One small island with only around 1.5% of world population

>one small island with only around 1.5% of world population
>makes majority of the best vidya out there
>China, India, Africa game dev scene basically nonexistent despite combined population of nearly 4 billion
how the fuck do they do it? Imagine how much great viyda there would be if other countries stepped up at all.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>China dev scene basically nonexistent

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Superior gene pool. That’s it.

stealing ideas and making knock offs doesn't count.

China and India are too busy making literally everything else

Reskinning something and calling it a new game isn't innovation

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Nuclear radiation gave them autistic superpowers

A. They Dont Have Internet in Africa
B. Indians dont really like video games and are incompetent anyway
C. China has a dev scene their just heavily restricted by Winnie and his government.

>why aren't countries with a poor and uneducated populace and no functioning copyright law making valuable digital IP's?

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China's laws and business environment are not very conductive to innovation or creativity.

It's all thanks to Shigeru Miyamoto. Where and when he was born is a pure coincidence, and as a result he not only single-handedly saved the entire video game industry but launched Japan as the premier site for gaming.

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They actually care about their product and take pride in their work

if you consider that it's an advanced country of 120 million people with one language and one culture then it's not that big of a surprise, it's only second to the united states in that matter and you could say that for roughly 1/3 in size it produces 1/3 of games

India and Africa are an amalgamation of vastly different cultures and people, that are unable to work on games. China is soulless.

they had an economic boom when vidya was born and they learned how to make vidya from firsthand then. also their culture values aesthetics

chinks cant make shit but mainland rich weebs can invest japanese devs. snk is like that.

The US makes terrible games. Second is Britain, mostly thanks to Rare in their hey-day being literally the only people ever to make better games than the japanese.

> Despite account for only 1.5% of the world's population.
> Japan somehow accounts for over 60% of pedophilia produced worldwide.

the us makes a lot of games though, among the games that people talk about it's 2/3 american games, 1/3 japanese games and then there's 3-4 european games that are relevant on some level


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How is pedophilia produced?

why do sjws ape japanese vn and release yaoi/yuri shit on steam

>US makes terrible games
Didn't read the rest, little bug

I don't think your definition of "game" matches mine. Vaguely interactive movies are not games. The US makes a lot of movies.

>makes majority of the best vidya out there

>Second is Britain, mostly thanks to Rare
damn you mutts don't know anything about pc gaming history

> That level of cherry picking.

If your platform of choice was/is PC you would have played a shitload of Euro games and barely a single jap one until recently.

so what if something isn't an innovation if it's fun? also,
>he says that posting on Yea Forums, a 2chan reskin

>western countries have 50 times to rape rate of japan

Becuase they are third world shit holes

>one small island
>third highest gdp of any country
kind of a big factor

Not really, after WW2 & the Korean war, USA help build up Japan & South Korea, pouring billions into their countries so, it's not a coincidence those 2 countries have produced many video games compared to the rest of Asia, because japanese & korean children could afford to go in search of a career in video games due to their privileged life styles & much more modernised society allowing it

Insects know how to work well in groups.

>Rates are cherry picks
Cope harder.

> Question about production of pedophilia.

Tons of great PC games were American though. Just id software and Valve being American counts for a lot as far as PC games go

And your source is?

American games?

I bet you're one of the people that thinks Rockstar is a US company that makes GTA and RDR when infact it's a UK company called Rockstar North that makes them.

Europe has a solid 1/3 of all games. It's just that american companies own them because they're bigger.

>made up shit
>here's the actual stats
>t-that's cherrypicking
how's your epstein fellow doing btw? are his buds still trafficking child slaves?
but just keep believing that japan is somehow dangerous to children when elementary school kids walk to school alone while western countries are full of child rapists

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It's the combination of a first world standard of living with a hellish working culture that have people looking for any and all escapism.

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totally retarded nonsense based on old conservative narrative. japan was already the first world nation before ww2. they were one of the advanced and industrialised country so they won ww1. learn history.

also the korean game industry isnt like that. chink devs have been buying many korean devs up and on top of that the mobile market is filled to the brim with phone games made in china. they dont make anything other than phone games nowadays.

It's not cherry picking when England, Whales, Northern Ireland, and Scotland make up 80-90% of the UK.

I doubt salarymen play vidya.

Did you know that Japan has one of the lowest rate of road fatalities in the world?
I too can quote completely irrelevant statistics to the subject at hand.

