Legit superior design at the bottom.
Legit superior design at the bottom
Other urls found in this thread:
get it through your thick homo skull already that muscle girls are borderline gay
Whats the point in gender bending if the manly dude doesnt get turned into a dainty helpless chick?
t. western dev
>original girl
>no no no
>gender swapped version of already created character
>yes now that's better
Bottom is gross and looks like shitty deviantart porn.
Imagine having taste this shit
I can tell just by looking that bottom right was drawn by a westerner, why is western art so fucking ugly?
Am I not allowed to like both?
You're gay, you fatass
You're not allowed to like anything when you're browsing Yea Forums and resetera
Because Westerners are ugly themselves. Inside and out. Good thing they're suicidal too.
good design but the art sucks shit
I'd trim her up a bit, but yeah I actually would like her better with a bit of tone. That being said
>implying danger hair and her sõy orbiters buy fighting games
There's a reason Japan doesn't placate these people.
t. faps to xchange webms
>not liking all 3
Well I meant both top and bottom, of course I like all 3.
throw in some rough futa on female fucking
Aww hell yeah! Muscle girls are my jam!
The fuck are you on about? X-change is a great VN. Like, story bits that lead to fucking are stupid, but art is great.
ahh, finally some men of taste
Fucking cringe
I don't like musclegirls but I will support people who like them because they're anathema to fatfags
Peak male form =/= Peak female form
He is ready to fight, and she is readybto fight. Its consistent.
whats even worse are "futa muscle girl" fans
like just admit your gay bro
personally I don't like muscle girls.
I just don't.... It's fine if you do, I'm more into lolis myself.
I'm sure you have some kinda' kink that someone could easily make fun of. I think it's important to be understanding of others instead of... being prejuidice to the point of strawman insanity
This is somehow even gayer than the regular one. Why are musclefags so fucking turbo gay? And don't say you aren't, i've been in threads where musclefags admit it.
Imagine being this much of a faggot.
Are you retarded?
imagine not appreciating fit people because you're fat and projecting
>X-change is a great VN
It is. All three of them that I played.
>tfw like both fat and muscle girls
the rape bus is a top tier meme
Bottom design is absurd. Male Terry is a buff but achievable physique; women do not get that muscular without steroids.
The Venga bus is coming
And everybody cumming
>mfw I love both
That's like saying "I like both a fine salmon dinner and greasy fast food fish"
>muh food analogy
shut the fuck up
>That's like saying "I like both a fine salmon dinner and greasy fast food fish"
Just come out of the closet already.
read carefully what you just posted
I hate both
Women are supposed to have large breasts, shapely hips, and a slender midsection.
I love food analogys so much
But your analogy is just correct: normal people can appreciate both fancy food and cheap comfort food.
Normal people are also fucking stupid
They hated Him for he told the truth
I love both. Checkmate faggot
its not gay, but everyone who likes musclegirls is always some creepy beta faggot, nobody normal is into it
Based. Fuck all these seething redditors in this thread.
But it wasn't a case of Terry being turned female.
It was a prank. He got pranked into turning into a cute girl, not just gender-changed female. Not just a prank that he turn female, but that he turn cute, which includes losing muscle mass.
>Have cute girl that's embarrassed about her transformation
>Have roided out freak with dicksucking lips, tumblr nose, eyeliner (why?) and ear piercings
>I have shit tastes in design.
That's why you're making art for your shitty friends on twitter and tumblr and SNK is making fem-terry.
It doens't matter if you like muscles or not, but character wise bottom makes FAR more sense. Terry could be embarrased, but no way in hell he'd become such a pussy.
almost but no
imagine being so straight you can't appreciate the curves of muscular women
But consider:
All of the above
plus lolis and shortstacks
99.9% of the planet doesn't have your stupid fetish, OP.
Kill yourself.
I like women of all shapes and sizes.
50% of the people in this thread have, I think your statistics are skewed
Rule63fags should be hung by their balls and gutted like fish.
>reading the mental gymnastics of all these closet homosexuals
>OP wants a realistic trannie instead of pranked magical Fatal Cutie
I am not one to judge other people 's fetishes but I just gotta ask... why?
Yeah I don't think so.
