ITT:Games only shitter with journo tier ability hate

I'll start with an easy one:Better story,soundtrack and deeper level design

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Finally got around to playing this recently and I'm amazed at how tame the fictional rape scene was relative to the news coverage. The journalist who threw a shit fit over that must have been legit mouth breathers. Lmao'ing @ you Australians

honestly it was not necesary because it's just for shock value,it's righ at the begining

>Dennaton also reconfirmed that the context of the scene is important
Found the cucked Aussie. Don't you have some petrol huffing abbos to apologize to?

It really doesnt feel fun when 90% pf your deaths are from offscreen sorry

it was just for shock and (you) know it

>Better story,soundtrack and deeper level design
Literally all but the soundtrack(some of them) one are wrong

only drooling retards think Hotline Miami 1 has better gameplay or level design

Sorry, video games are supposed to be fun.

The journos are already here

Literally just compare all the masks gameplay to characters

You can call me whatever you want, reality exists independent of your perception.
Why do you people make these threads if not in earnest? It sounds really boring at this point. I'm gonna leave.

Masks are just cheap gimmicks that do little to change core gameplay when the level layout and enemies are the same. Hotline Miami 2 has much more open, varied levels with a much greater variety of levels along with its hard mode that completely changes up the game. All of Hotline Miami 1's levels are very small and cramped indoor spaces where you just storm into a room and spam melee.

Wrong. The film version of Jacket was supposed to be even more of a monster than the actual jacket. It's an example of the media distorting things. Are you an Australian journalist?

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Yea and tell the rest of your friends at Reddit and Twitter to not come

>turn a tight fast-paced game about reflex and quick thinking to a game you must memorize or play slowly while peeking from the corners to not get instakilled from across the map
>people hate it
HM2's a cool game but it's easy to see why people prefer the original

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Only contrarian shitposters think HM2's level design is anything other than a large step down from HM1
Corner creeping is not difficulty, it's tedium

>t. casual tards
The game evolves beyond just "sprint in room and spam melee" and people think that it's unfair. You need to constantly be aware of your surroundings, windows, long lines of sight, juggle between guns and melee, and have quick reactions and be able to improvise.

I like HM2, but that third video doesn't really help your case. The player shoots enemies off screen that you would only know about in subsequent playthroughs and the Tony mask does force people to bait out gun enemies. It's one of my favorites though.

I just prefer the story and atmosphere of HM1. I like both games, but HM2's story feels cluttered and unfocused. It has cool ideas but doesn't really seem to know what to do with them. HM1 feels very clear and direct in what its about and what its trying to do and say, and HM2 feels too messy for its own good.
HM1 feels like a David Lynch nightmare, where HM2 feels like its trying to be a fucking Tarantino movie.
Both are good but I'll always prefer 1.

the most ridiculous critique regurgitated by all shitters. Use the shift key faggot. What makes it such a good sequel is that it quickly picks up at the difficulty HM1 ended with and going further.

Defending HM2 appears to have fried your brain there champ

are you okay user?

well fuck, meant to

Checked. I just wish there were less windows in HM2



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sucks compared to the first one

you don't suck as much as your mother,fag

Yeah but you swallow though

HM2 feels slow and hard on the first playthrough, but after replaying the levels and trying to fullcombo them, I must say everything's better in HM2.
HM1 is still great though, it just doesn't have any replay value.

Best answer ITT

>spam melee
>bait with gunshots and shoot

I find the aim finicky as hell, other than that it's really fun

I beat that game on hard mode and the only good thing about it is the music.

HM2 is better than 1, nothing got my blood flowing harder than beating the final mission with katana only. nothing in HM1 even comes close to that level of adrenaline. like a previous user said HM2 perfectly follows HM1s difficulty. If you think HM2 is too hard then you probably beat HM1 using the tiger mask only

you swallow burning coals

> the final mission with katana only.
wait how can you even do that with multiple giganigas on first screen

HM2 is much better than the first game, but I wish there was more options with the masks.
I really really fucking hate not having Don Juan

>try level once
>die from a surprise shot
>restart in.00000001 seconds
>try level once
>die from a surprise shot
>restart in.00000001 seconds
>remember where you were shot from
>avoid shot

tldr get good faggot

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>try level once
>die from a surprise shot
>restart in.00000001 seconds
>remember where you were shot from
>avoid shot
>get shot right after
>Spend 3-5 minutes just trying to clear the first floor doing different strategy's and pick ups
>Don't have any fun doing it
>Get a massive surge of ego when you do complete it
>Get even more ego when you autisticly memorize shit to prove that you are better at people in a hobby that has no real world value

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level design was a step down from the first one, enemies could shoot from the edge of the absolute max view distance. it made the game slower and added an unnecessary layer of mm memorization
still a great fucking game, I still replay it every so often

memorization isn't fun for most people that are into twin stick shooters. HM was way easier, but at least it had reaction based combat

Attached: Rainworld.png (1594x1080, 2.13M)

>If you don't like my edgy school shooter simulator, you're just a...a...A JOURNALIST!

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custom campaigns are more fun than the actual main game

>sprint in room and spam melee
But that's how it plays after a while

Not being able to play as Jacket or Biker on the normal campaign was an expected letdown

>try level once
>die from a surprise shot
>restart in.00000001 seconds
>get shot again because patrolling enemy randomly break his patrol and shoot you
It was better in HM1 because at least an enemy breaking his patrol would still be visible and can be taken into account, having some faggot break patrol ten miles away randomly force you to camp specific areas for way too long just to be able to do anything otherwise you might get randomly get shot offscreen.

ever heard of SHIFT, retard?

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It's literally a scene from a movie that tries to twist the reality about Jacket.