Rockstar North use to focus on PC too, but Take 2 purchased them & got into a contract with Sony to focus GTA as a Console franchise

Based jap.
Westcucks can't cope any harder.

Not saying otherwise. Until Sony no console manufacturer gave a single shit about Europe, but the PC scene was large. Exact opposite of the japs who don't know up and down on one

Yes, Japan was very impressive pre WW2, there is a reason Germany allied with them & Japan rekt Russia in WW1, rekt them so hard that Commies took over because the Tsar looked weak, damn Japan relax

But after WW2, Japan was fucking in pieces, much like Japan left parts of Asia in pieces during WW2, the difference is, places like Burma didn't get billions of dollars to repair like Japan did, because Japan could be used as an ally against China

I see what you mean now

well japan is a safe country with very little crime, especially since they made big efforts in dismantling criminal organisations and the yakuza in the last decade to the point where their numbers are 10% of what it used to be
while western cities have no go zones and some cities are completely abandoned by the police and under gang rule, which obviously plays part in the violent crime, rape and child exploitation
but child rape is fairly relevant when we're talking about child rape imo

LMAO @ that first line, holy fucking hell, lololol

Chinks only know how to buy out western vidya companies. They can't make anything other than glorified slot machines.

Nips fucking made their own fucking semicunnductors before finally getting transister tech from the US, their technical prowess and adaptibility is extremely high

It's almost like having a culturally, ethnically homogenous society is a good idea, huh? Who'd a thought?

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They were able to keep their culture while westernizing/industrializing, they weren't taken over by commies and they didn't go through any denazification like Germany. In other words they were able to keep most of their cultural identity despite all the chaos of the 20th century, that's why they make video games that are on par or above those made in the usa.

But it's so boring without the crime and terror attacks!

Japan uses a lot of public transport while the West has way more personal transport

It's funny more people don't realise this, George Lucas literally made American Graffiti because car culture was something almost exclusive to USA & he wanted to showcase it to the world, most cities were not made for cars in mind, nor could most non americans even afford it

Italy also is small as fuck and makes majority of the good food out there. When something is part of a country's culture, that's how good shit happens.

im talking about vidyas and economy. americans sure invested japan and helped their economy grow after ww2 but its not like they made it. stop telling the bs "we wuz japanese games nn shit" and as if american lectured them on economy. it sounds like sjw puritanism from some moral high ground. .

Ethnicity shouldn't have anything to do with it. It's culture and social expectations that play the biggest role. Otherwise places like Singapore and Hawaii should be literal hellholes (it isn't).

> Japan
Child gets raped hundreds of times over the course of 5 years in the production of child porn.
Turns 13, it's no longer a crime if the situation gets caught, never gets reported as a rape because the culture is very repressive against coming out over such things.
> England, America and the west in General.
Child gets abused hundreds of times.
Counts as hundreds of cases, more likely to get caught due to society being firmly against pedophilia, even if the abused only come forward significantly after the crimes are committed.

These comparisons don't work unless the culture and law enforcement around the issue are the same.
Japan doesn't even record the rape of those over 13 as child abuse.

Japan was already a world power by WW1 so this argument makes literally no fucking sense. Not to mention the US is what brought them down in the first place.

No one is saying someone like Kojima is an american, but Kojima probably would have been a factory worker if the USSR took over Japan, that's the role america played

Culture is downstream from genetics.

>t-they're cheating!
copus maximus
meanwhile in reality

Nuclear radiation is a hell of a drug

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Japan was already further ahead than any other asian country when the World Wars happened. Then Post WWII Article 9 freed up everything in their GDP going towards security and allowed them to refocus their society towards growth in things like tech.

They were not, they beat Imperial Russia & then thought they were hot shit & deserved a seat at the world powers table with the Euro's, but Nick II god bless him, was highly incompetent, anyone could have beaten Russia at that time

Nigger, they were still using fucking swords.

You can thank Mao for that. Literally destroyed whatever cultured they had and rebuilt it as a hivemind with no individual brain. Literal insects. At least they are a super power now.

A blade is a much nobler weapon

>Japan has vidya because the USA “poured money” into them, even though Japan has more vidya than the USA and always has
Ok retard.