>i will now buy your game
No you won't. You're just enjoying those retweets.
This is it
I believe liking muscular girls is degenerate and the gateway to liking more self-destructive stupid shit like femdom, cuckoldry, fat fetishism, /ss/, feet and scat. Unless you yourself are also muscular, in which case it would be natural and patrician. But that's unlikely.
Oh come on. He's clearly asking for a more muscular version of the character to be more inline with being the muscular man he is.
I disagree with him, but it's not a tranny. Just a muscular woman. Why are you so obsessed?
Why does the musclegirl look ugly as fuck? The original design is a nice-looking muscular tall guy, make the gender bent version a nice-looking muscular tall girl. You could literally have the normal Terry crossdress and he'd look better than lower right.
absolutely based
>he doesn't want to dominate an amazon
Literally gay.
Sorry op, I am not a homo.
>ctrl f shadman
>0 results
oh man, I didn't expect you to reach that far back
>actual girls with dicks aren't gay
>girls with muscles are gay
you've reached peak autism Yea Forums
Muscle girls are gross you fgt
post more hot orcs nigga
Big titties
Small titties
Big ass
Small ass
Long hair
Short hair
No muscles
I love them all. Loving them all is the eight-fold path humanity must walk in order to ascend to a higher path.
>That guy who sees no problem masturbating to futa girls but believe actual girls with muscular arms and abs are gay
I hope you are not like this.
>actual girls
>with dicks
Pick one.
Incredible taste. Honestly as long as the female is larger and slightly dominant it's perfect, but that's a solid amount of muscle.
futa is turbofaggotry
muscles are patrician
Absolute shit taste
>that's embarrassed about her transformation
Literally the worst fetish ever. The only one here that should be embarassed is you
Its gay as fuck
Liking cock and feet is gay. Muscles aren't
[insert your fetish] is gay
if you don't have a fetish you're a normie
There was a doujin with the opposite premise. Ladykiller manwhore gets turned into a woman as revenge, still is a huge slut and loves it anyway.
Look if you prefer the masculine physique that's fine. I'm not very religious so I have no issue with gays, there's nothing to be ashamed about its 2019. If you want to be embraced by a man just go for it.
Women aren't men
now that's where you're wrong kiddo
prank terry is for literal faggots
They were never going to buy the game anyway
Is this the thread where everyone acts fucking stupid and proves they failed 4th grade biology?
I wouldn’t buy the bottom one. She’s not as attractive as the top girl.
>roids up
>acts like a man
>looks like a man
It's just as bad as fucking traps
Too much muscle is actually gay.
Pic related is my maximum
But she actually has a vagina
Since when did sticking your dick in a vagina become gay?
1) Go back to the catalog, hide all threads with waifu/characters in sexual appearance on a catalog picture.
2) Now check un hidden threads, if there are multiple posts from (1) in the first 20 posts hide them too.
Congratulations, now you only have following categories left: oftopic/bait garbage, generals(smash, wow) and couple of genuine threads.
This site's and the rest of the Internet's gamers are too fixated on sex it's not even funny at this point. You can't just make a game without sexually appealing girls or something cute and innocent in it
I'm not saying that bad, just funny how there are could be whole discussions about it.
Its gayer to fuck a guy turned woman than %100 woman who put on muscle.
>i want failed trannies
Male Terry hardfuckin Terriko fucking when?
No futa/dickbelt faggotry.
It’s honestly a bit sexiest to say that girl on top can’t hold her ground in battle due to her body type.
Cringe and onions-pilled
Sexiest or sexist?
Because either is fine. My fetish is women who think they're strong getting dominated.
feminized men and masculine women are both gay as fuck
>all the seething homos responding
fpbp, those faggots can enjoy their infertile muscle trannies
>liking women makes you gay
explain this meme
What’s the matter faggot, scared of a girl that could kick your ass
Stay in your containment board.
>I love muscles
>got I love big hairy women
>who cares if she has a strapon on? still a woman
>this buff man is just like my last girlfriend! it's the same as fucking women!
Here's your (You), retard.
The very best.
You love to fap to that thought don't you closet-kun
Top is more realistic
>but women can be meatheads too!
Some, not all or even most.
