC just makes it better.

She's extremely edgy and attacks with blood and fire. That's it. Cool music too.

>Witcher 3
You need to go back

>blocks your path

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Na, Dishonored 1 DLCs were the best I've played

yeah, presentation wise I liked the living failures.
honestly didn't liked Maria much, I expected more as 1v1 humanoid fight are usually great but she was a bit of a pushover, even without overlevlling.
Orphan of Kos was great though, best setpiece, great theme and great YEEEEOGH

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It was almost perfect, but it's still a 9/10 because of the two OP enemy types (one being in the Hunter's Nightmare and the other being in Fishing Hamlet, that latter one being so OP with his attack range, lack of good telegraphing, high HP etc that it's beyond retarded that he was greenlighted) and The Living Failures.

The hunter-type bosses are my favorite bosses in Bloodborne, they're not particularly hard but they're just so fucking cool and fun to fight

The level design in the Crown DLCs is some of the possibly the best in the entire soulsborne series from Shulvas puzzle cities, Iron Kings verticality, and the looping nature of Eleum Loyce are expereinces you don't see anywhere else in the series. At least better than the Old Hunters in that aspect.
For boss battles I'd say Shulva & Iron King are on par with Old Hunters with Ivory King lagging slightly behind. Crown Multiplayer bosses sucked but so did Living Failures, leaving Alsanna/Sinh/Fume Knight/Sir Alonne vs Maria/Orphan of Kos - all of which are some of the best encounters in the series.

>he thought Laurence, a literal reskin of Amelia/Cleric Beast, was ok

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Daud was a great protag, would have been a better pick for Death of the Outsider

Calm down, I forgot to mention that for some reason. Also that one NPC invader with the bell was a shitty gimmick.

I'm playing through Knife of Dunwall for the first time. It's good shit.

The beginning of the area before her boss fight.

I remember running into some poor souls who would praise her. There was one in particular that said "Lady Maria... please - help us".
That one particular npc is the one npc I always think about when thinking of Maria.

You enter her room and it's massive. A truly beautiful place. Inside a damn clock area.
You go up to her thinking she's dead and she grabs you.
She fights and the fight itself as pretty interesting effects.

The music is glorious and her background is sad.

It has way too much rehashed content, retard. The final mission in the second DLC is god tier, though - a nice homage to Thief 1's "The Sword".

nah dude Brador was cool

>The level design in the Crown DLCs is some of the possibly the best in the entire soulsborne series
The Iron King DLC has horrendous level design, and Frozen King is only marginally better. Sunken King is the best of the three and it's still not better than Demon's Souls' or Bloodborne's level design

that gehrman is a freaky cunt who modeled a doll after maria for himself and other hunters to fuck silly. why do you think she bleeds white?

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It's up there, but there's definitely better DLC's out there.

I've beaten Ludwig on NG+ but I still have no idea how you're supposed to do phase 1

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They’re peak Dishonored, the real sequel that 2 should have been

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What's wrong with 2? I loved 1 and the dlc but haven't picked up 2 yet. I'm going to no matter what, just curious.

Dodge and attack from the side. His tells are very consistent.

having more fun with the Sekiro DLC tbqh

wail into this legs/sides to stun him for a few extra hits.

fuck you

why would you do that

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Sekiro is trash

Nothing, it's simply not as atmospheric as Dunwall. 2 is still a very good sequel that did the series justice.

tomoe would be sad to hear you say that

The grimm fight is cool, but the quest leading up to it isn't anything special.

>It has way too much rehashed content, retard
like what? other than the last misson of the first DLC. fucking rich of you to call me a retard.

fuck you again
im just mad that you reminded me it hasnt been announced and may not happen

>Was this the greatest DLC to ever grace the videogame world
Lol, no.

It’s probably the best Soulsborne DLC after Artorias. But best DLC in general? No.

No because I can't beat Ludwig ;_;

Ludwig is a great fight, probably my favorite in Bloodborne.

Maria is super cool but way too easy. Orphan just fucking annoys me.

>tfw the first hunter was performed live with a full choir and orchestra instead of Ludwig's theme

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Honestlt there are just some bosses where it's really not fun, at all. Where they just become fucking obstacles. It's like Fried in DKS3. Like holy fuck, I only wanted to beat her solo to prove I could. Never again.

Have you tried fighting him in the ocean? The beach makes the second phase almost impossible.

Remember Midir
What does the beach change

The beach is super cramped and makes his attacks twice as hard to evade.

>He fucks you because you ran into the invisible wall

I never noticed

In the ocean? That's so far out that it's not an issue. Kite him from one end of the coast to the other.

>I make a generic Caucasian lady with a ponytail and literally no distinguishing features.

Implying this is hard

Also whats with Lady Maria faggots. Is it because she the only normal looking girl in the game so everyone has defaulted the waifu role to her? She accounts for 1% of the entire game and was a humanoid boss with uninspired moves. Killed her the first time i fought her. Scythe lady from DS3's DLC was a much more impressive fight

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I imagine most Mariafags will tell you they find her story compelling. It's pretty sad desu~ sempai~

Gameplay is pretty much the same but Emily's powers are not as fun as Corvo's. And two REALLY good levels
Weak atmosphere, story is a rehash of KoD/BW but much worse, only 1 memorable target and no good rival
Also fuck good grandpa Sokolov and everything about the new outsider


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I see, thanks


I find her story compelling.

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correct answer is pic related

could see this argument as well, but if OP's criteria is "Downloadable Content" it doesn't fit in

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final boss was lame

I don't care about her tragic backstory I just think she's fun to fight

>ignoring the first mission of the second DLC
>other than
Stop pretending like that's not a lot, each DLC has basically three missions so 33% of each DLC is rehashed. You are comparing that to The Old Hunters which has three unique areas, each of which have high tier design (Research Lab being god tier and the second best area in the Soulsborne series right after The Painted World of Ariamis).
As I said, you are a retard.
You have to go back to レディット, we don't take kindly to you Dishonoredtards here, zoomer.

i thought it was a fun fight too user


I had an easier time after I muted the sound

Fishing Hamlet has the best aesthetics of any Soulsborne level. It was made with a lot of heart and soul, I don't know if it's the best, but it's definitively up there.

All three areas are top tier. They're varied and distinctive from each other while having memorable encounters and solid level design. Its up there with the best Souls areas for sure.

IMO Central Yharnam is the peak of Souls level design.

Until today.

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Let me know when someone else posts the only acceptable option

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is it bad that i've never beaten Laurence even though i've platinumed the game?

>>ignoring the first mission of the second DLC
>not realsing that level was different enough and fucking kino
also, thinking that Dishonored fans are somehow lesser than Reddit Souls shows you're retarded

overrated fight. Waifufags need to be gassed.

bro, stop

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For me, its the Burial Blade and the Rakuyo- two weapons meant to be together.