Culture is downstream from where you were born and raised retard. You don't act like you're from England even though you live in Texas just because you're white.

they used machine guns, it's why they could defeat russia in WW1
they did just steal them from europeans though

>Japanese porn absolutely infested with rape
>Japanese phones by law have to make the shutter sound because Jap men can't stop taking pictures of women
>Jap men so obsessed with molesting Jap women on trains so there are now women only cabins
>Jap police obsessed with image and statistics so you have to jump through bureaucratic loop holes like signing 5 forms just to report something as simple as petty theft
>Highly conservative culture where women are shamed for saying anything
>To report a sexual crime you have to take a police officer to the scene and re-enact what happened with a mannequin which is very hard for victims
>All of this just for the offender to get a slap on the wrist because lol he a gud boy t. Junko Furuta

Faggots who defend Japan are absolute scum. Move there and enjoy the "perfect" society if it is so amazing you wierdos. Enjoy dying in a fire because lol Japs don't care about things as complex as basic fire code.

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A lot of it is copyright. China and India dont have strong copyright law so there's no incentive to come up with great digital content since 10 companies will immediately copy it.

>>Jap men so obsessed with molesting Jap women on trains so there are now women only cabins

Not a bad thing, men are pigs & can't control themselves, gender segregation is a good idea

Keep crying fag.

imagine coping and seething this hard but have fun making up excuses for rotherham and epstein in your glorious western society while japan has the lowest crime rate in the world

>Highly conservative culture where women are shamed for saying anything
Giving women rights is one of the worst mistakes the West ever made.

kojima isnt that significant person lol. is he the only japanese dev who you know of?

> Japanese, not content with eating dogs and cats (Even though that's legal in the country and does happen.) instead go for eating dolphins and whales.

Both sides of the Soviet-Polish War were still using Cavalry with swords in 1920. It wasn’t uncommon and doesn’t add credence to your terrible argument.

Dude, modern Japan literally exists because of post-WW2 American occupation and rebuilding. Yes, Japan was able to perform tremendously well in comparison to the rest of Asia because of it.

>Whataboutism, also known as whataboutery, is a variant of the tu quoque logical fallacy that attempts to discredit an opponent's position by charging them with hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving their argument, which in the United States is particularly associated with Soviet and Russian propaganda.

t. zhang

are you really gonna go about whataboutery after your autistic rant?
but hey look at this hellscape of japan where every kid gets raped a 100 times a day according to you

Those aren't kids.
Japanese women are just very small.

that article about why can japanese kids walk to school in safety but american kids can't
yeah, we all know why, we just can't say it

And they were conquering all of Asia at the time and spooked the fuck out of the west. So what does that say

and wear elementary schooler uniforms

You act like the island would have sunk into the ocean or something without US aid. Fact of the matter is that Japanese people are the reason Japan exists and is a success. The USA gave aid to numerous countries, not just Japan. Greece and Italy also received massive amounts of money and industrial reconstruction aid. Neither is anywhere remotely comparable to Japan economically. Stop felating Marx and use your fucking brain.

Yeah, have you seen Japanese porn?

>spooked the fuck out of the west

Germany was cool with it though

why cant latinos have their own japan. sad that south american countries are all shitholes.

>Directly respond to picture that absurdly states that Japan doesn't have much sexual violence.
I directly attacked the position of that autistic picture. That's not whataboutery you absolute child. If you could look between the lines you'd understand that the point of the post was to say that Japanese rape statistics are vastly, vastly under reported. Shifting goal posts to "Jap children can walk home from school!!!!" means nothing. Refute what I posted.

The West would have lower crime rates than Japan if its society had evolved into a soul-crushing, workaholic nightmare too.
Instead the West is now ruined by the US deturpation of all tradition and culture and Japan has become a dead end until their own society collapses and people finally start procreating again.

Not as big as you think 50% of the landmass uninhabitable rock mountains.

And it's only 377,973 km2 vs Germanies 357.386K km2

So technically Japan has less farm area and less land area than germany.

arable land: 11.65% (2016)

Arable land (% of land area) in Germany was reported at 33.97 % in 2015

Japan is way way smaller than you think. It's a miracle it made it this far with so little.

It basically fit the entire German Population into the residential size of Belgium

Attached: way samller.png (1189x152, 11K)

Italy isn't doing too bad, but Greece will forever be fucked since they lost most of their country to the Turks, it would be like if China took all of Japan except Kagawa

The secret is they've never done anything useful for the human race, but they appeal to your sexual perversion to dull your brain so you won't notice.