>i enjoy breathing
>when people fart, it makes the air stink
>someone could have farted within 3 miles of you in the past 5 minutes
>in conclusion, you enjoy tasting shit
The first post but also the absolute worst post
What’s gay about being a masochist
I like girls with some MEAT, but the one on the bottom is fucking disgusting. It's like someone pasted a man's arms on a woman with fake lips' torso. It's not that she has muscle, no. It's that she has MAN muscles.
>I love slim women
>that thin waistline
>who cares if they have a small dick? still a woman
>I'll leave my current girlfriend for this much slimmer and hotter girl with a dick
It’s because the artist on bottom is way worse than the one on top
>gender swapped version of already created character
Yeah, that's what happened.
I don’t like the bottom but genderbending a buff dude into a dumb, barely muscular slut is pretty gay.
The bottom goes too far in the other direction
I’m not familiar with the original character so to me the gender swapped version is as original as the original. Before the smash reveal you could convince me the girl is the original one and I would have believed you
utter patrician taste
dr stone is one hell of a kino shounen, especially later on
>liking women
I bet you kiss girls, faggot.
Yes both situations are gay indeed
The only people that don’t like musclegirls are insecure faggots and women who don’t want to work out
you become gay when you realize dominant girls don't actually exist
Her Zarya art is godlike
why would he wear lipstick?
They exist they’re just ugly or have a lot of problems, or are being memed into being gay because gender is a social construct and gender stereotypes are evil but if you exhibit traditionally unfeminine behavior the LGBT community will try to brainwash you into being a lesbian
How to design a western style heroine:
>1.Draw a man
>2. Call it a woman.
>he needed smash to know about terry
If your gf doesn't consume 3k calories a day for the purpose of bulking 3-4 months out of the year you're a tasteless faggot. She may ask you to put on a skirt a couple times but It actually makes you feel quite sexy and powerful.
Arataka Reigen
>how to design an Eastern heroine
>draw the same girl
>change her hair
>put her in a slutty outfit and make her act like a dumb slut but claim she isn’t a slut so waifufags don’t get upset
i like fit chicks, but i realized that muscle milfs dont exist like they do in anime and online art and would never be able to wrassle with me seriously. feels really bad man
I only know about SNK because of Metal Slug
They don’t get ant exposure in burgerland, at least where I live
I’m sad I’m not attractive enough to be the straight male version of a gym bunny
Even if I got buff I’m just a dumpy looking guy. 5/10 at best. Real shame
What's gayer, traps or muscle girls?
Personally I think disgusting retarded shit is disgusting, retarded, and shit.
It's fine if you disagree though. Really I dont mind; everything is subjective after all.
I'm tolerant of everyone.
please don't call me a nazi.
>one has a penis
>one does not have a penis
Cope harder faggot.
Cute girls>Men with tits
Buck Angel
nha go fuck yourself make your own games
you'll be selling out before sunrise
i dont care that much for muscle girls, but i would prefer canon female terry more if her ponytail was the same as original Terry desu
If you're a faggot, I guess.
you want a woman with male hairstyle?
that's pretty gay
Here's your waifu bro.
That isn't my waifu, but she's pretty hot.
>men should look like men
>women should also look like men
Wh*te men have been conditioned to think other wh*te men with """vaginas""" they bought at the height of female beauty. That's why they're being outbred by blacks, mexicans, and chinese in their own country.
Kys you stupid faggot.
I need her entire Zarya collection.
I wanted more bullying in Heroines
Fapping to traps is blatantly gay, but still masculine (assuming you self insert as the top).
Fapping to muscle girls is closet gay, and effeminite no matter who you self insert as.
Well, I suppose if there's no dick you have to give them the benefit of the doubt until they get to that point, but come on. Who are they fooling?
She looks hot
Really well thought out counter argument
your dead m8
Why do muscular women emasculate you to the point that you lash out and call anyone it doesn’t upset a closeted queer, user
>imagine wanting your girl to be stronger than you
what a fucking closet trany
alpha men actually wants girls to be submissive and weak, lmao
They hated user because he told them the truth.
>being threatened by a strong woman
>alpha men
Alpha men conquer strong women, you omega male
How do you report someone for being incredibly wrong
>bigstrong/normal girl forbidden love
very good
>tfw Fbarb and Enchantress are forever stuck in a shit game
Be honest guys, does this semen deamon give you a stiffy?
