Why does Yea Forums suddenly hate Kojima? Hes done nothing but good. Pioneering storytelling techniques since even before Metal gear. (YES HE MADE GAMES BEFORE THAT)
It is because of this man videogames have become a resoected storytelling medium to tell rich and complex stories, if it hadn't been for his visionary forward thinking, we wouldn't have had so many masterpieces we have today.
He is the Hayao Miyazaki of Videogames. Prove me wrong.
>the Hayao Miyazaki of Videogames >hasn't made anything good since 2004 It checks out.
Andrew King
I still like him. I loved MGSV too. Yea Forums hates everything. Don't take it personally.
Juan Walker
>kojima >rich and complex stories top lel
Josiah Parker
It feels like he's trying so hard to be a Hollywood sell out. Made a tweet about making a baby mode difficulty for DS to people to basically watch the game and he did that because he's working with "real" actors now. He's starting to grind my gears.
Ian Cruz
>He is the Hayao Miyazaki of Videogames So, a hack
Charles Bell
>tfw your story is too intelligent even for you to understand
Tyler Smith
Why worry about what Yea Forums thinks? Making a thread like this will only create more discussion about being mad at Kojima. I think he makes good games and if someone disagrees then that's fine.
Gavin Bailey
>storytelling Kojima has been great at making moments at scenes, he's bad at making a plot and story that integrates them well together. He's good at presentation but not particularily good at hard storytelling. Also, Yea Forums has been "suddenly hating" a lot of things, so your notions of exceptional persecution are not concerning.
Based troll, you can say his games are good but, pioneer on story telling? he stole all of his ideas from Western movies and chinese cartoons for fuck sake.
Adrian Richardson
>pioneering storytelling techniques Kojima has done a lot of good things in his games but storytelling isn't one of them. 20+ minute exposition dumps where characters repeat the same info 4 times in a row isn't what would call good.
Adam Gray
artists steal from other artist and the earth is still round
He's a good game developer. But his ego and Hollywood boner makes him insufferable. He has this weird cult-like following that not many other devs have. He should just make games and stop appearing on camera.
Julian Sanders
Hackjima sucks
Carter Richardson
Only loud trannies and sub 100 iq retards say that, everyone else knows he's based.
Kayden Garcia
Name another video game auteur that has been doing it as long as he has.
James Watson
Because he is like Peter Molyneux in promising things. And it all blew up in his face. Most of his games aren't original in that they take so much material and references from different western movies and culture.
I half think that if someone competent had helmed the series then that games would be 10 times what they ended up as.
Elijah Bell
This. Anyone who says otherwise is a summer tourist shut in.
Elijah Fisher
Newfags that never played MGS but he's popular so they feel like they need to hate him to fit in.
Owen Brown
I fucking hate hideo for what he did to kojima. Now the true talent behind all the games is locked in a cell somewhere making pachinko and gacha games.
He's a hacker, another reason is: redditors and normalfags suck his dick constantly, and they can't deal when someone online shit talk that cringe hacker.
Easton Wright
I think we had gotten used to what he did but as we realized that he's not perfect and is open to a lot of valid criticisms he caught on with the normal-fag crowd. So we were all on the verge of being over him which makes the fact that normal-fags decided that he's the greatest artist to ever come out of the video games industry all the more irksome and accelerated the downward trends of our opinions.
Also I think Yea Forums, in general, is a bit over the high concept meta narratives that is Kojima's stock and trade. At the moment we're more into genuine games that can be taken at face value and run with their concept fully and earnestly.
Because he somehow forgot what made his earlier games good. Now he just swans about with his Hollywood friends and says stupid shit like Snake being less of a character because he's a clone
Jacob Clark
>Now he just swans about with his Hollywood friends Things like this really shouldn't bother you people.
Landon Reyes
in the words of a sony chad, >HE LOOKS HUNGRY
Hunter Gomez
Why? Hollywood is full of cunts
Bentley Young
If you weren't a gullible sheep, you would know that the Earth is flat.
Kayden Brown
The world is full of cunts. This place is full of cunts. Does that bother you too?
Julian Howard
The citizens of Yea Forums are a bunch of contrarians and edgy boys. If Kojima permitted it, they would suck his dick dry.
Landon White
The last good Kojima game was MG3
James Edwards
Because what he does in his own time is whatever and irrelevant to his game. You're so swept up in his celebrity while acting like you aren't that you can't separate him from his games, and also can't realize he's not a singular person making these things.
Jeremiah Cox
Sure, the world and this place have their fair share of cunts. But the concentration of cuntishness is far lower than California. Or LA and Hollywood in particular
Jaxson Edwards
I don't hate Kojima, but I think he severely limits the creativity of Hideo, wich I like better.
>you and the other guy happily ignored my other point to focus on the celebrity bullshit You decided to bring it up, then continue to focus on it after I said it shouldn't bother you. You even asked 'Why?', then we gave you reasons. Now you're getting upset we gave you reasons and blaming us for talking about it when, again, you ACTUALLY asked why. So, dumbass. What's next?
Adam Martin
Mgs 1 has a cute message, MGS v is pure dogshit, not even a game really.
Jeremiah Reyes
The whole point of your post revolved around him doing gay celebrity shit though, you implied that he's lost touch because he thinks he's a celebrity now. If anything you're getting called out and trying to backtrack by making it seem like you made some bigger point than you did.
Austin Walker
Actual cringetard opinion that isn't even your own
Jaxon Cruz
Kojima doesn't seem to be good at feelings, all of his characters border on one dimensional autism info dumps. The boss is the war specialist, zero is the goofy father figure type, paramedic is the ditsy movie girl, etc etc. The quiet/venom love thing was so fucking awkward and stilted, I don't know how you could think they liked eachother, I thought they were both autistic, desu.