>japan has 50 times lower rape rate than western countries
>b-but what about phone cameras also they're cheating! I don't have proof but they do!
l m a o
cope more epstein
meme, american whites have higher suicide rates and the same birth rates as the japanese
many white demographics in european countries are much worse off
not to even mention south korea with it's 0.9 fertility rate

>its society had evolved into a soul-crushing, workaholic nightma...

Attached: CC_LkOyWYAE-HTA.jpg (707x1100, 135K)

epstein is jewish, also most rapes in the west are done by muslims, blacks & latino's

Preach, brother

Think of all the alternate universe and alien vidya we're missing out on

>get btfo so hard deteriorate into buzzword shouting spaz
Good to know I beat you lmao.

You realize the Allies permanently stripped away huge portions of former Japanese territory, right? Including the vast majority of their pacific holdings and Korea. Also Greece did not permanently lose any territory from WW2, you seem confused.

regardless of japan american games fucking suck shit. its totally driven by SJWism and soulless aaa marketing

Oh boy numbers without context! Those Greeks and Mexicans sure are overworked!

>without context
Must be hard to live with clinical autism.

>how the fuck do they do it?
Thanks to America for bombing them and getting them out from under sadistic imperial rule. You're welcome

maybe, but they still happen and the whites let it happen
you went on an whataboutism rant about phone cameras without any actual proof for anything
japan is a safe country while there's probably a kid getting raped in your street somewhere

It's part of a bigger mistake, the Enlightenment. I would go as far that giving right to plebs was a mistake.

> Significant portion of women in Japan only work part-time a few hours per week.
> Still get included in hours worked per year and significantly run down the average.


Attached: Unpaid-work-550.png (550x697, 174K)

Not during WW2, but Greece lost Constantinople, they won't ever recover from that

why are whities so insecure?

>whites let it happen

No we didn't, jews did

> Jap children only get 3h 44m of child care per day.

I guess they spend the rest of the time getting abused.


Who lost in WW2 again?

I used phone cameras to indicate that Japanese men are disgusting. The forms thing is something I've heard from people who go to Japan regularly. As for the rest, here's an entire peer reviewed paper on how Japs don't report sexual crimes.

Even when you get called out and insulted for whataboutism, you keep doing it because your argument is just that weak. The best thing is that you aren't a Jap, don't live in Japan, and are defending the nation because they make media you enjoy. What a massive cuck you are.

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the whites?

Nigger can't you fucking read
>unpaid work includes housework shopping, child and adult daycare, volunteering and other unpaid work
What does this do towards proving its not a salaryman hellhole? It's not talking about job overtime

>spooked the fuck out of the west.

I think you've played too much Red Alert 3.

It's better this way or else they'd be flooding the land of the rising sun.


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Fuck off


I cant name one chinese game, or scratch that, media that I think is good and is original. Chinks are literally sub human.

>Doesn't include all the overtime salarlymen are basically forced to do.
Wow, it's nothing.

Africans, Indians and Chinks are too focused on surviving day to day without starving or dying from some deadly disease caused by unsafe working conditions. Japanese have the sapre time to focus on other things like entertainment i.e. video games

this cope holy shit, calm down hiro

how about thousands of children getting raped that didn't get reported to the police for decades?
but I'm sure your random speculative pdf that you found on the internet weighs more than that
>I've heard from people
so more worthless anecdotic shit and no actual proof while I have actual proof of western police mishandling child abuse, not to even mention the likes of epstein who still run free trafficking child sex slaves

>resetera tranny this triggered
do you have any sources for your claims besides your ass?

Africa makes movies and they only care about those movies right now. They're also learning computer's

>posting random statistics hoping for no one to read them
The current state of westerncucks.

last time I checked hitler was a white supremacist, but do let me know if I'm wrong

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Not to mention they invented the perfect Waifu

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WTF I hate Japan now!

My mom used to watch a lot of african movies

They could always make a game about Tiananmen.

They're pretty good imo

& japan allied with hitler, they picked the losing side

so the whites lost and the jews won

the whites didn't get nuked

Allies would have lost if Hitler kept his ties with Russia instead of declaring war on them. Bad move

>He keeps doing whataboutism
lmao, nice job attacking my arguments retard. Are you going to keep spouting "ROTTERHAM!!!!" and link to Wikipedia like an NPC? What am I saying, of course you will.