I don't mind muscle girl but that manface is fucking ugly
Go fuck a tub of lard, chubby chunks
>man face
>man hair cut
It's just not that well drawn.
Here's the superior version.
No, because the best musclegirls retain feminine features and aren’t just buff dudes.
If you take anyone’s fetish and crank it up to the extreme they won’t like it anymore.
I like girls with muscles not dudes, you fag
Keep crying.
>Masturbates to female body builders
>Claims other men are "immasculated."
what does 3D have to do with anything here?
pic related is relatively speaking even more jacked and still looks like a woman
is that realistic? No, but who the fuck cares?
This makes no sense
Will pranked Terry be playable in Smash?
>female body builders
Female MMA fighters, completely different
Bodybuilders are the smashfags of muscle anyways. It’s all about the looks for them, the spectacle of it.
She could probably still hold her own since Terry draws his power from the earth or some shit.
you do understand the person who pranked terry made him look like less threatening on purpose right?
If he was clean shaven you literally wouldn't know the difference. You're gonna be taking dicks up the ass within a decade.
Nah, you a gay
Oh I can very much tell the difference between a biological man and a woman. Stop taking things to extreme and putting those words in people’s mouths. It takes legitimacy away from your argument and makes you come off as projecting.
>this is the same as a man according to you fags
Gender bending is gay regardless of how the guy looks as a chick.
It's entirely based around the idea of fucking a guy that looks like a girl or even more likely becoming a girl yourself.
That's fucking gay.
Athletic girls tend to be leaner, rather than buffer than the average woman. This musclegirl fetish shit needs to die
Nah dude it’s going to an alternate reality where that character was born a girl but has basically the same personality
You wouldn’t fuck your favorite character from the reality where they’re a cute girl?
Please stop confusing the hypermuscular deviantart shit tier fetish with the patrician tomboy musclegirl fetish
Post source of the bottom one and I might agree with you.
There, I fixed it
I have corrected this one.
>Terry is peak masculinity
>F!Terry is peak femininity
So what's your problem?
Feminity is for fags and trap lovers
I want my wife to have the personality of a dude and the physical appearance of she-hulk. I want a best friend/drinking buddy with a vagina that I can have kids with
>Why yes, I do enjoy women of all shapes and sizes as my taste and current mood both dictate and recognize that everyone has different opinions as to what they consider attractive, what gave it away?
Fucking this
OP image is basically a muscle guy with tits (or a female bodybuilder who takes steroids).
Your pic is a female with a femenine body and femenine proportions who looks like an athletic woman who competes in the olympics
No, it's the thread that's fueled by our peepees. lurk moar
If you enjoy muscle of any type on women you are a closet homosexual.
Its not gay if it has a vagina, bozo. Gender bending ain't legitimate gay shit like futa.
You keep talking about closet homosexuals, user
Something you want to tell us
Keep telling yourself that.
You fags should just accept that your "not gay" fetishes are even more embarrassing than fucking another guy. I may be gay but at least I'm not a tranny.
Why are straightfags so scared about not being straight? Are they worried about something? Who cares about titles, if it's hot, fuck it
There’s nothing wrong with wanting to fuck a hot chick that used to be a dude
The problem is, in fiction world you actually can do that with magic and shit and it actually works. Bam, boom, it’s a girl now.
In meatspace you have to get your dick cut off, take pills, and hormones and shit and you end up looking like a really homely ugly bitch or a glorified trap that’s caked in makeup.
Rule63 is unrealistic, but it’s straight as long as it isn’t done in reality
You’re just trying to psyop me into being gay because you want to fuck me, faggot
I hope she comes back in XV even though she probably won't
You don’t deserve better.
That's never the case in gender bending, it's also creepy transformation bullshit and it always really dwells on the fact it's a dude who got magically vagoo'd.
It's a fetish based around a guy being turned in a girl just so the reader can pretend they're fucking the guy turned girl, or they're getting fucked as a girl. But it's all about a guy getting fucked by guys.
The fact that it goes out of its way to make it formerly a guy is gay.
FPBP. It nice knowing for certain that no matter how "inclusive" and gay the vidya industry becomes it will never be gay enough to put muscle girls in games. Even those people know that they're over the line faggotry.
That has to be one of the best redesigns ever.
It doesn’t “emasculate” anyone. I’m 6’2” and /fit/. Liking masculine women makes you a homo, you’re attracted to masculine features like heavy muscles. Might as well be into dudes, and no amount of mental gymnastics is gonna change that. The more masculine then man, the better complimented they are by a more and more feminine woman.
Imagine being this retarded.
I can't get into muscle girls. When I was new to porn, I used to browse Rule 34 (paheel, not xxx). I didn't understand how to use the search box back than, so I just browse until I found the character or series I wanted. Try looking up Princess Peach in my time. Every now and then, I would see one of those gay pictures of those over-exaggerated muscle dude, with their head smaller than their fist and dicks bigger and longer than their arms. I was scarred to the point that whenever I see muscle on anything, man or woman, I see those horrible pictures. Why do I have to suffer?
Do you get all of your fetish knowledge from looking at deviantart cringe
The only time I ever look up rule 63 is when I like a character’s design and wonder what they would look like as a girl. It’s the same as shit like gijinka to me.
You know I'm right and you know muscle girls will never be in games because they're gay fetish bait of the lowest order.
Have you ever considered that people who like strong girls might just be
A)people who are also into working out and are attracted to women sharing interest in them or
B)submissive men who are attracted to dominant woman
C)maybe just like the idea of a girl having abs
you've never been to the /gif/b/ gore-recked threads, have you?
No, you aren't.
NOT liking musclegirls is extra gay because it means you aren’t attracted to women
your average musclefag also screams "MOMMY" in their fetish thread, talks about being dommed and pegged, and acts submissive as fuck
...and they wonder why they get called faggots? LOL
Key word there being “dominate.” Wishing to be dominated by a butch tranny-looking bodybuilder is about as beta as you can get.
No one is scared of anything. We’re just repulsed by you.
Not every musclegirl is fucking Zarya, that’s lesbian shit.
Of all the posts I've had the misfortune to read on Yea Forums, this is the gayest
It seems more like a case of you being willfully ignorant.
Do you think OP is just Rule63 Terry from a universe where he(female) is a girl?
That's called hyper muscle and hyper anything is the devil's fetish.
I think both are okay
Fuck off with your false equivalencies.
>tranny fighter 4
>he thinks the average male finds these musclebound freak women attractive
have you ever talked with someone in real life? genuinely?
>A)people who are also into working out and are attracted to women sharing interest in them or
Not the same as liking muscle girls. I work out retard. Girls don’t get huge muscles even if they lift. They literally gotta take growth hormones to get serious musculature.
Girls with shoulders, biceps, and so on is gross. I tell girls all te time, do squats, work out your ass and legs, that’s sexy.
>B)submissive men who are attracted to dominant woman
Yeah, the literal definition of being emasculated
>C)maybe just like the idea of a girl having abs
Not the same as liking muscle girls. It’s called not being fat. If a girl runs 3x a week and does pilates or whatever, she’ll get abs. Girls in general look better with some slight more body fat than men so they’re not toned, but I won’t shame dudes who are into really skinny girls or fit girls. Musclegirls =/= fitgirls you homo.
add futa and this is pretty based.
Never ever, gay boy. Keep crying about how the industry doesn't pander to your fetish though. You're right there with the LGBT community wanting more degenerate "representation".
>femdom is gay
Shut the fuck up nigger
I’ll tell you what’s gay. Dating someone you have nothing in common with, with no similar interests, simply because they are attractive. Going to the mall and waiting on a girl to try on clothes is gay. Watching romance movies with your girlfriend is gay. Doing retarded shit because you want pussy is gay. I would rather fuck an unfeminine woman that wants to do shit I want to do, who I actually have similar interests to, and who doesn’t make me put up with a bunch of girly bullshit just to get laid. Who ever came up with the idea that the ideal wife is some brainless bimbo that just sits around the house and cooks and cleans and all that other shit was the biggest faggot of them all and if I had a time machine I would kill him with no regrets. Fuck feminity
Hey, at least, Blue Mary exists
Being attracted to muscles is gay as fuck homo. The only areas where muscles look good on girls, and only with some body fat over it, is the ass and legs. Stop with the mental gymnastics.