>Random speculative pdf
Oh, so a peer reviewed paper from a respectable institution is now a random pdf? Amazing.

Oh, so you want some evidence of bad Japanese police (as if that will change my argument) then here you go.

While were here, here's another peer reviewed paper on sexual violence in Japan.

Got anymore whatabouts you retarded weeb?

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Notice how all the third world nations are at the top.

>Nips work their asses off to make their country great again
>Somehow this is a negative trait

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What's wrong with that?

So you're saying that Africans could have produced English culture? Why didn't they then?

so are you gonna reply to the argument of rotherham or you just gonna keep trying to ignore it?
>1 girl got raped
how many did get raped in rotherham?
>some wymyn's ngo writing anecdotic shit without any proof again
got more anecdotic whatabouts coping retard?
now argue how rotherham happened in such a perfect paradise for children

Thanks based America for kicking the nips ass in WW2 to pave the way for video games

dresden might as well got nuked

>feminism shit
>paper written in the fucking 90s literally says that it cant confirm the situation and that a larger study will need to be done

>it's only second to the united states in that matter
lol, okay mutt

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Must be hard denying reality and calling others autistic while posting shitty graphs.

Yeah, now they just low key plug anti-western sentiment into all of their media while portraying themselves as victims.

Thanks indeed.

They have a fairly low productivity rating.
They work a lot, sure, but, a lot of it is spent on useless tasks for no real reason.
There's shit like, a certain senior office manager will insist upon everyone using fax rather than email, and the workers all waiting for several hours to use the office's one fax machine over individual emails.
Or punishing people by making them come to work, get paid and just sit there and stare out the window.
All sorts of random weird quirks of culture like that hold them back.

>At least they are a super power now.
They can't even control the SCS which is right next to them while the USA can send in a couple of carriers to cuck them and their artificial islands. China is an economic superpower, not a military power.

the us has 320 million people who speak the same language and have the same culture, among advanced countries that's the only country bigger than japan

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You're retarded, the tsar being a retard had nothing to do with Russia's best naval officers being outsmarted and beaten by the Japanese before WW1. And it was this recognition from the Russo-Japanese war that led to Japan being given a seat in Versailles after WW1 ended.

>same culture
mayonnaise is not a culture, patrick

also look all I need is a quick search to find some wymyn shit talk about underreported rapes in the west

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china india and africa are third world countries and the bubblegum censored media that you consume has easily convinced you otherwise.

Well that's part of their culture bro, it's not like western countries don't have their own problems in workplaces.
Do you want every country to be like the west?

Rotterham isn't an argument retard, it's you trying to deflect from Japan. Rotterham has nothing to do with this. You still haven't made a single argument that challenges the proof I posted other than "lol it sucks." Now go back to your hentai you weeb and try not to shoot up a school.

Imagine only reading the first page of a paper and deciding that it "can't confirm the situation." Pic related.

>Yet another child who thinks "what about west" is a good argument.
So this what NPCs act like.

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yes it is, it's a massive scandal showing how fucked is in terms of child abuse, now try to actually argue it instead of trying to dismiss it
we're comparing japan to the west so yeah that is the argument but here have another
you gonna try to have an actual argument this time or just go on another autistic rant without any proofs and spewing /pol/ buzzwords?

>the police made her give them her underwear as evidence

>>China dev scene basically nonexistent

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Now that i see the map in yakuza you travel from tokyo to osaka but its a shitton of distance, you can travel with taxi those long distances irl or its just a thing for the game?
I never realized how far those two were.

ITT: wh*toids damage control

well I have to get up tomorrow so I'll have to go sleep but here have these ones too since I already searched for them
guess it turns out rapes get reported even less in the west than in japan

It has nothing to do with Japan retard. It's a deflection by saying "well at least it didn't happen in Japan." I already posted proofs you retard. You just didn't like them.

We're not talking about Rotterham, the argument is that Japanese rape statistics are vastly, vastly under-reported due to the culture and policies. Unless you have any proof that can show that they are indeed accurate, then you have no argument.

Official rape statistics basically mean nothing unless you're willing to concede that the KSA and other Gulf Arab states have the lowest rape rate in the world. The KSA has an official rate rape of 0.3 per 100,000.

>lol if I randomly post papers that say sexual abuse is under reported in the west it suddenly means that the Japanese police isn't incompetent and abusive.
Make an argument.

Are you retarded? It's saying that it also includes those things in addition.