>have you ever talked with someone in real life?
Fuck off, normalfag.
Not a fan of extreme macho girls, but some good abs combined with tomboy is top tier.
A musclegirl is, by definition, just a girl with muscle. You’re thinking of hyper, which is a completely different fetish
This is hyper
>y-you're gay
Absolutely pathetic.
I see what the issue is. You’re a bimbofag. No wonder you have shit taste
>femdom is gay
It absolutely is you beta cuck.
>all that other shit
>not having your own hobbies abd having your woman be a COMPLIMENT to your lifestyle
It’s no wonder you’re into gay beta shit like femdom.
shit game
shit series
she still is good, she is just wasted
based post.
Remember escapism has ruined multiple generations at this point.
Hell yeah.
normally I'd disagree but anons immediately jumped on giving the muscled one a dick
fuck them for always ruining the search for fit girl art
ok putting aside the faggotry...
why would a supposedly dominant woman deal with the beta males in these threads? Why would she wan't a man who wants to be dommed when she can get a real man?
>>not having your own hobbies abd having your woman be a COMPLIMENT to your lifestyle
you high as fuck if you don't like doing stuff with other people
The picture of femTerry in the OP is by definition too much. That’s not a fitgirl, I’ve dated fitgirls, I’ve fucked fitgirls. The only people who think it’s normal or natural for a girl to look like that are virgin beta cucks who are too far gone in their own fetishes and have never been with an actual woman.
Why is Kiss-shot hair brown?
This is the worst attempt at trying to change people's minds that I've seen.
Because she likes domming. Why would a fatfag date someone who’s into feeding? Why would a fartfag date a scatfag? Why would a furry date someone into petplay?
Faggots lack the capability to make sound and logical arguments.
>he doesn't realize he's just being made fun of
no one wants to convince you fags of anything
Femdom is not gay. Having a sexually aggressive GF is hot as fuck
>it was just a prank bro
>I may be gay but at least I'm not a tranny.
>Anons who never played Heroines don't know that Terry got turned into a qt 3.14 delicate looking girl because of a edgy sand user wanted to humiliate Terry (and he likes qt girls too)
>She doesn't have a lot of notable achievements
Good taste for homosexual
that thing on the bottom is a tranny
>he wants a plastic dick in his asshole
>i-it’s totally not gay bro
Keep trying homo.
You really think pranked ERPers play games, let alone fighting games?
Humiliation fetish is only a gateway into other, more terrible fetishes
>femdom always has pegging
>implying that artist would ever buy that game in the first place
Fit is fine but muscled she-males is not. But don't worry, Reddit hates you now
fucking sauce (girl on the left obviosly)
lol at all the gay closet homos seething itt
lets see if Yea Forums lets +2mb images on it
>not getting power bombed
Only closet homo is you, samefag
have a peek at this, mr. pegging enthusiast
Can I get the tomboy type, but can she call me onii-chan like the bratty type
you guys done fighting?
Get out of here tranny fetishist
muscle is muscle
Dick is not vagina
why not both?
i'm still gonna top
Based and bipilled.
Dicks are for fags and futa is for the gay-curious
I want vagina only
>he doesn't want to emasculate a futa via fucking her in the pussy and not touching the dick
Who cares. Fuck the world and fuck you. Fucking cunts. Nobody gives a shit about you and you'll die alone.
^^that wasn't me so i get to post more
No, because I’m not gay
5 mins for a 5 word response?
literally me in the shorts
>They don’t get ant exposure in burgerland, at least where I live
I've known about Fatal Fury and Terry since at least 1994.
Penises are not attractive
Well you aren't me
to you? i agree.
Yes, and as we all know, I am ALWAYS right
Based Equilibrium Lord
Male terry is unironically sexier than the tranny on the bottom
Juju Salimeni used to be so hot.
A pity she became a freak.
I still fap to her current photos, tho.
>stop doing this shit
Literally the battle cry of Dobson and the roasties that won't touch him.
That's it mane.
Adding on too.
Holy fuck who
IMAGINE being this much of a FAGGOT
Stop making the world so shitty people need to escape, boomer.
fags are actually disagreeing with this user wtf
Pure stupidity leads to a big rejection
>a fellow /trash/ cyoa chad
always nice to meet one outside of that hell-ish board
>phoneposter is a faggot with shit taste
What else is new?
The fuck is cyoa?
I got that from /d/'s muscle girls thread.
>not wanting to get his head crushed by powerful muscly thighs
Imagine being this much of a faggot
Lol, what a soiboy beta male.
>choose your own adventure
i'm sorry that i miss took you for a lewd /trash/ poster
Don’t talk about yourself like that
>faggot doesn't want to be strangled by a muscle girl
gay poster
Can muscle girls still have big tiddy?
Been almost 2 years since I've made that. Good to see it still going strong.
god i wish that were me
Of course
Wait, by using this logic, isnt the best option for girls, traps? And I mean real traps, guys looking like girls, not that trans shit.
Stopping by to call you a faggot
No because girls hate each other.
did you make this one too?
exactly, a trap isnt a girl, it's a boy with girls qualities, which makes it perfect for a girl
She has big tits so it's straight
running low on muscle girls
what do you want next?
Just athletic girls
Or tomboys
Nah, I intentionally kept mine vidya but that one's nice too.
i got some tomboy
Nice nice
musclegirls are for fags.
toned is perfection.
Tomboy type doesn't get enough doujins.
Drunk girls
2 late
>out of
look at all the mad homos replying you lmao
everyone knows that a girl should be gentle and smol, based fpbp
Of course, the natural opponent of gays... tomboys! How did it take us this long to notice?!
Bruh fatfags and musclegirlfags are almost the same fetish and have a lot of crossover. I don't get it but that's how it is. Must be a mass thing, idk. Anyway you're a fool.
>this cope
I want to make Oga a mom
I have never read something so incredibly wrong
You. I like you
>not reading the cap
Those captions ruin it. I just want to look at nice art.
Women don't put on muscle like that though. Even when they bodybuild their muscles aren't that cut unless they starve every ounce of fat off their body.
>Thread just became an excuse to dump anime pics
Fuck off
is this implying Terry is a bottom
Alternative! was better, shame the sequel never got translated.
t. person who never saw an actually muscle woman
this, keep your sissy Impact font out of the way of my tomboys.
kumbrain central
user, May I please get some sauce?
>musclegirls are for fags
Listen here you little fa-
>toned is perfection
Ah, it was a simple misunderstanding. Superb taste
You're a faggot
This is the part where we all pretend anime is real life and that they're all kawaii uguu under their tough exterior and just want to hold hands and be subservient to you when real ones probably have more testosterone than most of Yea Forums
Yeah and that’s a bad thing because
Holy based
Dimitri disagrees
Don't forget about the based pranked man.
>waifu Akuma
Interesting. Though she’d probably realistically just look like an incredibly buff, stone-faced grandma instead of a thin perky waifu
I honestly prefer the Orc, she's so cute
>fem Iori
>fem Geese
boner no
CVS1 version
who is he?
he’s got oddly long blond hair
Imagine what fem-Dhalsim can do
Doesn’t really fit the character IMO but whatever
LUL so many people mad at you for saying the truth
Dimitri doesn't just make them female, he makes them incredibly hot females. When he does Midnight Bliss on a female character they turn even more feminine and everything.
>actual fit woman vs woman on steroids
atleast use good art in the lower one.
That tumblr face is awful
retard she does have all those things
If you draw muscle girls like 3DPD, you're a faggot.
God I wish that were me.
Shes bigger than him and only fag want muscles
Came here just for this
They hated first post because he told them the truth
Extremely low quality post
Based. Yea Forums is just full of fags now.
Like you.
You stupid fucking tranny
absolutely homosexual
This your first day on Yea Forums son?
I want more than toned but less than a lot of muscle fags. I feel alone
smug or ara ara for me
You need a brain.
all these yous and not a single image to prove him wrong. i guess he is right after all
Stop being gay.
Stop replying to yourself.
>roided freak
there was a strongfat thread on /d/
I love fit and muscle girls, but god damn, that is gay.
Shit I’m blind
>The picture of femTerry in the OP is by definition too much.
stop using words in a way where they make no fucking sense you absolute linguistic degenerate
holy fucking based (hfb)
This, women should be gross and fat. Women that are healthy are gross.
This is what peak performance looks like
you will never pass kys
Okay now when is he gonna draw adult human Fink?
user that's the fucking joke you knucklehead
the joke is that female Terry is a sticc bimbo
Quality post.
what if i self insert as a trap whos also fucking a trap? what about a threesome between 2 traps and a muscle girl?
That’s inter-dimensional homosexuality and will get you stellar-swatted.
Oh yeah man!
absolutely correct. muscles ruin the perfection of the feminine body, they're inherently masculine, and they look ugly. dunno about the gay equivalence but i can definitely agree it's an awful fetish.
But why? Everyone is happy with the first picture right? An attractive guy and an attractive girl. Why does the guy get to stay attractive if the girl has to turn into a bag of shit?
>muscles are masculine meme
why are muscles masculine?
and don't say shit like "muh male farmers, warriors & hunters"
Those are just excuses and jobs that forced men to be fit, nothing prevented women from doing that, other than the fact that they are physically less fit for the tasks.
Calling fit girls masculine is about as childish as saying "red is for girls, blue is for boys"
Do you call tailors, chefs and cobbler men feminine?
Do you call taking care of children feminine?
that's why you're full of shit
before you "fix" other people work you need to get good at drawing first faggot. These Tumblrniggers need a reality check. Your "fixed" version want to have Terry left hand to be 1/3 longer than his right?
Why can't round eye draw well?
Round eyes can draw very well, tumblrs can not.
user they aren't closet homosexuals, they are only 56% homosexuals. Get it right.
>face that is only remotely feminine due to squinting eyes
>shoulders much wider than hips
>shoulders bigger than tits
That's literally Ganondorf after he chops off his dick.
and OP that design is something that belongs in Baki, no aesthetic, all deformed muscle
this entire thread summed up
That screencap made me upset. Fucking trannies.
fuck off,that's just gross.
there's a point to where it's just completely unattractive also dat face
Any actual woman with muscles looks like a tranny
It's kind of funny really
early feminism:
>Women's rights now!
actual feminism:
>Women can be whatever they want, women can do the same jobs as men, women don't need to be patronized and deserve true equality, even if it's a negative thing!
modern nu-feminism:
>Men can be women too!
>Women can be men too!
>Women can like women too!
>what do you mean woman can just be boyish and still hot? no no, trans to a man or be just a plain woman, otherwise you're a TRAITOR who submits to patriarchy!
Women have always been followers. It's just that instead of following a man (father/husband/brothers/elders), now they seek to be led by media-set trends and what social circle will grant them most virtue points and notoriety. because they crave that approval from the figure of power.
>Oh you transitioned to a man?
>You're a man now, shitlord! You're part of the problem!
>Just die!
>What we never told you to do that don't be crazy we hate men!
>likes muscle girls
>also futa
really made me think
that's precisely why tomboys are so sacred,
they go against the flow that both sides like, just to be something they themselves want to be.
Man or woman, not many can say they've lived their lives exactly the way they want to, and that's why tomboys need to be admired and respected.
Anyone who tries to tell someone to transition is a fucking imbecil who doesn't "get" it
when did cacodemons getting squeegeed become a thing?
I keep seeing it
full agree
>muscle girls are gay
>there are trap threads up right now on the catalog that aren't
I've lost faith in this board, Hiro needs to burn it down for good
>there are trap threads up right now on the catalog that aren't
Says who? Where is your proof the people who say muscle girls are gay think trap threads aren't gay? Your presumptions are full of holes just like your brain.
kys pretentious autist
Muscle is okay. But the appeal is normally tough terry touchdown is a cute nervous slut, not that he's now a equally confident and strong musclegirl
>tfw only liked Fat and Muscle girls and my only relationships have been 2 with each type.
I probably woulda married the muscle girl if I didn't get self-conscious and walk out on her
Probably would pick fat first though.
>woulda married the muscle girl if I didn't get self-conscious and walk out on her
I thought having a gf would make reading shit like that hurt less, fuck
you got got
>Athletic women bad
Why you scared, user?
user you're a normal person